Hair removal during pregnancy: safety and possible risks. Is it possible for pregnant women to do hair removal

Women during pregnancy really want not to lose their beauty and look well-groomed and sexy. Especially for some ladies in this interesting position under the influence of hormones, the growth and density of hair on the body increase. Therefore, the question of the possibility of hair removal or depilation is of particular interest and even worries many pregnant women. In this situation, it is important to choose a way of caring for the body that will not harm health. future mother and baby.

Features of the epilation method

Epilation is a procedure for removing hair from the human body, the principle of which is to destroy the hair follicle and extract the hair from the root.

Types of hair removal

In cosmetology, there are several types of hair removal:

All types of epilation are carried out by specialists in beauty salons. For getting stable result it is necessary to take a course consisting of several sessions (their number is determined individually for each). The final cost of such procedures is quite high. The peculiarity of hair removal by epilation is that only a part of the follicles are simultaneously in the phase active growth, the rest "sleep" and become active only after 2-3 weeks. The result of this is new hairs, which are removed with each subsequent session.

Today, the cosmetic industry, in addition to professional equipment, also offers home appliances for self-hair removal.

Video: how Elos hair removal works in the salon

Contraindications and possible consequences for pregnant women

Pregnancy for each woman proceeds individually, so give general recommendations about epilation is quite difficult. In some pregnant women, under the influence of hormonal disruptions, the pain threshold may change, in others, an allergy may appear that has never been before. Also, sometimes there is excessive hair growth throughout the body, or, conversely, they practically stop growing.

Contraindications for hair removal during pregnancy are:

The question of epilation of the abdomen is purely individual. If the pregnancy goes well, the epilation procedure is carried out with a high-quality anesthetic, then the woman can epilate the abdominal area. The exception is the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, for a period of less than 14 weeks, the procedure is prohibited.

It is not so easy to predict the possible negative consequences for the body of a pregnant woman, but the following are most common:

  • increased pain can trigger uterine contractions, which is especially dangerous in the first trimester, as miscarriage can occur. In the second trimester, the risk remains, but its degree decreases; in the third trimester, the risk of miscarriage turns into the likelihood of preterm birth;
  • if sanitary rules are violated, there is a possibility of infection, especially for electrolysis. In pregnant women, immunity is weakened, and an ordinary infection can lead to great complications;
  • epilation of the legs with a tendency to varicose veins and its initial signs can provoke the development and exacerbation of this disease;
  • the body of a pregnant woman is especially susceptible to allergic reactions that may appear from compounds applied to the skin during epilation, even if the body tolerated them well before pregnancy.

Pregnant women have a weakened immune system, so the likelihood of allergic rashes after epilation increases

In any case, you should consult with your gynecologist about hair removal. Many experts agree that if hair removal was carried out before pregnancy and was tolerated without complications, then it is not contraindicated during gestation.

Features of the depilation method

Depilation is a procedure for removing the visible part of the hair on the surface of the skin, when its follicle remains intact.

Types of depilation

To date, there are the following types depilation:

  • shaving: performed by a machine using cream or foam;
  • plucking: done with tweezers, with each hair individually picked up and pulled out;
  • depilation with wax (waxing): it consists in applying a wax composition to the skin, which, after hardening, is removed with a sharp movement along with adhering hairs; the wax used can be hot, warm or cold;
  • sugaring: according to the principle of action, it is similar to waxing, only a special sugar paste is used instead of wax;
  • hair removal with a depilatory cream: a special composition helps to weaken the hair at the base and subsequent hair loss. The cream (or gel) may be fast-acting or long-acting depending on the time it is applied to the skin.

Video: is it possible to do shugaring during pregnancy

Contraindications and negative consequences for pregnant women

All types of depilation, except for shaving, are painful, so pregnant women should approach their choice with caution. However, pregnancy in itself is not a contraindication to the implementation of this procedure.

Depilation during pregnancy is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • with individual intolerance or allergy to cosmetical tools used in the hair removal process;
  • if there is a threat of gestation;
  • in the presence of rashes, irritation, abrasions on the skin;
  • during acute colds, at high temperature;
  • if the herpetic infection has become aggravated;
  • with mental illness, diabetes, oncology, blood diseases.

Probability undesirable consequences from depilation during pregnancy increases due to a weakened immune response and unstable hormonal background which is especially true for the first trimester. When carrying out the procedure at home, the risk of complications from incorrect actions increases significantly.

Possible side effects and consequences of depilation:

  • infection through an accidental cut of the skin with a blade when shaving;
  • nausea, dizziness from inhaling strong odors, for example, from depilatory creams;
  • allergic rashes;
  • exacerbation of varicose veins when removing hair on the legs, for example, with wax;
  • pigmentation, bruising (bruises), skin burns (the latter concerns the hot wax depilation procedure).

During pregnancy, the risk of injuring the skin during depilation increases, for example, getting burns

Ways to remove unwanted hair during pregnancy

Women who have no contraindications and have already used depilation or epilation before pregnancy can safely carry out this procedure. Each method of hair removal has advantages and disadvantages to a greater or lesser extent.

Pregnant women are allowed the following ways to remove excess vegetation:

  • laser hair removal: the procedure is painless and carries a minimal risk of skin injury, and hence infection. This is especially important for pregnant women because they the immune system weakened and any wounds heal for a long time. The disadvantage of hair removal in this way is the overdrying of the skin, since the laser beam also affects sebaceous gland hair. It seems to glue it together, resulting in a violation of the water balance of the epidermis, and the skin of pregnant women is often prone to dryness, especially in the abdomen;
    Laser hair removal is allowed for pregnant women and is suitable for hair removal on any part of the body.
  • photoepilation: this modern technique characterized by minimal pain and lack of contact with the skin, which is important for pregnant women. The disadvantage of the procedure is that it has not been sufficiently tested on pregnant women due to its novelty. Due to lack of data on possible harm or the benefits for the body of women in anticipation of a child, it is better not to take risks and not resort to photoepilation;
    The device for photoepilation is adjusted individually for each patient, which allows to reduce the power of its radiation for pregnant women
  • elos epilation: an innovative technique takes place with a preliminary application of a conductor gel to the skin. Pregnant women have an increased risk of allergies, including to this gel. Since the device affects the hair with broadband light and bipolar current, the effectiveness of the procedure increases, and the possibility of getting burned decreases, which is especially important for women in position. But the cost of elos hair removal services in salons is quite high;
    Elos hair removal is considered the safest and at the same time effective methodology removal unwanted hair
  • shaving: this is the easiest and painless way of depilation for pregnant women. Its advantage is that the procedure can be easily and quickly carried out at home, but on last dates shaving is uncomfortable big belly. But this method is allowed at any time and does not require large expenses. Disadvantages: risk of cuts, ingrown hairs if the machine damages the skin, skin irritation (especially in sensitive areas underarms or bikini). Shaving is the only way depilation, which can be carried out in the first trimester;
    Shaving is the safest, most painless and affordable way waxing during pregnancy
  • waxing and sugaring: depilation with wax or sugar paste for pregnant women is fraught with an allergic reaction to the components. However, if you use natural wax the risk of allergy is minimal. The advantages of these procedures are low cost and short duration. Minus for pregnant women - soreness, but stressful condition mothers can adversely affect the formation nervous system baby. In the zone deep bikini The procedure is not recommended for pregnant women due to severe pain and the possibility of infection in the genitals;
    If you have been using shugaring or waxing methods for a long time and are not afraid of pain, you can continue to do them during pregnancy, the main thing is that the composition for depilation be completely from natural ingredients
  • depilatory cream: the use of such a product can result in women in the situation with the appearance of allergies and nausea (up to vomiting) due to a strong chemical smell. Also, during pregnancy, the likelihood of inflammation of the hair follicle after depilation with a cream increases. But in terms of pain, this method is the most gentle. Before using the cream, it is recommended to test on the inner crook of the elbow, as in pregnant women, allergies can occur unexpectedly, even if they have never had it before.
    During pregnancy, be careful with depilatory cream: in order not to cause irritation or a rash, test for an allergic skin reaction before using the product

Precautions for Hair Removal Procedures

Body hair removal is a very delicate procedure for women. It is of particular importance during pregnancy. After all, it is important not only to perform epilation or depilation in the most safe method, but also remember the mandatory precautions during the session. It is also necessary to take care of reducing pain and pick up proper care behind the skin after the procedure is completed.

Safety regulations

Pregnant women need to approach the process of hair removal with great responsibility and caution, especially if the procedure is not carried out at home. The main and priority safety measures for epilation and depilation for women in position are as follows:


To make the hair removal procedure painless, pregnant women need to use special anesthetics for external use. The list of drugs allowed during pregnancy is limited:

An anesthetic (cream or gel) should be applied to the skin about 40 minutes before the procedure and covered with a cellophane film on top so that the drug is absorbed.

Skin care after the procedure

To minimize irritation, rashes and other complications after the hair removal procedure, pregnant women need to ensure proper skin care:

Please note that it is not worth treating the skin after hair removal with baby powder or talcum powder, as they can clog pores, thereby causing irritation and suppuration.

Pregnancy changes your life. Especially many restrictions apply to your appearance. Not so long ago, gynecologists recommended for the entire period of pregnancy to exclude any manipulations with their appearance. Expectant mothers were forbidden to dye and cut their hair, do hair removal and manicure. What do experts say now? Let us consider in more detail everything related to hair removal during pregnancy.

When to epilate

Pregnancy is pregnancy, but you don’t want to forget about beauty either. Inside there is a constant clash of interests: more important appearance Or the safety of the baby growing inside?

A future mother, even such a familiar procedure as removing body hair, needs to be approached competently. Especially when it comes to intimate places, because this is no longer even a matter of beauty, but of personal hygiene.

  • Risk of occurrence side effects largely depends on the duration of pregnancy. You may have noticed that during this period all feelings are aggravated and the pain is felt much sharper;
  • Pain, in turn, can provoke an increase in uterine tone, and this is already fraught with the threat of miscarriage, especially in the first trimester. Find out from the article what you can expect from the 1st trimester of pregnancy >>>;
  • When asked whether it is possible to do epilation on early dates pregnancy, gynecologists give an affirmative answer. However, mothers draw attention to the fact that at this time sparing methods, for example, depilation, should be preferred;
  • During the second trimester, a woman is less sensitive to pain and this period is called the most suitable for such procedures;
  • Concerning last trimester, then hair removal is not prohibited, but you need to be very careful and select the most gentle methods.

When the procedure is contraindicated

  1. Allergy, especially to any of the components that make up hair removal products;
  2. The tone of the uterus and the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  3. Damage or irritation of the skin at the site of epilation;
  4. Any infectious diseases;
  5. Exacerbation of herpetic disease (read the article on the topic: Herpes on the lips during pregnancy >>>);
  6. Diabetes mellitus, toxicosis (more about toxicosis can be found in the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>);
  7. Any mental disorder.

Safe Methods

  • Depilation during pregnancy;

This method is to shave or use special cream. Its advantages include accessibility, lack of pain effect and side effects to the fruit.

Depilation is allowed at any time.

Among the disadvantages: rapid hair regrowth and possible irritation after the procedure during bikini hair removal during pregnancy.

To avoid discomfort, must be accepted warm shower just before shaving, use high-quality machines, and then apply a soothing cream to the treated skin.

  • Waxing during pregnancy is a quick and safe way;

To do this, you can use hot, warm or cold wax. After applying this method, the skin will remain smooth for several weeks.

The procedure is highly painful.

Use it or not, it's up to you, based on your pain. The use of wax requires caution, therefore, it is better to entrust this matter to professionals.

Do not forget to warn the master in the salon about your position so that he carries out all the manipulations as carefully as possible. If you have never removed hair with wax before, then in given period it is better not to experiment on yourself, as this is quite painful, especially if you are diagnosed with a threatened miscarriage or increased tone uterus.

  • Sugaring;
  • Epilation during pregnancy with an epilator;

The use of the device is possible at home, so this method is affordable and common. However, we must not forget about the pain that occurs when using it. If you are not feeling well or have been diagnosed uterine tone, then such a procedure should be abandoned.

Also, the epilator is not often used for the bikini area. After using it, red dots remain on the skin, so do this better evening so that by morning the traces of inflammation have disappeared.

Ways that are contraindicated for the expectant mother

There are some hair removal methods that expectant mothers should avoid during pregnancy. These include:

  1. Electrolysis. Today, this procedure is recognized as one of the most effective in the fight against body hair;
  • With the help of a weak electrical discharge, the hair follicle is destroyed;
  • For achievement maximum effect electrolysis, it is customary to use alkali and high temperature;
  • Thanks to this method, you can get rid of unwanted hair for a long time;
  • But, despite this, during the period of expectation of the baby, this method must be abandoned. This is due not only to pain, but also to the effect on the skin. electric current which can negatively affect the baby and pregnancy in general.
  1. Laser hair removal during pregnancy is no less dangerous. Although some doctors admit the possibility of using it during this period, they warn that this should be done very carefully.
  • Despite the fact that laser hair removal is considered almost painless, it can be dangerous for a woman and she has not yet born child: hair follicle in this case, it is destroyed by a laser beam having a high temperature. And this, in some cases, can provoke a burn or a nervous shock to the mother, which, of course, will negatively affect her condition.
  1. Photoepilation is a new method during which the hair follicle is destroyed after being exposed to a photo flash. In this case, further hair growth does not occur. Such a procedure has not yet been fully studied, therefore, if you are in a position, then it will not suit you.
  • During this period, the risk of developing allergies increases, which must be taken into account when choosing a depilatory cream or wax;
  • All painful procedures at this time can be dangerous, because when pain is felt, the stress hormone begins to be produced in the body, which can adversely affect the condition of the fetus and even cause a miscarriage;
  • If you have been diagnosed with any skin disease, then hair removal becomes contraindicated;
  • Having chosen photoepilation for hair removal, do not forget that its effect on the body of mother and baby has not been proven, therefore they are prohibited. As for hair removal in the abdomen or bikini area, even the most loyal doctor to this procedure will not allow you to do this.

It turns out that shaving is the safest for pregnant women. Sugaring, the use of wax and an epilator can be called conditionally safe.

But, as for the most popular methods of hair removal (electro-, photo- and laser hair removal), then for their implementation it is necessary to wait for the birth of the baby and after that put yourself in order.

Women of almost all ages try to look as attractive as possible in any situation. To achieve this goal, we use many means. Even with excess vegetation in inappropriate places the beautiful half of humanity successfully fights and wins. But what to do during the period of bearing a child? How does medicine relate to hair removal during pregnancy?

Smooth skin in the bikini area elementary rule personal hygiene. Accordingly, hair removal during pregnancy is strongly recommended to all women without exception. You can perform it in any trimester, even if the dates are close to childbirth. Naturally, each woman independently determines how she will perform hair removal during her pregnancy.

Employees of the beauty salon "Epil Salon" recommend that pregnant women who want to do epilation, pre-pass tests and, if necessary, undergo a medical examination with a mandatory visit to an endocrinologist and gynecologist.

Doctors' opinion

The baby and mother will not suffer at all if you perform hair removal during pregnancy, adhering to certain rules:

  1. First trimester. There is no question here of whether it is possible to do hair removal during pregnancy, it is simply advisable to temporarily stop visiting for the first 12 weeks. beauty salons. It is better to remove excess hair during this period with a regular female razor with a fresh blade. Practical shugaring is possible.
  2. Second trimester. Epilation during pregnancy at these times is not forbidden to be carried out in specialized salon conditions. The masters of the salon "Epil Salon" will select the most effective and gentle methods of hair removal for each client.

Precautionary measures

As already mentioned above, the answer to the question of whether it is possible for pregnant women to do hair removal is positive. But the standard precautions after the procedure must be observed:

  • a visit to the solarium, swimming pool, bath, sauna and massage therapist for several days before and after epilation is not recommended;
  • when removing hairs in the bikini area, cosmetics should not be used until 48 hours after the procedure.

Hair removal methods undesirable for pregnant women

Of course, hair removal during pregnancy has a number of limitations in terms of methods of implementation. First of all, refuse during the period of bearing a baby from enzyme, laser, electro- and photoepilation. Agree that at this time it is absolutely undesirable for both a woman and a child to be subjected to additional exposure to electromagnetic radiation. There will definitely be no health benefits for both.

Waxing a pregnant woman is also contraindicated. Varicose veins veins during the period of bearing a baby occurs in almost all expectant mothers, which increases the pain of this procedure at times.

Shugaring at Epil Salon

If you have already decided to epilate during pregnancy, then choose shugaring - a really painless and gentle version of the hair removal procedure. This method is especially suitable for women carrying a baby in the first trimester of pregnancy. This was noted by both physicians and masters of beauty salons.

The advantages of the technique are as follows:

  • sugar paste is made from natural natural ingredients(water, sugar and freshly squeezed lemon juice);
  • during the procedure are completely excluded possible problems with hair ingrown into the skin;
  • the sweet mass used for epilation does not cause burns and damage to the skin at the treatment site;
  • pain for a pregnant woman, due to the exclusion of contact of the sweet material with the skin (only hairs are covered with paste) are minimized.

The duration of the effect (up to 4 weeks) and the reduction in pain explain the huge popularity of sugaring compared to other types of hair removal. These two indisputable advantages attract not only pregnant women, but also other representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Sugaring bikini area

Bikini waxing during pregnancy is preferable. Performed cosmetic procedure in several stages:

  1. Preparatory. For degreasing and disinfection, a special lotion is applied to the skin. After drying, the surface of the treated area of ​​the body is covered thin layer talc. With help cotton pad the hairs are lifted above the skin with smooth movements - this is necessary for the convenience of their capture in the future.
  2. Heating the material. Sugar paste is heated to a temperature human body. Depending on the length of the hair and the area of ​​​​the body, the material can be selected in different consistency.
  3. Removal of unwanted hair. In the direction opposite to hair growth, sugar paste heated to a temperature of +37°C is applied to the prepared skin surface. After the material has hardened, the strip is torn off with a sharp movement in the direction of hair growth.
  4. Final processing. The remains of the sweet material are washed off under a clean stream. warm water. In order to have an anti-inflammatory effect and slow down hair growth, a special lotion is applied to the surface of the body treated with sugar paste.

Women in any period of their lives strive for perfection, and the time of pregnancy is no exception. Can pregnant women do depilation? This question is of interest to many of the fair sex, since during pregnancy, due to the activation of hormones, body hair begins to grow more intensively. The waiting period for a baby is a time that requires compliance with certain rules. To understand whether it is possible to do depilation during pregnancy, you need to know what types of hair removal exist and how they can affect a woman's body.

Types of depilation

Depilation is the removal of the visible part of the hair above the skin, while the hair follicle itself is not damaged and remains under the skin. This process is painless, but the effect of depilation lasts only a few days, since an intact hair follicle grows back very quickly.

Depilation can be divided into the following types:

  1. Shaving is the simplest, cheapest and fastest kind, but it has its own nuances. During the procedure, you can cut yourself, an infection can get into the wound, and inflammatory process, and various irritations on the skin are not excluded. These backfire shaving can easily be minimized. Before the procedure, the skin must be steamed and a special gel or cream applied to it. shaving during pregnancy extra hair, as a type of depilation, is not contraindicated, but preparatory stage will make this process smoother and more comfortable.
  2. Depilation using special creams. The skin is not injured, the procedure is completely painless, but the use of any cream can cause an allergic reaction. If it is very strong, it can affect the course of pregnancy, because the cream will be applied to large areas of the skin. An allergy during pregnancy can even occur to a well-known cream, therefore, before depilation, especially in the bikini area, it is necessary to apply it on small plot skin and see how your body reacts. If during the day there is no redness, itching or swelling, then the cream can be used, and this method of depilation will not harm the health of the unborn baby. You also need to know that many depilatory creams have very strong and pungent odors, therefore, it is better to apply them in a well-ventilated area, and after the procedure, it will not be superfluous to take a walk in the fresh air.

Types of hair removal

Epilation differs from depilation by the complete removal of the hair follicle from the subcutaneous layers. The procedure is quite painful, but the effect clean skin you can admire for several weeks.

Epilation is divided into the following types:

  1. Electrolysis is a process in which a thin electric needle is inserted into each hair follicle, which destroys the base of the hair with an electric current. The procedure is painful, after it, the formation of small scars on the skin and infection of the surface is possible. Even if a woman used more than once before pregnancy this method hair removal and pain were minimal, then during the bearing of the baby, the pain can be much stronger. Discharges of electric current, albeit very small, can adversely affect the course of pregnancy and the health of the unborn child, therefore, electrolysis during pregnancy is contraindicated and this procedure is not recommended.
  2. Laser hair removal - with this type of removal, the hair follicle is destroyed by the directed action of the laser. On a special sensitive places, more often in the bikini area, burns are possible, therefore, the procedure is carried out with the obligatory application of painkillers. This procedure has recently appeared in the world of cosmetology, the effect of laser radiation on the fetus has not been studied, so pregnant women must be warned about possible consequences. It is better to postpone the use of this method of hair removal until the baby arrives.
  3. Photoepilation - the effect on the vessels going to hair follicle a flash of light, as a result of which the nutrition of the hair root stops and it dies. Pain syndrome depends on the characteristics of each organism: someone does not feel anything during photoepilation, while someone feels quite painful. During this type of procedure skin are exposed to severe thermal radiation, so it may appear on the skin age spots and burns. Photoepilation is not recommended for pregnant women.
  4. Waxing - hair removal with the help of special resins, while the pain is quite strong and can negatively affect the unborn baby. Also during waxing possible injury to the skin, it may be infected. In addition, the complete removal of hair in the bikini area contributes to the deterioration of the mucous barrier of the skin and can lead to the development of many diseases, since microbes can freely enter the body. Waxing is not prohibited during pregnancy, but the choice of this procedure is still not recommended by experts.

During pregnancy, a woman should be more careful about her health and try to avoid possible injuries and infections.

Many women find out from gynecologists and cosmetologists whether bikini hair removal is possible during pregnancy. You can get different answers. Today we will try to collect them together and analyze.

Most women would be happy to get rid of body hair once and for all. Unfortunately, such methods do not yet exist, and all those that do have a number of limitations. For example, epilation of a deep bikini during pregnancy is not recommended.

But many women still go for it, because the procedure has several tangible benefits:

  • It is much easier to maintain the hygiene of the genitals, which is very important during pregnancy.
  • A woman retains her usual appearance, which is important for a good sense of self.

Not surprisingly, many women, even during pregnancy, do not stop visiting a beautician. But in such a crucial period, many restrictions appear.

What cannot be exactly

During pregnancy, women often have to radically revise their lifestyle. Many sports are undesirable and active rest, some of the dishes from the diet have to be excluded, not to mention drugs and alcohol. It is also undesirable to carry out many procedures.

For example, part of the bikini area hair removal methods during pregnancy will definitely have to be abandoned. These include the following:

  • Laser epilation. This procedure is too new, neither doctors nor cosmetologists can say how it will affect the condition and development of the child. Therefore, in any case, it is recommended not to take risks.
  • Photoepilation. The arguments in this case are the same.
  • Electrolysis. This method is quite painless, but it involves the insertion of electrodes under the skin, which creates increased risk inflammation.
  • Chemical depilation. Today, there are many methods of hair removal using chemical substances. But depilatory creams, gels and sprays can cause allergic reactions, the tendency to which increases during pregnancy. In addition, the influence of the numerous components of these drugs on the course of pregnancy has not yet been fully studied.

From these enough effective methods will definitely have to be rejected. But there are others, more common and less dangerous.