Yogurt face masks: cosmetics from the refrigerator! For normal skin types, a mask with yogurt and protein is suitable. Contraindications to the use of yogurt for facial skin

Yogurt contains lactic acid, calcium and zinc, which have a very beneficial effect on the skin of the face. Homemade yogurt masks cleanse pores, moisturize, nourish and smooth the skin. Also, yogurt masks reduce dark circles under the eyes, due to the high content of vitamins B5, B2 and B12, allows the skin to look younger. These vitamins have lifting properties and help cell growth and regeneration. Yogurt has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. To prepare a yogurt mask, the product must be completely natural without flavor enhancers, dyes and fruit pieces. We have collected 13 for you effective recipes for the preparation of face masks based on natural yogurt.

Face mask with yogurt, honey and apple cider vinegar

5 tablespoons oatmeal

1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
Green tea (strongly brewed)

Place in a bowl oat flour, honey, yogurt, Apple vinegar and mix well, then gradually add tea until the mass becomes homogeneous. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 10-15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water. For best effect It is recommended to apply the mask two or three times a week. This mask is well suited for reducing redness of the skin, especially in winter period time.

Face mask with yogurt, honey and strawberries

To prepare the mask you will need:
2 strawberries
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon yogurt

Mash strawberries with a fork in a bowl and add honey, yogurt and mix thoroughly. Apply an even thick layer on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and apply a moisturizer or olive oil. Coconut oil. Honey contains antibacterial properties that prevent acne. Strawberries are high in vitamin C, alpha hydroxyl, salicylic acids which in turn brightens the skin.

Yogurt, strawberry and lemon face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
¼ cup strawberries (mashed)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon yogurt
1 tablespoon honey

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend well until smooth. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 10 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold. This mask brightens the skin well and fights acne.

Yogurt Strawberry Almond Face Mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
2 strawberries
1 tablespoon ground almonds
2 tablespoons natural yogurt

Place strawberries, almonds in a bowl and mash well, then add yogurt and mix well. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water.

Face mask with yogurt, honey and oatmeal

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon yogurt
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon oatmeal

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply in a circular motion on a cleansed face and neck, avoiding the area around the eyes. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold. Oatmeal has cleansing properties, creates a peeling effect, making the skin smooth and soft.

Yogurt and oatmeal face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

1 tablespoon oatmeal

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply in circular motions to cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 10 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold. This mask cleanses the pores well.

Yogurt and avocado face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon yogurt
1 teaspoon olive oil
¼ avocado

Mash the avocado well with a fork and add yogurt to it, olive oil and mix well. Apply an even thick layer on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold.

Face mask with yogurt, orange and aloe

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon yogurt
1 orange slice (juice)
1 teaspoon aloe (pulp)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 10 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water.

Face mask with yogurt and lemon

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ cup natural yogurt
5 drops lemon juice

Place both ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with cold water.

Face mask with yogurt and honey

To prepare the mask you will need:
4 tablespoons full fat yogurt
2 tablespoons honey

Place both ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water. Probiotics contained in yogurt will give the skin firmness and freshness. Yogurt also nourishes and disinfects the skin.

Yogurt and Turmeric Face Mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
2 tablespoons full fat yogurt
1 teaspoon turmeric powder

Place both ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply in circular motions to cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold. This mask is good for problem skin.

Face mask with yogurt and chamomile

To prepare the mask you will need:
10 drops essential oil chamomile
4 tablespoons natural yogurt

Mix both ingredients in a bowl, apply evenly over cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water and then rinse with cold.

Yogurt and chocolate face mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
2 teaspoons natural yogurt
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
1 teaspoon honey

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well until smooth. Apply evenly on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Lie down and relax for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the mask with warm water. Cocoa has anti-aging properties, protects the skin from harmful effects sun rays. Turmeric, cinnamon or nutmeg can be added to the composition of this mask if desired, all these ingredients have a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

A rejuvenating, refreshing, revitalizing yogurt face mask makes the skin glow with beauty and youth at any time of the day or year. With proper preparation, it turns out to be very tender, light and airy, gently cares for the skin, gives the most pleasant sensations. It's time to discover this unusual cosmetic product and find out that yogurt is not only a dietary and healthy product, but also an excellent beautician at home. After all, it is rich in various active substances, so useful and necessary for female beauty.

Active substances

Due to its composition, yogurt face mask has a very beneficial effect on any type of skin. With regular exposure to the surface layers of the epidermis, beneficial substances penetrate into them and arrange a small “revolution” at the cellular level, causing many metabolic processes. These include:

  • water is the main component of this product, masks from it are famous for their moisturizing properties and are especially useful for dry,;
  • of the vitamins in yogurt, there is the most choline, which can take control of the fat balance, it also fights tissue aging, giving masks a rejuvenating effect and also quickly soothes irritated and tired skin;
  • niacin awakens dormant cells from sleep, and also protects them from external aggressive impact: there is nothing better than a yogurt face mask in the scorching sultry heat in summer and piercing frosts in winter, thanks to this particular vitamin;
  • retinol actively fights against traces of dryness, peeling, acne and: moisturizing and anti-inflammatory action - its main distinguishing properties;
  • vitamin C, ascorbic acid, penetrates the walls of blood vessels, strengthens them from the inside, conducts regenerative work in cells, increases the production, synthesis of elastin, collagen fibers, which provide the skin with youth, elasticity, beauty;
  • in yogurt there are a lot of various vitamins from group B: they have therapeutic effect in the fight against acne; effectively cleanse pores from comedones, dirt and toxins; smooth fine and shallow wrinkles; visibly improve complexion;
  • potassium, which is abundant in any yogurt, moisturizes dry and nourishes normal skin;
  • calcium gives it softness and silkiness.

Considering all these beneficial features yogurt face masks, you should not refuse such a pleasant and at the same time effective remedy for skin care. To make it as effective as possible, know how to handle it.

Homemade yogurt face masks are easy to prepare, do not require additional time or financial costs. Nevertheless, knowing some of the nuances of the process of their preparation will be useful for anyone who decides to pamper their skin with such a delicious dessert.

  1. For cosmetic purposes, yogurts with dyes are not suitable. Choose natural, without any additives.
  2. Indications for use: dryness, peeling, acne, microdamages, wrinkles, vitamin deficiency,.
  3. Contraindications: individual intolerance. Lubricate the wrist with the initially prepared product, track the result for several hours. If allergic reaction there won't be any side effects And undesirable consequences you can’t wait for yogurt masks.
  4. If you have dry skin, use a product with a high fat content to make masks and vice versa.
  5. The mask is applied exclusively to clean skin, previously cleansed with herbal steam bath and favorite scrub.
  6. The time of action will depend entirely on the additional ingredients, since in pure form this product can be kept on the face for up to 45-50 minutes: there will be no harm from this.
  7. If the product has been prepared correctly, it can be easily washed off with water.
  8. At the final stage, do not forget to soothe the skin with a regular cream.
  9. Frequency of use - at least every other day: there will be no harm from such masks.
  10. After 12-15 procedures, it is worth taking a break for 3-4 weeks to give the skin a break from the action of the same composition.

With regular and correct application face mask made of natural yogurt will perfectly cope with a variety of cosmetic defects. She will especially show herself with the best side if you choose the right recipe.

Variety of recipes

Any homemade yogurt face mask should be prepared in strict accordance with the recipe found - at least in the first few applications in order to avoid undesirable consequences. Once you are sure that the effect is there and your skin reacts normally to yogurt, you can start experimenting with the compositions of the masks and the proportions of their ingredients.

Around eyes

  • In its purest form

From wrinkles and unpleasant crow's feet a mask of yogurt for the face and around the eyes will help in its pure form, without any additional components. Just lubricate the eyelids and the entire face with a useful liquid.

For normal skin

  • Fruity

Natural yogurt (two tablespoons) is mixed with puree of one of the listed fruits (berries): lingonberries, raspberries, currants, tangerines, oranges, apples, grapes, watermelons, peaches (one tablespoon).

  • egg

Two tablespoons of natural yogurt, beaten with raw egg. Such nourishing mask from yogurt and eggs also has a tightening and rejuvenating effect.

For dry skin

  • Banana

Mix equal amounts of yogurt and banana puree.

For oily skin

  • Strawberry

Greasy shine and acne will be removed by a yoghurt face mask with strawberries. They just need to be whipped until a puree state (in approximately equal amounts).

  • Fruity

Yogurt (two tablespoons) is mixed with mashed fruits or berries such as grapefruit, rowan, cranberries, strawberries, cherries (one tablespoon).

Discover natural and healthy yogurt not only as a nutritional product, but also as an excellent cosmetic product. Make it the most various masks pamper your skin additional food and hydration.

Beauty will save the world, but for this you need to take care of it and maintain the health of the skin of the face in the difficult conditions of the modern rhythm of life. Forever young actress and singer Jennifer Lopez prefers to take care of the skin of her face, neck and décolleté with masks based on natural yogurt. Real short-term yogurt contains many live bacteria that saturate skin cells, stimulate cell regeneration and even out complexion.

What is the secret of the "live" face mask with natural yogurt?

For the preparation of the mask, it is best to use the product home cooking without any additives, because in the "live" yogurt there is only milk and sourdough. These masks are universal and suitable for all skin types. Yogurt has a moderate natural acid and perfectly moisturizes the skin, soothes and saturates it. useful substances. It can simply be applied to the face for 15-20 minutes 3-4 times a week. Live cultures of yogurt are ideal for skin care in the décolleté and neck areas.

Peel the apple and grate it on a fine grater.

Mix all the ingredients of the moisturizing mask with yogurt thoroughly.

Apply the resulting mixture on the face, neck and décolleté for 20 minutes, then rinse. warm water.

For oily and combination skin yogurt mask should be used 2-3 times a week; to improve the condition of dry and dehydrated skin, you can use it daily for 7 days with a break for 5 days within a month.

The secret of youth is simple - timely and high-quality skin care that will prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles, improves the condition of mimic wrinkles and stimulates skin rejuvenation. masks with natural ingredients most suitable for the care of delicate facial skin, gently cleansing, moisturizing and saturating it with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Yogurt can be not only dietary and useful product, but also an excellent cosmetologist as part of face masks. Rich in various active substances, yogurt masks, which are so easy to prepare at home, will become excellent tool for gentle and quality care behind the skin of your face. At regular use the effect will be simply amazing, noticeable not only to you in the reflection of the mirror, but also to those around you.

How does a yogurt face mask transform the skin so wonderfully? It's all about the substances that this contains milk product: it is they who, penetrating into the skin cells, begin their work there, invisible at first, which after a while gives you such amazing results. Judge for yourself by looking at chemical composition yogurt and its effect on the skin:

  • water- one of the main components of this product, and that is why yogurt masks are, first of all, excellent natural moisturizers;
  • leader in vitamins choline, which regulates fat balance, fights cell aging and soothes irritated skin;
  • niacin makes dormant cells wake up from sleep and protects them from harmful external influences;
  • vitamin A- the first enemy of dryness, which also has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • vitamin C, penetrating into the walls of blood vessels, strengthens them, and in the cells conducts restoration work, increasing the production of elastin and collagen;
  • B vitamins cleanse pores of dirt, smooth wrinkles, improve complexion;
  • potassium moisturizes and nourishes withered skin;
  • calcium makes it soft and silky to the touch.

All these substances, penetrating into the cells, perform their painstaking and persistent work there. And the more regularly you make yogurt masks for your face, the more noticeable the results will be. Indeed, in this case, the arsenal of working and active substances will increase each time and they will perform their work several times better.

Yogurt masks: indications and contraindications

The effect will be maximum if the recommendations for the use of this cosmetic product are followed exactly. As a rule, yogurt face masks are recommended in the following cases:

  • for tired skin that has not been properly cared for for a long time;
  • for aging skin, the aging of which needs to be stopped;
  • for dry, chapped skin that needs maximum hydration;
  • For oily skin, which requires the regulation of fat balance;
  • for normal skin that needs effective regular care.

Since homemade yogurt face masks are natural remedies There are simply no contraindications to their use. However, you should be more careful about the rest of the ingredients that make up the mask, as they may contain allergens for your body.

The best yogurt face mask recipes

Not requiring complex technologies in preparation, any woman can easily prepare yogurt face masks at home. And the results will not be long in coming. The only caveat that you must understand for yourself: yogurt must be natural, without any additives and even without sugar.

  • Fruit (berry) mask for normal skin

Mix yogurt (2 tablespoons) with the pulp of any of the listed fruits or berries: cranberries, currants, raspberries, tangerines, oranges, kiwis, apples, grapes, peaches, watermelons (1 tablespoon).

  • Fruit (berry) mask for oily skin

Mix yogurt (2 tablespoons) with the pulp of any of the listed fruits or berries: grapefruit, mountain ash, cranberries, strawberries, cherries (1 tablespoon).

  • Fruit (berry) mask for dry skin

Mix yogurt (2 tablespoons) with the pulp of any of the listed fruits or berries: melon, apricot, persimmon, banana (1 tablespoon).

  • Greens whitening mask

Mix yogurt (2 tablespoons) with chopped dill, parsley (1 tablespoon).

  • Sorrel anti-inflammatory mask

Mix yogurt (2 tablespoons) with chopped sorrel leaves (1 tablespoon). For dry skin, it is recommended to add olive oil (a teaspoon).

  • Classic peeling mask

Simply apply yogurt to your face and then roll it gently with your fingers without rinsing it off with water.

  • Nourishing mask with oatmeal

Mix yogurt (3 tablespoons) with crushed oatmeal (a tablespoon) and liquid honey (a teaspoon). Such a miracle mask can ideally care for any type of skin.

Easy to prepare and highly effective for all skin types, yogurt face masks are a simple and inexpensive beauty treatment that every woman can afford. Don't you want to rejoice when you look in the mirror and smile at your own reflection? Believe me: a yogurt mask is capable of the most magically transform your skin.

Natural yogurt is an excellent skin care product. aging skin. It contains vitamin B3 (niacin), which activates metabolic processes in the skin, prevents its aging and protects against aggressive environmental influences. Also, yogurt is rich in potassium and calcium, which are so necessary for moisturizing and nourishing the skin. It also contains vitamins such as A, C, B, which are needed to strengthen cell walls, tone the skin, and produce natural collagen.

For cosmetic masks you will need natural yogurt(ideally, homemade) without any additives and sugar. Making a yogurt mask at home is not difficult at all, but with regular use, you will be very pleased with the result!

Recipes for yogurt masks for mature skin

Mask with yogurt and honey

A mask that softens and refreshes the skin, as well as smoothes wrinkles and evens out tone. You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. liquid flower honey and yogurt, then add flour to thicken the mass to the consistency of sour cream. It is applied to damp skin and kept for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Banana yogurt mask

1 ripe banana needs to be peeled and mashed, add 2 tsp to it. yogurt and 1 tsp. honey. Mix everything until smooth and apply on the skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. This mask nourishes and moisturizes mature skin.

Mask with yogurt and oatmeal

3 art. l. yogurt mixed with a tablespoon of ground flour oatmeal. The mask is applied to the face, washed off with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

Toning yoghurt mask

This mask will help to remove fatigue from the face, refresh the skin: 3 tbsp. l. yogurt is mixed with a tablespoon of strongly brewed chamomile tea. Cut off a piece of gauze and cut holes in it for the eyes. Soak the gauze in the prepared composition and apply on the face for 15 minutes. At this time, you can put on your eyes cotton pads dipped in chamomile tea.

Mask with yogurt and grapes

Such a mask is extremely useful for aging skin. Yogurt in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. mixed with the same amount of fresh dark grape pulp. The mask is left on the face for 15 minutes, then washed off with cool water.

Classic anti-aging pure yogurt mask

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, natural yogurt in itself is a powerful stimulator of cell rejuvenation. Therefore, it is useful to apply it on the skin and in its pure form. Simply smear your entire face and neck with fresh yogurt and leave on for 20 minutes before rinsing off with cool water.