Smoldering stains: how to remove wax from clothes cold and hot. How to remove wax and paraffin stains from different surfaces

There are situations in life when you can get dirty even at the most important moments - whether it's a romantic dinner or a festive party. Anyone who has encountered paraffin stains knows that it is quite difficult to clean them. In addition, the longer the stain remains, the more effort has to be applied. Paraffin has the ability to adhere strongly to surfaces, so it is difficult to scrape it off. However, paraffin stains can be dealt with at home.

How to remove paraffin? There are several ways to remove stains. Paraffin is quickly removed from smooth surfaces - glass, plastic or metal. For this, CDs or plastic cards are most suitable. With their help, you need to scrape off the paraffin, and remove the remnants with a hair dryer - heat the surface and clean it with paper towels. To remove paraffin from a carpet, another method is needed. Wrap a large piece or crushed ice in a bag and apply to the stain. Wait for the paraffin to harden and crush it with a heavy object, and remove the residue with a vacuum cleaner. If there is a greasy stain, wipe this place with alcohol.

Surely many are interested in how to remove paraffin from clothes. To do this, you can use the following method. Put four napkins, blotting paper and a cotton cloth on the stain. Heat the iron to the maximum, press it against a stack of cloth and napkins and iron it. If a greasy stain remains after removing the paraffin, wash the fabric with laundry soap or dishwashing detergent. Stains from delicate fabrics are removed with detergent. It should be applied to the damaged area in a thick layer, left for several hours, and then washed in the washing machine, using a powder to remove stains. Turpentine or alcohol can be used to remove paraffin from fleecy fabrics.

Every housewife should know how to remove paraffin stains. The main thing is to have the necessary tools at hand: an iron, ice, a plastic card or CD, paper napkins, cotton rags, alcohol, turpentine, a vacuum cleaner and a hair dryer. The wax removal methods discussed above are extremely simple and useful. Things and objects after such procedures will become absolutely clean: there will be no stains or other damage. And after washing, the contaminated place will not stand out in any way: the thing will look like new.

Paraffin is used for heating, cosmetic procedures and paraffin treatment. In the solid state, it cannot be used, so you should know how to melt the paraffin before use. To do this, a large saucepan must be filled with water by a third and boil water, put inside a smaller saucepan, filled up to half with pieces of paraffin. Cover with a lid and wait until the paraffin turns into a liquid state.

It is not necessary to buy ready-made paraffin in a pharmacy - you can find out how to make paraffin yourself. To do this, melt the laundry soap in a water bath, add a little vinegar and water there. The white foam on the surface of liquid soap is paraffin wax. Now you can use it for its intended purpose - either at home, or in cosmetology, or for treatment.

Every person in the apartment has a few candles, at least in case the lights go out. Some boast beautiful antique candlesticks. How not to love them? After all, candles come in all sorts, shapes, colors and scents - which is a definite plus, in our opinion.

Candles make great gifts and the perfect solution to unwind after a busy day. As experienced cleaning professionals, we know how to remove candle wax better than most people. Problems happen, but we're here to make things as easy as possible for you.

We will tell you how to remove candle wax from any surface. A drop of wax on the carpet? Easily. Need to remove wax from clothes? No problem. Candle wax on a granite countertop? Let's delete. A stain of dyed wax? Let's get it out forever. Candle wax on wood? We'll get it out without a single scratch. Wax on the wall? Removed in 10 minutes. Wax on glass? Easiest to clean up. The most difficult wax stains to remove? They don't stand a chance.

In the next article, we will look at removing wax from any surface.

How to remove candle wax from clothes

Note: Do not attempt to dry clothes in an electric dryer until you are sure the stain is gone.

Before removing a wax stain from clothing, allow it to harden first. If you try to remove hot candle wax, you will likely let it soak deeper into the fabric of your clothes, making it difficult to work with. Here are some effective solutions for getting candle wax out of clothes.

Once the wax has hardened (you can put the garment in the refrigerator or freezer if you want to speed up the process), remove it from the garment with a flat tool, such as a spatula or butter knife. In most cases, all you have to do is fold the cloth over the very edge of the wax stain, and you can then peel off the wax quickly and easily.

Lay the fabric over something absorbent. Make sure the absorbent you choose won't cause the fabric to fade or stain.

Suitable funds:

  • piece of cardboard
  • brown paper bags
  • Several layers of white paper towels
  • An old cotton towel you are ready to throw away

We prefer to use brown or white cardstock and paper bags so you don't have to worry about staining the fabric. Turn on the iron on medium temperature settings, turn off the steam. Place another absorbent pad on top of the stain. The fabric is now sandwiched between two absorbent articles. Place the preheated iron on the top sheet of absorbent material and swirl the iron quickly and continuously so as not to burn the fabric.

Slightly move the absorbent sheet occasionally so that there is a clean area of ​​absorbent material above the stain, so that the absorbent properties of the material will not be dulled.

Removing wax residue from fabric

Many of us use colored candles that match our apartment's home décor. In this case, after removing the wax, stains of the dye may remain on the fabric. Just like wax, dye cannot be removed with water, these are complex stains that require a different approach. Below you will find methods for removing wax dye from fabric:

Boiling treatment. If the fabric can handle this solution (check the manufacturer's recommendation label). Stretch the fabric over the pot of water, use a large rubber band or string to secure the fabric. Pour boiling water over the painted area. You may need to repeat this solution once or twice until you get results.

Alcohol treatment. Place a towel under the stained area, then pour some rubbing alcohol onto the stain. Blot with a clean cloth, paper towel. The dye should come off. Continue soaking until the stain is completely removed.

Dishwashing liquid. Use a mild detergent to remove the stain, you can get it by using dishwashing detergent. Apply a small amount to the painted area. Gently rub the detergent into the stain until you see the dye rising from the fibers of the fabric. Rinse and repeat until the stain is gone.

Hydrogen peroxide. Another remedy is to remove candle wax from clothing or wax residue. This is our favorite natural anti-blemish solution. Peroxide is inexpensive, you can buy a bottle for less than 50 rubles in most stores and pharmacies.

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing (bleaching) agent that is safe for colored fabrics and does not harm them as bleach does.

Hydrogen peroxide is essentially the same water, but without one molecule. It works for about 45 minutes, even dissolved in water. However, peroxide breaks down almost instantly in direct sunlight, which is why it is sold in dark brown bottles.

There is an important trick here, because hydrogen peroxide turns into plain water, it leaves no residue, so you won't need to wash or rinse.

Place a piece of plastic wrap under the stain. Pour hydrogen peroxide directly onto the stain. Cover the top with plastic wrap and then mark the towel to keep the peroxide out of the light while it works on the stain. Leave the peroxide on the fabric for at least an hour, then check. Repeat if necessary.

Removing candle wax from carpet

Removing wax from carpet may seem like a daunting task, but the process is the same as with fabric, often just as effective.

Cleaning with an iron

To remove candle wax that has caponed onto carpeting, let it harden first. If there is too much wax, you can put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and place it on top of the wax, this will help the wax harden, making it brittle and allowing you to remove the excess wax. Try to remove as much wax as possible, as much as possible, for best results. Next, use the absorbent materials and iron method we gave for clothes above.

Removing wax stains from carpet

If your carpet is stained with stained wax, here are a few solutions you can try before you think about rearranging your furniture to cover up the stain.

When it comes to dye stains, you should use acids to remove acid stains and alkaline stains should be removed with alkaline cleaners. Most, if not all, dyes are alkaline, and baking soda becomes the most suitable solution in this case.

Baking soda

A baking soda solution should help with most dye stains. The baking soda will also help remove residual odor. Make a baking soda paste by mixing 1/4 cup baking soda with 3/4 cup hot water. Mix thoroughly in a clear container until most of the baking soda has been diluted with water (a little hard sediment will remain at the bottom anyway).

Strain the rest of the water through a filter, which you can use a napkin or something similar. This solution will also help you get rid of the solids in the mixture.

Apply the solution to the paint stain and gently rub it into the carpet fibers to make the stain wet with the solution. Leave the solution for an hour. After an hour, check the solution, it should be almost dry.

Remove the dry part of the solution, then rinse the residue with clean water and continue wiping until the stain is gone. Let the work area dry and vacuum thoroughly.

Hydrogen peroxide

Again, follow the instructions given for clothing above. Let the peroxide dry and repeat if necessary.

Removing candle wax from wood

We hope that the wax stain will be noticed immediately and cleaned up immediately. You have to get to it and remove the wax when it's warm enough to stay flexible, but not hot enough to burn you.

If you don't notice the problem right away, removing the candle wax from the wood becomes more difficult because you have to be careful not to scratch the finish, meaning you can't use a knife or other tool that can scratch the wood.

If the stain cannot be removed, the paintwork may need to be sanded and repainted. If you cannot decide or are not confident in your abilities, you should turn to professionals.

Cooling and gentle removal:

Helpful advice. You can use a playing card to remove the wax, this solution may help.

Place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag. Place an ice pack on top of the wax to cool, which will make it hard and brittle. Use a playing card or something similar to remove the wax from the surface of the wood.

Heating with a hair dryer

Use a hair dryer on a low or medium temperature setting for wax residue. Lay the area around the stain with rags or paper towels to protect the paintwork. This solution will also help prevent wax from being sprayed onto bare wood. Continue until all wax residue is removed. If some wax remains because it has soaked into the wood, you can try some of the methods above.

Absorbents and iron

Place a paper bag or a few paper towels over the leftover candle wax stain. Use an iron on a low heat setting to heat the stain (detailed above). Wipe the affected area of ​​wood with a lint-free cloth or some sort of furniture polish.

Removing candle wax from walls

Use the method mentioned above. Use a hair dryer to melt the wax and blot it up with paper towels. Have someone help you to keep the wax from dripping and wipe off immediately. If there is any colored residue left on the wall, try using a pencil eraser or a paste of baking soda and water (1:3). Lightly rub the wall to avoid damaging the paint.

Wax on a glass table

Well, if the wax stain remains on the glass, it's the easiest surface to clean. Start by freezing with ice, let the wax harden. Remove hardened wax with a playing card. Spray on some window cleaner, then wipe off any remaining wax. You can also try thinner to remove the last, thinnest layer of wax from the glass.

Removing wax from granite countertops

Use a plastic spatula (card) and boiling water. Boil water in a saucepan, dip a spatula into hot water and, without allowing it to cool, remove a layer of wax. Repeat several times until most of the wax has been removed. Wipe with a clean cloth to remove any residue.

The hardest wax stains

There are specialized products for removing candle wax (such as Un-Do Candle Wax Remover) that are very effective at removing wax stains. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to remove the wax from the affected surface.

Now that you know how to properly remove wax from any surface, you can enjoy your favorite candles without worrying about wax stains.

A romantic evening by candlelight went well, but traces of it remained in memory. How to be take off? What to do? How to withdraw and store the product? There are many answers to all these questions, do not worry. Finding a way out of this situation is quite simple.

There are several ways to remove traces of wax from the fabric, each of which will be carried out in several stages. It is important to correctly follow all the instructions and recommendations, strictly follow the sequence, only then the products will not suffer.

Is it possible to remove wax stains at home or is it impossible to do without dry cleaning? Yes, experts will do everything right, but what if there is no time for this? Do not panic and get upset, you can save a fabric product at home in a short period of time with improvised means. To do this, you should know the generally accepted principles for the purification of such contaminants:

  • It is advisable to carry out all work in hot pursuit, the fresher the stain, the faster it will be removed.
  • Wax stains are removed by heating or cooling, washing will be the final step.
  • Before removing the greasy trace, the paraffin stain is cleaned with a blunt object.
  • Haste in this matter is not the best helper, everything must be done carefully, otherwise the pollution may become more extensive.
  • Any means for removing a greasy wax stain must first be tested on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, only after that treat the problem area.

Advice! Do not use store-bought stain remover or bleach immediately after removing the top coat. First of all, seek help from the people's councils.

How to remove wax stains: step one

To remove stains of this type, you need to know certain rules, adhering to which everything will go without a hitch. Removing a wax stain from a fabric is not difficult, only the work is divided into two stages. The first is to remove the top layer, but now we will find out how to do it correctly.

How to remove a wax stain from clothes so as not to damage the fibers? The top layer is removed either by cold or heat, the method is chosen according to the type of fabric and personal preference.

Hot removal methods are as follows:

  • The most common and simplest is the use of an iron. How to use it? In addition to the heater itself, you will need a towel, paper napkins, and an ironing board. A soiled item is placed on a flat surface, a napkin is placed under the contamination first. A towel or handkerchief is placed on top of the trail, and the iron is heated to the required temperature. A hot household appliance passes the area of ​​​​contamination through a towel, the melted wax will be absorbed by the top layer, so the stain will move away from the product.
  • How to remove a wax stain from clothes with boiling water? This method is used only for dense, well-dyed fibers. Delicate and natural fabrics are not subjected to such stress, hot water will ruin this type of product forever. You can remove a paraffin stain from a wardrobe item by lowering the place of contamination into a container of boiling water, this must be done carefully so as not to get burned. After immersion, they wait only 20-30 seconds and take out the place of contamination. There will be enough time for the wax to melt and drain into a container of water.

To remove, choose white paper towels, colored ones can stain the product to be cleaned.

Advice! Boil water for wax removal only in a clean container.

How to remove a trace of cold? You will not find any difficulties here, the main thing is to follow the instructions exactly. The process consists of the following steps:

  1. The contaminated product is folded to the minimum size, while the trace should remain on top.
  2. Place the item in the refrigerator or freezer for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Remove and carefully scrape off the hardened wax with a blunt object.

It is possible to influence the cold in another way, if the stain was planted in a public place, then it will not work to iron or put a wardrobe item in the freezer. How to clean such pollution in a cafe or restaurant? A piece of ice wrapped in a napkin or towel will help. They wipe the trace, and when the wax hardens, they simply remove it.

How to remove a wax stain: step two

After removing the top layer on a fabric of any quality, a greasy trace will remain, which must also be destroyed. How to remove such pollution? What means to use for fast and high-quality washing? It all depends on the fibers, the means and methods are chosen based on these indicators:

  • Cotton, wool and other natural fabrics will leave a greasy mark under the influence of high temperatures. To do this, a soiled item is placed on the ironing board, a towel is placed on the contamination, and covered with a paper napkin. The iron is heated to the maximum indicated on the product tag and they follow the trail. Napkins are changed as they get dirty, a napkin without traces will inform about the end of the procedure.
  • With flax, things are a little different, a slightly damp cloth is placed under the wax trace, and covered with blotting paper. The procedure is carried out according to the above principle, the blotting paper is changed as needed.
  • How to remove wax stains from artificial clothing? Ironing will help, but they only carry it out at lower rates. The ironing board is covered with a damp towel, then the damaged thing is placed, the trace is covered with a dense fabric of natural origin. With a warm iron, a place with a trace is passed until the contamination is completely transferred to the napkin.
  • The easiest way to remove wax from artificial and natural fur, the usual freezing will help to achieve an excellent result. The item must be kept at sub-zero temperatures for at least two hours.
  • Old stains from suede will succumb only to a mixture of 5 g of refined gasoline, the same amount of wine alcohol and 30 g of ammonia. All ingredients are mixed, applied with a swab for 7-10 minutes, cleaned with a damp cloth.
  • Velvet and plush will return a greasy stain only under the influence of heated alcohol or turpentine, other means are powerless.
  • How to remove paraffin stains on non-washable fabrics? Medical alcohol will help to cope with the problem, it is applied with a cotton swab to the contamination every 10 minutes until the stain disappears completely.
  • How to get wax stains out of silk clothes? Delicate fabric will give a trace of ordinary cologne, the product is applied with a cotton swab for 15 minutes, then it is necessary to wash the wardrobe item in warm water.

There are many ways to remove stains, these are among the time-tested and most effective.

Interesting! How to clean wax from furniture? Depending on the upholstery, ordinary dishwashing detergent, polish, shop stain remover are used.

We found out how to remove a paraffin stain from a fabric of various types. The achieved result is necessarily fixed by washing in the usual mode with liquid detergents.

They learned how to remove wax traces, the procedure turned out to be simple. It is worth remembering that it is better to prevent a stain than to remove it later. Be careful.

There are many situations where it is possible to stain clothes with wax. And now popular scented candles only increase the risks. To remove wax from clothes, you need to use one of the proven methods, taking into account the type of material.

On a note

  1. You can start removing paraffin only after complete hardening. The substance is rapidly absorbed and rubbing a fresh spot will cause it to swell. It is best to blot the still hot wax with a napkin.
  2. For the production of candles, a material with a dense and oily texture is used. It does not dissolve in water, so it will not be possible to remove the wax with ordinary washing.
  3. The longer the paraffin remains on the fabric, the deeper it penetrates the fibers and the oil stain will be larger. Therefore, you need to act quickly.
  4. The effect of the solvent and stain remover must first be checked on the wrong side or on the waistband, so as not to disturb the color or get streaks.
  5. Often, after removing the wax, an oily trace is noticeable on the clothes. You can remove it with known means against greasy stains. If the thing is dry, then the print is sprinkled with talc and left for half an hour. The powder is shaken off and the contaminated area is washed. Dish gel, vodka or alcohol will successfully remove the stain. It remains only to wash the thing in the usual way.
  6. White clothing made from natural fibers can be soaked in "Whiteness" to eliminate traces of a candle. The area with a print on a colored fabric is soaked in vinegar for half an hour. With severe contamination, a small amount of citric acid is added to it.
  7. It is better to remove wax residues from the fabric with a toothbrush, because its villi are the smoothest and do not violate the structure of the material.

Removing wax from natural fabrics

From natural materials such as cotton, linen or coarse calico, wax can be easily removed. To do this, you need an iron, a piece of cotton cloth and ordinary napkins. Spread the product with drops on the surface inside out. Put a few napkins under the contaminated place, also cover the top with napkins and then with a cloth. Run a hot iron over the stain, heated to the maximum allowable temperature for this type of fabric. Turn off the steam supply. The wax will melt and soak into the underlying material. If traces are still visible, then the paper should be replaced with clean paper and repeat the steps.

When the wax is colored

The hot iron method is not suitable for dyed candles. At high temperatures, the dye is absorbed into the fabric, and it is almost impossible to remove it. To remove colored wax from clothes and tablecloths, it is best to use an industrial stain remover or one of the following methods.

  • Leave the thing in the cold and scrape off the hardened mass. Treat the trace with brown, and then with a mixture of salt and citric acid to remove stains. Rinse off residue with water and wash clothing.
  • Treat a stain on a light-colored fabric with hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of soda and citric acid.
  • Dense material can be washed with plenty of hot water.
  • In such cases, ammonia helps well and does not spoil the fabric.

Methods for cleaning synthetic materials

For synthetic fabrics, the method with a heated iron is suitable, only you need to act with extreme caution by setting the heating control to the “synthetics” position.

Hot water will help to remove a candle stain on materials that are contraindicated in ironing. The soiled item must be dipped for 2 minutes in water heated to 50-70⁰С. After that, remove the remaining paraffin with a clean cloth. Avoid rubbing the stain so that it does not become difficult to remove. If the first attempt did not bring the desired result, then the procedure should be repeated.

You can get rid of wax prints on synthetics and raincoat fabric with solvents. For example, purified gasoline, acetone or turpentine. Dampen a cotton swab or cloth with the substance and blot the stain. If heavily soiled, leave the swab on the fabric for half an hour. Finish by washing clothes in warm, soapy water.

In some cases, alcohol helps to remove wax from polyester. With a cotton cloth soaked in it, you need to blot the stain several times.

Delicate fabrics and wool

Delicate fabrics such as wool, chiffon, silk, satin or organza will remove the droplets of wax with a stain remover for this type of fabric. If there is no stain remover at hand, then you should use dishwashing detergent. On a woolen dress, apply a few drops of liquid to the stain and leave to dry completely. Rinse off the gel and wash the item.

On knitwear and delicate fabrics, you can try to carefully remove hardened wax with a spatula, knife or nail file.

Paraffin on the Bolognese coat is also removed with dish gel. Wipe the stain with a sponge with a detergent composition and rinse with water until the foam disappears. Wipe off moisture with a soft cloth or towel.

What to do with suede and fur

Hardened wax is well removed from fur products. To do this, they must be placed in the freezer or an ice pack should be attached to the contamination. Carefully clean the hardened wax on the villi, moving in the direction of the tips, so as not to damage the fur.

The method using an iron to remove wax is also suitable for suede fabrics. Only suede covered with material should be briefly applied to the soleplate of the iron, but in no case should the iron be placed on it, because the fleecy fabric cannot be ironed. The impact of a hot household appliance on a suede surface causes dents and gloss to appear.

If the first attempts are unsuccessful, it is recommended to make the following mixture. Combine 35 ml of ammonia, 10 ml of ethyl alcohol and 50 ml of gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab and apply to the stain for 5 minutes. After softening the wax, wipe the stain with a wet cloth. This composition is also used for coats and velvet fabrics.

A proven tool for restoring the structure of suede pile is the effect of steam. In this way, paraffin can also be removed if the item is held over the steam. The soft composition is easily cleaned with a brush or dry sponge. That's just rubbing the stain is not recommended, so as not to smear the wax.

There is another way. It is necessary to stir 1/2 tsp on a fleecy carpet, they say. ammonia in 1 liter of water. Apply the solution to the stain with a damp flannel cloth. Gently wipe the mark from the candle several times.

It is also possible to influence wax, on a fleecy carpet, with medical alcohol. It is enough to leave a moistened swab or sponge on the stain for 20-30 minutes.

What to do with wax on a leather jacket

The peculiarity of leather is that it does not absorb wax, so it is easier to remove.

The cold will also help to clear paraffin from leather clothes. After freezing, the material must be bent right at the point of contamination. The wax will crack and be easily removed with your fingers. Wipe the shiny trace with a napkin.

If the greasy stain still remains, then it is rubbed with ammonia or acetone.

Candle marks on jeans

It will not be difficult to clean a practical and tight jeans from drops of wax.

  • Jeans put in a bag and put in the freezer for 2 hours. Scrape off the hardened paraffin from the fabric and wash with powder.
  • Washing with soaking is also effective. Pants are soaked in hot water at 50-60°C with powder and kept for half an hour. Then they wash the pollution with laundry soap and send the item to the machine.
  • Hold the pants over the steam for 30 minutes and wash with powder in hot water.
  • Drops from denim are quickly removed after soaking with alcohol and sprinkling with table salt. The effect is achieved after 4-5 times.

Paraffin stains are durable. Wax on the fabric should be treated with a stain remover or dish gel so as not to be washed again. Old blots may not be removed at a time, then the treatment is repeated.

Ammonia for denim is not recommended because it spoils the color.

Removing old stains

Old wax prints, when the thing has lain in the closet, are not always removed without a trace, but it's worth a try. The frozen part is well removed by citric acid. The crystals are distributed over the spot area and slightly moistened from above with warm water from a spray bottle. Hold for 15-20 minutes and collect with a sponge.

Such an unusual remedy as a preparation for removing wax after depilation is also used. The oily composition quickly dissolves the wax on the fabric, and the stain is easily washed off. Nail polish remover is also used successfully, but it discolors the fabric.

On silk and woolen things, old wax is washed with dish detergent. It is poured onto the stain, covered with cling film and left for a day. Then wash with laundry soap.

If the wax was on clothes during depilation

Fresh wax imprint after cosmetic procedures is quickly removed with warm vegetable oil. Treat the stain with a small amount and leave for 5 minutes to soak. Next, wash the pollution with dishwashing gel.

If there is no oil at hand, then use special oil wipes, which are included in the set with wax strips. Olive or cosmetic oil is suitable, which is applied to a cotton pad and the areas of clothing are treated with paraffin.

In the article we discuss how to remove candle wax from clothes made of different materials. You'll learn what not to do when removing wax stains, how to remove paraffin wax from jeans and silk dresses, and whether you can use velvet thinner.

Candles are a traditional decorative element of the interior. You can't imagine a birthday celebration without them. They are used to create a romantic atmosphere and are lit during Christian ceremonies. In all these cases, situations may arise when someone pushes the candle, and the melted wax gets on the clothes.

To remove wax from the fabric, it is treated with steam, cold or chemical means.

Such stains are difficult to remove immediately, since the wax quickly spreads over the fabric, impregnates its fibers and hardens. To get rid of pollution, you need to determine what fabric the clothes are made of and choose a way to remove candle wax from clothes at home. Sometimes this method depends on the material from which the candle is made - paraffin or beeswax:

  • wax candles are easy to cut, malleable and uncolored.
  • paraffin candles are hard, crumble when exposed to a knife, and often contain a dye that can remain on the fabric after the wax is removed.

Also, before removing wax from clothes, study the rules for processing fabric:

  1. Do not touch the wax with a tissue or hands while it is fresh. So you spread it on the fabric, and it will be absorbed deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
  2. Before removing the stain, try mechanically scraping off the hardened build-up. Use a flat, non-sharp knife, nail file, spatula, or ruler. Bend the fabric along the edge of the stain and pry with any of these items.
  3. If the wax doesn't come off, freeze it - put the clothes in the freezer or put an ice pack on top. Then scrape off the stain with a toothbrush.
  4. If the candle is paraffin, after freezing the tissue, remember it. The paraffin will crumble and the dirt can be easily scraped off piece by piece.

After mechanical processing of clothes, fragments of wax still remain in the fibers of the fabric.. You can get rid of them by more radical methods. Each of the methods on how to remove paraffin from a candle from clothes, test on the wrong side of the fabric. If the material does not deform and does not lose color, then the method is suitable.

8 ways - how to remove wax from clothes

  • heat treatment - hot water, iron, freezer;
  • special products - ammonia and ethyl alcohol, turpentine, solvent and dishwashing liquid.

Hot water

Wax residues in fabric fibers can be melted in hot water. Be careful with synthetic materials. Some of them cannot be overheated.

How to remove wax from fabric with hot water:

  • Turn the stained product upside down and place the wrong side under hot water. The temperature should not exceed 70°C.
  • Hold for 2-3 minutes and remove the wax with a clean rag.
  • Gently press the cloth against your clothing and try to absorb the dirt.
  • Wash clothes by hand or washing machine.

The technology for removing wax from denim is a little more complicated.

How to remove wax from jeans with hot water:

  • Pour hot water at a temperature of 50-60 ° C into a basin.
  • Add laundry detergent and soak the denim for 30 minutes.
  • Wash the item in the washing machine.


An iron helps if the clothing or tablecloth is made from linen, cotton, denim, and other materials that are resistant to heat.

How to remove wax from a candle from a tablecloth with a hot iron:

  • Lay out the tablecloth on the ironing board.
  • Place a white paper towel under and on top of the fabric.
  • Set the iron to the lowest temperature recommended for the type of fabric. Usually it is 1 or 2 mode. Do not turn on steam mode.
  • Iron the tablecloth several times, making circular motions over the stain.
  • Change the towel every time wax residue sticks to it.
  • Wash the item as usual and rinse well.

If wax gets on suede clothes, do not iron the clothes, as dents will remain on the material. Here you just need to apply the soiled area to the heated surface of the iron through a paper towel sandwich, and the wax will move away from the suede.

Another question is if cotton, linen or suede gets paraffin drops. When the hot iron melts the paraffin, dark stains from oil impurities will remain on the fabric.

How to remove a candle stain on a dress if the candle is made of paraffin:

  • Treat the contamination according to the standard scheme - two layers of towels, ironing, changing the paper to a new one when the wax begins to melt.
  • Soak the fabric in whiteness if the garment is white, or in a vinegar solution if the garment is colored. Holding time from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
  • Wash the dress in the washing machine.


Those fabrics that are contraindicated in hot water and iron are well affected by low temperatures. An ordinary freezer with a temperature below -5 ° C or an ice pack will do. It is especially effective to freeze clothes when the stain has just appeared, and the wax has not soaked all the fibers of the fabric.

How to get wax out of clothes in the freezer:

  • Wrap a small item in cling film and place in the freezer. If it is a voluminous jacket, attach an ice container to the spot with a stain - frozen cassettes for a thermal bag, ice cubes.
  • Rub the cloth and remove the crumbled wax residue with a stiff brush.
  • When processing fur products, remove the wax, moving from the base of the villi to their tips.
  • Wash off the greasy mark with a damp swab.

If you are looking for a way to get colored wax out of clothes, be aware that paraffin candles usually contain very strong dyes. Even after thorough cleaning of the fabric, there may be traces of paint that cannot be removed. However, a 10% solution of borax, citric acid and common salt can handle lightly colored candles. You can find a solution of borax in a pharmacy.

How to remove paraffin with a solution of borax:

  • Place an ice pack over the colored wax stain.
  • Scrape frozen paraffin off the surface of the clothing.
  • Treat the remaining stain with 10% borax solution (sodium tetraborate).
  • Mix salt and citric acid 1:1, dilute with water.
  • Apply the resulting solution to the stain, wipe the cloth and wash.

The most important thing when dealing with colored wax stains is not to use a hot iron. Exposure to high temperatures will only fix the dye in the fibers of the fabric.


After using any product, wash the item in the usual way.

Delicate garments such as blouses made of chiffon or fine silk should not be cleaned with aggressive organic solvents or ironed. In this case, ordinary ammonia will get rid of candle wax.

How to remove a candle stain from clothes with ammonia:

  • Dilute 1 tsp. alcohol in 1 liter of water.
  • Dip a cotton pad in the solution and apply to the wax stain.
  • When the paraffin has dissolved, rinse the blouse in warm water.
  • Wash in the washing machine on the correct setting.


A popular way to remove wax from jeans is to treat with ethyl alcohol and salt. Salt acts as an absorbent and absorbs paraffin, which is dissolved by alcohol. To remove all wax residues, do the procedure 4-5 times.

How to remove a stain from a paraffin candle with ethyl alcohol:

  • Soak a cotton ball in alcohol and apply to the stain for 20-30 minutes.
  • Remove the cotton and sprinkle the rest of the paraffin with kitchen salt.
  • Rub in the salt, shake off and clean the fabric with a soft brush.
  • Wash jeans in the washing machine as usual.


Trousers made of velvet, plush, velor and other soft fleecy fabrics can be cleaned of wax with turpentine. It dissolves paraffin and degreases the place of contamination.

How to remove wax from trousers with turpentine:

  • Dip a cotton pad in the organic solvent.
  • Apply to stained area for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your dress in soapy water.
  • Rinse in warm water and put in the washing machine.

You can also learn how to wash,.

Dishwashing liquid

To remove wax marks from delicate fabrics, it is better to use special stain removers or dishwashing liquid. Delicate fabrics include satin, chiffon, organza, silk, wool, lace, velvet. Also, this method is suitable in a situation where the clothes were washed before a wax stain was found.

How to remove wax from clothes after washing at home:

  • Pour some dishwashing liquid over the wax stain.
  • Cover with cling film on top.
  • Put the clothes in a basin and wait 12 to 24 hours.
  • Wash the product in water at temperatures up to 30°C.
  • Repeat the procedure if necessary.


If the garment is made from a fabric that is permanently dyed but is sensitive to high temperatures, you can remove the wax stain with a solvent such as acetone, kerosene, mineral spirits, or unleaded gasoline. Thinner is safe to use on plush and velvet fabrics and not on wool and silk.

How to wash a candle from clothes with gasoline:

  • Soak a cotton pad in refined gasoline and place on the stain.
  • Repeat the procedure after 30 minutes.
  • Wait for the clothes to dry. The gasoline must evaporate, otherwise it will mix with the rest of the paraffin and form an aqueous emulsion on the fabric.
  • Rinse the product in warm water and wash with powder.

For more information on how to remove wax from clothes, see the video:

What to remember

  1. If your clothing gets waxed, do not rub the stain and wait for the wax to dry.
  2. Scrape off the wax with a dull knife or ruler.
  3. Remove wax residues with an iron or freezer.
  4. Colored wax must not be exposed to high temperatures.
  5. Wax stains are removed from jeans with hot water and ethyl alcohol.
  6. Chiffon, organza, and fine silk can be cleaned with ammonia and dishwashing liquid, while velvet, plush, and velor can be cleaned with turpentine.