What is the most sensitive place in a girl. Erogenous zones on the body of a man and a woman

Even the ancient sages regarded sexual intercourse as a multifaceted "event", a whole ritual consisting of different stages and periods. For example, the plateau phase is the entry of the penis into the woman's vagina. And everything that happens before her is everyone's favorite and revered prelude.

Why is stimulation needed?

To excite a partner, it is enough to study his erogenous zones and stimulate them during this phase. A high-quality and sufficiently long foreplay significantly increases the chances of getting an orgasm in the female half of humanity.

And if the act of ejaculation in men is something completely natural, women need something more than banal frictions to reach the peak of real carnal pleasure.

Any man who loves his partner, or just wants to give her physical pleasure, should be aware of the most active and sensual points on her body. Alas, most men have a rather flat knowledge on this matter. They believe that the mammary gland is almost the only point on a woman's body, massaging which can greatly excite her.

The caress of the clitoris is another integral stage in such an art as the high-quality arousal of a woman, and all the representatives of the stronger sex talk about it. One cannot but agree with this, but it is worth knowing that they can be located in other, most unexpected and extragenital places.

In order for your preparatory period of sexual intercourse to take place in the best possible way, it is worth paying close attention to the reaction of the partner in response to the stimulation of certain points on her body. Please note that not all piquant zones are located on the genitals or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands. They can be localized in the scalp, on the back, lower back, and even the wrists!

Rating of the most unexpected sensitive areas in girls

If you are a man, information about the most unexpected and strange erogenous zones of girls will be very useful to you. Many do not suspect that it is in these places that there is a special innervation, by stimulating which you can achieve the most ardent desire of your partner in relation to yourself. And if you are a woman, it will also be very interesting for you to study the features of your body, which you yourself are probably not aware of. Try stimulating these areas in bed with your loved one and you may be amazed at the effect!

Top most unexpected sensual areas of a woman's body:

  • Neck. The thin swan neck of a woman seems to be created for intimate caresses. And in general, it is this part of the body that is considered the most powerful erogenous zone in any person. Try to approach your girlfriend and stand behind her. Move her hair behind her head and begin to cover one and then the other side of her neck with gentle kisses. You can lightly bite and suck the skin in the process. But do not overdo it - the skin here is exceptionally delicate, so if "to bend the stick", your partner may flaunt tomorrow in people with "teenage" bruised;
  • Hairy part of the head. Erogenous zones of women are also located in the hair! To arouse your partner, try playing with her hair and then run your fingertips between them. Lightly massage the scalp, especially around the hairline, temples and ears. At this moment, a powerful release of endorphin occurs in the woman’s blood, and when her beloved is next to her, such a happy “shake” simply cannot but end in an act of love;
  • Wrists. The inner part of a woman's wrists is incredibly sensitive and pliable to caresses. And, unfortunately, few representatives of the stronger sex are aware of this. Try to gently massage this area towards the heart, using either the pads of your fingers or your open palm. If the situation is intimate and has - run the tip of the tongue over this area. You will be pleasantly surprised by the violent reaction of your beloved, and since you are almost guaranteed to "pioneer", a generous and sweet reward will definitely not keep you waiting;
  • Elbows. The inner part of the elbow bend is no less disposed to caresses than the wrist. Try to cover this part of your girlfriend's body with gentle kisses. In fact, this gesture is much more intimate than it might seem from the outside. If you're not in a private setting, just try using hand caresses. Such a massage of the erogenous zones, if it does not force the partner to immediately desire you, then it will definitely hint to her "continuation of the evening". When kissing and caressing the inside of the elbows, in no case use rudeness. Do not bite, pinch, or spank the area. Otherwise, you run the risk of irritating your partner, and, as a result, the exact opposite result of your efforts;
  • Knees. Another "explosive" and at the same time hidden erogenous zone of a woman is her knees. Namely, again, the area under the knee bend. Gently run your hand or fingers over it. If your lady of the heart is not afraid of being tickled and does not start laughing convulsively, you can proceed to more persistent actions - kissing and biting.

And yet, you should know that in order to start with her legs. Each representative of the fair sex secretly or openly, consciously or subconsciously represents herself as a queen. It is for this reason that most women love foot caresses so much. Start caressing the legs of your missus from their lowest part - the fingers. Kiss them, lick them, massage them with your fingers. Gradually get to the shins, and continue to manipulate them. And then go to the popliteal area already known to you.

Do not forget about the hips, especially their inner part - the skin here is the most sensitive and receptive to caresses (both manual and oral). Don't lose sight of the buttocks - they are also one of the most powerful erogenous zones of a beautiful lady. Some women love back caresses, and it is they who are able to excite them even more than oral sex or stimulation of the clitoris and labia. Try this moment on your partner - perhaps it is from her that you will get the hottest reaction in response to caressing your back!

Alas, not every young girl is able to experience an orgasm during a classic sexual intercourse. This is evidenced by the sad statistics compiled by psychologists and sexologists. Some ladies begin to reach the "peak" in sex only after the birth of a child, and always by natural delivery. Therefore, it is extremely important on your part not to be known as a hypocrite and not to shy away from oral sex. Try to please your partner in this way, especially if you doubt the "authenticity" of her orgasm during traditional intercourse.

Astrology and sex

There is such an interesting thing as the erogenous zones of the zodiac signs.

There are no clear divisions into men and women, and everything depends only on the stars. Some do not believe in such things at all.

Moreover, after testing the following, many couples came to the opposite conclusion: they were annoyed when exactly the zone indicated in their horoscope was stimulated. Others disagree and say that astrology plays a fundamental role here. They are also happy to experiment on their favorite "guinea pigs" and confirm that the erogenous zones exactly match the description of the sexual horoscope.

So, which areas of the body are best affected in bed with representatives of certain zodiac signs?

  1. Aries: back of the head, earlobes, lips;
  2. Taurus: nasolabial triangle (however, when Taurus enters a state of excitement, their entire body becomes one large erogenous zone);
  3. Gemini: chest, arms, fingers, armpits;
  4. Cancer: nipples and auricles;
  5. Leo: back (on either side of the line of the spinal column), lower lip;
  6. Virgo: knees, elbows and the area around the navel;
  7. Libra: lumbar region and buttocks;
  8. Scorpio: buttocks and sides;
  9. Sagittarius: hips and knees, inner thighs, pelvic region;
  10. Capricorn: knees and kneecaps;
  11. Aquarius: cheekbones and feet;
  12. Pisces: legs.

So, if you seriously decide to master the art of seduction, and win the level of "master" in this sense according to your partner, try to start a practical study of his erogenous zones. High-quality foreplay is the key to full-fledged sex and a vivid orgasm.

Erogenous zones are points on the body that, when touched, cause sexual arousal. These points are created by nature itself. And if the partner does this knowingly, then the body begins to prepare for sexual intercourse. On the female body there are much more such points than on the male. We know practically nothing about many of these points.

If you touch the erotic zones incorrectly, you can cause a completely opposite effect to the expected one.

What are the erotic points on the body of women and how to influence them correctly?

There is an opinion. that the female body is one continuous erogenous zone. We can safely say that not every man will bother looking for them. And these places can change both the location and the level of excitability. Many factors can influence their place. This may be fatigue, the state of the nervous system, mood, etc. Not every partner is able to determine and correctly carry out an action for complete erotic arousal.

The more such zones on the female body, the sexier it is. And it’s up to the partner to arouse this sexuality with the help of caresses and touches, in the area where these very sensual points are located. Any girl from the right actions of a partner will get much more pleasure than from violent and passionate sex.

The most common points are the center of the shoulder, the back of the neck under the hair, the part of the abdomen near the pubis and around the navel, the tongue, earlobes, lips, forehead, eyelids, clitoris, fossa above the collarbone, vagina, chest, ankles, shoulder blades, buttocks, under knee, inner elbow. All these erogenous zones are called primary. For some, these places work in a complex, for someone selectively.

On the female body, with the acquisition of experience in sexual relations, new erogenous zones appear. Such zones are called secondary. They can be located in a variety of places and react to the action of a partner in different ways. Such is our female body! It is able to orient itself to a new sexual partner.

Factors that change the degree of sensitivity of erogenous zones in women.

Erogenous zones are susceptible to external factors. These factors include odors. By influencing the mental and emotional state of a girl, the fragrance can create a romantic mood, relax or excite, even cause aggression. Some points can hide, and some, on the contrary, acquire even more sensitivity to touch and caress. Environment, sounds, clothes - everything plays an important role. On the number and sensitivity of their mood, expectation of something, fatigue, alcohol.

Like female nature, a woman's erogenous zones are very unstable.

How to determine these points?

In order for the partner to find these points, he must create a condition for relaxation. And then, with the help of kisses and gentle touches, proceed to the examination of the female body. To get complete excitement, the girl must help her partner and suggest which of the erogenous zones is currently more sensitive. These points can be found on the little finger of a beautiful, slender leg to the tip of a hair on the beautiful head of your girlfriend.

When a man knows about the erogenous zones of his chosen one, he can easily seduce her and have sex with her. Stimulation of erogenous zones brings a girl great pleasure, sometimes even more than sex itself. The problem with many men is that they don't know where a woman's erogenous zones are and how they need to be properly stimulated in order to excite her and give her pleasure.

Men are excited much faster and easier. A guy can just look at a photo of a naked girl, and he will have an erection. The excitation of a woman is slow, every man should know about it. Don't expect a girl to get turned on and want to have sex just by touching the "magic place". In addition, every woman has her own erogenous zones. They may change with age. But there are also common points, the stimulation of which gives pleasure to most of the fairer sex.

Erogenous zones in women

  • Lips. For a woman, a kiss is a very intimate and bringing together action. Most girls love it when a guy knows how to kiss passionately using different kissing techniques. A kiss on the lips greatly excites a woman. Therefore, before proceeding to stimulate the erogenous zones, give the beauty a spectacular kiss.
  • The inner side of the palm and wrist. This is a good point from which to start touching a girl. Gentle strokes in these places will cheer up your chosen one. When a girl holds her palms and wrists in the direction of a guy, she shows that she likes him.
  • Earlobes. Almost all girls experience pleasure when their ears are caressed. Gentle bites and kisses, combined with whispered compliments, drive girls crazy. The main thing is not to overdo it, as it will be unpleasant for her if the ear becomes too wet with saliva.
  • Feet and toes. This is also an important erogenous zone. Caresses and touches on the legs very excite the girl and make her feel good. Therefore, do not be lazy and give your soul mate a foot massage before sex, this will turn her on.
  • The clitoris is a powerful erogenous zone in almost all women. Stimulation of the clitoris can easily bring a girl to orgasm. The main thing is to do it gently, avoiding rough pressing. When a girl is very excited, you need to stimulate more actively, pressing on the clitoris more strongly.
  • Chest - breasts can be gently touched, kissed and massaged. The girls really like it.
  • Neck and neck - girls are very fond of kisses on the neck. Some like it when a man kisses the front of the neck, others love caressing the back of the neck. Almost everyone experiences pleasure when a guy runs his hand through his hair and massages the back of his head.
  • Buttocks. Gentle strokes and light claps on the buttocks will be appropriate here. She will also be pleased if, in impulses of passion, you squeeze the back of the thighs and buttocks. Girls also love it when a guy strokes or kisses the inside of the thigh.

To find out what your soul mate likes, you can ask her about it. These questions are best asked when you've been dating for a while. If your relationship is just beginning, the trial method will help you. Try to stimulate different erogenous zones and watch her reaction.

Where to look erogenous zones in women? Any man is interested in how to deliver pleasure to his woman. Sex occupies a special place in the life of a couple, and in order for it to be especially pleasant, you need to get to know each other and find what excites your partner even before sex.

Prelude, many have heard that for a woman it is especially important. In this article we will talk about where are erogenous zones in women.

First of all, what is erogenous zones- special areas of skin on the human body, from kisses and touches to which sexual arousal occurs. Every person has such zones, and we are interested in female erogenous zones.

Women's ears - small erogenous zone of a woman.

Leaning towards a woman to kiss, it is worth paying attention to her ears. Gently kissing her earlobe, you can see how goosebumps ran over the girl’s skin ... you can kiss, bite or play with your tongue ... the nerve endings that are in this excitatory zone will not leave the girl indifferent.

Women's neck - places for kisses here!

Most likely, no one skips the neck and knows from books, films and personal experience how important it is to pay attention to this erogenous zone - female neck. Women often close their eyes from the pleasure of gentle kisses on the neck.

Women's shoulders - you can not kiss.

With such kisses, a man shows his intentions and touches the already intimate zone of a woman, not everyone is allowed to kiss her shoulders, only her beloved! Also moving from the neck to the shoulders, it is worth kissing between the collarbones, in the hollow between them is strong erogenous zone.

Kiss a woman's breastbe cool like a man!

Like it or not, but the caresses of the female breast can not be missed!

She must be touched, squeezed (but be gentle) and kissed. Particular attention should be paid to the nipples, they are one of the the most powerful erogenous zones on the female body, they are much more sensitive than men! Women love to be touched and kissed, many like to be bitten and squeezed lightly.

Women's tummy - should be caressed!

The female belly is of great importance in her psychology!

Firstly, it descends directly to the genitals,

Secondly, menstrual cycles are associated with the stomach and it is better not to touch it during this period,

Thirdly, it is in it that the fetus of the child is born and grows. There are a lot of nerve endings on a woman's tummy, so you can't miss it without caressing her tummy!

Inner thigh - she'll love it!

On the inside of the thigh, the skin is thinner than on the rest of the body, and all the touches of the hands and fingers deliver a very pleasant sensation. Also, the inner part of the thigh is located next to the genitals from which it is strong erogenous zone on the female body.

Is the back an erogenous zone? Yes!

The female back also loves caresses! A spine with a large number of nerve endings cannot but excite a woman from male caresses on the back. This erogenous zone is not only one of the largest in size, here caresses are needed different: up to the shoulders on the back, girls like to be not only kissed, but also bitten ... and gentle kisses are needed down the back to the lower back.

Women's butt - where without it? 😉

Butt for a woman means a lot, men always notice her roundness, you always want to touch her, squeeze in her hands, and sometimes slap her ... 😀

Every woman wants her ass to be appetizing and arouse the desire and admiration of her beloved man. She (ass) is very beautiful and appetizing erogenous zone on the female body! This part is very intimate (same as breasts and genitals), touches and kisses of a beloved man cannot leave you without arousal.

As you can see, the entire female body is solid erogenous zone, you need to try and find the most active zones on the body of your woman from the touches and caresses of which the excitement will fill her and your body!

Kind Regards First Impression Team

Erogenous zones are areas of the skin or mucous membrane, when exposed to which there is sexual arousal and increased erection, if we are talking about men.

The main rule of an ideal lover is to give a man what he needs. However, men are often reluctant to share with us secret knowledge about the intricacies of their sexual nature, so you will have to act empirically, checking how your partner reacts to caresses of certain parts of the body. If you are patient, sensitive and attentive enough, over time it will seem to a man that you are reading his mind.

Let's move on to practice.

Lips and tongue

Often lovemaking begins with kissing. There are a huge number of nerve endings on the lips and tongue, catching the slightest impact.

The lips are much more sensitive than the tips of the fingers and even the skin of the face, which is considered quite delicate. The reason is in a particularly thin cell layer. There are 16 such layers on the face, and 3-5 on the lips.

Humanity has come up with hundreds of types of kisses: from weightless brief hints of touch to passionate French kisses, when tongue movements and even biting are also used.

Some movements even have their own names, for example, "mill" - the introduction of the tongue of one partner into the mouth of another and the rotation of the tongue in the partner's mouth; "exquisite kiss" - the introduction of the tongue into the partner's mouth and sliding across his palate; "royal kiss" - sliding the tongue over the teeth and inserting it on the partner's cheek; "stinging kiss" - sucking on the partner's lips with a sharp and short introduction of the tongue into the partner's mouth.

Do not overdo it with the force of the impact on this erogenous zone, not everyone likes hickey marks, although there are men who proudly show them as proof of their perfection as a lover.

Neck and back of the head

The back of the head and the back of the neck are the strongest erogenous zone for many men. Perhaps a positive response to affection in this area is laid down in childhood, when the mother stroked the boy's head.

Besides, the head is an important part of the body. To allow her to hug her means to some extent to deprive her of vision, of control over what is happening. This can only be done to a very close person, or if you want to get a dose of adrenaline.

Both scenarios can lead to arousal in different types of men. So pay attention to the neck and head of your partner - stroke, wrap your hands around, kiss, you can also scratch your nails a little.


Palm massage seems simple and not worthy of attention if we are talking about male erogenous zones. But there is one secret place in the palm of your hand - between the tubercles under the middle and ring fingers. This is a projection of the inguinal region on the palm. Innocent stroking and kneading this zone can cause a man to have a quite noticeable erection.

The second erogenous zone in the palm of your hand is the area of ​​skin between the bases of the index and middle fingers on the back. If you depict a walking man with your hand, then the index and middle fingers will become legs, and the place between them, respectively, will become the inguinal region. So hand massage can turn into a sensual game.

As for the hands as such, try caressing the elbows and armpits. Pay close attention to the reaction, there is a risk that your man will be tickled.


Playing with curls on the chest can be a warm-up for more daring caresses. As for the nipples, everything is individual. For some men, touching them brings untold pleasure. With these, use the entire arsenal of touches.

But we must remember that, unlike women, nipples are not such a powerful erogenous zone for men, and sometimes they even cause affection discomfort.

If your chosen one is one of these, look for another place to apply your passion. For example, try the elements of a body-body massage - stroke his bare chest with your wide strokes.


For men, caresses of the abdomen are a signal that a woman is about to begin the most important thing. In addition to the caresses of the palms, breasts and abdomen that come to mind, try the crown spiral massage.

To do this, you need to put a man on his back, saddle him from above, bow his head strongly, put his head on the man’s navel and make circular movements with his head, gradually expanding the circles. We assure you, he has never experienced such sensations.


Many men admit that foot massage is very exciting for them. It is not for nothing that in Eastern countries there is such a tradition as washing the feet of one's spouse with water.

Also, do not ignore the area on the back of the knee, it is extremely susceptible to tenderness. Since each man has his own threshold of sensitivity, such procedures may seem very ticklish to some.


Yes, yes, including the back. Often this area is left without due attention, and meanwhile, several erogenous zones are located on the back at once, such as the area of ​​the sacrum and the interscapular space. Massage movements are best done from top to bottom.

Your chosen one will be pleasantly surprised if you diversify stroking with your hands, for example, by touching your chest or running the ends of your hair along your back, or maybe with a delicate feather or sharp claws, or maybe even crush it with your feet. Fantasize, be unpredictable and never get bored with your partner!

The most important

We deliberately left out the caresses of the penis, perineum and anus. Usually, women are somewhat aware of what to do with these male erogenous zones in order to cause arousal. But you want not just sex, but one that will become memorable and unusual for your man.

The secret reception of Thai masseuses

Often, men who have lived in Thailand with a local girlfriend, returning, feel that something is missing in making love with any other woman. It turns out that the Thai put the so-called anchor on the body of a man. If this anchor is not activated during sex, it seems to a man that caresses are not full and pleasant enough. So Thais protect themselves from betrayal.

How to install this anchor? You need to choose two non-banal parts of the body of your chosen one. You will pay attention to one zone before the very beginning of sex, to caress the other after the end of coitus. You need to do this for seven sexual acts in a row, so the anchor will be fixed. In the future, it is desirable to keep the anchor up to date.

Zones should be those that are rarely touched in ordinary life. If you pat your partner on the shoulder at the beginning of each act, then any friendly pat in the office later can lead to unnecessary excitement.

But if you choose the right secret place, which means “dear, there will be sex soon,” then you can excite your partner in the future by caressing this zone. Similarly, instead of the annoying “I have a headache,” you can caress the final zone, and your partner’s romantic intentions will subside by themselves.