The consequences of abstinence. What is the danger of long-term abstinence from sex in men

Not for a long time, you need to refrain from sexual intercourse, and then the chance of successful conception increases. This can be explained by the fact that during the period when a man refrains from sexual contact, germ cells accumulate in the body. Sometimes this method gives a positive result. But not everyone is in favor of this method, there are those who claim that leading an active sex life, the quality of sperm is many times better than that of abstinence advocates.

In Israel, studies were conducted that revealed in - sperm donors, it is because of abstinence that the quality of this fluid decreases. Scientists took more than seven thousand sperm samples for research and found that as a result of abstinence, only the amount of seminal fluid increases during sexual contact, and this does not affect the quality of conception, on the contrary, sperm motility decreases sharply.

Medicine now claims that abstinence, in most cases, is detrimental to men's health. Regular sex has a positive effect on the endocrine system and even strengthens the heart muscle.

If a man is over 40 years old, sex is especially important for him, it is he who contributes to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Prolonged lack of sex in men, and its consequences

Is it harmful to abstain from sex for a long time, does it lead to the development of prostatitis, mood swings or depression? Studies state that men can be divided into two types. The first type is those leading an active sex life, who react painfully to the rejection of it. The second type includes men with other priorities in life. Abstinence is not a problem for them and does not affect their mood or health in any way.

The degree of harm that abstinence can cause is directly dependent on the age of a man, the older he is, the more dangerous for him a long and unfounded sexual restriction becomes for him.

If a man after forty refrains from sex, this can lead to such consequences as the development of prostate adenoma, stagnation phenomena, and the likelihood of developing cancerous tumors increases.

There is no significant benefit from restrictions in sex, and the only reason that can be really weighty is parting or. But refraining from promiscuity is always useful. It is better not to leave your beloved for a long time and not deny yourself and her sexual pleasure. Moreover, it has long been proven that abstinence entails moral depression, bad mood and even depression.

5 months have passed since the birth, and still no sex ... I was looking for arguments for my husband about the negative consequences of abstinence. I'm posting this article here, maybe it will be useful for someone else.

Life without sex or what abstinence leads to

Sexual abstinence is not a rare thing in our lives. For example, a quarrel with a husband often results in a protracted sexual war until the opponent agrees to regularly take out the trash can. Or a girlfriend decides to sublimate into work - and now the bed is overgrown with cobwebs. But is abstinence as harmless as they say?

The topic is commented on by the candidate of medical sciences of Russia, psychotherapist, sexologist A. M. Poleev: “In general, abstinence is a rather dangerous thing. In men - in terms of physical health, and in women - mental. It is among the fair sex that a voluntary refusal to have sex is common, for example, if a woman does not have a permanent partner, and she does not want to “sleep with just anyone”. Men solve this problem simply. If a man does not have a beloved woman, he goes to an unloved one and somehow satisfies his needs. And for the stronger sex, abstinence is therefore most often forced (for example, while serving in the army).

Studies show that a woman's long-term refusal to have sex can create big problems for her.

The fact is that for ladies everything is “involved” in psychology - the enjoyment of sex and orgasmic discharge are necessary for normal psychological functioning. If they are absent, the woman becomes irritable, quick-tempered, very serious changes in character occur. Sex is not only a sexual act, but also a symbol of "confidential communication" with another person.

And when there is no such communication, a woman begins to perceive the world schematically, through the prism of some principles: she becomes tough, very critical in her judgments, inclined to condemn. Most often, all this has nothing to do with personal, intimate life, but extends to the sphere of interpersonal relations in general, to professional activities, for example.

In principle, to prevent all this from happening, you can replace sex with masturbation. But if men are engaged in it almost always (even when everything is in order with their sex life), then a woman, with voluntary abstinence, often refuses her. But if it’s very hard for you to endure abstinence, and going to bed “with just anyone” is not in your moral principles, it’s quite possible to engage in self-satisfaction.”

The opinion of Mr. Poleev is also shared by sexologist Irina Gumennikova: “In addition to the purely psychological consequences of abstinence (sexual abstinence), the sexual function of both men and women also suffers.

In men, during abstinence, an erection may be disturbed, problems with ejaculation will appear. Moreover, the consequences for the body depend both on the age of the man and on the duration of abstinence. If he is 25 and has a strong sexual temperament, it will be difficult to endure even two weeks without sex, but regardless of the duration of abstinence, this will not affect sexual function in any way. At the age of 30-35 years, a break in sexual activity for several months can lead to premature ejaculation, deterioration of erection. But, as a rule, when the usual sexual rhythm is restored, this passes. If a man is 40 years old, even serious treatment by a sex therapist may be required. And at the age of over 50, a break of two or three months can lead to the cessation of sexual activity forever.

In women, abstinence first leads to a sharp increase in desire, and then, after a few months, it can disappear altogether. Moreover, after the resumption of sexual activity, a woman may experience discomfort and even pain in the vagina, because due to abstinence, it begins to produce less lubrication. Yes, and excitement will increase not so quickly. By the way, there may be problems with discharging. Orgasm with a long period of abstinence may "return" only after a few months.

What to do? First, after a period of abstinence, you should ask your partner to extend the foreplay longer. If, with a normal rhythm of sexual life, a woman needs 15 minutes, now it takes at least 30 minutes to awaken the “sleeping” erogenous zones. It would be ideal if a man brought you to orgasm by cunnilingus. With such stimulation, almost all women get a full, bright orgasm even after prolonged abstinence. And for vaginal intercourse, additional lubrication should be used until it “learns” to produce the required amount again.

If it turned out that it was not you who abstained for a long time, but your man, then here you need to follow a few recommendations.

Since the longer the period of abstinence, the more the man is afraid that everything will be fine in bed, you must be as tactful as possible. Ridicule or reproaches for male failure can lead to serious sexual problems. Therefore, even if something does not work out for a man, just say that he is valuable to you first of all as a person, and not as a sexual partner, and that next time everything will be much better.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, sexologist Yuri Prokopenko: “Abstinence can really do much harm, but you shouldn’t think that “for health” you need to have sex all day long. First of all, you need to lead an intimate life as often as you want. It is known that regular sex is an excellent prevention of prostatitis in men and gynecological diseases in women if they occur due to stagnation of blood in the small pelvis (for example, when excited). On average, a person under the age of 30 makes love 4-5 times a week, up to 40 - 3-4, up to 50 years - 2-3 times, but the frequency of sexual activity depends on temperament and psychological characteristics.

If you have sex less often than you want, restrain yourself, then hormonal balance may be disturbed, blood stasis may occur. And if you force yourself to go to bed when there is no particular desire, trying to cure something in this way, if not physiological, then psychological problems may arise. So don't make sex a "must"!

Many doctors and psychologists unanimously argue that long-term abstinence is extremely harmful, especially for people who are in their prime. Long-term abstinence can lead to many mental and physical troubles.
First of all, there is a great risk of being in a deep depression. Sex has the ability to deal with stress, during it endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness that we need for a good mood. You can replace sex with chocolate, sports - this also contributes to the production of endorphins, but can such artificial substitutes be a worthy alternative to sex?

In addition, it is known that if sex can be refused, then emotions are much more difficult to control. Excitation causes blood to flow to the pelvic organs, but if orgasm does not occur, the blood stagnates. Hence many women's diseases. Sometimes abstinence from sex causes disturbances in the functioning of the mammary glands, which leads to various tumors. Long abstinence is perceived by the body as a signal that this function is not needed. Therefore, men can lose potency forever, and women can stop experiencing orgasms, as their body will forget how it is done. Sometimes the intervention of doctors helps, but not always.

Thinking about abstaining from sex, you should really weigh your capabilities and the reasons that push you to this act. Is it worth sacrificing your health, the opportunity to experience pleasure for the sake of dubious principles? Abstinence for more than a year is a serious burden and stress for the body, after which it may not recover. Sex is a natural need of the body, which has everything necessary to satisfy it. Therefore, it is hardly worth depriving yourself of what nature has prescribed for us.

sexual abstinence- this is a condition in which a person adheres to forced sexual abstinence. Such a situation may be the result of a voluntary renunciation of sexual life or provoked by certain life circumstances that require a person to stay without the possibility of a relationship with a partner. This state is also defined as syndrome . Sexual abstinence is divided into several types. At total withdrawal all types of sexual activity are excluded. At partial sexual abstinence a person periodically occurs wet dreams or masturbation occurs.

In young men, abstinence can be completely natural and, as a rule, passes without harm to the body. But already in adulthood, a man may feel some difficulties when trying to resume sexual activity after abstinence. In some cases, irreversible suppression occurs, requiring treatment.

Features of sexual abstinence

In a historical context, sexual abstinence was considered the most significant and in fact the only method of protection against unwanted conception. Spouses or permanent partners who live sexually, gradually establish their own, special rhythm of such relationships. Sexual abstinence does not do much harm to young and middle-aged men, who endure the forced absence of a sexual life with relative ease. In this case, sexual function, as a rule, is not disturbed. But in some cases, abstinence in men leads to disturbances in the rhythm of sexual life, the manifestation of premature ejaculation. Prolonged absence of sexual life sometimes leads to the fact that its normal rhythm is restored relatively slowly. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that painful sensations during abstinence manifest themselves depending on how pronounced the sexual desire in a person is, what are the characteristics of his temperament, sexual constitution, and also on other factors. So, if the attraction is weakly expressed, then the periodic absence of sexual activity for several months and even years does not negatively affect the general condition of a person. At the same time, if a person's sexual desire is especially strong, then the harm from abstinence can be very noticeable for the body. A person feels a constant negative impact on mood, performance, he has a high level of excitability and a feeling of constant dissatisfaction. Thus, to the question of whether abstaining from sex is harmful for people with a strong sexual desire, the answer is yes.

If we are talking about a forced lack of sex, then abstinence in women and men can temporarily weaken the sexual desire. However, in this case, the period of absence of sexual activity is taken into account. For example, if a man practices short-term abstinence before conception, then this is not reflected in his general condition.

The intensity of sexual desire at the time of forced abstinence can change with the help of certain mechanisms of self-regulation. So, if sexual contact is impossible, then both a man and a woman can practice masturbation . With age, in both sexes, forced abstinence from sexual activity is felt less acutely. At the same time, doctors note that for most people it is not a problem to control their own sexual behavior and suppress the need for sex, while not feeling a violation of physical and mental health.

Periods of sexual withdrawal

If we consider abstinence from sexual life, regardless of the age of a person, then it can be divided into two different periods. The initial period coincides with the refractory stage of the copulative cycle. The next period is the time of forced sexual withdrawal.

Most men who lead a normal, intense sex life perceive the first period positively, that is, as an opportunity for a certain respite after energy-consuming activities. In this case, the feeling of negativity is manifested only in asthenized men with a high level of vegetative lability. In such people, immediately after sexual intercourse, signs of lethargy and severe depression, general adynamia, appear. Sometimes there is a strong heartbeat, high levels of sweating, as well as other signs of autonomic disorders. Since such symptoms do not disappear within one day, earlier this phenomenon was called "one-day neurasthenia."

But in most men, negative emotions appear in the second period of sexual withdrawal: at this time, after the refractory period, a pronounced need for sexual activity is manifested, while for certain reasons its satisfaction is impossible. In this condition, a person has two types of manifestations: neurotic And congestive . With neurotic manifestations, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, as a result of which the man becomes irritated and unbalanced.

Congestion is expressed by the expansion of the veins of the scrotum, spermatic cord, rectum, a noticeable swelling of the hemorrhoids and other unpleasant phenomena. In this case, a person may periodically notice the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the perineum, too frequent urge to urinate, a periodic feeling of discomfort in the urinary organs.

The most acute signs of forced sexual withdrawal occur during the years of a young man's hypersexuality. This period in most men covers most of the adolescence and transition periods. Thus, there is a dependence on the age of a person: young men and adolescents do not tolerate abstinence psychologically, and at an involutionary age, a person is disturbed by neurotic and congestive phenomena. At the same time, psychologically, a person at an involutionary age endures abstinence much easier.

The restoration of potency after forced abstinence also directly depends on the age of the person. So, the older a man is, and the longer the period of abstinence continues, the more difficult it will be for him later to restore and libido .

Therefore, at involutionary age, it is desirable for men to maintain regular, sparing-stimulating sexual activity. It is important here to avoid both the unbearable pace of sexual life and long periods of withdrawal.

Symptoms of sexual withdrawal

At first, during sexual abstinence, a person may suffer from severe emotional lethargy, depression, discomfort, and sweating. At the second stage, the balance of nervous processes is disturbed, which is expressed in irritability and even neuroticism. Further stagnation may occur. All these symptoms provoke increased attention in a man, and the result of this is an intensive increase in congestive processes. With further sexual abstinence, the secret of the prostate gland is gradually absorbed into the blood, the hormonal function of the testicles and the production of male sex hormones are suppressed. As a result, a man's sexual desire decreases.

Forced abstinence is harmful to men over the age of forty. In mature men, as a result of withdrawal, not only sexual function is significantly weakened, but it can also develop.


Thus, prolonged abstinence from sex can have serious consequences for a man. If forced abstinence in a mature person lasts more than five years, this is fraught with the manifestation of severe, problems with ejaculation and even .

Since regular sex has a positive effect on the work of the endocrine system of a man, and also strengthens the heart muscle, its absence in mature men makes it impossible for them to keep the body in good shape. A prolonged absence of sexual life not only negatively affects a person’s mood, but sometimes even leads to a depressive state. After prolonged abstinence, a man may periodically show unreasonable aggression, signs of excitability and dissatisfaction with life. There are also studies that show that a long period of abstinence can cause prostatitis and even increase the risk of developing oncological diseases .

The period of recovery of sexual function in a man after a period of abstinence can be different: for some, everything can return to normal in a few days, while others need several weeks. Sometimes, for a full return of sexual function, a man even needs a visit to a sexopathologist.

There is also evidence that if conception does not occur, then a man needs to refrain from sexual intercourse for some time. This will increase the chance of conception. This theory is explained by the accumulation of germ cells in the body of a man during the period of abstinence. However, such a theory has many opponents, who claim that sperm quality and sperm motility are much better in those who regularly have sexual intimacy.

But, despite all the above, promiscuous sexual relations with casual partners outweigh the negative impact of sexual withdrawal in terms of the degree of harm. Therefore, in order to maintain a normal physical and psychological state, it is recommended that men, if possible, lead an orderly, regular sex life.

Every man in his life had periods of sexual abstinence. The absence of a permanent partner, military service, treatment of certain diseases, increased workload - all this and much more causes a temporary lack of full-fledged sexual activity. If periods of forced abstinence last no more than 1 month, they do not threaten men's health. In other cases, the risk of developing the following pathological phenomena increases.

Inflammation of the prostate

Prolonged lack of intimacy is one of the main factors contributing to the development of prostatitis. According to statistics, men who abstain from intercourse for a month or more are 3 times more likely to have inflammation of the prostate compared to their peers who relieve sexual tension 2-3 times a week. In the absence of sexual activity, the process of blood microcirculation in the pelvic area is disrupted, which contributes to the development of congestion. Abstinence leads to the fact that a secret accumulates in the prostate, which should normally go out along with the ejaculate. The liquid stagnant in the gland is a breeding ground for pathogens. In addition, with a long absence of ejaculation, stagnant sperm also enters the prostate. As a result, local immunity weakens, and a pathological process begins in the gland. In this case, all the symptoms of inflammation may appear: burning in the urethra, pain in the perineum, etc.

Decreased potency

Doctors have proven that prolonged sexual abstinence can cause erectile dysfunction. Lack of intimacy for 2-6 months (this period may vary depending on the constitutional features of a man) leads to a decrease in potency and increases the risk of premature ejaculation. After a long abstinence, it is difficult for a man to restore the normal rhythm of sexual life, since the necessary glands eventually cease to function at full strength. With a long absence of erection, the tissues of the penis suffer from a lack of oxygen, and the blood vessels gradually narrow. In the future, this can lead to impotence. Abstinence over the age of 50 is especially dangerous. Lack of intimacy for 3-4 months often leads to complete extinction of sexual function.

Psychological problems

The lack of sexual practice causes a man's lack of confidence in his own abilities, a significant decrease in libido, and in some cases, fear of sexual contact. Up to 70% of the stronger sex, who have gone through a long abstinence, suffer from neurosis. Many men need the help of a sex therapist to solve psychological and psychosomatic problems caused by the lack of a regular intimate life. Most often, such difficulties arise over the age of 40, when it is often also required.

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If you briefly study articles on the topic of abstinence, scattered in abundance on the Internet, you can find out that for a man, abstinence can turn into: harm and benefit, a nervous breakdown and creative upsurge, the birth of healthy offspring and the complete loss of erectile function, good health and terrible diseases . No wonder the medical fraternity is still breaking spears in disputes about this piquant phenomenon! Too ambiguously, it affects the body of the stronger sex.
Abstinence, abstinence, deprivation are all names for the same phenomenon.

Continence, great and terrible

Whether we like it or not, we all fall under the influence of stereotypes accepted in society. Moreover, sometimes we hit so hard that we lose the ability to hear our own needs and replace them with installations received from outside.

Take, for example, sex, which in our days intrusively climbs literally from every iron. The lion's share of advertising is built on it, not a single more or less promoted film can do without it, articles are written about it, TV shows are filmed, discussed on forums ... you can feel desire more often and just as often satisfy this desire. As a result, the very word “abstinence” for a man begins to sound like a synonym for something either miserable or clearly deviant from the norm, and a “simple” duration of several days (or, what good, weeks!) seems to be a serious problem. At the same time, the fact that all people have different temperaments that determine their sexual appetites, as well as many other indicators, is simply discounted.

In a word, before figuring out whether abstinence is harmful for men, it does not hurt to find out additional details: what caused it, how long does it last, how does it proceed?

Nowadays, sex has become the driving force behind everything that can be tied to it.

Types of withdrawal

What is abstinence?

1. Forced or voluntary. In the first case, a person is forced to do without sexual contact by health problems, stress, lack of a sexual partner, or other problems of a personal nature. In the second, a man consciously refuses to have an intimate life - for example, due to religious views or in preparation for a serious competition. (Immediately after sexual intercourse, the level of testosterone in the blood drops, which can negatively affect the performance of the athlete.)

2. Total or partial. Total abstinence means that a man completely lacks not only sexual activity, but also interest in it. The partial is expressed in nocturnal emissions and onanism against the background of the absence of real sexual contacts.

3. Temporary and long-term. Temporary abstinence does not pose a threat to men's health. Rather, it is useful! For example, this is how an organism that has just suffered a serious illness protects itself: it simply sees no reason to spend energy on something that is not a priority at the moment and “turns off” libido. But the consequences of prolonged abstinence for men can become much more serious.

Prolonged abstinence before a difficult fight was practiced by Muhammad Ali

What threatens the lack of intimate life?

Most specialists - sexologists, psychotherapists, urologists - are sure that a long absence of sexual contacts has an extremely negative effect on the health of their patients.

1. What is dangerous for a man for a long time is his negative impact on the psyche. Usually, the representatives of the stronger sex experience sexual hunger much more often than the ladies, and therefore it is more difficult to put up with the inability to satisfy it. If abstinence is forced and overtakes a person with an ardent temperament, it is always followed by outbreaks of irritability, depression and neurosis. And the more time passes, the more heated the situation.

2. Sexual intercourse is not only an excellent prevention of prostatitis, but also an auxiliary means of its treatment. True, we are talking only about stagnant forms of the disease: it is useless to fight with the help of sex with bacteria that have settled in the prostate gland.

3. Long-term abstinence of a man can have irreversible consequences for his erectile function. A couple of months and even a couple of years of "calm" will not cause serious trouble; entering the usual rhythm, the body will gradually restore its functions. But if the waiting period is extended for 5-6 years, a man can expect the complete disappearance of an erection or a significant reduction in the duration of sexual intercourse.

Abstinence for too long deprives sperm of motility

4. It has been scientifically proven that one of the consequences of prolonged abstinence in men is a sharp increase in the amount of sperm. It would seem that this is great news for those who are planning to acquire a couple of cute little ones? It wasn't there! Because simultaneously with the increase in the volume of the ejaculate, its quality decreases, that is, the mobility of spermatozoa. Scientists give such calculations: if a couple living an active sex life spends 5-7 days without sex, the likelihood of conception will increase. If partners do the same, and without that they rarely indulge each other with intimate caresses, it will decrease. Well, the milestone of 8 days or more is not recommended to any of the potential parents.

5. Regular intimate meetings are especially needed for men over 40, for whom it is important to give moderate loads to their cardiovascular system and fight congestion in the body. Of course, sports will also cope with this task, but, you see, sex is much more pleasant. You hardly have to grit your teeth and force yourself to do the necessary “exercises”.

But the appearance of mental illness or sexual perversions has nothing to do with abstinence. The maximum that can threaten a person in this area who, voluntarily or at the behest of circumstances, has taken on a “celibacy dinner” is a shattered nervous system.

You will not go crazy, but you will shake the nerves of yourself and those around you

Benefits of Abstinence

We would seriously err against the truth if we begin to assert that all experts without exception consider abstinence to be evil. There are enough smart and educated people among doctors who look at the situation in a completely different way.

1. Abstinence increases a man's blood. But every sexual intercourse, on the contrary, causes his fall.

2. Sperm contains a lot of useful substances that irrevocably leave the body during intercourse, while abstinence allows it to process and absorb vitamins and minerals almost in full.

3. Unspent sexual energy often results in burst of energy or inspiration. Remember how furiously chopping wood remained without love pleasures Celentano in "The Taming of the Shrew"! True, abstaining from sex in less creative or more ardent men can work exactly the opposite and deprive the poor fellow of the opportunity to think about anything other than his unsatisfied desires.

For example, Isaac Newton preferred to direct his energy towards scientific research.

4. Sex is a serious load on the body, and an orgasm is a kind of shock. First of all, the vessels of the brain and muscles receive a blow, and then the nervous system, immunity and some internal organs. Cases of sudden death due to overexertion during intercourse are not a myth at all, but rather a common phenomenon. Especially among older men.

5. The very idea of ​​the existence of diseases provoked by a lack of sex causes serious controversy in the medical community. Many frankly ridicule her, pointing out that masturbation and promiscuity cause much more serious damage to the body. This opinion is supported by the fact that believing men, refusing intimate relationships during Great Lent, experience neither physical nor psychological discomfort.

We also note that even doctors who preach the benefits of abstinence rarely insist on celibacy. It is quite enough from time to time to pause your personal life for a while, and at other times not to turn your existence into an eternal race for pleasure. By the way, this will reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

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How to take control of the body?

There are times when abstinence is necessary, whether or not you are convinced by the arguments above. You decided to follow the example of Muhammad Ali, preparing for a responsible match. You want to remain faithful to your beloved woman, who has rushed off on a long business trip on business. You simply do not have time to look for a partner because of a rush job at work. How to convince the body to accept the arguments of the mind and bother you less with reminders of your instincts?

1. Actively go in for sports in order to dump excess energy in time.

2. Learn a couple of breathing techniques and meditate to learn how to relax.

3. Try to find an activity that interests you. Inspiredly embodying some idea, men sometimes forget about physical hunger, not to mention sexual hunger.

Video: How abstinence unlocks a person's potential

What abstinence leads a man to, and how to turn it to your advantage, look at the video from Artyom Porublev:

Thus, long-term abstinence in men can equally benefit and harm health. It all depends on the duration of the "sexual hunger strike", the physiological and mental characteristics of the person, as well as the accompanying circumstances. Well, how to use this information, each man decides for himself.