Foot care at home folk. Peeling and exfoliation is an important step in foot skin care. Potato mask with yolks and honey

7 895 1 Every woman knows that you need to use creams for the face, hands, regularly exfoliate the body, and do not neglect hair conditioners. But not everyone knows and knows how to properly care for their feet, feet and nails. But nice legs is that part female body which 90% of men pay attention to. They are subjected to a huge load every day, because they must withstand the weight of our body. Therefore, foot care involves regular procedures for their improvement. So, how to properly care for the feet at home.

Our feet, heels need love and care no less than other parts of the body. Knowing some tricks, you can improve, unload, moisturize and pamper your feet, spending a minimum of time and money.

  1. Regularly, i.e. Spend a few minutes daily on your feet and legs (apply nutritious cream massage them)
  2. wear comfortable shoes, avoid big heels;
  3. Walk barefoot more often on grass, sand, pebbles;
  4. Once a week, remove the coarsened layer of skin on the feet, do a pedicure;
  5. Periodically visit a beautician or pedicurist who will produce a professional, comprehensive care behind the legs;
  6. If you have problems associated with a fungal infection, do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.
  7. In saunas, swimming pools, hotel showers, etc. do not go barefoot, so as not to "catch" the fungus or something like that.

A girl, a woman who has seriously decided to take care of her legs, should know and have an idea about all the procedures that are designed to give a second youth to her legs. This:

  • Baths with herbs and aroma oils;
  • Foot masks;
  • Massage of the lower extremities;
  • Pedicure;
  • Peeling feet, heels, shins.

Regular foot care is the key to healthy feet

All foot care procedures can be divided into daily and weekly procedures.

Every day you can pamper your feet:

  • massage- it perfectly relieves tension, fatigue of the lower extremities. Contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins.
  • Trays- depending on the content of the foot bath, it can tone, relax, relieve swelling, fatigue, and even produce a healing effect.
  • Cleansing procedures- while taking a shower, rub your feet and legs with a stiff brush. So you clear the skin and activate blood circulation.
  • Nourishing, moisturizing creams.

No more than once a week, but regularly, the feet should be cleaned of rough skin. To do this, you need to steam the feet for 15-20 minutes in warm water, then use a pumice stone or a special scraper to remove the stratum corneum.

After cleansing, you can apply a foot mask that will moisturize the skin and help get rid of cracks, calluses and corns.

Once every 7-14 days, do not forget about the pedicure, where pay special attention to the nails.

Causes of leg discomfort

There can be many reasons for discomfort. Foot health is affected by both internal and external factors.

Firstly, it is a sedentary lifestyle, overweight. Due to sedentary work, the blood circulation of the lower extremities is disturbed, as a result of which swelling and dryness of the feet appear.

Secondly, the wrong shoes. This can lead to the appearance of corns, corns.

Thirdly, neglect of the rules of personal hygiene can cause various fungal infections.

Fourth, an ineptly done pedicure will lead to ingrown nails and infection of the skin.

Nail care

It is equally important to take care of your toenails. They should be cut regularly, paying special attention to the technique of this procedure. An improperly cut nail causes an ingrown nail nail plate into the skin. Sometimes this can lead to surgery. Therefore, adhere to the following rules:

  • Cut the nail straight without rounding it;
  • File with smooth movements from right to left, or vice versa. This technique minimizes the negative impact of the file on the nail and prevents its delamination;
  • Nail on thumb do not cut "at the root", it should be slightly longer than the rest.
  • The cuticle on the toes does not need to be cut, it is enough just to push it back with an orange stick, or other tool.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can not worry about the condition of the nails, because they will always be healthy.

What problems are fraught with ill-fitting shoes

At first glance, the legs are not the most important part of our body. Most of the year they are hidden under shoes, and some problems (cracks in the heels, fungal infection nails) can be "camouflaged" by wearing closed shoes. But neglecting foot health can lead to more serious problems that affect all organs. For example, wearing uncomfortable shoes, a woman runs the risk of rubbing a corn, due to discomfort, the foot takes wrong position, the load on the spine is distributed unevenly, it is deformed, and this entails problems associated with the normal functioning of the organs abdominal cavity. This is a slightly exaggerated situation, but quite real.

Apart from high heels, tight or too loose shoes have a negative effect on the legs. Because of such boots, shoes, sneakers, the foot takes the wrong position, gradually deforms. In addition, no one is immune from the appearance of corns.

Shoes should be comfortable, comfortable, natural materials, with a normal heel height (it should not be felt).

Foot care products

The beauty industry offers a huge range of foot care products. There are quite a lot of them, each performs its function. They are divided into the following groups:

  1. Scrubs, peeling - products designed to remove dead cells. Apply to soft areas of the skin from the knees to the feet. It is recommended to use scrubs before the depilation procedure to prevent ingrown hairs. It is enough to carry out peeling every 7-10 days.
  2. masks - cosmetics that moisturize, nourish and saturate the skin beneficial substances. Pamper your feet with masks once a week after taking a bath, when the skin is steamed. This tool can be bought at the store, or made independently from existing products.
  3. Foot bath products - a substance that is added to the water, where the feet are subsequently placed. Depending on the content, they are able to relax, reduce swelling of the feet, heal the skin, and even contribute to recovery from a cold. They can be used both daily and with a short period of time (from several days to a week). Foot baths can be done with the addition of:
  • medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, etc.),
  • essential oils (for example, tea tree, lemon balm, mint),
  • other natural ingredients (soda, sea salt),
  • purchase funds.

Massage and gymnastics for legs

Foot and leg skin care in general involves such a pleasant procedure as massage and gymnastics. Scientists have proven that a huge number of nerve endings are concentrated on the feet, massaging which you improve the functioning of all internal organs. In addition, massage improves blood circulation and activates the internal strength of the body.

Every day, with pressing and rubbing movements, walk along the entire foot, starting from the socks, moving to the heel. Special attention give each finger.

In addition to massage, the legs require special health-improving gymnastics. It is not complicated at all and takes a minimum of time and effort, and the effect is felt instantly.

  • standing in vertical position, get up on your toes and go down. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  • Walk on toes around the perimeter of the room for a couple of minutes.
  • Stand on the inside of the foot and walk a few circles around the room, then change the position of the feet, standing on the outer edge of the foot.
  • In a sitting position, squeeze your toes with force, and then sharply unclench. Repeat the exercise 5 times for each leg.
  • Pick up an object from the floor with your toes.
  • While sitting at the table, roll the ball with your foot to improve blood circulation.

These few exercises will help restore vigor to the whole body and relieve tension after a hard day's work.

Never miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on grass, sand, pebbles. Even if you walk through the scattered children's designer on the carpet, then involuntarily perform a foot massage.

Foot care at home. Folk remedies

Foot care at home does not require a lot of special knowledge and skills. Making baths, masks, scrubs from existing products, you not only fill your legs with life, energy, but also practically do not spend money.

Sea salt bath

This bath can be done daily. Pour a handful of sea salt (or ordinary table salt) into a basin of warm water and place your tired legs there. After 15-20 minutes, there will be no trace of fatigue.

Contrast foot baths

Take 2 containers, pour warm water into one and cool water into the other. Alternately dip your feet in cold and warm baths. This procedure perfectly relieves swelling, but is contraindicated in varicose veins.

Baths with the addition of St. John's wort

Great for healing cracked heels. For such a procedure, you need 2 tablespoons of St. John's wort to pour 1 liter of boiling water.

egg mask

In 3 days, such a mask will eliminate bad smell foot sweat. You will need 1 a raw egg, 1 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Beat the egg and mix with the rest of the ingredients. We apply the resulting mixture on the feet, after which we put on socks and go to bed. Wash off the mask in the morning.

Peeling with orange peels

Gently cleanses the skin and gives it healthy look. Dried up orange peels grind, add olive oil and apply the resulting mass on the skin with massage movements from the knees to the fingertips. Then rinse off with warm water.

Beautiful, healthy feet and heels are not a myth, but a reality. Every self-respecting woman should take care of her legs, because a girl is not at all difficult, does not require much time and money. Regularly cleansing the skin, using masks, massaging the feet, you can transform any legs beyond recognition. Please yourself with pleasant procedures, and then you will not be afraid of the problems associated with your legs.

In the fight for beautiful legs, a new electric file can also help you , which millions of women have already experienced.

  • The need for foot care
  • Basic principles of care
  • Leg exercises
  • Proper foot care
  • Overview of products for the care of the skin of the legs and feet

The need for foot care

Foot care is often an unobvious part of the beauty ritual. But it is necessary to take care of them, because even naturally slender legs can lose their shape if they are not given proper attention. The rules of care are not limited to moisturizing-nutrition. You will need extra effort. However, the result is tripping And good mood- it's worth it.

If you spend most of your time in an office chair and driving a car, or, conversely, are forced to be on your feet all day, then sooner or later you will encounter the problem of swelling.

Massage with a draining cream will help against swelling of the legs.

Puffiness - main enemy graceful contour legs. The reason is slowed blood circulation and lymph stagnation. The accumulation of fluid in the legs causes a feeling of heaviness and changes their shape for the worse.

The good news: deal with congestion and keep your feet in perfect shape you can do it yourself - with the help of a simple care program.

Basic principles of care

The minimum foot care program is aimed at combating swelling and congestion. Stimulate circulation and lymph flow the main task. Other helpful tips are listed below.

Foot massage

The knees and ankles are the main areas responsible for fluid accumulation and impaired lymph flow. Massage them as often as possible to prevent swelling. As a massage agent, use oil or nourishing cream that provides slip. You can add a little anti-cellulite - for a drainage effect.

    Knead the area above the knees with your thumbs. Gently remember the inside with your fists and pat your palms on the back surface. Thus, you will stimulate blood circulation and lymph circulation.

    Massage the ankles with smooth circular grips in the direction from the heels to the calves.

    Knead the calves with fists and fingers, moving from the bottom up.

    Grasp the ankle with both hands, slowly rise to the knee, as if pulling on a stocking, and then to inguinal fold where the lymph nodes are located.

Advice. During the foot massage, use products for weight loss and anti-cellulite. They always contain components that help remove fluid from tissues.

Pour cool water over your feet, moving the shower head from your feet to your thighs. This hydromassage relieves tension and fights congestion.

Leg exercises

No, we do not drive you to a sports club. Everything that is good for the legs can be done both at work and at home (even while lying in bed).

  1. 1

    In a sitting position, make several circular movements with your feet in both directions, without lifting your heels from the floor.

  2. 2

    Lift from time to time throughout the day thumbs legs to stimulate blood circulation.

  3. 3

    Tap your feet on the floor, lifting your toes without lifting your heels.

  4. 4

    Stand on your tiptoes, stretching out into a string. Stretch, moving your arms back and straining your legs. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax. Do this exercise several times a day and your legs will be in good shape.

Gymnastics for the legs and feet is useful in the evening before bedtime.

  1. 1

    Take a tennis or golf ball and roll it with your feet twice a day for a couple of minutes - this exercise relieves tension in soft tissues feet.

  2. 2

    Do not sit still for more than 40 minutes, find an excuse to at least take a walk around the office. Walking is the best fitness for swollen feet.

  3. 3

    Before going to bed, while lying in bed, lift your legs up and move them in the air, as if shaking off fatigue. You can do this in the morning - for a lymphatic drainage effect.

It is not good for the health of the legs to sit cross-legged or cross-legged. Such postures interfere with normal blood circulation and lead to swelling.

How to choose foot care products

The appearance of the legs depends not only on their shape, but also on the condition of the skin. The covers on the ankles and legs are prone to dryness and peeling, as they contain little sebaceous glands and are under constant pressure. That's why regular moisturizing these areas are relevant regardless of the season.

All body care products are designed for the skin of the feet as well. Choose thicker textures in winter and light textures in summer. And don't forget sun protection.

Features of seasonal foot skin care

Proper foot care

The feet are the driest part of our body. The skin of the feet is completely devoid of sebaceous glands, but contains a large number of sweat. In addition, over the years, it noticeably loses elasticity, coarsens. Foot care consists of several stages.

Hygiene and cleansing

Keeping your feet clean and dry is essential for maintaining a healthy foot and nail microflora.

Hydration and nutrition

enjoy special means for feet softening the skin. Apply them to the entire surface of the foot and nails, avoiding the area between the toes (it should always be dry there). Spread the cream on the ankle in an upward motion.

Take care of your feet better evening when you're not in a hurry. Baths and massage not only relax the legs, but also relieve stress in general.

Foot baths

Cool foot baths will relieve stress in five minutes.

Foot massage

“Massage is one of the most painless, pleasant and effective ways to maintain the health, beauty and youthfulness of the skin. It improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolism, promotes the elimination of toxins, saturates cells with oxygen, relieves swelling,” says Olga Gorokhova, Decléor training manager.

Apply foot care products from bottom to top, from feet to thighs.

    With your thumbs, press on the center of the arch of the foot, then “draw” a spiral, moving from the middle of the foot to the periphery.

    Massage the entire foot in circular motions, including the balls.

    Knead the space between your toes.

    Vigorously rub your feet with your palms, as if making fire.

An overview of skin care products for legs and feet

Oils for skin care.


Name Active ingredients Action


essential oils of grapefruit marjoram, patchouli

Used as a massage oil to reduce volume, smoothes the skin.


essential oils of lemon, tangerine and grapefruit

Ideal for massage, makes the skin more elastic.
Oil for elasticity Skin Body Refirm Stretch Oil Biotherm

vegetable oils, Padina Pavonica algae extract

Nourishes the skin, improves elasticity, tones, softens. Suitable for massage.

Creams and milk for the skin of the feet.

Milk and creams

Name Active ingredients Action


bee royal jelly, protein, hazelnut extract

Restores the epidermis and the protective barrier of the skin.

Milk for dry and very dry skin of babies, children and adults Lipikar Lait, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, thermal water La Roche-Posay Niacinamide

Nourishes, restores lipid barrier, soothes and improves the protective functions of the skin.


avocado, shea butter, wheat germ

The rich cream softens and nourishes dry, rough skin. Suitable for foot massage.

PRECIOUS MILK OF BEAUTY, GARNIER argan, macadamia, almond and rose oils Moisturizes, nourishes, protects, quickly absorbed, for daily use.

Gels and emulsions for foot skin care.

Emulsions, gels

Name Active ingredients Action


plankton extract, shea butter

Intensively moisturizes and refreshes the skin of the body, including the feet.

Light moisturizing, protective emulsion Lipikar Fluide, La Roche-Posay

shea butter, niacinamide

Moisturizes, soothes, protects the skin, restores the hydrolipidic barrier.


10 natural oils, hyaluronic acid, lipohydroxy acid

Nourishes, moisturizes, exfoliates and smoothes the skin.

Exfoliating products for the skin of the legs and feet.

RULE 1. Take care of your feet constantly

Trouble in the form dry calluses, cracked heels or corns familiar to many. And the blame for this, first of all, is the increased load on the feet (for example, due to overweight or long stay on the feet), uncomfortable shoes (podologists especially often “blame” narrow dress shoes) and lack of proper care. modern medicine offers many ways to get rid of them, and even the oldest calluses can be removed (for example, with a laser). However, it is easier to prevent their appearance by observing the following rules for foot care in the summer.

RULE 2. Do a pedicure every 2-3 weeks

A systematic pedicure is not only a hygienic and aesthetic, but also a preventive procedure that allows you to avoid many problems. Moreover, with “problem feet”, the most effective will be hardware pedicure. Due to the fact that different cutters are used for it for removing cuticles, turning nails, grinding, skin treatment, thanks to a hardware pedicure, you can achieve almost perfect condition feet, adjust irregular shape nails and forget about such troubles as corns, cracks, calluses and ingrown nails. By the way, all these problems lend themselves perfectly to “treatment” with the help of a hardware pedicure. True, you will have to be patient, especially if we are talking about a callus with a stem. And here is the classic edged pedicure very often, on the contrary, causes excessive growth of the epidermis and cuticles.

RULE 3. Buy a good foot cream!

And use it daily! It is best if it contains vegetable oils that have a strong nourishing and regenerating effect, and softening ingredients(allantoin, bisabolol, panthenol). If due to walking barefoot or just wearing open shoes the skin of the feet dries out, choose for summer care behind the legs creams with intensely moisturizing and moisture-retaining ingredients(urea, glycerin, lecithin, aloe extract, collagen, etc.).

Brand promo

Soothing foot cream White tea”, Herbalife with shea butter, macadamia and blackcurrant. Refreshing and revitalizing foot balm, Neutrogena "Norwegian Formula" with shea butter, allantoin, bisabolol, panthenol. Anticuticle softener and cuticle remover Avoplex Exfoliating Cuticle Treatment, OPI with AHA acids and lipid complex. Cream for cracked feet and heels Byrelax, Byly with urea. Plaster from wet corns on the legs, Compeed

RULE 4. Do not allow the skin of the legs to become rough

If a few days after the pedicure, the heels look like you did it a couple of months ago, they will help foot scrubs(exfoliate your skin 2-3 times a week) and salicylic acid creams(use them daily). Salicylic acid prevents excessive formation of keratin - the main culprit for the fact that the skin of the feet becomes rough, and its upper layer thickens. best result can be achieved if, before using the cream, make warm foot bath(in order to soften the skin, in addition to the cosmetic product for foot baths, it is good to add a tablespoon of soda to the water). Such procedures will also be a good prevention of cracked heels (emollient creams or an old proven remedy will also help get rid of them - Castor oil, who need to lubricate the heels instead of cream).

RULE 5. Control sweating

At increased sweating for foot care in the summer, talcum powder, a cream with a deodorizing effect or a special deodorant are useful. The main condition is that all these products are applied only to clean and dry skin. Many modern foot deodorizers contain non-aluminum salts that constrict or even clog streams. sweat glands, A antibacterial ingredients, preventing the growth of sweat-causing bacteria (farnesol or triclosan) and ingredients that gently regulate perspiration, e.g. alum, essential oils (e.g. lavender, bergamot, lemon, rosemary) and plant extracts (especially sage, willow or oak bark, mint, string). By the way, extracts and oils are good to add to foot baths. You can just buy at the pharmacy herbal collection and, brewing 1-2 tablespoons in a water bath or boiling water and letting it brew under the lid for 30-40 minutes, add to the water for a foot bath.

Brand promo

Healing foot cream Cucumber Heel Therapy, CND with urea, extracts of cucumber, chamomile and aloe vera. Smoothing foot gommage « Herbal care Beauty» Beaute Des Pieds, Yves Rocher with bio-essential oil and bio-lavender extract. Foot scrub "Lemon and Sage" Bare Foot, Freeman with tea tree oil, lemon and sage extracts. Revitalizing treatment for hands and foot spa Hand & Foot Smoother Retexturızıng, H2O Plus with salicylic and lactic acids and shea butter. Feet Up Relaxing Foot Bath, Oriflame with lavender and eucalyptus essential oils

RULE 6. When doing a pedicure on your own, do not make mistakes!

If you prefer home pedicure foot care in a beauty salon or just to maintain the effect of salon procedures in this way, start it with a foot bath: softened skin and nails are easier to process. To keep the skin of your feet soft and smooth longer, use special lotions with AHAs or sodium hydroxide, gently dissolving dead skin. And don't use pedicure machines with blades: the main mistake of inexperienced craftsmen is that they cut off too much skin, affecting living cells. As a result, the skin thickens and becomes rough. In addition, such an incorrect pedicure very often leads to cracked heels.

RULE 7. Wear beach shoes

If you decide to walk on hot sand or pebbles barefoot, you may not get a burn on your feet, but your skin will suffer anyway. So if you want to run barefoot, it is better to choose a lawn for this.

Take immediate action when it occurs« bones in the leg» hallux valgus . Watch the video.

Beautiful legs are considered one of the main components perfect image, to the creation of which every representative of the fair sex strives. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of the excellent condition of their lower extremities, and this is primarily due to the fact that they rarely receive the same close attention like the face and hands. For many women, foot care comes down to hygiene procedures, depilation and trimming of regrown nails, but this attitude cannot be called correct. After all, not only the ease and ease of gait, grace and good posture depend on the condition of the legs, but also the general well-being, performance and health of the body as a whole.

The legs are subjected to enormous loads every day when walking, bearing the entire weight of the body. Even with a sedentary lifestyle, a person walks an average of several kilometers every day, while about 40% of people wear uncomfortable shoes, preferring the external beauty of products, rather than their own comfort. And if you add here bad ecology, beriberi, bad habits, chronic diseases internal organs, age-related changes in the body and other provoking factors, it becomes obvious that sooner or later even the most beautiful legs can lose their attractiveness and, even worse, their health. To avoid this, or at least reduce the risk of foot problems to a minimum, you need to provide them with competent care. To do this, it is not necessary to turn to the services of professionals, since all the necessary manipulations can be carried out at home.

Major foot problems

Despite the fact that the legs have a large margin of safety, one day there comes a moment when negative changes occur in their condition - both external, of an aesthetic nature, and internal, representing serious threat for their health and general well-being. What are the most common foot problems?

  • Increased dryness and peeling of the skin of the feet;
  • calluses, corns and cracks on the feet;
  • feeling of heaviness and "bursting" in the lower extremities;
  • cramps in the calf muscles;
  • varicose veins, obliterating endarteritis, vascular atherosclerosis;
  • rosacea (vascular "asterisks");
  • joint pain, fatigue and swelling;
  • uneven skin color and red dots on the legs after depilation;
  • plantar warts (papillomas);
  • various types of deformities of the lower extremities;
  • orthopedic diseases (calcaneal spur, Morton's neuroma and others);
  • fungal infections of the skin and nail plates;
  • excessive sweating of the legs (hyperhidrosis).

Unfortunately, most of the listed leg diseases develop asymptomatically and make themselves felt only when the problem becomes apparent and becomes chronic. many women long time do not pay attention to discomfort in the lower extremities, believing that it is caused by banal fatigue, and continue to lead habitual image life. As a result of such a careless attitude, irreversible changes can occur, requiring surgical intervention. This cannot be allowed. As practice shows, any problem is easier to prevent than to deal with it later.

Foot care tips at home

  • Try to take long walks every day, if possible, do not use the elevator, but walk up the stairs. A sedentary lifestyle leads to weakening of the muscles and the development of various diseases.
  • If possible, avoid excessive physical activity so as not to injure the knee joints and feet. Do not carry weights on straight legs. If your legs get tired quickly and often swell, get compression stockings or tights that help evenly distribute the load on the muscles and prevent the development vascular diseases. In the event that swelling is observed constantly, consult a doctor, as this phenomenon may indicate problems with the excretory system.
  • If, due to your profession, you have to be in sitting position(for example, when working at a computer), try to do a light workout every 10-15 minutes. You can do squats or "rolls" from socks to heels - this way you will avoid stagnation of blood in the vessels.
  • Massage your feet daily with your hands or special devices. Start the procedure with the feet, moving smoothly to the shins. Do not forget to pay attention to the hips (they can be massaged with a hard mitten or an anti-cellulite roller).
  • Do not miss the opportunity to walk barefoot on grass, stones and sand - there are a large number of nerve endings on the feet, the stimulation of which improves overall well-being and increases the tone of the body. If you wish, you can create an impromptu "beach" at home by filling a basin with clean river sand or small pebbles, and daily for 5-10 minutes to give unloading to your legs.
  • Responsibly approach the choice of shoes. Refuse (if possible) from too high heels and purchase the most comfortable products made from natural materials. By the way, the shoes are absolutely flat sole can also be very detrimental to the health of the feet.
  • Change your socks, stockings, and tights daily to help prevent bad breath and fungal infections.
  • Do not neglect the observance of elementary hygiene rules. Wash your feet daily with warm soapy water and dry them so that no drops of water remain on the skin (especially between the toes), which is a favorable environment for the development of pathogens.
  • In order to make the skin of the feet smoother, it is necessary to regularly cleanse it of keratinized particles. This can be done with a pumice stone or a pedicure file. In no case do not try to cut off dead skin with a blade or knife - this way you can not only damage the dermis, but also provoke an increased growth of the stratum corneum.
  • Periodically perform contrasting douches on the legs, alternating between moderately hot and cold water. Such procedures strengthen blood vessels and help prevent the development of rosacea and varicose veins.
  • When caring for your feet, do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the nails. At the first signs of fungal infections, consult a doctor, it is better not to self-medicate, because to choose the right medicinal product difficult without an accurate diagnosis. You need to trim your nails very carefully, avoiding the rounding of the corners of the nail plate, otherwise they can grow into the skin and cause severe pain.
  • If any damage to the skin (wounds, cuts and cracks) appears, be sure to use antibacterial creams or ointments, fixing them with a plaster or gauze bandage. If the damage is not treated, an infection can penetrate into it, which will lead to the development of an inflammatory process.
  • Adjust your diet. Try to exclude from the daily menu harmful products(fried dishes, spices, spices, flour products). Eat enough fresh vegetables, fruits, lean fish, meat and fermented milk products- such food is very useful for bones and joints. It is also necessary to comply drinking regimen(drink at least one and a half liters of water a day).
  • In order for the skin on the legs to be soft and silky, you need to carry out special procedures to hydrate, nourish and eliminate cosmetic defects. For these purposes, you can use scrubs, creams and foot masks purchased at the store or prepared at home.
  • Get rid of bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine are the main enemies of healthy blood vessels.

If you follow the above recommendations for foot care, you can look irresistible in any situation. Just keep in mind that you need to take care of yourself not when the situation becomes catastrophic, but constantly, and the sooner you start doing this, the longer you can avoid health problems. Do not forget also that noticeable results from any procedures are not achieved instantly - this takes time.

Folk remedies for foot care

The value of folk remedies lies in their reliability, ease of use and availability. You can create an individual foot care program for yourself, based on several of the recipes below.

Foot baths

A hot bath is the fastest and most effective way to moisturize the skin, eliminate swelling, fatigue and heaviness in the legs, as well as prepare the feet for cleansing and applying a cream or mask. Baths are recommended to do before going to bed 2-3 times a week.

Herbal bath with honey

  • 30 g lime blossom;
  • 30 g of chamomile inflorescences;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 2 liters of hot water.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • Pour medicinal raw materials with 1 liter of hot water and infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  • Add to herbal infusion the remaining water and pour the finished solution into a basin.
  • Dip your feet into it and hold for 15-20 minutes.
  • Treat steamed feet with a pumice stone.

Glycerin bath with rose water

  • 40 g of glycerin;
  • 50 ml rose water;
  • 1 liter of hot water.

Carrying out the procedure:

  • mix rose water with glycerin and pour the resulting solution into a container of hot water.
  • Soak your feet in the bath for 15-20 minutes, and then massage your feet and treat if necessary with a pumice stone.

Foot scrubs

Home scrubs are cosmetics that help restore smoothness and softness to the skin, get rid of dry corns, corns and growths on the feet. To prepare cleansing mixtures, you will need a base and an abrasive that provides an exfoliating effect. Any scrub should be applied with massaging movements on clean, steamed skin, and after 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm water. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 2-3 times a week.

Coffee scrub with cinnamon and vegetable oil

This product perfectly exfoliates the skin, makes it soft and velvety and prevents the formation of corns.

  • 30 g ground coffee;
  • 10 g of sea salt;
  • 5 g ground cinnamon;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil.

Preparation and application:

  • Mix all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Apply ready mix on the feet, massage them for 3-5 minutes, and then rinse the skin with warm water.

Nut scrub with honey and oatmeal

This scrub effectively fights increased dryness of the feet, softens rough areas, nourishes the skin and gives it a healthy look.

  • 5-7 hazelnuts or almonds, peeled;
  • 30 g small oatmeal;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 30 ml natural yogurt.

Preparation and application:

  • Grind the nuts in a blender, add herculean flakes, honey and yogurt to them.
  • Mix everything and apply the resulting mass on the feet.
  • Gently massage the skin with your fingers for 3-5 minutes, and then rinse your feet with warm water.

Foot masks

Home masks are indispensable components complete care behind the legs, which will help not only to ensure the external attractiveness of the feet, but also to maintain the lightness and grace of the gait. Any masks, regardless of their composition, should be applied to cleansed and steamed skin. After applying the mixture, it is recommended to wrap the feet cling film(it can be replaced with polyethylene shoe covers) and wear cotton socks over it. The duration of the masks can vary from 20 minutes to several hours (most formulations are recommended to be left overnight). Such procedures should be carried out in short courses of 1.5-2 months with a frequency of 2-3 times a week.

Potato mask with yolks and honey

Thanks to this mask, you can get rid of calluses, corns and cracks, eliminate swelling and heaviness in the legs, make the skin of the feet softer and velvety.

  • 2 raw, peeled potatoes;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 2 egg yolks.

Preparation and application:

  • Grate the potatoes on a fine grater, add the yolks and honey to the resulting gruel.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and apply the finished mass on the feet.
  • Wrap your feet in cling film, put on your socks and go to bed.
  • In the morning, wash off the mask with running water and lubricate the feet with a moisturizer.

Banana mask with cream

Such a “tasty” mask perfectly moisturizes the skin of the legs, saturates it with vitamins, tones and relieves fatigue.

  • 2 ripe bananas;
  • 50 ml of heavy cream;
  • 2-3 drops essential oil orange.

Preparation and application:

  • Mash peeled bananas into a puree, add cream and orange ester to them.
  • Mix everything and apply the finished mask on the legs (up to the knees).
  • Wrap your feet in clingfilm and wait about half an hour.
  • Rinse the lower limbs with running water and lubricate them with a moisturizer.

Self-care of the feet is not so difficult, the main thing is not to forget that love for yourself, for your body, is of great importance in this matter. At your disposal is a large arsenal of various means - from folk remedies to the latest achievements of the cosmetology industry. Use it wisely, don't be afraid to experiment, and let your legs always be attractive.

Feet, like our face and hands, require special care and attention. We spend most of our lives on our feet, either in motion or standing, while the legs experience a lot of stress. In addition, often due to tight shoes the legs are in a clamped position, and the joints suffer from this, slow blood circulation has a bad effect on the nutrition of tissues, which leads to varicose veins. The state of our legs and feet largely determines our gait, our well-being, mood, and level of ability to work, because all internal organs are projected onto the foot. It follows from this that foot care should be regular and thorough.

The condition of the legs indicates the need to visit a doctor (sweating, calluses, fungus, redness, dilated veins and capillaries). For example, frequent swelling of the legs indicates a violation of the cardiovascular system or problems with the kidneys. The greatest importance in foot care is foot skin care, since it is they who take all the load on themselves and experience friction from the pressure of shoes.

Foot care includes skin care for the outer part of the foot and skin care for the sole. The skin of the outer part of the foot is in most cases normal, so it needs the most common care, which consists in washing and moisturizing with cosmetic creams. As for the skin of the sole, there are no sebaceous glands, but there are many sweat glands, thanks to which its natural hydration and elasticity are maintained. With insufficient work of the sebaceous glands, dryness of the soles may occur and, as a result, cracks appear, which are most painful on the heels. Insufficient care of the skin of the feet leads to increased sweating, the appearance of corns and various fungal diseases.

Foot care and nutrition.
Human nutrition has importance for the skin of the legs, since the skin receives all the necessary substances to a greater extent from the inside, but no more than a third of all used cosmetics. For a normal state, the skin, like the body as a whole, needs vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and trace elements, which must be supplied to our body in sufficient quantities daily. Therefore, the daily diet should be varied and balanced.

Comprehensive foot care involves cleansing, softening and moisturizing, massage and gymnastics, pedicure.

Cleansing the feet consists of washing them daily with soap and water. However, you can pamper your feet and various baths. Water for cleansing baths should be warm, but not hot! Foot baths not only perfectly cleanse the skin of the feet from impurities, but are also an excellent means of relieving fatigue, increasing blood circulation. The duration of such a bath should be no more than 15 minutes. For example, a bath with sea salt perfectly cleanses and tones the skin of the feet. For such a bath, it is necessary to dilute in three liters of water. drinking soda and a handful of sea salt. Sea salt, herbal mixtures, and other supplements needed for foot baths can be purchased at beauty stores. You should know that in the presence of cracks, the bath should be taken no more than 10 minutes, with excessive sweating legs - no more than three minutes. In addition, with edema, varicose veins, various inflammatory processes it is better to take cooling baths, which contribute to vasoconstriction, relieve pain and inflammation. It should also be noted that the use of foot baths is impossible in the presence of ulcers, eczema, allergies, and polyneuropathy. For foot baths in specialized stores you can buy specially designed foot baths, which are produced various shapes and colors, and also have many functions: heat water, maintain a certain temperature, are equipped with a massage function.

Foot baths.
For a cleansing bath, dissolve 2 tsp. soda and 1 tbsp. soap shavings in a liter of warm water. Hold your feet in such a bath and clean off rough skin with a pumice stone or a heel grater (but not with a razor!).

An excellent tonic bath is saline (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water). After such a bath, the feet should be rinsed with cool water with the addition of boric acid(for 200 g of water 1 tsp of boric acid).

Another bath with a tonic effect is a bath of a mixture of herbs of nettle and St. John's wort (2 tablespoons per liter of boiling water).

An excellent soothing and strengthening bath is a bath made from a mixture of flaxseed, pine needles and chamomile. For this, 2 tbsp. the mixture is poured with boiling water, insisted until the broth becomes warm. This bath is effective in various inflammatory processes.

Therapeutic baths.
With scuffs and various scratches, you should make a bath of calendula infusion, for which 1 tbsp. calendula flowers are poured with a liter of boiling water and used warm for foot baths.

For colds, a thirty-minute mustard bath is recommended. Take 1 tbsp. mustard powder, diluted in warm water and pour a liter of boiling water. After taking such a bath, woolen socks are put on the feet. It is best to do this bath before going to bed.

Contrast baths alternately with cold and hot water (8-10 times) help relieve leg fatigue. At the same time, the legs should be in hot water much longer than in cold water.

In addition, it is useful to make foot baths with the addition of eucalyptus oil and mint.

Softening and moisturizing.
Taking a foot bath should always end with their nutrition; for this, a nourishing cream is applied to dry skin with massage movements. fat cream. The cream should be applied not only on the feet, but also on the lower leg, which also has a deficiency of the sebaceous glands, which leads to excessive dryness.

Massage promotes smoothness and elasticity of the skin of the legs. It is necessary to do it, starting from the foot and gradually rising up to the knee joint. It is best if such a massage takes place in 3-4 doses. After that, it is necessary to massage each finger, starting from the tip to its base, knead the entire foot. Stroking is the final stage of the massage. You can also do a harder massage with dry brushes with medium bristles, rub your feet in a circular motion from the feet up to the groin until the skin turns red. Instead of brushes, you can use a hard washcloth. After such a massage, it is recommended to lubricate the skin with a cream or special massage oil.

Foot masks.
The variety of cosmetics on the shelves in stores includes and ready-made masks for legs. Such masks are inexpensive and effectively cleanse and treat our feet. Such masks can be made independently at home, and they will not be inferior to store-bought ones in terms of performance.

To exfoliate the dead skin cells of the feet, you can use an ordinary lemon, which is rubbed on the feet and left for 10-15 minutes.

To soften the skin of the feet, sour cream and curd masks that last over an hour. After application, the feet are wrapped in polyethylene, and on top with a warm towel.

A mask of crushed cabbage leaves in a meat grinder will help get rid of cracked heels. This mask is kept for about 30 minutes.

A mask based on potato peeling helps with corns and