Proven folk remedies for dry corns. How to treat calluses on the feet with traditional medicine and folk remedies

Corn is a nasty thing. Is it possible to get rid of it with folk remedies? Are there any ointments for a quick cure for this scourge? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our article.

So what is a corn? A corn is a hardened area of ​​the skin. What causes these seals? The most common cause of this kind of problem is too tight or new shoes. Sometimes, it is worth noting, corns also appear due to improper care of the skin of the legs and hands.

Types of corns

Corns are of three types:

  1. Dry
  2. Water
  3. Bleeding calluses

Each variety has its own remedies.

Dry callus occurs when rubbing. The skin becomes rough and sometimes swells in the damaged area. Water corn is a “time bomb” that can already bleed. The first has the form of a bubble filled with a connective fluid, under which, if the bubble bursts, there will already be a bleeding callus. Many believe that it is necessary to get rid of dropsy by piercing - this opinion is erroneous, an infection can get into the resulting wound.

Folk remedies for corns

  • Lemon. Everything that is invented by nature can and should be used. So for the treatment of dry corns you need an ordinary lemon. Attach a slice of citrus to the roughened area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Before this procedure, the place where the corn has formed must be steamed out.
  • Potato. At night, grease the seal with petroleum jelly, then put a slice of potato on the corn. Cover the slice with cellophane and bandage it. In the morning, the corn will be much softer. Steam the area with rough skin in a hot bath and remove the annoying callus with a pumice stone or nail file, and then apply a softening cream.
  • Onion. If there were no potatoes in the house, and this can also be, you can use onions to soften the annoying callus. So wrap a slice of the aforementioned vegetable to the seal. In the morning, the softened corn can be removed with a file. After treatment, the skin will need to be thoroughly washed and powdered with talcum powder.
  • Onion peel. You need to take the peel of the onion and soak it in a solution of vinegar. Wash the affected area, steam it, briefly put figs, then wrap the husk with a bandage to the rough skin (it is advisable to carry out all actions before going to bed).
  • Bread- this, it is worth noting, is another remedy for combating corns. Oil must be applied to the bread crumb, and then put on the seal. Fix this "sandwich" on the damaged area. This procedure is preferably carried out at night. If there is time, you can arrange a massage session for yourself: wash and steam the skin, then apply vegetable oil to the corns and massage. After 4 days, the corn should soften and disappear.
  • Propolis. The place where there is a corn should be steamed (preferably in a decoction of chamomile), wipe the skin, grind propolis and apply to the affected area, then apply a bandage or stick a band-aid. Repeat this procedure until the seal disappears.
  • Baths for corns. Recipe- 1 tbsp. add a spoonful of soda to 3 liters of hot water. No soda - take soap (50 g) and salt (2 teaspoons). Add 3 liters of water to this simple mixture. After that, it remains only to steam out the place where the corn has formed, and remove the rough skin with a pumice stone or file, and then lubricate the skin with a softening cream.

Ointments for water and bleeding calluses

For the treatment of watery and bleeding corns, it is better to refuse folk remedies in order to avoid infection. So if you have dropsy, treat the area of ​​​​skin with a bubble with "Furacilin" or hydrogen peroxide, and then glue the patch. For the treatment of bleeding corns, you can use "Levomekol" or "Oflocaine" ointment. Both act in the same way: disinfection, desensitization and softening of the skin.

In addition to the above methods in the fight against corns, in a pharmacy you can choose the following remedies:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. Synthomycin ointment;
  3. Zinc ointment;
  4. Heparin ointment;
  5. Ichthyol ointment;
  6. Tetracycline ointment;
  7. "Vishnevsky ointment",
  8. "Rescuer";
  9. "Uroderm" and others.

Salicylic ointment- used to disinfect the damaged area of ​​the body. To combat corns, you need to use a ten percent solution. The method of application is as follows: apply the ointment to the seal and bandage it. You can use this tool for 1-3 weeks.

Synthomycin ointment- an antibiotic. You need to be careful with this tool, as allergic reactions are possible. How to use: apply the ointment on the corn and bandage it. Use up to 3 times a day.

Zinc ointment- a means for disinfecting and drying the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. How to use: Apply the product on the corn. You can use this ointment up to 3 times a day.

Heparin ointment- an anti-inflammatory agent. Used to eliminate swelling. It is not recommended to use the ointment for pregnant women. Use 2-3 times a day.

Ichthyol ointment- Relieves inflammation and relieves pain. This tool can be used up to three times a day. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

Tetracycline ointment- a product containing an antibiotic. Apply 2 times a day under a bandage.

"Vishnevsky ointment" has a drying and disinfecting effect. This remedy can be used up to two times a day (under a bandage), in the morning and in the evening. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

"Rescuer" has a nourishing, regenerating and softening effect. This tool, like many of the above, can be applied under a bandage or dressing.

"Uroderm"- a good remedy for the formation of bloody calluses. It has a cumulative effect, so the risk of a new seal is reduced. How to use: apply to the seal (under the bandage). Term of application: 2 times a day (until the corn is completely softened). Contraindications for use: do not apply to an already formed blood callus.

There are many ways to deal with corns, choose the one that suits you! And don't get sick. Sickness is a bad thing.

Calluses are painful lumps on the feet that form for various reasons, the main of which is uncomfortable, unworn shoes. How to ensure the correct treatment of corns on the legs, if the problem already exists and cannot be prevented?

Folk remedies for corns

There are many inexpensive folk remedies that are very effective in the fight against corns. These are celandine, pork fat, coniferous tree, aloe and much more. It is not necessary to buy expensive medicines to cope with this annoying problem. We will talk about this in more detail today.

We treat corns with potatoes

It is known that a simple potato, which is sure to be found in every kitchen, perfectly heals corns. It is necessary to prepare the gruel by grating the potatoes along with onions. Transfer the resulting mixture to gauze and apply to the inflamed area on the foot. This will allow the corns to quickly steam out and eventually disappear.

In the same way, you can use aloe leaves, which you just need to cut and attach to the corn with the inside. It is better to cover the aloe from above with polyethylene and fix it with a bandage. It is recommended to do such a compress before going to bed. By morning, the inflammation will be significantly reduced.

The second stage - we remove the steamed skin and lubricate the damaged area with camphor oil or a high-fat cream. Instead of camphor oil, you can also use any other oils, such as olive or wheat. Such procedures must be repeated until the corn completely disappears.

The benefits of Indian mushroom

For the treatment of corns, Indian milk mushroom is well suited, from which you need to make a starter. Soak a bandage in the resulting sourdough and apply it to the corn. Put polyethylene on top of the bandage. Now tightly bandage the compress. In this way, it is recommended to treat old corns.

Coniferous resin against corns

It is known that needles are effective in curing many diseases. Corns are no exception. In this case, small coniferous resin is used. It needs to be warmed up and rolled out in the form of a plate. Apply it to the sore spot, after steaming and drying the corn. On top of the plate, stick a wide plaster or bandage the foot with a bandage. The resin must be kept in the damaged area for three days. Then you need to replace the compress. After some time, there will be no trace of the corn.

Ointment with fish oil and aloe against corns

The ointment, which contains fish oil and aloe juice, not only effectively treats corns of any complexity, but also copes with cracks that often appear in the summer due to shoes rubbing the foot. To prepare the ointment, take fish oil and from which you need to squeeze the juice.

Mix all components in equal amounts. Dip a napkin into the resulting composition and apply it to the corn or corns. It is recommended to do such a compress before going to bed so that by morning the corn decreases. After sleeping, wash your foot with a decoction based on chamomile. You need to do such compresses exactly until the corn comes off completely.

We treat corns with garlic

Garlic and onion skins work very well on calluses, both dry and fresh. You will need to take onion peel and pour vinegar over it. The mixture should be infused for two weeks in a tightly closed jar. After you open the jar, you need to take the husk and wait until the vinegar completely drains from it and it dries.

Before going to bed, put the peel on the calluses. The layer should be two to three centimeters. It is better to lubricate the skin of the corn with petroleum jelly - it will soften the inflammation. After that, bandage the foot and leave the compress until the morning. Then the leg should be washed and the callus removed. Repeat this procedure until the corn is gone.

Treatment of corns with camphor alcohol

Getting rid of corns can be effectively carried out with simple camphor alcohol. First of all, Epsom salts will come in handy, which you need to pour into a basin and fill with water - the leg should go in up to the ankle. Do this every day for fifteen minutes. After it is completed, remove the top layer of callus using a pumice stone. Now grease the place of the corn with camphor alcohol.

Features of the treatment of dry corns

Corns, as you know, are fresh and dry. Dry corns are old, getting rid of them is a little more difficult than fresh ones. There are many ways to get rid of dry corns, the first of which is the usual medicinal streptocide in combination with an onion and vinegar. Boil the water by adding the onion part to it. Let the onion boil for three minutes in water, and then take it out and let it cool down.

Soak your feet in warm water, then remove the top of the callus. Now, in the center of the sore spot, drip a little vinegar essence, and put the onion on top, with the inside to the skin. In the morning, clean the corn by sprinkling streptocide on top - it will disinfect the injury site. Bandage it.

Raw meat is another option for treating calluses. Both pork and beef will do. The meat must be defrosted, preferably fresh. Attach a piece of meat to a sore spot, secure. Hold the compress for two hours. If one procedure is not enough, repeat.

Propolis is good. It needs to be warmed up until soft. Adding lard to propolis, make a cake. Now apply it to the sore spot and bandage it. Pre-steam the corn, and do the compress itself at night so that by morning it softens and can be removed.

Take note that a decoction of the buds of coniferous trees is excellent for combating dry corns - spruce or pine trees are suitable. They will help to completely remove chronic corns. However, the mildest remedy is a poultice based on calendula flowers, from which you need to make a slurry. Apply the mixture to the corn and bandage the leg. It is advisable to insulate the compress with a woolen cloth. It will take ten such procedures.

How to cure wet corns

Wet, fresh calluses usually appear after you have purchased new shoes and put them on for the first time. It is recommended to fix the problem immediately so that the corn does not become even larger and more painful. Apply the inner film of the eggshell to the damaged area. At first you will feel a strong burning sensation, but after an hour it will stop. After a while, the film will stick to the corn. The corn from such treatment disappears in two days.

Fresh calluses can also be treated with a slurry of green peas, ivy, plantain and milk. No less effective in the fight against such calluses and potatoes, which was mentioned at the very beginning. Another way is bread crumb soaked in vinegar. It needs to be fixed overnight with a band-aid and bandaged. And periodically make baths of oats, allowing you to steam your feet.

Soap and soda foot bath is a very simple, but quite effective method of getting rid of corns. Fill a basin with warm water (1 l), add soda and soap here. In this solution, you need to hold your legs for twenty minutes. At the end of the procedure, rub the callus with a pumice stone and rinse your feet with water, then soften with a moisturizer. To enhance the effect of the bath, you can add a decoction of chamomile to it, which nourishes, softens the skin and gently cares for it.

Treatment of corns on the feet, both fresh and old, is a good idea to use wine vinegar and an infusion of garlic (proportion 1: 1). This mixture should be infused for two weeks, after which apply a compress daily at night. It is also useful to apply propolis to corns. Just stick a piece of propolis and fix it with adhesive tape. After a few applications, the corn will disappear.

Tomato or tomato paste is an effective way to quickly heal corns, because tomatoes are known to disinfect well and effectively fight bacteria. Just cut off a piece of tomato and apply for a while to the inflamed area. You can attach it with adhesive tape and leave it overnight. In the same way, you can use lemon, which will save you from corns in three days.

The methods listed above are enough to cure even the most complex and old corns. Please note that the site of the previous inflammation needs to be additionally looked after using emollient creams and lotions - they will help to cope with rough skin on the foot, which happens especially often in the summer.

As you can see, there are quite a few ways that quickly and effectively cure corns. There is no need to go to the pharmacy for special ointments or corn patches as soon as you have such a problem. By using the ingredients you always have in your fridge, you can make great beauty and health products at no extra cost.

Calluses on the feet are a common problem that does not pose a threat to human health, but causes physical and moral discomfort, and therefore requires treatment. They arise as a result of prolonged mechanical action (friction or pressure) on the skin area, in fact, this is a protective reaction of the skin to these factors. Calluses on the feet usually appear as a result of wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes. Perhaps every person at least once in his life faced with this problem when wearing new shoes.

What are corns

Depending on the structure and mechanism of formation, dry and wet corns are distinguished.

Both dry and wet calluses can form on the legs.

Dry corns are a strong thickening (accumulation of a large layer of keratinized cells) on a skin area. Unlike corns, calluses form a core of dead cells, which can be located quite deep in the skin. Outwardly, such a corn looks like a small funnel. Most often, such dry calluses form in obese people and in lovers of high-heeled shoes. These factors greatly increase the pressure on the skin of the foot, especially its lower part.

Wet calluses, often called blisters, are quite common in people of either sex. They are formed when rubbing wet skin; The first signs that a wet callus may appear on some area of ​​​​the skin are its redness and swelling. If the friction of the skin in this area does not stop, then a white bubble appears, filled with a clear liquid. If you leave a wet callus without treatment, then over time the bubble will burst on its own and a dry callus with a stem will begin to form in its place.

Blood calluses are considered a type of wet callus, only in this case the formation of a bubble occurred in the place where the blood vessel turned out, so the contents of the bubble are not a transparent liquid, but blood. Such corns heal for a very long time, in addition, when they are opened, an infection can get into the wound, so such corns should be taken seriously. If the contents of the bladder become purulent, then you need to consult a doctor; you should not open such calluses on your own.

Treatment of corns on the legs at home

You can get rid of corns at home, and it does not require large time and financial costs. For treatment, you can use both drugs sold in pharmacies without a prescription, and folk remedies, of which there are a great many.

Treatment of wet corns

The treatment of wet and dry corns is somewhat different, but in both cases it must begin with the elimination of the causative factor: you must stop wearing uncomfortable shoes, if necessary, purchase socks without seams, embroideries and other decorative elements that can rub or squeeze the skin. Despite the fact that a wet callus forms much faster than a dry one and causes more discomfort to a person, it is easier to cure it.

Wet corns should not be opened on their own and, moreover, cut off the skin over the wound surface (such actions can lead to infection in the wound). The bladder itself and the skin around it must be treated with alcohol, a solution of furacilin or hydrogen peroxide, it is advisable not to stick a band-aid on the corn (but if it is not possible to change rubbing shoes, then, of course, it is better to use a patch so as not to injure the corn even more). It is necessary to process the corn several times a day, and of course, its further injury should be excluded. Even after self-opening of the corn, you cannot remove the skin that has formed a bubble. A damaged area on the skin can be lubricated several times a day with salicylic ointment, which will help dry the corn and prevent infection from entering the wound.

For quick and effective treatment of wet corns, you can use a special corn patch, which should not be confused with a simple bactericidal patch. The Compid patch (Compeed) has proven itself well, which creates an optimal environment for wound healing.

Any means for the treatment of wet corns are applied to a clean, dry surface, so before applying the ointment or gluing the patches, you must wash your feet with soap and dry the skin well.

How to treat dry calluses on the legs?

Dry calluses on the feet can also be treated at home; if the corns are old, then more than one procedure may be needed. Dry corns are removed mechanically after they have been softened.

To soften the corns, you can use ointments and patches, which include substances with keratolytic properties. The simplest and most budgetary option is salicylic ointment or softening cream with urea, you can also purchase Super Antimozolin or Bensalitin creams at the pharmacy. The composition of these funds is somewhat different, but the principle of action and method of application are identical.

Ointments, creams, patches and other products are applied only to the corn itself! Before applying the preparations, it is recommended to steam the skin of the legs in a salt bath. In order to avoid getting drugs on healthy adjacent areas of the skin, you can stick a patch on the corn, in which a hole is pre-cut according to its size and shape. The required amount of ointment or cream is applied to the corn (according to the instructions for use of the drug), and then a whole piece of patch is glued on top. The softening agent is left under the patch for up to 12 hours (the time for which the medicine is applied is usually also indicated in the instructions for it), after which the softened keratinized tissues are removed mechanically (gently scraped off with a pumice stone or blade).

Also effective for removing dry corns is the Lekker-Stopmozol cosmetic liquid, which contains lactic acid in its composition, which helps to completely get rid of even old corns in a few days. In addition to creams, ointments and liquids used to treat dry corns, the Salipod corn adhesive plaster is very popular. It is very simple to use: a piece of plaster of the right size is glued to the steamed and dried corn for 1-2 days. After removing it, you should carry out all the same procedures as after using creams. If necessary, the patch is re-glued until the corn completely disappears.

There are countless folk remedies for the treatment of corns. After steaming the feet, it is recommended to apply chopped garlic, onion gruel, aloe leaves mixed with vinegar, lemon zest, etc. for several hours (preferably at night) to the corns. All these and similar remedies also help soften the corn, after which it is easier to remove. It is possible that folk remedies will not help get rid of corns as quickly as pharmacy preparations, however, they are suitable for people with sensitive skin (in rare cases, there are local reactions to pharmacy preparations for corns) and require almost no additional costs.


To prevent the formation of corns, you should provide proper care for your feet: do foot baths, remove dead skin, apply a softening cream.

In order to avoid the appearance of calluses on the feet, you should wear comfortable shoes, as well as take care of the skin of the feet, periodically doing foot baths, removing rough skin from the foot and applying emollient creams. If you notice that the corn has nevertheless begun to form, then it is better to start treating it as early as possible, because at the initial stage you can get rid of this problem much faster.

Which doctor to contact

For the treatment of corns, you can go to a dermatology office, where a dermatologist can make a differential diagnosis with other skin diseases. Removal of corns is possible with a beautician. In case of chronic calluses or purulent complications, you should consult a surgeon.

Calluses occur in almost every person, regardless of age and gender. They occur on different parts of the human body and for various reasons. Tight shoes cause blisters on the feet, and the friction of the tool used with hand power causes it on the hands. They are wet and dry, but equally cause a lot of trouble and require immediate treatment. Today we'll talk about how to quickly cure them. , where to start treatment if you rubbed it, how to give yourself first aid so that it heals faster. Choose the method convenient for you.

Folk recipes for quick treatment of corns

In the pharmacy, there are ointments and adhesive plasters for their treatment, but you can get rid of them with folk remedies at home.

The first rule to follow is to steam the legs with salt, soda and mustard to soften.

How to quickly cure onion peel. Soak in vinegar for 2 weeks and fix on the corn with a thick layer. Repeat for several nights.

Attach the peel with pulp to the corn and cut it off after softening.

Apply to the corn and wear for 2 days.

Spread gruel for 30 minutes. Cut off the horny part.

How to quickly cure potatoes. Put the mashed potatoes on the corn and keep for half an hour.

How to quickly cure the crumb of bread. Soak in the bite, but not in the essence. Apply for 8 nights.

How to quickly cure with garlic. Gauze soaked in juice should be applied at bedtime for 15 days.

How to quickly cure with propolis. Fix the piece with a plaster.

How to quickly cure with aspirin and lemon juice. Drip the juice into 3 tablets and keep for 30 minutes. Before starting hand procedures, you must also first make a steam bath.

How to quickly cure aloe. Apply gruel, smear with Vaseline and fix with a band-aid. Keep for a day and remove the coarsened layer with pumice stone. Repeat.

How to quickly cure onions. Apply gruel for 20 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate with cream.

How to quickly cure a tomato. Apply puree for 2 weeks.

How to quickly cure prunes. Boil in milk and apply hot berries. Calluses will disappear. After the procedure, rub with a pumice stone.

How to quickly cure a corn: first aid

Wet calluses should be dried. After treating the place, pierce the bladder with a cleaned needle, inserting it parallel to the skin, and not inside. Remove the liquid and disinfect the resulting wound again. When bursting, it is necessary to make local disinfection with brilliant green or iodine and seal it.

In the case when it has a rod, it can be scraped off after the bath. If it is impossible to remove the rod or if it is old, you should consult a doctor. An experienced pedicurist can also help eliminate calluses and advise on proper foot care. In some cases, they can only be removed with liquid nitrogen or a laser method.

It should be remembered that corns are not corns and it is useless to treat them in such ways. It is easier to prevent the cause of their occurrence than to bother yourself with how to quickly cure a corn. Hands can be protected with gloves, and comfortable shoes will prevent chafing on the feet. They must be disposed of, as they can cause other diseases. Except in some cases, calluses do not develop on their own, so the best remedy is not to acquire them at all.

Despite high-quality shoes and methods for preventing corns, the question of how to quickly cure a corn and what to do to effectively heal the formation remains relevant, because no one can completely protect themselves from this scourge. Only calluses that have appeared should be treated immediately in order to prevent the development of complications: the appearance of pus or the formation of new, already bloody calluses, infection in an open wound. It is important to know how to properly deal with corns and how to properly organize treatment.

First aid for the appearance of corns

And yet, how to quickly get rid of corns? Usually the first solution that comes to mind is the use of the most ordinary patch. But this remedy does not heal the corn in any way, does not remove it, but, on the contrary, delivers unnecessary pain, healing the neoplasm with an ordinary band-aid is a bad idea. In order for the corn to heal, it is worth using a special patch, with a special impregnation. Such patches are divided into two categories: for the treatment of dry and for the treatment. The former help soften tissues to easily remove keratinized skin with a pumice stone or a stiff brush, while the latter heal.

Such a remedy will help only at first and with small lesions. But how to treat large corns or those that were not processed on time? An ointment with a high percentage of salicylic acid is perfect for them. Before using it, the skin should be steamed out, and the product should be smeared only on the affected areas, without touching healthy skin, since such a strong agent can be harmful. For safety, healthy skin can be sealed, leaving only the diseased area uncovered, then apply ointment and bandage the leg, leaving a similar compress all night - this will help cure the neoplasm.

And how to remove the corn, if because of the pain it is impossible to reach the pharmacy? In this case, vegetable oil, which is in every kitchen, will help. It relieves inflammation and relieves some pain. It is they who can regularly lubricate the skin, make compresses, especially when there is a danger of “earning” a callus - the use of oil protects against this.

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Folk remedies

To treat corns at home, there are many other remedies that you don’t have to go to the pharmacy for, because most of them are in everyone’s refrigerator. There are several universal remedies that have a positive effect and help heal injuries very quickly:

  1. Aloe will help heal education. This plant is considered a universal helper in the home first aid kit, because its juice allows you to heal a variety of wounds. Neoplasms are treated by winding a piece of the sheet to the sore spot and leaving it for the whole night.
  2. Onions are also recognized, allowing them to dry quickly. The simplest recipe is to use onion gruel, which is applied to the sore spot as a compress and left for several hours or all night, like aloe. The main thing is that the minimum amount of onion juice gets on healthy skin, this can cause severe irritation.
  3. Prunes. A small amount of prunes is boiled in milk and then the berries are applied to the sore spot. The cooled prunes are changed to another within half an hour. Such a procedure not only removes corns, but also has a beneficial effect on the skin. It is recommended to do the procedure before the healing of the growth.
  4. Potato. The large amount of starch contained in this product allows it to fight skin problems as effectively as other folk remedies. At night, potato slurry is tied to the corn with a film and a bandage, in the morning the corn is either cleaned with pumice, or the procedure is repeated one or two times, until the problem is completely eliminated.
  5. Lemon. This citrus is a more dangerous, but no less effective remedy for treating corns. Juicy lemon slices are not the best helpers in healing - they will only cause pain, but lemon peels, like other products, wrapped for several hours, will take care of the sore skin area.
  6. Tomato. Tomato puree is usually used according to the already familiar principle - as a compress, it, like vegetable oil, helps relieve pain if it is lubricated with a sore spot. If there is no time for the treatment of a neoplasm, but you want it to heal faster, then it is tomatoes and oil that will most quickly achieve your goal.

It would seem that one corn does not pose a serious problem, but it is fraught with a considerable threat to health, so the treatment of corns is necessary. Such an injury can affect gait, cause pain with any movement, and if not treated in time, it threatens to turn into a real wound and fester due to an infection that has entered the bloodstream. That is why it is better to devote some time to treating only the formed callus, and then take care of prevention than to suffer, trying to get rid of the serious consequences of this small problem.