Sugaring beauty salon. What is shugaring. Hair removal with sugar paste for men

Sugar - white "death", "killer" of the figure. Every woman tries to reduce the consumption of such a coveted, but harmful product. But ... the power of the "enemy" can be used with particular benefit!

Studio "El-L" performs "soft" hair removal SUGARING. Instead of the traditional “hard” wax, the master will apply a sugar “cocktail” to your body, which will not only completely remove excess hairs, but also renew and rejuvenate your skin.


Sugar hair removal Shugaring is not a figment of the imagination of modern cosmetologists. She was popular among the noble women of ancient Egypt, who devoted all their time to the struggle for "long-playing" youth and beauty. They found the magic recipe for the mixture, which not only removed the extra "thickets" from the body of beauties, but also made the skin sparkle with freshness and health. Noble Egyptians delighted their men even by decorating their pristine intimate corner with intricate paintings.

Now the forgotten secret of the East is experiencing a rebirth. Our capital was one of the first to revive the art of waxing (Moscow has always been famous for its progressive “thinking” in all aspects of fashion and beauty). The first to master the method were closed studios for the wives of officials, but now the secret “weapon” of the Egyptians has become available to a wide range of the public.

“WE DO SUGARING” - beauty salons actively offer such a useful procedure to their clients. Let's see what it is and how it is done?

GET TO KNOW ׃ sugar hair removal SUGARING

What is sugaring?

Sugar hair removal Sugaring (from the English word "shuga" - sugar) refers to the category of radical ways to destroy the "gun" on your body. The hair is removed along with the bulb, which allows you to enjoy smooth, unencumbered skin for 2-3 weeks.

Paste composition׃

A viscous paste is applied to the body, consisting of cane and fruit sugar, lemon juice and water. It contains only natural ingredients with an impeccable “eco-reputation”׃ without fragrances, without carcinogens and other chemicals.

How is the procedure?

The master slightly warms up and carefully kneads the sugar paste, then applies the mixture to the prepared skin of the client and covers it with a strip of linen. A couple of minutes to fix, and then ONCE ... AND DONE. Hair removed from the root, but THAT'S NOT ALL!

In the process of applying the paste and during epilation, dead cells of the epidermis are removed. Sugar is an excellent scrub, and small particles in the composition of the sweet “cocktail” gently care for the beauty and health of your skin.

How is the procedure carried?

Sugaring has a fairly light "temper" compared to traditional waxing, so you get

  1. Minimal discomfort during and after the procedure
  2. No allergic reactions to the paste

To reduce pain, an analgesic cream is applied to the body before epilation, and then the area is washed with a mineral soothing tonic. After half an hour, there will be no trace of the transferred “torture” on the skin.

What is the effect of sugaring?

After sugar hair removal you will get an impressive result׃

  1. The skin is softened and refreshed
  2. Unwanted hairs will “leave” you for a long time (2-3 weeks)

A newly broken hair on the body will be thin and weak, so the subsequent procedures will go “ON HURRY” and will not require special moral preparation for “torment”.

Sugaring where to do

Sugar hair removal is carried out on ANY PART OF THE BODY

  • Traditional "directions" shugaring of hands and feet
  • "Strokes" for the perfect look׃ shugaring on the face, chest and abdomen
  • Well-groomed especially delicate zones׃ shugaring of armpits and bikini

Immediately after the procedure, you can decorate this place with a “live” picture: how tattoo glitter is made and can be read on our website in the corresponding one.

Conditions for sugaring

An important factor affecting the effectiveness of shugaring epilation is the length of the hair. In order to completely get rid of all that is superfluous, you will have to grow hair by 4-5 mm. This will make it possible to firmly pick up the hairs in the sugar paste and accurately pull them out by the root. Ours was chosen for a reason, and here's why ...


    • Ingrown hair problem

WAX EPILATION removes hair against its growth. Some of the hairs break in the process. New "sprouts" are not able to break through the coarsened upper layer of the epidermis, so ingrown hairs appear. Under this type - a very risky undertaking.

EPILATION SUGARING removes hair according to its growth. This significantly reduces the percentage of marriage (breaking, breaking). Scrub-paste cleanses the skin of dead "armor".

    • Test by "fire"

WAX EPILATION is most effective when hot wax is applied. Often, "postoperative torment" becomes more complicated due to getting ... a first-degree burn.

EPILATION SUGARING is performed with warm sugar paste (your body temperature), so even thin skin is EXCLUDED getting burned. Already half an hour after the procedure, it can be applied to the treated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

    • allergic reactions

WAX EPILATION can cause allergies, because ladies often have sensitivity to one of the components of the wax.

SUGARING EPILATION uses a paste made from natural ingredients that every person consumes in food (with the exception of those who suffer from diabetes). ALLERGIC REACTIONS EXCLUDED. Even when performing, you are not at risk of irritating such a delicate skin THERE.


"Buy sugar paste and epilate without problems at home!" - sounds advertising on sites selling home cosmetics.

BUT REALLY ... you have to waste the paste, again and again torturing the same part of the body, getting rid of stubborn hairs. As a result, the jar is almost empty, and an extra “thicket” lives and lives on its feet.

Save money at home, you can't. Do you really want to achieve great results? You know, read about

And shugaring became in demand for a number of reasons. It has a number of advantages over similar procedures, while it is devoid of their disadvantages.

Benefits of sugaring

Sugaring is natural hair removal. The composition of the paste based on sugar does not include dyes and any synthetic materials. This makes the procedure hypoallergenic, safe for everyone. Girls with delicate skin can forever forget about itching and irritation, redness after shaving and other unpleasant consequences of hair removal.

It is worth noting that epilation with sugar in Moscow It is carried out quite professionally, so it is completely painless, and the effect of it is long-lasting. Within a month, your skin will not even have a hint of hair. It is also important that sugaring allows you to pull out the hair according to their growth, and not against it, which prevents the possibility of the hair shaft growing into the skin.

Sugaring, unlike shaving or plucking with tweezers, allows you to remove dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. This makes it healthier, more beautiful, smoother. And this means that after epilation with sugar you do not need to go for peeling. Savings in person!

How much does shugaring cost in Moscow salons?

The procedure for removing hair with sugar is quite simple, so many are surprised at how much shugaring costs in the salon. But it is important to understand that the price also depends on the materials used. And sugar-based pasta can be quite expensive, because it contains a lot of natural substances. Also valuable is the work of the master, who evenly applies the mixture to the epilated surface, and then removes the hair. And precisely thanks to two factors: the quality of materials and the skill of cosmetologists sugaring salons in Moscow are popular.

Are there any contraindications for shugaring?

Unlike wax strips, shaving and other hair removal methods, sugaring has no contraindications at all. It is perfect even for girls with delicate, damaged skin. The only wish for the procedure is clean skin and hair of more than five millimeters. Experts recommend not to expose the epilated area to direct sunlight for a day after shugaring.

In any case, before the procedure, you should consult with a specialist, but it is better to carry out hair removal at his place, and not at home. So you will definitely get only pleasant sensations from shugaring, touching smooth skin, devoid of any hairline.

Speaking about the cost of the procedure, it should be noted that it may vary, it depends on the place of hair removal, the area of ​​the treated area and other factors.

The use of sugar paste for depilation of various areas of the skin is considered the safest and most affordable salon method. Moscow is the leader in the provision of shugaring services. Consider shugaring and prices in the salons that provide the service, using the example of various cosmetology studios.

The choice in favor of safety

Increasingly, many women opt for sugar depilation, which can be performed on any part of the body. Of course, when choosing a procedure, first of all, they look at how much shugaring costs.

The cost of shugaring in salons depends on the following characteristics:

  1. treated surface area. Depilation with sugar paste is performed on different parts of the body (armpits, limbs, abdomen, bikini area, face, back), so the surface of the skin is completely different;
  2. use of ready-made paste during the session. The cost of pastes is also different;
  3. remoteness of the cosmetology studio from the city center;
  4. session duration;
  5. effect duration.

Many salons give discounts to regular customers, as well as hold all kinds of promotions.

Consider the average cost of shugaring in Moscow salons:

The advantage of salon conditions

Prices for sugaring in a beauty salon also depend on the gender of the client, but the difference for the same skin areas is small.

The reasons why it is better to perform depilation in a salon are as follows:

  • comfortable conditions, disposable accessories;
  • damage to the treated area is excluded;
  • absence of undesirable consequences after the procedure;
  • attractive price;
  • cozy atmosphere with a cup of coffee or tea.

When choosing a studio, be guided not only by how much sugaring costs in Moscow. Check out the reviews on the site, find out how long sugar paste depilation has been practiced in the salon.

You can get acquainted with a small guide to studios that perform body care procedures, and at the same time compare prices in salons for sugaring procedures:

The listed prices for shugaring in Moscow salons include the initial cost of the procedure. To learn about shugaring on a specific area of ​​the skin, you need to view detailed information on the website of a particular studio.

Let's take an example of how much shugaring costs in the salon for different areas of the skin for men and women. The table shows the average cost in Moscow and the region.

Depilation for girls

Hair removal with sugar paste for men

As for the time required to remove hair on a certain part of the body in men, it practically coincides with women's procedures. Therefore, the table shows only the prices and names of the treated areas of the skin.

The cost for some procedures varies, because it depends on the density of vegetation on a certain area of ​​the body.

Carrying out the procedure

Hair removal in a salon is carried out using a natural sugar-based paste. Studios use only hypoallergenic products. During the session, slight pain is possible, depending on the following factors:

  • time. It is easier to tolerate depilation in the evening;
  • individual characteristics of the organism, allowing to endure cosmetic manipulations with different sensitivities;
  • sugar mass temperature;
  • client emotionality.

The essence of the sugar paste hair removal procedure is the same in all salons. On the prepared skin, a sugar mass is applied against hair growth. The paste is removed with a quick and sharp movement along the growth of hairs. Then the skin is treated with an antiseptic solution, and a nourishing agent is applied.

Which salon to choose for getting rid of vegetation depends on the preferences and capabilities of each client. The choice is always yours.