Premature wrinkles: how to prevent their appearance on the face. Ways to eliminate wrinkles. Anti-wrinkle masks

Wrinkles on the face are the first sign of skin aging. They appear as small folds (grooves) in the skin that tend to deepen.

Wrinkles most often form where there are voids in the dermis. These voids are formed due to a decrease in the amount of water and collagen fibers in the skin. Wrinkles always indicate thinning of tissues and weakening of skin tone. The main reasons for this are ultraviolet radiation and the physiological process of aging.

There are several types of aging of the face and neck:

  • "tired face"- Decreased elasticity of skin cells
  • « wrinkled face"- characterizes early stage skin aging (up to 30 years)
  • "deformed face"- the presence of a double chin, a fat fold on the neck and (or) excess skin in the lower eyelids (sagging cheeks,)
  • "combined"- the natural aging process of the skin
  • "muscular"- aging of the skin, in which the facial muscles become visible (typical for the Mongoloid type of face)

Causes of wrinkles

The premature appearance of wrinkles on the face, as a rule, is justified by the genetic predisposition of cells that cause a violation of the functionality of the endocrine glands.

Causes of wrinkles on the face:

  • Sudden change in weight (weight loss or overweight)
  • Overwork, lack of sleep, missing teeth
  • Improper application or removal of makeup
  • The use of low-quality facial cosmetics containing whitening and exfoliating components
  • Weakened facial muscles

Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubrication, becomes . Drinking too little water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in the skin cells is distributed unevenly.

The human body ages unevenly. Thus, the processes of skin aging can outpace senile changes in internal organs and vice versa. The appearance of wrinkles is affected by the state of all systems, especially nervous, endocrine, digestive.

Also important is emotional condition person. Optimism and good mood have a positive effect on the blood circulation of cells, negative emotions- cause spasms of blood vessels, worsen the condition of the skin.

Timing of wrinkles

Age-related changes in the skin on the face lead to a weakening of muscle tissue. The first on the face can also appear in the period from 10 to 20 years. They occur more often in people with an overly mobile face.

The habit of frowning eyebrows, wrinkling the nose leads to the fact that small vertical or horizontal wrinkles. The wrinkles on the forehead become visible first. IN 15-20 years, small wrinkles appear in the outer corners of the eyes in the form of crow's feet, that extend to the temporal regions.

IMPORTANT: There are several ways to deal with deep forehead wrinkles. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, put a strip on the middle of your forehead. thin paper, impregnated nourishing creams. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

Closer to 30 years old longitudinal wrinkles in the area of ​​the upper eyelids become noticeable. They are most noticeable in those who are used to squinting their eyes, or in nearsighted people who do not wear glasses.

At 25-30 years old, wrinkles form in the area "dimples" on the cheeks. At the age of 35-40 these wrinkles deepen and become longer. This leads to their connection under the chin. After 30 years become more noticeable and nasolabial wrinkles, as well as the folds of "sorrow". Deepening the folds of grief can be avoided if, if possible, the jaws are unclenched.
Closer to 40 years becomes wrinkled skin around the mouth and at the base of the nose. During this period, wrinkles appear on the neck. Their appearance is most often caused wrong position head while sleeping or reading books in bed. Wanting to hide wrinkles on the neck, some wear scarves, scarves, clothes with high collars. This restricts the blood circulation of cells, makes it difficult for them to feed and leads to premature aging of the skin.

In order to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, it is recommended to cleanse the skin in this area daily and rub it with a terry towel. Do gymnastics and neck massage more often.

Prevention of wrinkles on the face and neck

Wrinkle prevention should start at age 30 years or at the first signs of skin aging.

Preventive measures against facial wrinkles include:

  • Watch facial expressions. Try to make as few faces as possible
  • With increased sebum secretion daily wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in salt water(1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water). Periodically apply nourishing and moisturizing masks on your face - this will keep your skin in good shape
  • Outdoors, some people automatically squint their eyes against the wind or the sun. This leads to the formation of unnecessary wrinkles. To wean yourself from this habit, carry a mirror with you and periodically check yourself
  • 2-4 times a day in front of a mirror, perform muscle relaxation exercises. This exercise helps to control facial expressions.

The result after exercise is noticeable after 2-3 weeks. During this period, you can not only get rid of addiction, but also reduce the size of folds (wrinkles).
There are several ways to deal with. For example, before watching TV, reading or cleaning, place a strip of thin paper soaked in nourishing cream in the middle of your forehead. Secure it with a bandage, after smoothing out the wrinkles on the forehead. At first, it is enough to use such a bandage for 15-20 minutes, gradually increasing the interval.

IMPORTANT: Over the years, facial skin loses some of its fatty lubrication and becomes dry. Drinking too little water can cause dehydration and rapid aging. Improper or inadequate nutrition leads to the fact that fat in the skin cells is distributed unevenly.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a day until you have the feeling that the wrinkles on the forehead have disappeared. Women over 35 after a paper bandage are recommended to use on the forehead - this will speed up the result. Prevention of wrinkles with a paraffin dressing should be repeated 1-2 times a year, with deep folds - up to 3 times.

Wrinkles are a sign of osteoporosis (scientists' research)

Scientists from Yale University in the USA have found that deep wrinkles on the surface of a woman's face can indicate not only the achievement of old age, but also bone fragility.

The appearance of wrinkles that become deeper every year is in itself one of the unpleasant phenomena in the life of every mature person. In addition, according to American scientists, wrinkled skin in mature women may be a symptom of osteoporosis.

This age feature can significantly increase the risk of various bone injuries, including bone fractures, which are difficult to treat. US researchers believe that the strength of human bones is correlated with the depth of wrinkles on the face.

Scientists conducted a study involving 114 women aged 50 who have recently gone through menopause. During the study, women who underwent injections and other skin correction products were excluded from it; for the remaining subjects, scientists developed a system for assessing the depth of wrinkles on an 11-point scale. The study took into account wrinkles on the face and neck. Among other things, scientists studied the bone density of the study participants using x-rays.

It was found that the owners of the most deep wrinkles have very fragile bones. This is not just due to the increase in wrinkles over the years, because in older people the bones are most vulnerable, and the study involved women of about the same age. This allows us to exclude the influence of the age factor in this matter.

Research allows medical professionals correctly assess the degree of bone fragility in patients without using rather expensive tests for this purpose.

The Best Ways to Fight Wrinkles (Internet Reviews)

Women on internet forums have a lot actionable advice how to deal with wrinkles on the face and neck. Wrinkles on the neck generally appear quite often, and experienced women say that this is due to insufficient neck care. It must also be lubricated with creams and massaged, like a face. In more late age helps a lot lifting and biorestructuring. To strengthen the neck is useful to do exercises and body wraps with olive oil.

In general, women note that it is very important for the skin hydration, even in young age- It helps prevent wrinkles and get rid of them faster. So almost everyone recommends moisturizing creams. It is better to choose creams by age - forum users note that this is how they help the best. Also, women are advised to sunbathe less with age.

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Wrinkles and their types. Causes early appearance wrinkles. How do wrinkles form and how to get rid of them?

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Everyone wants to keep youth as long as possible, but the years take their toll, leaving imprints not only on health, but also on the face in the form of wrinkles. From time immemorial, people have been in search of the "elixir of youth", which they did not invent, no matter how sophisticated they were, but, unfortunately, the code eternal youth remains encrypted in our "progressive" times.

There is a lot in history failed attempts inventions of means of eternal beauty, youth and immortality. So, they still use the recipes of Cleopatra, who all her life tried to be the ideal of beauty and the dream of any man. These are all kinds of masks, creams, baths, cosmetics, in which vegetable and animal components were used, but masks from the sperm of young men and donkey milk baths are especially famous. Some believed that young blood prolongs youth by sacrificing other people's lives. And the alchemists of the Middle Ages put their whole lives on the invention of the "philosopher's stone" or "stone of immortality." At that time, other especially advanced ones were rejuvenated by sex with the young, so to speak, warmed up and dispersed the blood. And everyone was sure that a person should live at least 150 years or more.

In the middle of the 20th century, scientists went far and transplanted the sex glands from monkeys to people, expecting that animal hormones would rejuvenate them, but this did not allow them to avoid old age, moreover, some scientists associate the spread of HIV among mankind with this fact.

In our time, this problem is trying to be solved on the molecular and genetic level, believe that the future in eternal youth belongs to stem cells, but this theory has not been confirmed either, from their use at the moment there is more risk to life and health than effect rejuvenation.

The most effective way to prolong youth and in our times is considered a healthy lifestyle and nutrition, proper care for skin and psychological balance. And many more should just accept their old age with dignity, each person is beautiful at any age in his own way. The main thing is not to stop taking care of yourself. And it is important to remember that appearance is a mirror image inner world person.

But while global searches have not yielded results, people are prolonging their youth. various methods fight against wrinkles- skin manifestations of old age. There were even whole specialties - aesthetic medicine, cosmetology, plastic surgery .

Causes of wrinkles

Naturally, the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles is age, that is, the physiological process of skin aging. But there are a fairly large number of external and internal factors that adversely affect the skin and lead to a more rapid appearance of wrinkles. Many people notice that in some people wrinkles become noticeable only by the age of 50-60, while in others wrinkles appear on the face after 20.
The main causes of the early appearance of wrinkles:

1. Lifestyle:

  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • stress, lack of sleep, chronic fatigue;
  • rare walks in the fresh air and a sedentary lifestyle;
  • sudden weight loss or gain, etc.
2. Tension of the muscles of the face responsible for facial expressions:
  • the habit of wrinkling the forehead, squinting and "grimacing";
  • frequent smiles and laughter;
  • professional loads of announcers, actors, singers, musicians playing wind instruments.
3. State environment:
  • dustiness;
  • dry air;
  • frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun, including in a solarium;
  • frosty and windy weather.
4. Wrong nutrition:
  • the use of a large amount of meat, flour products, salt and sugar;
  • the habit of drinking little purified water;
  • irregular and unbalanced diet with insufficient content of vitamins and microelements;
  • eating "junk food": smoked meats, food preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers and much more.
5. Individual characteristics:
  • dry skin of the face;
  • oily skin;
  • poor skin elasticity and genetic predisposition to early formation of wrinkles (heredity).
6. Wrong skin care:
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, both decorative and caring;
  • round-the-clock use of decorative cosmetics;
  • insufficient cleaning of the skin and so on.
7. Some diseases:
  • atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis);
  • furunculosis, acne and other inflammatory diseases of the skin of the face;
  • deficient conditions of the body (lack of protein, calcium, vitamins and trace elements, dehydration, lack of oxygen), including HIV and cancer;
  • diseases accompanied by edema in the face and eyelids;
  • hormonal disorders (early menopause, removal of the ovaries, imbalance of thyroid hormones, adrenal glands and others);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system that disrupt the blood circulation of muscles and skin.

Wrinkle diagnostics: causes of wrinkles on the forehead, on the neck, around the eyes, in the corners of the mouth, on the earlobe - video

How does skin aging and wrinkles occur?

With age and under the influence of negative factors in the skin and in the subcutaneous fat layer, various changes which lead to flabbiness of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. The first changes appear already by the age of 25. The trigger mechanism of skin aging is a violation of blood circulation and nutrition of the skin itself, the subcutaneous fat layer and muscles.

In order to understand how the skin ages, you need to understand how it works.

Skin structure

The skin is an organ with a huge area. Its main function is a protective function for the whole organism from the effects of the environment and infections. The skin is also involved in the exchange of heat and water.

The skin often displays many health problems, against the background of various diseases, it can change color, moisture, oiliness, elasticity, and rashes on it are a vivid symptom of many ailments. Therefore, healthy skin can only be in a healthy person.

The skin is made up of three layers:

  • epidermis covered with a water-fat layer;
  • dermis;
  • subcutaneous fat.
The condition of each of these layers is reflected in the appearance of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Picture 1. Schematic representation of the structure of the skin of the face and around the eyes.

Water-fat layer is the result of the production of sebaceous and sweat glands located in the dermis. It is this layer that is responsible for the moisture content of the skin. But, in addition to the cosmetic effect, the water-fat layer protects the skin from various factors and infections. His normal condition delays the appearance of wrinkles.

Epidermis consists of 5 layers of cells. The lowest layer (basal) consists of basal keratinocytes. These cells form other layers of the epidermis up to the outer stratum corneum. Horn cells are inherently dead, contain keratin in themselves, and gradually exfoliate, this is how the skin is renewed. Also in the epidermis are melanocyte cells that form melanin. This pigment is responsible for skin color, including racial, the presence of age spots and moles, and under the influence of ultraviolet light, it colors the skin in dark color- Tan .

Figure 2. Schematic representation of the layers of the epidermis.

The main function of the epidermis is to protect against dehydration of the skin, as well as from the action of various factors. In addition, the epidermis contains immune cells that protect the skin from infections.

Dermis- this is actually the skin. It is from the state of the dermis that the firmness and elasticity of the skin largely depends. At its core, it is a connective tissue that forms an elastic and elastic frame of the skin, which consists of:

  • collagen;
  • elastin;
  • protein glycan (hyaluronic acid).
All these substances are formed by special fibroblast cells. The greater their number and better quality– more elastic skin.

Hyaluronic acid is able to retain moisture in the skin in the form of such a gel, which makes it even and elastic. Also, this substance prevents the effects of various toxic substances on the skin.

In addition, the dermis contains blood and lymphatic vessels, nerve endings, sebaceous and sweat glands. The rate of wrinkle formation also depends on the condition of these structures.

Subcutaneous fat is made up of fat and connective tissue. For each person, the development of this layer differs depending on the "fatness". There are also many vessels and nerves in the subcutaneous fat layer.

Features of the structure of the skin of the eyelids, around the eyes and lips:

  • the skin around the eyes is very thin, four times thinner than the skin of the face;
  • thinner water-fat layer due to fewer sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • the dermis contains less collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid;
  • the subcutaneous fat layer is absent or practically not developed;
  • increased supply of blood vessels and nerve endings.
All this makes the skin around the eyes and lips more vulnerable and requiring special attention, because the first wrinkles appear in this area.

Skin types

Cosmetologists distinguish four types of facial skin. The gradation was based on the state of the sebaceous and sweat glands, that is, the moisture and oiliness of the skin.

Facial skin types:

  • normal skin- looks good, is not very sensitive to the action of environmental factors, is the least susceptible to the formation of wrinkles.
  • Dry skin is usually delicate, with almost no visible pores. But such skin is prone to more rapid irritation and early wrinkling (with improper care).
  • Oily skin- usually shines, capillaries are translucent, pores are enlarged. It often forms acne and pustules. But on the other hand, such skin is less vulnerable to the action of various irritants and later forms wrinkles.
  • Combination skin- the most problematic. The forehead, nose, lips, and chin are usually oily, while the rest of the face is normal or dry.
The selection of caring, rejuvenating and decorative cosmetics depends on the type of skin.

How are wrinkles formed?

1. Under the influence various reasons early aging or age poor nutrition and circulation dermis and subcutaneous fat, as well as mimic muscles.
2. in the epidermis fewer basal keratocytes are formed and the number of dead horny cells increases, their normal exfoliation is disturbed, the skin becomes rough and flaky, rougher. Also the number of melanocytes decreases, the skin becomes dull. As a result of this, there is a violation of the discharge of sebum, all metabolic processes in the skin worsen.
3. The work of the sebaceous and sweat glands is disrupted, the water-fat layer becomes thinner, the skin becomes dry, it becomes dehydrated.
4. Fibroblast renewal slows down, as a result - less collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are formed, the connective tissue loses its original structure. The skin loses its elasticity and easily wrinkles, forming furrows and folds - wrinkles.
5. Decrease in the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin leads to dehydration. The negative effect of various toxins on the skin also increases, which exacerbates all the processes of wrinkle formation.
6. Thick or thin subcutaneous fat layer also affects the formation of wrinkles. So, with its deficiency, the elasticity of the entire skin decreases, and with its excess, all metabolic processes of the skin are disturbed, and its withering occurs.

As a result, the skin gradually becomes wrinkled, flabby, dull and dry.

Another important role in the development of wrinkles is played by the state of facial muscles, with their overexcitation and flabbiness, mimic folds and various sagging of the skin develop.

Types and types of wrinkles on the face

According to the severity of wrinkles are:
1. Surface- changes occur to a greater extent in the epidermis. Such wrinkles are often found on their faces by young girls and women. The main reason for the appearance of shallow wrinkles is dry skin and facial muscle tension (mimic wrinkles).
2. Deep- changes occur in the dermis and subcutaneous fat, skin elasticity is lost, it becomes flabby, sagging of stretched skin appears. These are usually age-related wrinkles and, unfortunately, they are practically not amenable to smoothing out with conventional cosmetic procedures.

Also, according to the severity of wrinkles, they can be divided into dynamic And static. The first ones are not visible in a calm state, they are noticeable only when the facial muscles are strained. The second ones cannot be hidden behind a mask of calmness.

Types of wrinkles due to their occurrence:
1. Mimic- occurs when the muscles of the face are tense.
2. Gravitational- the result of sagging skin due to its poor firmness and elasticity.
3. Age– wrinkles associated with aging usually cover the entire surface of the face.

Types of wrinkles depending on localization
Each person is individual, like his wrinkles, which is explained by genetic characteristics and different habits. Among the people, the appearance of certain types of wrinkles is associated both with the character and with the hardships of the life lived.

Type of wrinkles The main reasons for their appearance What do wrinkles look like (photo)?
Frontal or "anxious" wrinklesThe habit of squinting the forehead (facial muscles)Horizontal furrows on the forehead
Interbrow or "proud" or "angry" wrinklesThe habit of moving eyebrows (facial muscles)Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows and on the bridge of the nose
Wrinkles around the eyes:
  • "crow's feet"
  • eyelid folds
All Factors Contributing to Early Wrinkle Formation and Age
Wrinkles along the tear troughLifestyle, various diseases and insufficient skin careOblique furrows forming bags under the eyes.
Nasolabial folds or "sad wrinkles"sagging skinCreases from the nostrils to the corners of the lips.
Wrinkles around the lips and on the chin:
  • "purse-string wrinkles"
  • "puppet wrinkles"
  • furrows on the chin
"Purse-string wrinkles" - small vertical folds above and below the lips, as well as on the lips themselves.
"Puppets" - oblique wrinkles from the corners of the mouth to the chin.
Cheek wrinklesTo a greater extent age-related changes Each person differs.
Neck wrinkles or "rings of Venus"Aging and sagging skinHorizontal folds, saggy skin.

How to get rid of wrinkles?

You can cope with the first wrinkles on your own by changing your lifestyle and properly caring for your skin. They will come to the rescue various masks home cooking or herbal anti-wrinkle products with innovative ingredients.

If simple methods do not help, you will need the help of a cosmetologist who will tell you how to effectively smooth the skin of the face, prescribe the necessary procedures, including physiotherapy. Surgeons can be contacted when masks and hardware procedures do not help, they can offer injections, laser therapy and, as a radical option, plastic surgery.

Simple rules that must be observed in the fight against wrinkles and to prevent their development:

  • Give up bad habits, smoking and alcohol have a particularly negative effect on the appearance of the face.
  • Get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air.
  • Drink enough fluids, focusing on purified and mineral water.
  • Do not be nervous about and without it.
  • Do not be zealous with a tan, luxurious folds on the face will inevitably add to the luxurious color. It is necessary to use sunscreen, it is also better not to appear in the cold without special preparation.
  • Properly cleanse and moisturize your facial skin according to the features and type of your skin.
  • Proper nutrition is the key to health and beauty, eat more vegetable, vitamin-rich foods, do not forget about vegetable fats in moderation and dairy products.
  • Regular intake of vitamins A and E (Aevit) will help maintain youthful skin from the inside.
  • Less grimace, better strain your facial muscles the right exercises and charging.
  • You need to lose weight gradually, a sharp loss of body weight leads to sagging skin not only at the waist, but also on the face. Yes, and extra pounds also do not refresh the complexion.

A unique combination of four active molecules (peptides).
This cream is designed to prolong and enhance the effect of Botox or collagen injections, as well as for independent use in case of contraindications to these injections or unwillingness to use Botox.
Biotopix relieves skin tension, optimizes its structure, softens the skin, stimulates the formation of collagen, gives a natural rejuvenation result, reduces and smoothes mimic and age wrinkles.

Skin care and wrinkle-free skin

It is necessary to resort to the fight against facial skin aging even in youth, and it is necessary to approach this comprehensively and correctly, and most importantly, all our efforts must be regular, because the effect will be only from daily efforts on ourselves. Proper facial care will allow you to cope not only with wrinkles that have already appeared on your face, but also prevent the development of new wrinkles and postpone old age until later.

Anti-aging complex for facial skin care

1. Facial cleansing is a must for healthy skin. During the day, the skin of the face is always polluted with dust, harmful substances from the environment, sweat and sebum. Make-up is also such pollution. All this clogs pores, impairs metabolic processes and slows down the recovery of the epidermis, and as a result, the skin fades, becomes inflamed and becomes wrinkled. Below are simple recommendations facial cleansing:

  • Going to bed with makeup is a crime against the skin of the face.
  • All manipulations on the face should be neat and gentle, strong rubbing, stretching and rubbing of the skin injure it, leading to faster appearance of wrinkles.
  • You can clean the skin with water and soap (cosmetic or baby), but it is better to use special cleansers or make-up removers for this. These funds are applied to cotton pads, which wipe the face.
  • Dry skin should be cleansed with moisturizers, such as milk, and oily skin with lotions and fruit extracts, and in the presence of acne, salicylic acid will help. But problematic sensitive skin is suitable for ordinary vegetable oil, for example, olive, as well as decoctions of chamomile or calendula. Also for sensitive skin micellar water is suitable, which contains unique water crystals - micelles. Micelles are able to remove grease, makeup and dust, do not contain fragrances and other irritating substances.
  • Many face masks also cleanse the skin, such as masks with fruit, cucumber, clay, aloe, and others. This is ideal for sensitive skin. Cleansing masks are recommended 1-2 times a week.
2. Peeling or removal of the top layer of the epithelium. This is necessary to accelerate the recovery of the epidermis, as well as to improve the penetration of nutrients and moisturizers. This procedure well rejuvenates and smoothes superficial wrinkles. It is important to know that peeling is not carried out in the areas around the eyes and lips, in the presence of inflammatory and allergic reactions on the skin, as well as before going out into the sun or frost.

Types of peeling:

  • Scrub: special cosmetic product, coffee grounds, salt, oat flour, semolina and everything that comes to hand.
  • Washcloth - a special soft washcloth is needed for the face, and when using it, rough movements should not be made.
  • Acids and enzymes - fruit acids, salicylic, retinoic acid, honey and more.
  • Procedures in beauty salons: peeling with a laser, acids, enzymes. Such procedures are especially indicated in the presence of pigmentation.
Peeling with a scrub or washcloth can be done 1-2 times a week. More deep peeling usually recommend 2 to 6 times a year (depending on the method and individual characteristics).

3. Moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the face. Almost any type of cleansing damages the upper water-fat layer of the epidermis or the protection of our skin, so it is advisable to moisturize the skin after it. To do this, use a moisturizing and nourishing cream or mask. When choosing these products, you need to take into account the peculiarity of your skin and the presence of a particular problem. The mask differs from a nourishing cream in that it is able to nourish the skin very quickly and effectively, as if pushing out wrinkles, giving a visible result. This procedure must be carried out every few days or courses. The cream has a cumulative effect and is necessary for daily use. If we compare these funds with each other, then the mask is more effective tool than a cream, and their use in combination gives the same desired result. It is also important to use separate special skin care products around the eyes and lips.

4. Makeup decorative cosmetics- an integral part of self-care for most of the fair sex. But its improper use leads to faster withering and aging of the skin.

Requirements for decorative cosmetics:

  • Cosmetics should be of high quality and as natural as possible, not cause allergic reactions and have good term validity.
  • Should not clog skin pores. Applied thin layer- a thick layer of makeup does not paint anyone.
  • Before applying makeup, the skin must be cleansed and moisturized.
  • Make up should only be applied with clean sponges and brushes.
  • It is necessary to remove makeup in a timely manner.
Of course, there is a lot of work on oneself, but beauty and youth require sacrifice. If you take care of yourself daily, the result will not keep you waiting.

How to hide wrinkles with makeup?

1. Mandatory hydration before applying decorative cosmetics - these can be masks, creams, serums, gels and other products. It is important that the moisturizer is completely absorbed, the excess can be blotted with a clean cloth.

2. Correct tinting agents: for wrinkles, creams with a silky texture are needed, which will additionally moisturize the skin. It is undesirable to use tonal foundations with a greasy and dense consistency. The color of the tinting agent is also important, it should not be lighter shade your skin.

3. Correct application of foundation:

  • the foundation is applied from the center of the face to the periphery (along the massage lines), while light tapping and stroking movements are needed with the fingers, and the “tonal” can also be applied with a sponge and brushes;
  • avoid applying foundation to deep skin folds;
  • using a clean sponge, remove the product from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwrinkles;
  • the powder should be compact, it is better to apply it with a brush over the cream in the forehead, nose and chin;
  • in the area under the eyes it is better not to use powder, only cream will do.
4. Use concealer. Wrinkle folds are tinted with a special corrector - concealer, it has a water base, is easily absorbed, its color is selected one tone two lighter than the main tone. They can also mask bruises and bags under the eyes. The concealer is applied with a thin brush and only on limited areas of the skin, in the form of small strokes.

5. Correction of wrinkles in the eye area:
  • do not apply mascara and eyeliner in the lower eyelid area, it is worth emphasizing only the upper eyelids;
  • on the mucous contour of the lower eyelid, you can apply a light-colored pencil, from white to beige - this will give the look a clear look;
  • you should not use too dark, bright and mother-of-pearl shadows - this will emphasize every wrinkle, matte bed-colored shadows one or two shades darker than the skin are better suited.

6. Correction of wrinkles in the lip area:
  • deep wrinkles around the lips can be hidden with a concealer;
  • matte and dark lipsticks emphasize wrinkles, better fit lip gloss, and if you apply a lighter tone of lipstick in the central part of the lips, this will visually add volume to them;
  • it is important that lipstick or lip gloss does not smudge, in which case cosmetics like concealer will fill in each wrinkle and color it.

water for wrinkles

Water is the main component of our body. And the more it is in the skin, the more elastic and beautiful it looks. Many studies have shown that people who drink more than 2 liters of purified water per day, wrinkles appear much later. It has also been proven that good drinking regimen It will help smooth out existing fine mimic wrinkles. So there is no way without water, the main thing is that it be clean, table mineral and non-carbonated. It is also important to remember that water should be drunk between meals, half an hour before and half an hour after meals.

But besides the water we drink, the water we wash ourselves with is very important. It should also be purified, preferably mineral, free from chlorine and at a temperature that is pleasant for the skin.

Facial massage for wrinkles

Facial massage is good way relax after a hard day and a good anti-aging agent. It can be done in beauty salons for a certain amount or absolutely free, on your own, at home. There is nothing difficult in this, and the procedure does not take much time. It is important to know the basic rules and principles, but it is better to learn a few movements that professionals recommend.

What are the benefits of facial massage?

  • First of all, massage is an improvement in blood circulation and microcirculation of the skin. Due to the "acceleration of blood" all useful nutrients approach it, metabolic processes are accelerated, which improves the production of its own collagen and elastin - the frame elastic skin. In addition, good blood circulation will give a healthy complexion and blush.
  • Any massage affects the muscles. First they tone up, then relax. This not only models good contours and oval of the face, but will also become a chic prevention of the formation of mimic wrinkles and various sagging skin. The massage also improves skin tone.
  • Drainage of veins and lymphatic vessels improves, swelling and bags under the eyes can be dealt with.
  • Also, massage will affect the processes of regeneration (recovery) of the epidermis, the skin is renewed and rejuvenated.
  • Massage also has a positive effect on the sebaceous glands, normalizes their work, which prevents the development of acne and acne in oily skin types.

When should you not have a facial massage?

  • There are any inflammatory diseases of the skin, after a massage, the infection can spread throughout the face and even into the blood.
  • Herpetic eruptions appeared.
  • Wounds and abrasions on the face, injuries of the facial bones, nose.
  • The presence of warts, nevi and large moles unless they have been examined by a dermatologist. Such formations are prone to malignancy, and any oncological pathology does not tolerate physical and mechanical irritation.
  • Blood diseasesassociated with a violation of its coagulability - massage can lead to the development of bruises and large hematomas.
  • High blood pressure .
  • Couperosis - dilated blood vessels under the skin of the face.
If there are no such contraindications or they have been eliminated, then massage can be done safely, at any age and daily.

How to do massage for wrinkles at home?

1. Before the massage, it is better to warm the muscles with a warm compress.

2. It is important that the hands of the massage therapist are thoroughly washed, do not have any open wounds, long nails, decorations. It is also important to hide the hair under a hat or scarf. This will prevent infection and injury to the delicate skin of the face.

3. For easy sliding of hands and prevention of unwanted stretching of the skin, it is necessary to use special cosmetics:

  • facial massage oil;
  • olive oil;
  • a mixture of your favorite vegetable and essential oils that suit your skin type will further saturate it and have a rejuvenating effect;
  • cosmetic cream;
  • make-up remover milk
4. Accept comfortable position in front of a mirror, sitting or standing, the main thing is to align your back.

5. It is important to do the massage correctly, if the rules are violated, the skin condition may worsen. To do this, you need to know the massage lines and move strictly along them. Facial massage lines:

  • on the neck from the chin to the middle of the collarbones, avoiding the area above the thyroid gland;
  • the central point of the chin is the earlobes;
  • median fossa under the lower lip - earlobes and above;
  • median fossa above the upper lip - the central zones of the temples;
  • the corners of the lips are the tragus of the ears;
  • from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose;
  • from the center of the nose to the side, to the cheekbones and ears;
  • a point above the bridge of the nose along the brow arches to the temples and up to the scalp;
  • along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the inner;
  • By upper eyelid from the inner corner to the outer.
6. Basic finger movement techniques for facial massage:
  • stroking with fingertips;
  • rubbing with fingertips in a spiral motion;
  • pinching of facial muscles;
  • short patting and tapping with fingertips;
  • vibrational movements with the whole palm.
It is advisable to use these massage techniques alternately, replacing each other throughout the face, or one of the methods for certain areas of the face. So, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyes, only small tapping with fingertips is necessary.

To achieve the desired results, facial massage should be carried out daily for 15-20 minutes, or periodic courses of 7-10 procedures.

Except classic massage face, there are many unique massage techniques, the most popular is the Japanese method of facial massage Asahi (Zogan).

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Zogan (Asahi)

This method was improved and proposed by the Japanese beauty industry specialist Yukuko Tanaka.

The main positive effect of this massage is lymphatic drainage. With improved drainage of the lymphatic vessels, the skin quickly gets rid of harmful substances and excess fluid, the processes of metabolism and rejuvenation are launched.

Zogan massage also involves a deep study of facial muscles, which well models the contours of the face and prevents the development of facial muscles.

According to Yukuko, such a massage awakens positive energy muscles and skin, revitalizes the face and preserves youth for many years. And many more argue that regular Zogan massage can even replace facial plastic surgery.

To independently conduct such a massage, you need to clearly know where the lymph nodes are located in the face.

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the lymph nodes of the face.

Rejuvenating Japanese lymphatic drainage massage Asahi (Zogan) for wrinkles - video

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face and eyes from wrinkles

Everyone knows that a beautiful toned figure with beautiful contours and reliefs of the body is possible only with regular sports. The condition and youthfulness of the face also directly depends on the state of facial muscles, and they also need exercise. Our facial muscles during the day move more than others, we talk, express emotions, eat, they often overstrain, mimic wrinkles appear. The muscles of the face need to be trained and kept in proper tone; special exercises have been developed for them.

How to do face exercises from wrinkles?

  • Before charging, the skin of the face must be cleaned and thoroughly moisturized with your favorite cosmetic product;
  • sit comfortably, with a straight back, in front of a mirror;
  • make a light massage of the skin of the face and scalp;
  • breathe deeply;
  • start exercising.
Exercises to smooth wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose:

1. Fix the area above the eyebrows with your fingers, pulling it down a little, in contrast to this, use the muscles to try to raise the eyebrows as much higher, stay in this position for 5-10 seconds, repeat the exercises 10 times.
2. Press the area in the center of the forehead with your fingers, lifting it up, and the eyebrows - on the contrary, try to lower it as much as possible and stay in this position for 5 seconds, repeat this exercise at least 10 times.
3. Place your palms on the upper frontal region, close your eyelids and start circular movements with your eyeballs, first clockwise 10 times, then 10 times in the opposite direction.
4. Use your index fingers to press the area between the eyebrows, while trying to move the eyebrows to each other as much as possible, and with your fingers it is easy to stretch the skin as opposed to movement.

Exercises to smooth wrinkles around the eyes:

1. With your fingers, slightly pull the outer corners of the eyes to the side, lower the eyelids and make circular movements with the eyeballs, first in one direction, then in the other, so 10 times.
2. Feel for the bone in the area of ​​the outer corners of the eyes, in this place with your fingers slightly pull the skin down and fix it. Open your eyes wide and look as high as possible, so linger for 5 seconds, repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

Cheek exercises:

1. Take air into your mouth, inflate your cheeks, while pressing lightly on them with your palms, linger for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
2. We inflate our cheeks and try to move air from one half of the mouth to the other.

Lip exercises:

1. Twist your lips into a tube and stretch them forward like a proboscis. Relax. Repeat this 10 times.
2. Round the lips and in this position, pull them forward as much as possible, so linger, and repeat.
3. Move the lower jaw to the right and left, 10 times in each direction.
4. Slowly and gently open your mouth to the maximum (yawn), so 10 times.
5. Raise the lower lip to the upper, tilt the head back and then as far forward as possible. Five such exercises will be enough.

In fact, there are hundreds of different exercises for the face, but we cannot do this all day long, we need to choose our exercises for ourselves. The presented complex will quite effectively tone the muscles of the face, tighten the contours and prevent the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. The most important thing, as in any sport, is regularity. It can be daily gymnastics

With age, human skin loses its amazing properties and becomes pale, dry with signs of wrinkles and folds. The first wrinkles appear in the forehead, then in the area of ​​the nose and chin.

In the future, they can be seen near the eyes, on the neck and upper lip. Sometimes, unpleasant wrinkles are found even in the younger generation.

Causes of wrinkles

Such a defect can appear not only with age, but also in other ways. different reasons. So, facial habits, laughter contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

IN early age they can arise from the habit of sleeping on high pillows, which is why furrows are deposited in the neck and chin area. Deep folds also appear from sudden weight loss.

The body loses its mass and the skin is unable to contract quickly.

Many diseases contribute to a decrease in the body's resistance, as a result of which the elasticity of the skin decreases and wrinkles appear on it. The cause of the defect in young people is most often a natural influence. This may be exposure to ultraviolet rays, a sharp change in air temperature, as well as the influence of passive smoking.

Young girls may develop wrinkles as a result of the abuse of cosmetics. Frequent washing and the use of cosmetics dry the skin, which creates certain conditions for the development of wrinkles on the skin. After 30 years, there are age-related causes for the appearance of wrinkles.

Starting from this period, the number of folds and grooves begins to grow, and reaches a maximum by the age of 60. At this age, the subcutaneous tissue becomes thin, so the skin loses firmness and elasticity. As a result, it stretches and sags. The cause of the appearance of wrinkles on the face can be some diseases.

Sometimes, the doctor, by these signs, suspects which organ the patient is:

  • Around the eyes are "funny" wrinkles. This suggests that the body has weak connective tissue, hearing problems, or the development of hemorrhoids.
  • Under the eyes, semicircular folds indicate diseases of the urinary system and heart.
  • Cruciform wrinkles on the bridge of the nose can determine severe diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Wherein, Special attention should be given to the spine.
  • Grooves on the cheeks will tell you about a malfunction in the liver.
  • Characteristic wrinkles in the forehead are formed when a person is often suffering and is in a long depression.
  • If you notice lines running from your nose to your lips, you need to see a cardiologist.
  • A neck affected by small grooves may indicate a sick stomach. Often such a defect can be seen in a person who does not perceive humor.
  • Fine wrinkles in the mouth area suggest problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How skin aging and wrinkles occur

Aging skin divided into 4 stages, which have their own characteristic features. No one can say exactly when the first stage of youth fading begins. Each person is different, and this phenomenon can occur as a result of various factors. If a person does not take care of his skin, smokes and drinks alcohol, then the first symptoms of aging can appear as early as 18 years. Wrinkles can appear at an early age if a person is genetically disposed to this, as well as with malnutrition and poor health.

Then, the person looks tired by the evening, and small wrinkles are visible on the face. Early wrinkles appear on the forehead if the girl often wrinkles her forehead. In the second stage, grooves appear around the eyes and in the nasolabial part. Their rapid growth depends on how excitable a person is.

At this point, it is necessary to carefully monitor the face, since in the future it will be difficult to cope with skin aging. The third stage of wilting is not difficult to determine. At this moment, the shape of the face changes, the second chin is noticeable, the skin on the cheeks sagged. Also, in the eye area appear dark spots, puffiness, eyelids droop.

Here it is clearly shown age aging skin cover. Today, however, modern cosmetics are quite capable of restoring skin elasticity and removing wrinkles. At stage 4, in old age, especially pronounced signs aging. The main features at this stage are clearly formed furrows on the face, dry skin, dark spots, cheeks sinking. Due to its physiology, this problem is almost impossible to overcome. However, using good cosmetics, after all, the skin can be refreshed, as well as improve its condition.

Wrinkles on the face depending on skin type

The older a person becomes, the more active changes occur in his subcutaneous fat layer. As a result, the skin ages and wrinkles form on it.

Wrinkles on the face are especially pronounced. The main reason for this process is a violation of blood circulation, as well as a malnutrition of the skin, which performs many necessary functions.

Skin structure

This human organ occupies a large area.

Her duty is to protect the body from the effects of the external environment and various infections. By some changes in the skin, one can often judge a person's health. How is the skin structured?

It has three layers:

  • Epidermis. It, in turn, consists of five cell layers. One of them is the outer layer (horny), dead cells which gradually disappear, and the skin is renewed. The main task The epidermis is to monitor the normal moisture of the skin, as well as protect it from harmful factors.
  • Dermis. In other words, it's skin. Depending on its condition, the skin will look young and beautiful. The composition of the dermis includes substances such as elastin, collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are formed from special cells. The more of them, the more elastic the skin becomes. The dermis contains nerve endings blood vessels and sebaceous glands. The better their condition, the slower will be the development of wrinkles and folds on the skin.
  • Subcutaneous fat. It consists of connective tissue and fat. This layer can be individual for each person, as it has its own completeness. The subcutaneous fat layer also has a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels.

Skin types

Experts believe that early wrinkles on the face do not appear in every person.

It all depends on the type of skin (there are 4 types):

  • Normal facial skin. She always looks good. Virtually unresponsive to various negative influences environment. Therefore, this type of skin is the least prone to creating wrinkles.
  • Dry skin. As a rule, such skin is delicate, and pores are almost not visible on it. It is this type of skin that is most prone to the formation of early wrinkles. It is possible to stop this process with proper facial care.
  • Oily skin. In this type, pores are clearly distinguished on the face, and the skin is shiny. Such skin is prone to the development of acne and purulent pimples. The advantage of oily skin is that it is not so sensitive to various harmful factors. Therefore, it is not prone to the formation of early wrinkles.
  • Combination skin. Caring for such skin is especially difficult. It can be oily on the forehead, chin, nose, and on other areas of the face, the skin may be of a different type. In this case, the selection of special cosmetics is necessary.

How wrinkles form

There are many reasons for the formation of wrinkles. They can appear with age, as well as as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle or illness. When dead cells accumulate in the upper layer of the epidermis, the skin becomes rough and rough. As a result, a failure occurs in metabolic processes. If you do not take action, then grooves will appear on the face.

The sebaceous and sweat glands located in the skin can also malfunction. In this case, it becomes dehydrated and becomes dry. When the process of fibroblast renewal slows down, the connective tissue that makes up the skin loses its original structure. Then the skin becomes less elastic and folds immediately appear on it.

Wrinkles look different:

  • Superficial wrinkles mainly appear as a result of processes occurring in the epidermis. Such folds are more often found on dry skin or due to the action of facial expressions.
  • Deep furrows are the result of changes occurring in the dermis and subcutaneous fat. The reason is that the skin becomes less elastic. As a rule, such wrinkles on the face appear with age.

Also, there are so-called dynamic and static folds. The first can be seen only during the action of the muscles. And the latter appear even in a calm state.

How to get rid of wrinkles and hide them with makeup

The appearance of the first wrinkles upsets all women without exception. The skin of the face is constantly affected by harmful environmental factors, it is necessary to try to protect the skin, nourish it. If you do it right, constantly take care of your face, you can keep your skin young for a long time, provide it with a healthy look.

You need to take care of the skin of the face in several stages:

Every woman should know how to get rid of wrinkles and prevent their appearance. To do this, you must always cleanse the skin of the face, no matter oily or dry skin. Make-up should be washed off the face immediately after coming home, you can not leave it on overnight. It is better to wash off cosmetics with special means. After that, it is recommended to apply a gel, mousse with a moisturizing effect on the face. In no case should you wash your face with soap, it dries the skin very much.

Apply gel or cream with light massaging delicate skin, you can not rub the funds sharply, stretch the skin. After that, wash your face with warm water, wipe it with a towel, and at the moment of wiping the skin of the face, the towel should, as it were, lightly touch the skin, get it wet. If you have oily skin, it is recommended to apply scrubs to your face no more than twice a week. Thus, you can dry the pores well, cleanse them of the sebaceous glands.

Modern cosmetics after the first application can remove the shine from the face, make the skin healthy, velvety. You need to tone the skin after each wash, preferably in the morning. Tonic helps to remove the remnants of cleansing cosmetics well, removes fine wrinkles, smoothes the skin. If you use the tonic daily, you can easily get rid of acne, inflammation on the skin. Tonic should be selected according to your skin type.

The skin of the face is protected by applying a cream. Before going out, use such cosmetics, it will well protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, will close the pores from dust. It is also recommended to nourish the skin with creams, which include various nutritional components that help restore the skin, replenish the missing beneficial substances. It is good to apply various masks on the skin, with a tightening, moisturizing effect.

Anti-aging complex

Unfortunately, after the age of 25, facial skin gradually begins to age, wrinkles and dryness appear. Many women, wanting to always remain beautiful, begin to use an anti-aging complex. What does it mean?

Cosmetics are divided into skin care by age, namely 25+, 35+, 45+, 55. The older the woman, the more nutrients cosmetics contain. You do not need to buy a cream for women at the age of 50 if you are not yet forty. Hyaluronic acid, collagen should replenish the skin gradually.

After 25 years, the first mimic wrinkles appear on the face of women, the skin gradually becomes less elastic, dry, and loses elasticity. It is necessary to use serums, cosmetics based on nourishing oils. After 35 years, the body does not produce enough hormones that contribute to the production of collagen, elastane, hyaluronic acid. Due to the good production of collagen, the female face takes shape, clear boundaries.

At this age, it is necessary to purchase cosmetics containing a sufficient amount of herbs, berries, fruit extracts. Well proven grape, blueberry extract. It is recommended to make masks with algae, with white wine. After 45 years, the skin is almost completely depleted, dry, sagging.

At this age, you need to use cosmetics that protect the skin well from UV radiation, contain many nutrients, elastane, hyaluronic acid, and d-panthenol. Cosmetologists recommend applying moisturizing masks more often, since it will not be possible to completely get rid of wrinkles, it is necessary to moisturize and tighten it.

How to hide wrinkles with makeup

The amount of wrinkles on your face will depend on how competently you apply cosmetics. Makeup artists advise using a face corrector on water based. It is applied to the area of ​​deep wrinkles, as well as in the folds between the lip and nose.

On the lower eyelid it is necessary to apply a light pencil or shadow. Thus, wrinkles around the eyes become almost invisible.

Foundation should be light in texture when applied dense base, she will fall into wrinkles, highlight the folds. It is recommended to lighten the skin under the eyes with a tonal foundation of a light shade.

water for wrinkles

Sufficient fluid intake helps the production of hyaluronic acid, collagen. It should be remembered that coffee, alcoholic beverages, tea are not absorbed by the skin, they are quickly excreted in the urine, purified water should be drunk.

Water reduces the aging process of the body, it delivers nutrients and oxygen to the blood. It is important to drink purified water, as ordinary tap water contains a large amount of heavy metals, lead, and arsenic.

How to remove wrinkles with anti-aging massage and masks

Since it will not work to remove wrinkles the first time, facial massage is done twice a week. It is necessary to start with kneading movements, gradually increasing the intensity.

By doing a facial massage every day, you can:

  • improve blood circulation, as a result, the skin becomes healthy in appearance;
  • relax the muscles, which means preventing the appearance of premature wrinkles;
  • make the skin more elastic, toned, even out the contour of the face, cheeks, cheekbones;
  • deliver more oxygen to the skin cells, after which the puffiness on the face will disappear;
  • prevent the stressful condition of the skin, after which acne, blackheads will not appear.

Facial massage is contraindicated:

  • when a person has diabetes;
  • women after 40 years, when the skin is stretched, extra movements will only stretch it more;
  • with allergies or when the skin is very dry;
  • abrasions, moles, microcracks are visible on the skin;
  • There is acne, acne, inflammation.

Massage should be carried out on healthy skin, without the listed symptoms.

How to do it right

With your fingertips, lightly pressing you need to knead the muscular area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face. Avoid tender, thin skin around eyes. For a deeper action, press the palm of the hand on the dense part. Stroking on the face from the contour of the face to the nose is necessary. As a result, blood flow increases, the skin relaxes. The tapping method involves light tapping on the skin on the cheeks, on the forehead, near the nose.

Japanese rejuvenating facial massage Zogan (Asahi)

Before starting the massage, the face is thoroughly cleansed, a scrub is applied with a light effect. After that, the face is smeared with cream or oil so as not to injure the skin.

The skin of the face is warmed up, it is slightly rubbed with hands, with simple movements without effort.

Movements on the face should be strictly in one direction, with each exercise. In the forehead area, only three fingers should be involved, index, ring, and middle.

Cheeks need to be massaged thumbs, while all movements should be light, gradually pressing on the skin.

In the lymph zone, movements are made very weak. Massage is done with an even posture, preferably in a sitting position. In time, the massage does not exceed 6 minutes. It is recommended to have a session daily.

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face and eyes

Exercises help to remove wrinkles, improve facial tone, enhance collagen production:

  • We express surprise while mentally repeating the letter O-O. The bottom of the jaw, the lower lip is strongly pulled down, the nasolabial muscles are stretched.
  • We tightly squeeze our eyes with our eyebrows, while the upper jaw rises. Repeat the movement 40 times.
  • Eyes need to be turned left and right at least 40 times, after which also up and down.
  • We measure four points with our eyes on the dial - this is, move our eyes clockwise, stopping at each of the numbers for 1 second.

What do salons offer?

Modern beauty salons have a fairly large arsenal in the fight against wrinkles. Among the more popular procedures for women who are interested in how to remove wrinkles is plasmolifting, the introduction of hyaluronic acid. In complex therapy, cosmetologists suggest applying masks and creams to the skin of the face.

Special gymnastics for the face is not as in demand as cosmetics, but some salons still use this method in the fight against wrinkles. Women want to get a quick result, hide wrinkles as soon as possible, restore youthfulness and attractive appearance to the skin.

So that one day you don’t have to actively fight age-related changes, buy all kinds of creams and serums, lay out tidy sums for the services of a cosmetologist or go under the knife of a plastic surgeon, take care of the prevention of aging. Having learned what wrinkles appear from, you can eliminate harmful factors from your life and make your life easier in the future. In the publication, we will talk about the reasons for the formation of wrinkles, find out what habits should be abandoned, how to adjust the diet, what skin care should be at different age stages.

What causes wrinkles

Susan Obagi, professor of dermatology at the University of Pittsburgh, explains. According to her, normally the skin is characterized by the smoothness of the epidermis, which retains fluid in the deep layers and protects them from the effects of the external environment. The color of the covers initially differs in evenness, pigment spots do not form on it. The skin also lacks collagen and elastin to keep it toned. The researchers admit that when viewed under a microscope, they do not find signs that indicate that a wrinkle will soon appear on the face. What causes change?

According to doctors, some of the factors are due to aging caused by the internal state of the body. The process is natural and occurs regardless of external factors. After 20 years, the production of collagen in the body decreases: every year it becomes 1% less. The skin becomes thinner, which is complemented by the following changes:

  • the intensity of the sebaceous glands decreases;
  • decreased production of elastin;
  • there is a deficiency of glycosaminoglycans (substances responsible for hydration).

A combination of factors will answer why wrinkles appear, but similar view aging causes only part of the changes. The rest, more pronounced, make themselves felt as a result of other influences that you can prevent.

aging caused by external factors, more detrimental to beauty: for example, it includes the effects of smoking or the habit of sunbathing without UV protection. As a result, a layer of dead cells collects on the integument, and the production of elastin and collagen drops sharply. This causes a number of consequences:

  • the formation of deep wrinkles;
  • the appearance of age spots;
  • dry skin.

Although fighting natural aging fail, changes caused in the wrong way life or bad habits, can be prevented. But the approach must be comprehensive, so study the nuances.

Prevent different types of wrinkles

The factors that make your skin look smooth vary depending on the type of wrinkles you are concerned about. The resulting folds are classified according to the following type:

With age, not only folds form on the face, because the so-called gravitational changes make themselves felt. Since the skin loses its tone, it begins to sag, which is fraught with drooping of the corners of the eyes, the appearance of nasolabial folds, and deformation of the face oval. If you do not pay attention to these manifestations, eliminate them without surgical intervention fail.

What additional factors to consider

A prerequisite for preventing early aging remains care behind covers. The daily course does not have to be difficult: just cleansing, moisturizing and applying a nourishing cream. Add exfoliation, doing it 1-2 times a week, depending on the type of skin. By choosing products from the anti-age line, you will improve appearance.

plays a role and genetics: Looking at your parents will give you an idea of ​​how you will look at their age. Don't be discouraged if your mother or father seems older than they are: it will give you extra motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, take care of yourself and eat right.

Also make adjustments for skin type, which determines the types of wrinkles that will bother you. If you complain about the excessive activity of the glands, then wrinkles around the eyes and mouth will occur later than in peers: sebum becomes a natural moisturizer. And the owners of sensitive or dry integument will notice the traces left by time earlier. You will need to pay attention to hydration, use special creams and carry a spray bottle to irrigate your face throughout the day. It is enough to take action, and the appearance will not cause any complaints.

Although some factors cannot be excluded, it is in your power to use everything that nature has awarded you. Even the influence of unfortunate heredity can be reduced by properly approaching the process.

What habits to give up

Have the years brought not only wisdom, but also wrinkles? It will not be possible to completely resist time, but it is in your power to reduce the mesh around the eyes or in the mouth area. To tackle the challenge of prevention, rethink your habits:

Habits that seem harmless will harm beauty, so reconsider your lifestyle.

Learn more about bad skin habits causing the appearance wrinkles, you can in the following video:

Skin care mistakes that make you age

Analyzing the causes of wrinkles on the face, you do not even suspect that mistakes in skin care and makeup application also cause them. Take care of yourself: are you one of the women who slightly pull their eyelids to draw an arrow? A hard pencil will cause tiny capillaries to break and form wrinkles. To avoid this phenomenon, dermatologist Julia Tzu from New York advises using liquid eyeliner.

Remove makeup should also be careful: do not rub your eyes to get rid of the remnants of mascara. Doctors notice that many people strive for excessive cleanliness, wishing that after hygiene procedures skin creaked. But to achieve the goal, you will have to use an aggressive soap that deprives the covers of the necessary fats. To prevent wrinkles from becoming more noticeable, limit yourself to using a soft facial cleanser - later you will rejoice at the decision you made.

When care is harmful: the opinion of dermatologists

Mistakes are possible in the process of applying cosmetics:

Dermatologists have issued a statement: to prevent the formation of "crow's feet", have an annual examination with an optometrist. When your eyesight drops, you squint, and the formation of wrinkles in the corners of the eyes cannot be avoided.

Diet: food is the enemy of youth

Don't want to get wrinkles? Pay attention to your daily diet. Patricia Farris, MD, dermatologist and author of The Sugar Detox, says eating the wrong diet is just as bad for your skin as smoking. After all, it causes inflammation on the skin, which is fraught with a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin! To preserve youth, exclude the following products from the menu:

If you want to get smooth skin, approach the task in a complex way. By eliminating harmful foods from the menu, you will slow down aging.

How to prevent age-related changes: basic care in 30 years

If you lead a healthy lifestyle and use sunscreens, then outwardly you cannot be distinguished from a 20-year-old. But age can manifest itself in the coming years, because cell turnover slows down. For this reason, regular exfoliation will become a sine qua non, as Sinai-based dermatologist Ellen Marmur warns. Also use the following procedures:

Follow these rules so that time does not leave marks on your face for longer: in combination with a healthy lifestyle, you will ensure yourself a blooming appearance.

How to give skin care after 40 years

By the age of 40, the condition of the integument is often determined by the complexion, since in dark-skinned women, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear later. But even the lucky ones will have to take care of basic care:

Consider these features, and the formation of wrinkles can be slowed down.


Do not hope to find a magical remedy that can turn back the years: you will be able to prolong youth with the help of systematic care, proper nutrition and getting rid of bad habits. Be patient, because you will notice an improvement in a few months.

The very first wrinkles around the eyes appear, but this does not mean aging of the body. Aging is natural cause appearance of wrinkles under the eyes and common cause their appearance is improper care behind the skin around the eyes, or insufficient moisturizing. Each of us wants to stay young longer. How to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, we will learn from this publication.

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Photo gallery: How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes

If the skin around the eyes does not get enough moisture, it becomes drier, loses elasticity and firmness, stretches easily, and as a result, wrinkles form around the eyes. In order to prevent them, you need to take care of the skin of the eyelids from a young age. Choose moisturizing light creams and gels that are designed for the skin around the eyes.

Under the eyes, in no case do not apply creams that you use for the face. After all, the skin under the eyes is very thin and very different from the skin of the face, and the creams that are intended for the face can be very difficult for her and will only harm her. And when the wrong products are used, it often leads to wrinkles around the eyes.

If you do eye makeup every day, then look how you do it all. For girls at such moments, the final result is important, when they apply makeup, trying to draw a clear line, or making some strokes, they begin to squint their eyes this way and that. Such actions contribute to the fact that the skin is stretched, which, in the end, leads to the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes. And this beauty contributes to the fact that the youthfulness of the skin is thus shortened. Therefore, when applying makeup, squint as little as possible, and the skin of the eyelids will then be in a relaxed state.

Therefore, it is not necessary to go out in sunny weather without wearing at the same time Sunglasses. Because the sun will constantly squint the eyes, and this is a direct and short way to the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. In addition to basic cosmetics, you need to use decorative cosmetics, which would protect your eyes from the sun, wear quality sunglasses, and do not abuse the solarium.

Wrinkles around the eyes are classified as mimic wrinkles. These wrinkles come from the active and constant work of the mimic muscles. The muscles of the face relax and contract, and the skin above them stretches and contracts. And with age, the skin around the eyes becomes less firm and elastic, and when it shrinks, it is difficult to return it to its previous state. This is how wrinkles form around the eyes.

People who accompany their emotional state, whether it be surprise, joy, chagrin, and so on, with active facial expressions, are prone to the appearance of facial wrinkles.

Poor nutrition and stress lead to the early appearance of wrinkles under the eyes. Usually people in a state of stress think less about what they need to eat healthy food, they have no appetite at this time.

Some during times of stress consume large quantities of foods that can only harm and not bring any benefit to the body. It's coffee and sweets, start smoking. As a result, the skin does not receive the necessary nutrients, vitamins, trace elements. It begins to fade noticeably and wrinkles around the eyes become very pronounced.

To prevent the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, and this applies to nutrition, you need to eat foods such as broccoli, spinach leaves, carrots more often. As well as fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients and vitamins, they are so necessary for the skin. It will be useful to drink a glass of fresh natural fruit juice once a day.

How can wrinkles be prevented?

Facial expressions - pout lips, raise eyebrows, twist your nose, wrinkle your forehead, full-length smile - all this contributes to the appearance of wrinkles, it is more difficult to get rid of them than age-related wrinkles. Naturally, we do not forbid expressing our emotions, just try to control them, avoid facial muscle tension.

For very emotional people, products with collagen and retinol may be suitable to help firm the skin and smooth out wrinkles.

How to prevent wrinkles around the eyes

Never rub your eyes, as small children always do, this contributes to the appearance of dark circles, stretched skin under the eyes, and the appearance of wrinkles. Thus, the skin becomes not so elastic.
Apply special smoothing masks to the area around the eyes, they will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

How can wrinkles be prevented? Don't be nervous

Stress does not make people younger. But in our frantic pace of life, it cannot be completely avoided, which means that it is necessary, without delay, to deal with its consequences, this is the appearance of wrinkles. So, regularly relax, doing relaxation, do a daily facial massage and apply anti-stress cosmetics. Then you can reduce the effect of stress on your body.

Folk remedies for smoothing wrinkles around the eyes

To get rid of existing wrinkles and prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes, you can turn to cosmetics, of which there are many on the market. And there no one will say which remedy is better, and which is less. But there are folk remedies that have already been tested by time. And as we know, time is the best adviser. Let's keep the skin around the eyes beautiful and young if we use one of the recipes

Recipe 1

Let's make bags of soft natural fabric, pour some chamomile flowers into them. We lower the bags into a container with freshly boiled water. After 5 or 10 minutes, take them out and put warm bags on the area around the eyes. This method helps to fight swelling of the eyelids and inflammation of the eyes.

Recipe 2

We take the crumb white bread and dip it heavily in milk. Then we sculpt oval flat pieces from the swollen mass and put them on the eyelids, grab the places under the eyes. The procedure time is from 3 to 10 minutes. As a result, bruises will disappear and wrinkles will smooth out. This recipe is also used to ensure that your eyes rest.

Recipe 3

Pour 1 glass of birch leaves with 1 glass of cold water. After 8 hours, the infusion is used to prepare a compress.

Folk remedies for wrinkles around the eyes

To moisturize the skin around the eyes, lubricate it with egg yolk and wash your face with warm water after 15 minutes. But if there are wrinkles under the eyes, stir the yolk with vegetable oil in equal proportions.

Bread mask smooth wrinkles around the eyes, for this we take a crumb of white bread and moisten it in a little warmed melted butter or vegetable oil. Apply the resulting slurry under the eyes and leave it for 20 or 25 minutes, then wash the face with warm water.

Butter and vegetable oil are a good folk remedy for wrinkles under the eyes. For example, we use butter as a night cream. Just beat it into the skin around the eyes with your fingertips and leave it overnight. Or we lubricate the skin of the eyelids with vegetable oil, and also do not wash it off until the morning.

Folk butter cream for wrinkles around the eyes

Let's prepare a decoction of herbs: ½ tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers, ½ tablespoons of linden flowers, pour ½ cup of boiling water, cover and insist for 15 minutes. Then take 1 tablespoon of unmelted butter and mix with 2 tablespoons of strained herbal infusion, add 1 teaspoon of castor oil. Thoroughly stir everything until smooth, then use this composition as a night eye cream. Store this cream for up to 5 days in the refrigerator.

Banana mask for wrinkles around the eyes

Take 1 tablespoon of banana pulp and rub it with 1 tablespoon of melted butter. We apply the composition under the eyes, beat it a little with your fingertips into the skin and leave it for 20 or 25 minutes. Then wash your face with warm water.

Oatmeal folk remedy for aging skin around the eyes

½ tablespoon chopped oatmeal pour a small amount of hot heavy cream or hot milk. When the oatmeal swells, apply a warm mass to the skin of the eyelids and rinse with water at room temperature after 20 minutes. After such a mask, wrinkles under the eyes are noticeably smoothed out.

We take a tablespoon of fresh or dried cornflower flowers and pour ¼ cup olive oil, we insist 7 days. After applying this tool at night to lubricate the skin around the eyes. If such a remedy is used regularly, then the wrinkles around the eyes will noticeably smooth out.

Vitamin apricot mask against wrinkles around the eyes

Mash the pulp of the apricot. In 1 tablespoon of the resulting gruel, add 1 teaspoon of fat sour cream, or cottage cheese, or vegetable oil. Stir and apply this mass for 15 or 20 minutes under the eyes, then wash off the mask with warm water.

Milk compress for the eyes

Take the disks and moisten them abundantly with boiled milk, put them on closed eyes and hold for 5 minutes. Let's repeat this procedure 2 times. Then wash your face and apply the cream on the skin around the eyes.

Almond eye mask

We drive almond oil into wrinkles every evening, and leave for 30 minutes, then gently blot the excess soft cloth. In order to avoid swelling, the cream around the eyes is not applied. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Dill eye mask

Pour into 2 natural fabric bags a handful of dill seeds, dip in hot milk or water for 1 or 2 minutes and let cool. Let's put it on the eyes for 10 or 15 minutes. Instead of dill seeds, we use chamomile, dried parsley, or ordinary tea bags.

Infusion from the "mesh" around the eyes from fresh birch leaves

We take 1 glass of birch leaves and fill it with a glass of cold water, leave for 8 hours, then strain. We use it as a compress.

Mask from the "mesh" around the eyes

Melt 1 tablespoon of honey, add 1 tablespoon of wheat flour and whipped protein. Keep the mask on until it dries, then rinse off.

Cold decoction for sagging skin of the eyelids

Take equal amounts of mint, sage, chamomile, mix and take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water, hold on a steam bath for 15 minutes. Then we cool and strain. We apply tampons with a decoction to the eyelids for 15 minutes.

Using these simple recipes and tips, we know how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. Good luck with your fight against wrinkles and beautiful skin. Be beautiful!