23 weeks pregnant what. Intimacy should be postponed if. Beware of preterm birth

The course of pregnancy at the 23rd week

At 23 weeks pregnant, the expectant mother will need twice as much energy as she needed before. And this does not mean that she will work twice as much, on the contrary, she will visit a pregnant woman twice as often.

If the lack of strength and energy prevents you from feeling good during the day, you should lie down to rest, even if the clock is only in the middle of the day. There is no need to endure and overpower yourself, now it is important to gain new strength, and not feel overwhelmed, tired and lethargic.

Listen carefully to your body. At 23 weeks in the expectant mother may change . Do not ignore your desires, so the child signals what kind of "building materials" in the form of proteins, fats and carbohydrates he needs at this stage.

23 weeks pregnant: in the expectant mother. However, you should not look in the mirror at your rounded figure with horror. The bulk of the gained mass will go away immediately after the birth process, a part is necessary for the body to start breastfeeding. Of course, there is no need to eat for two, as mothers and grandmothers may insist. But starving or adhering to a judgmental diet is harmful not only for the health of the mother, but also for the development of the baby, because in this way he is deprived of the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

What happens at the twenty-third week of pregnancy

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the expectant mother may complain about her arms, legs, and also notice the appearance of spider veins on the skin. Vascular problems are the initial signs of veins, which occurs due to the fact that the outflow of blood from the legs worsens: the growing uterus puts more pressure on the veins of the small pelvis. The appearance of spider veins is a reason to visit a phlebologist.

The baby is 23 weeks old. It weighs from 500 to 560 grams, the size in a sitting position reaches twenty centimeters, and the length of the whole body is thirty centimeters.

What's new?

Our baby is already big. It can be placed in a baby bucket. He is full, satisfied and constantly increasing in weight and size. The baby's face acquires typical family features. He clearly looks like someone else. Maybe for dad? Or for mom? We can see a well-defined nose, brow ridges, pretty ears and a neck.

But now the fetus is gaining more in mass than in size. There is an intense accumulation of fat. On ultrasound, it is clearly seen that the baby has a nice roundness of shapes. You can even determine what color his hair will be. The fluff darkens and takes on the shade of its natural pigment.

The weight of the brain, meanwhile, has increased tenfold and now its mass is 24 grams. The process is in full swing. At the beginning of the third trimester, his weight should reach 100 grams. For you, this means one thing - you need to help the fetus oxygenate the brain. Be more often in the fresh air, do special breathing exercises.

Doctor's advice

To determine the amount of oxygen and its lack, focus on the activity of the fetus. Excessive baby movement is a signal for you! So you need to get ready for a walk.

Internal changes in the fetus


By this time, the entire gastrointestinal system is almost ready for its functions. Of course, the intestines, esophagus, stomach and liver are very tiny in size, but they look the same as in an adult. The intestinal tract is already producing primary feces (mecconia).


Improves the endocrine system. The metabolic process in the baby occurs due to the production of hormones. All development and growth now depend on the internal processes occurring in the body of the fetus.


It already performs the functions of protecting the body. This is, first of all:

  • production of lymphocytes;
  • production of monocytes;
  • quality control of red blood cells for bone marrow production.


Do you know how many breaths the fetus makes in one minute? Don't believe me. About sixty. The baby, thus, trains his lungs. But his lungs will open only after childbirth.

Nervous system

We can already talk about the formation of this system. The baby quickly reacts to all sound and light stimuli. Moreover, he confirms his reactivity with funny facial expressions and movements. Some researchers suggest that the child already has dreams at this time. Why? This conclusion is drawn from the specific eye movements in the studies. After all, the movements of the eyeballs are characteristic of all people during dreams.

What is the dream of the baby?

Perhaps these are echoes of the memories of those sensations that they experienced during the day? Or something different? It is difficult to say, because in his accumulated experience so far only sounds, light, his own various movements and swimming in the amniotic fluid. But this is already a lot!


Note that thumb sucking is now an important and complex process for a baby. Previously, he just put his fingers in, but now he tastes them and studies his tactile sensations. All this is necessary for the development of facial muscles. The muscles must be ready to suck on the mother's breast.

Each appointment with a gynecologist for a future mother is also a mandatory calculation of the height of the uterine fundus. The measurement is in centimeters. This week, the uterus is located 4 centimeters above the navel, from it to the pubic bone - 23 centimeters.

There is no need to worry about your weight. Of course, there are prescribed general parameters based on the woman’s height and gestational age, but all the same, measurement should be approached from the point of view of an individual approach.

Each expectant mother has her own conditions and features of bearing a fetus. The standard is just a kind of paradigm for the average version. Women in different regions of the planet are different in all respects. However, in order not to gain excess body weight, try to control it with a well-chosen diet and sufficient physical activity, including daily long walks.

belly is growing

You notice a daily increase in the volume and weight of your abdomen. You can see how the skin is stretched. This is an inevitable process.

In addition, for many women, the skin becomes excessively dry. The consequences of this are itching and rashes on the abdomen. We hope that for the prevention of stretch marks and for the purpose of moisturizing, you have been actively using special creams for pregnant women for a long time. If not, get it now!

Hair Growth

For some women, the appearance of hair on the abdomen, and sometimes even on the face, back, legs and shoulder area, causes anxiety and even shock. Don't worry about this. This is a temporary phenomenon. All excess vegetation will disappear soon after childbirth, and you will return to normal. Now hairline growth is carried out due to the activity of hormones and increased blood flow. Hair follicles during pregnancy are fed in an enhanced mode.


It is especially annoying in the second trimester. You may even develop a rash from excess sweat. In this case, we recommend that you use antiperspirants, but without alcohol, deodorant creams, pieces of sea salt, and even ordinary vinegar. The active action of all these products is aimed at eliminating unpleasant odors and fighting bacteria.

Note. You can also use baby powder to relieve irritation. It is safe and suitable for all pregnant women.


The amount of blood in the total volume of circulation continues to increase. Plasma plays an important role in this respect. But the risk of anemia also increases. You need constant medical supervision.

Signs of pathology:

  • weakness;
  • dyspnea;
  • dizziness.

In the event of such symptoms, consult a doctor for effective help.

For you during this period, sudden movements and fast walking are contraindicated. You may experience discomfort in the lower abdomen due to stretching of the ligaments that support the uterus. Pain on the sides of the lower abdomen is typical for most pregnant women. To avoid them, we advise you to learn the smoothness and slowness of movements. Take a course of muscle relaxation exercises in a group for expectant mothers in the second trimester.

Remember that your body has begun to prepare for childbirth and therefore trains all its systems and organs. In the uterus, these processes also occur. You may sometimes feel some kind of contractions, manifested in spasms and pain. Put your hand to your stomach at this time - the sensations will intensify. This is fine. That's the way it should be. However, your doctor should be aware of this phenomenon. Go see him for a consultation.

Also pay attention to the tension in the uterus that sometimes appears. This is usually a reaction to your sudden movements, coughing, incorrect body position, climbing stairs, or baby activity.

What to do with uterine tone? Advised by a gynecologist

To relax the uterus, straighten up, adjust your breathing, take a position of the body in which there will be enough space for the stomach. Remove tight clothing. If such procedures help you, then this is enough. But if the tension of the uterus bothers you with frequent frequency, seek help from a gynecologist. Most likely, you will need a small course of special drugs to relax the muscles of the smooth muscles.

What to do when contractions occur?

Training contractions can be quite uncomfortable. To relax, we recommend that you simply lie down on the couch in the “on your side” position and wait for the contractions to end.

The regularity and soreness of such manifestations, with the addition of symptoms such as trembling and fever in a woman, is the reason for an immediate visit to a doctor for diagnosis and immediate action. It is necessary to exclude the possibility of premature birth.

Sex organs

Watch for secretions from the genital tract. Your vaginal flora during the second trimester is especially vulnerable to unwanted bacteria. Moderation and uniformity of discharge in the presence of a sour smell are signs of a properly proceeding pregnancy.

Note. Changes in the microflora should be a signal for you that painful processes are taking place in the genitals. If the smell, color and composition of the discharge has changed, consult a doctor immediately.


The increased mass of the abdomen inevitably changes the center of gravity, and hence the posture of a pregnant woman. When walking, this is manifested in the fact that she pulls her shoulders back, and her stomach forward. Such walking is called "duck".


By this time, cramps in the muscles of the legs also appear. Be prepared for this, especially at night. The appearance of such symptoms reminds you that it is time to replenish your body with calcium, magnesium and vitamin E.

You may be prescribed vitamin complexes to stop cramps and relax muscles. It is an integral part of the second trimester of pregnancy for almost all women. The lack of vitamins and microelements is often impossible to overcome without special dietary supplements.

You don't have to complain just yet. You feel all the internal movements of the fetus, which still has a spatial reserve for somersaults and various movements. But when the child reaches the limit of growth, then he will be limited in movement. His movements within you will become more noticeable and painful for you.

Average movement scale

During the day, mom should feel about ten movements in her stomach. This is the mean figure. The number of movements may decrease or increase, depending on how active your life is on that particular day. A toddler, for example, may force you to change position with jerks due to the fact that he is already tired of your lying position on the couch. And during the walk, on the contrary, it will calm down and sleep. Over time, any pregnant woman will learn to be sensitive to all such changes in the activity of her baby. She herself will know when everything is in order, and when to worry.

Are you distracted and forgetful? Do not be surprised if you cannot solve even the simplest life task, forget words, names and cannot add a few numbers together.

Such phenomena are especially disturbing for those expectant mothers who continue to work or engage in business activities. It seems to them that their active business life and reputation suffer significantly from this.

Priorities. Psychologist tells

Our advice is to prioritize! You are now, first of all, the "bearer" of a new life in yourself. You depend not only on external conditions and predestinations, but also on internal natural processes. This is what now orients your physical and nervous activity in the right direction. This fact should reassure you and direct all your forces to where it is needed.

Understand that now your brain is focused on ensuring that your baby is safe and comfortable inside you, so that he has enough vitamins and minerals for the development, and his mother does not waste extra energy on secondary things. Your main and only goal is to endure and give birth to a healthy and happy toddler.

Sleep as much as you want. Listen to your body. He knows best what he needs most now. To do this, organize the daily routine in such a way that at any moment you can lie down and relax. The approximate time for sleep per night is from eight to ten hours.

You may need periodic blood pressure measurements, urine and blood tests. Have you had an ultrasound screening yet? Then hurry up to see a specialist. You need to record for control the weight and size of the fetus, the dynamics of the structure of its body and internal organs, compliance with accepted standards of development. The gender of the baby and the exact gestational age will also be determined for you.

Sometimes, among other things, a pregnant woman is prescribed a Doppler study of uteroplacental blood flow.

The problem of citrus fruits. Pros and cons

Many pregnant women prefer not to eat oranges, lemons, grapefruits due to the fact that their child may develop diathesis.

Let's hasten to dispel such ridiculous notions. Diathesis threatens your child only if you absorb them for dozens of a month or two after childbirth. Nuts, peaches, cherries, strawberries, chocolate, etc. can also be attributed to such allergenic products. But for the manifestation of allergies in children, there must be a certain genetic predisposition or at least impaired immune defense. This is possible with a sudden change in power, for example.

So, for example, in the future you will need to be careful when transferring the baby to an artificial diet. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child to a new type of food in order to protect him from possible allergic problems.

For breastfeeding mothers, the so-called hypoallergenic diet is prescribed (at least three months). This is the gradual introduction of various foods into the diet in order to detect allergic reactions.

The main rule regarding the choice of food for the entire period of pregnancy and after it is moderation and reasonableness. Mom should not deny herself anything! Limited only in quantity. Do you want an orange? Please, but ten, but one.

Dad got tired of waiting

Your husband by this time is already showing noticeable fatigue. He increasingly says that you see nothing but your pregnancy. You will have to make every effort and explain to him that this is far from the case. That it is for him that you carry your child and in general - he is a torch for you and the goal of your whole life at the same time. Believe me, he will really like the conversation in this vein.

Husband's Responsibility

It increases exponentially as you get pregnant. It should control for you:

  • diet;
  • time and quality of walks;
  • level of physical activity;
  • medication.

The husband needs to convey in all clarity the simple idea that the observance of all the above points lies entirely on the conscience of the father of the unborn child.

All the hard work around the house should be taken over by your husband. But for such a difficult task, the husband will have to be led through thorns and through lengthy complex negotiations. When determining his new duties, lay the main emphasis on the specifics of logical constructions, and not on abstract moaning about your difficult fate.

It is best if you simply and clearly tell your husband point by point what he needs to do today, and not tomorrow, so that everyone is happy.

In every man there is not only a husband, but also a caring father. He will be happy to show diligence in this role, which you quietly offer him. The husband will enthusiastically take care of you, run to the grocery store, make sure that you do not overcool in the fresh air. He will no longer need to be persuaded to walk through the park. He himself will be the first to offer you such a necessary walk.

In general, try to captivate your husband with a new role so that the whole mechanism of family relations is already working without your intervention. You will be very surprised when the father of the unborn child approaches you with the look of a teacher and sympathetically asks if you took vitamins today, if you need to cook scrambled eggs, or when you would like to be ready for the evening promenade.

But what if the husband is too carried away by such a role?

In this case, you have a trump card - your gynecologist, who will explain to your husband what he needs for the new conditions and in the light of medical decisions to agree to reduce stress and soften the regime for himself and his beloved wife. Believe me, after talking with the doctor, he will follow fresh instructions with renewed vigor.

The main postulate in this case will be the precious health of his wife and unborn child.

Read all about diabetes during pregnancy and the problems of tests. Also ask your doctor all the necessary information about the threat of miscarriage during pregnancy.

Review all aspects of nutrition, taking into account the new conditions. Do you have enough? What products should be added to the consumption list?

Buy comfortable sandals, shoes or boots on a low platform, chest cream, belly and legs.

Listen to more relaxing music.

Make sure you have maternity seat belts in your car.

Have you already purchased tights for the prevention of varicose veins? Don't delay your purchase. It's about your health. Perhaps you also need a prenatal bandage? Ask your doctor about this.

We hope that you have already bought underwear and clothes for pregnant women. Then you just have to opt for a new pillow for a healthy sleep.

But with the purchase of a feeding bottle and pacifiers, you can not rush. Better tune in to long-term breastfeeding, which is much more beneficial for your future baby.

Be healthy!

We try to provide the most relevant and useful information for you and your health. The materials posted on this page are for informational purposes and are intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your doctor! We are not responsible for possible negative consequences resulting from the use of information posted on the website.

At week 23, the second trimester of pregnancy comes to an end. The fetus at the twenty-third week of pregnancy already has a unique daily routine, and the woman continues a calm and favorable period of gestation. You should not limit yourself in movement, on the contrary, go to the park as often as possible, do exercises, refuse the elevator (in the absence of contraindications from the doctor). From now on, the expectant mother will have to visit the gynecologist every two weeks.

What happens at 23 weeks pregnant?

The end of the second trimester of pregnancy takes place for a woman in a favorable environment. The tummy still does not interfere, the hormonal background has stabilized, the hair is shiny, the skin looks more radiant and healthy than ever, the mood is excellent. But the increased load on the body in the form of an additional volume of blood and the weight of the uterus itself causes increased swelling of the legs. At this time, a woman is already advised to give up high heels and wear loose, spacious clothes.


What happens at the twenty-third week of pregnancy in the female body? By the twenty-third week of pregnancy, the uterus increases even more and rises two fingers above the level of the navel. The abdomen moves forward significantly, due to an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid.

The weight of the expectant mother by this time becomes 6-7 kg more, but obese women, on average, gain 3-3.5 kg by the second trimester. The weekly increase should not exceed 300 g, so it is important for a woman to monitor her diet, avoiding overeating - this can adversely affect the development of the fetus after the 23rd week of pregnancy.

At this time, some expectant mothers may already have false contractions - Braxton Hicks contractions. They can occur spontaneously, but they do not bring discomfort to the pregnant woman. These contractions are the preparation of the body and uterus for the upcoming birth.

A growing tummy shifts the center of gravity, which is why the expectant mother changes her gait, becoming more clumsy. The softening of the joints and ligaments also contributes to this.


A child during the 23rd week of pregnancy already has its own regime, which most often coincides with the mother's daily routine. He develops a certain mode of rest and activity, which a woman can already clearly feel. The fetus during the 23rd week of pregnancy becomes stronger every day, so its movements become more pronounced.

At the twenty-third week, a woman may experience pain in the sacrum and womb, but if they are not strong and do not cause significant discomfort, you should not worry. They are caused by the expansion of the pelvic bones and active stretching of the walls of the uterus and ligamentous apparatus.

Another symptom of this period of pregnancy is heaviness in the legs. It occurs as a result of a sprain, so to alleviate this condition, wear shoes with orthopedic insoles, relax your legs and feet with foot baths and massage, and walk less.


Allocations throughout the entire period of pregnancy can change as a result of constant hormonal changes in the female body. The norm for the expectant mother is clear, yellow and white vaginal discharge, but they should have a uniform consistency and a mild odor.

An admixture of blood in the discharge may indicate placental abruption or premature birth, so when it appears, the expectant mother should urgently contact a gynecologist.


Ultrasound is usually not performed at this time, but since ultrasound is absolutely safe and does not affect the development of the fetus at 23 weeks of gestation, the expectant mother can do it at will for preventive purposes. At the twenty-third week, the doctor may be more likely to diagnose the presence or absence of pathologies.

The doctor during an ultrasound scan evaluates the development of the fetus at the twenty-third week of pregnancy:

  • growth and size of the fetus;
  • place of attachment of the placenta;
  • motor activity of the fetus;
  • the work of internal organs and the heart;
  • condition of the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid.

What happens at 23 weeks of gestation to the fetus?

A child at 23 weeks of gestation continues to grow and develop actively. Its height is already about 20 cm, and its weight reaches 450 g. In size, it looks like a medium-sized eggplant. By the end of the second trimester, the child is actively increasing his weight, while the increase in growth becomes less. He will grow up at a later date.

Such changes are due to the active growth of subcutaneous fat. But in appearance, the fetus at the 23rd week of pregnancy still looks very wrinkled and red. This is due to the fact that the epidermal cells are actively developing, and the baby does not keep up with such a pace.

Pigment accumulates in the dermis itself, so it becomes no longer so transparent. Gradually develops the bone system and muscle tissue. After the 23rd week of pregnancy, the fetus already has practically formed nail plates on the fingers. The fluff on the head gradually begins to darken, acquiring its natural color.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the development of the fetus becomes more pronounced. The pancreas begins to work in the child, which is responsible for the production of a number of important hormones. One of them is insulin, which is responsible for metabolic processes in the body and the processing of glucose. If a woman has diabetes mellitus, then without appropriate treatment, the child may experience a malfunction in this organ.

According to research by experts, at 23 weeks of gestation, the baby already has a REM sleep phase and can dream. During pregnancy, the fetus sleeps most of the time, the periods of its wakefulness are about 2-4 hours a day. A child at the twenty-third week of pregnancy hears well, he can wake up from external noise or loud sounds.


One of the dangerous threats at the twenty-third week is uterine hypertonicity, which may be due to its active growth and stretching of the walls. Increased tone is manifested by "petrification" of the abdomen and a feeling of heaviness, which can lead to a threatened miscarriage and premature birth.

When strong contractions appear, it is important to immediately contact a gynecologist, as well as avoid overexertion, intense physical exertion and long walks. If necessary, the specialist may offer to continue treatment in a hospital under the constant supervision of doctors.

Other dangerous issues of this period include:

  • diabetes mellitus in pregnancy;
  • phlebeurysm.

To prevent possible complications, it is recommended that a woman avoid visiting public places with large crowds of people, since any infection, acute respiratory infections, and especially influenza, transferred during this period, can affect the development of some organs and systems.


Nutrition at this time should be balanced, high in protein, calcium and iron. It is important to limit your salt intake as it leads to leg swelling. Instead of fruit juices, it is better to drink pure non-carbonated water, compotes and fruit drinks. Tea and coffee should be discarded, as they tone up the body too much. To avoid heartburn, constipation and hemorrhoids, you do not need to eat fried, spicy, sweet and smoked foods. It is recommended to give preference to cereals, whole grain bread, boiled fish, beef.

The physical activity of the expectant mother should be limited. It is not recommended to make sudden movements and engage in intense sports, but gymnastics, fitness or yoga for pregnant women are very useful.

Intimacy at this stage of pregnancy is not prohibited, since the child is protected by the fetal bladder and amniotic fluid. It should be abandoned by women bearing twins, and in the presence of pathology of placenta previa. Changing the sexual partner can lead to the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the vagina, which is dangerous for the development of the fetus.

To relieve pain in the back, the expectant mother should wear an elastic bandage, which can be combined with panties or in the form of a belt.

The skin of the expectant mother during this period is especially sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, any sunburn can cause increased pigmentation. Therefore, women with sensitive skin should not be exposed to the sun for a long time.

With frequent urination, it is not recommended to drink a lot of fluid at night. Also, you should not endure for a long time when the urge appears. The toilet can be visited at intervals of 3-4 hours. However, if you experience pain during urination, you should immediately consult a doctor.

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The 23rd week of pregnancy is the sixth obstetric month. If you look at, then 155-161 days have passed since conception. The figure of the expectant mother is noticeably rounded, the weight gain is 5-6.5 kilograms. The second trimester of pregnancy continues.

Fetal development at 23 weeks gestation

What happens to the baby at 23 weeks pregnant? The development and size of the fetus by this time are as follows: the weight of the child at the 23rd week of pregnancy is about 500 grams, and the height is about 30 centimeters. All future mothers at this time already clearly feel the movements of the crumbs and hiccups in the form of rhythmic shudders. The fetus still has enough free space, but some movements may already cause discomfort. You can feel where the child's elbows and heels are.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the fatty layer of the fetus is actively formed. At the same time, the child is still red and wrinkled. This is due to the fact that the skin is formed faster than sufficient fat deposits are produced. The redness of the skin is associated with the accumulation of pigments in it.

  1. The baby becomes more and more active and constantly grabs the umbilical cord. So he plays with her. A lot of the time the baby is still sleeping.
  2. The digestive system of a child at the 23rd week of pregnancy is already quite developed and he swallows up to half a liter of amniotic fluid per day. Together with the amniotic fluid, particles of the epidermis, protective lubricant and hair enter the baby's stomach. Swallowed amniotic fluid is excreted in the urine, and all impurities accumulate in the intestines of the fetus. Such a substance is called meconium or original feces, which the child releases already born.
  3. When swallowing amniotic fluid, the baby also trains the respiratory system. They make about 60 breath-like movements per minute. Sometimes they are accompanied by hiccups.
  4. The pancreas continues to improve and produce insulin. The spleen, which creates blood cells, is also included in the work. The genital organs of the fetus are differentiated into male and female, and parents can find out the sex of the unborn child on ultrasound.
  5. At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby's brain is also actively functioning. He can even dream. During the last 3 months of pregnancy, the child's brain has increased tenfold. For its proper development, the expectant mother must prevent the fetus from experiencing oxygen starvation. To do this, avoid stressful situations and walk more in the fresh air.
  6. The eyes of the crumbs open completely, he distinguishes between light and darkness, and also reacts to them. The baby hears well and recognizes all kinds of sounds. Its activity increases with loud noise and decreases with gentle talking or stroking the abdomen.
  7. Vellus hair or lanugo crumbs darken, and the nails become stronger and grow, I already reach the edge of the nail bed.

Ultrasound and tests at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, a doctor may prescribe an ultrasound examination of the fetus. It cannot be ignored in the same way as scheduled examinations by a gynecologist. The process is safe for both the mother and the fetus, and allows timely diagnosis of pregnancy complications and anomalies in the development of the baby. The following indicators are evaluated on ultrasound:

  • fetal development;
  • sizes corresponding to the gestational age;
  • physical activity;
  • the number of heartbeats;
  • gender of the baby;
  • the size and condition of the uterus;
  • location of the placenta.

At this time, the placenta can be located low, but up to 8 months it is still able to rise due to an increase in the uterus.

In addition to ultrasound at the 23rd week of pregnancy, a woman may be prescribed tests. During this period, a blood test for glucose levels is of great importance. It can indicate the possibility of overweight in the baby. With an elevated sugar level, a pregnant woman is put on a diet, and special treatment may be prescribed.

Another cause for concern is the presence of salts and protein in the urine at 23 weeks of gestation. This may be due to the exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary system, which can harm the fetus. HCG and progesterone levels can also be measured.

Throughout pregnancy, the hemoglobin index is monitored. Anemia is often diagnosed in pregnant women and refers to a rather unfavorable prognosis.

Ultrasound photo at 23 weeks pregnant

The well-being of the future mother at the 23rd week of pregnancy

What happens to mom at 23 weeks pregnant? The 23rd week of pregnancy is a favorable period for almost all expectant mothers. The woman feels good and enjoys her position. The uterus continues to grow and is already 3.75 centimeters above the navel. Accordingly, the placenta and the amount of amniotic fluid increase. Because of this, the weight of the pregnant woman also increases.

The skin of the nipples and the line in the lower abdomen darken, which is associated with a change in the level of hormones in the body. Also, pigmentation can appear after exposure to the sun, so you should try to exclude such exposure. Such spots disappear on their own after the birth of the child.

Due to the activity of the baby, a woman may feel a pulling pain in the lower abdomen at the 23rd week of pregnancy, as he often changes his position. Also, pain can be provoked by the uterus due to the tension of its ligaments. They pass on their own with a change in body position, while the uterus remains relaxed. The bones of the pelvis diverge, so the gait of a pregnant woman may change, as well as pain in the symphysis area.

Photo of the abdomen at 23 weeks pregnant

Another expectant mother is faced with calf cramps. They are associated, as a rule, with a lack of calcium in the body of a woman. To increase its content will help taking calcium supplements, as well as eating cottage cheese.

The 23rd week of pregnancy is characterized by pain in the back and lumbar region. These pains are a consequence of the growth of the uterus and the increasing load on the spine. To reduce pain, you need to use a prenatal bandage. It is also important to keep good posture and choose comfortable shoes.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, varicose veins may appear. This is due to the fact that due to the action of hormones, the venous wall relaxes, and the uterus squeezes the veins of the small pelvis, thereby disrupting the outflow of blood. There is also heaviness in the legs, which is associated with weight gain and sprains. To avoid congestion in the legs, you need to move more and not spend a lot of time in a sitting position.

Together with constipation at the 23rd week of pregnancy, such an unpleasant disease as can appear. Its symptoms are bleeding, pain in the rectum and prolapsed nodes. Self-medication in this case is very dangerous.

Rest on your side several times during the day will help reduce the load on the veins in the pelvic region.

A woman at 23 weeks pregnant may suffer from nausea. This is due to the fact that the uterus, due to its enlargement, compresses the bile ducts, which interferes with the process of digestion. To alleviate the condition will help the adoption of the knee-elbow position. This pose is also beneficial for the kidneys, as it improves the outflow of urine. An enlarged abdomen also leads to heartburn. Soda is not the best helper here, as it will only increase the burning sensation.

Before going to bed, it is better not to drink a lot of fluids, because due to the growth of the uterus, the load on the bladder increases, which leads to frequent urination. Drink enough throughout the day.

At 23 weeks of gestation, edema may appear, which is normal, as the placenta needs additional fluid. If puffiness greatly worries a woman, then she should try to reduce salt intake as much as possible.

The elasticity of the skin decreases, dryness, peeling and stretch marks appear. Because of this, you should use moisturizing cosmetics and creams or lotions for stretch marks daily. It is also good to soften the skin with olive oil.

Discharge at 23 weeks pregnant

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, transparent discharge of a homogeneous consistency without an unpleasant odor is considered normal. At the same time, the main thing is not to confuse them with the leakage of amniotic fluid. The pharmacy sells special tests that help determine this. In case of water leakage, you should immediately seek the help of a doctor.

Also, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary if there is a discharge of a yellow or greenish tint, with pieces of mucus or the presence of blood, curdled and bubbling, as well as with an unpleasant odor. This may indicate the occurrence or exacerbation of an infectious disease.

Their treatment should be carried out as early as possible, since pathogens can infect the fetus in utero or when passing through the birth canal. Often these diseases are accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the genital organs, painful urination and fever.

The risk of miscarriage in the second trimester is significantly reduced, so the discharge with the presence of blood is not so terrible. They occur with erosion of the cervix after intercourse or examination by a gynecologist. There are no signs of increased uterine tone.


A photo at the 23rd week of pregnancy shows us the growth of the abdomen in pregnant women, as a result of which the skin stretches, dryness appears, sometimes a rash and itching. It is recommended to lubricate the stomach with a special cream for stretch marks.

At the 23rd week of pregnancy, the size of the belly of pregnant women may be different for the same period.

An ultrasound at 23 weeks of pregnancy shows the location of the uterus, which presses on the internal organs. In this case, the placenta increases in size and the amount of amniotic fluid increases.

Be vigilant - if your underwear gets wet, tell your doctor.
At the 23rd week of pregnancy, there are uterine contractions in the form of tingling in the abdomen. These are training contractions before childbirth. . The pain usually goes away after a short rest.

Throughout pregnancy, the body's need for fluid increases. Preference should be given to ordinary water, fresh compotes, exclude carbonated drinks, canned juices.

Eat less salt at 23 weeks of pregnancy, the excess of which in the body leads to edema.


Movements at the 23rd week of pregnancy are already well felt. The child can be activated during the rest of the pregnant woman.

During this period, the breast continues to grow, the areola of the nipple darkens, and colostrum may appear.

Weight at 23 weeks of pregnancy reaches 7 kg. From that moment on, the baby in the womb will begin to gain significant weight.

How many months from 23 weeks pregnant will your baby gain fat. It is still shriveled and red, as fat deposits form later. The skin of a child during this period is red due to an excess of pigments. The fetus is gradually activated . During fetal endoscopy, you can observe how the child grabs the umbilical cord and pushes. His movements at the 23rd week of pregnancy are still soft. The length of the fetus at the 16th week is about 20 cm, the weight of the child at the 23rd week of pregnancy reaches 450g.

The child swallows the fluid around him and excretes it in the form of urine. The child's nails are already formed, a dark fluff covers the body. The baby can suck his thumb.

Fetal growth slows down, but weight increases. Eyebrows, ears, nose, neck are already clearly visible.

How many months at the 23rd week of pregnancy will be determined by the obstetric calendar, where a month is exactly four weeks. For 5 obstetric months and three weeks, the rate of additional weight considered up to 7 kg.


Insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus causes hypoxia. At different stages of pregnancy, the lack of oxygen has different negative consequences. During the first months of pregnancy hypoxia can cause developmental abnormalities. In the later stages of pregnancy in a fetus suffering from hypoxia, the central nervous system is affected, growth retardation occurs.

Ultrasound shows the growth retardation of the fetus, which is experiencing oxygen starvation. Doppler examination shows poor blood flow in the placenta, weak heartbeat.

A slight lack of oxygen does not affect the health of the child. Serious fetal hypoxia leads to irreversible serious consequences.

Hypoxia during childbirth is dangerous. Every child at birth experiences normal moderate hypoxia.

Hypoxia with complete blockage of oxygen supply is called asphyxia. Such strangulation can occur as a result of cord entanglement, premature detachment of the placenta and other factors.

There are different causes of fetal hypoxia. Low hemoglobin in the mother, bronchitis, lung disease, kidney disease, diabetes, smoking - all this can cause insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus. Intrauterine infections, malformations, placental insufficiency also cause hypoxia. During childbirth, the cause of a lack of oxygen can be multiple births, prolapse of the umbilical cord, premature detachment of the placenta.


Sometimes in women, the fetus is in a breech presentation. The fetus can change its position several times a day. And by the 22-24th week of pregnancy, it is usually set head down.

Breech presentation of the child can be determined using ultrasound, vaginal examination and external examination.

There are many different reasons for this position of the fetus:

Obstacles at the entrance to the small pelvis (narrowed pelvis, uterine fibroids, large head of the baby, low placenta, etc.).

The activity of the baby due to polyhydramnios or abnormal development of the head, prematurity, fetal growth retardation.

Restriction of mobility due to the structure of the uterus, cord entanglement, oligohydramnios.

Hypertonicity of the uterus of the lower segment and hypotonicity of the upper segment, due to inflammatory processes after repeated curettage, complicated childbirth.

The diagnosis can be clarified by examining the vagina, on ultrasound.

With a breech presentation of the fetus, pregnancy proceeds in the same way as with a head presentation. From 32 weeks, this situation can be corrected with the help of certain exercises. It is recommended that the pregnant woman turn from one side to the other, and lie in this position for up to 10 minutes. Results appear already on the 7th day in the absence of aggravating circumstances. If by the 37th and 38th weeks of pregnancy the baby has not changed position, then the birth will take place in the breech presentation. pregnant woman with fetus , in breech presentation, is subject to hospitalization a few weeks before the expected birth.

The purpose of hospitalization is to develop a plan for childbirth, to identify pathology.


Currently, uterine fibroids are common during pregnancy. This is due to the later terms of delivery, as well as the use of modern diagnostic methods.

Uterine fibroids appear as a result of active division of uterine cells, the causes of which have not been clarified by science. However, it has been found that this is due to hormonal stimulation and depends on increased estrogen secretion.

It is believed that fibroids begin to grow during pregnancy. However, some believe that this is only an apparent growth associated with an increase in the uterus. Especially an increase in fibroids is observed in the first and second trimester. In most cases, uterine fibroids do not grow during pregnancy and rarely complicate pregnancy.

During pregnancy, degeneration of the uterus is more common. This phenomenon can occur at any stage of pregnancy. as well as in the postpartum period.

The following signs of fibroid degeneration are distinguished:

- uterine hypertonicity;


Pain in the area of ​​the myomatous node;

Increased white blood cell count;

Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

The final diagnosis can be made after ultrasound. This condition usually lasts for several weeks. At this time, the pregnant woman is recommended to drink analgesics and observe bed rest. With the appearance of pain in the abdomen and active contraction of the uterus, the pregnant woman is hospitalized and continues treatment in the hospital.

Non-surgical treatment of fibroids consists in inhibition of tumor growth. The growth and development of fibroids is often facilitated by a lack of iron in the blood. That is why it is recommended that pregnant women regularly undergo examinations and donate blood.


The size of the fetus from the crown to the tailbone (KTR) allows you to determine the gestational age by weeks. This method is universal and suitable for everyone, regardless of race, gender of the fetus. In case of violation of the menstrual cycle, the gestational age by weeks is determined based on the CTE of the fetus. Under normal menstruation cycle the data of the ultrasound examination are compared with the period that corresponds to the period established from the first day of the last menstruation.

The coccyx-parietal size of the fetus is determined at the moment of greatest extension. This measurement takes place during sagittal scanning.

Measuring the KTR of the fetus during pregnancy by weeks helps to identify the exact period in the first trimester. This is the most accurate indicator of the period, the error of which can be no more than 3 days.

Ultrasound at 10-12 weeks shows the development of the fetus, the sex of the child, specifies the gestational age.

Why is it necessary to carry out weekly KTR of the fetus? This helps to detect deviations in fetal development in time.

Already from the 5th week of pregnancy, you can monitor the fetal heartbeat, from 8 weeks - the activity of the fetus.

It is recommended to measure the CTE of the fetus at 11 weeks of gestation, since at this time early pathologies can be detected and many issues can be resolved. Only a doctor can correctly decipher the ultrasound results, so you should not draw independent conclusions.


During pregnancy, you need to monitor weight gain week by week. In the first few months, a pregnant woman usually does not get better. Body weight increases in the second half of pregnancy . Intense weight gain can mean health problems.

Doctors recommend for the entire pregnancy to gain no more than 12 kg. Starting from 30 weeks, a pregnant woman gains weight weekly by 300 g or no more than 2 kg. per month. To determine acceptable weight gain by week during pregnancy, doctors use a special table.

Reasons for weight gain during pregnancy:


Weight before pregnancy;

Early toxicosis;

Individual features of the constitution;

fruit size;

A good appetite.

At birth, a baby weighs an average of 3 kg. Where do the rest of the pounds go? Do not forget that the uterus weighs 900g, the amniotic fluid weighs the same, the afterbirth reaches 400g, adipose tissue - 2200g, milk flow to the breast - 500g, tissue fluid - 2700g.

Weight during pregnancy it is recommended to measure by weeks. Excess weight can depend on the individual characteristics of the body, and can also mean a deviation from the norm, requiring the intervention of doctors.