Your perfect skin: how to apply foundation correctly. The secrets of the correct application of the foundation: the choice of means, technique, general recommendations

Tonalka is practically the main inhabitant of a women's cosmetic bag, and few people imagine makeup without using this tool. We suggest considering how to properly apply foundation on a face of round, oval, square and triangular shapes, as well as how funds are selected depending on skin type and what are the features of use.

Types and scope of foundation creams

Tonal creams are of the following types:

  • liquid.

liquid cream mainly applied to dry and flaky skin. It often contains moisture-saving enzymes that pleasantly moisturize and nourish the epidermis. As an option, we advise you to try the foundation from Amway - when it is applied correctly, droplets of moisture are visible on the face.

Cream powder or as it is also called cream-mousse, it is recommended to apply on oily combination skin. Its formula is designed in such a way that the soft texture does not clog the already not very healthy and clean pores, and is also gentle enough for the dermis after 40. Many brands (for example, Dior Skin, Mac, Maybelline, Mary Kay, Evelyn or Chanel ) use a special technology that not only does not clog pores, but also helps protect them from dust, blush particles or powder powder.

Secrets of applying foundation depending on the shape of the face

Makeup artist tips on how to smear cream for each face shape:

  • how to apply for round or full face foundation cream-powder? There is no special technology here, the principle is exactly the same as when applying corrector or powder to the skin. You need to paint over the temples near the forehead, almost at the base of the hairline and cheekbones. Blend well. In fact, the scheme for applying foundation on the face is as important as choosing the right color. It is necessary to select shades as dark as possible, but such that a clear contrast is not created. In no case do not smear the cream over the entire surface of the skin, as you will make your appearance inexpressive.
  • for square shape need to sharpen the corners. These are the zones near the chin, it is there that we darken the skin, apply the cream from the base to the cheeks in the triangular zone, shade;
  • makeup for rectangular appearance does not differ much from a square, the only thing here is not only to somehow round the corners, but also to visually shorten the face a little. To do this, simply smear the toner over the entire surface of the skin, and then gently blend the darker shade closer to the temporo-frontal zone;
  • triangular and trapezoidal face. This is the most difficult type, here you need to use three zones in makeup at once: forehead, temples and chin. We completely apply a light cream, then zonally paint over with a dark one;
    Photo - Schemes for applying foundation according to the shape of the face
  • oval face and so it is considered ideal, but it can be made even more interesting by emphasizing the temporal lobes and cheekbones. We begin to move from the base of the cheeks to the temples, if the shape is very elongated, then you need to use a little the frontal area above the eyebrows.

Video lesson from a makeup artist on the technique of applying tonal foundation

8 basic rules for applying foundation

  1. we begin to apply makeup on clean, dry skin, only after cleansing it with degreasing tonics or lotions, this will help us insure ourselves against ugly stains and lumps;
  2. it is very important to remember that in most cases, a base is applied to the dermis first (a regular cream, for example, moisturizing or nourishing), and only then a toner, especially for cheap products;
  3. if you are going to walk all night or just plan to get together in a hot or humid place, it is more expedient, it is applied in the same way as usual, but the efficiency is much higher;
  4. a frequent occurrence, especially after multi-layer application, is noticeable traces of the product (streaks, stains), so that it is not visible, you must either apply the foundation with your fingers or blend it correctly with a sponge. Both techniques require certain skills, but after a few trainings, you will easily mask problem areas;
    Photo - Scheme of staining the toner on the face
  5. if the face is not expressive, and the features are somewhat “blurred”, then it is not recommended to apply foundation on the lips;
  6. in order to hide visible traces of lack of sleep or tearful eyes, it is necessary to make up under the eyes with a peach color, and apply a reflective corrector on top (the effect will be even better if you use a cream with reflective particles);
  7. by the way, about the sparkling cream, it cannot be applied completely to the entire face, it is better to determine the zones that you want to highlight and only then outline them;
  8. if bad skin is visible even from under the base, you need to carefully take a little cream on a brush and rub it into problem areas. The same is done when you need to hide pores, facial wrinkles or red spots from acne.

There is a special technique for applying foundation with a brush, only stylists know how to use it correctly, but we have prepared special master class. We clean the face, degrease, cover with cream. After that, using a liquid tone (say, 7 boots, it comes in a box), we dip a brush into it, but only a little. On the fluffy part of the instrument, exactly the amount of tone that is needed for "masking" remains. And then we begin to fan the area around the nose, forehead and chin. Further, depending on the type of face, we use the schemes described above, Photo - Drawing details with a tonal basis

The brush is taken of a small diameter, slightly smaller than for blush, this will ensure the clarity of staining and invisibility.

If you have your own secrets on how to apply foundation correctly, we will be happy to share our experience; also send a photo of your make-up or technique. The base for makeup is not difficult to perform, the main thing is to adhere to a certain scheme and take into account your advantages and disadvantages.

No makeup will look spectacular if you do not prep the skin first. An even tone, the absence of red spots, peeling, bruises - these are prerequisites for an attractive appearance of a woman's face. And to achieve this result will help the use of foundation, as well as other means: powder, concealer. At the same time far not all beauties know whether it is possible to apply foundation under the eyes or usepowder without foundation, how to apply all these products correctly, how to select them. Let's take a closer look at foundation and learn how to use it to transform into a queen.

How to prepare for cream application

It is impossible to apply foundation on the skin without preparation - this will lead to clogging of pores, the appearance of peeling and redness.

What should be applied to the face before “covering” it with foundation? All preparation can be divided into several stages.

If you use BB cream as a foundation, you do not need to apply an additional moisturizing or nourishing day cream. However, this option is suitable if there are no rashes and noticeable defects on the skin.

How to apply foundation with a brush

First of all, you should figure out which brush to apply foundation. Use for this possible options are:

To distribute the product evenly, first make light strokes on each cheek and also on the forehead, chin and nose. After that, blend the cream in a circular motion. In the growth zone of vellus hair, additionally “smooth” them. It is better to move from the middle of the face to each edge (to the hair, to the ears, to the end of the chin).

If the pores are pronounced, it is most convenient to use a round brush. Rub it a little into the skin - this way you will eliminate imperfections and make the pores less noticeable.

How to apply foundation with a sponge

Many beauty bloggers, demonstrating makeup techniques, use various sponges, most often latex, to apply foundation. This tool allows you to sufficiently dense, but at the same time very even and uniform coating therefore ideal for problematic skin. Before applying the foundation on the face with a sponge, please note that it can be used dry or pre-moistened.

A dry sponge is used to remove excess foundation and make the layer thin and even. To mask defects and irregularities, dampen the sponge a little, but it should not drip. After that, you can proceed to the make-up.

The foundation can be applied to the face in drops (forehead, cheeks, nose, chin) or squeezed onto the sponge itself. that commit from the center of the face. Particular attention is paid to the growth zones of vellus hair, as well as the transition to the scalp.


If you want to see how to apply foundation correctly, check out the selection of videos below. These videos will be of interest both to those girls who are just starting to master the methods of applying foundation, and to those who already have some beauty experience.

  • In the first video, the expert gives Tips for applying foundation with a brush. You will learn what are the features of this technique, as well as get some practical advice.

  • To find out how to apply foundation on the face without the use of additional tools watch the next video. In it, the expert gives recommendations on the choice and application of foundation.

  • Another video dedicated to the methods of applying tonal means. It demonstrates four methods at once, and you can see the difference between them.

  • The next video also talks about several methods of application, as well as about how in which case each of them is the most convenient. It also shows how flat and thick should look like.

  • The last video will not only demonstrate how to properly apply foundation on the face, in it attention is paid to correcting deficiencies. You will receive some useful practical advice, and you will also be able to work out the technology of applying foundation.

The foundation is necessary regardless of the type of makeup: daytime or everyday, evening or nude. A properly selected product will give the skin an impeccable healthy look, and will also hide all its imperfections. But it won’t even “work” if it is applied incorrectly: unevenly, without shading, too thick a layer. What application methods do you like the most? Share your opinion with us!

Foundation for the face, its functions. Rules for choosing a product based on skin type. Ways to apply foundation for every day.

The content of the article:

To be the owner of perfect skin is the dream of many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. But nature did not give such a luxurious gift to everyone. Make-up artist Max Factor helped to compensate for skin imperfections. In 1936, he applied a light foundation to the face instead of heavy make-up for the actors of the royal theater. Since then, women have not imagined their cosmetic bag without foundation for a long time.

Functions of foundation for the face

Professional make-up artists pay great attention to the basis of make-up, because even the most luxurious make-up is not possible without a high-quality and well-chosen foundation. Magical eyes, long lashes and perfectly defined lips fade against the backdrop of dark circles under the eyes or a lifeless wax mask on the face. Poorly selected foundation can cause peeling, unpleasant sensations of tightness, or vice versa, a feeling of mask and stickiness on the face.

Daily functions of foundation for the face:

  • Protection of facial skin from external irritating factors: wind, frost, scorching sun, dust, etc.
  • Hydrating the skin throughout the day. Essential oils that are part of the creams can moisturize, soften and give freshness to the skin of the face, and can spoil the oily sheen and sticky feeling of the skin. Excessive use of a greasy foundation can lead to the formation of pustules and acne.
  • Skin nutrition. The composition of a high-quality foundation includes minerals and vitamins that strengthen skin turgor and stimulate collagen production.
  • The durability of makeup, its flawlessness directly depends on the quality of the foundation. Having made a choice in the direction of a persistent foundation for the face, an excellent make-up is possible even on a rainy or hot day.
  • Masking skin imperfections, leveling the relief and visual lifting of the face oval. When using the right foundation, fine wrinkles, pigmentary heterogeneity of the skin and slight redness visually disappear.

Features of choosing a foundation according to skin type

At first glance, the choice of foundation for the face is a simple and at the same time complex process. The same foundation in different weather conditions can be optimal, or vice versa, it can cause a terrible mood.

Foundation for dry skin

The first thing you should pay attention to is the composition of the foundation. Its composition, for dry skin, should include oils or cosmetic fat, as well as the presence of hyaluronic acid. These ingredients soften and nourish dry skin, eliminate flaking and dry skin.

The second sign of a cream for dry skin is its rare consistency, perhaps mousse-like. This state of the cream will instantly moisturize the skin and give a pleasant feeling of well-groomed and velvety.

The third sign of the cream should be hypoallergenic individually for your skin. The substances that make up the foundation are of natural origin, and dry skin, like no other, is prone to allergic rashes and irritations. The ideal way out, preventing undesirable consequences, would be to use a trial version of the desired cream.

Advice! For better hydration and to prevent flaking, your daily foundation should be mixed with your daily moisturizer.

Foundation for combination skin

The difficulty in choosing a cream for combination skin is the presence of dryness of certain areas and a tendency to increased secretion of sweat-fatty glands in the nasolabial triangle and forehead area.

Before buying a foundation, you need to determine for yourself which problem worries you more - dryness or oiliness. There is no special foundation for such skin. But a water-based product that does not clog pores can be a great option.

Mandatory components for such a tinting cream should be minerals, hyaluronic acid, reflective particles.

Foundation for oily skin

Oily skin has a number of unpleasant features: oily sheen, enlarged pores and a tendency to acne. Enlarged pores, increased secretion of sebum form a favorable field for the development of pustules and permanent inflammatory processes. This means that the main property of foundation for oily skin is drying with a matting effect.

Signs of foundation for oily skin:

  1. Free from fat and oils. An oily base will only aggravate the condition of the skin.
  2. In its composition, the cream should contain fat-absorbing components, such as powder.
  3. Pearly particles are an unacceptable property for such a cream. The cream should matte, not make the skin radiant.
  4. The presence of acids will not only dry the skin, but also narrow the pores, prevent the development of inflammatory processes in the form of acne or pimples.

Advice! The mark on the package "OIL FREE" is what you need for oily skin. If there is no desire to study the composition of the tone for a long time, this mark will serve as a good beacon!

Foundation for problem skin

Problematic skin is a collective concept of skin in need of additional care. Problems can be: dryness with foci of inflammation, purulent acne, hypersensitivity zones, vascular network, acne, acne.

When choosing a foundation for a face with problematic skin, you need to follow some recommendations from the beauty industry:

  • Cream of medium thickness with a composition suitable for the prevailing skin type. If the main problem is dryness, then you need to choose a cream with emollient oils. In case of increased fat content, the cream should be fat-free.
  • Very carefully you need to choose a cream with the presence of powder. Inflamed skin, dry and sensitive skin can react very negatively to small particles of powder - profuse rash and peeling.
  • The minimum composition of vitamins and aromatic additives, sensitive skin does not like additional irritants and toxic substances. May reactively “thank” with an allergic reaction.

Rules for applying foundation step by step

Any application of cosmetics should begin with skin preparation, cleansing and moisturizing with a tonic. The choice of cosmetics should be made taking into account the characteristics of each type of skin. You can apply foundation by using some cosmetic devices (sponge, brush), or you can use your fingers.

How to apply foundation with a sponge

Applying a sponge cream is well suited for girls with oily and combination skin. The foundation from the sponge lays down in a denser layer, which perfectly levels skin imperfections.

To apply the product in the warm season, when the layer requires minimal application, it is better to moisten the sponge with plain water. A damp sponge will allow you to apply the cream in a lighter layer and blend well even a dense cream.

How to use foundation sponge:

  • Dampen the sponge with a little water.
  • Apply a few drops of foundation to its surface.
  • Apply the cream with dabbing movements from the center of the face to the periphery. You need to start from the nose area.
  • The forehead and chin should be treated with patting, small movements, starting from the center and moving along the massage lines to the temples and ears, respectively.
After using the sponge, it must be washed and dried. A fat-based foundation containing nourishing ingredients in its composition is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria. Upon contact with the skin, especially if it has inflammatory processes, these bacteria can enter the foci of inflammation and cause more damage.

How to apply foundation with your fingers

Applying foundation with your fingers is one of the most economical ways. sponge, sponge or brush absorbs cosmetics. In addition, it is convenient and pleasant to apply the cream with your hands.

Your actions:

  1. Warm up your hands by rubbing your palms together. In warm hands, the cream will melt a little, especially on a greasy basis, and it will become better to apply. Warm hands, whether you're applying cosmetics to yourself or helping someone with makeup, are much nicer than cold hands.
  2. Take some cream, rub it between the fingers of both hands.
  3. First, spread the cream in short strokes on problem areas that require careful treatment. This is more common: nose, nasolabial triangle, problem areas of the cheekbones.
  4. Let it absorb a little, soak for 2-3 minutes.
  5. After that, if necessary, add foundation and massage movements, starting from the center of the face, stretch to the periphery. Shade the area of ​​the cheekbones and cheeks to the temples, forehead - to the hair and temples, shade the chin to the ears.
  6. Do not forget about the neck and décolleté area, if it is open. When carefully examining your image, there should not be a clear transition between the color of the oval of the face, neck and décolleté.
  7. After applying the tone, let the skin rest for 5 minutes and only then continue your makeup.

How to apply foundation with a brush

In their professional activities, well-known makeup artists often give preference to cosmetic brushes. And in the daily MakeUp, many women and girls prefer to use brushes to apply various cosmetics.

Consider the features of applying foundation with a brush:

  • On the back of the hand or wrist, apply a small amount of foundation.
  • Take a wide or flat brush and grab a little cream. By patting, driving the cream into the skin, with movements, apply foundation.
  • Shade the areas of the nasolabial triangle, near the ears, neck and area near the hair most carefully.
Features of choosing a good brush for applying cosmetics:
  • It is better to use a brush with synthetic bristles. Such a brush practically does not absorb the cream, is completely unpretentious in care, durable in operation.
  • The stiffness of the pile should be medium, pleasant to the touch, but not too soft. Too hard a brush can prick and scratch the skin, making it uncomfortable to use. A soft brush will not cope with the task of uniform application and blending.
  • The size of the brush should be convenient for you. The most sought-after brushes by makeup artists: a wide brush with a flat base, a wide brush with a rounded tip, kabuki - a fluffy cone-shaped brush.
It is necessary to wash the brush, like any other tool, while holding it with the pile down. To care for a synthetic brush, ordinary liquid soap is suitable. Dry in the same way as mine.

Here are some helpful tips for applying foundation on your face:
  1. Perfectly lays foundation on healthy skin. Daily care, the use of cleansing non-aggressive products will soothe and moisturize the skin. When it is peeling, it is recommended to use a fine fraction scrub before applying the foundation. Rashes should not be rubbed with tonal means, but treated with special preparations.
  2. With the help of a specialist, you need to choose the right tone. You can, of course, by trial and error choose the most suitable one, but this way you will only spend a lot of money. After all, the cost of a decent cream is not small. A visit to a professional makeup artist will allow you to choose an individual tone for you, get the necessary recommendations for applying decorative cosmetics and feel the pleasure of communicating with a specialist.
  3. When choosing a new foundation for the face, it is advisable to first purchase a trial copy or tester. Each tool may not suit you individually, even when recommended by professionals.
  4. Care requires not only the skin, but also auxiliary items of cosmetic procedures. Before makeup, hands, cosmetic brushes, sponges, sponges should be clean.
  5. A good mood, sufficient sleep and a healthy diet are the key to radiant skin and excellent makeup.

Not only cosmetics will help you become beautiful and attractive, but also daily care for your skin, a healthy lifestyle and an optimistic mood.

How to apply foundation - look at the video:

Thus, for flawless makeup, you need a high-quality foundation. An excellent look is guaranteed when using the cream, according to the needs of skin types. You can apply it in several ways: sponge, brush and fingers. When using sponges and brushes, care must be taken to avoid the development of harmful bacteria on them and infection of the skin. Be beautiful every day!

Good makeup will transform and complement any look. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time and opportunity to constantly use the services of professional makeup artists. Therefore, many take special courses, study with the help of video and the Internet. The key to great makeup is the right foundation. So, any self-respecting girl should know how to apply foundation correctly.

When buying a cream, you must definitely look at the brand of the manufacturer, quality, expiration date and shade of the product. It must be well combined with the color of the skin. An incorrectly chosen shade can not only spoil the entire makeup, but also turn the face into a kind of mask.

  1. Do not buy a product based on the color of the packaging or the color listed in the catalog. Even if the tube is transparent and visually the shade seems appropriate. Skin testing is a prerequisite before purchase. It is undesirable to test it on the wrist or the bend of the elbow, the result may be distorted. Test on the bottom of the cheekbone.
  2. Don't take the first one you like. For the most successful choice, experts recommend testing several close shades.
  3. To visually look younger, use a product that is a tone lighter than the skin. This rule especially applies to makeup for photo shoots.
  4. A product with a dense texture on the face always looks a little darker than a cream with a light one.
  5. You can not use the same shade in summer and winter. The skin changes color when tanning, so it is advisable to choose a new tone.

What is the best way to apply foundation on the face?

Choosing the right shade is not a guarantee of good makeup. It is important to know how to apply foundation correctly. Do this with a good brush, sponge, or your fingers.

Advantages and disadvantages of additional tools

  • Brush. Its main advantage is the application of a tonal base in a thin, even layer. Of the minuses, one can note the uneconomical use of the cream, since the tool absorbs a large amount of it. The question of what size the brush should be cannot be answered unambiguously. It is better to use two brushes - large and small. After each use, the tool must be washed in order for it to last longer. When buying a brush, it is better to give preference to flat synthetic options with a smooth edge.
  • Sponge. There are many types of sponges of different shapes and different materials. For it is better to choose a classic, standard sponge. After each use, the tool must be washed well. With the help of a sponge, it is very easy to make shading and transitions of the foundation so that it is not visible.
  • Fingers. This is the most economical way, since the minimum amount of funds is spent. But with the help of fingers it is not so easy to apply a uniform layer and make smooth transitions in comparison with a brush.

  1. Redness is very difficult to mask with a regular foundation. Problem areas are hidden with a corrector with a green tint.
  2. To mask yellow spots, you need to use a purple color corrector.
  3. Too large pores can be hidden - apply foundation with patting movements.
  4. To disguise freckles will help toner with a tan effect.
  5. Do not apply all over the face. It is enough to cover the main areas (forehead, chin, cheeks) and then blend evenly over the entire face.
  6. When applying the cream, the skin should not be deformed and stretched. Strong pressure is also unacceptable, but light clapping movements are acceptable.
  7. Use multiple tools of different sizes. For areas under the eyebrows, around the nose and corners of the eyes, you need to get a small brush.

We offer you to watch a good informative video that may be useful to you.

Rules for applying foundation

Professional makeup artists have identified several rules that you should listen to, regardless of the type of foundation and the tools used.

  1. On flaky skin, you can not immediately apply a tonal foundation. Before cosmetics, make a peeling or mask.
  2. Makeup base must be applied under foundation.
  3. Do this in a circular motion, rubbing it into the skin a little.
  4. To apply the product evenly, use the cream a little bit. Then the makeup will turn out natural.
  5. To avoid errors and flaws, make a make-up in daylight.

By adhering to the basic rules, you can do high-quality makeup yourself.

How to apply foundation on the face - step by step photo

The application of foundation consists of several stages. Do everything consistently and the result will not disappoint.

Stage 1. Cleansing and moisturizing

Use the usual means (lotion, scrub, foam, milk). Moisturize your skin with cream.

Stage 2. Correction of imperfections with a make-up base

Step 3: Apply foundation with a brush

Stage 4. Shading

Stage 5. Applying concealer

You can apply concealer before foundation, the result will not suffer from this.

Stage 6. Consolidation of the result

How to correct the shape of the face with foundation?

Did you know that you can visually change the shape of the face? It is enough just to know some of the secrets that lie in the correct application of foundation.

  • The oval shape of the face does not require adjustments. Makeup artists consider this form ideal.
  • A round face can be slightly stretched by visually reducing the cheeks. Apply a light shade to the chin and forehead.
  • To correct a triangular face, a dark tone is applied to the cheeks and forehead, and the chin is lightened.
  • An elongated oblong face is corrected with a dark foundation on the forehead and chin. A light tone is applied to the cheeks and cheekbones.
  • Rectangular-shaped faces: lighten the center of the forehead, chin and area under the eyes.
  • To make the nose more elegant, apply a light tonal corrector on the back of the nose and bridge of the nose, darken its wings.
  • To visually make the nose shorter, darken its tip.

When correcting the shape of the face, it is important to follow the smooth transitions between means of different shades.

How to apply foundation with a brush?

  1. The first step is skin preparation. Cleansing and moisturizing.
  2. Make sure the working brush is clean and dry. Do not use the tool if there are residues left on it. Applying makeup with a wet brush is possible only if it is provided for by the feature of the product (there will be a mark on the package). Otherwise, the brush should be dry.
  3. Apply a small amount of foundation to the palm of your hand between your thumb and wrist. Do not extrude it directly onto the instrument.
  4. Next - applying the cream to the four main areas of the face. Stripe on the forehead, chin and cheeks. How best to apply foundation depends on how quickly the product is absorbed. If slowly, then apply immediately to all areas, and then blend.
  5. Start shading from the forehead with smooth movements. First toned on the sides, then move up and only then down to the bridge of the nose.
  6. The next step is toning the cheeks. For uniformity, move from the center to the edges. Do this quickly before the applied product has time to be absorbed.
  7. The chin is toned last. It is important to make a smooth color transition from the face to the neck.

How to apply foundation with a sponge?

Sponges come in several varieties. The two most common options are:

  • round standard sponge;
  • beauty blender.

The difference lies in the form. The beauty blender has an egg-shaped shape with a pointed end. They are good at working out hard-to-reach places - the corners of the eyes, the area around the wings of the nose, the area under the eyebrows. The principle of using both varieties of sponges is the same.

  1. Lightly dampen the tool with water before applying makeup. Blot gently with a tissue or towel to avoid damaging the surface.
  2. The first stage is the traditional cleansing and moisturizing.
  3. Next, apply the foundation dotted on the face, on the four main zones (forehead, cheeks, chin).
  4. Blend with a sponge with patting movements. Move from the top of the face to the bottom. In the cheek area - from the center to the edges.

After applying makeup, wash the sponge with foam, gel and other means.

Don't despair if the first time doesn't work out the way you wanted. The more experience and practice, the better the result. Much also depends on the quality of the cosmetics used.

To look beautiful and natural, you need to know how to apply foundation on the face, neck and décolleté. Choose a product based on skin type, age and imperfections. Do not use a large amount of cosmetics, so as not to clog pores and do not harm the skin.

We will tell you how to choose a foundation and how best to apply it, and also, you will learn about the types of foundations and what kind of skin they are suitable for. You can be sure that 90% of the result depends on the correct selection of the product!

Means that mask imperfections and even out tone are recommended for use by women with any type of skin. The main thing is to choose the right tool for tone and composition. To make the makeup look beautiful, pay special attention to the cream.

  1. Oily or combination skin. This type is prone to frequent rashes and constant oily sheen. To keep the skin matte throughout the day, purchase a cream with components that regulate the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Choose a dense foundation or cream powder, if you need to mask pimples - a product like a concealer or pencil will do. Many women with problematic skin prefer a regular moisturizer as a base for make-up and powder.
  2. Dry skin. For this type, you need a product that will moisturize and retain moisture in the summer, and also protect from the cold in the winter. Pay attention to tonal foundations with plant extracts and oils. If the desired shade is not on sale, get a tone darker than another manufacturer, and mix the two products.
  3. Normal skin. Choose products that won't overwhelm your makeup. The foundation should be light in texture, similar to mousse.
  4. Mature skin. If a woman is over 35, she needs to choose a remedy that will hide age-related changes, and not emphasize wrinkles, spots, sagging and dry skin. It is recommended to use a foundation with a lifting effect and UV protection. The composition should contain beauty vitamins, glycerin, silicone, natural fruit or vegetable extracts.

In order not to wonder why foundation is visible on the face, pay attention to its structure. For dry skin, a liquid moisturizer is suitable. For oily - a dense texture that must be applied in small quantities so as not to create a mask effect.

The stage of applying foundation on the face is basic in any type of makeup. After choosing the right cream, a woman needs to decide how best to apply the tone. The tool and method depends on the consistency and density of the cosmetics.

The basic rules of makeup, depending on the method of applying the cream:

  1. Sponge. A special sponge is used to apply a liquid or thick tonal foundation. Before makeup, it must be moistened with water. A moist sponge distributes the cream better, filling all fine wrinkles and pores, thereby evening out the texture of the face. To do this, drive in the tone with light movements. This tool does not allow you to collect too much product, which prevents an unnatural complexion.
  2. Brush or brush. With the help of a brush, you can gently distribute the foundation of a liquid consistency. Use clean and dry tools with synthetic bristles. With a brush it is very convenient to apply different colors of the tonal foundation, to contour and correct the face. It is recommended to distribute the matting agent with smooth movements from the middle of the face to the hairline. Make sure that the brush does not leave streaks and distribute the base evenly.
  3. Fingers. The most convenient option that does not require money and experience. Therefore, if you do not know how to apply the cream, you can use your own hands. Suitable foundation of any texture. It must be applied with clean hands, middle and ring fingers along the massage lines. Do not squeeze the tone directly onto the face. Separate a small amount on the back of your hand and take a little from there.

Learn about three ways to apply foundation:

Once you have chosen the right product and how to apply it, learn how to properly apply foundation on your face. Algorithm for alignment and masking of flaws:

  1. facial cleansing with care cosmetics;
  2. skin hydration;
  3. choice of method of applying the base;
  4. applying the cream along the massage lines, starting from the forehead and cheeks;
  5. applying cream on the neck, chin, décolleté and ears;
  6. shading.

According to the advice of professionals, the foundation is most naturally applied using a beauty blender (a sponge with a sharp end, resembling the shape of an egg). Be sure to keep it clean and change it regularly. The pores of the sponge accumulate a lot of bacteria that can provoke the appearance of rashes.

Fluid is a light matting agent that is suitable for normal skin without visible defects. Not recommended for mature or problematic skin. The application of such a liquid foundation takes place with the help of hands or a brush. This cosmetic is indispensable in the summer heat, because it does not clog pores, but gives the face freshness.

The usual matting cream is used for representatives of oily and dry skin. It is necessary to choose the one that suits you after studying the composition. Also pay attention to the consistency and level of pigmentation of the tone. It is better to choose more transparent products that can adapt to skin color. To properly apply this foundation, use a sponge or fingers.

This cream perfectly combines two cosmetic products: foundation and mattifying powder. It is very convenient to use, as it does not require additional tools and special environment. You can apply this cream with a sponge that comes with the kit.

With the help of powder, you can mask age spots, acne, reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and fine wrinkles. The product is suitable for oily skin, as it mattes well. However, do not overdo it with its application on the face.

This foundation is suitable for daytime makeup or girls who like a minimum of cosmetics. It looks like a mattifying cream whipped to a foam. Mousse does not clog pores and saturates the skin with oxygen, therefore it is recommended for oily skin types. It has a minimum of pigment, it will not be able to mask dark circles under the eyes and acne. It can be gently applied with fingers or a brush.

Also recommended for protecting and moisturizing mature skin. So that the face does not look unnatural, the product is gently rubbed along the massage lines. It is best to use a flat brush during makeup.

The compact stick is designed for the perfect evening make-up. With this tool, you can mask acne, blemishes, enlarged pores and even moles. The consistency of the cream is thick and dense. To apply it evenly, use a sponge with a pointed end (beauty blender).

Professionals recommend applying it to certain areas with obvious flaws. The stick is not used for everyday makeup, as it greatly clogs pores and does not allow the skin to breathe. Constant masking of rashes will lead to even larger foci of inflammation.

This cream is intended not only for matting and leveling the tone. It is based on components that moisturize, protect from sunlight, regenerate and eliminate inflammation. The tool is universal for many skin tones, as they adapt to it.

Suitable for women with any skin type. Proper application of foundation by any method will provide an improvement in complexion and general condition. There are many options for BB cream, which are aimed at solving the shortcomings of problem skin.

The product is designed to eliminate tone imperfections on the face, has a lighter structure than BB cream. The foundation adapts to the type and color of the skin. The cream moisturizes and nourishes, protects against ultraviolet radiation and has a tightening effect. Suitable for daily use.

To avoid the CC cream being visible, it must be applied in a thin layer with a sponge or fingers. If there is pigmentation in the area around the eyes and lips, you need to apply a little more product and gently drive it into the skin.

For a beautiful natural make-up, it is very important to choose a quality foundation that will suit your skin type. It is also very important to apply the matting foundation correctly. Makeup artists recommend using the following tips:

  1. Foundation should be applied to previously cleansed and moisturized skin.
  2. Do your make-up in sufficient light so that all skin imperfections and stains from the tonal foundation are visible.
  3. When applying too thick and dense means, moisten the sponge or add day cream to it.
  4. Apply foundation with dotted movements, gently patting on the skin of the face.
  5. If you have problem skin, get a corrector palette. Redness is masked with green pigment, dark circles with white.
  6. After applying foundation, spray your face with a liquid make-up fixer.

If you use these rules for applying foundation, you will get the effect of a natural even complexion. For the perfect evening make-up, you need to purchase additional cosmetics to correct the tone. In addition to correctors, it is recommended to use a concealer to draw the oval of the face. Also use a highlighter to brighten up your skin.