Massage against wrinkles under the eyes. We remove wrinkles around the eyes, "crow's feet". Indications for massage

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. However, it often happens that the “mirror of the soul”, framed by many small wrinkles, betrays our age, or even makes us older! And all because of those nasty wrinkles around the eyes!

But all women, day after day, do everything possible to hide their true age and look younger! 🙂

Today you will know how to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with massage and gymnastics.

Causes of wrinkles around the eyes

The appearance of wrinkles around the eyes is due to our habits: we often laugh, squint, wink, sleep on our stomachs with our faces buried in the pillow, and we constantly blink. Besides, sun, dust and wind, dry air indoors dry out the thin skin around the eyes.

By the way, it is the skin around the eyes that is the thinnest and most sensitive, here collagen fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin, are located in the form of a grid, therefore skin stretches easily.

All this is causes fine wrinkles around the eyes which become more noticeable with age 🙁

So, the skin around the eyes needs special care. Now there are a large number of creams for the skin around the eyes, as well as various gels, serums and fluids. Such products not only relieve puffiness, moisturize and nourish the skin, but also increase the elasticity of the skin around the eyes and slow down the aging process.

However, it has been proven that products for the skin around the eyes do not get rid of wrinkles. They only visually make wrinkles around the eyes less noticeable, so a special massage of this area will help us get rid of wrinkles around the eyes.

Massage for wrinkles around the eyes

Massage of the skin around the eyes is very effective for wrinkles, as it increases blood circulation and improves skin elasticity.

Before the massage apply cream for the skin around the eyes. It must be applied with point movements, in no case smearing! Otherwise, stretching of the skin and the appearance of new wrinkles around the eyes cannot be avoided.

So let's get started! Massage of the skin around the eyes is performed pad of the ring finger(this is the softest, most delicate and unused finger on the hand).

Press with fingertips to the outer corners of the eyes, then, with light pressure, move your fingers along the lower eyelid to the inner corners. Then proceed in the same way, but now along the top edge eyeballs.

Then apply tapping movements pads of the ring fingers.

Pay attention: along the lower eyelid you move from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, and along the upper eyelid - on the contrary, from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.

Now with very light and gentle movements tap the skin around the eyes with a few fingers, index, middle and nameless.

When performing a massage, try do not move or stretch the skin around the eyes, otherwise the appearance of new wrinkles is inevitable! 🙁

Massage from time to time for wrinkles around the eyes with help olive or any other vegetable oil, only pre-slightly warm up. Vegetable oil is rich in vitamin E and contributes to the elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

You can get rid of wrinkles around the eyes with massage even every day. If performed correctly, massage, as well as charging for the body, will only benefit 🙂

We fight wrinkles with the help of gymnastics for the eyes

It is also useful to do special exercises for the eyes. Such gymnastics trains the eye muscles, which has a positive effect not only on vision, but also on the tone and elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

It is enough to perform a few simple exercises, and after a while you will feel lightness in the skin around the eyes, the skin will smooth out, and the eye muscles will strengthen.

Sit straight, straighten your shoulders. Roll your eyes several times up and down, then the same way to the right and left. Fast blink your eyes, and now close tightly eyes for a few seconds and open them wide (don't squint!). Finish with a couple rotational movements of the head. All! 🙂

If you wish, you can search and, but even doing the bare minimum, you will achieve good results.

The women's site site wishes you good luck in the fight against wrinkles around the eyes!

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Women in search of anti-aging products resort to the most exotic and expensive, and in fact at home, you can prevent skin aging with different types of massage - traditional Chinese, Japanese point Shiatsu will not only smooth out wrinkles, but also bring healing to the whole body. Choose the technique that suits you, master it, and let your face stay young and beautiful for as long as possible.

How to do facial massage

After 30 years, anti-wrinkle facial massage should be done every two weeks, or in a course of 10-15 sessions 2-3 times a year for 15-20 minutes. A massage cream or cosmetic oil is applied to the face, you can use an essential oil with an anti-aging effect: almond, grape seed, olive. At home, it is easiest to master lymphatic drainage or acupressure, but you need to be sure that you are doing everything correctly, along the massage lines, because the wrong massage is harmful.

Self massage

Self-massage for the face from wrinkles is performed while standing in front of a mirror. When you master the technique well, you can do it lying down, it is more effective, it contributes to greater relaxation. Basic rules of self-massage:

  1. the face must be clean;
  2. hair from the face should be removed under a cap or bandage;
  3. hands should be clean, nails short;
  4. do along the massage lines from the center of the face to the periphery;
  5. start from the forehead, gradually dropping down, ending with the neck;
  6. basic massage techniques: light stroking, rubbing, pinching, patting.

Self-massage is performed by simple techniques along massage lines. Stretch the skin and do not rub hard. If you are not sure about the correctness of your manipulations, it is better to consult a beautician and ask him to show you a few movements. Basic massage lines:

  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • from the center of the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows to the temples;
  • from the outer corner of the eye along the cheekbone line to the inner, then under the eyebrow to the outer corner;
  • from the wings of the nose to the temples;
  • from the nasolabial fold to the temples;
  • from the corner of the lips to the middle of the ear;
  • from the middle of the lower edge of the lips to the lobe;
  • from the bottom of the chin to the earlobe.


A massager will help you achieve good results in the difficult struggle for youth. There are many different massagers on the beauty market: from mechanical rollers to electric ones with a vibration effect, equipped with ultrasound or infrared radiation. For the use of all types of massagers, the rules are relevant:

  1. clean the face before the procedure;
  2. moisturize the face with a nourishing cream, massage oil;
  3. perform strictly along the massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery;
  4. duration from 15 minutes to half an hour, depending on the intensity of exposure: the lower the intensity, the longer the session;
  5. after completion, apply a soothing cream and relax.

Most Effective Techniques

In modern cosmetology, there are a huge variety of types of massage techniques. All of them are good and effective in their own way:

  1. Vacuum. It is considered very effective for eliminating edema, scars and age spots, to improve blood circulation. There are two execution techniques: static and kinetic. In the first case, banks are placed on problem areas for a certain time, massage cream is not used. Kinetic technique is the movement of cans on the skin lubricated with massage oil. Kinetic can be done at home, static is better in the cabin.
  2. Pinch massage by Jacquet. The result in the form of wrinkle smoothing is achieved with the help of tweezers of different intensity. This is a complex technique, doing it yourself can lead to the opposite result, so it’s better to do it in the salon.
  3. Sculptural or plasticizing is called non-surgical lifting. This technique requires knowledge of anatomy, it should only be done by an experienced specialist.
  4. Kobido. It is 500 years old, passed down from generation to generation by selected masters. It is considered one of the most effective. The impact is not on the muscles or skin, but on the energy meridians and acupuncture points, harmonizing the human Qi energy. Massage techniques are numerous and varied, needless to say, a professional should do it.

From wrinkles around the eyes

A good effect in the fight against crow's feet brings cryomassage. With two ice cubes, make smoothing movements along the massage lines around the eyes. The massage from wrinkles around the eyes lasts no more than 5 minutes, it is carried out very carefully, without stopping at the points, so as not to overcool the thin skin of the eyelids. You can freeze decoctions of herbs with a few drops of essential oils.

This type of rubbing will allow you to remove not only wrinkles and crow's feet, but also hanging eyebrows, bags under the eyes. Do it for 7-10 sessions with breaks, 5 times, unless otherwise stated:

  1. Put your fingers on your temples. Make 10 circles clockwise.
  2. Gently pressing, move your fingers from the temple to the nose along the bone from below, reach the inner corner of the eye, then to the area under the eyebrow and back.
  3. Lightly press first the lower, then the upper eyelid with fingertips.
  4. Pass over the area around the eyes with tapping light strokes of the fingers - 10 circles.
  5. Place your finger with an edge on the temple so that the nail is pointing towards the hair, turn the finger over to the nose. With such movements, do five approaches towards the nose along the bone under the eye. Do the same above the eye from the inner corner of the eye to the temple under the eyebrow.
  6. It is easy to press the area near the outer corner of the eye 10 times, with rolling movements along the cheekbone, go to the inner corner, make 10 pressures. Similarly, under the eyebrow, go back.
  7. Pass under the eyebrow from the nose to the temple with circular rubbing, then back along the top of the cheekbone.
  8. Repeat the previous technique with patting movements.

For forehead wrinkles

The simplest massage from mimic wrinkles on the forehead can be done independently, during morning or evening care: apply the cream to the area being worked out, with circular movements of the fingers, easily rub it into the skin along the massage lines. Massage with cupronickel or silver spoons is very effective for longitudinal frontal wrinkles. Daily rejuvenation treatment:

  1. Make stroking movements from the center of the forehead to the temples 10 times.
  2. Index and middle fingers above the bridge of the nose, move in a circular motion to the temples 5 times.
  3. Both palms are placed on the forehead (one above the other), the skin is shifted in different directions 4-5 times.
  4. They move with pinches from the center of the forehead to the temples, then also tapping from the center to the temples 5 times.
  5. Finish with a light pat on the forehead.


A very good anti-aging effect is achieved after a session of myofascial massage. This is a deep massage for rejuvenation, in which the master acts on the fascia - the connective tissue that covers the muscles. Breaking muscle clamps, the specialist returns the muscles to a relaxed position, smoothing out wrinkles. The pinching technique helps to effectively improve skin tone and tighten the oval of the face.

One of the most effective anti-aging massage techniques is the Spanish massage by chiropractor Enrique Garcia. The technique is based on the relaxation of deep muscles and the patient's enjoyment during the session. The method uses more than 100 techniques, never repeated, which guarantees the absence of addiction and a good muscle response, as a result - an improvement in skin color and relief, and the elimination of wrinkles.

Facial massage for wrinkles at home

Some types of massage can be done independently, each has its own specifics, which must be studied in order not to get the opposite effect in the form of stretched skin. Japanese and Chinese massages are based on knowledge of the location of biologically active points, while sculpting massages are based on a good knowledge of anatomy. Therefore, if you are not sure about your knowledge of a particular massage technique, it is better to trust a professional.

The easiest to perform is classic self-massage. This is a good prevention of wrinkles, if you do it every day from 25-30 years old, their appearance will be postponed to a much later date:

  • in a circular motion, smooth the skin of the forehead from the center to the temples;
  • with three fingers of both hands, draw from the eyebrows to the hairline 3 times;
  • put the fingers of one hand on the temple, the other hand with smoothing movements moves from the temple along the forehead in the opposite direction, repeat 10 times in both directions;
  • rest your thumbs on the chin, put three fingers on the upper part of the cheekbone, stroke the cheekbone from the nose to the temples;
  • from the center of the chin to the ears, stroke the skin;
  • put a finger to the outer corner of the eye, alternating stroking with tapping, lightly massage the eye area.

Japanese technique

Asahi massage or, more correctly, Tsogan, can be done at home, having mastered the technique on your own. He was so loved by patients that the creator of Yunuko Takana supplemented him with new techniques, especially for different types of faces and different ages. It must be remembered that after the first sessions, rashes may appear. This procedure is contraindicated for girls with a thin face, after which it will lose weight even more.

Massage movements of Tsogan are repeated 3 times, if there is no other indication, it is performed with fingertips:

  1. Almost all massage movements end with stroking from the temple, along the edge of the face down to the chin and further to the collarbones.
  2. Fingers in the middle of the forehead, perpendicular to the eyebrows. Pressing on the skin, move your fingers to the temples, turn down, gently guide along the contour of the face to the collarbones;
  3. With the pads of the middle fingers, gently move along the lower edge of the eyes to the inner corner, then increase the pressure and return to the temples along the upper edge. Repeat the movement to the inner edge, go back, finish with the final movement.
  4. Place the ring and middle fingers in the middle of the chin, move up to the corners of the lips, press lightly, then around the lips, stop above the upper lip, press again and return to the chin.
  5. Put your fingers at the wings of the nose, do circular rubbing down to the upper lip 5 times, then rub the bridge of the nose and smoothly move from the bridge of the nose to the temples to the final technique along the eyebrow line.
  6. Lightly pressing, draw fingers from the chin to the corners of the lips, wings of the nose, and the inner corner of the eye, as if describing the letter “O”, then along the cheekbone to the temple and finish with the final movement. At the inner corner of the eye, lightly press on the skin.
  7. One hand fixes the lower jaw, the other moves with effort from the lower jaw to the bridge of the nose along the cheek, moving along the lower edge of the eye to the temple and the final movement. At the inner corner of the eye, lightly press on the skin 3 times. Repeat the same on the other side.
  8. Palms lie horizontally on the cheeks, fingers in points on both sides of the nose. With an effort, draw your fingers to the temples, moving on to the final movement.
  9. Palms on the oval of the face, touching in the chin area. With an effort to move the base of the palm up under the eyes, increase the effort and move the palms to the ears, finish with the final movement.
  10. The bases of the palms are below the corners of the lips, with an effort to shift the palms to the ears, press on the area under the cheekbone and smoothly go down with the final movement.
  11. Place your palms under your chin, pressing firmly. Grasping the skin, move the palm to the middle of the ear, press again, smoothly finish with the final movement. If it doesn’t work out with both hands, you can first do it in turn.
  12. Fingers on the nose, thumbs on the chin. With the ribs of the palms, with an effort, draw along the cheeks to the ear, go to the final movement.
  13. Draw zigzag movements on the forehead with effort.
  14. Fingers of both hands on the forehead, press for 3 counts, lightly move the fingers to the temples, the final movement.

deep massage

To keep the muscles in good shape will allow a deep massage of the face from wrinkles. This technique relaxes emotional clamps, the habit of frowning disappears. There is a change in outlook in a positive direction. This is a very radical technique in terms of effects and sensations, the patient may experience severe pain. It is recommended to scream, cry, because along with the physiological, psychological relaxation also occurs. It must be done by an experienced specialist. It consists of three parts:

  • deep study of the chest, since the increased tone of the muscles of the chest is transmitted to the facial muscles and nerves;
  • improvement of venous outflow with the help of lymphatic drainage of the chest, facial zone, head;
  • deep impact on the bones of the skull, muscles and fascia.


This is a cleansing procedure with a lifting effect. For her, you need to use natural, not candied honey, about 1 teaspoon:

  1. It is done on a dry face, no oil is used.
  2. Heat the honey slightly and spread over the face, avoiding the area of ​​the lips and eyes.
  3. Press along the massage lines and then “peel off” the palms from the skin.
  4. Do 10-15 minutes.
  5. Rinse honey with warm water and apply moisturizer.


Before going to bed, a relaxing mimic massage helps a lot. This is a cross between classic massage and gymnastics:

  1. Press the eyebrow, while trying to move the eyebrows - 10 s.
  2. Put your palms on your forehead and press. Raise your eyebrows, holding the skin of your forehead with your hands for 10 s.
  3. With tapping movements, move from the outer corner of the eye along the cheekbone line to the inner one and, conversely, under the eyebrow - 5 times.
  4. Pronounce the letter “O”, rounding your lips - 10 times, press your lips tightly to your teeth for 5 seconds, relax, repeat 5 times.
  5. Repeat the previous exercise, instead of the letter "O", pronounce the letter "U".


Shiatsu acupressure is very popular. It is recommended to perform it in the morning, then the body will receive a charge of vivacity for the whole day. It is carried out by pressing on biologically active points with fingers or special balls that are pressed against the skin and rotated clockwise. The finger is held perpendicular to the skin, the point is pressed for about 7 seconds. Main massage points:

  1. For the eyes: outer and inner corner of the eye, three points at the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrow.
  2. For the forehead: three points located between the beginning of the eyebrow and the hairline on each side, pressing, work out the entire forehead from the center to the temples.
  3. For lips: from the point under the lower lip with pressing movements to move to the points in the corners of the lips. Place the middle finger at the point at the nasolabial fold, index and ring fingers next to the upper lip, press 5-6 times.
  4. Cheeks: points are located on the lower edge of the cheekbones. Press all six points at the same time for 7 seconds.
  5. Face oval: place three fingers on both sides of the chin, press the jaw from below with a large one, press these points for 7 seconds. Gradually moving to the temples, work out the entire lower jaw.


With all the effectiveness and versatility of facial massage for wrinkles, this procedure has contraindications. It cannot be done if there are the following problems:

  • skin diseases of an infectious or allergic nature;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • decreased or increased intracranial pressure;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels, rosacea;
  • any inflammation on the face;
  • moles on the face;
  • diseases of ENT organs;
  • recent cosmetic procedures.


The skin around the eyes is very delicate and thin, so it is more susceptible to negative external factors. It is there that even in their youth, women notice early wrinkles, or, as they are also called, “crow's feet”.

Expensive salon procedures and creams partially solve the problem. They smooth the skin, but the wrinkles still remain noticeable. Massage from wrinkles around the eyes gives the best result, you can do it at home. In order to remove wrinkles under the eyes, it is important to know the technique and a few important rules.

Massaging the skin of the face and the area around the eyes really helps to cope with unwanted wrinkles. If you do it regularly, the dermis will remain firm and elastic for as long as possible.

The benefits of massage

  1. It normalizes metabolic processes at the cellular level, increases blood circulation.
  2. It removes accumulations of harmful substances through the pores.
  3. Stimulates the production of collagen by cells.
  4. Eliminates bruises under the eyes, relieves morning puffiness.
  5. Increases the elasticity of the dermis, as a result, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Useful tips for massage yourself from unexpected wrinkles of delicate skin around the eyes

The technique of massaging the area around the eyes is very simple. However, before proceeding with it, you need to familiarize yourself with some rules and recommendations.

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is imperative to clean the dermis. The remains of cosmetics and the dust that has settled during the day clog pores. When massaged, they become clogged, acne is formed.
  2. Massage from wrinkles in the area around the eyes is necessary only along the massage lines, that is, those areas of the dermis where stretching is noticeably the least.
  3. During the anti-wrinkle massage, be sure to use an oil that is suitable for your skin type. This will reduce the friction of the dermis, relieve irritation.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to massage if the skin has inflamed acne at this time. The technique enhances blood circulation, as a result, the infection "disperses" throughout the face.
  5. At the end of the massage, a contrast shower is desirable, or you can wipe the skin with an ice cube. This will soothe the dermis, narrow the pores. In addition, ice cubes also fight wrinkles.

How to choose oil for massage

For those with oily skin It is better to use jojoba oil. It contributes to the normalization of the sebaceous glands, is characterized by an antibacterial effect. In addition, jojoba oil will perfectly protect the delicate skin around the eyes from aggressive sun exposure.

For dry skin apricot kernel oil is suitable for the face, as it contains a lot of vitamin E. The product will saturate the cells with moisture and prevent the dermis from drying out.

For those with sensitive skin you need to use almond oil. It soothes the dermis, relieves irritation.

Massage technique

How to massage the delicate area around the eyes to combat unwanted wrinkles

  1. The index fingers are located on the temples, it is necessary to slowly make 10 movements in a circle.
  2. Now, with light pressure movements, you need to move starting from the temple towards the nose, touching the skin under the eyes.
  3. The skin under the eyes is slightly pressed down with four fingers, in this position you need to linger for 10-15 seconds, then do the same with the upper part of the eyelid.
  4. The middle finger is located at the outer corner of the eye so that the nail is directed towards the temple. The finger is now rotated so that the nail is facing towards the tip of the nose. The exercise is performed for 10-15 seconds.
  5. With the index finger (pad) it is necessary to “go around” the entire area around the eyes, while slightly pressing down on the dermis. Exercise starts from the inner corner, move counterclockwise. It is necessary to make 5-7 such approaches.
  6. The skin is worked out along the same lines, but now with patting light movements of the fingertips.

Massage around the eyes against wrinkles effectively copes with its task. The dermis will remain elastic and taut, regardless of the woman's age.

"Think you need to spend a lot of money on expensive creams or medical treatments to look young and have a glowing complexion? Not at all! Try to do it regularly facial massage at home and you will see how wrinkles, flabbiness of the skin, nasolabial folds will disappear within a few weeks! "- promises us Patricia Gorovey, author of the best-selling book, the system of rejuvenation," Facial Fitness".

To this question, "How does it work?", Patricia Horovay says, "Facial massage helps to remove accumulated toxins from the tissues, increases blood circulation, which speeds up cell renewal and increases the production of skin-firming collagen."

In the American press, Patricia Gorovey's facial massage is called "The magic massage" - a magic massage for wrinkles.

Wrinkle massage, as a component, is included in the rejuvenating complex "Fitness for the face" by Patricia Gorovey and complements the exercises for training the facial muscles. In addition to classic massage techniques, Patricia Gorovey offers a special pinching massage technique that helps to rejuvenate the skin and restore its elasticity.

We have already seen similar pinch massage techniques in Deborah Crowley's FlexEffect complex rejuvenation system and Louis Annette's Ageless_if_you_Dare.

Wrinkle massage

Anti-wrinkle massage by Patricia Gorovey includes nine basic techniques for working with the face, each of which corrects individual areas of the face. Performed daily or as needed, either alone or with facial toning exercises.

Before starting a facial massage

Before starting work, it is important to wash and thoroughly clean the face, then the dirt and residues of cosmetics will not be driven into the pores of the face. Position yourself in front of a well-lit mirror. Apply enough massage oil for a perfect glide.

How to choose massage oil for the face

The massage is performed with the massage oils most suitable for your skin type. A few recommendations for choosing a massage oil:

Oily skin

Jojoba oil is great for oily skin, as it has antibacterial properties, in addition, it fights age-related or sunburn-acquired skin pigmentation.

Dry skin

For dry skin, apricot kernel oil, which has a high content of skin-nourishing vitamin E, is ideal.

Sensitive facial skin

For sensitive skin, the best choice is sweet almond oil, which soothes irritated skin.

Massage techniques

Smoothing wrinkles on the neck

The movement is performed with the fingers, the back of the hand. Start from below, from the collarbone, then move along the neck and finish under the chin.

Change your hand, repeat such massaging movements for 5-10 minutes.

Neck massage helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, smooth or reduce existing ones. In addition, it tones the skin, relieves puffiness and sagging of the chin.

cheek sculpture

Place the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands at the top of the cheekbones (A).

Place your thumbs directly under your cheekbones (B).

Gently squeeze the trapped apples-cheeks, apply pressure for a count of 3.

How it rejuvenates: Stimulating the skin in this area shapes and tightens the tissues around the cheekbones. Volumetric, tightened "apples-cheeks" give the face a youthful look.

Lower jaw toning

Place your thumbs under your chin and place the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands on your chin (A).

Pressing lightly, in short steps, move your fingers towards the ears. to the ears (B).

When you reach your ears, squeeze the skin fold and hold for a count of 3.

How it rejuvenates: This technique helps tone the jawline, an area where many women experience sagging.

Correction of the overhang of the upper eyelid

Place your fingers on the inner corners of your eyes, above the tear ducts. Place your index and middle fingers above your brows and your thumbs under your brows. Press and then in short steps, pressing, move along the line of the eyebrow until you reach the outer corners of the eyes.

How it rejuvenates: This technique tones and strengthens the muscles above the eyes, helps to prevent and eliminate sagging and drooping of the upper eyelid.

Correction of wrinkles between the eyebrows

Place your index and middle fingers between your eyebrows. Perform small clockwise circles in this area for 25 seconds. Then repeat counterclockwise.

This massage relaxes the muscles between the eyebrows, which helps prevent wrinkles between the eyebrows or erase existing wrinkles. Some people use Botox for this.

We remove wrinkles around the eyes, "crow's feet"

Dip your ring fingers in the oil and place them at the outer corners of your eyes. Making soft pressure, move in a semicircle under the eyes towards the inner corner of the eye, then, along the same line, return to the outer corner.

Then, move in a semicircle under the eyes towards the inner corner of the eye, then, along the same line, return to the outer corner (B).

The next movement, making soft pressure, move in a semicircle under the eyes towards the inner corner of the eye, then, from the inner corner of the eyes, move to smooth circles around the eyes (A).

Complete 10 circles. Finish the exercise by making gentle pressure, moving in a semicircle under the eyes towards the inner corner of the eye, then, along the same line, return to the outer corner.

This massage technique removes excess fluid and increases blood flow, which eliminates puffiness and dark circles under the eyes and relaxes the muscles at the temples, reduces crow's feet.

Mimic wrinkles on the forehead

Place the pads of your index fingers on your forehead, one above the bridge of your nose, the other 2-3 cm above. With gentle pressure, make two semicircles on the forehead (fingers seem to change places). Make similar semicircles, gradually increasing the radius, and then, on the contrary, decreasing it.

Repeat again, expanding the circles until they cover the entire forehead. As soon as the fingers are at the temples, press the fingers a little for 3 counts.

This technique relaxes the muscles of the forehead, helps the skin stay smooth.

We erase the wrinkles of laughter, nasolabial folds

Place both index fingers at the wings of the nose. Press gently for a second, then move your fingers under your cheekbones and up to your ears, as if drawing a "U" on your cheeks.

Stop in front of the ears and press gently. Hold pressure for 3 counts.

Regular performance of this massage technique will help to remove the "wrinkles of laughter" and nasolabial folds.

Ear massage

Gently massage the earlobes with your index finger and thumb. Press gently on the earlobes for 3 seconds, and then slide your fingers along the outer edge of the ears, to the middle of the ears and lightly press, hold the pressure for 3 seconds.

Move your fingers again to the top of the ears and press these points for 3 seconds. Finally, move your fingers back to the middle points and gently pull your ears back, hold for 3 seconds.


Just a few minutes of exercise a day and amazing results await you: healthy, fresh skin and a youthful appearance.

We master the technique, do facial massage at home, smooth out wrinkles and look younger :)))

To tighten the skin of the eyelids and cheeks, resort not to expensive creams, but to an anti-wrinkle massage around the eyes. It is massage from wrinkles under the eyes that affects the deep layers of the epithelium and helps delay the manifestation of the first signs of aging. Beauty salons provide specialized masks, devices, appliances, massage techniques and creams. But massage techniques that have existed since ancient times can be used at home.

The effectiveness of massage techniques

Massage from wrinkles around the eyes affects:

  • cells, accelerates blood;
  • lymph;
  • facial muscles.

As a result, toxins are more actively removed through the skin, collagen is stimulated, the skin is tightened, circles and swelling around the eyes are reduced. Such procedures have many positive aspects - no allergic reactions, no clogging of the skin, self-regulation of the force of impact, high efficiency, does not require specialized equipment and skills. In some types of techniques, not only the epidermis is stimulated, but also the eyeball, which leads to increased vision.

Massage can be used for medical purposes. With it, you can reduce or remove headaches and even stabilize intraocular pressure.

Main contraindications:

The presence of inflammatory elements on the skin (open cuts, ulcers, barley), oncology above the third degree, schizophrenia, infection.

Before proceeding to stimulate the skin, it must be cleaned of dirt and makeup. A suitable oil or cream is applied to the cleansed cover. After massaging, take a contrast shower or wipe the skin with a piece of ice. The latter can be replaced with a circle of fresh cucumber. This procedure is recommended to be done at night, so that during sleep the skin rests and is well saturated with vitamins, oils and creams.

There are massage lines that you need to know. If you do not follow them, then there is a risk not to reduce, but to increase the number of wrinkles. When massaging with fingers, stroking, pressing and patting are performed. Around the eye, where the skin is the thinnest and most sensitive, strong influences are not allowed. The easiest way to remove wrinkles: apply the product with light pats and stroke the skin around the eyes 10 times.

You should not buy expensive massage machines for your home. As an auxiliary equipment, use cold spoons, which wonderfully cope with swelling of the skin.

The selected cosmetic product is applied to spoons. Spoons are applied to the lower eyelid to the inner corners of the eyes. Zigzag spoons lead to the temples, press the temples three times, bring the spoons to the ears. These movements must be repeated three times.

There are many well-known massage techniques, among them:

  • lymphatic drainage;
  • according to Kurbatov;
  • qigong system;
  • Tibetan technique.

Methodology according to Kurbatov

The Kurbatov technique helps not only in the fight against aging, but also with myopia. Massage according to this technique is rhythmic, includes a couple of exercises, but the effect will be higher with the use of medications.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage for wrinkles under the eyes in beauty salons is carried out, including with the help of equipment, and this should be done by a specialist. But the technique itself can be tested at home. Its peculiarity is that it tightens the skin of the face, relieves puffiness, smoothes wrinkles. The effectiveness is such that in just 10 sessions there will be no trace of bags and swelling of the eyes and skin. For this:

  1. At the temples, grabbing the areas nearby, make 10 circles clockwise with the pads of the middle and index fingers.
  2. Pulsating movements (pressing and releasing) from the temples should be followed towards the nose along the bone under the lower eyelid. This must be done three times. Fingers are moved along the bone up - to the eyebrow area. Along the lower edge of the eyebrows from the nose to the temple, the massage is continued with pulsating pressure.
  3. For a few seconds, with light pressure, the lower eyelid is fixed, and then the upper one.
  4. With your fingertips, pat on the lower eyelid from the temples to the nose, and on the upper eyelid from the outer corner to the temple.
  5. The finger is placed on the outer corner of the lower eyelid, depicting a swinging boat from it, leading to the inner corner. From above we do the same movements, but towards the temple. First you need to do five times the “boat” from below, and then from above.
  6. In the corner of the eye, near the end of the eyebrows, we do 10 pressures with the middle finger and move the “boat” along the lower eyelid to the corner near the nose. Press on the area of ​​​​the inner corner 10 times and move your finger “boat” to the outer corner. You need to make 10 such circles.
  7. From the inner corner along the eyebrow with stroking fingertips go to the temples, and from the temporal region along the cheekbones to the nose.
  8. Along the same lines, pat your fingers around the eyes.

Qigong massage

The most common system of massage techniques for the eyes is Qigong. It is closely related to spiritual practices, therefore, it should be treated accordingly.

Before starting, you need to calm down and even out your breathing.


  • close the eyelids and make eighteen circular movements with the eyes clockwise, and then against;
  • look behind closed eyelids in different directions - eighteen times;
  • look up and down under the eyelids 18 times;
  • at a distance of half a meter, place either a finger or a pencil. Focus on it, and then look sharply into the distance. Bring your attention back to the subject in front of you. Repeat 36 times;
  • put the index and middle fingers on the closed upper eyelids and lightly press eight times.

Tibetan massage technique

This massage combines the use of circles with pressure: pressure is applied to the upper eyelids, and the lower ones are simply stroked. Many exercises are consonant with the Qigong system. First they relax, then they relieve tension: they close their eyes tightly, and then they open them sharply, this should be done within one minute.

Tibetan exercises:

  1. Cover your eyelids, put your fingers on top and press a little;
  2. Massage around the eyes 10-15 times;
  3. Blink for half a minute;
  4. Close the eyelids, put a finger on them and try to lift the eyelids without removing the fingers. Repeat 10-15 times;
  5. Play ten times with the object to zoom in and out (for more details, see the subsection above);
  6. In front of the bridge of the nose, bring your fingers together, focus on them. Spread your arms out to the sides, watching them. If you can no longer follow them with your eyes, then it is considered that the exercise is over.

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