How to properly shape your eyebrows. How to make the correct shape of the eyebrows - makeup secrets

Correctly chosen eyebrow shape is a budget way to transform a woman's appearance. Moreover, it is possible to carry out this procedure even at home, without resorting to the services of a master. Beautiful eyebrows make the face more proportional, and the look is expressive. They will easily emphasize all the advantages of your appearance and hide some flaws. Any girl can learn the art of caring for eyebrows, you just need to know certain rules.

Features of eyebrow correction at home

As in a beauty salon, in order to pluck your eyebrows beautifully and correctly, you must:

  1. Choose the shape and length of the eyebrow arch.
  2. Pluck out the hairs using one of the existing techniques.
  3. Carry out cosmetic treatment.

How to pluck your eyebrows correctly? Any convenient object such as a thin stick, for example, a knitting needle or a pencil, is used to designate the contour. Place the stick so that one of its ends is in contact with the wing of the nose, and the other with the inner corner of the eye - this is how you determine the beginning of the eyebrow arch. Its completion is determined if a line is drawn from the wing of the nose to the outer edge of the eye. To beautifully curve the eyebrow, you should attach a stick from the edge of the nose through the center of the eye pupil - this will be the point of refraction.

How to choose the right face shape

Correcting the lines of the eyebrows, it is possible to radically change the face, and not only for the better, but also for the worse. Therefore, plucking hairs must be done taking into account the shape of the face. Based on this, the thickness of the brow arches is selected. So, too large eyebrows do not fit a face with small, neat features, as they will make the appearance rough, ugly. Thick eyebrows go only to girls with large features.

  • Oval face. Women of this type of appearance should pluck their eyebrows, sharpening them to the outer edge. If you are trying to soften the features of the face, making it more elongated, you need to form a smooth curve on the brow arch. A narrow face suits a straight, not too thin eyebrow shape, which will make it somewhat rounder. If the jaw and cheekbones of the girl are symmetrical, and the chin is massive, it is better to lengthen the eyebrow line using a dark pencil.
  • Round. The ideal option is a small break at a distance of 1/3 of the length from the outer side of the eyelid and the classic arched shape of the eyebrows. A rounded face will be transformed by high eyebrows, which decrease in thickness closer to the tail. However, you should not raise the temples too high if you do not want to have a constantly surprised face. Excluded options for round shapes - they will further round the outlines of the face.
  • Square. In this case, it is important to shape the graceful shape of the eyebrows in order to soften the sharp features of the appearance. Girls with a square face fit elongated eyebrows with a raised part after the bend. Moreover, by the end of the brow arc, its width should decrease.
  • triangular. An even bend, a slightly rounded shape and a short eyebrow should be formed. Elongated temples will visually break the proportionality of the triangle-shaped face.

Preparation for the procedure

To give the eyebrows the desired shape, you must have a mirror, eyeliner, tweezers (tweezers), an antiseptic and cotton pads. Correct lighting plays a very important role. Ideally, adjust the contour of the eyebrows in daylight, sitting by the window. Before plucking your eyebrows at home, you should know the basic rules of the procedure:

  • Prepare the necessary tools, treat the forceps with an antiseptic.
  • Wash your hands with soap.
  • Cleanse the skin of the face by washing with a mild cosmetic product.
  • Moisturize your face with a nourishing cream, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  • Treat the skin near the eyebrows with a light, non-greasy lotion. Blot the rest with a cotton pad.
  • If desired, paint your eyebrows with a special paint - this will save time spent on daily makeup and make the image brighter. Dark-haired girls will suit black paint, light blond to the face, brown eyebrows.

  1. Mark with an eyeliner where the beginning and tip of the eyebrow will be, lightly draw the outline.
  2. Comb the hairs with a special brush or a clean mascara brush in the direction of their growth.
  3. Start shaping your eyebrows using tweezers. Start from the bottom, grabbing one hair at a time with tweezers. Pull the skin of the eyelid to the side and pluck the hairs with a sharp jerk.
  4. The first is to pluck out the hairs growing far from the brow arch, after adjusting the eyebrow contour directly.
  5. Do not pluck too much hair, otherwise the eyebrows will turn out very thin. Remove them gradually, leaving yourself the opportunity to work on the symmetry of the temples.
  6. The final stage of the procedure should be the treatment of the skin with an antiseptic.

How to make perfect eyebrows yourself: step by step instructions

Rare lucky women can boast of a perfectly pronounced eyebrow shape, as a rule, mixed types are more common. How to pluck hairs correctly in order to create the perfect shape that visually balances facial features and creates a harmonious image for a woman? At home, there are only two ways to correct the eyebrow arches - with tweezers and thread. Removal of excess hairs with wax or with a blade can only be carried out by masters of beauty salons.

Eyebrow shaping "house"

Many girls prefer the fashionable “house” shape, but they believe that it is unrealistic to make it on their own. It is a misconception that this style is subject exclusively to the hands of an experienced master. Any girl will be able to cope with this task, you just need to know the step-by-step scheme for creating the selected form. How to pluck your eyebrows with a "house"?

  1. Mark where the inner point of the brow arch will be, to do this, attach a long pencil to the inside of the eyelid so that it is in contact with the wing of the nose. The outer point is determined by applying a pencil from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. It is possible to get the correct bend by drawing a line from the same starting point through the center of the pupil.
  2. Lightly mark the resulting points with a pencil, drawing on the desired shape, and proceed to plucking out excess hairs.
  3. Stylists advise plucking only the lower part of the hairs, without affecting the upper ones, so as not to stimulate their growth. Interbrow hair (in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose) is subject to mandatory removal - this way you will make your facial expression open, kind.
  4. After correction, the area around the eyebrows should be treated with an antiseptic and lubricated with a moisturizer. If the eyelids look swollen after the procedure, apply an ice cube to them.

Hair removal without tweezers, with a thread

How to pluck eyebrows without tweezers? If there are no tweezers at hand, it is possible to remove excess hairs on the face with a simple thread. This method of depilation has long been used by beauties from India. The advantages of this method of eyebrow correction are the speed and painlessness of the procedure. And, although it will take some time to develop the skill of plucking hairs with a thread, after you will be happy with the experience.

  1. Cut the thread about 60 cm long, tie a knot by connecting its ends (you will get a circle). Wrap the thread around the fingers of both hands so that when the arrangement forms a rectangle.
  2. Twist the middle of the thread 8 times so that the hands form the letter "X" and are opposite each other. The middle of the thread will be twisted.
  3. Narrow the fingers of the right hand, and on the left, on the contrary, spread them apart. Make sure that the twisted part of the thread moves towards the right hand. Then narrow the fingers of the left hand, spreading them on the right. The twisted thread will move to the left. Repeat this action until the thread starts to move easily.
  4. The twisted piece of thread moves to the part of the face on which the hairs will be plucked. For a strong grip on the hairs, the twisted segment slowly slides along the eyebrow. When the hair gets into the knot of the thread, you need to pull it with a sharp movement. For greater clarity, you can find on the net online how to pluck your eyebrows with a video thread.

How to pluck your eyebrows painlessly

  • Eyebrow alternation. To reduce pain during the procedure, remove the hairs first on one side, then on the other. Pluck a couple of hairs on one eyebrow, a couple on the other - so you give the skin a rest.
  • Move in the direction of growth. Pull the skin of the eyelids to the side, and grab the hairs closer to the base.
  • Pain relief with ice. Apply ice cubes to your eyebrows before you start shaping your eyebrows. This will “freeze” the skin, significantly reducing the pain of the procedure.
  • Use of baby gel during teething. Apply an anesthetic to the area of ​​skin near the brow bone, hold for a few seconds and wipe off. The skin will become a little numb, which will allow you to pluck the hairs absolutely painlessly.

Video tutorials: how to pluck your eyebrows beautifully

The beauty of a modern woman is made up of many little things - beautiful makeup, healthy skin, well-chosen hairstyle. All means and methods for caring for the appearance make up a special mosaic of the female image. One of the most important pieces of this puzzle is the beautiful shape of the eyebrows. How to determine the optimal type of eyebrow arches in accordance with your appearance? After watching the proposed videos, you will learn all the nuances of the correct plucking of eyebrows at home.

How to correct eyebrows with tweezers

How to make eyebrows thick and wide

How to tidy up your eyebrows yourself: different forms of eyebrows and tattoo at home.

The trend of the last few years are beautiful eyebrows. Even if a woman for some reason lacks makeup and hair, her eyebrows should be on top. But how do you get perfect eyebrows? Having resorted to the services of a professional cosmetologist, you can easily put your eyebrows in order.

However, to keep them in good shape, you need to regularly visit beauty salons. Such procedures require a lot of time and money. Therefore, another question arises: “What can be done with eyebrows at home?”. This article will answer this and other questions related to the improvement of female eyebrows at home.

How to make eyebrows with a kink?

In order to give the eyebrows the shape of a break at home, you must first draw the very desired arc. Here you will need a ruler and a pencil. You can do with one pencil. Using a ruler or pencil, you need to find the three main points of the future eyebrow: the beginning, the hill and the end. All this is done very simply:

  1. First, we attach one end of the ruler to the wing of the nose from the side of the eye we need. On the way between the nose and the eyebrow, the ruler should be in contact with the inner corner of the eye. In the place where it meets the arc, and there will be the beginning of the eyebrow
  2. To reveal the place of the bend, rearrange the ruler so that it now passes through the center of the pupil. And the point where it intersects with the eyebrow will be the bend point
  3. Naturally, to determine the end of the arc, we direct the ruler through the outer corner of the eye and put a mark at the place where it intersects with the eyebrow. Thus, all three peaks of the future eyebrow with a bend will be calculated, and it remains only to draw its width. After the arc is drawn, you need to take tweezers and remove all the extra hairs around it.

How to make eyebrows thicker?

  • Following the popular trend for thick eyebrows today, many women are trying to visually increase the width of their arches at home. But along with the question of thickness, another question arises before them: “How to make eyebrows thicker?”
  • In order to make eyebrows thicker and thicker, women with sparse and naturally thin eyebrows will still have to resort to the services of a tattoo artist. No matter how convincing folk craftsmen and manufacturers of various hair growth products are, genetics cannot be deceived
  • True, today another newfangled procedure has appeared - eyebrow extensions. This manipulation is similar to eyelash extensions. As in the case of eyelashes, it is advisable to repeat it once every two weeks. Yes, and it's worth it too.
  • Permanent assistants for young ladies with sparse vegetation remain a cosmetic pencil and eyebrow shadows. With a pencil, carefully outline the eyebrow along the contour, and then shade it with shadows.
  • If a woman has naturally thick eyebrows, but for some reason their density has been lost, it can be returned with the help of traditional medicine. Grandmother's advice is to strengthen the hairs on the superciliary arches every day with vegetable oils (castor, almond, burdock)

high eyebrows

In addition to thick thick eyebrows, today there is a tendency to raise their level. However, dear ladies, before you make your eyebrows higher, consult a professional or make a computer selection. Otherwise, there is a risk of being ridiculous. Sometimes such eyebrows look unnatural, it seems that they are stuck on.

Raising the level of eyebrows at home is unlikely to be possible for those who have them too thin. Here again, only permanent tattooing can help. But the owners of thick thick eyebrows just need to pluck a couple of rows from the bottom, and the eyebrows will look higher.

How to make straight eyebrows?

The procedure for plucking the eyebrows is a rather unpleasant and responsible manipulation. This is especially true for thin eyebrows - you need to be very careful with them. Before you make thin eyebrows yourself, you need to prepare the tools and treat the skin of the face. Here are some tips for those who are going to pluck their eyebrows at home:

  1. It is advisable to carry out this procedure before going to bed, as after it the skin may become irritated.
  2. Good lighting is important
    Attention! For the first procedure for giving the eyebrows an ideal thin and even shape, you cannot use a magnifying mirror - it is better to use a regular one. This is due to the fact that the zooming mirror can slightly distort the image, and it is difficult to compare two eyebrows at the same time in it. With repeated corrections, such a mirror will be more appropriate.
  3. Before you start plucking your eyebrows, remove all cosmetics from your face. To reduce pain, slightly warm the skin above the eyes with cotton pads and warm water.
  4. All tools must be treated with alcohol or iodine
  5. After thinning, comb the eyebrows with a special comb and cut off the upper protruding hairs with scissors
  6. In no case do not use a razor in the care of eyebrows. Improper handling of it can lead to a deterioration in shape and accidental removal of the desired sections of the brow.

How to make an eyebrow tattoo yourself?

Permanent make-up or tattooing is desirable to carry out in salon conditions. However, if there is a great desire and the necessary equipment, it can, in principle, be done at home. This will require:

  • desired shade of paint
  • tattoo machine
  • disposable needles
  • trimmer
  • antiseptic
  • degreaser
  • makeup brush
  • face cream

Here is an approximate algorithm of actions when performing a tattoo at home:

  1. Before starting work, we remove unnecessary fat from the working areas of the skin using a special tool.
  2. Trimmer to finalize the shape of the eyebrow
  3. We dip the brush into the paint and outline the contour of the eyebrow, after which we shade it
  4. We insert a new needle into the tattoo machine and draw ink with it.
  5. We start to hammer the skin from the thickest part of the eyebrow
  6. Change the needles several times throughout the procedure

This method of tattooing is called shaded. There is also a hair method, but its implementation will require certain knowledge and a full hand.

  • Experts recommend that their clients take their time choosing the final form and do trial makeup. To do this, they can paint the woman the desired shape of the eyebrow with a selected shade of paint and give her time to walk around and look at herself.
  • If, after a certain time, a woman does not get bored and does not stop liking her new image, then this particular drawing is immortalized on her face. Sometimes photos are used for such purposes. The master takes a picture with preliminary eyebrows, and the client has the opportunity to carefully examine it herself, as well as consult with her relatives
  • Within a week after stuffing the eyebrows, they need to be treated with an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory ointment (levomekol, tetracycline, synthomycin). The tattoo site should not be wetted and exposed to direct sunlight until it is completely healed.
  • At the site of the tattoo, crusts form, which in no case should be torn off, as this can lead to scarring.
  • Before giving any recommendations for the care of female eyebrows, it is worth finding out what shape is considered ideal. For the third year in a row, the fashion for thick and thick eyebrows has dominated the world's catwalks. When selecting models for the show, designers always give preference to fashion models with “lush vegetation” above the eyes. But this in no way means that the girls of the entire globe should immediately rush to grow it on their faces.
  • In second place in popularity after their thick eyebrows are eyebrows made by tattoo artists. Tattooing has become just a squeak of fashion 2014-2016. Every self-respecting lady ran to the tattoo parlor and “filled” herself with new eyebrows. But this option is a little risky, since fashion is a very changeable lady. Today, women create popular thick eyebrows for themselves, and tomorrow they don’t know what to do with them, as thin eyebrows-threads have returned again.
  • However, the essence is still not in what is popular today and what others choose. The shape of the eyebrows should be selected individually and fit perfectly to the oval of the face, the color of the eyes, hair and skin. Such eyebrows will just be considered flawless.

Using all the listed methods of eyebrow care, you will always look great!

Eyebrows are a very important part of the face. They can radically change the appearance of a woman, add gloss or, conversely, make her face untidy. The facial expression also depends on their shape. If the eyebrows are untidy, then no skillful makeup will save the situation. That is why it is so important for every woman to take care of her eyebrows regularly.

In addition, you need to know how to make them fit the type of face.

Eyebrow care rules

There are a number of general rules, without which it is impossible to have well-groomed eyebrows. The most important of them says that care should be regular. Whether a woman will perform it at home or turn to a professional master depends only on her personal preferences and financial capabilities. But care in any case should be regular, and not from case to case. So, what rules should be followed so that the eyebrows always have a well-groomed appearance and the correct shape:

  1. Brush them daily. To do this, you need to have a special brush that will allow you to quickly smooth the hairs and give them a normal shape. The procedure should be carried out before eye makeup.
  2. Plucking excess hairs. The ideal shape is impossible without regular correction, so you need to ensure that all excess hairs are immediately removed as soon as they appear. This applies not only to the hairs under the eyebrow, but also above it. You should not drastically change the top line, because nature knows better what suits every woman. But if clearly protruding hairs are visible, they must be removed with tweezers.
  3. Eyebrow coloring. If they are not very thick or do not match the hair color (for example, the girl dyed her hair a different color), then these shortcomings also need to be eradicated. A pencil, powder or paint will help to add density or color - which tool the girl chooses depends only on personal desire. You will have to use a pencil or powder every day, and paint - no more than 1 time per month.
  4. The right choice of coloring agents. There is one rule for choosing a color: for dark-haired girls, the color of the eyebrows should be 3 tones lighter than hair, and for fair-haired girls - 3 tones darker.
  5. Choose right. Never blindly follow fashion trends. - this is not the case when you need to be in trend. You need to do only the shape that suits the type (oval) of the face. This is the only criterion by which you need to choose and make the shape of the eyebrows.

In addition, it is very important to know how to correct correctly. This science is simple, but you need to strictly follow certain rules.

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Eyebrow correction: plucking rules

Plucking can be carried out both independently and trust the master in the cabin. If a girl wants to learn how to perform this procedure at home, she must know how to make a normal eyebrow shape. The following recommendations will help you with this:

  1. Treat the eyebrows and the skin around them with alcohol or another similar product to disinfect the skin. Treat the tweezers with the same solution. Comb with a brush.
  2. Having chosen the shape that you later want to get, draw it on your own eyebrows with a white pencil. This will serve as a guide to what is to be plucked and what is not.
  3. All hairs that go beyond the line marked with a white pencil must be plucked.
  4. You need to pluck the hairs only according to their growth. This, firstly, will prevent their ingrowth into the skin, and secondly, it will make the procedure less painful. Movements should be fast and sharp. You need to grab the hairs at the very root. Depending on the pain threshold, you can capture several hairs at once (especially if there are many) or pluck them one at a time.
  5. At the end of the procedure, disinfect the skin again and lubricate it with baby or any other cream.

Instead of a white pencil, you can use eyebrow stencils, which are sold in stores. Usually a set includes several forms. Applying one after another to her face, any girl will be able to choose the one that, in her opinion, suits and likes her more than the others.
A very important point concerns the choice of tool for plucking. The best results are provided by tweezers with rounded tips. You also need to ensure that the tips are not sharp so as not to injure the skin.
The main correction is carried out in the zone of the lower line, the inner and outer parts of the eyebrows. But with the top line you need to be very careful, because there is a high risk of radically changing the shape and ruining everything. Therefore, for girls who do not have sufficient experience in the use of tweezers, it is better to completely abandon the correction of the upper eyebrow zone. In extreme cases, this should be done very carefully, carefully and remove the hairs one at a time, carefully evaluating the result and the need for further correction.

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How to choose and make the shape of the eyebrows?

To determine the shape, you need to objectively assess the type of your face, in particular its oval. It is on the basis of this parameter that the shape of the eyebrows is chosen. There are several forms:

  1. Curved. This form is distinguished by a high rise (its highest point) and a short tail.
  2. Straight or horizontal. It has a slight curve, and both sides of the eyebrow are at the same level. Sometimes the tip (outer side) is made slightly rounded. This shape requires special attention to the density of the eyebrows, since the resulting facial expression depends on it: the thicker the eyebrows, the more severe the face will appear.
  3. Arcuate or ascending. This form is the most versatile. Firstly, it suits any type of face. Secondly, by playing with the height of the bend, you can change the image. This shape differs in that the outer edge rises slightly and is located slightly higher than the inner edge of the eyebrow. This shape makes the face more lively and expressive.
  4. Falling or descending. This shape differs in that the outer part of the eyebrow is lower than the inner one. When choosing this shape, it is very important to follow the angle of the bend: the higher it is, the more likely it is that the face will look sad.

Beautiful eyebrows complement the image, making the eyes more expressive, and your face is complete and well-groomed. Many say: I want the right bend, because it will even transform the shape of the face, hiding some of the flaws. It takes daily work to find the perfect eyebrows - this is a very detailed process, it is important to be more careful and accurate.

What are the perfect eyebrows?

Before proceeding with the actual process of correcting the shape, without even choosing the right color, let's figure out what the nature of ideal eyebrows is. What exactly is considered perfection? There are a few important signs you need to look out for:

  • A curve that fits the shape of the face, the cut of the eye and the skin.
  • Clear correction without knocking out hairs.
  • Symmetry.
  • Proportions, perfect beginning and end.
  • Smooth styling of hairs: they should lie beautifully and evenly.
  • Make up the color, a little darker than natural.
  • Moderate naturalness: too thin lines or dense forests will look strange and unnatural.

You need to carefully monitor the condition of the hairs on the eyebrows: they must be strong and beautiful. Although in 2016 you can achieve this with cosmetics, color and shape with a pencil, it is better to make useful masks and have really healthy eyebrows.

Three main points

Randomizing is a bad idea. In 2016, beauty standards clearly dictate where eyebrows should start, where they should end, and where to create the maximum break. These three tips will help you choose the most organic look without artificiality.

  • Getting Started: Place a thin stick or ruler against your nose. See where it intersects with the eyebrow. With a pencil, you need to draw a dot at this place. Here the eyebrow should begin, you need to pluck the hairs that go beyond it.
  • Finishing point: Attach the same stick with one end to the bottom of the nose. The line should touch the outer corner of the eye. See where it intersects with the hairs and mark the point with a pencil. Here the ideal shape of the eyebrows should end, try to pluck out everything that is superfluous.
  • Point of Maximum Bend: Try to look directly at the mirror and keep your eyes level. The line should visually pass through the bottom of the nose and the pupil. The point of intersection with the eyebrow is the highest point where the bend should be refracted. Mark with a pencil so you don't forget.

When correcting eyebrows, the first thing you need to do is paint these three points with a pencil. Do not neglect the advice of this technique from makeup artists to draw a beautiful result, it will take no more than a minute.

Possible eyebrow shapes

In 2016, makeup artists classified the main types of eyebrow bend, where each individual type helps to cope with different facial details.

  • Rounded - there is practically no break, due to which the shape of the face is smoothed and becomes more balanced. Ideal for a square face, but terrible for a round one.
  • Sharp triangles - eyebrows before the break and after it go in straight lines. From the outside, it looks like the roof of a house, ideal if you have the outer corners of your eyes down. It will favorably emphasize the dignity of a round face and a square one, but it will look terrible for a triangular one.
  • The arch is a soft version of triangles. The most common and considered classic. Suitable for triangular and square faces.
  • The shape of the letter s is a standard professional option, but it is quite difficult to pluck it. The optimal correct solution for a triangular face.
  • Straight lines naturally make a long face appear shorter. In no case do not choose them for the square.

Each of these eyebrows is easy to draw step by step with a pencil, but it's better to pluck out the extra hairs in advance if you're wondering how to get perfect eyebrows. Make sure that the eyes are emphasized, and there is no strong resonance with the cut.

Bending according to the shape of the face

On different types of faces, the same eyebrow can look ambiguous. Therefore, in no case do not copy the celebrities of 2016, do not repeat the beautiful options from the photo, if you do not make sure in advance that they will suit you. Even if the thought is spinning in your head: I want to look like a star. Try to find a curve based on the shape of your face.

  • Round - a clear, but not sharp fracture is required, the rise should be high enough, and the tail should be thin. In no case do not try to pick up a round bend - add fullness. And a flat line will also shorten the length of the face, it will be difficult to pluck a new shape from it - this secret is widely known.
  • Oval - the best option would be the correct straight line, rounded at the beginning and a little sharp at the end. The sharper the bend, the more violent the look will appear.
  • Triangular - makeup artists in 2016 advise giving preference to eyebrows in a shape close to the letter s. But don't go overboard with the bottom kink so you don't look aggressive or like you've learned an amazing secret.
  • Square - beautiful rounded eyebrows that follow the contour of the eyes are suitable. Such arcs should be dense enough, as thin lines will only make the image heavier.

If you find it difficult to choose your type yourself, look for photos of celebrities on the Internet. They are constantly visiting makeup artists and often change their looks, so you can see some useful examples. But remember: they often try to make up their eyes a lot, which also affects perception.

Selection details

Pay attention to your eyes before the correction begins. Makeup artists in 2016 own a bunch of professional tricks. If they are set wide, visually they can be slightly moved towards each other: pluck the upper bend closer to the bridge of the nose. If the eyes are close-set, on the contrary, make the breaks wider to create the illusion of the same distance between the eyes.

A strong kink will help to "hide" a long nose - this secret is used by many beauties. At the same time, a massive nose can be hidden by rounded arches, long enough and sharp at the ends. For large facial features, try to pluck smaller ones so that you have beautiful dense eyebrows.

Make a choice based on all these parameters step by step. Correction should be done in bright light. Make sure that the result is symmetrical, this is the only way you will get perfect eyebrows at home.


The simplest correction at home is to draw beautiful eyebrows with a pencil. They can paint over all the gaps, and correct the shape, and make the right color. In 2016, products of sufficient quality are being sold to create a natural result. There are many different shades, from black to beige. Make sure that the color differs from your natural one by no more than a tone. With a pencil, you can easily adjust the pressing force by changing the intensity of the shade: at the beginning, draw weaker, in the middle the darkest color, at the end, make up again a little weaker. Use this secret to make your brows look natural.

The nature of perfect eyebrows can be achieved with a special dye. Previously, they used a weak color for hair, but in 2016 special gentle products are sold. The salon also performs a tattoo procedure, which will allow you to forget about cosmetics for a long time.


This video tells and explains all the subtleties of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.

Facial features, hairstyle, hair color tell a lot about a woman. Eyebrows are no exception. Experts are able to determine the character, temperament, lifestyle of a girl by eyebrows.

Beautiful eyebrows make the face expressive

A person is born with a certain line of eyebrows, but it does not always correspond to his appearance. Cosmetologists offer to correct the mistake of nature and adjust the shape of the eyebrows for different types of faces.

The main types of faces, their characteristics

To correctly form the eyebrow line, experts determine the degree of roundness, face sizes: find out its shape.

When choosing an eyebrow line, not only the individual shape of the face is taken into account, but also the size of the nose, swelling and width of the lips.

There are only 7 of them and they correspond to geometric shapes:

  • Rectangle: the face is characterized by a straight, high forehead and a wide chin; pronounced brow ridges and cheekbones.
  • Oval: differs from the rectangular type in the softness of the lines. The cheekbones are slightly wider than other parts of the face. The features are not angular. The oval face shape is considered classic.
  • Rhomboid face type: bright cheekbones, high, rounded forehead, narrowed oval chin.
  • Trapeze: characteristic are clear, bright cheekbones, a straight, but not wide forehead; the width of the face gradually decreases from the chin to the line of the forehead.
  • Triangle: the size of the face gradually decreases from the forehead to the chin. The shape resembles an upside down triangle.
  • Square: the line of width and length of the face is approximately the same. The features are sharp: a straight and wide forehead, prominent cheekbones, a straight chin.
  • Round form: all outlines are smooth. The type of face is similar to a square shape, but the lines along the contour are smoothed. The widest part is the cheekbones.

The shape of the face is determined visually or using a soft ruler by measuring its length and width. Undesirable features of the appearance are masked by hairdressers with a hairstyle, and cosmetologists perform the appropriate shape of the eyebrows.

Eyebrows can visually change the type and expression of the face: open the cheekbones or make them invisible, change the height of the forehead or smooth out the pointed chin line.

Eyebrow shapes for different face types
Rectangular faceStraight eyebrow shape with clear contours
ovalStraight line with a slight break
Rhomboidslight bend in the line
TrapezeArc shape: low line or high line
triangularSoft curve without sharp corners
squareA clear line of the arc, without kinks: an extended eyebrow at the starting point, narrower towards the end
RoundCurved line without corners and rounded ends

When choosing a line for the shape of the eyebrows, not only the individual shape of the face is taken into account, but also the size of the nose, swelling and width of the lips. Eyebrows-threads, made in an even arc, and located high from the eyes, look ridiculous if the facial features are rough. A wide eyebrow will not suit a graceful, sophisticated and small face.

Women need to know how to choose the shape of the eyebrows for different types of faces.

Eyebrow shape for oval face

For a different type of face, cosmetologists offer certain shapes of eyebrows. They emphasize the dignity of the external appearance of a woman, hide sharp features. In order not to disturb the features of the classic oval, the eyebrow line is placed low.

It is made straight with a slight rounding. from the middle. A high arc and slanted line will bring the face closer to a rectangular type. Let's assume a soft break in the middle of the line. A “flying”, arched eyebrow is the best option if the face has an oval shape.

The roundness is adjusted by the width of the lines. A narrow eyebrow will visually open the face, but it will seem elongated. A wide line will add rigor to the features and keep the classic shapes. So that a wide eyebrow does not make the face gloomy, beauticians advise plucking hairs. Correction is done along the bottom edging.

The eyebrow thread is dyed dark if the shade is in harmony with the overall makeup and does not contrast with the hair. For different types of faces with certain shapes of eyebrows, a competent selection of colors is required.

Eyebrows for chubby girls

Straight voluminous eyebrows will make the face wider. For chubby girls, this is not the best option. A line raised in the middle will look beautiful. The shape of the eyebrow is brought closer to the triangle. The look will become open and flirtatious.

In order to slightly raise the eyebrow in the middle of the line, it is plucked a little in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inner corner, where the break begins. The end of the line is made narrower.

For thick eyebrows with a triangular face type, the recommended width is 1 cm.

If the eyebrow is wide, then a sharp line of rise with a kink will do.. The "tail" is thin, but not short. He doesn't fade away. It is drawn with a clear line.

It is important to know! Eyebrows require some care. Castor oil is used to strengthen hair follicles. The product is applied to the entire surface of the eyebrows.

The hair is combed with a brush, additionally performing a massage. Once a week, a vitamin mask of castor, burdock and almond oil is applied to the eyebrows.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face

If the face is triangular in shape, then sharp bends and straight lines are recommended to be abandoned. The ideal eyebrow would be in the shape of the letter "S": the beginning of the line is wide, soft bend, thin, slightly raised "tail".

The ending is not made excessively sharp, otherwise the eyebrow will look like a “comma”. It slightly frames the superciliary arch, turning to the outer corner of the eye.

An S-shaped eyebrow is not easy to create on your own. At home, a different type of eyebrows is performed: arched with a rounded end. The bend looks natural, without kinks. At the base, the line is wider than at the "tail". For thick eyebrows, the recommended width is 1 cm.

Rectangular face and eyebrow shape

To soften the sharp features of the face, which has a rectangular shape, straight eyebrows will help.. An arched line will visually make the face longer. With this correction option, the cheekbones will not look wide, but the forehead will increase even more.

The distance between the eyebrows is made large, this technique visually rounds the shape of the face. Thin eyebrows will not work. It is recommended to perform wide lines, slightly raised. When correcting eyebrows, the proportions of the lines are observed.

The tips are narrowed, but not thin. The lines are going up. A descending eyebrow will emphasize the width of the cheekbones, which is not always desirable for a girl of a refined nature. Excessively thick eyebrows will make facial features heavier. Cosmetologists recommend thinning hairs or styling them with a gel.

Eyebrows for the face with a heart

The heart-shaped face has pronounced cheekbones and a wide but low forehead. Straight lines will visually make the forehead even narrower, and the cheekbones more expressive. In this case, the chin will not seem so pointed.

At the base of the eyebrow is wider than at the end. A light, very soft break is made closer to the “tails”. This technique will soften facial features, make them lighter and more pretty. Beauticians do not advise to form an eyebrow in the form of a thin line. The recommended width is 0.5 mm at the base, 0.3 mm at the ends.

The scheme for calculating the ideal shape of the eyebrows

In order for the eyebrow line to be correct, it is necessary to determine where it should begin and end, where its middle is located.

When calculating, the point at the lower edge of the nose is taken as the basis:

  1. Start. The point of intersection of the vertical line is determined from the starting point through the corner of the eye to the superciliary arch. Make a mark with a pencil.
  2. middle. The superciliary arch is crossed by an imaginary line going through the pupil. The point will be the top of the eyebrow: in this place it is recommended to perform a break, turn the arc. The middle point is important in order to properly correct the shape of the eyebrows for different types of faces.
  3. Ending. The line goes through the outer corner of the eye. Depending on the shape of the face, the end of the eyebrow is made shorter or longer.

The marked points are connected to better see the correct contour of the eyebrow. Draw kinks and bends. According to the markup, it will be easier to remove the hairs and make a correction.

Eyebrow shape: fashion trends

Narrow eyebrows-threads are a thing of the past. In 2017, wide lines with graceful kinks and drops are in trend. Sharp, angular forms are absent. All elements are close to natural. They emphasize the sophistication of female beauty.

If a woman naturally has thin eyebrow shapes, then wide lines for different types of faces are created with the help of tattooing.

The eyebrow line runs clearly along the superciliary arch. Light smooth bends are performed closer to the ends. The design of the kinks is not done according to the scheme for an ideal eyebrow, but in the third part of the line. The top is drawn with a pencil so that the eyebrow looks clearly defined.

Important to remember! Eyebrow hairs are laid along the perimeter of the designated shape. To give the image of carelessness, “boyish” eyebrows are made. The hairs at the base are lifted up using a brush. They are in a bit of a mess. In this case, the hairs do not go beyond the general outlined line.

The shape of the eyebrows is designed to complement the appearance, the image of a woman. Strict lines will tell about the decisiveness of character, light bends - about softness and caring.

Performing eyebrow correction, take into account the advice of experts and your own mood. The attitude changes, and the eyebrow line goes down or flies up like a summer butterfly.

How to choose eyebrow shapes for different face types:

How to choose the right bend for the shape of the eyebrows: