How to remove extended eyelashes. Self-removal of eyelash extensions: safety precautions. Removal with oil

How to remove eyelashes that have been extended to give expressiveness to the eyes? There are several methods of removal, but at home it is important to handle with care. At the master, this procedure is easier, but it costs additional costs, so many girls prefer to remove false eyelashes at home.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home?

The period of operation of any type of false eyelashes is no more than 25-30 days. Further, due to the natural renewal of hairs, they begin to crumble. This gives the girl an untidy look and encourages many to remove their own eyelash extensions by any means at hand, without thinking about the consequences. With a negligent attitude to the procedure, your eyelashes, mucous membranes and skin around the eyes may suffer.

  • professional means;
  • fat cream;
  • cosmetic oils.

Do not use substances with the addition of acetone, alcohol: this can cause eye burns.

professional tools

For efficient removal you can resort to professional products manufactured by various companies: Dolce Vita, TNLL. Most often used:

  1. Debonders. They are sold in two forms: gel and liquid. Remove eyelashes at home easier gel than liquid, since the second option requires professionalism. When used, particles of the product, getting into the eyes, can cause irritation. Some debonders contain an acetone compound, so be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition before purchasing.
  2. Removers. These tools remove overhead and at the same time care for your cilia. It rarely causes an allergic reaction and is suitable for sensitive skin. They are available in cream, liquid and gel form. The disadvantage of removers is the high price, but there are many more advantages from using them.

It is easy to remove eyelash extensions yourself, you just need to buy professional tool. It should be borne in mind that they are not cheap, but even if you constantly increase eyelashes, then with careful use of one tool, it can last for several years.

With heavy cream

By removing eyelashes with eye cream, you can avoid the development of allergic manifestations. Its use also prevents eye irritation. The only requirement is that the cream must be of a greasy consistency.

Use of a night cream for dry skin is allowed.

Using oils

At home, oils are also used to remove eyelashes:

  • grape;
  • olive;
  • linen;
  • almond.

Oil should be selected according to skin type. Each type is distinguished by its individual composition and cosmetic additives. Of all the above oils, olive oil is considered hypoallergenic.

If a person is prone to allergic reactions, then it is necessary to conduct a test by smearing a little oil on the inside of the wrist. If after a while the skin at the site of application did not react in any way, then it can be used in the future for its intended purpose.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home

For the planned procedure, you should prepare:

  • cotton buds and discs;
  • mirror;
  • any of the above;
  • tweezers.

The sequence of actions for removing artificial eyelashes is as follows:

  1. Remove with cosmetic milk or two-phase oil makeup from the eye area.
  2. Make a compress that will protect your eyes from possible irritation. For its implementation cotton pad should be soaked in warm water or strong tea and put on the eyelids for a quarter of an hour.
  3. With a cotton swab, apply the substance to the roots of artificial hairs and wait until the glue is completely dissolved. This will take several minutes. Avoid contact with the eyes.
  4. Next, lift the hairs with tweezers and gently remove them. They should come off easily without causing any pain. If the cilia are difficult to remove when removed, then you need to apply the product again and wait until the glue is completely detached.
  5. After removal, it is recommended to wash. Remains of glue and the agent used, once on the mucous membrane, can cause severe irritation and an allergic reaction.

At strong irritation and the manifestation of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to contact the nearest medical institution for expert assistance.

Like any artificial beauty, they are not eternal. 3 weeks after the cosmetic procedure, the eyelashes must be removed. You can quickly and painlessly do this manipulation in the cabin. But many ladies, whose day is scheduled literally by the minute, are interested in whether it is possible to remove extended eyelashes at home.

How to remove eyelash extensions at home?

When choosing a way to remove eyelash extensions at home, you need to know that the procedure is the same in all cases, only the means used to dissolve the glue differ. Note how you can remove eyelash extensions at home.


Cosmetologists, answering the question of how to remove eyelash extensions at home without harm, first of all recommend a debonder. And this is justified. Debonder is used by professionals who carry out the procedure in beauty salons. Special remedy can be used for a similar purpose at home. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Before the procedure, cotton pads are cut into two halves. One piece is placed on upper eyelid, the other - under the eye and tightly pressed with adhesive tape.
  2. A debonder is applied to the strip of eyelashes with a cotton swab.
  3. The substance applied to the eyelashes gently and effectively dissolves the glue in just a few minutes. Then with the help special brush, tweezers or fingers extended eyelashes are removed.
  4. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to apply burdock, castor or almond oil to your own eyelashes in order to nourish them.

Attention! Contact with debonder in the eyes causes irritation, burning and redness. In this case, rinse the eye with running water, and make a compress of chamomile, black tea or sage.


Castor or can be used directly to remove artificial eyelashes. The procedure is organized as follows:

  1. The selected vegetable oil is applied to the eyelashes with a soft brush or cotton swab.
  2. After about 30 minutes, after the glue has softened well, the eyelashes are carefully removed with tweezers, a brush or fingers.
  3. With a cotton sponge soaked in soapy water, the oil is washed off.

Fat cream

To remove eyelashes, you can use any fat cream, which does not cause an individual allergic reaction. The cream is squeezed onto a cotton pad, and the product is applied liberally along the lash line. After 10 minutes, when the adhesive loses its durability, the cilia are easily removed.

Tips for removing eyelash extensions

Owners of eyelash extensions need to remember:

Difficulties in self-administration cosmetic procedure we recommend not to risk the health of your eyes and your appearance and contact a professional.

The issue of the safety of extensions is acute when it is necessary to remove the “decoration” without harm to the eyes and return to the natural look. After all, many of the funds offered for withdrawal have on the skin of the eyelids and the eyes themselves. negative impact. What manipulations can be carried out independently at home and is it possible then to restore the natural framing of the eyes as quickly as possible?

In order for the procedure not to cause a deterioration in the condition, it is worth considering a number of nuances:

1. If additional hairs were fixed on the resin, it is possible only with the help of a special solvent offered in pharmacies. A similar recommendation applies to cilia extensions glued with cyan acrylate.

2. Gentle products in the form of fatty creams and oils will help if you use economy-class fixatives or adhesives not listed in the first category.

Choosing a professional solvent

Three groups of effective solvents can be distinguished.

  • Debonder liquid.

Helps to quickly remove lashes. There are a number of negative aspects in the form of the presence pungent odor, which appears in the process of removing fumes, which at home can cause irritation not only to the eyelids, but also to the membranes of the eye. If a drop is on the mucous membrane or the eyeball, there is a burning sensation, redness of the tissues, which can only be eliminated by intensive washing. In view of these shortcomings, Debonder is rarely used in salons, therefore it is better to use it at home in an emergency.

  • Gel structure preparation.

Such a tool helps not only quickly, but also correctly remove the extended eyelashes, since during the procedure the gel does not flow into the eyes. The only contraindication for use is sensitive skin, since the remover in the form of a gel works similarly to Debonder, releasing harmful fumes.

  • Cream formulations.

Due to the thick consistency, not only its flow during manipulation is excluded, but also the appearance of bad smell, evaporation.

Improvised home "solvents"

You can remove the extended eyelashes at home with your own hands, using safe natural remedies, if the fixation was gentle. It is recommended to try this method as a first experience, so as not to immediately switch to expensive professional solvents.

1. Castor oil.

  • The face is pre-steamed over a container of hot water.
  • In castor oil, moisten a cotton swab, which then lubricate the cilia, preventing the product from getting into the eyes.
  • In order to qualitatively remove additional hairs, the second stage is repeated again, running a cotton swab along the edges of the eyelashes until their detachment begins.
  • Use a paper towel to remove any remaining oil from the eyes.

2. We use a regular cream.

It should be noted that eyelashes can only be removed with a greasy cream. As in the case of castor oil, apply along the edge with a cotton swab and leave it in front of the eyes until the glue dissolves.

3. Professional solvent.

When extended eyelashes can be removed only by applying special preparations, the technique is strictly specified by the manufacturer, so any deviations from the instructions are unacceptable. An example is the scheme for using the most dangerous Debonder liquid:

  • Preliminarily well protect the lower eyelid.
  • A cotton swab soaked in the product is carried out along the outer edge in the direction from the outer corner of the eye.
  • Light movements are carried out for 4 minutes to dissolve the glue.
  • When the cilia are removed, again spend on the eyelid to remove the remnants of the fixative.
  • The final step is washing with warm water.

You need to be prepared for the deterioration of the condition of native cilia. It is better to strengthen them in advance by rubbing burdock or castor oil into the root strip (preferably in the morning or daytime hours), choosing the right mascara (the presence of caring additives is important) and conducting hygiene procedures(during washing and in the process of wiping, rubbing of the eyes is excluded). If it was not possible to prevent weakening and fragility, it is worth turning to special techniques.

What contributes to recovery?

If it was not possible to remove the extended eyelashes without harm and there are small gaps on the eyelid, different length, it's time to start active regeneration according to the scheme below:

1. It is important to properly care, preventing the divergence of keratin scales and delamination of the structure of the natural eye decoration. The already mentioned vegetable oils, the duration of therapy which is at least 30 days. Optimal use Castor oil, applying it with a clean mascara brush in a heated form. An hour later, the eyelids are cleaned of the remnants of the product.

2. Particular attention is paid to eyelid skin care, the purpose of which is to strengthen hair follicles, Creation optimal conditions for eyelash growth. You can experiment with oil mixtures, mixing peach and almond oils with castor oil to simultaneously moisturize the skin, activate blood supply in it. Recommended daily use composition prepared at home. If desired, you can add vitamins E and A sold in capsules at the rate of 3 drops of a vitamin preparation per teaspoon of the main component.

3. Improvement general condition thanks to the reception vitamin complexes. In order to quickly restore the natural framing of the eyes after removing the extended cilia, it is important to use the vitamins mentioned above not only locally. It is advisable to provide them internal reception after consulting with your doctor.

Masks with natural ingredients

An effective addition to the described restorative care is the use of masks, which are preferably done twice a week for a more noticeable result. The most useful are the following compositions:

  1. With oils and aloe. Burdock and castor oils are combined in equal proportions with aloe juice and three drops of vitamin E. The agent is applied for half an hour, after which it is removed with a napkin.
  2. With parsley. Finely chopped parsley and aloe juice are added to the oil at hand (the main thing is that it is suitable for eyelash care). The mixture is kept on the eyelids for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water.
  3. Herbal compress. For its preparation, take chamomile, thyme, sage or cornflower flowers. On the basis of herbs, decoctions are prepared by pouring dry ingredients only with boiled water and insisting the mixture for about 60 minutes. The compress is made by dipping cotton pads in decoction and then applying them to the eyelids. Use herbal infusions can only be warm. Such procedures are especially effective if, after the use of solvents, the eyelashes began to actively fall out or inflammation of the eyelids developed.

It is necessary to think over in advance the measures for the regeneration of the eyes in order to quickly restore the eyelids. As for the possible repeats of the extension, cosmetologists recommend that it be carried out only with the full health of your own eyelashes, otherwise their condition can be significantly worsened.

Extended eyelashes give the look expressiveness, depth and at the same time retain natural look. There are many extension technologies that are designed for different shape eyes and their size. Girls no longer need to spend a lot of time on makeup, but what to do when the eyelashes have lost their former appearance? That's right, it's time to take them off.

Ways to remove eyelash extensions at home:

  • nutritious cream;
  • oil (olive, castor, corn or burdock);
  • cosmetic liquid "debonder".

How to remove eyelash extensions with cream

Cleanse your skin by removing all makeup. Apply eye serum to the area around the eyes and let it absorb. Use as a remover baby cream. Squeeze a small amount onto a cotton swab and apply a thick layer to the eyelid junction with false eyelashes. Leave on for 25 minutes, being careful not to get the cream in your eyes. After the time has elapsed, remove the composition with a dry cotton pad and gently pull the tip of the extended eyelash. If after the procedure it was not possible to remove all the eyelashes, repeat the steps.

How to remove eyelash extensions with oil

When the master did the extension procedure, he probably mentioned what to avoid cosmetics containing oils. This is due to the fact that castor, corn, burdock and olive oils contain natural ingredients that break down the adhesive backing. Take advantage of this. In addition to removing the extended beauty attributes, you will also saturate your own cilia with vitamins.

Removal is carried out alternately with each eye or simultaneously with the help of a friend. Lie down on the sofa, close your eyes tightly and pour half a teaspoon of oil into the recess of the eye, wait 20 minutes. Gather the composition with a cosmetic swab, then slowly remove one eyelash at a time. If the result is not complete, repeat the procedure, drop the oil and wait another 20 minutes. Alternatively, you can apply the composition at bedtime, lightly soaking the eyelashes and the joint area.

The tool is specially designed for professional masters. If you visit the salon, then you will remove eyelashes in this way. Debonder is odorless and has a beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes. It dissolves glue quickly and comes in a handy bottle.

Debonder can be gel and liquid. For self-removal, it is recommended to choose the first option, since it is a viscous translucent base that is easy to apply and does not drain, so you can work while sitting.

The debonder contains a toxic compound, so always read the instructions. It indicates the exposure time, principle of operation and chemical components. If you are allergic to ingredients, avoid this method or choose a debonder from another company. Do not blindly trust sales assistants, purchase a product that you are confident in, read reviews on the Internet in advance.

Removal technology
For removal, you will need cosmetic cotton tape, cotton swabs and sticks, as well as the help of a friend, since you cannot do it alone.

  1. Cut the cotton pad into two parts, on one of them make a semicircle so that the cut line is not straight, but in the shape of a crescent. Put this half on the movable eyelid and fix it with adhesive tape, the skin should not be visible. The following scheme will turn out: extended eyelashes on the upper eyelid, then half of the cotton swab is located, and on top is the eyebrow. Put the other half on the area under the eyes, that is, under lower lashes and fix it too.
  2. Close your eyes. Wet a cotton swab in the debonder and coat the entire adhesive base at the junction with the composition upper eyelid and extended eyelashes. The solvent will drain onto the cotton pad, and it will begin to darken due to the absorption of the resinous substance. Soak the glue until artificial eyelashes won't start falling off.
  3. After the procedure, wipe the skin with eye tonic. Make a strong tea brew, soak a cotton pad in it and put it on your eyes, wait 20 minutes. The compress will relieve irritation.
  1. Don't try to pull off your lash extensions, even if you use tweezers. In this way, you will lose your native eyelashes.
  2. Do not remove adhesive with a needle, pin, or toothpick. You will not achieve the result, but you can seriously injure your eyes.
  3. It is not necessary to use steam for eyelashes by compresses or a long stay in a hot bath. The glue will never dissolve from such manipulations.
  4. Keep in mind, debonder is a toxic agent. Always read the instructions before use. Observe the exposure time and protect the skin around the eyes with cotton pads. After removing, be sure to make a tea compress.
  5. In cases where preference is given natural remedies as a solvent, choose only a hypoallergenic cream and fresh oil.

How to quickly grow your eyelashes after removing extensions

Balance your diet. Include oily fish (salmon, salmon, tuna, cod, etc.), cereals and beans, green vegetables and fruits in the menu. Eat a handful of nuts several times a week, do not forget about cottage cheese, milk, kefir and natural yogurt.

Drink a course of multivitamins, they contribute accelerated growth eyelashes, and also have a beneficial effect on hair and nails.

Restrictions on the use of funds traditional medicine no, unless an allergic reaction to natural ingredients is noticed. Prepare a few mascara tubes or small bottles in advance, where you will pour the composition after its preparation. Take care of the presence of an eyelash brush to make it easier to apply the products. Measure the components with a syringe.

Corn oil mask

  • vitamin A (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin E (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • corn oil - 7 ml.
  • burdock oil - 4 ml.
  • lemon juice- 3 ml.

Combine half an ampoule of vitamin A with a quarter of the composition of vitamin E, add oils and lemon juice. Pour the mixture into a clean tube, leave for 2.5 hours. Use as needed, leave on lashes for about half an hour.

Olive oil mask

  • patchouli ether - 3 drops
  • ginseng ether - 2 drops
  • lemon juice - 2 ml.
  • olive oil- 8 ml.
  • vitamin B (ampoules) - 1 pc.

Add a third of an ampoule of vitamin B to olive oil, pour in oils, lemon juice and esters. Close the vial tightly, wait 1 hour. Always shake the tube before use. The exposure time on the eyelashes ranges from 25 to 50 minutes.

Almond oil mask

  • vitamin A (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • almond oil - 7 ml.

Mix a whole ampoule of vitamin A with oil, apply a thick layer on the eyelashes, hold for 40 minutes.

Mask based on citrus juice

  • lemon juice - 3 ml.
  • orange juice - 3 ml.
  • grapefruit juice - 4 ml.
  • rosemary ether - 6 drops
  • lemon balm ether - 3 drops
  • vitamin B-6 (ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin B-12 (ampoules) - 1 pc.

Mix a third of an ampoule of vitamin B-12 with half of the composition of B-6, pour in juices and esters. Close the bottle, shake and apply to the eyelashes thin layer. Keep the mixture for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Castor oil mask

  • vitamin B (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin C (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin E (in ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • castor oil - 6 ml.
  • ether tea tree- 8 drops
  • rose ether - 5 drops

Mix half an ampoule of each vitamin, add castor oil and esters. Pour into a tube and shake well, apply daily several times a day. The exposure time is 10 minutes.

Linseed oil mask

  • ether grape seeds- 7 drops.
  • linseed oil - 5 ml.
  • camphor oil - 2 ml.
  • lemon juice - 2 ml.

Combine the ingredients, put in the microwave for 10 seconds. Cover the eyelashes with a warm composition, hold for 25 minutes. Before use, the mask should always be warmed up.

Sea buckthorn oil mask

  • rum - 7 drops
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 5 ml.
  • vitamin A (ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • vitamin C (ampoules) - 1 pc.
  • orange ether - 4 drops
  • ether ylang-ylang - 6 drops

Mix half an ampoule of vitamin A and a quarter of the composition of vitamin C, add rum, oil and esters. Infuse the mixture for 6 days in a dark container. After the time has elapsed, apply and hold for half an hour.

Aloe Vera Mask

  • lanolin - 2 ml.
  • vaseline - 3 ml.
  • gelatin - 1 ml.
  • olive oil - 5 ml.
  • burdock oil - 4 ml.
  • aloe juice - 8 ml.

Melt lanolin and petroleum jelly in the microwave until very liquid, add gelatin and mix the composition with a toothpick, wait 5 minutes until it cools completely. Pour in the oils and aloe juice, mix again. Stick cosmetic tape on the area under the eyes, then apply the composition with your fingers, tightly covering the eyelashes. Close your eyes, lie down to rest for 1 hour. Remove the mixture with makeup remover.

Vanilla and cinnamon mask

  • ground cinnamon - 4 gr.
  • vanillin - 2 gr.
  • corn oil - 5 ml.
  • vitamin B (in ampoules) - 1 pc.

Pour in cinnamon and vanilla corn oil, add half an ampoule of vitamin B. Stir the mixture with a toothpick and apply to the eyelashes in a thick layer. Remove with warm water after 25 minutes.

Do you feel daily eye fatigue due to eyelash extensions? Remove them with a fat hypoallergenic cream or use natural oils. Get a product called "debonder" from a professional cosmetics store. Read the instructions carefully, make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients. After the successful completion of the procedure, continue to care for the cilia for 2 months using folk recipes.

Video: how to remove eyelash extensions

Eyelash extensions allow you to realize the dream of long, thick eyelashes and a captivating, alluring look. Eyelash extensions are required qualified specialists with a good reputation. Otherwise, you risk spoiling natural eyelashes and other negative consequences are possible. But it is quite possible to remove cilia on your own. Do not know how to effectively and quickly remove eyelash extensions at home without harm? Let's figure it out together.

How not to remove eyelashes

It may seem that the removal of eyelash extensions is carried out simply and quickly. In fact, there are many nuances here. The final result depends on the professionalism of the master who performed the extension, on the means that were used. Let's define what not to do:

  1. Pull out artificial cilia in bunches. During the manipulation, you can pull out not only glued hairs, but also natural ones.
  2. Try to wash the glue and thus remove the cilia and with detergents or regular soap. There is a high risk of inflammation of the conjunctiva and mucosal burns.
  3. Remove eyelashes during or before menstruation. During this time, the procedure will be more painful.

How to prepare for eyelash removal

We have already discussed how to grow eyelashes on your own and how to prepare for this.

Interested in trying eyelash extensions yourself? Or even bought a set of eyelashes? To get started, take a look at the detailed step by step instructions how to do it. Watch the video tutorials and only then proceed with the procedure.

Self-withdrawal eyelash also needs preparation. You need to carefully remove makeup and wash. Check if you are allergic to the product you plan to use for removal. Prepare everything you may need during the removal.

How and how to remove eyelashes yourself

Today, millions of women get eyelash extensions. And everyone wonders how to remove eyelash extensions at home and how this can be done. There are three proven methods: using a debonder, oil and cream.

Debonder is a tool that dissolves the adhesive. It allows you to remove hairs without pain, fast and easy. First, cut the cotton pad in half and make a recess in the form of a semicircle. We attach a cotton pad to the lower eyelid so that it fits snugly against lower eyelid. We lower the cotton swab into the debonder and apply the solution along the hairline. Leave the solution for a few minutes. Gently remove loose lashes. Note that debonder is a strong solvent. Perform the manipulation as carefully as possible and do not let it get into your eyes.

If you are afraid to use chemical solvents, you can use vegetable oils. For example, go burdock castor. We take a cotton pad and cut it in half, make a semicircular recess in each half, soak it with oil. We put the disk on the lower eyelid and oil the cilia themselves, lie down with eyes closed 20-30 minutes. Gently remove hairs with tweezers. If the cilia are not removed, do not pull or tear them off. Repeat the manipulation or leave the oil overnight.

by the most accessible means is an ordinary fat cream. Apply cream cotton swab along the hairline, lie down with your eyes closed for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the glue will dissolve and the hairs will easily fall off.

What can happen if the withdrawal fails and how to solve the problem

You have learned how to remove eyelash extensions at home. But it's worth knowing possible consequences self withdrawal:

  1. Allergic reactions. Debonder, vegetable oils or a greasy cream can provoke the development of allergic reactions, which manifest themselves as redness, hyperemia, swelling or edema.
  2. Microtrauma of the mucous membrane. Pressing too hard on the upper eyelid, or sticking a cotton pad too tightly to the lower eyelid, can damage the lining of the eye.
  3. Chemical burn. If the products used come into contact with the eye, chemical burn so never open your eyes during the procedure.

At allergic reactions take the drug Suprastin, which relieves redness and itching. Special drops "Vizin" will help soothe the eyes, and drops "Albucid" or "Levomycetin" will protect against the development of infection. Effective and folk remedies: lotions from herbal decoctions, applying green tea bags. If the proposed procedures do not give the desired effect, consult a doctor.

Caring for your eyelashes after removing extensions

We learned how to remove eyelash extensions yourself.

Caring for extended eyelashes will, firstly, prolong the period of their "wearing", and secondly, minimize undesirable consequences and will allow you to protect your native eyelashes as much as possible. The tips are simple and easy to follow on a daily basis.

Particular attention deserves the restoration of natural cilia, care for them.

Care is focused on nutrition and hydration. For these purposes, it is recommended to use oils natural origin. Castor oil works well. Gently applying oil to the eyelashes every other day, after a few weeks you will notice that they have become stronger and thicker. You can add vitamins E and A to the oil, which are sold at any pharmacy. An alternative to castor oil is almond oil, linseed oil, from grape seeds, from wheat germ.

When can I get eyelash extensions again? How long should it take after removal

On average, eyelash extensions are worn for about a month. Correction must be done after 2 weeks. When the cilia lose their aesthetic appearance, it is necessary to remove them. Next, you need to give natural cilia a rest for 2-3 weeks, undergo a recovery course. Then you can do extension again.

In this article, we have analyzed how to independently remove eyelash extensions at home without harm. We hope that the recommendations will help you achieve the desired result.