Products for a better tan. How to sunbathe in the sun - fast and correct tan

An even beautiful tan is the dream of many women, because thanks to it, skin imperfections become less noticeable, and the figure looks slimmer, so you can feel more attractive and desirable. During the summer holidays, getting a tan becomes more accessible, especially if you have the opportunity to relax outside the city near a reservoir.

Unfortunately, not everyone and not always has enough time to get a seductive bronze tan without harm to the skin. However, there is a quick way to get a tan in the sun, and for this it is not necessary to use expensive activator creams, but just follow a number of simple recommendations and apply available products. How you can tan very quickly and beautifully in the sun without creams, using folk remedies, we will consider further.

How to properly and quickly tan in the sun?

As you know, the skin acquires a golden tan due to the activation of the production of melanin pigment under the influence of sunlight. It takes some time to produce melanin, so getting a tan in one day is impossible, and insufficient production of this pigment increases the risk of sunburn. You can stimulate the production of melanin by eating foods that contain certain amino acids, enzymes and vitamins involved in the processes of its synthesis. These products include:

  • carrot;
  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • tomatoes;
  • bananas;
  • watermelon;
  • liver;
  • nuts;
  • lean fish and seafood;
  • green tea, etc.

Thus, in order to help the skin tan faster, you should adjust your diet in advance by introducing the above products in larger quantities. At the same time, you need to give up products that, on the contrary, reduce the level of melanin:

  • chocolate;
  • strong coffee;
  • citrus;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • alcoholic drinks.

An important point for obtaining a beautiful and quick tan is the preparation of the skin. Namely, it should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dead cells that prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays. To do this, peeling is recommended 2-3 days before sunbathing, for which you can use homemade recipes based on ground coffee, sugar, salt, apricot kernels, etc. After applying the scrub, the skin must be moisturized with creams.

In order not to reduce all intentions to get a beautiful tan to zero, you should especially control the duration of exposure to the sun on the first day of rest. To begin with, it is enough to sunbathe for only 10-20 minutes, and in the following days gradually increase the time spent on the beach. It should be noted that the best tan "lays down" if you are on the move, so beach volleyball will come in handy for those who want to quickly and evenly tan. It is also important to follow these rules:

  1. Refuse to use cosmetics on the beach.
  2. Do not stay in direct sunlight between 11:00 and 16:00.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids on the beach (preferably clean non-carbonated water).

And finally, here are a few folk remedies that will help you quickly get a gorgeous tan:

  1. Strong chilled coffee - they should wipe the skin twice a day with a large cotton swab.
  2. Olive oil with iodine (add 5 drops of iodine to 100 ml of oil) - lubricate the skin with this mixture before going to the beach.
  3. , combined with a small amount of olive oil - this product should be applied evenly to the skin before going to bed to enhance the intensity of the tan.

For owners of light and thin skin, the sun's rays can become not only a source of joy and pleasant pastime, but also serious problems. With the arrival of the long-awaited summer and holidays, our compatriots mercilessly expose their skin to solar radiation, thereby causing irreparable harm to it.

In order to fully enjoy the rest, and then pleasant memories, you need to follow a few simple rules. The modern beauty industry offers a wide range of cosmetic products to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. Proper use of such funds will allow you to gain a uniform and lasting tan without compromising your own health.

Nowadays, few people do not know about the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. However, not everyone protects the skin and follows the rules of safe tanning. But solar radiation can trigger reactions that can lead to great tragedy. Let's clarify why the sun from an affectionate friend can become an insidious foe.

There are two types of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth:

  • UV-B radiation;
  • UV-A radiation.

UV-B radiation affects the surface layer of the skin, causing redness, burns and sunstroke. This type of radiation is partially absorbed by the ozone layer, does not penetrate clothing and glass, but its large doses can initiate skin cancer and malignant melanoma.

UV-A radiation is not absorbed by the ozone layer, does not cause sunburn and reddening of the skin, but is able to penetrate into its deeper layers. This type of radiation is much more insidious, as it does not cause visible damage to the skin, but its effects can be felt decades later. Penetrating deep into the skin, UV-A radiation provokes photoaging of the skin, mutations in cells and DNA breakdown, thereby causing premature aging, skin cancer and melanoma (a particularly dangerous form of skin cancer)

As we have seen, solar radiation in large doses can have serious irreversible consequences. But, dear readers, do not think that for people living in the northern latitudes, a single trip to the sea in the summer is not capable of harming health. It's not like that at all.

Imagine that every year, traveling to the sea, a person burns in the sun under UV-B rays, not to mention the fact that his body is constantly penetrated by dangerous UV-A rays. In a lifetime, on average, such trips are about 30 times. And all 30 times mutations occur in skin cells, which accumulate over time and lead to breakdowns in DNA.

The consequences of such exposures become highly predictable. For this reason, it is necessary for absolutely everyone to protect the skin, and especially for owners of light and thin skin living in a temperate climate zone.

What are sunscreens

All sunscreens contain ultraviolet filters (UV filters). It is thanks to the filters that protection from UV radiation occurs. UV filters are:

  • physical (reflecting ultraviolet)
  • chemical (absorbing ultraviolet)

Physical filters, or inorganic absorbers, are made up of tiny particles that act like small mirrors. They do not absorb the sun's rays, but scatter and reflect them. Physical filters block, first of all, UV-B radiation, preventing the skin from burning and burns.

Also, they do not cause irritation, allergic reactions and do not have the ability to photoreactivity (the ability to react with sunlight). When applied to the skin, physical filters act instantly, do not penetrate deep into the skin and do not have the ability to accumulate in it. Physical filters contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Chemical filters, or organic absorbers, are substances capable of absorbing ultraviolet radiation. Chemical filters are able to penetrate deep into the skin and accumulate in it.

A big disadvantage of chemical filters is their ability to be photoreactive, they also cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Chemical filters include methoxycinammate oxide, retinol palmitate and oxybenzone.

How to choose a tanning product

Protecting the skin from the sun is an axiom that does not need proof. Everyone needs to protect the skin, and especially the owners of light and thin skin. First of all, when choosing a sunscreen, pay attention to the packaging. The protection factor is indicated on the packaging, its generally accepted international name is SPF. SPF is an acronym for sun protection factor.

The higher the level of protection, the better the skin is protected. For example, those with very fair skin should opt for a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50.

Further on the package, the symbols UVA + UVB, UVA / UVB, with UVA and UVB are indicated, which indicate which rays the cream protects against. Nowadays, it is rare to find a cream that contains protection from only one type of ultraviolet radiation. Modern sunscreens contain protection from both UVA and UVB rays.

Do not forget that sunscreen is selected purely individually according to skin type.

There are several groups of sunscreens that correspond to a certain type of skin. In our climatic zone, 4 groups of such funds are used.

  1. The first group includes protection products for very fair skin with freckles, which never tans, but burns very quickly. Burns on such skin appear instantly. The SPF should be 30 or higher. Owners of such skin can be in direct sunlight without protection for no more than 10 minutes.
  2. The second group includes sunscreens with SPF 20 for owners of fair skin with blue eyes. In people with this phototype, tanning appears with difficulty and is accompanied by peeling of the skin. They are allowed to be in direct sunlight for no more than 20 minutes.
  3. The third group of sunscreens has an SPF protection factor. It is intended for owners of fair skin, which easily tans and quickly turns into swarthy. Burns in representatives of this phototype do not appear so quickly, but they can damage the skin and strongly pigment it. They are allowed to be without protective equipment in the sun for no more than half an hour.
  4. The fourth group of sunscreens is intended for people belonging to the fourth Fitzpatrick phototype. As a rule, they have dark, olive skin and dark brown eyes. They rarely burn and can be in direct sunlight without protection for an hour. Members of this group should wear SPF sunscreen.

There is also a fifth and sixth group, which includes the Indonesian and Negroid skin phototype. Representatives of this phototype can be in the sun for a long time without the use of sunscreen. But they should also be careful with the sun's rays, as the owners of dark skin are at risk of developing melanoma.

How to use sunscreen correctly

Sunscreen containing UV-A filters and UV-B filters should be used 15-20 minutes before sun exposure. A cream with physical filters acts instantly, and the action of chemical filters begins to appear 15-20 minutes after application. But since modern creams contain physical and chemical filters at the same time, the cream should be applied to the skin a few minutes before sun exposure.

While on the beach, you should use sunscreen every 2 hours. Since we bathe (and water washes away physical filters), we sweat and dry ourselves. The amount of cream applied per square centimeter of skin is also important. The optimal amount of cream is 2 mg per cm². Simply put, half a tablespoon of cream is applied to the face and two tablespoons to the whole body.

Under sunscreen, it is recommended to apply a cosmetic serum with antioxidants. Under the harmful influence of ultraviolet radiation, free radicals are formed in the skin. In order to avoid their formation, it is necessary to take nutritional supplements with a high content of antioxidants during the summer period and at the same time use antioxidant cosmetics.

After sun exposure, be sure to use a cream that neutralizes the effects of ultraviolet radiation, as well as apply a moisturizer that promotes abundant hydration of the skin. It is always worth remembering that the sun triggers photoaging, it dries and dehydrates the skin.

The modern cosmetic industry offers a huge range of sunscreen cosmetics. In order to avoid unpleasant moments on the beach, it is worth spending a little money, but purchasing the highest quality and most effective sun protection products from well-known brands. For example, cosmetics of the Japanese brand Shiseido, French L'Oréal, Lancôme, Helena Rubinstein, VICHY, Dior, American Peter Thomas Roth. When buying cosmetics, be careful, beware of fakes.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that our beauty and health are in our hands. We all look forward to warm and sunny weather. The long winter, the lack of sunlight has a depressing effect on the psychological state of a person. But no matter how much we miss the warmth of the sun, we should remember that every coin has two sides, and which one is better is hard to say. In any case, it is worth showing prudence and rationality, especially when it comes to your own health. After losing it once, you can't get it back.

Before the first sun had time to warm up the earth enough to lie on it, we were already running skipping to the beach to get our portion of spring tan. True, most completely forget about the risk of getting burned.

But in vain, unprepared pale skin will definitely respond to such indiscretion with burns and peeling. Simple rules must be followed. To make the tan more intense, you can use special products.

If store copies confuse you with their dubious composition, then there is always the opportunity to prepare a homemade drug.
So, first things first.

How to sunbathe

Safe tanning rules:

  • The sun is most active during the period: from 10 am to 4 pm. Sunbathing is not recommended during this time. And it is absolutely forbidden to take sunbaths for those who have very pale skin.
  • To get the perfect tan, it’s better not to be lazy, but to wake up early and go to the beach for hours at 8 in the morning.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to get a tan in one day, but it is easy to burn out. On the first day, 5 to 10 minutes in the active sun will be enough. Every day, the time can be gradually increased, reaching 2 hours by 7-10 days.
  • Remember that during the trip to the beach and back, our skin also tans, so it must be covered with a shirt with sleeves or a cape.
  • Water significantly increases the speed and intensity of tanning. Moreover, you can not even swim, but just be near the reservoir. Humidity near the sea and rivers is much higher. Microscopic water droplets cover the skin and act as lenses, passing the sun's rays through them.

Quick folk ways to get a beautiful tan

On the video about folk ways to quickly tan

What to eat to tan

Properly selected food can transform our entire body. We adjust the diet to lose weight or cleanse the digestive system.

Also, foods can affect the condition and color of our skin by stimulating increased production of melanin, a special hormone that causes skin darkening.

Food products that increase the intensity of sunburn:

  • Peanut butter combined with apples, almonds and herbs. This set contains a lot of vitamin E. The natural antioxidant prevents redness of the skin and does not allow allergies to appear. It also moisturizes the skin well and prevents it from aging.
  • Bananas, all types of legumes, avocados, various nuts and seeds. Tyrosine is important in these tanning products. This substance accelerates the production of melanin in the body.
  • Coconut, eggs, seafood, river fish. All of these foods contain selenium. It smooths out the negative effect of the sun on the skin, prevents dryness and irritation.
  • Dairy and sour-milk products, soy. It contains tryptophan. This element acts in the same way as tyrosine, stimulating the production of melanin.

There are several folk recipes:

In the video about a quick tan at home

For whites

It is very difficult for people with naturally white skin to tan. Usually, instead of a beautiful "Hollywood" bronze tan, you get just red skin. And it’s good if the next day it doesn’t peel off and “peel off”. What to do? How to give your body at least a little “chocolate” and not burn out at the same time?
Here are some very helpful tips for this:

  • Don't stay in the sun for a single minute without sunscreen with a high factor. Of the natural substances, raspberry seed oil has high sun protection characteristics. You can use it 30 minutes before sunbathing.
  • Very good characteristics shea butter. It not only speeds up the tanning process, but is also able to soothe skin that is very hot in the sun, moisturize it and protect it from harmful radiation.
  • By the way, if you plan to just sit in the shade, then you also need to protect yourself, because solar activity is also present in shaded places.
  • If on the first day of rest you want to swim, then it is better to do it in a T-shirt so that your shoulders do not instantly burn. The skin should gradually get used to the sun. After some time, it will be possible to flaunt on the beach in a bathing suit.
  • Dry yourself with a towel after bathing to prevent further exposure to the sun's rays on your skin.

And you can watch a video about Tonic tinted hair shampoo

List of the best hair lighteners

A beautiful uniform tan is possible only with a reasonable approach to this process. In one day, no one will tan qualitatively.
And, if you still try to do this, you can cause tremendous harm to the body.
To get a good skin tone without the use of chemical cosmetics, prepare your own natural mixture and delight your skin with pleasant and beneficial substances.

Despite the fact that recently tanning is considered not the healthiest procedure for the body, its popularity does not decrease. It is still considered one of the characteristics of sexuality and visual attractiveness. Therefore, many do not imagine their vacation without chocolate-bronze "consequences" on the skin. We will share with you little secrets on how to enhance the tan and keep it for a long time.

Cosmetics for a good tan

The modern cosmetic industry has a large assortment of special products designed to enhance tanning. At the same time, in addition to the main substance, which will be responsible for the beautiful chocolate effect, the composition of such creams and lotions includes substances that will help your skin to endure sun exposure without harm (antioxidants, moisturizers and nutrients, minerals and vitamins). To get the most out of your sun treatments, look for tanning products with DHA content (from 5 to 16%) or "tingle" effect. However, the latter is not recommended for people with sensitive and fair skin.

Oils for active tanning

You can combine a good result with skin protection using cosmetic natural oils for tanning. Typically, manufacturers include natural tan "activators" in the form of coconut, wheat, palm oil, as well as avocado or cocoa butter in the composition of such bottles. Additionally, such formulations are enriched with vitamins, beta-carotene, SPF factors and vitamins. You can use ordinary cosmetic or olive oil without protective components to enhance tanning, but already to fix the result, that is, on tanned skin. Otherwise, you can increase not a tan, but a skin burn.

Tanning products

The leaders among the natural "dyes" that can be used to influence the depth of tanning are beta-carotene, antioxidants, fatty acids and B vitamins. Therefore, feel free to eat before going to the beach (or take it with you) apricots, watermelons, carrots, melons, apples, liver, bell peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, cheese, fish (especially salmon). Olive oil contributes very well to tanning, especially in combination with the same carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and fish.

Juices for a quick tan

Good news for lovers of fresh juices and juices - your love for these drinks can contribute not only to good health, but also to a beautiful tan. Carrot juice and citrus juices (grapefruit, orange, lemon, tangerine) are especially effective in this regard. You can add a little honey to lemon or grapefruit juice. It is better to start such juice therapy 7-10 days before the intended vacation, and during it - in the morning and before going to the beach.

Homemade products for deep tanning

The following home remedy recipe for a beautiful tan is considered very effective: mix 50 g of natural coffee (in ground form) and 100 g of nut butter (any). Transfer the mixture to a glass container and leave it in a dark place for 1-1.5 weeks, shaking occasionally. After that, filter the settled active mixture and apply to the body half an hour before sunbathing.

Tanning rules for a good tan

To quickly get a beautiful tan, it is better to prepare for it in advance, namely, visit the solarium. So you will be less likely to burn and more likely to tan to a dark shade. Also try not to be in the open sun during the period of sunshine (from 11 am to 4 pm) and swim as often as possible. By the way, remember that the fastest tan "clings" to the skin near the water (pool, reservoir) and in it. When sunbathing, every 5-10 minutes change the position of the body and periodically lubricate it with a tanner (according to the instructions).

Trying to get a beautiful deep tan, remember that everything is good in moderation, including sunbathing. Therefore, take care not only about how to quickly tan, but also about how to protect your skin from burns, wrinkles and dehydration.

At the beginning of summer, the cherished goal of many girls is a beautiful tan. At the same time, the majority makes serious mistakes, thinking that the longer the sunbathing, the richer the skin tone will be. Of no small importance in this matter is the use of various natural and cosmetic preparations that protect the skin and contribute to the formation of an intense and uniform shade. From this article you will learn which tanning product is better, reviews about it and how to use it.

What does skin need to tan?

Many people think that the best tanning product is cream. In fact, it performs a protective function. The filters included in it are divided into two main types:

  • chemical filter - captures ultraviolet rays and thereby makes them safe for the skin;
  • physical filter - located on the surface of the skin and performs its mechanical protection.

To avoid burns, use the following elements:

  • vitamin E - blocks free radicals that act destructively on the structure of cells;
  • panthenol - has a calming effect on the skin;
  • bisabolol is a product of the processing of chamomile flowers and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The best sunscreen is natural. It makes the skin supple, more receptive to the sun, and most importantly, protects it from ultraviolet radiation. These products include natural vegetable oils and extracts of medicinal plants.

Which tanning products are better - cream, oil or spray?

Choosing a tanning product is necessary depending on the effect you want to achieve, as well as on the type of skin.

  1. The cream is suitable for dry and normal skin types, perfectly moisturizes. Among the entire line, the cream is the best means for tanning in the sun, it is characterized by the most reliable protection from the sun's rays.
  2. The spray has the main advantage - it is the convenience of application. It sprays well and doesn't stain hands. However, there is a rather significant drawback - among such drugs there are very few waterproof ones.
  3. Oil is not the best tanning agent, as it protects less effectively than previous options. Mostly suitable for owners of dark skin, those who do not burn much. Also, it is not recommended for people with problematic and oily skin.

Rules for tanning in the sun

Before you figure out which tanning products are best, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements.

  1. It is very important to prepare your body for intense tanning some time before going to the beach. A five-minute visit to the solarium twice a week will give the skin a noble golden hue, as well as additional protection from ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Going to the sea coast, at first it is very important to use a protective cream. Which tanning agent is the best will be discussed below. It should be remembered that the most vulnerable areas of the skin for sunburn are the shoulders, chest and nose. It is preferable to lubricate them every 30 minutes.
  3. If you decide to relax in hot countries (Africa, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain), then the first time in the sun should be reduced to 5 minutes. Then the time gradually increases.
  4. Especially burning sun in the period from 12 to 14 noon, so this time is desirable to spend in the shade. The most optimal time for sunbathing with health benefits is before lunch.
  5. Before bathing, it is also recommended to lubricate the skin with sunscreen, as ultraviolet rays tend to penetrate to a depth of 1.5 meters.
  6. With active sweating, the skin should be treated with protective agents more often, since sweat tends to reduce their effectiveness.

Rules for tanning in a solarium

So, before you find out the best tanning product, consider the rules for visiting a solarium:

  1. It is important to adhere to the minimum dose and optimal visiting schedule. Somewhere on average it is 5-7 minutes once a week for 1.5-2 months. After that, you need to take a short break for about a month, and then the course can be repeated.
  2. It is recommended to patch fresh wounds or scars (including piercings and tattoos), moles, nipples, as well as those areas where there is a vascular network or impaired pigmentation. The patch can be replaced with a special dot pencil with a maximum SPF.
  3. When taking antibiotics (especially tetracycline), diuretics or hormonal drugs (including contraception), you should be especially careful, as this can lead to the appearance of age spots. It is also advisable to study the instructions of the medications taken for a photosensitizing effect before visiting the solarium.
  4. The previous rule also applies to pregnant women, as a result of hormonal changes in the body, the risk of chloasma (pigmentation of pregnant women) increases.
  5. You should also refrain from visiting the solarium for people with abundant moles on the body, with polyps, fibroids, cysts, mastopathy and thyroid disorders.

How to choose the best tanning product

To date, there are a huge number of creams, sprays and oils for sunburn. Therefore, when you see drugs standing in a row in a store, the main thing is not to get confused. To choose the best product for a beautiful tan, you need to focus on a few key factors.

  1. First of all, you should pay attention to the SPF filter. It is very important to choose the one that suits your skin type.
  2. Another important factor is the expiration date. Expired sunscreen will not only not protect you from ultraviolet radiation, but will also harm your health.
  3. If you plan to swim and want the cream to protect your skin in the water, it is recommended to choose products with a waterproof base. In this case, the inscription Waterproof must be present on the bottle.
  4. It is desirable that the composition of the protective cream contains vitamin E, which helps to moisturize and soften the skin.
  5. The best sun tanning product that says on the packaging that it protects against two types of rays at the same time - UVB and UVA. This drug is characterized by a wide spectrum of protection.

To choose the best sunscreen for kids and adults, let's take a look at both the time-tested and the latest in sunscreen products.

Anti-cellulite gel Sunslim from Lancaster

Modern technologies allow you to lose weight and sunbathe at the same time. Now, before relaxing on the sea coast, you can relax a little in pursuit of the perfect silhouette.

Lancaster Anti-Cellulite Gel blocks free radicals, activates the natural production of melanin, and also contains SPF15 protection factor. Thanks to its delicate texture, the emulsion is quickly absorbed, and body fat literally dissolves in the sun. It is recommended to apply the preparation after each bathing with active massage movements. This is a good product for tanning at sea, but it is advisable not to use it in the first days of sun exposure, since SPF15 is not a strong degree of protection.

The estimated cost of this drug is 1500 rubles.

Clinique face cream

Not all tanning products can be used on the face, as special cosmetics are required for these purposes. For example, a new product from Clinique, created on the basis of SolarSmart technologies and providing high-quality face protection against harmful UV radiation in a ratio of 3 to 1, in other words, protection from UVB rays is three times higher than protection from UVA rays.

This is the best sun tanning product (mostly positive reviews) for facial skin with an SPF30 protection factor. It has a light, oil-free and waterproof texture, suitable even for sensitive skin types.

It is important to remember that safe sun protection is provided only with the correct use and application of protective preparations. It is necessary to apply the cream evenly, in sufficient volume and preferably 15-20 minutes before going out. To cover the entire face, a product the size of a five-ruble coin is quite enough. The cream is reapplied two hours after wiping with a towel, sweating profusely or swimming.

The approximate cost of such a tool is 950 rubles.

Spray Yves Rocher

If you have already managed to tan a little, but dream of the most intense shade, use Yves Rocher dry oil spray with a delicate scent of tiare flower.

After use, the skin will not be greasy and sticky due to the special dry texture, this drug is instantly absorbed, leaving the skin velvety and moisturized. It does not leave marks on clothes, and the non-greasy and delicate structure gives a matte finish to the skin. Unfortunately, the degree of protection is minimal, so it is preferable to use the spray during the safe hours of exposure to the sun - in the morning and in the evening. At other times, it is advisable not to be in the sun at all or to use other means with a more serious protection factor.

This spray costs about 395 rubles.

Cream Anthelios, La Roche-Posay

If you are the owner of light and sensitive skin, then this does not mean at all that you will have to enjoy the sun's rays only at dawn and dusk, or sit under an umbrella all the time.

Cream from the French brand La Roche-Posay on the basis of thermal water is the best product for tanning in the sun. It has an unusual melting texture and is perfect for dry and sensitive skin types. And the maximum degree of protection SPF50 will protect not only the health of the epidermis, but the whole body. This product is not afraid of water, besides, it does not clog pores. The thermal water contained in the cream has an anti-inflammatory, softening and soothing effect, and it is also characterized by antioxidant properties.

The estimated cost of the cream is 670 rubles.

Shiseido Lip Stick

This area of ​​the skin is very thin and sensitive, and there are no sebaceous and sweat glands on it. Therefore, lips need decent protection from any exposure to ultraviolet rays. Shiseido brand lip stick is a pretty good tanning product in the solarium and in the sun, which will protect the delicate skin of the lips.

The sun balm has a high protection factor SPF20, gives the skin a slight shine, gently cares for the lips, softens and moisturizes them. The product is applied with patting movements as needed. Its estimated cost is approximately 1700 rubles.

Estee Lauder Bronze Goddess Facial Lotion

Going to the sea coast, special attention should be paid to another novelty in the line of sunscreens from Estee Lauder - face lotion with a protective factor SPF30.

After application, your skin will acquire a noble golden hue thanks to bronze micropigments, amber powder and mica, which reflect light and give a delicate glow. A wide range of high-tech solar screens provide maximum protection against ultraviolet radiation of groups A and B. Macadamia and kukui nut oil prevents skin irritation, has a calming and antioxidant effect, and increases the ability to protect against the harmful effects of sunlight.

The lotion combines the luxurious texture and exotic aroma of the sea coast at the same time - notes of sandalwood, amber and coconut will not let you forget that you are on vacation.

The cost of such a tool is approximately 1000 rubles.

Garnier Coconut Flavored Oil

Compared to creams and lotions, oil is the best remedy for sun tanning. Consumer reviews indicate that it is this product that allows you to acquire a beautiful chocolate shade. It's no secret that you'll play better near the water. The oil leaves a shiny, almost imperceptible film on the skin that attracts sun tan, so that the tan appears quite quickly.

Garnier oil is perfect for lovers of dark intense tanning. It perfectly nourishes the skin, gives radiance, softness and leaves a delicate coconut scent on it.

SPF 2 oil is especially suitable for already tanned and swarthy skin. Its estimated cost is 250 rubles.

Anti-aging cream by Dr. Pierre Ricaude

If you abuse sunburn very often without the use of protective preparations, whether it be natural sun or a solarium, you can simply start the process of photoaging, which will subsequently provoke wrinkles and loss of elasticity. To prevent this, it is necessary to give preference to sunscreens, which contain anti-aging ingredients.

Intelligence Soleil cream with a protective factor SPF20, presented by the French brand Dr. Pierre Ricaude is the best tanning product (consumer reviews confirm this). This product neutralizes the stress caused by ultraviolet radiation, restores elasticity to the skin, and as a result, it becomes more elastic.

The balanced formula of the cream includes the latest and enhanced system of protective UVB and UVA filters, as well as active complexes that increase the natural protective ability of the skin and maintain its elasticity. As a result, the skin acquires a persistent, even and beautiful shade. With Intelligence Soleil sunscreen, you can sunbathe without fear, as it protects your body from photoaging. You can buy this product for about 840 rubles.

L'Oreal Solar Expertise Body Milk

L'Oreal Body Milk is a classic sunscreen option that can be used on almost any skin type. The exception is light and hypersensitive skin. The SPF20 rating is great for tanning in Mediterranean latitudes as it filters out Group A and B radiation.

Due to its light and non-greasy texture, this product is quickly absorbed, does not leave sticky marks and streaks on clothes. The vitamins and minerals contained in the lotion nourish the skin and protect it from sun stains. After exposure to the sun, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse off the remnants of the lotion, and then apply a regenerating and moisturizing after-sun product.

The approximate price of the lotion is 550 rubles.

Hair and body oil by L'Occitane

The burning sun, sea water, withering wind are far from the best way to affect the health and beauty of the skin. In the summer, proper care is simply indispensable. Hair also suffers greatly from the effects of sea water and sun exposure. The opinion is considered erroneous that salvation can be found in the pool near the hotel, because they are disinfected with chlorine-containing preparations, which is also unsafe for hair and body.

L’Occitane Summer Oil for Hair and Body is a blend of natural oils that not only protects against photoaging, but also nourishes. The amber natural shade of buriti perfectly emphasizes the tan. To restore elasticity to the hair, it is recommended to apply the oil 20 minutes before taking a shower or during sun exposure - the natural heat will warm the mask and as a result the active ingredients will be absorbed better.

Since this product does not contain sunscreen, it is preferable to use it approximately 15 minutes before applying sunscreen or after tanning.

The approximate cost of oil is 900 rubles.


In addition to oils, sprays and creams for the summer, you should additionally stock up on special sticks for caring for the area around the eyes and lips (hygienic lipsticks). They should be used as needed.

When purchasing sunscreen for children, it is important to remember that compared to adult skin, children's skin is more sensitive. Therefore, for children, it is recommended to choose products with maximum protection and an SPF of at least 50.

Also, when buying a protective agent, you should pay attention to the label, because it may not be intended for the open sun, but for a solarium.