How to remove eyelashes. Why remove lash extensions? The procedure should be performed while sitting in front of a mirror.

Mysterious female look from under long fluffy eyelashes - what could be more attractive? popular procedure Many women have tried beauty salons to build them, mostly those who by nature cannot boast of long eyelashes. When the optimal period expires in 15-20 days, and there is no time to visit the salon, the question arises of how to remove eyelash extensions at home. You can consult with the master who did the procedure for you, or, after carefully reading our recommendations, proceed to the removal yourself.

Ways to remove eyelashes without harming your eyes

There are several ways to remove eyelash extensions at home without harming your eyes. Armed with the necessary knowledge and tools, you will painlessly carry out this procedure yourself. Familiarize yourself with the technique of using several methods, find out how to remove eyelash extensions without the help of a master, choose the one that is more suitable for you and start practicing.


Remover is a modern tool for removing eyelash extensions, which is available in the form of a gel, paste, cream. The gel preparation has a thick consistency, due to which it does not flow into the eyes during use. But evaporating, it can irritate the eyelids. Cream remover eliminates evaporation, has no strong odors and therefore ideal for sensitive skin. Uniform distribution of the cream from the base of the growth and along the entire length guarantees painless easy removal of extended hairs. Additional components creams take care of natural cilia.

With oil

The longest in time, but at the same time the most gentle method. You may need any vegetable oil, including olive, sunflower. If you want to take care of your natural eyelashes at the same time, then use castor or burdock oil, which will help rapid growth and restoration of damaged hairs.

At night, generously lubricate the eyelashes with oil along the entire length, giving Special attention basis. In the morning, you will find that most of the hair extensions have already peeled off. The glue on which the eyelashes are held will successfully dissolve the vegetable oil within a few hours. Those hairs that will still hold on can be easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

With cream

You can not buy expensive preparations for removing artificial eyelashes, but use any fat cream for the face, preferably hypoallergenic. It is necessary to generously lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelids suitable cream and leave it for 10-15 minutes, so that during this time the adhesive base has time to lose its firmness and dissolve. Remove glued eyelashes with a cotton pad.

Using debonder

Thanks to affordable price, the debonder has gained popularity both among professional masters of beauty salons and in the category of lovers of home procedures. The liquid is sold in specialized stores, pharmacies, online stores that sell professional cosmetic products. The debonder contains an active substance that quickly dissolves the base of the glue, but when evaporating, it irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. It is necessary to use the drug very carefully, especially for those who are prone to allergies and have high skin sensitivity.

Step-by-step technology for removing eyelashes with castor oil

Castor oil is hypoallergenic, but if you are using it for the first time, do a skin reaction test as you would with any product. Apply oil in advance for several hours on the inside of the elbow, if no rashes have occurred, feel free to start using it. So, you need:

  • Thoroughly clear eyes decorative cosmetics using milk or lotion to remove makeup.
  • Not a large number of castor oil heated in a water bath.
  • Q-tip or use a small clean brush to apply oil to the eyelashes, paying special attention to the roots.
  • After a few hours, use a cotton swab to wipe the remaining oil from the eyelids, along with artificial hairs.
  • If part of the artificial hairs is not removed, repeat the procedure.

How to restore your eyelashes at home

By nature, a woman has the desire to be attractive. An important element for appearance was and remains the presence of long thick eyelashes and beautifully defined eyebrows. The use of decorative cosmetics of dubious production or the abuse of makeup can lead to the fact that your own hairs become brittle and fall out. Salon procedures for recovery good result but are worth big money.

Many women are looking for available ways care and restoration of eyelashes at home. We recommend that you pay attention to the information content of our tips, which are easy to use and do not require special skills. The most common natural remedies, useful for eyelashes and eyebrows, are considered burdock and Castor oil. Having a huge amount positive feedback after their application, you will not doubt that these inexpensive, but effective drugs are worthy of attention.

In order to restore damaged eyelashes, you need to apply the selected oil on their surface for a month before going to bed for an hour. As a tool, use an old clean mascara brush or ear stick. The microelements and vitamins contained in the oils awaken the bulbs to growth, and the hairs become smooth and obedient. The presence of ricinoleic acid in the composition strengthens the roots, reduces dryness and brittleness.

To obtain stable result after recovery natural beauty eyelashes, the procedures should not be episodic: it is recommended to repeat a weekly course every three months. The oils are used in a heated form, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure. There is no need to wash off the oil, a sufficient amount is absorbed into the roots of the hairs and the skin of the eyelid, the excess is removed with a napkin.

From the article you will learn whether it is possible to remove eyelash extensions on your own at home. For you - step by step description removal procedures with debonder, remover, cream, oil and Albucid eye drops.

In the article we will talk about how and how to remove eyelash extensions at home without causing damage to your own.

How long do lash extensions last?

Eyelash extensions are a guarantee that under any circumstances and at any time of the day your look will be expressive, and your eyes will be beautiful. If earlier only brave girls went through the extension procedure for some important event, for example, for a wedding, now they do it just like that, for every day.

IMPORTANT: If this is your first time contacting beauty salon in order to get eyelash extensions, most likely you are interested in how long they last. Their "shelf life" is directly related to the life cycle of your own eyelashes.

  1. The modern extension procedure is as follows - a lashmaker glues from 1 to 3 artificial ones to each of your own eyelashes.
  2. Like hair, your eyelashes are constantly renewed: after going through their life cycle, the old ones fall out, and from hair follicles new ones appear.
  3. You can lose up to 5-7 of your eyelashes a day, this is a normal process. If you see that more of them fall out, perhaps something is wrong with your cosmetics, or the body is acting up.
  4. Obviously, along with your native cilia, extensions will also fall out. And after 3-4 weeks you will notice that their length and volume are not so ideal, and your face does not look too neat.
3-4 weeks after building your artificial eyelashes lose their appearance - some of them will fall out along with the natural ones in the process of natural renewal.

Here you are faced with a choice: go to the salon and make a correction or remove artificial eyelashes.

IMPORTANT: Both correction and removal of eyelash extensions are included in the price list of beauty salon services.

But it happens that you need to remove your eyelashes, but there is no time to go to the salon. Or you allocated money for the procedure of building up, but you didn’t take into account the fact that you need to pay for the withdrawal separately. Is there any way to fix the issue at home? Will it be possible to remove the eyelashes on your own so that your own remain in place, and nothing gets into your eyes? Our women are enterprising, they have found several ways.

How and with what means to remove eyelash extensions correctly? How to remove eyelash extensions with the most gel and cream debonder: photo

Immediately get ready for the fact that self-removal of eyelashes at home is a risk. A professional cosmetologist certainly knows what and how to shoot, his hand, as they say, is full. He will do everything so that your native eyelashes do not suffer. At home, you have no guarantees, during the withdrawal procedure and after it, various kinds of difficulties and problems may arise. Perhaps you should still allocate a certain amount of money and visit the salon if you are not confident in yourself.
If you still decide to remove the remnants of eyelash extensions on your own, it is better to purchase a professional tool for this - a deborder or remover, preferably on natural basis and without acetone.

Debonders for extended eyelashes.

IMPORTANT: Various manufacturers have debonders and removers, you can buy them both in salon materials stores and in ordinary cosmetics stores, but not all of them.

Debonders are liquid and gel. If you not professional beautician, select the second option: liquid products spread, it is not easy to work with them.
To remove eyelash extensions, you will need:

  • gel debonder
  • cotton pads
  • brush or cotton swab
  • tweezers
  • mascara brush
  • makeup remover
  • face cleanser

Removing eyelash extensions with a debonder: step 1.

Removal of eyelash extensions with a debonder: step 2.

Removal of eyelash extensions with a debonder: step 3.
  1. Before the procedure, wash your face and clean your face with make-up remover.
  2. Cut the cotton pads in half - these halves will be needed to protect the eyelids and eyes from getting debonder.
  3. If you remove the eyelashes yourself, you will process the eyes in turn. Lay half of a cotton pad between the eyelids.
  4. Soak a brush or cotton swab in the debonder, apply the product to the lash line.
  5. How does a debonder work? It dissolves the glue on which artificial cilia are planted.
  6. Leave the product on for 2 minutes. That's how long it takes for the glue to dissolve.
  7. If during this time the eyelids tingle a little, most likely the product still contains acetone. If the burning sensation is noticeable, very uncomfortable or painful, wash it off immediately.
  8. Take the tweezers. From roots to tips, grasping the artificial lashes, gently remove them.
  9. Wipe your eyelids with a facial cleanser to remove any adhesive residue.
  10. Wash your face.
  11. Comb your natural lashes with a mascara brush or a special brush.

How to remove eyelash extensions with the most gel remover: photo

Remover is another professional tool for removing eyelash extensions, which, in addition to a solvent for glue, contains caring components. As with the debonder, at home you are better off using a gel-based remover.

Removers for extended eyelashes.
  1. Take off your makeup. It is advisable to degrease the eyelids and eyelashes. But never use alcohol.
  2. To apply the remover, you will also need to protect the eyelids and eyes with halves cotton pads.
  3. With a brush or cotton swab dipped in remover, treat the lash line.
  4. Read the instructions to find out how long to keep the remover. Usually, the glue dissolves in 5 minutes or more.
  5. As the glue dissolves, the fake lashes will begin to pull away from the ones they were attached to. Help them with a cotton swab or tweezers.
  6. Wash your face. There should be no adhesive residue or solvent residue on the skin.
  7. Comb your lashes. If possible, apply coconut or burdock oil on them.

Removing eyelash extensions with a remover.

VIDEO: How to remove eyelash extensions at home?

How can I remove eyelash extensions neatly, quickly and without harm at home?

If you have not bought a debonder or a remover, you will still be able to remove the extended eyelashes. Our resourceful girls have adapted to use products that can dissolve glue, are relatively safe for eyes, skin and natural cilia that are in every home:

  • Albucid eye drops
  • fatty creams, including children's
  • oils

IMPORTANT: Before applying the products listed above to the lash line, be sure to check if you are allergic to them. The day before the procedure, lubricate with a small amount of oil or cream inside bend of the elbow, or drop a couple of drops of Albucid on it. If there are no unpleasant sensations, rashes or other negative reactions during the day, start removing the eyelashes.

Albucid is an eye drop for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, including bacterial conjunctivitis. It turned out that they not only kill pathogens, but also break down the glue that holds the extended eyelashes.

  • Albucid (by the way, it costs mere pennies in a pharmacy - about 30 rubles)
  • cotton pads
  • cotton buds

As a remedy for removing eyelash extensions, you can use Albucid eye drops.
  1. Protect your eyes and eyelids with cotton pad halves.
  2. Soak a cotton swab in Albucid, apply the product along the lash line.
  3. Wait 2-3 minutes, apply Albucid in a second layer. After another 2-3 minutes - the third.
  4. After 20-30 minutes, check if the eyelashes are detached. Do not pull with tweezers, use a clean cotton swab to remove.
  5. Wash your face, use eye cream.

IMPORTANT: Many people experience discomfort from tingling to unbearable burning. If you feel something like this, wash your face immediately. Find another, less aggressive way remove lash extensions. Remember that Albucid is still strong medicine and not cosmetic.

How to remove eyelash extensions with sunflower, castor, burdock or olive oil: photo

Instead of a professional remover for eyelash extensions, you can use a product that you probably have at home - vegetable or cosmetic oil:

  • sunflower
  • olive
  • castor
  • burdock

Removing eyelash extensions with vegetable oil.

Oil eyelashes are removed in two ways:

  1. Soak half a cotton pad in the oil, apply them to your eyelids, put on a nightly eye patch and go to bed. In the morning, you will remove the bandage, and artificial cilia will fall off by themselves.
  2. Brew an herb such as chamomile. Wait until the broth cools down to 70-80 degrees. Make yourself steam bath for the face: pour the decoction into a bowl, bend over it and cover terry towel. A 10-15 minute procedure will benefit you: you will prepare the cilia for removal, and the skin for the cleansing procedure. soak cotton pad any of the oils listed above, gently wipe your eyelashes with it. Literally before our eyes, artificial ones will begin to move away from your natural ones. When the procedure is over, wash your face and apply the cream around the eyes.

How to remove eyelash extensions without special products, greasy or baby cream: photo

The glue on which artificial eyelashes are “planted” dissolves upon prolonged contact with a greasy cream. If you have a baby cream, intensive moisturizing or anti-aging cream at home, use it.

  1. Soak a cotton swab in the cream.
  2. Apply the cream thickly on the lash line.
  3. Wait for the cream to be absorbed. By this time, artificial cilia or tufts should fall off.
  4. If not all cilia can be removed at once, repeat the procedure.

Is it necessary and mandatory to remove the eyelash extensions and after what time?

Human eyelashes live, on average, 90 days, or three months. Theoretically, extended beams can not be removed, they themselves will fall off during this period of time.
But after 3 weeks you will notice that your lush and long eyelashes look different: uneven, sloppy, with “bald patches”. You can't afford to look so unkempt! You should go to a beautician to remove the rest of your eyelash extensions, or choose one of the home methods described above in this article.

Depending on the individual features your body, it will be necessary to remove the extended eyelashes in 2-5 weeks.
  1. If you decide to increase eyelashes, keep in mind that after a while they will need to be adjusted or removed.
  2. If you feel like your lashes are falling out after getting extensions, don't panic.
  3. Maybe, earlier process their updates passed by your attention. And now, when 1-3 artificial eyelashes fall out along with one of your own eyelashes, of course, this is noticeable.
  4. Remember that the service life of eyelash extensions is very arbitrary. Take a closer look at your reflection in the mirror: someone goes to removal or correction for a whole month or even a month and a half, for someone artificial beams thin out after 2 weeks.
  5. If you are allergic or your skin is too delicate and sensitive, do not experiment with home remedies. Let the removal procedure be carried out by a specialist in the salon.


Eyelash extensions are one of the most requested procedures. Her techniques are improving every year, but the main advantage of the procedure is the ability to forget about decorative eye makeup for almost a whole month. But after this time, many ladies feel discomfort on their eyelids and wonder how to remove eyelash extensions without the help of a specialist.

Features of the procedure

Removing artificial hairs at home can seem like a rather complicated, time-consuming and even dangerous process. This is due to the fact that the adhesive or resinous base on which the overhead beams are attached is very dense in structure. It envelops at the base not only extended eyelashes, but also natural ones. Due to the proximity of the glue to the mucous membrane, many ladies are afraid to damage their eyes and therefore do not even try to remove the remaining glue on their own. But remember that there is nothing wrong with the procedure for removing eyelash extensions and there are many humane methods of getting rid of eyelash extensions. artificial materials without a threat to your century.

When choosing an eyelash remover, take care of the following factors for a successful procedure:

  • Cleanliness of hands;
  • No eye disease
  • Lack of decorative cosmetics on the eyelids;
  • Good illumination of the room;
  • The presence in the arsenal of materials such as cotton pads, a mascara brush for combing hairs, tweezers, castor oil, Levomycetin drops, cotton swabs.

What and how to shoot yourself?

For ladies who do not want to get rid of eyelash extensions in beauty salon, there are several options for how to do it yourself:

  • by the most in a radical way is the use Albucida- eye drops for conjunctivitis and other infections. The composition is able to dissolve glue and resin. It is superimposed on the growth line of the ciliary cover in 3 layers and left for no more than half an hour. In this case, the eyes should be closed, and a cotton pad should be placed under the ciliary layer.

  • Enough powerful tool is a special solvent for eyelash glue - debonder. It also has a rather aggressive chemical composition, but it has quick action. The solution should be applied to the eyelash contour and after the time indicated on the package, check how tightly the artificial eyelashes are held on the eyelid. Most of them should be freely removed. In areas where the adhesive has not completely dissolved, apply debonder again.
  • Gel based remover- Another tool for removing artificial beams. Its superiority over the debonder is that the gel does not flow into the eyes. But the composition of these two tools are practically the same.
  • For sensitive skin suit the most gentle cosmetic cream remover. With a light texture, it very gently wraps around the roots of the eyelashes without causing irritation of the eyelid. And after a short period of time, you can already remove the artificial hairs.

  • Some girls practice removing hair extensions with a thick cream. Suitable baby cream. It is applied along the lash line and cotton pads are applied to the eyelids. Eyelashes will begin to peel off in just 10 minutes. But if the glue is resistant, such a mask is kept longer, sometimes even left all night.

  • If creams and cosmetical tools can cause allergies in some ladies, oils based on natural plant extracts do not have such side effect. Remove artificial hairs with oils- one of the most gentle ways. The oily texture significantly softens the particles of glue and eyelashes are removed from the eyelid without harm to the eye. At the same time, their eyelashes are filled with strength and get rid of damage.

If the glue was used as a material for attaching hairs, then castor oil or oil with an extract is suitable for removing it. grape seeds. If the hairs are fixed with resin, then choose olive oil. Among oils, ladies also prefer ordinary sunflower and burdock. The use of oils is the most a budget option getting rid of lash extensions. To achieve a 100% result from such a procedure, leave the oil compress on your eyelids all night. Secure the soaked discs with a sleep bandage. The next morning you will see that the remnants of glue and cilia have softened and are easily removed.

Remember that before applying the oil, you need to completely rid your eyelids of cosmetics.

  • One of the most simple ways self-withdrawal eyelash extensions - steaming. To do this, you need to heat the water to a temperature of about 75 degrees, you can add armo-oils or herbal extracts. Before the procedure, you need to get rid of cosmetics and remove the lenses. Cover your head with a towel and, bending over the container, steam your face so that the steam does not burn your skin. After a quarter of an hour, remove the towel and remove loose hairs with a cotton pad, then wash with cool water.

Gentle procedures can only be effective for eyelashes glued using glue that is not very resistant. For stronger structures, only professional tools are suitable. If the eyelash extension technique was used, then you should not remove the eyelashes yourself. The glue used for this procedure has a very high resistance, so it is recommended to get rid of excess material only in salons.

If artificial eyelashes were glued in bunches, then removing them yourself is not at all difficult. To do this, after a steam bath, apply cotton pads soaked in cool water to the eyelids. After a quarter of an hour, the structure of the glue will finally soften. Apply a fat cream along the line of growth of the ciliary cover and you will see how easily the artificial hairs themselves fall off from the natural ones.

When the removal procedure is completed, wash your face thoroughly. When manipulating the eyelids various substances can get on the mucous membrane of the eye and cause redness or slight irritation. In this case, you will need Levomycetin drops, which can be bought at any pharmacy. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and neutralize protein redness. As an additional procedure, apply castor oil with a mascara brush.


The procedure for removing eyelash extensions can take different times. It depends on the density of the material on which they are glued and on how urgently you need to get rid of the artificial hairs. The more gentle method you choose, the more time it will take for the procedure. Oil solutions dissolve the adhesive within a few hours, while special preparations, much more aggressive in composition, cope with this task in a matter of minutes. In any case, excessive haste in the procedure of getting rid of artificial eyelashes will not be beneficial, because this work requires accuracy, concentration and care.

Why not immediately remove and pull out?

Some girls believe that the easiest way to remove eyelash hairs is to pull them out with tweezers. Beauticians do not recommend resorting to such methods, because along with artificial hairs, natural ones are also pulled out, making the look of the century unaesthetic. The same thing happens if girls remove their eyelashes immediately after the compress without checking how softened the adhesive base is. If natural eyelashes and remain on the eyelid, then after such a procedure they become many times weaker.

There is a life hack for ladies who urgently need to get rid of the length of extended fans. In order not to waste time removing eyelashes, just carefully adjust their length with scissors. This way you will look more natural. But be careful! Use only small scissors so as not to cut the shell of the eye.

What do they look like after?

During the presence of artificial eyelashes on the eyelids, natural ones experience stress. They weaken, become thinner and even fall out. Such changes are connected with the fact that the glue clogs hair follicle and she gets less nourishment and oxygen. Don't be surprised that after you remove the false lashes, your lashes will be quite sparse. Glue also has the ability to cause allergic reactions, and subsequently redness or dryness can be observed on the eyelid.

The quality of the material used is also important. If the master applied high-quality products, then the condition of your eyelid will not tolerate strong changes after removing the eyelashes.

In the process of wearing, some young ladies do not change their habit of sleeping on their stomachs. Eyelashes touch the pillow and not only fall off faster, but also break off and thin natural hairs. The condition of your eyelash cover after removing the extensions also depends on the method of their removal. Usage chemicals can sometimes adversely affect the strength of the eyelashes.


After the procedure for getting rid of glued hairs, it is necessary to proceed to the next stage - the restoration of your own. This process can take quite long time. If you want to achieve a truly productive result, then get ready for the fact that restorative care procedures will have to be carried out for at least a month.

But if you use the following recommendations, then the process of regeneration of skin cells and hairs will be much faster.

How to quickly recover?

In order to quickly restore the strength and beauty of your eyelashes after removing the extensions, you need to carry out a series of procedures that restore the structure of the hairs, nourish their bulb and promote growth and density.

  • Castor oil will provide first aid after removing the overhead bundles. Apply it just before bed to strengthen your lashes right down to the tips. You can use a solution of castor and burdock oils, mixing them in equal proportions.
  • Excellent daily ritual can be tea or chamomile compresses that soothe the skin of the eyelids.
  • Do not use eye makeup for at least 1-2 weeks. Chemical composition decorative cosmetics can not only interfere with the process of restoring hair growth, but also further harm their condition.
  • Take a course of taking vitamins. With the combination of ingestion of vitamins E and A and adding them to the oil during the treatment of eyelashes, restorative the process will go faster.
  • A twenty-minute compress of nettle decoction is an excellent tool for strengthening eyelashes.
  • You can mix dill seeds with calendula and apply a compress from the decoction for half an hour.
  • To restore the structure of hair fibers, you can even use fish fat! You need to smear the hairs with the contents of the capsules, and after 10 days you will notice the result.
  • In sunny weather, do not forget to wear glasses and use special eye creams with increased level UV protection.
  • If you prefer to use ready cosmetic products, then add a balm based on burdock oil, eyelash growth activation gel, revitalizing serum, eyelash conditioner. Each remedy should be applied daily for visible result already in a couple of weeks. But before buying, carefully study the composition of each product, it should include only natural ingredients.
  • In the first week after removing the eyelashes, getting shampoo in the eyes can be dangerous. It provokes irritation of the mucous membrane and slows down the recovery process. To avoid this, first wash your hair with baby shampoo, which does not cause discomfort when it gets into your eyes.

On the net you can find thousands of photos showing the state of natural cilia after the removal of artificial ones. Since not everyone knows how to do it right, today we will tell you how to remove eyelash extensions. In order not to cause harm and carry out the procedure yourself, we recommend choosing suitable remedy for home use. Explore all the options, then choose a method for yourself.

How to remove lash extensions

Before the main manipulations, it is necessary to find out how to remove the extended eyelashes. For the purpose of using at home, a remover and a debonder have been developed. Also in motion are natural oils various types. But, first things first.

Method number 1. Debonder

A debonder is a professional composition that can dissolve the adhesive base. It is specially designed to remove hair extensions. The composition contains acetone, so you need to work with extreme caution. Debonder is available in the form of a gel and liquid tonic. It is more convenient to apply the gel, it does not penetrate the eyes.

Instructions for working with the debonder:

1. Clean your eyes of makeup. Take 2 cotton pads. Cut each to get a crescent shape. Place the halves under the lower lashes so that the sponges are as close to the eyelids as possible.

2. Scoop up the debonder gel with a brush, close your eyes. Distribute the composition along the line of attachment of artificial hairs on upper eyelid. Record 3 minutes.

3. After a predetermined period, pull the extended eyelashes with tweezers, they should move away on their own. Otherwise, wait some more.

4. Since removing eyelash extensions with this method is as easy as shelling pears, then you need to get rid of the glue residue. If at home there is a brush from an old mascara, wash and dry it, run it over your eyelashes.

5. Then wipe the skin with cotton swabs soaked in tonic. Comb your natural hairs again and rinse your eyes well.

Method number 2. Remover

The remover is designed specifically for removing hair extensions. It contains caring ingredients that strengthen eyelashes. Allocate remover in the form of a gel and cream. Choose any of them.

The instruction is almost the same as the previous one:

1. Cut out 2 crescent moons from cosmetic sponges, place each of them under the lower cilia.

2. Close your eyes. Spread the remover with a brush along the line of attachment of artificial hairs on the upper eyelid.

3. Spot 5-10 minutes (it all depends on the manufacturer). Then start moving the hairs with a cotton swab from the roots to the ends. You can simply pull on the extended eyelashes with tweezers.

4. Arm yourself with an old mascara brush, wash it. Comb the hairs, removing the remaining remover and glue. Then rinse closed eyes water.

Method number 3. Albucid

By "Albucid" is meant an antibiotic aimed at combating inflammatory processes in the eyes. The basis of the drug is sulfacetamide, which dissolves glue. This substance allows you to both remove extended eyelashes and prevent eye diseases at home.

The use of "Albucid":

1. Remove lenses if necessary. Warm the vial with the drug in your hands. Dip a cotton swab into it, go through the places where artificial hairs are attached.

2. After 5 minutes, make another layer, then another. It is necessary to lubricate the adhesive part about 6 times with an interval of 5 minutes.

4. If the eyelashes come off easily, remove them. Otherwise, hold for some more time, then remove the exfoliated hairs.

Method number 4. Fat cream

Another great option how to remove eyelashes. If a child lives with you, then at home there is probably a baby cream. It will help remove lash extensions.

The scheme is as follows:

1. Clean your eyes of makeup. Place cosmetic sponges under the eyelids. Spread the cream with a brush or cotton swab.

2. Detect for 5-7 minutes, do not allow the composition to get on the mucous membranes. After this time, take a stick, move the cilia with it from the roots to the ends.

3. They will gather on cotton sponges. You can also use tweezers to remove. If not all hairs have peeled off, apply another layer of cream.

Method number 5. sunflower/olive oil

A natural remedy allows you to both remove extended eyelashes and improve native hairs. If olive oil or sunflower oil is available at home, use it.

The principle of withdrawal is quite simple:

1. Select right time for manipulations - in the evening, before preparing for bed. You need at least 8 hours, overnight the adhesive mass will completely dissolve.

2. Wash your face. Dip the brush into the oil and run it over your lashes. Carefully apply the composition to the line of attachment of the hairs.

3. Go to bed, don't touch your eyes. In the morning you will notice that unnatural cilia have fallen off. Those that adhere tightly can be removed with a swab dipped in oil.

4. Almost everything! It remains only to take a brush and walk on natural cilia. This will remove the adhesive.

Method number 6. Burdock/castor oil

How to remove lash extensions? Girls use natural oils for such purposes. At home, it is enough to follow simple instructions.

1. Cut a cotton pad in half and soak in warm oil. Place half of the sponge close to the lower eyelid.

2. Close your eyes. Dip a cotton swab in the oil and carefully work the cilia. Now you have to wait another half hour.

4. If for some reason you did not manage to get rid of all the hairs, then the oil should be applied in a generous layer and left overnight. After waking up, the eyelashes will easily separate.

Precautionary measures

Before removing eyelash extensions at home, you need to study simple rules. Thus, you can carry out the procedure without harm to the hairs and eyes.

1. Be sure to wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Wash your face and get rid of makeup residue. Particles of cosmetics should not fall under the eyelids.

2. Before removing the extended eyelashes, test for allergies or individual intolerance. At home, it is enough to distribute the composition on the earlobe. Watch for reactions.

3. Do not use "Debonder" if you have hypersensitivity of the skin. As an alternative, it is better to resort to help vegetable oil or cream.

4. If for any reason the product gets into your eyes, do not panic and rinse them with running water.

5. It is not necessary to pull out the extended hairs if they are poorly removed. Apply the composition again and wait a while. Otherwise, you risk damaging delicate skin eyelids and native hairs.

6. When removing, do not try to use a needle and similar improvised devices. Otherwise, you may face unpleasant consequences.

7. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding your baby, do not use Albucid.

8. In order not to provoke diseases thin skin century, should not be used hot water, soap or tonic.

9. During menstrual cycle the body is susceptible hypersensitivity. Therefore, experts do not recommend resorting to the procedure 3 days after menstruation and 3 days before them.

10. If the eyes are exposed to any inflammatory process, it is strictly forbidden to remove the extended hairs.

If you understand how to remove eyelash extensions and everything worked out for you, we strongly recommend that you carry out restoration procedures at home. Every time before going to bed, apply olive, flaxseed or any other oil to the hairs. For convenience, you can use a mascara brush.

There are several ways to return eyelashes original view without harm to the eyes and threats to the eyelids. You just need to free up a couple of hours and be patient. At home, you can remove eyelash extensions in three ways, which everyone can master.

But we note that universal way no - a lot depends on the eyelashes, and on the glue used by the master.

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How to remove eyelash extensions at home: technique

For the procedure you will need special agent eyelash remover, cotton pads and sticks, a mirror, scissors, adhesive tape and a well-lit room.

  1. Cut the cotton pad into 2 pieces. On one side, cut a recess to position the cotton pad exactly along the line of the eyelids. This is necessary to protect the skin during the procedure.
  2. Apply crescents of cotton pads to the lash line of the lower eyelid, securing with adhesive tape.
  3. Close your eye, gently pull down the eyelid from the outer corner. This will help to see where the extended eyelashes are located, and where are the natural ones.
  4. With a cotton swab, apply the eyelash remover exactly along the line of artificial hairs. Soak the special agent for the specified time.
  5. Gently pull on the hairs - they should easily move away. If this does not happen, repeat the procedure. In no case do not pull on artificial eyelashes, otherwise you will damage your own.

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How to remove eyelash extensions at home

  • by the most safe means considered castor oil. The procedure is the same as described above, with the only difference that before removing it, you need to steam your face over a bowl of hot water - this will make it easier to remove the eyelashes.
  • Debonder is another tool for removing extended eyelashes. In fact, it is a solvent, so it acts very aggressively and can adversely affect the skin of the eyelids and eyes. If you decide to remove eyelashes with this product, carefully protect the lower eyelid. You need to keep it for 3-4 minutes, and you can buy it in pharmacies.
  • Gel and cream remover - more modern facilities to remove eyelashes. Such products do not flow, do not create fumes, and are the easiest to work with. This procedure is more comfortable, and also takes a minimum of time.

The last option is professional tool, so with it you can easily and painlessly remove artificial eyelashes without affecting eye health.