How to paint eyebrows to create a natural makeup. First you need to comb your eyebrows in the upward direction, and then in the direction of their growth. To do this, use a special cosmetic brush for eyelashes. Your charming eyebrows are ready

Clear and regular facial features, bright colors- it all helps to emphasize natural beauty highlight certain advantages and negate the disadvantages. Knowing how to paint eyebrows with paint, shadows or a pencil, you can easily become a few years younger and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

How to paint with a pencil

Now the girls are giving great attention eyebrows. Previously, the trend was to pluck them to thin threads, but now they should mainly be wide and thick. Not everyone has been endowed by nature with such a beautiful and catchy facial feature, some girls have light or thin hairs that need to be shaded regularly. To do this, you can use paint, pencil, shadows, mascara and even lipstick. To understand the best way to paint eyebrows, you need to try all three options described in the article.

Previously, only a pencil was used to paint this part of the face, and all means of this type were used: contour for lips, for eyes, and others. Now there are already special pencils designed exclusively for eyebrows. Their differences lie in color scheme and softness. They are much more convenient to use, because the strokes lie down softly and naturally.

Before you color your eyebrows, you need to choose the shade of the product. Brunettes and brown-haired women are more fortunate here than blondes and fair-haired, because in the case of an incorrectly chosen color, you can shade the paint a little and get desired shade. But, if you have light eyebrows, then you need to remember some rules:

  1. Ideally, the shade of the pencil should be on tone lighter hair(in dark girls) and darker in fair ones. As with eyeliner, choosing the wrong range can add a few years to yourself;
  2. Naturally, they will only look brown shades and close to them (depending on the color type). Of course, tattooing is still fashionable now, but it rarely looks natural, and when the paint fades, it becomes a grayish tint, clearly indicating the artificiality of the eyebrows;
  3. To beautifully paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you need to make several small strokes, and not one solid on the hairline, and one thin (if necessary) on the skin.

In addition, you will first need to pluck extra hairs or cut them. Otherwise, they will protrude beyond the painted outline and break the lines.

Instructions on how to paint eyebrows with a pencil:

  1. Eyebrows comb, pluck and trim;
  2. After you need to choose a form, this is a very important part of the work. The bend of the house is considered universal, the main thing is not to make it too big. To do this, you need to take into account the size and shape of the eyes, their level on the face. Top part the house should fall on the third part of the century;
  3. Now you need to make a couple of test strokes near the bend - this will help you choose the right intensity of pressure and check the correctness of the choice of shade. After light movements, color the eyebrows from the outer corner to the inner;
  4. Make sure that the tail gradually becomes thinner - this looks the most natural;
  5. If the eyebrows are not only light, but also thin, then the pencil will need to be applied to the skin. Areas are painted over only from above - if you make a line from below, then your eyes will drop and your eyes will become tired;
  6. Then gently blend the strokes and, if necessary, trim them.

This is very convenient way. They are the easiest to learn how to do makeup and it is the cheapest of all. In addition, you can color your eyebrows with a pencil every day without harming the hairs. Instead of a pencil, girls often use mascara. But such option is suitable only if you need to slightly shade the dark ones, but on the light ones, separately dyed hairs will be noticeable.

How to work shadows

Now many cosmetologists in their work use special shadows that are suitable for coloring. various parts faces. With shadows, you can paint your eyebrows on your own at home, even without experience or special skills. The advantage over the pencil technique is the ease of the method, the disadvantage is the high cost and rapid loss of shade.

How to step by step to paint eyebrows with shadows:

  1. As with a pencil, you will need to prepare the base: pluck and trim the eyebrows;
  2. You need to take a brush and an eyebrow brush. The contour will be drawn with a brush, and the brush will be needed to apply shadows;
  3. With a brush, you need to paint the lower line of growth of the eyebrows to the tail. Draw the tail especially carefully - one sharp movement, and it will bend;
  4. After that, you need to lightly paint over the center of hair growth with shadows;
  5. You also repeat with top line growth;
  6. Pay attention to the break. Depending on your face shape, you can make the line straight, round the corner or sharpen it;
  7. If thick eyebrows are emphasized, then with a brush you need to paint over in the middle several times, if thin ones, then just evenly distribute the paint;
  8. Blend the shadows with a brush and comb the hairs.

To make the makeup look professional, you need to apply a little corrector under the bottom line or foundation light shade This will help bring out the contrast. Learning how to make such a make-up is easiest with liquid shadows, but powder ones are also suitable. For naturalness, you can add a couple of strokes under the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

A few secrets to make shadows last longer:

  1. Before dyeing with powder dyes, the hairs need to be waxed - it will become a reliable and durable base;
  2. After application, blot the area paper napkin- this will remove the top layer, which, when worn, will crumble under the eyes;
  3. You can fix the result transparent gel. good options MaxFactor, Maybelline and Evelyn have it.

Video: how to paint eyebrows step by step

How to paint with paint

Most natural photos obtained by dyeing eyebrows with paint, basma or henna. Such the way is fine, if you need to tint light, red or gray eyebrows, as it will help to give them a bright and rich color. The main advantage of this option is the duration - for at least two weeks you can forget about tinting the hairs.

How to paint natural eyebrows paint:

  1. Before starting work, you need to anoint the skin around the eyebrows fat cream, petroleum jelly or lip balm - then the paint will not go to the epidermis;
  2. Used for coloring special means. Rocolor and Estel brands are very popular. In no case do not apply hair dye to the eyebrows - it can cause the appearance of allergic reaction. If you mix henna and basma, then the proportions for regular dyeing will come in handy, with their help you can get any color: red, brown, chocolate, black. It is better to choose the right shade right away, otherwise it will not be possible to repaint later (you will have to wait until washing);
  3. When applying paint, the same technique is used as with shadows. First, a contour is drawn, after which it is filled with color. Work with a large mirror to look at the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct even small gaps;
  4. Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to paint eyebrows during pregnancy. Experts do not recommend, because during this period there is a high probability of rejection of the chemical components of the paint. There may be a reaction: the face will turn red, swell or become covered with a rash. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to either use a pencil and shadows, or work with henna;
  5. The exposure time depends on the brand and color of the paint. Most often, the composition is washed off the hairs after half an hour. Don't be alarmed if the shade seems too dark - it will lighten up after a few washes.

The first staining is best done in the salon - so you can see the equipment and tools that professionals work with. On each eyebrow it is determined individually how often they need to be painted. It depends on the structure of the hair and its original color. Blondes need to repeat the procedure almost every two weeks, while brunettes need to shade once a month.

Over the past few years, eyebrows have become important element any makeup and image. Girls try to make them as wide and thick as possible. And this trend originates from the world of fashion.

Why is it important to create a beautiful eyebrow shape?

IN modern world there are many fashionable variations on how to draw eyebrows with a pencil. Why did it become such an important stage in the creation of makeup?

Cara Delevingne and other models, along with the style of clothing, brought an indispensable condition to the everyday make-up - nice shape eyebrows. It is this element of makeup that can save any image.

Many makeup artists say that if you are short on time, you should just paint your eyebrows. These two arcs above the eyes are able to model the face. Therefore, it is important to take into account all the rules of how to paint eyebrows with a pencil. After all, the most simple and popular means for decorating this part of the face is just a pencil.

In addition to this product, there are several other options:

  • gel;
  • shadows;
  • liquid corrector;
  • ink;
  • cream - having the form of an eyeliner.

The advantage of pencils is their availability, low cost and ease of use.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil?

The selection of a product for this area must be approached as thoughtfully as possible. Since there are a lot of similar products on the cosmetics market.

There are several criteria that you need to rely on when choosing a pencil:

Another milestone in choosing such a product - its color.

If earlier everything was limited to jet black, now you can find the most unexpected tones. Therefore, it is important, before you correctly paint your eyebrows with a pencil, to learn how to determine which shade suits the color of your skin, hair on your head and natural eyelashes.

The most typical selection factor is hair color orientation:

There are many tutorials on how to shape eyebrows and how to color them with a pencil. The most popular is the design using two tones. They don't have to be radically different. A difference of half a tone or one is allowed.

Half of the bend - which is closer to the nose, stain more dark shade. The second part is drawn light. The transition must be carefully shaded and made invisible.

The pencil algorithm includes the following steps:

Drawing eyebrows with a pencil in stages is the easiest way. Since all the steps have already been thought out and do not involve ridiculous accidents.

For those who have never done such makeup, it is recommended to paint eyebrows with a pencil step by step: it will take more time, but after a few times the hand will get used to it and it will be easy to color the hairs.

How to use a pencil to give a beautiful shape to the arc: step by step instructions

Except change natural tone hairs, you can adjust their shape. How to paint eyebrows with a pencil correctly will help you understand step-by-step instruction with photo.

The photo also shows how the arc should look in the end. Based on it, you should try to draw until you get the desired effect.

It is worth noting that before you paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you need to decide on the shape. It can be pre-drawn with a pencil - creating a frame. On it, all excess and remaining hairs must be removed.

If the shape is too thin, then first you should grow the hairs to the required size, and then adjust the shape.

On this moment the ideal shape that suits everyone is considered a wide arc. It should have a narrow tail and expand towards the bend. Further, the line becomes wider and wider towards the bridge of the nose. The size is adjusted arbitrarily for each girl. It all depends on the type of her appearance and individual wishes.

Eyebrow modeling is an integral part of every woman's daily makeup. The correctness of this procedure depends general form faces. Groomed and thin arc shapes are not in fashion now. Therefore, it is worth turning to such a tool as a pencil. It will help transform the everyday make-up and emphasize not only beautiful eyebrows, but also creates a good frame for the eyes.

It is important to know the laws correct application pencil on the surface of the eyebrow, because inept handling of this object can lead to the fact that the girl will look vulgar or stupid.

You should be guided both in the selection of a shade and in the acquisition of products accompanying the coloring of the eyebrows. It is these indicators that are the key to beautiful eyebrows.

2017-02-10, 16:25

How to color eyebrows so that they look natural?

Beautifully defined eyebrows female face expressive, emphasizing not only the external beauty, but also the ability of the lady to take care of herself.

Beautifully defined eyebrows make a woman's face expressive, emphasizing not only the external beauty, but also the lady's ability to take care of herself. However, not everyone is given by nature to have such a luxury as eyebrows. correct form which there is no need to take care of.

What tricks do girls go to to make their eyebrows look better than they are! They cut them, thin out, build up, tint with shadows, pencils and special tools. But how to paint eyebrows so as not to look funny or ridiculous? Are there any secrets to create perfect shape and colors? What paint is better to use for modeling and is it possible to carry out manipulations with eyebrows not in the salon, but at home?

What is the best color for eyebrows?

The simplest and in a safe way coloring eyebrows is considered to be coloring with shadows, pencil and mascara, because all these products (high-quality, of course) do not cause an allergic reaction. In addition, if you have not drawn the shape of the eyebrows too correctly, you can always change it.

However, the resulting result will be very short-lived, and therefore girls will have to paint their eyebrows every morning, regularly correcting their shape during the day. Concerning chemical staining, it can save you from eyebrow modeling procedures, but if safety precautions are violated and individual intolerance to the components, it can cause redness of the skin around the eyes.

And since every girl is worried about her appearance, right now we will talk about each eyebrow coloring method in more detail.

How to color eyebrows with shadows

The use of shadows is a universal method of shaping eyebrows, as you choose desired tone, focusing on your appearance color type. Of course, in order for them to look neat, you need to take even such a simple task extremely responsibly and learn how to color your eyebrows at home correctly and without harm to them. appearance.

Whatever method you use, it is necessary to paint the eyebrows with shadows only after you shape them with special tweezers and scissors. As soon as the basis for further work is created, feel free to get down to business!

  1. Armed with a brush, carefully paint over the eyebrows along the bottom line to the very end. Particularly carefully and delicately, you need to shade the tail so that it does not look crooked and ridiculous.
  2. How to paint eyebrows with shadows further? Gently blend the color in the direction of hair growth. After you draw the bottom line, take care of the top one, giving Special attention broken eyebrows. If you want the look to be more expressive and clear, sharpen the corner, and if you dream of a soft look, round the kink.
  3. thick eyebrows you need to paint over intensively - so that there are no white spots on the skin. After that, you need to comb the hairs with a special brush, and then emphasize the contrast with a light corrector / foundation.
  4. When wondering how to paint eyebrows with shadows, many girls cannot decide which means should be preferred: liquid or powder shadows? The former are much more convenient to use and paint over both hairs and skin much more efficiently, but powder ones hold much better if applied correctly.
  5. To make the paint last longer, you can use a little trick: wax your eyebrows before dyeing - so the makeup will not crumble under the eyes. The final chord is to blot the hairs with a napkin, and then fix the form with a transparent gel.

We paint eyebrows with a pencil: little tricks

Shadows, as a method of coloring eyebrows, are favored by many girls, but the pencil is in no way inferior to them in popularity, because it is much more convenient to work with them in practice, and the result pleases you no less.

So, you are going to paint your eyebrows. What is needed for this? First of all, choose the shade of the pencil. Dark girls need to choose a color one tone lighter than their hair, and light girls need to choose a tone darker.

So, how to paint eyebrows with a pencil? Take it in your hands and draw separate strokes on the eyebrows, and not one continuous line. Paint over the hairs completely, starting from the outer corner and moving to the inner. Do not overdo it with the ponytail: it should thin out gradually, and not break off with a rough thickness before reaching the desired point.

The shape also matters: eyebrows that are too long and raised in surprise to the very forehead make the face comical, not expressive, and their bold curve completely spoils the appearance. Classic variant- when the upper part of the eyebrows falls on the third part of the eyelid.

And one more thing: before you paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you decided for sure, make a couple of test strokes to determine the color saturation and choose the intensity of pressure. Once the eyebrows have been processed, blend the strokes and, if necessary, align the line and tone.

Now you know how to paint eyebrows with a pencil in theory, it's time to start practicing. Helpful video to help you:

Modeling eyebrows with paint

Of course, eyebrow tinting special paints much more convenient than the daily manipulation of shadows or a pencil. At the same time, you look natural and are not afraid that makeup will float during the day if you accidentally touch your face with your hands.

In terms of time, such a procedure, if done in the salon, takes 20-30 minutes on the strength (depending on the initial data). But if you decide to beautifully learn how to color eyebrows at home, it is important to approach the procedure with skill and the maximum degree of responsibility.

1. Prepare the eyebrows. You need to start, as always, with eyebrow correction, designed to give them desired shape. Of course, the master in the salon will do it more professionally, but do you want to learn how to model them yourself? Correction is included in the list of basic skills for bringing the appearance in order, and therefore do not hesitate and boldly get down to business.

Once you're done, disinfect your skin to reduce inflammation. The correction procedure is carried out in advance: before painting the eyebrows with paint, several hours, or even a whole day, should pass.

2. Choose a paint. Paint is not a simple shadow pencil, because it will be difficult to wash off the fruits of your creativity, which is why you need to select the optimal shade of eyebrows in advance. There will be no advice from manufacturers, the only recommendation is this: do not confuse the purpose of the drug and in no case try to apply a hair coloring agent to your eyebrows.

3. We decide on the color. How to paint eyebrows with paint? Ideal if you buy a product whose shade is darker than yours natural color hair for 3 tones. Do not lighten your eyebrows too much if you have dark curls, or make them black if you're blonde. You can experiment with color saturation: for example, mix black paint with brown. Just do not forget that it will be right to do this immediately before the staining procedure, otherwise the paint will quickly become unusable.

How to color eyebrows: working on technique

  1. Collect all the tools necessary for work: a glass or plastic container in which you will stir the paint, a brush of medium hardness, cotton buds, gloves, napkins and petroleum jelly (you can replace it with a cream with a high percentage of fat content).
  2. Wash your face with the gel, remove make-up, and dry your skin. Lubricate the area around the eyebrows with a fat cream and then put on gloves.
  3. Dilute the paint of one tone in a container according to the instructions or mix two shades. When the preparations are completed, you can begin to paint your eyebrows.
  4. Dip the brush into the paint, removing excess product, and apply it on the eyebrows with smooth movements. The layer must be applied dense enough so that there are no bald spots and whitish spots on the skin and hairs.
  5. After looking at yourself in the mirror and making sure that the eyebrows are completely processed, note the clock for 10-15 minutes. If you want them to look darker, hold the product a little longer, about 20 minutes. Make sure that the paint does not get into your eyes, sit straight and do not tilt your head forward.
  6. We figured out how to paint eyebrows, but how to wash off the remnants of the product? Take a disk or a napkin, dip it in warm water and carefully wipe off any excess paint. It is not worth rubbing the skin actively, especially if your skin is too sensitive.
  7. Now all that's left is to wash natural beauty looked natural. It is better if you use a makeup remover, while it is enough to process only the eyebrows, and simply rinse your face with water.

Learning to dye eyebrows with henna

How to paint eyebrows if you want to achieve a gorgeous result? Experienced stylists advise using henna, which gives the eyebrows a rich and bright shade. In principle, the procedure for this procedure is similar to the previous one: you will need to prepare a container for diluting paint, take gloves, a brush and a small towel with which you will close your clothes.

Summing up

We told you about how and with what to paint your eyebrows, and if you listen to our advice, you will definitely cope with the task. Just remember that eyebrow coloring is a delicate science that requires you to be attentive, careful and accurate. Reasonable and correct transformations for you!

How to paint eyebrows? It is not difficult to master this art. It is important to sharpen the lead well and always keep the applicator for shading nearby, the pencil will give the hairs spectacular form and natural tone.

It is more correct to start painting eyebrows from the center (break point), and at the first stage, draw strokes along the hair growth to the tail of the eyebrow, while not pressing hard on the pencil. During drawing, if necessary, you can go beyond the natural contour of the eyebrow, but you should remember that you need to draw them natural: excessively massive and voluminous eyebrows will only add heaviness and unnaturalness to the face.

After drawing the tail, we begin to draw the remaining section according to the same principle - along the hair growth, starting this time from the nasal side of the eyebrow and ending at the break point.

Eyebrow shaping with a pencil

At the last stage, it is better to shade the pencil with an applicator - it will tone the eyebrow and create its correct background.

After proper makeup eyebrows, the face will look noticeably younger and fresher.


A few words about choosing a tool

Now let's move on to choosing an eyebrow pencil. It is recommended to choose a pencil with a brush on the cap for combing and shading the eyebrows. We select the color of the stylus according to the color of the hair tone: even burning brunettes will make coal-black eyebrows older, it is better to choose softer tones, it is better for blondes to choose a sand pencil or ashy color, and for brown-haired women, an ocher-chestnut shade will be an excellent choice.

In addition to the color of the usual cosmetic pencils for eyebrows differ among themselves in hardness. Soft pencils draw lines more intensively and thicker. When you need to draw thinner strokes, you need to choose a hard or semi-soft pencil.

Much also depends on the correct sharpening of the pencil. best form- a spatula, but the option of conical sharpening of the stylus is also possible.

Double Ended Eyebrow Pencil

For convenience and creating 3d volume, you can use a double-sided pencil with a two-color lead. Drawing eyebrows with such a pencil among cosmetologists and eyebrow masters was called "kayal".

How to apply a double-ended eyebrow pencil? With the light side of the stylus, the lower line of the eyebrow contour is drawn and gently shaded, while the brow contour itself is filled with the dark stylus.

  • It is not recommended to tint eyebrows with eyeliner: it is too rich in tone and too soft. The result looks artificial.
  • The hairs are drawn neatly, with short strokes, in the direction of natural growth.
  • Strong pressure and thick lines are a guarantee of an unnatural result.
  • At the end of the painting, be sure to comb the eyebrows with a brush with a gel for fixing the eyebrows - the gel will fix the color and keep it all day long.

As a conclusion

Two-tone eyebrow tinting with a pencil will look original. For greater naturalness, you can use pencils of two shades close to each other: the beginning of the eyebrow (head) - a light shade, closer to the temples (to the tail) - a darker tone.

A competent choice of color and the ability to draw are required, for all this, training in front of a mirror will be required. The result of such work is perfect eyebrows.

Clear and regular facial features, bright colors - all this helps to emphasize natural beauty, highlight certain advantages and negate flaws. Knowing how to paint eyebrows with paint, shadows or a pencil, you can easily become a few years younger and emphasize the expressiveness of your eyes.

How to paint with a pencil

Now girls pay a lot of attention to their eyebrows. Previously, the trend was to pluck them to thin threads, but now they should mainly be wide and thick. Not everyone has been endowed by nature with such a beautiful and catchy facial feature, some girls have light or thin hairs that need to be shaded regularly. To do this, you can use paint, pencil, shadows, mascara and even lipstick. To understand the best way to paint eyebrows, you need to try all three options described in the article.

Previously, only a pencil was used to paint this part of the face, and all means of this type were used: contour for lips, for eyes, and others. Now there are already special pencils designed exclusively for eyebrows. Their differences lie in the color scheme and softness. They are much more convenient to use, because the strokes lie down softly and naturally.

Before you color your eyebrows, you need to choose the shade of the product. Brunettes and brown-haired women are more fortunate here than blondes and fair-haired, because in the case of an incorrectly chosen color, you can shade the paint a little and get the desired shade. But, if you have light eyebrows, then you need to remember some rules:

  1. Ideally, the shade of the pencil should be a tone lighter than the hair (for dark girls) and darker for fair ones. As with eyeliner, choosing the wrong range can add a few years to yourself;
  2. Naturally, only brown shades and those close to them will look natural (depending on the color type). Of course, tattooing is still fashionable now, but it rarely looks natural, and when the paint fades, it becomes a grayish tint, clearly indicating the artificiality of the eyebrows;
  3. To beautifully paint your eyebrows with a pencil, you need to make several small strokes, and not one solid on the hairline, and one thin (if necessary) on the skin.

In addition, you will first need to pluck out excess hairs or cut them. Otherwise, they will protrude beyond the painted outline and break the lines.

Instructions on how to paint eyebrows with a pencil:

  1. Eyebrows comb, pluck and trim;
  2. After you need to choose a form, this is a very important part of the work. The bend of the house is considered universal, the main thing is not to make it too big. To do this, you need to take into account the size and shape of the eyes, their level on the face. The upper part of the house should fall on the third part of the century;
  3. Now you need to make a couple of test strokes near the bend - this will help you choose the right intensity of pressure and check the correctness of the choice of shade. After light movements, color the eyebrows from the outer corner to the inner;
  4. Make sure that the tail gradually becomes thinner - this looks the most natural;
  5. If the eyebrows are not only light, but also thin, then the pencil will need to be applied to the skin. Areas are painted over only from above - if you make a line from below, then your eyes will drop and your eyes will become tired;
  6. Then gently blend the strokes and, if necessary, trim them.

This is a very convenient way. They are the easiest to learn how to do makeup and it is the cheapest of all. In addition, you can color your eyebrows with a pencil every day without harming the hairs. Instead of a pencil, girls often use mascara. But this option is only suitable if you need to shade the dark hairs a little, but separately dyed hairs will be noticeable on light ones.

How to work shadows

Now many cosmetologists in their work use special shadows that are suitable for coloring various parts of the face. With shadows, you can paint your eyebrows on your own at home, even without experience or special skills. The advantage over the pencil technique is the ease of the method, the disadvantage is the high cost and rapid loss of shade.

How to step by step to paint eyebrows with shadows:

  1. As with a pencil, you will need to prepare the base: pluck and trim the eyebrows;
  2. You need to take a brush and an eyebrow brush. The contour will be drawn with a brush, and the brush will be needed to apply shadows;
  3. With a brush, you need to paint the lower line of growth of the eyebrows to the tail. Draw the tail especially carefully - one sharp movement, and it will bend;
  4. After that, you need to lightly paint over the center of hair growth with shadows;
  5. Repeat the same with the upper growth line;
  6. Pay attention to the break. Depending on your face shape, you can make the line straight, round the corner or sharpen it;
  7. If thick eyebrows are emphasized, then with a brush you need to paint over in the middle several times, if thin ones, then just evenly distribute the paint;
  8. Blend the shadows with a brush and comb the hairs.

To make the makeup look professional, you need to apply a little corrector or foundation of a light shade under the bottom line - this will help emphasize the contrast. Learning how to make such a make-up is easiest with liquid shadows, but powder ones are also suitable. For naturalness, you can add a couple of strokes under the eyelashes on the upper eyelid.

A few secrets to make shadows last longer:

  1. Before dyeing with powder dyes, the hairs need to be waxed - it will become a reliable and durable base;
  2. After application, blot the area with a paper towel - this will remove the top layer, which, when worn, will crumble under the eyes;
  3. You can fix the result with a transparent gel. MaxFactor, Maybelline and Evelyn have good options.

Video: how to paint eyebrows step by step

How to paint with paint

The most natural photos are obtained if you paint your eyebrows with paint, basma or henna. This method is suitable if you need to tint light, red or gray eyebrows, as it will help give them a bright and rich color. The main advantage of this option is the duration - for at least two weeks you can forget about tinting the hairs.

How to color natural eyebrows with paint:

  1. Before starting work, you need to anoint the skin around the eyebrows with a fat cream, petroleum jelly or lip balm - then the paint will not transfer to the epidermis;
  2. Special tools are used for coloring. Rocolor and Estel brands are very popular. In no case do not apply hair dye to your eyebrows - it can cause an allergic reaction. If you mix henna and basma, then the proportions for regular dyeing will come in handy, with their help you can get any color: red, brown, chocolate, black. It is better to choose the right shade right away, otherwise it will not be possible to repaint later (you will have to wait until washing);
  3. When applying paint, the same technique is used as with shadows. First, a contour is drawn, after which it is filled with color. Work with a large mirror to look at the eyebrows and, if necessary, correct even small gaps;
  4. Many girls are interested in whether it is possible to paint eyebrows during pregnancy. Experts do not recommend, because during this period there is a high probability of rejection of the chemical components of the paint. There may be a reaction: the face will turn red, swell or become covered with a rash. Therefore, it is better for pregnant women to either use a pencil and shadows, or work with henna;
  5. The exposure time depends on the brand and color of the paint. Most often, the composition is washed off the hairs after half an hour. Don't be alarmed if the shade seems too dark - it will lighten up after a few washes.

The first staining is best done in the salon - so you can see the equipment and tools that professionals work with. On each eyebrow it is determined individually how often they need to be painted. It depends on the structure of the hair and its original color. Blondes need to repeat the procedure almost every two weeks, while brunettes need to shade once a month.