Male abstinence and its consequences. congestion in the pelvis contributing to the formation of varicose veins. Abstinence myths

What is abstinence for men? Benefit, harm, forced landing or necessity? Opponents and adherents of sublimation have accumulated a lot of evidence, but you can draw specific conclusions only after reading all the information and “trying it on” for yourself.

Is abstinence so scary or, on the contrary, does it contribute to the accumulation of useful substances and strong energy? For an accurate answer, we will draw knowledge from traditional medicine and popular spiritual practices.

Official medicine - opinion against abstinence

By "abstinence" is meant the term complete absence sexual life.

It is very significant that in medicine the concept-synonym is also actively used - abstinence (sexual), which in any other case describes the state of "withdrawal" in a drug-addicted person.

Psychological factor

That is, the first obvious harm of abstinence lies in the mental factor. A person with a high sexual constitution will feel discomfort, constantly think about it, feel depressed, and even, as a result, be nervous and tense.

This will eventually affect his health. But for men with more moderate in the sphere intimate life such deprivations will not seem like torture.

Physiological factor

Urologists warn about the danger of prostatitis. But besides abstinence itself, several other factors must be present: infections, wrong image life, circulatory disorders, etc.

Doctors insist that a full-fledged treatment of prostatitis is possible only if there is an active sex life. This applies to stagnant forms, bacterial problems are solved by other methods.

There is no unequivocal opinion on how abstinence affects a man’s life

The constant filling of the prostate gland with sperm contributes to the purification and preservation of the functions inherent in nature.

Congestive prostatitis is expressed:

  1. Expansion of the veins of the scrotum
  2. Changes in the spermatic cord
  3. swelling hemorrhoids
  4. Venous congestion in the rectum

Hormonal factor

It is believed that the long-term restriction of men leads to irreversible consequences.

Sperm quality and fertility

Israeli scientists conducted a study using seminal samples from seven thousand men. They came to the conclusion that a long absence of sexual activity negatively affects the quality of sperm, although it increases its quantity.

Since it is quality that matters in the matter of conception, they do not recommend practicing sublimation for too long.

On the other hand, a short (up to 7 days) abstinence will have a beneficial effect on the prospect of pregnancy. Opponents of this theory believe that frequent sexual intercourse, on the contrary, contributes to the renewal of biologically valuable material and this is beneficial.

Matter of habit

Doctors say that the body adapts to our needs and over time can be rebuilt so that the erectile function will gradually come to naught. Morning erections and regular ones will disappear and even wet dreams will become a rarity.

Intimate contact is also seen as a way physical activity and contributes to the prevention cardiovascular disease, but by and large just like running or would do.

Many believe that sport can replace intimate life.

oxygen starvation

Another proof that doctors operate on is the opinion that the male sexual organ constantly requires a certain amount of oxygen. It enters the body only during an erection.

If long time this does not happen, the vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques and this negatively affects health.

Official medicine - opinion for abstinence

Considering the issue of abstinence for men, as well as its possible benefit and harm, doctors like to scare with terrible diseases, but this does not mean that they express the opinion of the majority.

Not everyone thinks so. Moreover, adherents of the theory believe that the constant release of sperm causes the loss of the most important nutrients: phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, etc.

The preservation of sex hormones provokes their processing by the body. You don't lose useful material, which in themselves are replenished very reluctantly.

Important question: how abstinence can turn out for a relationship in a couple

They also put forward the following facts in favor of abstinence:

  1. Orgasm itself is a test for life. At this time, the body is in a state of shock, a powerful spasm appears, which leads to negative processes in the vessels of the brain and muscles.
  2. Immediately after ejaculation, men always feel weak, loss of strength, because they lose the lion's share inaccessible nutrients. Significantly reduced immunity and energy potential.
  3. The nervous system is oppressed so much that the appearance of neurasthenia is likely.
  4. Possible damage during copulation internal organs, increased blood pressure.

Scientists often cite as an example the great geniuses and creators Da Vinci, Newton, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Aristotle, who successfully practiced abstinence and did not notice any negative consequences. On the contrary, they gave the world great discoveries.

Athletes Ancient Greece were faster, stronger and healthier than anyone in their time. They preferred to completely abstain from intimacy before the competition and thus strengthened themselves.

Abstinence was practiced by many great men, incl. Leonardo da Vinci

What famous scientists think about the benefits of abstinence:

  1. Richard von Kraft-Ebing, an Austrian-German researcher, considered all "diseases of abstinence" a fiction.
  2. Edouard Chassegnac, French professor of anatomy and surgery, thought that what healthier person, the more often he should practice such a restriction. This is the absolute norm. Only sick (especially mentally) people find it difficult.
  3. German professor and anatomist Max Fürbinger expressed the opinion that all the problems of bachelors arise precisely because of the unnatural satisfaction of lust, and not from abstinence.
  4. Endocrinologist Ef. Jay Leadson(Illinois, USA) speaks literally as follows: “Abstinence can never be harmful. Moreover, the preservation of the seed often has a positive effect on physical and mental performance.
  5. Physiologist and venereologist Jean Alfred Fournier ridicules the very idea of ​​the “danger of abstinence” and insists that in all his many years of practice he has not yet encountered a case where intimacy would be physiologically necessary to resist the disease.
  6. Dr. F. McCann speaks of abstinence as a way to maintain youth and performance, because the lecithin contained in semen has long been used to treat neurological and sexual disorders.

Long-term observations of the copulation of rabbits led to the conclusion of a clear harm, because after the ejection of sperm, all males were in a state close to epilepsy.

There was complete exhaustion central system limbs trembled.

Prolonged absence of intimate life negatively affects potency

When observing young stallions, deaths occurred, as this led to overstrain and a complete breakdown. Even young bulls would pass out for a while, further highlighting the veracity of the theory of the apparent harm of frequent copulation.

If we collect some general opinion, then doctors say that reproduction is the release of all the best that the human body is capable of. A man loses a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and weakens. This is the price of reproduction.

Excessive sexual excesses for male body undesirable and will not lead to anything good. Many of the above arguments seem plausible.

Observing and practicing spiritually, men often not only do not feel a breakdown during sublimation, but, on the contrary, feel much more energetic than before.

Of course, this does not happen immediately, but after restructuring on new look life.

And although many of the arguments look plausible, you should not go to extremes.

Tip: During the transition to abstinence, yoga is advised to concentrate daily on ajna (between the eyebrows) and sahasrara (crown) at the same time.

Abstinence for men - benefits and harms after 50 years

On this issue, scientists are also divided into two camps. On the one hand, after 45 years, men have better studied their body and can give a woman maximum pleasure.

Doctors literally scream about the importance of periodic intimate life, about how much it affects sexual function and its recovery. According to them, erection and sexual intercourse should become an integral part of life.

It also affects the level, improvement of work and protection of the function of the prostate gland. They believe that abstinence for more than 5 years in a row can lead to impotence.

On the other hand, opponents are sure that with age male body weakens, and such an overstrain is more likely to give way to hemorrhage or cardiac arrest.

Especially if they did not give preference to physical activity and led a passive lifestyle.

IN adulthood To a question intimate relationships should be treated carefully

Abstinence for men - benefits and harms according to tantra and the Vedas

Abstinence for men, according to the Vedic cults, is more beneficial than harmful. In Tibet, there are several opinions on this matter at once.

Vedic tantra is considered an ancient esoteric teaching, the meaning of which is often misunderstood. In fact, there is no explicit propaganda of intimacy here.

Both abstinence and intimate practice as such are used, but not for pleasure, but to comprehend the doctrine of the Superconscious. Each time is used for self-improvement and concentration on the spiritual side of the issue.

In fact, tantra considers both abstinence and active sex life to be equally beneficial.

On the other hand, the doctrine recognizes that such great power capable of being discharged for lofty activities: science, art, worship.

Abstinence also accumulates and prolongs a person's life. In general, moderation and control of one's actions are promoted, everything that modern doctors insist on.

The Vedas consider such energy to be the most powerful in the universe, because thanks to it, a man is able to create a new person! Before the age of 25, it is considered inappropriate to spend this precious resource, therefore complete abstinence is welcome.

The practice of sexual abstinence is widespread in Tibet

Thus, tapas energy is accumulated, it makes it possible to:

  1. Stand up under any circumstances
  2. Always get your way
  3. "Iron" male patience
  4. Be true to your goals
  5. Stay strong and happy throughout your life

Rami Blekt, writer, philosopher, mystic, deeply studied Vedic culture and believes that during ejaculation, the most valuable energy, ojas, is lost.

It is almost never replenished and affects lifespan and strength. nervous system. makes up for the loss a little, but not 100%.

Alternatively, you can use techniques where ejaculation is not associated with orgasm. The man enjoys it.

But there can also be negative health consequences, and not everyone is able to fully master them. consider abstinence from the point of view of the caste to which this or that person belongs.

Sexual energy is the most powerful according to the Vedas

That is, whether abstinence is desirable depends on the purpose of life:

  1. Brahmins(clergy, teachers) recommended complete celibacy, because they dealt with spiritual aspects.
  2. kshatriyam(warriors) - frequent breeding is permissible, as these are strong personalities with good genetics and energy levels. Their purpose is to serve the people.
  3. Vaishyam(traders, farmers) could make love, but had to provide for all their wives and offspring, donate a lot of time and effort to spiritual practices and charity.
  4. Shudram(artists, ordinary workers) were not subject to strict prohibitions as a lower caste, but sex life existed only within the framework of a legal marriage.

Abstinence from ejaculation and the Tao of love

Tao believes that in order to extend the limits of its existence, it is necessary to be moderate in everything. Frequent depletion of the "vital elixir" leads to premature withering of the body, susceptibility to disease. It is necessary to clearly limit yourself in this regard.

The Chinese philosophy of Tao insists on moderation in everything.

Taoist physician Sun Xiu Mo calculated the optimal frequency of ejaculation:

  1. 20 years - every 4 days
  2. 30 years - 1 time in 8 days
  3. 40 years - 1 time in 10 days
  4. 50 years - every 20 days

At the same time, a special place was occupied by daily physical exercise And . As a result, the Tao masters came to the conclusion that the best option there will be sexual intercourse without ejaculation.

There are several methods:

  1. Braking method. It consists in diaphragmatic breathing and interruption of sexual intercourse for 20 seconds, followed by continuation. The man calms down and begins to feel the limits of the moment of ejaculation and learns to control himself.
  2. Extrusion method. Must be done during the act deep breath and within 3 seconds press on the point between the scrotum and the anus.
  3. Kinsey-Simakin control. In anticipation of the approach of orgasm, the man must tighten the buttocks and hips to achieve contraction of all muscles. He can even continue to move, orgasm will come, but without ejaculation.

Tip: try practicing one of the suggested techniques for 2 months. With due diligence, you will get the expected result.

If you are interested in the topic of the benefits and harms of abstinence for men, we recommend watching this informative video:

There are many problems in a person's sexual life that can be studied with medical point vision. But there are problems that, as it were, are not problems, however, they relate directly to human health. This article will address the issue of sexual abstinence and its possible consequences.

When we are talking about continence in women, the first association that comes to mind is an irritable evil person, a rabid fury, ugly woman. It is worth noting that these are all primitive judgments of the inhabitants, in fact, this issue has deep medical roots.

So, for example, according to medical encyclopedia, sexual abstinence (or sexual abstinence, sexual deprivation) means a conscious or forced decrease in sexual activity below the constitutional-age (individual) need.

It is shown that a woman's voluntary refusal to have sexual life has serious consequences. In such women, gynecologists are much more likely to detect such serious illness, like uterine fibroids, fibroids, nodular or diffuse mastopathy, malignant neoplasms. These diseases occur as a result of prolonged forced sexual abstinence, when an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone occurs in a woman's body. Of course, this cannot but affect the psycho-emotional state of a woman. Often she is in prolonged depression, suffers from bouts of neurasthenia, which leads to a deep neurosis. Some women also suffer from a severe form premenstrual syndrome accompanied by irritability, sudden mood swings, migraines. The state of health is aggravated by the fact that sexual abstinence has Negative influence on thyroid gland, which leads to the development of additional problems in the body of a woman.

Sexologists and psychotherapists say that abstinence can be very dangerous. It leaves an imprint on physical health men and mentally in women. It is an undeniable fact that the pleasure of sex and the feeling of orgasm is a release for the psyche of a woman, for her "nerves". Men should always remember that the social behavior of a woman, her attractiveness are closely dependent on the state of the hormonal background.

The absence of a permanent sexual partner in a woman forms a moral imprint when a woman perceives the world schematically, looking at life through the prism of one-sided principles. Over time, sharp criticism appears in judgments, condemnation of others, rigidity in one's own assessments. In total, this quickly spreads to professional activities, to the sphere public life and interpersonal relationships.

Idiomatic expression " The biological clock' have a real basis. Really female body- this is a clear clockwork that works in a certain mode: after critical days, the time comes for ovulation, then the period for conceiving a child, and so on. Hormonal background women should always correspond to their period, be maintained at the right level. Otherwise, this "clockwork" will fail and lead to the development of the states already mentioned above.

Note that sexual abstinence has a significant impact on a couple's relationship. Man and woman hold the same meaning and equal contribution to their sexual relationship and to the sexual act. It is extremely rare that a decrease in sexual activity is observed in two partners at the same time. Usually one of the spouses temporarily refuses sexual activity. The partner who was not the initiator of abstinence suffers from amplification erotic fantasies, which in the end may lead to the fact that he will be forced to go beyond the relationship with his regular partner. This situation is a clear indicator of the breakup of the pair. In other words, sexual abstinence can play a critical role in the relationship between a man and a woman.

sexual abstinence- this is a condition in which a person adheres to forced sexual abstinence. Similar situation may be a consequence voluntary refusal from sexual life or provoked by certain life circumstances that require a person to stay without the possibility of a relationship with a partner. This state also defined as syndrome . Sexual abstinence is divided into several types. At total withdrawal all types of sexual activity are excluded. At partial sexual abstinence a person periodically occurs wet dreams or masturbation occurs.

In young men, abstinence can be completely natural and, as a rule, passes without harm to the body. But already in adulthood, a man may feel some difficulties when trying to resume sexual activity after abstinence. In some cases, irreversible suppression occurs, requiring treatment.

Features of sexual abstinence

In a historical context, sexual abstinence was considered the most significant and in fact the only method of protection against unwanted conception. Spouses or permanent partners who live sexually, gradually establish their own, special rhythm of such relationships. sexual abstinence does not bring much harm to men of young and middle age, who relatively easily endure the forced absence of a sexual life. In this case, sexual function, as a rule, is not disturbed. But in some cases, abstinence in men leads to disturbances in the rhythm of sexual life, the manifestation of premature ejaculation. Prolonged absence of sexual life sometimes leads to the fact that her normal rhythm recovered relatively slowly. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that painful sensations during abstinence manifest themselves depending on how pronounced the sexual desire in a person is, what are the characteristics of his temperament, sexual constitution, and also on other factors. So, if the attraction is weakly expressed, then the periodic absence of sexual life for several months and even years does not negatively affect general condition person. At the same time, if a person's sexual desire is especially strong, then the harm from abstinence can be very noticeable for the body. The person feels constant bad influence on mood, performance, he notes high level excitability and feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Thus, to the question of whether abstaining from sex is harmful for people with a strong sexual desire, the answer is yes.

If we are talking about a forced lack of sex, then abstinence in women and men can temporarily weaken the sexual desire. However, in this case the period of absence of sexual activity is taken into account. For example, if a man practices short-term abstinence before conception, then this is not reflected in his general condition.

The intensity of sexual desire at the time of forced abstinence can change with the help of certain mechanisms of self-regulation. So, if sexual contact is impossible, then both a man and a woman can practice masturbation . With age, in both sexes, forced abstinence from sexual activity is felt less acutely. At the same time, doctors note that for most people it is not a problem to control their own sexual behavior and suppress the need for sex, while not feeling a violation of physical and mental health.

Periods of sexual withdrawal

If we consider abstinence from sexual life, regardless of the age of a person, then it can be divided into two different periods. The initial period coincides with the refractory stage of the copulative cycle. The next period is the time of forced sexual withdrawal.

Most men who lead a normal, intense sex life perceive the first period positively, that is, as an opportunity for a certain respite after energy-consuming activities. In this case, the feeling of negativity is manifested only in asthenized men with a high level of vegetative lability. In such people, immediately after sexual intercourse, signs of lethargy and severe depression, general adynamia, appear. Sometimes there is a strong heartbeat, high levels of sweating, and other signs autonomic disorders. Because similar symptoms do not disappear within one day, earlier this phenomenon was called "one-day neurasthenia".

But in most men, negative emotions appear in the second period of sexual withdrawal: at this time, after the refractory period, a pronounced need for sexual activity is manifested, while for certain reasons its satisfaction is impossible. In this condition, a person has two types of manifestations: neurotic And congestive . With neurotic manifestations, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, as a result of which the man becomes irritated and unbalanced.

Congestion is expressed by the expansion of the veins of the scrotum, spermatic cord, rectum, a noticeable swelling of the hemorrhoids and other unpleasant phenomena. In this case, a person may periodically note the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, too frequent urges to urination, a periodic feeling of discomfort in the urinary organs.

Most acute signs forced sexual abstinence occur during the years of a young man's hypersexuality. This period in most men covers most of adolescence and transition periods. Thus, there is a dependence on the age of a person: young men and adolescents do not tolerate abstinence psychologically, and at an involutionary age, a person is disturbed by neurotic and congestive phenomena. At the same time, psychologically, a person at an involutionary age endures abstinence much easier.

The restoration of potency after forced abstinence also directly depends on the age of the person. So, the older a man is, and the longer the period of abstinence continues, the more difficult it will be for him later to restore and libido .

Therefore, at involutionary age, it is desirable for men to maintain regular, sparing-stimulating sexual activity. It is important here to avoid both the unbearable pace of sexual life and long periods of withdrawal.

Symptoms of sexual withdrawal

At first, during sexual abstinence, a person may suffer from severe emotional lethargy, depression, discomfort, and sweating. At the second stage, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, which is expressed in irritability and even neuroticism. Further stagnation may occur. All these symptoms provoke a man increased attention, and the consequence of this is already an intensive increase in congestive processes. With further sexual abstinence, the secret of the prostate gland is gradually absorbed into the blood, the hormonal function of the testicles and the production of male sex hormones are suppressed. As a result, a man's sexual desire decreases.

Forced abstinence is harmful to men over the age of forty. At mature men due to abstinence, not only significantly weakens sexual function, but it can also develop.


Thus, prolonged abstinence from sex can have serious consequences for a man. If forced abstinence mature person lasts more than five years, this is fraught with the manifestation of severe, problems with ejaculation and even .

Since regular sex has a positive effect on work endocrine system men, and also strengthens the heart muscle, its absence in mature men makes it impossible for them to keep the body in good shape. A prolonged absence of a sexual life not only negatively affects a person’s mood, but sometimes even leads to depressive state. After prolonged abstinence a man may occasionally show unjustified aggression, signs of excitability and dissatisfaction with life. There are also studies that show that a long period of abstinence can cause prostatitis and even increase the risk of developing oncological diseases .

The period of recovery of sexual function in a man after a period of abstinence can be different: for some, everything can return to normal in a few days, while others need several weeks. Sometimes, for a full return of sexual function, a man even needs a visit to a sexopathologist.

There is also evidence that if conception does not occur, then a man needs to refrain from sexual intercourse for some time. This will increase the chance of conception. This theory is explained by the accumulation of germ cells in the body of a man during the period of abstinence. However, such a theory has many opponents, who claim that sperm quality and sperm motility are much better in those who regularly have sexual intimacy.

But, despite all the above, promiscuous sexual relations with casual partners outweigh the negative impact of sexual withdrawal in terms of the degree of harm. Therefore, for men to maintain normal physical and psychological state whenever possible, it is recommended to conduct an orderly, regular sex life.

Nowadays it is considered unacceptable to discuss issues related to sex. Often, relatives do not even realize that there may be problems in the family related to sexual life. The man who does not have sexual relations for long period time, become irritable and sometimes aggressive, which can cause family conflicts.

The reasons for refusing to have sex in men are not as simple as it might seem, among them there are two pronounced directions: this is imposed abstinence and independent. In both cases, the man does not see himself as an object sexual desire in women, and tries to extinguish the basic instinct for the preservation of the family. During this process, something prevents a man from having sex, trying to suppress desire, he inspires himself with thoughts that he does not need sex and begins to believe that this is his choice.

After the cessation of an active sexual life in the first short period of time, a man may feel a slight release of emotional tension and relaxation. However, this state does not last long, after it comes a wild desire.

Due to the inability of a man to get sexual satisfaction, psychological processes are disturbed, and as a result, he becomes aggressive and asocial. Sometimes not having sex can lead to depression. An imposed refusal to have sex appears as a result of reasons independent of a person. The most common reasons for forced abstinence are:

  • Military service;
  • Prolonged imprisonment or medical imprisonment:
  • Participation in expeditions by persons only male;
  • Various kinds of diseases;
  • Religious beliefs and stay in a monastery;
  • Long swims.

The positive side of imposed abstinence is that the man is fully aware that he cannot influence the absence of sex in any way. Thereby mental condition the male is retained and is less prone to depression or behavioral deviations.

During self-refusal of sex, the situation develops somewhat differently, since the male body does not stop producing the necessary hormones and seminal fluid in the quantities that are needed for a regular sexual life. Subsequently, the man has a glut of hormones and spermotoxicosis appears.

During spermotoxicosis, men feel an irresistible desire and attraction to opposite sex accompanied by irritability and aggressiveness. This process will continue until the body is completely reorganized under the new conditions.

With self-abstinence, the mental state of a man also worsens, since consciousness cannot find objective reasons to suppress the basic instinct of procreation. In rare cases similar view abstinence can cause a split personality, or the appearance of obsessions in a person. The main danger of making an independent decision to stop having sex is the unpredictability of the consequences, since this can cause the development of a number of mental disorders.

Expert opinion

What does prolonged abstinence lead to and why is it harmful? On the issue of long-term abstinence in men, experts cannot reach a common opinion. One group argues that temporary abstinence is beneficial because it saves a man's sexual resources and thus prolongs his sexual activity. The second group believes that the rejection of sex entails irreversible consequences for the psychological and physiological health of a man.

It is extremely difficult to draw a line between a short break and abstinence from sexual activity. Because for some men, the lack of sex, even for one night, can already become stressful. It all depends on the age of sexual activity of a man.

Most often, in men after 50 years, there is a decrease in sexual activity - this is due to the age-related abilities of the male body. Despite this, you can return to the already familiar sex life, but this will require some time and the use of special drugs that increase potency. At the same time, the consequences of abstinence in older men are most pronounced.

Attempts to restore regular sex after prolonged abstinence can not only lead to failure, but also cause pathological disorders of sexual functions.

For men who have prostate damage, it is highly recommended not to resort to abstinence. Infectious lesions of the prostate are treated with antibiotics along with frequent ejaculations. Experts say that frequent ejaculations can serve as a good prevention of prostatitis, since during this process the prostate is cleansed of negative impacts. In addition, there is such a thing as "widower's syndrome". It affects older men who have stopped having sex and as a result got impotence.

Men are extremely impatient and very poorly endure the consequences of prolonged denial of sexual activity. Already after ten days of giving up sexual life, sperm production begins to decrease and, as a result, their activity decreases, while older men may appear serious problems associated with the genitourinary system. This threatens to create chronic form prostate and impotence.

In the life of every man there can be periods of forced refusal of sex, which sometimes last for a long time. Some men try to distract themselves with work or hobbies, but most tend to masturbate. During the period of refusal of sex, you should not restrain yourself from self-satisfaction, as this helps to relieve stress and normalize the functioning of the body.

To avoid the negative consequences of abstinence, especially in adulthood, experts recommend engaging in masturbation.

In addition, there are a number of factors affecting the lack of sexual relations among couples. Often, the sexual dissatisfaction of the spouses causes breaks. The main reason for the loss of sexual desire is the lack of variety in bed.

To solve such problems couples often resort to the help of intimate shops for adults. In such stores you can buy seductive underwear, accessories and paraphernalia to diversify your lovemaking. You should never limit yourself in your fantasies, tell your partner about them and try new experiments to strengthen your relationship.

There are cases when doctors advise to abstain from sexual relations as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, it is best not to stop having sex, but to use condoms.

In the presence of various diseases, in rare cases, doctors also do not recommend having sex. In such a situation, ask your doctor to explain everything to you possible risks associated with the denial of sexual activity, and all positive sides if you refrain. If the amount of positive exceeds the negative, then you really better give up sex.

In addition, the body itself is perfectly aware of its condition, and if something threatens it, then you will never receive a signal of excitement. However, if the desire to have sex becomes obsessive, then it is better not to deny yourself, since the consequences can be much more serious. In addition, prolonged abstinence can lead to withdrawal and depression.

Quitting sexual activity will not save sperm or prolong the life of your reproductive systems but can lead to impotence. In addition, the consequence of abstinence in men can be a significant decline in the level of libido, due to which sexual attraction stop visiting you. Interrupting sexual relations even for short term you not only lose experience, but also the ability to communicate with women. Also, the rejection of sex entails serious psychological disorders and physical abnormalities of the body.

Medicine believes that abstaining from sex for men and women aged 20 to 45 does not cause harm to health. Sexual energy is converted into other types of energy. A person can actively engage in sports or creative activities.

In the body of a man during sexual abstinence, the secret of the prostate gland enters the blood, then into the brain, impulses enter the centers of sexual behavior and are inhibited. How consequence of abstinence in men, the desire to have sex is reduced. With frequent sexual intercourse, the absorption of prostate secretion is much less because it is used for its intended purpose.

Abstinence from sex for a long time does not lead to physiological problems. It's just that men will have accelerated ejaculation for some time, but to say that this harm from sexual abstinence ,it is forbidden. The body will cope with this problem itself. The consequences of abstinence for women depend on the partner. If he has enough patience, sensitivity, then they will not be at all.

In fact, there is no harm to health from sexual abstinence. But there is one rather pleasant effect found in women: refusal to have sex for some time significantly affects the sensations of sex - as a rule, they become much brighter.

The cause of aggressiveness is sexual abstinence

There is an opinion that aggressiveness in women is consequence of abstaining from sex. Psychologists do not observe such dependence. When all the problems fall on a person at the same time, he inevitably becomes irritable. Sexual life leaves a moral imprint on impressionable women.

The need for sex is individual. For this reason, it is impossible to talk about the harm from sexual abstinence. If a person is healthy, then he himself decides to abstain from sex or not. sexual activity varies and depends on the human constitution. People who do physical labor have a higher sex drive than those who do mental work.

The impact of sexual relations on life

For each person, the lack of sexual relations affects the mood. As a rule, it is constantly reduced, and sometimes a person can even fall into a state of depression. Everyone wants to be loved and have strong family, and sexual life is an integral part of the relationship between a man and a woman. With sexual abstinence, you need to be able to transfer energy to work or hobby, in which case you will not have psycho-emotional problems. If this is not done, then the appearance of anger, drunkenness is possible.

Israeli scientists concluded that sexual abstinence make men less selective in sex, and women - vice versa.They place high demands on their partners.

It is also worth saying that if you lead an active sex life, and then decide or are forced to abstain from sex for a while, then you may have problems with overweight. Since sex often helps us regulate weight and burn extra calories.