What is the danger of sexual abstinence. Abstinence in women - consequences

Ancient philosophers argued that sperm is identical in origin with in this regard, they recommended that men not waste this useful fluid. Abstinence is obligatory for the ancient priests, who deliberately took a vow of celibacy - bodily caresses were strictly forbidden for them.

In addition, most religions, cults and traditions have actively promoted the restriction or complete renunciation of carnal pleasures and sexual life. It would seem that the ancient times, when long-term abstinence was cultivated among men, have already passed, and no one is engaged in these nonsense. And is it really so?

Sexual abstinence: pros and cons

There is an opinion that if a man cannot conceive a baby for a long time, then he is advised to refrain from sexual contact. It is the refusal to have sex for a while that increases the chances for a successful conception.

This is due to the fact that during the period of abstinence in the body of a man there is an accumulation of germ cells. Such sexual abstinence sometimes gives positive results. But not everyone approves of this method, it also has opponents who claim that those men who lead an active sex life have a much higher quality of sperm than those who constantly refuse intimacy with a woman.

Scientific studies conducted in Israel have revealed that abstinence from just before giving up this valuable liquid reduces its quality. Israeli scientists took more than seven thousand samples as an experiment and found that after a rather long refusal to have sex during sexual contact, only its volume increases, and this is not a guarantee for successful conception. In addition, sperm motility is sharply reduced.

Modern medicine claims that abstinence in men in most cases is detrimental to health. Regular sexual training has a beneficial effect on and strengthens the heart muscle. Especially sex is important for those men who are over 40 years old. It is healthy sexual relations that contribute to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Abstinence in men: consequences

Dangerous long-term refusal of sex by the development of prostatitis, accelerated ejaculation, frequent and depression. Medical research states that men are divided into two types. The first includes those who lead an active sex life and react very painfully to the rejection of it. The second type is those who have other priorities in life, so for them abstinence is not an important problem and does not affect their health and mood in any way.

The degree of harm from sexual abstinence directly depends on the age of a man: the older he is, the more dangerous for him a long and unreasonable sexual restriction. Constant abstinence in men after forty years of age can lead to the development of congestion, prostatitis, adenoma, and increases the risk of cancer.

There is no significant benefit from sexual abstinence. The only significant reason for him is separation from his wife or girlfriend. Abstinence from fleeting and indiscriminate sexual contacts is always unconditionally useful.

After forced abstinence, a man may decrease, but with repeated contacts, the function is restored again. For each man, the period of return to the previous mode of sexual activity is individual: for some, half an hour, and for others, a week. It is better not to leave your soulmate for a long time and not deprive yourself and her sexual pleasure. Moreover, it has already been proven that sexual abstinence leads to depression, irritability, lethargy and depression.

The whole truth about female abstinence: harmful or not?

What to do if there has been no man for many months? And what is more harmful to health - long abstinence in women or orgasms without love?

Abstinence in women: benefits and harms

“For almost three years now, I have not had a man,” says Asya. - At first there was a hard gap, then she went headlong into work. Now she seems to be ready for a new romance, but no one likes it. And, the strangest thing for me, I don’t want sex at all! But before it was oh-ho-ho." Such amazing metamorphoses of their sexual desire are observed by many girls who have temporarily retired from the race. From the point of view of doctors, this is not surprising. “First, any non-working function will atrophy. Secondly, attraction is formed not only at the hormonal level, but also on memories and the desire to repeat a successful experience. In other words, women simply forget that sex exists and can be good and bright,” says sexologist Yevgeny Kulgavchuk. However, you should not say goodbye to your sexuality forever. In fact, as it has atrophied, so it will recover.

In male sexology, the Tarkhanov-Belov phenomenon is described: if a period of forced abstinence sets in in a man's life, nature turns on an adaptive mechanism that does not allow the unfortunate man to go crazy and burst with desire. First, the body is released from tension (pressure of the seminal fluid) with the help of nocturnal emissions, and over time, the tone of the testes is suppressed, that is, the seminal fluid is produced less and less - sexual desire is dulled until it becomes possible to satisfy the need for regular sex. Something similar happens with sexual abstinence in women.

Abstinence in women - consequences

The belief that prolonged abstinence in women is the cause of serious and, first of all, gynecological diseases has not been confirmed by science. True, there are studies that claim that strong emotional stress, psychological trauma, chronic stress almost always accompany women's ailments - from menstrual irregularities to oncology. However, according to the observations of doctors, it is not loners who get sick at all, but women who are psychologically unsatisfied.
Psychologist Irina Malkina-Pykh, author of the reference book "Psychosomatics", explains the consequences of long-term abstinence for women: during the monthly cycle, hormones (different in each phase) affect a woman's instinctive behavior. And if hormone-driven needs—to love, to be loved, to care—are chronically unsatisfied, hormonal imbalance tension can persist, which in turn affects emotional life. “Endorphins and oxytocin are produced not only during sexual intercourse, but also during masturbation,” recalls Yevgeny Kulgavchuk. “But with physical contact, of course, you can get more complete satisfaction.” What is the danger of abstinence in women and its consequences? If you have learned to cope with the erotic tension that arises from time to time on your own (with the help of masturbation, physical exercises), do not feel unhappy in a state of solo flight and have not put an end to the search for a living partner, then gynecologists can worry about you no more than for the rest women.

Until now, it has not been exactly clarified what long sexual abstinence leads to. The opinions of doctors, psychologists and sexologists vary between two extremes and cannot be balanced in any way. Someone says that abstinence is very dangerous for health, someone believes that sexual abstinence leads to healing of the body. In addition, there are certain differences between male and female perceptions of abstinence.

The evidence base for the impact of a long period of lack of sex on a person is not enough, which is why there is such a diversity of opinions. Only by evaluating them all, comparing them with each other and discarding the absurd ones, one can get an idea of ​​the impact of sexual abstinence on a person.

The sexual constitution (or sexual temperament) is a concept that determines the intensity of sexual desire, depending on the genetic makeup of a person, his intrauterine development, the characteristics of upbringing and the environment in early childhood. The sexual constitution is a value that, unfortunately, does not change throughout life and includes: resistance to harmful factors that affect sexual life, the level of need for sexual intercourse and the limit of sexual activity.

An individual determination of the constitution is made on the basis of the clarification of several criteria, some of them are: , maximum kurtosis, etc.

Sexual temperament can be of three types:

  • Strong;
  • Average;
  • Weak.

Depending on the degree of the sexual constitution, the consequences of sexual abstinence for both sexes will be manifested. That is, the absence of a sexual life will affect people with a strong temperament more, and those with a weak constitution may not have any consequences from abstinence at all.


All causes of sexual abstinence can be divided into two groups: voluntary and involuntary.

Voluntary renunciation of sexual life is mainly associated with any principles and beliefs of a person. There are many reasons why people may voluntarily give up sexual activity. These are religious vows, and strict moral principles, and even some banal promises or actions “on a dare”.

A much more serious problem is forced sexual abstinence, the causes of which can be a variety of factors:

  • Unstable psycho-emotional state, which is characterized by increased irritability, depressed mood, sometimes chronic fatigue, asthenic syndrome. Such psychological problems arise as a result of an unstable or tense situation at work, constant quarrels with your soulmate, any violations of relationships with loved ones and a sexual partner as well.
  • If we are talking about the female body, then sometimes abstinence is facilitated by a certain season, weather conditions, as well as the social status of a woman.
  • Problems of a physiological nature. Cardiovascular diseases, disorders in the digestive tract, pathologies of the kidneys, respiratory system, as well as many chronic processes.
  • For men, testosterone levels play an important role in sexual life, a decrease in which can lead to a decrease or absence of sexual desire.
  • Taking certain medications can also cause sexual problems. These drugs include antidepressants, antipsychotics, female hormones.
  • Pregnancy and postpartum period.

The most frequent and significant factors are the psychological state in women and the hormonal background in men. Erectile dysfunction can also be attributed to the reasons for forced sexual abstinence, but it rather leads to the impossibility of sexual intercourse, and not to its refusal.

It is worth noting that a voluntary refusal to have sex is more dangerous than a forced one. The human body is always trying to compensate for the violation of any function of the body and stop the consequences of these violations, including sexual abstinence. However, a voluntary refusal will not be perceived by the human autonomic nervous system as a signal to start compensation, therefore, such people will change their behavior much faster, mental problems will appear, and the hormonal background will be more clearly disturbed.

Benefits of Abstinence for Men and Women

In fact, the benefits of sexual abstinence are quite small. It is mainly associated with the emotional background of a person, since after moderate abstinence, more often of a voluntary nature, the excitement will be many times stronger, as well as. And do not forget that this statement refers to short periods of abstinence.

However, some experts are of the opinion that the consequences of abstinence are extremely positive. At least for the male body. The theory is based on the fact that sperm is a source of many useful elements for the body, and during withdrawal, its excess is reabsorbed back into the blood, thereby beneficially influencing many processes. This is followed by the following conclusion - excessive sexual activity leads to health problems and a deficiency of certain substances in the body that are contained in semen.

Such a theory, of course, has the right to exist, but it sounds a little doubtful. And the main point confirming its absurdity is the fact that the reabsorption of sperm occurs due to its excessive amount due to abstinence. This process is compensatory, aimed at preventing pathologies of the gonads and organs, in particular the prostate. And the return of the elements that make up the sperm into the blood leads to their slight overabundance, but not to an improvement in health.

Sexual abstinence in pregnant women

The only physiologically justified period of abstinence from sexual activity in women is pregnancy and the first weeks after childbirth.

Sexual intercourse in the first trimester of pregnancy is dangerous as an abortion, especially in women prone to spontaneous miscarriage. Mechanical impact, excitation and a rush of blood to the genitals can lead to irreparable consequences - the embryonic egg will come off the uterine wall.

Absolutely contraindicated sexual intercourse in the last trimester of pregnancy, as they can lead to premature delivery. There is also a possibility of infection of the fetus due to bacteria entering the vagina and uterus.

After childbirth, sexual abstinence should be observed for 6-8 weeks, so it is during this time that the genitals of a woman are restored to their normal state.

Male and female abstinence and its negative consequences
As mentioned earlier, the degree of influence of sexual abstinence on the human body largely depends on its sexual constitution. And the stronger it is, the more dangerous will be the consequences of a long-term rejection of sex.

Male and female bodies are different in many ways, so the consequences will be different. However, there is one common point that concerns the emotional state of such people. As a result of prolonged abstinence from sexual intercourse, both men and women become irritable, quick-tempered, prone to depression (more women) or aggression (more men). Sexual abstinence can cause neuroses and nervous breakdowns, depression. Men have psychological disorders, leading to an increase in cases of self-satisfaction.

In addition to psychological disorders, people who have given up sexual activity are also characterized by certain problems with physiological health.

Negative effects of long-term abstinence for women:

  • Sexual function worsens. After several months of not having sex, the libido may disappear completely.
  • Stagnation of blood in the pelvis. Since excitement contributes to a rush of blood to the pelvic organs, and the lack of discharge impairs circulation.
  • Violation of the glands, which contributes to the development of a tumor process in them.
  • The occurrence of fibroids, fibroids, uterine cancer, mastopathy.
  • Abstinence is the cause of severe premenstrual syndrome (due to hormonal imbalance).
  • The overall resistance of the body decreases.

Negative effects of sexual abstinence in men

  • The most dangerous withdrawal problems involve the prostate gland. Due to congestive processes in the prostate, inflammatory processes may occur, which will lead to acute or chronic congestive prostatitis, the consequences of which may be impotence or.
  • Deterioration of fertile function. Sperm after sexual abstinence is characterized by an unbalanced composition, and the mobility and ability to fertilize the spermatozoa drops significantly. This is unlikely to lead to infertility, but the health of the unborn child may suffer.
  • Decreased oxygen saturation of the penis. A rush of blood during sexual intercourse contributes to sufficient saturation of cells with oxygen, and abstinence can lead to cholesterol blockages, trophic disorders in the penis, and subsequently to deterioration or disruption of erectile function.

It is also worth noting that sexual intercourse is a source of additional stress on the entire body as a whole, increasing its overall tone, improving blood circulation and, of course, having a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background.

Therefore, prolonged sexual abstinence negatively affects the state of the whole organism, and not just specific organs.

Sex after a long abstinence

Women who have voluntarily or involuntarily given up sexual intercourse for more than a few months will face the problem of lost libido. Because of this, sex after abstinence in women can be uncomfortable, even painful. Orgasm most often disappears for a while too. And the longer the period of sexual abstinence lasted, the slower the above processes will be restored when sex is resumed.

Men, when returning to sexual activity, after withdrawal, face more serious problems. The most harmless of them will be premature ejaculation. Lack of erection is also common in such situations, however, with the right approach, function can be restored without much effort. But impotence is difficult to correct, so after a long abstinence from sex, it is best for men to immediately consult a doctor so that they check for pathologies in the prostate gland.

In most cases, it takes some time to restore sexual function in both sexes. However, in the end, she returns to her original state, allowing her to enjoy intimate life again.


  1. A healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, the rejection of bad habits;
  2. Stable, favorable emotional environment, healthy sleep (at least 7 hours a day), proper distribution of work and rest during the day;
  3. Timely visit to the doctor if you suspect any violations associated with sexual activity and not only;
  4. Referral to a psychologist in case of family problems.

Treatment for sexual abstinence

Treatment is carried out if the refusal of sexual intercourse in a person occurred for forced reasons. And the actions of the doctor are aimed mainly at eliminating this very cause. Most often, therapy consists in restoring the psychological and emotional state of the patient, which is what psychologists and sexologists do.

If the etiology of sexual abstinence is physiological, then even drug treatment is possible. For example, with hormonal disorders in men or with chronic cardiovascular diseases in both sexes.

As a rule, if serious diseases of the body are not diagnosed, sexual activity returns in full within a month, sometimes earlier.

What is abstinence for men? Benefit, harm, forced landing or necessity? Opponents and adherents of sublimation have accumulated a lot of evidence, but you can draw specific conclusions only after reading all the information and “trying it on” for yourself.

Is abstinence so terrible or, on the contrary, does it contribute to the accumulation of useful substances and strong energy? For an accurate answer, we will draw knowledge from traditional medicine and popular spiritual practices.

Official medicine - opinion against abstinence

By "abstinence" is meant the term for the complete absence of sexual activity.

It is very significant that in medicine the concept-synonym is also actively used - abstinence (sexual), which in any other case describes the state of "withdrawal" in a drug-addicted person.

Psychological factor

That is, the first obvious harm of abstinence lies in the mental factor. A person with a high sexual constitution will feel discomfort, constantly think about it, feel depressed, and even, as a result, be nervous and tense.

This will eventually affect his health. But for men who are more moderate in the sphere of intimate life, such deprivations will not seem like torture.

Physiological factor

Urologists warn about the danger of prostatitis. But besides abstinence itself, several other factors must be present: infections, poor lifestyle, circulatory disorders, etc.

Doctors insist that a full-fledged treatment of prostatitis is possible only if there is an active sex life. This applies to stagnant forms, bacterial problems are solved by other methods.

There is no unequivocal opinion on how abstinence affects a man's life

The constant filling of the prostate gland with sperm contributes to the purification and preservation of the functions inherent in nature.

Congestive prostatitis is expressed:

  1. Expansion of the veins of the scrotum
  2. Changes in the spermatic cord
  3. Swelling of hemorrhoids
  4. Venous congestion in the rectum

Hormonal factor

It is believed that the long-term restriction of men leads to irreversible consequences.

Sperm quality and fertility

Israeli scientists conducted a study using seminal samples from seven thousand men. They came to the conclusion that a long absence of sexual activity negatively affects the quality of sperm, although it increases its quantity.

Since it is quality that matters in the matter of conception, they do not recommend practicing sublimation for too long.

On the other hand, a short (up to 7 days) abstinence will have a beneficial effect on the prospect of pregnancy. Opponents of this theory believe that frequent sexual intercourse, on the contrary, contributes to the renewal of biologically valuable material and this is beneficial.

Matter of habit

Doctors say that the body adapts to our needs and over time can be rebuilt so that the erectile function will gradually come to naught. Morning erections and regular ones will disappear and even wet dreams will become a rarity.

Intimate contact is also seen as a way of physical activity and contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but by and large, in the same way as running or running would do.

Many believe that sport can replace intimate life.

oxygen starvation

Another proof that doctors operate on is the opinion that the male sexual organ constantly requires a certain amount of oxygen. It enters the body only during an erection.

If this does not happen for a long time, the vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques and this negatively affects health.

Official medicine - opinion for abstinence

Considering the issue of abstinence for men, as well as its possible benefits and harms, doctors like to scare with terrible diseases, but this does not mean that they express the opinion of the majority.

Not everyone thinks so. Moreover, adherents of the theory believe that the constant ejection of sperm causes the loss of essential nutrients: phosphorus, lecithin, cholesterol, etc.

The preservation of sex hormones provokes their processing by the body. You do not lose useful substances, which in themselves are replenished very reluctantly.

An important question: how abstinence can turn out for a relationship in a couple

They also put forward the following facts in favor of abstinence:

  1. Orgasm itself is a test for life. At this time, the body is in a state of shock, a powerful spasm appears, which leads to negative processes in the vessels of the brain and muscles.
  2. Immediately after ejaculation, men always feel weak, loss of strength, because they lose the lion's share of hard-to-replace nutrients. Significantly reduced immunity and energy potential.
  3. The nervous system is oppressed so much that the appearance of neurasthenia is likely.
  4. During intercourse, damage to internal organs and an increase in blood pressure are possible.

Scientists often cite as an example the great geniuses and creators Da Vinci, Newton, Spinoza, Nietzsche, Aristotle, who successfully practiced abstinence and did not notice any negative consequences. On the contrary, they gave the world great discoveries.

The athletes of ancient Greece were faster, stronger and healthier than anyone in their time. They preferred to completely refrain from intimacy before the competition and thus strengthened themselves.

Abstinence was practiced by many great men, incl. Leonardo da Vinci

What famous scientists think about the benefits of abstinence:

  1. Richard von Kraft-Ebing, an Austrian-German researcher, considered all "diseases of abstinence" a fiction.
  2. Edouard Chassegnac, a French professor of anatomy and surgery, thought that the healthier a person, the more often he should practice such a restriction. This is the absolute norm. Only sick (especially mentally) people find it difficult.
  3. German professor and anatomist Max Fürbinger expressed the opinion that all the problems of bachelors arise precisely because of the unnatural satisfaction of lust, and not from abstinence.
  4. Endocrinologist Ef. Jay Leadson(Illinois, USA) speaks literally as follows: “Abstinence can never be harmful. Moreover, the preservation of the seed often has a positive effect on physical and mental performance.
  5. Physiologist and venereologist Jean Alfred Fournier ridicules the very idea of ​​the “danger of abstinence” and insists that in all his many years of practice he has not yet encountered a case where intimacy would be physiologically necessary to resist the disease.
  6. Dr. F. McCann speaks of abstinence as a way to maintain youth and performance, because the lecithin contained in semen has long been used to treat neurological and sexual disorders.

Long-term observations of the copulation of rabbits led to the conclusion of a clear harm, because after the ejection of sperm, all males were in a state close to epilepsy.

There was a complete exhaustion of the central system, the limbs trembled.

Prolonged absence of intimate life negatively affects potency

When observing young stallions, deaths occurred, as this led to overstrain and a complete breakdown. Even young bulls would pass out for a while, further highlighting the veracity of the theory of the apparent harm of frequent copulation.

If we collect some general opinion, then doctors say that reproduction is the release of all the best that the human body is capable of. A man loses a huge amount of nutrients, vitamins and weakens. This is the price of reproduction.

Excessive sexual excesses for the male body are not desirable and will not lead to anything good. Many of the above arguments seem plausible.

Observing and practicing spiritually, men often not only do not feel a breakdown during sublimation, but, on the contrary, feel much more energetic than before.

Of course, this does not happen immediately, but after restructuring to a new way of life.

And although many of the arguments look plausible, you should not go to extremes.

Tip: During the transition to abstinence, yoga is advised to concentrate daily on ajna (between the eyebrows) and sahasrara (crown) at the same time.

Abstinence for men - benefits and harms after 50 years

On this issue, scientists are also divided into two camps. On the one hand, after 45 years, men have better studied their body and can give a woman maximum pleasure.

Doctors literally scream about the importance of periodic intimate life, about how much it affects sexual function and its recovery. According to them, erection and sexual intercourse should become an integral part of life.

It also affects the level, improvement of work and protection of the function of the prostate gland. They believe that abstinence for more than 5 years in a row can lead to impotence.

On the other hand, opponents are sure that with age the male body weakens, and such an overstrain is more likely to give way to hemorrhage or cardiac arrest.

Especially if they did not give preference to physical activity and led a passive lifestyle.

In adulthood, the issue of intimate relationships should be treated carefully.

Abstinence for men - benefits and harms according to tantra and the Vedas

Abstinence for men, according to the Vedic cults, is more beneficial than harmful. In Tibet, there are several opinions on this matter at once.

Vedic tantra is considered an ancient esoteric teaching, the meaning of which is often misunderstood. In fact, there is no explicit propaganda of intimacy here.

Both abstinence and intimate practice as such are used, but not for pleasure, but to comprehend the doctrine of the Superconscious. Each time is used for self-improvement and concentration on the spiritual side of the issue.

In fact, tantra considers both abstinence and active sex life to be equally beneficial.

On the other hand, the doctrine recognizes that such a great power is capable of being discharged for lofty activities: science, art, worship.

Abstinence also accumulates and prolongs a person's life. In general, moderation and control of one's actions are promoted, everything that modern doctors insist on.

The Vedas consider such energy to be the most powerful in the universe, because thanks to it, a man is able to create a new person! Before the age of 25, it is considered inappropriate to spend this precious resource, therefore complete abstinence is welcome.

The practice of sexual abstinence is widespread in Tibet

Thus, tapas energy is accumulated, it makes it possible to:

  1. Stand up under any circumstances
  2. Always get your way
  3. "Iron" male patience
  4. Be true to your goals
  5. Stay strong and happy throughout your life

Rami Blekt, writer, philosopher, mystic, deeply studied Vedic culture and believes that during ejaculation, the most valuable energy, ojas, is lost.

It is almost not replenished and affects the duration of life and the strength of the nervous system. makes up for the loss a little, but not 100%.

Alternatively, you can use techniques where ejaculation is not associated with orgasm. The man enjoys it.

But there can also be negative health consequences, and not everyone is able to fully master them. consider abstinence from the point of view of the caste to which this or that person belongs.

Sexual energy is the most powerful according to the Vedas

That is, whether abstinence is desirable depends on the purpose of life:

  1. Brahmins(clergy, teachers) recommended complete celibacy, because they dealt with spiritual aspects.
  2. kshatriyam(warriors) - frequent breeding is permissible, as these are strong personalities with good genetics and energy levels. Their purpose is to serve the people.
  3. Vaishyam(traders, farmers) could make love, but had to provide for all their wives and offspring, donate a lot of time and effort to spiritual practices and charity.
  4. Shudram(artists, ordinary workers) were not subject to strict prohibitions as a lower caste, but sexual life existed only within the framework of legal marriage.

Abstinence from ejaculation and the Tao of love

Tao believes that in order to extend the limits of its existence, it is necessary to be moderate in everything. Frequent depletion of the "vital elixir" leads to premature withering of the body, susceptibility to disease. It is necessary to clearly limit yourself in this regard.

The Chinese philosophy of Tao insists on moderation in everything.

Taoist physician Sun Xiu Mo calculated the optimal frequency of ejaculation:

  1. 20 years - every 4 days
  2. 30 years - 1 time in 8 days
  3. 40 years - 1 time in 10 days
  4. 50 years - every 20 days

At the same time, daily physical activity and occupied a special place. As a result, the Tao masters came to the conclusion that the best option would be sexual intercourse without ejaculation.

There are several methods:

  1. Braking method. It consists in diaphragmatic breathing and interruption of sexual intercourse for 20 seconds, followed by continuation. The man calms down and begins to feel the limits of the moment of ejaculation and learns to control himself.
  2. Extrusion method. It is necessary during the act to take a deep breath and within 3 seconds to press on the point between the scrotum and the anus.
  3. Kinsey-Simakin control. In anticipation of the approach of orgasm, the man must tighten the buttocks and hips to achieve contraction of all muscles. He can even continue to move, orgasm will come, but without ejaculation.

Tip: try practicing one of the suggested techniques for 2 months. With due diligence, you will get the expected result.

If you are interested in the topic of the benefits and harms of abstinence for men, we recommend watching this informative video:

Doctors and psychologists say that abstinence from sex, especially for a long time, is very harmful to the human body. Abstinence is especially dangerous for people who are in the prime of life. Candidate of Medical Sciences of Russia, psychotherapist, sexologist A.M. Poleev comments: “In general, abstinence is a rather dangerous thing. For men - in terms of physical health, for women - psychological. "It is the fair sex who refuses to have sex voluntarily, because women do not want to sleep" with just anyone. Men solve this problem easier. If a man does not have a permanent partner in the person of his beloved woman, he simply goes to the unloved and satisfies his needs.And it is with the stronger sex that abstinence is most often forced (for example, while serving in the army, etc.).

Everyone knows that during sex, endorphins are released - hormones of happiness that increase our mood and restore our mental state. Without them, there is a great risk of long-term depression, already with its consequences. Of course, there is always a way out, you can eat chocolate and play sports, which entails the release of the same endorphins, but all these artificial substitutes can only make us happy for a while. Scientists have found that the rejection of sexual life, no matter what the reason, will lead to unreasonable aggression and it will be very difficult to control your emotions.

Nowadays, women often ask questions related to the frequency of their orgasms or their absence at all. It is worth knowing that with prolonged abstinence, the brain sends signals to the entire body that it does not need sexual function. That is why a girl can lose her orgasm, simply because the body forgets how it is done. For example, astronauts who have been in space for a long time arrive on Earth and cannot immediately start walking, the body simply simply forgot how to do it.

Psychologists, sexologists and doctors unanimously say that abstinence for more than a year is a significant stress for the body, and it is important to know that the body may not recover after such a break in sexual life. It is after such a pause that a man can lose potency, and women, as mentioned above, stop having an orgasm. In some cases, the intervention of doctors helps, but not always.

If you have a "lack" of sex, then you should not think that doing it every day several times will make both you and your body happy! It is important to lead an intimate life as often as you want. Whatever the numbers say, either scientists or your friends, about the frequency of sex, know that the frequency of sexual activity depends on you (your temperament and psychological characteristics). You should not force yourself to go to bed that reluctantly, thinking that you will cure something, psychological problems will most likely arise. Don't make sex a "must".

Sexual abstinence in men.

It is worth knowing that a man who is accustomed to a normal sexual life can observe wet dreams and a tendency to masturbate. Studies show that masturbation is a fairly common phenomenon among young people, which, according to sexologist L. Milman, is not so scary. 97% of those who are accustomed to onanism, after the start of a normal sexual life, lose this habit. These 97% do not have any difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, and only 46% can experience a slight weakness in sexual desire.

Sexual abstinence in women.

It is important for women to know that if sexual intercourse with your partner is rare, then a man's orgasm may occur too quickly, which in turn will not give the woman the desired sexual satisfaction, which may cause sexual coldness.