Why does hair turn gray at a young age? Why does a person turn gray

Gray hair has always been a sign old age. However, the first gray hair can also appear in young people who have reached thirty. summer age. The reasons for this may be the characteristics of the organism, conditions environment, Lifestyle. Is it possible to cope with gray hair at 30 or is early graying irreversible?

Causes of early graying

The constituent components of the hair (proteins and keratin) are colorless. To give a shade, a pigment is required, which is produced by special cells - melanocytes. The more pigment is formed, the darker color hair. The number of melanocytes and pigment is determined genetically and is laid down in the embryonic period. These cells do not remain active throughout a person's life. With age, their number decreases.

Gray hair is the loss of pigment in the hair, so it becomes completely white. This process occurs due to the natural or pathological death of melanocytes. The pigment stops being produced, its remnants are washed out, and the hair becomes discolored.

Fact! Graying begins after the age of 40, and a person completely turns gray by the age of 75-80. Men turn gray before women.

Why does hair turn gray at 30? Reasons for early graying there may be a lot. It is due to both internal and external factors. The main reason for gray hair at the age of 30 in men and women is the adverse impact of the environmental situation. Air pollution, radiation lead to the death of melanocytes, so the hair begins to discolor.

To gray hair in 30 years in women can lead to too frequent dyeing with low-quality paints containing ammonia, the use of hydrogen peroxide for bleaching hair. The reason is the observance of strict diets for a long time. The lack of protein and vitamins leads not only to the loss of pigment, but also. If you constantly use too hot water to wash your hair, this can also cause loss of pigment in your hair.

Internal factors

Why does gray hair appear at 30 if visible external causes missing? Graying is possible with pathological processes inside the body:

  1. A genetic predisposition is early graying in a person's immediate family. In this case, gray hair is a programmed process.
  2. Race matters in early graying. This process occurs most quickly among representatives of the Caucasian race, especially among residents of the Scandinavian countries. Africans turn gray much later.
  3. Smoking leads to a lack of oxygen in the body. And hypoxia contributes to the early death of melanocytes and leaching of the pigment. Abuse of nicotine leads to early graying.
  4. Chronic anemia also has a similar mechanism of action. The lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin leads to hypoxia of the body.
  5. Chronic emotional stress, insomnia lead to disruption of melanin synthesis. As a result, the hair begins to discolor. Gray hair at the age of 30 in women appears most often for this reason, because they are more prone to psychological instability.
  6. Pathology thyroid gland leads to violation metabolic processes in organism. In particular, melanin metabolism also suffers (see).

The more causative factors appear at the same time, the higher the risk of early graying.

Ways to solve the problem

What to do when hair turns gray in 30 years? The approach to solving the problem should be comprehensive. First of all, find out the cause of early graying. However, it is quite difficult to find out exactly why gray hair appears at the age of 30. All obvious factors should be excluded - give up bad habits, switch to healthy eating, treat diseases in a timely manner so that they do not become chronic.

However, if early graying is genetic or racial, these factors cannot be controlled. Even if the cause is removable, but the melanocytes have already died, it will not be possible to restore the color, these cells will not form again. Measures are more preventive, aimed at preserving as many functioning melanocytes as possible.


Proper nutrition has a very great importance in pigment retention. For this, it is important that the diet is balanced and complete. What to eat in this case:

  • milk and any dairy or dairy products- This main source calcium;
  • chromium, which is involved in the formation of melanin, can be obtained from wheat and seafood;
  • copper, which is also part of the pigment, is found in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, eggs, vegetables with a green color;
  • iodine: seafood, persimmon, blackcurrant;
  • zinc - it can be obtained from oysters, mushrooms, egg yolk;
  • iron for the prevention of anemia is obtained from beef, buckwheat, eggs, liver.

The diet should be built on the basis of these products, every day a person should receive at least one of them.


Massaging the scalp stimulates blood circulation. Hair follicles get more nutrients and melanocytes retain their viability much longer. Head massage should be done daily in the evenings (see).

Complete rest

A person needs at least eight hours of sleep per night. Reducing the duration of sleep leads to a failure of biological rhythms, hormonal imbalance. The production of melanin also suffers - the hair will turn gray early. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to give the body a complete and high-quality rest.

It is also necessary to avoid constant stress, emotional stress. If this is not possible, periodically you need to seek psychological help.

Protection from external factors

It is necessary to protect the hair with a hat, especially in winter and hot summer. Taking antioxidants, for example, will be useful. For hair coloring, you need to use only high-quality paints and then apply special cosmetical tools for colored hair. If gray hair still appears, coloring will be the solution to the problem. You only need to do this quality means. Periodically, tinting of the growing roots will be required.

- appearance gray hair under the age of 25 years for representatives of the Caucasian and Mongoloid races and up to 30 years for representatives of the Negroid race. Early gray hair is usually not associated with common process aging, but with various kinds of unfavorable internal factors that disrupt the functioning of melanocytes. In order to find out the causes of early graying of hair, it is necessary to consult a trichologist, study the level of vitamins and microelements in the blood and hair, and thyroid hormones. Slow down the appearance early gray hair head massage, hardware procedures, masks, mesotherapy will help. You can hide gray hair by coloring your hair.

For everyday home care for gray hair, it is advisable to use shampoos designed to wash damaged and dry hair, conditioners and conditioners. You can use folk remedies that slow down the appearance of early gray hair: make masks from castor and burdock oil, rub lotions from the root of burdock, nettle, etc. into the roots of the hair.

The only way to return gray hair former color is coloring. Coloring gray hair has its own nuances, so it is recommended to carry it out in a beauty salon. In this case, the specialist takes into account the percentage of gray hair, the type of gray hair, the length of the hair, desired color. Often, prepigmentation is required before the main staining, but most modern dyes, intended for coloring gray hair, work well without a preliminary procedure.

If the amount of gray hair is small (no more than 25%), toning will help to cope with the problem of early gray hair. The procedure will give gray hair a uniform tone, healthy gloss and shine; ensure quick and easy combing. You can also camouflage the first gray strands using blonding or highlighting. If the hair contains more than 50% gray hair, it is better to resort to permanent staining hair with vegetable (henna, basma) or chemical dyes.

It is possible to successfully beat early gray hair with the help of a stylish asymmetrical or layered haircut. You can use a flat iron to style your hair, which will help make your hair silky and manageable. However, perm can additionally thin the gray strands, so it is better to keep the time interval between dyeing and curling.

If you are faced with the problem of early gray hair, do not despair. Hair with gray hair can favorably emphasize individuality, give the image consistency and solidity. Not without reason, many stylists specifically add artificial gray hair in the hairstyles of their young models. Well-groomed, early gray hair can also look attractive, stylish and elegant.

first gray hair

Few people think about young age, why do people turn gray or why young man gray hair appears. Perhaps this is not the most pressing issue that interests humanity. However, women, and some men, are primarily looking for questions about how to fix unwanted cosmetic defect than the cause and how to stop it. About everything in order.

Why does a person turn gray

Sooner or later there comes a moment when a person wakes up, goes to the mirror and sees his first gray hair. Some do not pay attention to it, accepting it as a natural aging period. Others try their best to hide this defect, buy various paints, visit cosmetologists and other specialists, acquire medical preparations, trying to strengthen hair with folk remedies.

What is the cause of gray hair? Why does a person turn gray? The answers to these questions are contained in this article.

Why do people turn gray early

There is an absurd myth that one cannot pull out gray hair, otherwise several new brothers will appear next to each “victim” of the tweezers. Actually it is not. However, you should not pull out gray hairs, as the risk of damage to the follicles increases and skin covering which can cause baldness and hair loss. Pulling out hair does not affect the period of graying. Our hair turns white not for some mythical reasons, but for real, material ones.

Reasons why people turn gray hair

There are several reasons why people turn gray sooner or later:

  1. Age . This is the most significant factor. Indeed, about 50 percent of the population by the age of 45 turn half their heads gray. The reason for this is skin cells that wear out over time. The function of these cells is the production of melanin, which is responsible for the color pigment of the hair. Over time, these cells age, wear out and cease to perform their functions optimally. Melanin is produced less and less, which is reflected in the color of the hair. Experts are trying to find out what will increase the productivity of skin cells. Most likely, very soon on the shelves of pharmacies it will be possible to see the first official remedy for graying.
  2. Heredity. Look at your parents and check what time they started going gray. Heredity is a very serious thing. These are not orders or requests that can be easily ignored. All the features of your body are hidden in the genes that affect absolutely everything. Therefore, if your father started going gray around the age of 40, then the same fate will most likely befall you. Here you will be helped, restoring natural color from nature.
  3. Bad habits . Among all the horrifying consequences of smoking tobacco products, graying is one of the most frivolous. Chicago scientists have proven a direct link between smoking and graying hair, so if you do not want to have grayish-white hair by the age of 30, it is better to refrain from this addiction. This serious reason why do people turn gray in early age.
  4. stressful situations. There is a legend that stress affects the speed of graying. scientific evidence this is not the case, but there are several other cases. For example, the first black president of the United States began to rapidly gray during his first term, which may be due to the enormous stress due to his new position of responsibility.
  5. Race. Black people begin going gray on average around the age of 40, Europeans in their early 40s, and Asians in their late 30s.
  6. Diseases and vitamin deficiencies. Certain illnesses and medications can change your hair color. Vitamin D is responsible for hair color, which can be produced under the influence of sun rays. Doctors recommend being in the sun for at least half an hour a day in order to produce enough vitamin D.

Probably, these are all the reasons why people turn gray and it is simply impossible to avoid this.

Associated with old age. And many people begin to panic and look for an answer to the question of why hair turns gray, as if along with graying it is possible to stop the inexorable run of time. Let's try not to fall into despondency, but to approach the issue philosophically, because hair turns gray not only in adults, but also in fairly young people. We will understand the reasons why hair turns gray in general and separately touch on the topic of why hair turns gray early.

Human hair is dyed different shades due to their melanin content. Science knows only two types of this substance: eumelanin is inherent in brunettes and persons with and pheomelanin is the cause of the color of red-haired and blond. The more intense the hair color, the more melanocytes are contained in their composition. With age, the body stops producing this substance and to a certain period hair starts to lose color. Although graying is visually more pronounced in dark-haired people, it is still noticed that fair-haired people turn gray earlier.

It would be wrong if, touching on the topic of why hair turns gray, we would not discuss ways to combat this phenomenon, the most effective of which are cosmetic paints, the composition of which is becoming more perfect every day. Using them, both men and women overcome the inferiority complex that they develop in connection with their feelings for their appearance. And it's not just that gray hair makes a person look older. The gray-haired person and in a society, unfortunately, is not quoted. Take, for example, the case when, most often, employers refuse a vacancy only because they consider a gray-haired applicant to be less promising and not energetic enough. And how much charm and nobility the gray hair gives to the appearance of some people, we do not want to notice.

In the same case, gray hair is a consequence of some kind of illness, you can expect a miracle of restoring hair pigmentation. Such cases are known to science, although they are very rare.

They say forewarned is forearmed. The information in this article may serve as a reason to at least lead healthy lifestyle life and prevent early graying of hair due to debilitating diets and malnutrition.

Previously, the appearance of gray hair always occurred in adulthood and was a sign of wisdom and importance. Modern man, subject to frequent stress and the influence of adverse environmental factors, can detect the appearance of gray hair in 20-30 years. Why does gray hair appear? How to prevent its occurrence? And is this process always physiological?

Usually the first gray hair appears at the age of 35, over time, bleached hair becomes more, and after about 10 years they begin to prevail over the hair natural color. Sometimes their appearance can occur at a younger age. This process may indicate the development various pathologies and always becomes a signal for concern. Despite the fact that practically no one succeeds in preventing the appearance of gray hair, there are factors of this physiological process that can be influenced and prolong the youth and beauty of your hair. In this article, we will introduce you to the causes of gray hair and how to deal with it.

Why does gray hair appear?

In order to better understand the process of gray hair formation, let's take a look at the physiology of hair. In humans, hair color is determined by special pigments: pheomelanin, ossimelanin, eumelanin and a group of triochromes. They are varieties of such a well-known pigment from the school bench as, which is produced by special cells - melanocytes, located in the basal (lower) layer of the epidermis and in hair follicles. Melanin synthesis occurs under the influence of mediators of the sympathetic nervous system, pituitary hormones (melanocyte-stimulating hormone, ACTH and β-lipotropin) and sex hormones.

Eumelanin causes dark brown or black hair color, ossimelanin - light, pheomelanin - shades of henna, and a group of triochromes - red shades. Mixing these pigments in different proportions determines the color of each person's hair. They color the keratin that makes up the hair shaft, and the intensity of their shade depends on how much melanin each receives. hair follicle. The combination and volume of eumelanin, triochromes, ossimelanin and pheomelanin is determined genetically. This is how the widest range of shades of hair appears: chestnut, black, copper, golden, red ...

Melanocytes begin to work even before the birth of a child and gradually regress with age. Every 10 years after the age of 30, their function fades by 10-20%, and it is precisely depending on the degree of their repression that gray hair appears in the head of hair - almost colorless hair with no pigment in keratin. With the death of all melanocytes that supply melanin to the hair shaft, all hair becomes completely gray.

Not so long ago, European scientists uncovered another reason for the appearance of gray hair. As it turns out, with age, hair follicles can produce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which interacts with pigments and discolors them. This process can be neutralized by catalase, a special enzyme. With age, this enzyme becomes less and less, and the peroxide produced and accumulated by the follicles discolors the hair shaft from the inside. As a result, the hair becomes colorless.

Causes of gray hair

Physiological graying is associated with natural aging melanocytes, and the appearance of early gray hair may be due to their death or a decrease in activity due to hormonal disorders. As a result, the hair loses pigment, acquires a porous structure, and the air “layers” that appear give it a silvery-white tint.

There are many different factors that can change hair color. They can be divided into:

The causes of gray hair can be:

  • poor ecology: contributes to the development of diseases and premature aging;
  • hereditary predisposition: in most people, gray hair appears at the same age as their parents;
  • prolonged depression and chronic stress: nervous breakdowns provoke a release a large number adrenaline into the blood, which breaks the connection of melanin and keratin in the hair follicles, in addition nervous tension causes weakening of the immune system and premature aging;
  • race: gray hair appears earlier in Europoids and Mongoloids, and in Negroids later;
  • thyroid disease: the pathology of this endocrine organ leads to;
  • conditions associated with pigmentation disorders:, albinism, and some other diseases - gray strands may appear at any age;
  • and lack of vitamins A, group B, C, minerals copper, manganese, iron and selenium: cause pathology internal organs and disrupt the normal blood supply to all tissues of the body;
  • poor nutrition: leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of the whole organism;
  • diseases of the digestive system and kidneys lead to disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  • skin diseases: herpetic or erysipelas, alopecia areata;
  • hormonal imbalance: unstable hormone levels (for example, during pregnancy, after childbirth, with polycystic ovaries or during menopause) can provoke stressful situations, endocrine disorders from the thyroid gland and depletion of the nervous system;
  • : antibodies produced in the body destroy melanocytes and lead to a lack of hair pigmentation;
  • bad habits: cause many diseases, hormonal imbalance and premature aging;
  • reception medicines: long-term and frequent use of certain medications (especially antibiotics, Rezokhin, Chloroquine, Hydroquinone and phenylthiourea) negatively affects immunity and metabolism;
  • improper hair and scalp care: use hot water, exposure to the sun or frost without a hat, the use of aggressive products for care, styling and coloring have a detrimental effect on the scalp and help reduce hair pigmentation.

Characteristics of gray hair

After the loss of most of the pigment, the hair shafts become ash-gray, and after the loss of the entire volume of melanin, they become white. Smokers can observe gray hair with a yellowish tint.

In addition to bleaching, gray hair loses both its usual properties and its usual structure, since melanin not only colors the hair shaft, but also protects it from external adverse factors (for example, from exposure to ultraviolet radiation) and gives it elasticity and strength. That is why, after graying, the hair becomes stiffer, brittle, dry, split and naughty when styling. In some cases, they begin to tangle and curl.

How to prevent the appearance of gray hair?

Doctors and cosmetologists have not yet learned how to return gray hair to its previous shade, and the “fight” with gray hair that has already appeared so far can only consist in dyeing hair special paints with the 3rd degree of resistance. However, it is possible to prevent earlier graying, get rid of single gray hairs and stop the progression of this process, subject to a number of simple rules.


Proper nutrition will help keep the beauty of hair longer.

The balance of our diet is one of the key factors which contribute to the preservation of youth, health and beauty. To prevent gray hair, include foods rich in these six minerals in your diet:

  • calcium- dairy products, soy, nuts, wheat, greens;
  • copper- eggs, beans, green vegetables, almonds, mushrooms, pumpkin seeds;
  • zinc- mushrooms, whole grains, oysters, egg yolks;
  • chromium- oysters, wine, wheat bread;
  • ironsea ​​kale, apples, legumes, buckwheat, beef, eggs, cocoa;
  • iodine- black currant, sea fish, persimmon, sea kale.

For normal hair pigmentation, foods high in these vitamins should be included in the daily diet:

  • beta-carotene- carrots, cabbage, fish, spinach, liver;
  • E- almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, sea buckthorn, dried apricots, pistachios, wheat, spinach, viburnum;
  • WITH- citrus fruits, rose hips, kiwi, apples, berries, bell peppers, wild garlic, Brussels sprouts;
  • group B (B3, B5, B6, B7, B10 and B12)- pine nuts, cashews, lentils, pork, rabbit, mackerel, sardine, liver, mushrooms, eggs, dairy products, beans, walnuts, sea ​​buckthorn;
  • folic acid- liver, peanuts, walnuts, beans, spinach, hazelnuts, broccoli, wild garlic;
  • inositol- melon, nuts, meat, prunes, kiwi, legumes.

The above minerals and vitamins are important not only for normal hair pigmentation, but also necessary to maintain their health. Daily inclusion in the diet of foods that are rich in them, will improve the hair, and they will become shiny and strong.

In addition to these vitamins and minerals, foods with high level content of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids:

  • flax seeds;
  • fish fat;
  • salmon;
  • olive oil;
  • oats;
  • almonds, etc.

All these useful material can also be taken in the form of dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes:

  • Melan+ for men and Melan+ for women;
  • Neurobex;
  • Complivit selenium.

They should be taken with meals and washed down with plenty of water. You should not take these drugs after large meals, because in such cases they will not be fully absorbed.

Drinking regime

Hair follicles are extremely sensitive to the lack of fluid in the body. Lack of water makes it difficult for the intake and absorption of nutrients and can cause graying of hair. That is why, to maintain their health, it is necessary to drink 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

Proper hair care

When the first gray hairs appear, you should close attention for hair care:

  1. Wash your hair with water at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Use shampoos, conditioners and masks that contain non-aggressive detergent components, vitamins, natural extracts and nutrients.
  3. Minimize the use of hair dryers, curling irons, irons, aggressive dyes and styling products.
  4. Wear hats in hot and cold weather.
  5. Avoid styling that disrupts the normal circulation of blood in the scalp: tails, braids, the use of hairpins, elastic bands, etc.

Salon procedures

The appearance of gray hair can be stopped with the help of following procedures performed in beauty salons:

  • laser therapy;
  • plasmolifting;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • microelemental mesotherapy.

Hardware methods of hair treatment can be supplemented by the use of nourishing masks and vitamin serums:

  • Dercos Technique Vichy;
  • Intensive Energizing Complex, etc.

Folk remedies

To prevent the appearance of gray hair, you can use various folk remedies that help restore their health.

Garlic mask

Pass the garlic through a press. Add a little burdock oil to the resulting gruel and rub into the hair roots with gentle massaging movements. The head should be wrapped in a warm towel. Wash off the mask after 10-15 minutes, rinse your hair with shampoo. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

Applications with infusion of burdock roots

2 tablespoons of crushed burdock roots and 2 teaspoons of dill fruit pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for about 3 hours. Rub in clean skin head 2 times a day. The procedure should be repeated daily for 3 months.

Wheat germ oil mask

Mix 30 ml of wheat germ oil with 7 drops of lavender, rose and sandalwood oils. Apply with massaging movements on the scalp, wrap and hold for about 1-2 hours. Wash off with shampoo. The mask should be carried out 2 times a week for 2-3 months.

Before using these and other folk remedies, you should make sure that there are no allergic reaction for recipe ingredients.