How to dye jeans. How to restore the blue color of jeans at home

You can create an original design for a denim thing and completely change its appearance with the help of simple improvised means - blue, whiteness or hair dye. For those who want to achieve a flawless result, it is recommended to pay attention to new methods of fabric processing, which can significantly save time and simplify the dyeing process. Modern professional dyes are as safe as folk remedies.

Using special fabric dyes

The main advantage of using professional dyes is their safety and effectiveness. The products are designed specifically for dyeing denim fabrics, therefore they do not contain aggressive substances that can damage the structure of the fibers. A wide color palette makes it easy to choose the right shade.

Fabric dyes are sold in powder or liquid form. Each tool has its own characteristics. If black, gray or blue jeans only need to be refreshed and restored to a rich color, it is recommended to give preference to a liquid reagent. If a radical change in design is required, powders are used. One of the most effective is Jeans aniline paint, which is suitable for manual and machine methods. With this tool, you can completely change the tone of the product at home by repainting white trousers in black or gray in blue.

Before starting the process, you must first wash and dry the clothes. This is necessary for uniform coloring of the thing. If there are stains on the clothes, the paint will not be able to distribute evenly in problem areas. When washing, do not use conditioner, as the product may adversely affect the painting.

Coloring in the washing machine

Professional dyes, due to the special composition, allow you to dye the product in the washing machine without damage to household appliances. Before work, you must read the instructions on the package and strictly follow the indicated recommendations, observing the desired proportions.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. For uniform coloring, you should first dissolve the paint in a small amount of warm water so that there are no lumps and sediment.
  2. 2. Set the washing mode for cotton and linen fabrics (the optimum temperature is 95 degrees), turn on the empty machine and wait until the drum is partially filled with water (make sure that the water level does not reach the door).
  3. 3. After a small amount of liquid has entered, open the door and pour the pre-diluted solvent into the drum, then start the device again.
  4. 4. After 1-2 turns, when the paint is completely dissolved in water, you can put the jeans in the washing machine and leave until the wash cycle is completed.
  5. 5. After washing, it is recommended to soak the item for 15 minutes in an vinegar solution (a tablespoon per liter of water). This will fix the color for a long time.
  6. 6. After soaking, the clothes must be washed again in the machine with the addition of powder and conditioner. It is recommended to set the shortest mode and the temperature not higher than 40 degrees.
  7. 7. At the end of the cycle, the product must be hung to dry naturally.

After the staining procedure, plaque (paint residue) may form on the rubber door linings. It is easy to remove with a clean damp sponge. So that there are no coloring particles left in the drum, it is recommended to start the machine again, but without things. If you plan to wash white clothes soon, you can add a little chlorine bleach.

Coloring by hand

Hand staining is no less effective than machine staining. Of the minuses, it can be distinguished that this method is more laborious, requires constant presence and control over the process.

  1. 1. It is necessary to dilute the dye in a liter of warm water to avoid the formation of lumps, add soda and salt (if there is such an indication in the instructions). To achieve the desired result, it is strongly recommended to adhere to the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. 2. A large enameled container should be filled with water, put on the stove, pour in the dye, heat the solution and immerse the jeans so that they are completely under water.
  3. 3. It is necessary to cook clothes on a small fire for 40-60 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden stick.
  4. 4. After the procedure, rinse the item in warm and then in cold water.
  5. 5. To fix the result, it is recommended to soak the product in an vinegar solution for 15 minutes, then wash it by hand with the addition of washing powder and hang to dry.

Effective folk remedies

You can dye your jeans at home with the help of simple improvised means. These methods are effective only if the clothes need to be refreshed a little, give a rich shade or change the design with patterns and ornaments.

The choice of this or that method should be determined by the quality of the material: gentle means should be used for thin fabrics, dense denim can be subjected to bold experiments.


The organic dye "methylene blue", popularly known as bluing, allows you to give things a blue tint. The substance is safe for fabrics, so even the thinnest stretch can be dyed using this method. The only drawback is the fragility: after a few washes, the paint will completely come off, and the jeans will take on their original appearance.

For dyeing, it is necessary to leave the jeans in water diluted with blue (the concentration of the product is indicated on the package) for a couple of hours. After soaking, the product should be rinsed in vinegar solution, washed and dried. To dye your clothes navy blue, it is recommended that you leave them in the solution overnight.

Zelenka will help to give the product a beautiful turquoise color. The algorithm of actions is similar to painting blue.


Chlorine-based bleach will help lighten jeans. The simplest and most budget option is Whiteness. This tool is quite aggressive, so it is only suitable for dense denim. Thin fabric after such processing can simply tear. Before the procedure, it is necessary to take care of personal protective equipment: rubber gloves and a respirator. These items will help avoid intoxication during work and prevent skin damage.

Action algorithm:

  1. 1. A metal container should be filled halfway with water, heated on the stove and pour in a glass of Whiteness.
  2. 2. It is necessary to immerse the thing in the resulting solution and cook on low heat for 15-20 minutes, constantly stirring with a wooden stick to evenly penetrate the product into the fibers of the fabric.
  3. 3. After boiling, the clothes should be rinsed and hung up to dry.

In order to get a unique and original pattern, jeans should first be twisted, fixed with clips and clothespins, and only then immersed in the solution. The star pattern is obtained by fixing with clothespins, horizontal stripes will create ropes or clips. All other places that are not covered by foreign objects will easily lighten up during digestion.

Hair dye

It is recommended to use such an extreme method in exceptional cases, since it has much more disadvantages than advantages. The fact is that the substance is not intended for processing fabric, therefore it is not known how the product will behave after dyeing. The effect can be very diverse: from an unexpected shade to damage to the fabric, depending on the quality of the paint.

For dyeing, it is necessary to dilute the hair dye in water and leave the jeans in the solution for an hour and a half. The amount of liquid should be such that the clothes are completely immersed in water, and the amount of paint varies from 1 to 2 packs, depending on the volume and weight of the product. For plus size pants, you will need 2 packs, and for short shorts, half a pack will suffice. After the procedure, the clothes should be rinsed in running water and, to fix the result, soak for a quarter of an hour in an acetic solution.

acrylic paint

Creating a picture with acrylic paints using a stencil

Acrylic paint will help transform a denim jacket, trousers or shorts. The essence of this method is not uniform coloring, but the application of drawings and patterns to individual areas.

It is necessary to turn the product inside out and draw the ornament or image you like with a brush. After that, you should put a piece of paper on the back of the jeans under the drawing and iron it with an iron. In the absence of artistic talent, it is recommended to use a paper stencil.

Thick paint in a jar can be replaced with aerosol. For dyeing, lay jeans on the floor, after laying newspapers, put a stencil on top (you can use mesh tights or stockings) and spray the substance at a distance of 20-30 cm. During dyeing, it is recommended to wear a respirator, gloves and be in a well-ventilated area.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? Learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...

Have your favorite jeans lost color?

Jeans are comfortable, practical and appropriate for almost any event. But over time, they change color, stains may appear on them, but not everyone decides to throw away their favorite thing. The way out of this situation will be staining. In this article I will explain how and with what you can dye black jeans at home.

Jeans - versatile clothing

Before painting

There are a few things to consider before painting things:

  • Analyze all the pros and cons of the procedure. This is a risky business, and the result may not meet expectations.
  • Consider fabric composition. It is easy to change the color of natural fabrics. But if synthetic threads are present, then the color may turn out to be paler.
  • The density and composition of the material affect the final result

  • Consider the original color of the clothes. If white is dyed black, the result will be gray or dark gray. But not black! It is better to choose tones that are close in combination.
  • Work must be done with gloves.
  • Rubber gloves protect your hands

  • Follow the instructions on the dye. The instruction will explain the necessary proportions and procedure.
  • Preparation

    Before changing or updating the color of a denim item, you must prepare:

  • Wash. Check for grease stains. When washing, do not use rinse aids, they can make it difficult to paint.
  • Cut all labels. Labels on jeans in most cases are also stained, and therefore deteriorate. After the process, they can be re-sewn.
  • cut the label

  • Bleach if necessary. If your jeans are not blue, then you will have to use bleach.
  • Preparing a place to work. We clear the surface, cover it with newspapers so that the dyes do not get on objects nearby.
  • Proper preparation is 75% success!


    To improve the result of dyeing, it is better to bleach a denim product. For this:

  • We dilute water and bleach in a ratio of 1: 1. It is best to use a deep container, such as a bucket or basin. If the jeans are light, then a weaker solution is made.
  • Whiteness is an excellent bleach

  • We place the denim product in a container and leave for 1-2 hours. Every 20 minutes it is necessary to change the position of the thing, that is, stir.
  • After bleaching you need to rinse the clothes again.
  • Jeans should not be pure white, they will most likely have a yellowish tint. Don't worry, the black pigment will cover everything!

    How and how to dye denim clothes black?

    Now many will ask themselves the question, why complicate everything, if it's easier to go and buy new trousers of any color and size? However, it is not a fact that they fit perfectly on the figure and become loved.

    But small flaws can be hidden under the paint. By changing their color, you will revive the jeans, and they will look like new.

    Give a second life to old jeans

    How to dye jeans black? I have identified 3 main ways to change the color scheme. Let's analyze each case separately.

    Method 1. Special paints

    You can purchase specialty powder paints online or at a hardware store. With their help, you can paint a thing in the washing machine. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the package.

    This is what the paint bag looks like.

    If you have purchased a composition of foreign production, then proceed as follows:

  • We prepare jeans, turn them inside out, look at the optimal washing temperature on the label.
  • Then we put them in the washing machine and pour the powder on top.
  • We start the selected washing mode.
  • Add dye instead of laundry detergent

  • After that, rinse them in warm water with the addition of vinegar, it will help fix the color.
  • Then we wash in the usual way with powder.
  • There are paints that do not pour into the drum, but are placed directly with the packaging in the washing machine. Read the instructions carefully!

    Read the instructions on the package before use

    Method 2. Hair dye

    How to dye black jeans at home if it is not possible to purchase special paint? For such purposes, ordinary hair dye is useful.

    Be careful with shades! And if the jeans are large, then buy 2 packs of paint.

    Can you dye your jeans with hair dye?

  • We dilute the paint in warm water so that the trousers are completely covered with a solution.
  • We leave everything for 1 hour.
  • We take them out and rinse first in plain water, and then add salt and vinegar.
  • This work is best done with gloves.

    Method 3. Paint for fabrics

    My favorite way remains! Now I will tell you how to dye black jeans at home using fabric dyes. This method differs from the previous ones in that you have to tinker a little.

    The photo shows paint for fabric

    If you purchased such paint, do the following:

    • we dilute in water (proportions in the instructions for the composition), it is better to use a bucket or a deep container;
    • put our jeans in the prepared mixture;
    • put it all on fire and boil for 1-1.5 hours;
    • constantly mix the pants so that they are painted evenly and without streaks;
    • after that, rinse in salt or acetic water to fix the pigment.

    Rinse your jeans well so that there are no streaks left.

    other methods

    I'll tell you about rare and interesting ways to change or update the black color on clothes. To refresh the color, you can soak the item in coffee, tobacco or black ink.

  • Coffee or tobacco. We prepare the solution with our own hands:
    • we breed 50 grams of ground coffee or 15 grams of tobacco in 1 liter of water;
    • soak black trousers for half an hour, the water should be cool.

    Coffee is a natural dye

  • felt-tip pens. Of course, we will not directly decorate our jeans with them! We take the rod from the felt-tip pen, break it and lower it into the water so that it changes color. And the paint is ready!
  • Blue, black, blue - take your pick!

    What to look for when choosing coloring agents:

    • on the instructions, it should be indicated on the package;
    • for what material it is intended;
    • if you don’t know what your trousers are made of, take universal paint.

    It is best to choose a universal paint

    If lavsan or nitron is present in jeans, then the paints may not saturate the fabric. The result is that the thing will not be painted.

    The price of specialty powder paints can be high and often hard to find. Ordering via the Internet will take some time, but it is real to buy.

    Black jeans - practical and comfortable clothing

    Care after staining

    Dyed clothing must be carefully monitored and cared for. Improper washing or drying can change the resulting shade, the item may shed and have to be thrown away.

    After dyeing, you need to properly care for black things.

    I will share with you a few simple tips:

  • Dry clothes where they are not exposed to direct sunlight, so they will not fade.
  • Wash separately for the first 2-3 washes to prevent the new paint from fading.
  • Add vinegar in subsequent rinses, it serves as a color fixer.
  • Vinegar makes the color last much longer.

  • When washing, use only powder for colored fabrics. Powder for white laundry contains bleach.
  • Black jeans go with any outfit


    Above, we looked at the most effective ways to dye jeans black. Choose the most suitable for yourself and do not be afraid to change your style and wardrobe.

    Watch the video in this article for more information on this topic. If you know other methods for dyeing denim, share them in the comments! I would appreciate that!

    With the help of simple tips, you can return or give a new color to jeans

    If you don’t like the light color of the jeans or they faded over the summer, it is possible to return them to their previous color. Color it! There are several ways to dye your jeans blue at home. Let's find out what.

    how to dye jeans blue

    To dye jeans blue, you can use not only special paint, but also the usual tools at hand. For example, blue is the simplest and most affordable dye (a mixture of methylene blue with starch). It is not suitable for full-fledged coloring, but it is ideal to refresh jeans.


    • Dilute blue in warm water in the amount indicated on the label. Add table salt (2 tablespoons) to the solution. Soak pants in it and soak for 2-3 hours. To make the blue work better, leave the jeans in it for eight hours. To color things evenly, turn them over every two hours.
    • Wring out and place in a solution with vinegar. Prepare it at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar per 1 liter of water.

    how to powder coat jeans

    The convenience of powder dye is that things are dyed right in the washing machine. High-quality paint will not damage the equipment, and after the procedure is completed, it will be completely washed out of it.

    The only place where the paint can remain is the rubber seal. But it is easy to clean with a regular sponge.

    Rules for dyeing jeans in the washing machine:

    1. Make sure your jeans are dry and clean before dyeing. If there is at least a small greasy spot on them, this will lead to an uneven distribution of paint.
    2. Read the label on the jeans and the instructions for the washing machine. Painting can be carried out only in the mode that is acceptable for this thing when washing. Otherwise, ruin your jeans or your car.
    3. After painting, idle the machine at least once, or wash dark clothes that will not show traces of blue dye.
    4. If you still need to wash light-colored things after painting, add bleach.

    How to dye jeans step by step

    • Prepare the paint according to the instructions.
    • Before washing, dilute the dye with about ½ liter of hot water and pour into the drum. Do not use the powder compartment - pour the coloring composition directly into the drum.
    • Load the jeans into the machine and select the "Boil" mode or wash at 90-95 ° C.
    • Dilute 9% vinegar with water at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. vinegar per liter of water. Place your freshly washed jeans in it. Keep them for 15 minutes.
    • Wring out the jeans, put them in the machine and run the Rinse and Spin cycle.

    Jeans can also be dyed by hand. To do this, take enameled or plastic dishes. Dilute the dye in one liter of hot water. Mix well so that there are no lumps.

    If indicated in the instructions for the paint, add soda and salt. Dilute the concentrated solution in 6-8 liters of hot water. For painting, use an enameled basin or bucket of a suitable volume.

    Place the jeans in the solution and cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat for 40 minutes. After painting, rinse the cooled jeans in warm, and then in cold water. Finally, rinse in water with vinegar.

    If you are not sure that the dye will not cause allergies, then wash the newly dyed item with laundry detergent.

    To dye jeans blue, use other dyes that do not need to be boiled. Choose the method that suits you.

    The main thing is to rinse after staining in water diluted with vinegar. This will help keep the shade fresh longer.

    A dozen years ago, any fashionista knew by heart how to dye jeans at home in order to give an ordinary product a fashionable gloss or update their faded shade. Today we are talking about how to dye jeans at home, is it possible to achieve unthinkable shade transitions, or will we have to stop at the traditional blue tone?

    Methods for dyeing jeans, the advantages and disadvantages of each

    To date, to change the shade of pants, use the following methods:

    • Potassium permanganate. This method will require some skill from you. It's a stretch to call it simple. But as a result, you can achieve that never go out of fashion.

    • Blue. It is the most affordable budget tool for staining. The pluses include ease of use, but of the minuses, we note the low color stability to the external environment. It is washed out with every wash and requires constant renewal of intensity.
    • Aniline based paints. The instructions on the packaging describe the entire process in detail. The main thing is to strictly follow the scheme of application. Unique is the ability to mix different shades of the product to obtain fundamentally new colors.

    • Acrylic paints. They have increased durability. As soon as they dry, they immediately stop responding to external influences until boiled or washed with powder.
    • Dyes in powder. You can easily and simply use powder options when running things in an automatic machine. This process is the least troublesome, but you don’t have to wait for rainbow shades.

    In addition to those mentioned, it is allowed to use other products in dyeing, such as hair dye and other preparations for fabrics.

    Ways to use powder dyes

    Dyeing jeans provides for both a machine option and a manual color change. Let's consider the options in more detail.

    Coloring in the machine

    1. In order for the panties not to become spotty, but to acquire a uniform, even tone, first dissolve the dye as indicated on the label. If there is no information, then dilute the standard sachet in 0.5 liters of water. In the process, make sure that all the powder dissolves, because lumps and grains of sand can ruin the job.
    2. Place the prepared solution in the drum of the washing machine. If the label of your item says that you should add salt or soda, then add these same components to the drum.
    3. Load the thing you are going to animate into the machine. For cotton or linen, set the temperature to 95 degrees.
    4. As for the time, it is better to choose the longest period. After the machine finishes, take out the pants and put them in the basin. First, place vinegar diluted with water in a bowl at the rate of 1 tbsp. vinegar per 1 liter. liquids.
    5. In this solution, let the trousers soak for 25 minutes. After that, wash them in the machine in the usual way for jeans: the minimum time, and the temperature is not more than 40 degrees.
    6. Upon completion of all manipulations, your trousers will acquire the desired shade.

    Painting in an enamel bowl

    1. Dilute the coloring powder in a liter of hot water. Carefully review the packaging, if it indicates that you need to add soda or salt to the composition, then add the right amount. Stir until completely dissolved.
    2. Pour the resulting solution into an enameled container. Add 5-7 liters of water there. Place the pants you want to dye in this bowl.
    3. Move the basin to the fire and "boil" them at a temperature of about 95 degrees for about 60 minutes. Systematically stir the contents of the pelvis with tongs or a stick.
    4. As soon as the "cooking" period is over, remove the trousers from the solution, cool, rinse them first in warm water, and then in cold water.
    5. Soak clean pants for half an hour in a solution of vinegar, and then wash them with your hands using washing powder.

    Now you know how to dye old jeans to freshen up your favorite item and get a fashionable new thing in your wardrobe.

    Important! If you used a washing machine, then immediately after the dyeing procedure, do not wash white things in it. It is better to let the technique idle the session in order to whiten the drum a little.

    Paint your pants blue

    • You can use blue to "revive" if your pants are very faded, but there is no pollution on the surface.
    • The tool will not be able to radically change the color of the fabric, but only add a shade of depth and saturation.
    • The depth of color will be washed off after 3-4 washes, that is, much faster than coloring powders.

    • If you notice that the material has faded again, feel free to repeat the blue coloring, and the thing will again acquire a fashionable, rich tone.
    • To change the tone, dilute the blue in water as indicated on the package, or make sure that the color of the liquid suits you with its intensity.
    • After the end of the process, rinse the thing in the basin, while adding vinegar.

    Application of whiteness

    For a long time in the post-Soviet space, jeans-varenki remain in trend. Every self-respecting fashionista knew by heart the secrets of creating fashionable new clothes from ordinary trousers. This is a simple matter, since the usual "Whiteness" will help you.

    1. Dilute a glass of "Whiteness" in a bucket of water.
    2. Twist the thing well into a sausage, fix it in several places with elastic bands.
    3. Immerse them in a container with a solution, and begin to gradually heat the basin on the stove. In this situation, you will need at least 15 minutes for the procedure. Be careful not to let your jeans float to the surface.

    In this way, black jeans or blue jeans can be dyed so that large unusual patterns form on the surface.

    How to work with black denim pants

    The most reliable way for those who are going to dye trousers is to purchase specialized fabric preparations. Such tools can give the material black, blue, cyan tones. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase the drug, then at home you can dye your jeans black with hair dye. The method is interesting, but it is better to resort to its use in extreme cases. The scheme of the procedure looks like this:

    1. Buy some paint. When choosing, pay attention to its shade. Try not to make a mistake, otherwise you will most likely not be able to get the desired tone. Just in case, if the panties are large, buy a couple of packs.
    2. Dilute the drug in water. Determine the amount of water “by eye” so that you can subsequently completely immerse your pants in it. Leave the thing in the solution for an hour and a half.
    3. As soon as the deadline is up, rinse your panties. First, dip in clean water, then add soda and salt.
    4. Dry the new thing and evaluate the result.

    Important! Jeans can be dyed with hair dye, but remember that the result can be the most unexpected.

    Acrylic paints for painting jeans

    Acrylic paint for jeans is suitable if you do not want to radically change their tone, but just want to stand out in a bright way from the crowd. The scheme for creating a fashionable new thing is quite simple, but the result depends solely on your artistic abilities.

    1. Prepare brushes of different sizes and choose the sketch you like.
    2. Carefully apply acrylic paints on the leg pattern.
    3. Fix the effect obtained by going over the pattern with a hot iron through cheesecloth or after turning it inside out.

    Important! Applying an acrylic ornament to a thing that is worn daily is not worth it. In this case, the jeans paint quickly sheds and peels off.

    Once you have learned how to color, you can easily bring your favorite trousers to life by turning them into a mind-blowing handmade.

    Video: How to dye jeans dark

    We all have our favorite things that we hate to part with. Even if jeans, a T-shirt or a sweatshirt have already lost their original color or are decorated with stains, they still remain in our closet. But such things do not have to be thrown away or sent to the country. They can still be revived. For example, denim clothes can be dyed, a fabric appliqué can be sewn onto a T-shirt, a sweater or sweatshirt can be decorated with leather inserts. There are a lot of options here, and the choice is limited only by your imagination.
    Today I will talk about how to dye your own jeans. These recommendations will come in handy not only in order to update old things, but also in order to turn ordinary models into super trendy ones.

    how to dye jeans blue

    If things have lost their color, having faded after repeated washings, quite affordable household dye will allow to restore the original saturated shade. Blue is sold in any hardware store. Different manufacturers make it either as a powder or as a liquid. How to dye jeans with blue? There is no specific technology. Everything is as simple as two and two.

    Boiling the fabric in this case is not necessary. It is enough to immerse the jeans completely in water at a temperature of thirty degrees and leave for a couple of hours. To make the color last longer, add a couple of tablespoons of table salt, and then rinse thoroughly in a mild vinegar solution. Please note that blue is not the most suitable dye, and the thing will certainly shed. In addition, after several washes, it will wash off, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

    Special funds

    If you want to achieve a more durable color, use Dylon products that have proven themselves well. They behave well in the sock and For dyeing, the item must be boiled in an aqueous solution with salt. When rinsing, use the same table vinegar.

    Use a wide dish that fits the whole thing so that the fabric is dyed evenly. An aluminum basin or laundry tub is best suited for this purpose. During boiling, the solution must be stirred periodically so that stains do not form on the fabric.

    The required proportions are indicated on the dye packaging. Try to follow the right dosage, otherwise it will be very difficult to remove the excess.

    Do not forget that the dye settles on the walls of the dishes. Therefore, at the end of the process, it must be thoroughly washed with a hard sponge with trisodium phosphate.

    You can buy today not only in household supermarkets, but also in shops that sell materials for creativity.

    How to dye jeans with potassium permanganate

    Many of you are familiar with the word "varenka". The peak of popularity of this denim came in the mid-eighties. But today, fashion designers are once again returning jackets, blouses, shirts, skirts and trousers with this original design to the catwalk. Do you want to have the same fashionable outfit? Then advice on how to dye jeans with "potassium permanganate" will come in handy.

    In this case, there is no need to boil the thing. A mixture of potassium permanganate (100 g) and table vinegar with a strength of 9% (150 ml), reacting with hydrogen peroxide, brightens the fabric.

    First, jeans are treated with the first composition. Then the hydroperite tablets are crushed into powder, water is added and the pattern is fixed with a fresh solution using a sponge.

    Now a little about how best to apply the drawing. A combination of strong wear with light (actually white) small spots is now fashionable. You can get these with a stiff brush and a metal mesh. The technology is very simple. First, the brush is dipped in the composition, then it is sprayed onto the fabric through the mesh.

    The traditional way

    This technology has been known in Russia since the birth of the cooperative movement. It should be noted that this secret was known not only to novice businessmen. Any self-respecting fashionista was aware of how to dye jeans at home.

    For this purpose, the usual "Whiteness" is used in the amount of one glass per bucket of water. First, the jeans need to be twisted well and fixed with elastic bands. Then they are completely lowered into a bucket of hot water and boiled for fifteen minutes. In this case, you need to ensure that the jeans do not pop up.

    The pattern is quite large. If you want to get a drawing in the form of diverging circles, use the same technique as in batik. The bleaching composition is poured into already hot water. Unfortunately, this method has a huge minus - the pungent smell of bleach.