Remove paint from clothes. How to wash different types of paints from clothes

A paint stain on clothes can be very disappointing, especially if the thing is new or beloved, and you can’t buy a second one. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wash a thing in the usual way, but it is very easy to spoil it. The question of how to remove paint from clothes is relevant for many, because the prices of goods are rising almost every month. And throwing away a good thing spoiled by paint is an unaffordable luxury for some. Then folk methods and professional remedies enter the battle with stains, which we will now talk about.

How to remove paint from clothes at home

When it comes to paint stains on clothes, a painter's work robe or old things are often presented, in which people often make repairs at home. But even a small child who paints his masterpieces in oils or watercolors can stain clothes with a persistent dye. An office worker can stain a suit with stamp paint, a careless outdoor enthusiast can stain clothes by sitting on a freshly painted bench, and a student can stain clothes with a leaking marker. Many examples can be given when our things are in wait for an insidious and persistent dye. Therefore, how you can remove paint from clothes, first of all, depends on the type of dye. A tool that can easily cope with watercolors will be powerless against stains from enamel or acrylic.

But no matter what dye you have stained your thing, there are a few rules. They must be observed so that the stain comes off easily, does not damage the fabric and does not aggravate the situation by sending the suit “to the country”.

  • It's easiest to remove a fresh stain - so get to work as soon as you know how to get paint out of clothes
  • Before you process a thing, put several layers of cotton fabric under it, and then the clothes will not get dirty
  • Before trying any method in a conspicuous place of a thing, try the product in an inconspicuous area.
  • Wipe the stain from the paint in the direction towards the center so that it does not spread further through the fabric
  • If you treat contamination with a cotton pad, change it regularly. Otherwise, you will not remove the stain, but smear it over the surface, driving the dye deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
  • When it was possible to remove the paint from the clothes, wash the item first by hand, then in a washing machine, adding a stain remover. It is necessary to rinse the product more than once, and then dry it in the fresh air. To remove paint from clothes, substances with a strong unpleasant odor are often used (acetic acid, thinner, gasoline, kerosene, etc.). Repeated rinsing of things and high-quality drying will get rid of the smell as much as possible.

Be sure to carry out all work with gloves and in a well-ventilated area

In this article, we will look at how to remove paint from clothes if the thing is dirty:

  • Watercolor, gouache, oil and other painting compositions
  • Stamp dyes
  • acrylic or latex
  • Alkyd paint (enamel and oil)

The choice of means and methods for removing stains also depends on the type of fabric and whether the stain is fresh, old or dried.

How to remove paint from a thing for drawing

It is not uncommon for children and artists to get dirty with art supplies. The easiest way to get rid of stains from watercolor and gouache, because they have a water-soluble basis.

How to remove watercolor paint from clothes:

  • Rinse the garment under cold running water until only a faint mark remains.
  • Wash by hand or machine, with plenty of powder
  • Wash at temperatures up to 30 degrees, otherwise the pigment, on the contrary, will penetrate the fabric better

To remove old watercolor paint from clothes, you have to make a little more effort. Use one of these methods:

  • Rub the stain with laundry soap
  • Apply stain remover according to the type of fabric
  • Heat some vinegar and pour it on the stain
  • After applying the product, wait an hour, then wash the product

How to remove oil paint from clothes

  • Rinse the stained area with cold tap water
  • Apply dishwashing liquid to stain
  • After an hour, wash the product by hand
  • If you need to remove dried oil paint from clothes, use a suitable fabric stain remover.

Can you remove stamp ink from fabric?

Such paint is used to fill ink pads or stamps, so the problem is relevant for office workers. It's also easy to get dirty while refilling the printer and ruin an expensive suit. How to remove paint stains from clothes in this case?

Method for silk and other delicate fabrics:

  • Add water to mustard powder and mix well.
  • Apply the gruel on the stain and leave for a day
  • Now remove the dried composition from the fabric
  • Wash the garment by hand or in the washing machine

For coarser fabrics, you can use a mixture of turpentine and ammonia, mixed in equal proportions. Pour on the stain and wash the item

How to remove ink stains from leather clothing?

  • Mix glycerin and denatured alcohol in a ratio of 50/50
  • Heat the composition, then wet a cotton swab with it
  • Gently wipe the stain without going beyond its borders.

How to remove acrylic paint from clothes

If the thing has a small fresh stain from acrylic or latex paint, then you can remove it with the same folk remedy that removes stains from watercolors and gouache. If there are a lot of spots, or the pollution is extensive and old, then the process will have to be somewhat complicated.

  • Rinse the item inside out under a cold tap
  • Squeeze a little
  • Sprinkle laundry detergent or dishwashing liquid on the stain.
  • Gently rub the product into the affected area with a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Wash in the washing machine at a temperature appropriate for the type of fabric

If you need to remove an acrylic paint stain on silk clothes or other delicate fabrics:

  • You need to moisten the thing and rub the stain with ordinary laundry soap
  • Heat denatured alcohol in a water bath, moisten a new sponge for washing dishes with it
  • Treat the stain, directly on top of laundry soap
  • Remove the remaining paint with a piece of cotton wool or a disc
  • Blot the fabric with a towel to dry it.
  • Sprinkle talc on top and wash after an hour

How to remove enamel paint from clothes

Enamel is a type of alkyd paint, the second type is oil based on drying oil. An important feature of such dyes is their moisture resistance, i.e., they do not dissolve in water. This is a big plus for use in rooms with high humidity, but a minus for those who get dirty in it and are thinking about how to remove old oil paint from clothes.

If the paint has got on clothes made of dense material, then its top layer must be carefully cleaned with a toothpick, coin or other moderately sharp object.

How to remove fresh paint from clothes:

  • Moisten a cotton pad with white spirit or refined gasoline
  • Gently wipe the alkyd stain
  • In a water bath, heat glycerin or ammonia
  • Apply the composition to the site of contamination
  • Rinse the item and then wash

How to remove old paint stains from clothes:

  • Pour clean kerosene over the stain
  • After a minute, wipe with a piece of cotton cloth soaked in ammonia

Second way:

  • Take equal amounts of turpentine, alcohol and gasoline
  • Mix the ingredients and pour directly on the stain
  • After an hour, the paint will soften and it can be removed with the blunt side of the knife.
  • Rinse the thing, and if there is a trace of the stain, wash it with laundry soap

How to remove oil paint stains from clothes? The above methods with the use of household chemicals or combustible substances (gasoline, kerosene, white spirit) are effective. And you can try folk methods.

Folk remedies for stains and traces of paint

Butter against oil paint stains:

  • 80 grams of butter soften to room temperature
  • Mix with the same amount of laundry detergent. You should get a uniform consistency.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain and rub it with a toothbrush, removing the excess with a tissue.
  • Apply the gruel a second time to the fabric and, without rinsing, cover with cellophane film
  • After half an hour, wash the clothes first with your hands, using laundry soap
  • And then - powder in the washing machine

How to remove water-based paint from clothes with vinegar and ammonia:

  • Grind 30 grams of edible salt and combine with 65 ml of vinegar (6 or 9%) and 50 ml of ammonia
  • Do not use iodized salt, it will "eat" the pigment of the thing itself
  • On the wrong side of the item, place a piece of a plastic bag under the stain.
  • Apply the mixture to the stain
  • Rub the stain after 8 minutes. If the fabric is dense - with a toothbrush, if delicate - with a soft cotton cloth
  • Wash off the remnants of the pigment under running water and wash the item by hand or in a washing machine

A combination of vinegar and ammonia can help remove acrylic paint stains

Paint stains from both colored and white fabrics can be removed with vinegar essence:

  • Dilute 75 ml of essence with three liters of filtered water
  • Pour the solution into a basin and place the clothes with the paint stain there.
  • Soak for an hour and a half, and then wash in the machine

Businesses often use vinegar essence to brighten up colored items, so it can be used in moderation to remove paint stains from clothing. But if the stains are small and there are few of them, it is better to carry out local treatment of contaminants, rather than soaking the whole thing in the composition.

How to remove paint from white clothes

Chlorine bleach will help remove stains from white or very light fabrics. An important point - it should be clothes made of cotton or linen, chlorine can ruin more delicate fabrics.

  • Pour 80 milliliters of "Whiteness" into an aluminum bucket
  • Add 6 liters of water there and put the container on fire
  • When the solution boils, lower the thing stained with paint and leave it to “boil” for half an hour
  • If a thing floats, it must be dipped back. Use special tongs or a wooden stick for this.
  • After that, wash the clothes in the machine using bleach for this type of technique.
  • Dry the product in the fresh air, but so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.

How to remove hair dye from clothes

If the stain from cosmetic dye is fresh, you can try to get rid of it with laundry soap. Pollution should be rubbed with a product and left for half an hour. Then wash the item by hand or in the washing machine. But if the paint is old, only "heavy artillery" can help:

  • Apply 9% vinegar to the stain
  • After half an hour, wash the item in the machine
  • It may take at least 5 procedures to get rid of caustic contamination.

A similar method exists using hydrogen peroxide:

Wet the paint stain liberally, and after twenty minutes, machine wash. Actual for white things, but it is better not to experiment with colored fabrics.

You can try removing paint from clothes with a solvent, using mineral spirits, acetone, kerosene, or gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab with the product and wipe the stain until it disappears.

Sometimes they try to remove the stain with a chemical hair curler, such as Curl, etc. Moisten a cotton pad with the chemical, wipe the stain and send it to the washing machine.

When trying to remove paint from clothes at home, remember that you are doing it at your own risk. This is especially true for hair dye, since it often contains not just coloring pigments and oils, but clarifiers. There is a chance to spoil the fabric, but never get rid of the stain. It will not work to remove the pollution if you dyed not just hair dye, but a lightening powder or composition.

We advise you to use these methods if the thing is inexpensive and you have only two options: either throw it away immediately, or try to “save” it before that. If the wardrobe item is not cheap, made of expensive fabrics, it is better to use professional dry cleaning.

Updated: 01/21/2019

Not only the painter risks putting a stain of paint on clothes. A freshly painted park bench or your own child's "creativity" can ruin your favorite jacket or dress. Let's figure out how to wipe the paint from clothes.

Before removing a paint stain, you need to determine the type of pollution. Water-based dyes are easy to handle and can be easily removed with regular soap and water. But polymer paints and varnishes will be much more difficult to wipe off. You will need special stain removers and solvents.

In addition, you will need:

  • stock of cotton pads;
  • paper towels;
  • water and washing powder, since the last stage of work is washing things.

Basic Rules

The method of removing stains from clothing is selected taking into account the type of paint and the type of fabric on which the stain is placed. It is clear that for work pants made of dense cotton fabric, the use of more aggressive agents is allowed, but for a silk blouse, sparing substances are needed.

  • it is much easier to remove a fresh stain, so act quickly and do not let the dirt dry;
  • under the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric, it is recommended to place a board or a piece of plastic wrapped in several layers of paper towels or layers of cotton fabric. This will allow you not to stain the thing on the other side;
  • Before using the selected product, you need to check its effect on an inconspicuous area. So, synthetic fibers can simply dissolve under the influence of a stain remover, and blue jeans can become discolored, and instead of specks of paint, white traces will appear;
  • when removing a stain, you need to frequently change cotton pads, wetting them in a stain remover. Perform movements from the edges to the center of pollution;
  • when finished, rinse thoroughly in water, and then wash in a typewriter or by hand.


Everyone is familiar with the situation when a person accidentally sat down on a newly painted bench, and his trousers and T-shirt were “decorated” with stripes of oil paint. Do not worry! White spirit copes with such pollution. Need to:

  • soak a cotton swab in the solvent and apply to the area stained with oil paint;
  • twenty minutes later, take a new swab and wipe off the marks, moving from the periphery to the edges of the stain;
  • wash clothes.

Another method that is used if it is dirty white shirt made of cotton or linen fabric:

  • mix white cosmetic clay with refined gasoline so that a mass resembling toothpaste is obtained;
  • apply the resulting mixture to the soiled places;
  • leave until the gasoline has completely evaporated, and shake off the clay with a brush;
  • send the item to the laundry.

A soiled silk or chiffon dress can also be salvaged. Gentle methods are used for delicate fabrics, for example, treatment with glycerin. Procedure:

  • heat the glycerin to 40 - 45 degrees;
  • apply a warm substance liberally to contaminated areas;
  • After ten minutes, gently wipe off with cotton swabs.

Advice! In the same way, a bologna windbreaker or a suit made of wool is cleaned, since it is forbidden to use aggressive substances on these fabrics.

Watercolor and gouache

Fresh stains that have not had time to dry should be washed off immediately. First, simply put the dirty area under a stream of cold water. When the trace becomes pale, rub this place with laundry soap. Then wash the item in the machine at 30 degrees. Hot water will fix the coloring pigment in the fibers of the fabric, and it will become more difficult to remove the stain.

If the soiled thing has been lying for a long time, then you can pour table vinegar on the stain, and after twenty minutes wash the treated area with laundry soap. But this method is not suitable for thin and synthetic fabrics. Use ready-made stain removers like Vanish, with their help, watercolor and gouache are well washed.

Water emulsion

For repair work, water-based paint is often used. Fresh stains from it are easily washed off with soap and water, but dried marks are more difficult to remove.

To get rid of paint that has dried on clothes, use the following methods:

  • you can clean the stain with refined gasoline. To do this, put several layers of paper towels under the place of contamination, and wash off traces of paint with swabs soaked in gasoline. This method is suitable for natural fabrics, you can also clean a leather or suede bag or jacket;
  • synthetic materials (for example, nylon) cannot be cleaned with gasoline; paint stains can be removed from them with vegetable oil. After removing dirt, the fabric is washed with dish detergent, as this is an excellent degreaser that will help remove traces of oil.


Latex paint is used to paint walls and ceilings, as well as facades of houses, and dissolves well with isopropyl alcohol. This substance is unlikely to be in your home, but most women have a can of aerosol hairspray. It is isopropanol that is the main component of this cosmetic product.

Hairspray is sprayed on the places of contamination, when the paint softens a little, it can be easily cleaned with a dry swab. If there is isopropyl alcohol at home, then this substance is simply applied to the pollution.

An old stain can be removed with a mixture of salt and alcohol. The soiled cloth is soaked in alcohol, then thickly sprinkled with salt and the salt is moistened with alcohol. After this treatment, the paint is easily removed.


A very common material is acrylic paint. If it gets on clothes, you should try to remove it mechanically, that is, just scrape it off the fabric with a plastic spatula or spoon. You can try to remove the paint from the fabric with adhesive tape, gluing the tape to the place of contamination and abruptly tearing it off. After such removal, it is necessary to wash the place of contamination with soap.

But the mechanical method is not suitable for thin fabrics, as the material can simply tear. To clean knitwear or poplin, you can use the following method:

  • soak the stained area in cold water;
  • mix equal volumes of ammonia solution and table vinegar, add a little salt;
  • squeeze the item from excess water and try to wipe off the paint stain, often wetting the sponge or swab in the solution;
  • rinse and wash the item.

Hair dye

Many women prefer to dye their hair at home. But with careless movement, not only curls, but also clothes can be painted. If the staining has just been completed, then you need to immediately remove the soiled item and substitute the place of contamination under a stream of cold water. If the paint has not had time to soak into the fibers, then it will be washed off during the washing process with laundry soap.

cured hair dye can be removed from the fabric in the following ways:

  • A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide is poured onto the stain and left for half an hour. This agent is not suitable for dyed fabrics, as the colors in the treated areas may fade;
  • 9% table vinegar is used in the same way as hydrogen peroxide, the method is suitable for colored and black fabrics;
  • moisten a cotton swab with nail polish remover and wipe the stain with it. You can use acetone, refined gasoline or white spirit. All these solvents are not recommended for synthetic things;
  • Ready-made oxygen bleaches of the Vanish type are used to remove traces of paint from white and colored fabrics.

Printer ink

Office workers often stain clothes with printer ink or stamp ink. And it is far from always possible to quickly change clothes and urgently remove the stain, so you often have to deal with already dried pollution.


Holi colors are of vegetable origin. They are traditionally used for holidays and festivals, during which guests are sprinkled with coloring compositions. And also for playing paintball.

Holi dyes can be easily washed off the body, and dyes do not harm the skin. But washing clothes can be more difficult. Usually, repeated washing in the machine helps. However, such paints are poorly removed from things made of synthetic fabrics (for example, polyester or viscose) and leatherette. Therefore, when going to a holiday where Holi colors will be used, it is worth choosing cotton clothes.

Alkyd enamel

Alkyd enamel does not dissolve in water, so washing will not help wash off traces of it from clothes. Before removing contamination, it is recommended to remove the maximum amount of paint by mechanical means. You can use a spoon, plastic or wooden spatula.

The remaining stain is removed by wiping the fabric with refined gasoline or a mixture of gasoline and acetone. After that, the thing is rinsed in water and washed.

Paints of unknown origin

It is far from always possible to find out what kind of paint left traces on clothes. First of all, try to remove the paint layer mechanically, that is, scrape it off the fabric or remove it with adhesive tape.

So you can try to clean jeans or a down jacket, but a silk sundress or chiffon skirt will not withstand such processing, cleaning will damage the fabric, and the thing will be hopelessly damaged. You also need to carefully clean the leather jacket, especially if the product is not made of natural material, but of leatherette.

Then wash the contaminated area with laundry soap. If a leather jacket is being cleaned, then you need to scrub the stain with a brush; clothes should not be immersed in water.

If this simple action does not help, then try to remove the stain with a solution of ammonia and salt. If the fabric is natural and dense, then use refined gasoline or a mixture of acetone and gasoline.

old stains

If the stain is old, it will be more difficult to remove it. First try to remove the paint mechanically. To remove old stains, use a nail file or pumice stone, but these methods are only suitable for heavy fabrics. This is how cotton or linen is cleaned, and thin fabrics will tear during such processing.

After most of the paint has been removed from the surface of the fabric, treat the stained area with turpentine, refined kerosene or gasoline. Soak the swab in the solvent and work the stain in a circular motion. We make sure that the paint begins to dissolve. Then gently, with clean swabs, gradually wash off the pollution.

This process is lengthy, so you have to be patient. After that, the treated area is washed and the whole thing is washed.

What to do if the stain does not come off

Sometimes, despite the measures taken, traces of paint are still visible on clothes. Do not rush to throw away your favorite thing, try the following methods:

  • Try going to a dry cleaner, they use solvents to remove dried paint. But do not forget to tell the receiver that you removed pollution using folk methods.
  • If dry cleaning does not guarantee a result, then the stain is masked with decorative ornaments. The choice of option depends on where the problem area is located. Using ready-made applications or patches, it is easy to hide the stains remaining on the fabric.

From time to time, our apartment undergoes renovations. That's when clothes can be ruined by paint. What to do in such a situation? First of all, do not rush to get rid of soiled clothes. There are simple tools that will allow you to return the old look to your favorite things. And you can use them at home.

If you are faced with the question of how to clean the paint from clothes, the use of a special solvent will solve this problem. Suitable for these purposes, for example, To remove paint stains, you should take a paper towel (a piece of white cloth is also suitable), which is applied to the inside of the soiled item. The contaminated part of the clothing is treated with a cotton or gauze pad soaked in a solvent. The stain is removed by movements in the direction from the edges to the center. After removing the paint, clothes must be washed. In this case, a highly active powder should be used.

With gasoline or kerosene? This method is the most famous and effective. However, such means should not clean all things in a row. In the event that you decide to remove the stains left by the paint from your clothes in this way, then check the effect of these products first. To do this, a small amount of kerosene or refined gasoline should be applied to an inconspicuous place on things. In the event that within five to ten minutes the material does not change its color, only then can the contamination be safely removed.

How to clean clothes from paint? To do this, apply a cotton pad soaked in gasoline or kerosene to the stain, and after a short period of time wipe the stained area from the edges to the center. After completing these steps, the previously contaminated area must be washed under running water. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of gasoline, wash clothes in warm water and soap.
The most difficult to clean clothes from. The complexity of this work depends on the age of the stain. In the event that the clothes were damaged by paint no more than three hours ago, the dirt is removed with simple improvised means. To remove the stain in this case, simply wash it with powder or

How to clean paint from clothes if it is firmly fixed on the fabric? This requires a completely different approach. Old oil paint can be removed with refined gasoline, acetone, turpentine, alcohol or kerosene. It should be remembered that working with such liquids requires special care. In the event that the clothes are made of leather or synthetic fabric, acetone can easily ruin it. Treating the stain with ammonia can cause discoloration of the fabric.

In the event that a woolen product is contaminated, vegetable oil will serve as the most optimal means for cleaning it. Old stains from paint on clothes can be removed even when used. Substances that effectively break down fat molecules are included in their composition. To eliminate such stains, mix three tablespoons of the product in a small amount of water. With a foam sponge, the solution is applied to the stain and aged for ten to twelve hours. After that, the trace of contamination is cleaned with a brush and washed under running water.

How to clean paint from clothes made of white fabric? To do this, you need white clay and These substances are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting slurry is applied to the stain and aged for two to three hours. After this period, the powder is removed with a brush, and the clothes are washed using a highly active powder.

Before working with paints, you should try to put on the most unnecessary and old things. Even the smallest particles of it are very difficult to remove from any fabric without damaging its integrity and without spoiling the appearance. But what to do if she still got on a good thing, and how to remove the paint on pants or shoes?

There are several popular ways at once, and more about them in this article.

What means to use

So, among the many chemicals, the following can be distinguished, which do an excellent job with various stains:

  • The simplest is sunflower oil. This food product perfectly copes with similar types of pollution. It is simply rubbed into the soiled area. The only drawback of vegetable oil in this case can be considered that it itself then needs to be removed;
  • Thinner or white spirit. This one with various items. But you need to be very careful with him, since he eats away not only pollution, but also the colors of the clothes themselves;

In the photo - White spirit in various containers

  • Some specialty chemicals often referred to as stain removers. With such tools, you also need to be very careful. They usually come with instructions. Before you remove the paint from your pants, it is better to familiarize yourself with it;

  • Acetone. Another type of solvent that can not only clean, but also damage fabrics, leaves light spots;
  • laundry soap. The safest remedy. Even at very large quantities, it is not capable of harming clothing.

Advice! It is necessary to use such means as acetone, solvents and others only on light things.

Removal methods

Here are some basics for decontamination:

  • Fresh paint is much easier to clean than dried paint;
  • Small particles are removed faster than large ones, so if the pants are completely soiled, they should not even be taken on;

  • A dense fabric is easier to clean than a thinner and lighter one;
  • Water-based paint is the easiest to wash off, and oil-based paint is the most difficult.

From the foregoing, two categories of pollution can be distinguished, depending on what you need to choose both the method and the means of their removal:

  • fresh;
  • Withered.

As for the type of fabric, there are no big differences. The difference is only in time, but the means and methods remain the same.

Removal of fresh dirt

How to clean pants from paint that got on them recently? The easiest way is to use laundry soap.

If you decide to remove immediately after being hit, then you can use the usual household solvent. At an early stage of solvent contamination, little is needed, so it will not spoil clothes.

As for soap, the instructions for its use are simple. They lubricate the contaminated area, and then rub it strongly and for a long time with their hands.

Soap removes:

  • Gouache;
  • Water emulsion;
  • Acrylic;
  • Watercolor paints.

If we are talking about a fresh stain left by oil enamels, then vegetable oil will be the best way to remove them. A cotton pad is moistened in it and applied to the area to be cleaned.

Refined gasoline can be considered another remedy against oil enamels. You need to use the cleaned one. Of course, the usual fuel from the car tank will remove the enamel, but it will also make light spots.

Advice! Even refined gasoline must be applied very carefully. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad in it and put it on the soiled place for several minutes.

Removal of dried dirt

Unfortunately, not all dried spots can be removed. For example, removing acrylic enamel or hair dye with your own hands is very problematic.
It will no longer be possible to do this on thin and light fabrics. If we are talking about denser materials, then there is a chance.

Advice! Before removing paint from pants with a solvent, you should test its effect on the same fabric, but which you do not mind spoiling.

So, in the general case, the method for removing oil, acrylic enamels is as follows:

  • First, they are carefully cleaned with a knife or blade;

  • After that, the cotton pad is wetted in a solvent, refined gasoline or vegetable oil (only for oil enamels).
  • The disk is placed on the cleaned place and waited for about 0.5-1 hour.
  • After that, the contaminated area is wiped with a clean cloth.

It is clear that laundry soap and ordinary stain removers will not be able to do anything here. But with solvents and gasoline, you need to work very carefully. I must say that the price of stain removers is higher than solvents, but in the fight against such pollution, they are inferior to the latter.


As you can see, there are many ways to remove paint from pants. You just need to remember one basic rule - fresh pollution is removed much better than frozen, which then may not be removed at all ().

In the presented video in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

A modern woman almost every day has to deal with all sorts of pollution. Did the child get dirty on the playground? Accidentally sat down on the still wet paint on the bench? Or did a couple of drops get on your clothes while dyeing your hair? Throwing away your favorite blouse or dress is not necessary because of this. It is better to learn about how to remove paint from clothes. A few simple rules will help you with this:

  1. 1 Try to wash the paint from clothes as quickly as possible. It is much more difficult to remove an old drop than a newly installed one.
  2. 2 Before you wash the paint, try to determine its type. So you can find out the composition of this substance and purposefully select a means to eliminate it.
  3. 3 To remove oil paint from clothes at home, you must first scrape off its top layer with a metal brush or the blunt side of a knife, and only then use chemicals.
  4. 4 Clean gouache and watercolor with simple washing powder or laundry soap.

Before removing paint from clothing, gloves should be prepared to protect the skin of the hands from caustic chemicals that will be used in the cleaning process. Test any cleaner first on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. If nothing bad happens to it, then you can apply the product to the visible area with pollution.

If you often need to clean the paint from clothes, then it is useful to have a stain remover in the house. As a rule, these specialized tools make it relatively easy to remove pollution. Even if they seemed ineffective, you can sew a pocket on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing with a stain, make embroidery or appliqué.

Removal of oil contaminants

Since it is quite difficult to remove oil-type paint, clothes should be prepared in the manner described above. After that, you can use solvents and other improvised means.

If you're looking for an oily trail remover, take a look in your makeup bag. You probably have a nail polish remover that contains acetone, which dissolves oils well. To get rid of an annoying stain, you can apply a few drops of this substance to contaminated clothing and wait 10 minutes. This method is not recommended for use on colored fabrics, because you can get the paint out of clothes, but the product itself can leave stains. In addition, this substance is not suitable for rayon: acetone will dissolve not only the stain, but also the fabric.

If you are thinking about how to get rid of paint without using acetone, you can use gasoline. It must be clean, otherwise you risk ruining the thing forever. The fuel that is used in lighters is suitable for this task. A cotton swab should be dipped in this liquid and walked through the pollution.

Turpentine is another answer to the question of how to clean oil-based paint. It is applied and acts in the same way as gasoline. After these substances, fatty stains may remain, which can be removed with the help of ammonia.

How to wash the paint without the use of aggressive substances that can completely ruin clothes? The following recipe will help you with this:

  • 1 st. l. butter must be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. washing powder;
  • the resulting composition must be rubbed into the contaminated tissue;
  • After a few minutes, wash off the mixture and wash the stain.

In this way, you can get rid of the paint on the clothes without the risk of ruining them forever.

How to get rid of water emulsion

This substance is often used today to color various coatings, so if you are undergoing repairs, the probability of putting such a stain is quite high. How to clean water-based paint?

First of all, you can use alcohol. It must be applied to a stretched cloth, which should then be wiped with a rag. This should completely clear the clothing of water-based paint.

If you don't have alcohol in your home, it's helpful to learn how to clean paint without it.

Some types of water-based compositions can be washed with a simple washing powder.

Cold water is used first, and only after it should hot water be used. Sometimes multiple washes are needed.

You can clean clothes from acrylic paint with vinegar and ammonia. These substances cannot be used in their original form. They are used in the following recipe:

  • take 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and ammonia, mix it with 1 tbsp. l. salt;
  • apply the curdled mass to the contaminated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing for several minutes;
  • go over the stain with a clothes brush;
  • wash off the remnants of the composition.

If it was not possible to clean the paint from clothes in this way, you can carry out another wash with powder and laundry soap.

Cleaning clothes from hair dye

How to wash hair dye? This task is not as simple as it might seem at first glance, because this composition is intended for long-term use when using detergents. The biggest problem is with light-colored clothing, which is especially important to clean immediately after getting dirty. You can do this with both regular washing and hairspray. It contains mild solvents that can remove fresh paint.

How to clean hair dye if some time has already passed since the contamination? White clothes can be washed with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, wet the stain, and after 30 minutes, rinse and wash it. In the same way, you can remove paint from clothes with a solution of vinegar. It will create an acidic environment that will help remove pollution. This method is especially effective for cleaning synthetic and woolen fibers.

If you smeared white cotton fabric, bleach solution will help to correct the situation. To prepare it, you need to dilute whiteness in cool water and soak clothes in this solution for 1-2 hours.

Henna hair dye can be removed with a solution of ammonia, water, and hydrogen peroxide. There are about 40 ml of the remaining components for 1 glass of water. After half an hour, the mixture should be washed off with warm water.

How to remove an unknown stain

In some cases, you may not know the composition of the paint used. For such situations, there is a universal remedy - gray laundry soap. It can be effective with any composition and on any fabric.

Treat the stain with laundry soap, starting from the edges. If the unknown composition has already dried, it can be scraped off with a knife or other sharp instrument.

If none of the methods for cleaning unknown paint brought the desired result, do not be upset. Use your imagination and turn the ruined clothes into a wardrobe item for your child. Sew a baby dress or trousers out of fabric, and your child will be such an elegant solution to the problem.