Have a baby after 40. Preparing for pregnancy or how to give birth to a healthy baby after forty

Childbirth after forty: consider all the risks.

Modern women in their younger years are concerned about building a career, realizing in the social sphere, creating a solid material base. Finding a family, and even more so having children, is not among the priorities of most of today's youth. In this regard, the number of primiparas aged 30 to 40 has tripled compared to 2000.

An increasing number of women decide to give birth to a child in their fifth decade. This trend also affected the stars of show business. So, the famous singer Madonna gave birth to her first daughter at the age of 40, and at 42 she decided to have a son. At 42, Hollywood actress Kim Basinger had her first birth. Russian actress Olga Kabo gave birth to her second child at 44, and Elena Proklova at 46. There are more and more sensational reports of the birth of babies in mothers aged about 50 years and even older.

We will find out how risky late childbirth is, how they affect the state of the mother's body and the health of the baby.

1. Late delivery is a cause for concern for doctors.

Doctors believe that the optimal period for childbirth in women is 19-28 years old, and the medically acceptable childbearing age is up to 37-40 years.

Experts say that despite the achievements of modern medicine and the availability of resources to help cope with age-related problems, it is impossible to exclude all risks in bearing a fetus and giving birth to a baby.

2. Natural aging processes are the cause of weak labor activity.

In the body of a woman who has reached the peak of maturity, irreversible processes occur that lead to the depletion of natural resources. First of all, the musculoskeletal system and the muscular system weaken. The spine becomes less resilient, joints weaken, muscles and connective tissue lose their elasticity. All these changes cause weak labor activity and many other complications.

3. After 40 years, the female body is no longer so healthy.

It is no secret that by the age of 40 a significant part of people acquire chronic diseases. During pregnancy, diseases become aggravated: problems arise with the heart, blood vessels, kidneys, endocrine system, etc. Violations in the body of a pregnant woman negatively affect not only the health of the mother, but also the development of the unborn child. Often, doctors state placental insufficiency, oxygen starvation and delayed fetal development.

4. The influence of ecology is increasingly making itself felt.

Closer to the age of 40, we begin to feel the consequences of an unfavorable environmental situation and our own wrong lifestyle. The deterioration of health is caused by an unbalanced diet, insufficient physical activity, and bad habits.

5. The risk of having a child with Down syndrome increases by the age of 40 mothers.

But, perhaps, the most important risk factor during pregnancy in the premenopausal period is the possibility of having children with genetic abnormalities, mainly with Down syndrome. And if, according to medical statistics, a woman under 30 years of age runs the risk of giving birth to a child with impaired genetics in 1 case out of 1300, up to 40 years old - in 1 case out of 90, then after the age of 40 years the risk of developing genetic pathologies is approximately 1 out of 32.

6. After 40 years, it is very difficult to take care of a child.

Even the birth of a healthy child is not a protection against the occurrence of difficulties in the subsequent period. A significant minus when a baby appears in a late-birth mother is the difficulty in caring for the baby and the real opportunity not to live to see the child grow up. This situation can be mitigated by the presence of young close relatives - sisters, aunts, etc., who, in the event of the death of their parents, can become a support and protection for a minor orphan, and to some extent compensate for the loss.

7. Mommy's too mature age is a reason for children's complexes.

Even if you exclude the saddest outcome, you can not hide the fact that growing children are embarrassed by their elderly parents, whom others mistake for grandparents.

But there is also a "spoon of honey"

At the same time, some positive aspects of late motherhood should be noted. Thus, the hormonal restructuring of the body contributes to the stimulation of metabolic processes, the activation of immunity, which gives a powerful rejuvenating effect. There is also an opinion that childbirth after 40 years for a woman is the path to longevity, since a properly functioning reproductive system has a positive effect on the entire body.

An older mother is able to give the baby much more attention and care. As a rule, such mothers spend more time with the child, pay attention to joint activities, choosing a useful pastime. Conducted studies prove that children born to middle-aged parents are more mentally developed.

Only after analyzing all the pros and cons of late pregnancy, and objectively evaluating the state of your own health, you can make the right decision. And in order for motherhood to bring joy, it is necessary to enlist the support of close people, first of all, the spouse.

In recent years, the number of women who decide to give birth to a second, or even first child over the age of 40 has been increasing. This is due to many factors, for example, the desire to make a career, increased requirements for living conditions. As a result, the first births are increasingly occurring in the period of 30–35 years, and only at the age of forty does the question of a second child arise.

It is possible to understand such desire. A woman has succeeded as a specialist, there are good material conditions or a new family has formed, all this supports the desire for motherhood. But isn't it too late? This is a serious decision that needs to be carefully considered and consulted by experts.

The opinion of doctors about pregnancy at 40

There can be no single opinion on this matter. All life situations are different. The well-being of the expectant mother, the presence of chronic diseases, whether it is the first birth or not, is important.

Getting pregnant at this age is also much more difficult than when you were young. The level of fertility decreases, the number of eggs suitable for fertilization decreases. It doesn't matter what pregnancy it is, aging happens anyway. The experience of doctors who constantly face similar situations also gives them the opportunity to treat late pregnancy differently.

  • a complete examination of the patient's health status;
  • detection of chronic diseases;
  • study of heredity;
  • psychological state research.

Given all these factors, the doctor can express his opinion about the woman's ability to give birth to a baby.

Doctors often do not recommend late delivery, but if a woman decides to do so, she should be warned about the risks of late pregnancy and that she will have to seriously prepare, many examinations will be required. Health must be closely monitored.

All pregnant women after forty must be referred to a geneticist to identify possible genetic abnormalities in the child. The older the mother, the more often babies with Down syndrome are born. At twenty-five, this risk is 1:2000, and for mothers over forty it is already -1:150.

Contraindications for late childbirth should be:

  • oncology;
  • kidney failure;
  • severe course of diabetes;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Evaluation by experts in late labor

According to doctors about pregnancy, at 42, bearing a child poses a serious risk for the mother herself. After forty, exacerbations of chronic diseases often occur, which complicate the process of bearing a child. And the onset of menopause and the hormonal surge that accompanies pregnancy can lead to the development of diseases that were not previously clearly manifested. There is a danger of developing mastopathy, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease.

Childbirth at 42, according to doctors, is also dangerous for the child. Missed pregnancies and miscarriages are common. Women in labor have to stay in hospital for a long time, sometimes most of the time before delivery.

About childbirth after 40 years of age, statistics say that they occur by caesarean section eight times more often than at 30 years of age.

How does pregnancy occur at 44? The opinion of doctors is that this is almost always possible only with the help of the in vitro fertilization procedure. Self-conception at this age is unlikely.

In vitro fertilization procedure:

  • Allows you to fight infertility.
  • Excludes the presence of genetic diseases of the embryo.
  • Allows you to choose the gender of the child.

As a result of IVF, children are born who develop in the same way as their peers, conceived in the traditional way. Women aged 45, 50 and older also resort to this procedure. Recently, a Muscovite gave birth to a healthy child at the age of 60. Gynecologists in the clinic, who were involved in obstetrics, say that this is their first case, but there are more and more women giving birth at the age of 41-50. This is a record for our country, but in India, a woman at the age of 70 gave birth to twins after IVF.

Positive sides

Against the backdrop of many arguments "against", it is worth recognizing a number of positive points. In favor of late motherhood There are also several arguments:

After evaluating all the pros and cons, taking into account the results of examinations and the recommendations of doctors, a woman can make an informed decision . If the choice is made in favor of the appearance of a new family member, then she will need psychological support from relatives and friends. This will help overcome all sorts of fears associated with the late birth of a child, and gain peace of mind and confidence, which are very important during this period. A positive mother's attitude is the key to the birth of a healthy baby.

Pregnancy after 40 years is a very serious topic that requires a thorough approach, a thorough analysis of all the pros and cons, especially taking into account the changes that have occurred in a woman’s body since the most favorable period for conceiving a baby is in the past. But still…

Childbirth after 40 years in recent decades has become an increasingly frequent occurrence in our lives. And what pleases - the number of successful pregnancies is also increasing. What is the reason for this, let's not be afraid of this word, happy statistics?

There are many factors contributing to this.

Why do children become more frequent after 40?

Firstly, at such an adult age, a woman comes to the decision to give birth to a child consciously. Therefore, pregnancy is preceded by preparation, both physical and moral. The expectant mother tries to follow the recommendations of doctors, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stressful situations, and receive as many positive emotions as possible.

Secondly, pregnancy at the age of 40 is a completely conscious phenomenon, since the material basis of the future family has been prepared.

Thirdly, the level of development of medicine today makes it possible to cope with many health problems of the expectant mother, including those that were insurmountable just a few years ago. New drugs and technologies appear, thanks to which those who have long lost hope of giving birth at the age of 40 have real chances to conceive, endure pregnancy, and become happy mothers.

In addition, modern couples often resort to in vitro fertilization, as well as far-reaching pregnancy planning - egg vitrification (in other words, freezing of biomaterial in order to use it in the future). Thus, the problem of childbirth after 40 years is often resolved very successfully.

You can't discount the fact that women these days are more educated, armed with information, less superstitious. Today's adult mothers of toddlers are, of course, beautiful, happy and less and less worried about the opinions of others: "At her age ...".

We also do not use the medical epithet "old-timer" in this article, as you may have noticed. We are talking about “adult”, “mature”, “accomplished” as a person, prepared to become a mother, knowing the price of real happiness.

And yet, childbirth after 40 years has not only pros, but also cons. Or at least be very, very attentive to yourself.

Risks of Late Pregnancy: Not a Cause for Disorder

... And the reason is to carefully weigh everything, think it over, prepare well to successfully endure pregnancy, even after passing the 40-year threshold.

How to minimize risks? Childbirth after 40 years: what does preparation for pregnancy include? How to behave as an adult expectant mother? This is what will be discussed in this part of our article.

Risks, what are they, what are they associated with? How to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and is it possible? In most cases, the answers to these questions will be positive, BUT! if you're honest enough.

The first, main problem on the way to a happy birth of a child after the age of 40 is conception itself. As you know, with age, the number of female eggs decreases. If at the beginning of childbearing age (the medical language of the pubertal period) there are about 300 thousand of them, then by the age of 43 their number is so small that the chances of getting pregnant are reduced to only 1-2%. However, even a small fraction should not be discounted if pregnancy is still undesirable! Well, if you still intend to become a mother at this age - let's try!

Changes in a woman's body after childbirth

Miscarriage is also a very serious and urgent problem for mature mothers. Statistics show that from the age of 40 the probability of a miscarriage is more than 30%, after 45 this figure increases to 50% or more.

The probability of having a child with chromosomal defects - Down's syndrome and other genetic diseases - increases in a 40-year-old mother. At least that's what the statistics say. Already by the age of 45, the risk of having a special child is more than 3%, which is a fairly serious indicator. This fact is the reason why doctors recommend that women plan pregnancy before the age of 35-37, and childbirth after 45, from a medical point of view, is considered extremely undesirable.

Nevertheless, around us we can observe many happy families with sufficiently adult parents and quite healthy, active toddlers. Therefore, let's continue talking about the aforementioned risk of pregnancy and childbirth after 40 years a little older.

Special tests and screenings allow you to find out about the presence of genetic diseases (by the way, today at a fairly early date). If the examination reveals abnormalities that you feel you cannot handle, your doctor may advise you to terminate the pregnancy.

Important examinations

When and what examinations should be carried out in order to make sure that the child will not have chromosomal defects?

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound). Planned for the entire pregnancy is carried out three times. However, if necessary, the doctor may prescribe it an additional number of times.

The first ultrasound is done at 11-13 weeks.

It is on this examination that signs of Down syndrome in the embryo can be detected.

In later pregnancy, the likelihood of detecting this disorder is very low.

AFP test is carried out for a period from the 15th to the 18th week. This is a blood test for the content of a special protein, alpha-fetoprotein, which is produced in the gastrointestinal tract and liver of the fetus (embryo). It should be noted here that this study is considered informative only if there are both ultrasound data at the same time.

What can an increased AFP content in a future mother indicate? Perhaps you are expecting more than one child? But in addition to this good news, you can hear others, such as necrosis of the child's liver, nonunion of the anterior abdominal wall, deviations in the development of the fetal kidneys, and other developmental anomalies.
If the AFP test is lowered, this may mean the Down syndrome we have already mentioned, developmental delay, death of the baby, spontaneous abortion, false pregnancy, and other problems.

In addition, here one cannot discount possible errors in the calculation of the timing: perhaps the pregnancy came a little later.

Along with the study described above, an hCG test (chorionic gonadotropin) and an analysis for free estirol (pregnancy maintenance hormone) are also done.

Elevated hCG may indicate a threatened miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

How to behave a woman after childbirth

If the levels of hCG are low, this is an occasion to think about a possible tumor process in the placenta or the presence of cancer in the mother.

In addition to the risks we have mentioned, difficulties with carrying a pregnancy and giving birth directly after 40 years of age can be associated with congenital and life-long diseases of the mother, in connection with which, in fact, pregnancy was postponed for so long. These are, first of all, diseases of the heart, kidneys, hormonal disorders that require the use of contraindicated drugs during pregnancy, as well as problems with vision, the musculoskeletal system, and others. Therefore, in order for motherhood to work out, it is best to plan a future pregnancy.

Planning for childbirth after 40: what does it mean?

Once you have decided for yourself that you will give birth after 40, you should “pull yourself together” and switch to a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, give the body proper rest, do not ignore active walks in the fresh air, do physical education (at least exercises in the morning, the simplest exercises that can be performed in the office at the workplace). Particular attention should be paid to a complete, balanced diet. All this is extremely important, especially if you decide to give birth after 40.

Perhaps someone will think that these are standard phrases that can be heard in every clinic. But we emphasize: the doctor who strongly recommends this to you is good. Why? Pregnancy, especially at such an adult age, requires a lot of strength, both physical and emotional. Your task is to accumulate a certain supply of them in order to simply adequately withstand all 9 months without compromising your own health and the health of the child.

Therefore, good physical shape is a very important factor for a successful pregnancy.

A balanced diet is also a less important aspect of preparing for pregnancy. Do you know that some, including congenital diseases, are associated precisely with a lack of certain vitamins and minerals? Therefore, eat not only tasty, but also competently, dear future mothers. Even if you are not yet pregnant. After all, the birth of a child in the perspective of one or two years is not such a long time for the body to properly prepare.

The mental attitude is very important. To safely endure pregnancy, it must be positive. Knowledge of possible problems is not a reason for panic, but only a strong argument to love yourself even more, to take care of your own body and soul. Information about risks is a reason to be more vigilant, to make sure that all the necessary tests and examinations are scheduled for you and, moreover, on time. It is worth worrying only when the problem has arisen. By the way, this also needs to be learned. If you are a fairly modern woman and can afford it, the help of a good psychologist will not be superfluous.

Rejection of bad habits should also be an integral part of your pregnancy preparation program. No alcohol, cigarettes, energy drinks, coffee, sleeping pills, antidepressants (unless the latter were prescribed by a doctor). This is a taboo you must determine for yourself, the sooner the better.

How long can a disorder called postpartum depression last?

Already 3-4 months before the onset of the planned pregnancy, you should visit a gynecologist, go through all the necessary examinations prescribed by him.

A mammologist, endocrinologist, therapist, as well as specialists who, for one reason or another, you are registered with, should also express their opinion on the possibility of giving birth after 40 years. Only after receiving all the consultations, you should weigh your own risks and opportunities, pros and cons, and make a final decision.

When Pregnancy Doesn't Occur Naturally

We have already mentioned the possibility of egg freezing. However, in this case, we are talking only about far-sighted and wealthy women.

But it is not uncommon for us to come to the decision to become a mother not easily, in doubts and contradictions. What to do if the future mother is “ripe” too late to use the reserves of her own body? But what if there are unfavorable hereditary factors along the line of the mother and for a long time this was the argument against pregnancy?

There is also a way out - to resort to the use of a donor egg. Let's face it: this path is not easy and expensive. The thought of how this child can be yours can also visit you. However, the latter can often disturb until the first movement of the baby. When you begin to feel a new life within yourself, coexist, listen to each other and, finally, be able to understand your child, doubts will dissipate like a dream.

Probably, the question should sound somewhat different: what awaits a woman who has decided having a baby after 40? In general, only with very serious indicators, social or physiological, it is necessary to raise the question of the impossibility of giving life to a new little man. But, as a rule, at the age of 40, the decision is already very conscious and doubts concern only the physiological side of the issue.

Yes, indeed, there is a certain risk in terms of physiology. It is connected with the fact that for 4 decades - a considerable period! - it’s not that anymore ... the woman has already managed to acquire a “baggage” of not very pleasant diseases that can make complications in the course of pregnancy and negatively affect labor, and, possibly, even be transmitted to the baby. But! All these possibilities are purely hypothetical: they may or may not exist. In addition, the risk exists in both young mothers and mothers with chronic diseases. Who knows what risk. The main thing is the desire to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. I must say that even at the age of 40 this is absolutely possible - the history of mankind knows cases of childbirth by ladies and at a more mature age.

Further. Aspect psychological. Undoubtedly, Wrong women don't give birth until 40 for whom everything is fine: a loving husband, a happy family, etc. Perhaps one of the parents had health problems. But most likely, the woman was just taking care of herself, growing personally, making a career, earning a living, etc. In modern conditions, there is no question of what needs to be born. It is much more important to be able to provide a new person with everything he needs - and this really requires a lot of financial investments. Therefore, women are not in a hurry to get pregnant, but in a hurry, as they say today, "to stand firmly on their feet" in order to continue to support and educate the baby in decent conditions in the future without any problems. This aspect applies not only to women, but also to men, who also need a certain amount of time in order to start receiving a stable income.

Doctors say that late pregnancy is not yet a cause for alarm - there are many risks in women within the most attractive childbearing age. Moreover, doctors are convinced that the body of the average inhabitant of the Earth is getting younger, he can afford to live longer. And therefore, late childbirth is a completely natural process that meets the conditions of evolution.

There remains one more aspect, and it repents directly of the child himself. Given that a mother is 40 at the time of birth, the age gap between parent and child seems to be quite significant. Here we are talking about a difference of almost two generations - and this is actually a significant difference. What is dangerous in this case? Crisis periods in the life of a child can be more acute, since it will be difficult for a mother to understand the behavior of a person who is so strikingly different from the habits of her childhood and youth. By simple calculations, we will find out that the mother will be 60 years old, and the child will be only 20. This is not a disaster - but at 20 years old, adult support is still needed, and at 60 years old, children's support is already needed. Thus, a conflict situation may also ripen.

  • But still: to give birth or not to give birth after forty years?

Of course, all nature is in favor of a positive decision. And what is said in this article is just an excuse to be more attentive to yourself and your baby. And everything will be just great - the child cannot but bring joy, happiness and many minutes of bliss to his mother!

Even 20 years ago, women after 28 years of age were considered postpartum. Now, when the fair sex is trying to do everything, they often postpone motherhood until later. First, education, career, material base are of paramount importance. And more and more often, the time for the first birth is only 30-35 years.

Closer to forty, when the first-born is growing up (or has already grown up), many women are wondering if they should become a mother again. More and more often they look back on the street at women with strollers and catch themselves thinking that they would love to visit a children's store.

But many are afraid of age, and just a huge assortment of "terrible" stories about aged mothers and their children that the Internet is crammed with. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Pregnancy after 40 years

Let's start with the fact that it is already quite difficult for a woman to get pregnant after 40 years. The level of fertility is rapidly declining, and the ovaries produce less and less “healthy” eggs ready for fertilization. The number of anovulatory cycles increases, i.e. cycles in which ovulation never occurs.

However, if pregnancy has occurred, then a woman over 40 should know that the next 9 months will be significantly different from the first pregnancy.

Despite the fact that society has begun to look more favorably on "age" moms, a certain bias remains in traditional medicine. And a woman will have to face it from the first days of pregnancy. Doctors will more closely monitor the development of the child and the condition of the expectant mother, they will have to attend a consultation more often than 20-year-old girls do in position, many pregnant women at this age spend almost the entire period in a hospital for conservation.

Obstetrician-gynecologists can be understood: by the age of 40, a woman has already accumulated a sufficient burden of chronic diseases, and the process of bearing a child, associated with rapid hormonal and physiological changes, can undermine her health and threaten the condition of the baby.

The expectant mother, who is already over 40, will have to undergo screening studies without fail. There will be three of them. At a period of 11-13 weeks of pregnancy, you will need to donate blood and undergo an ultrasound diagnosis of the fetus. Based on a combination of factors, the risks of having a child with genetic pathologies will be calculated. During screening, the probability of the birth of a baby with Down syndrome, Edwards, Cornelia de Lange, Patau, neural tube defects is established.

As you know, the older the mother, the more likely the birth of crumbs with Down syndrome. For example, in a 25-year-old woman, this risk is 1:2000. At the age of 30 - 1:1000, at 40 already - 1:150, and by the age of 45 1:30, that is, out of 30 births, one will end with the birth of a sick baby. Other genetic diseases, the risk of which is revealed by screening studies, are quite rare on their own.

A woman will have a second screening between 20 and 24 weeks. pregnancy. It will also include a blood test and an ultrasound. The third screening of pregnant women is carried out for a period of 30-34 weeks.

Pregnant women after 40, as a rule, all without exception, are referred for a consultation with a geneticist. And if the screening results cause him concern, the woman may be offered to undergo an examination by invasive methods. They are more informative, for example, amniocentesis (taking amniotic fluid for genetic analysis) gives a result with an accuracy of 99%.

What should you know in this situation? Screening, like invasive diagnostics, is voluntary. No one has the right to force a woman to pass them. Some "age" mothers deliberately refuse such a diagnosis, believing that their own calmness and the calmness of the child is more important than the test result obtained as a result of nervous expectation and doubts.

The so-called late pregnancy will have its pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at them.


  • Forty-year-old parents, as a rule, approach the planning of the child more consciously. They already know what raising children is, they have sufficient material and spiritual base, as well as rich life experience in order to raise a new person.
  • It is believed that the body of a woman over 40 is rejuvenated after childbirth. You can treat this as you like, but doctors do not refute this. The hormonal "shake" that the expectant mother will receive within 9 months really has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair, mobilizes internal organs, the woman "blooms". She has a reduced risk of stroke, menopause comes later, and it passes less painfully.
  • Forty-year-old mothers are more patient, calm, balanced and sensitive towards their children. They are more likely to survive the psychological postpartum crisis.


  • Carrying a baby at 40 is much more difficult than at 25. The load on all organs is so great that during pregnancy, a woman can not only exacerbate existing diseases, but also develop new ones.
  • Late-birth mothers are more likely to have problems with lactation. Not enough milk or not at all.
  • Quite often, a pregnancy over the age of 40 ends with a caesarean section. Doctors do not want to risk the health of the baby and mother during natural childbirth.
  • Pregnancy over the age of 40 significantly increases the risk of miscarriage. Compared to the base values, it increases by about 50%. And a 40% increase in the risk of preterm birth.

Myths and reality

  • Pregnancy after age 40 increases the chance of having twins. Moreover, the twins are likely to be fraternal. It's true. But the opinion that the children of 40-year-old mothers are more capable, talented and almost brilliant is a common myth. The age of the woman in labor in no way affects the intellectual abilities of the baby.
  • Women who give birth after 40 live longer. Sociologists around the world claim that their research confirms this. But most likely, it's not in childbirth. It's just that ladies who risked becoming pregnant and giving birth to a baby in adulthood initially have better health, which cannot but affect their life expectancy.
  • Children are shy of older parents. Pure fiction. These parents are ashamed of themselves. And children love mom and dad just the way they are. Moreover, they have nothing to be ashamed of - parents in adulthood, as a rule, are well-off financially, have a stable job, and the housing issue is not acute for them.

If a woman nevertheless decided to become pregnant and give birth to a second child after 40 years, it will be difficult for her without psychological support. The fact is that late pregnancy is associated with a large number of fears. But age is not a sentence, and only the positive attitude of the expectant mother actually matters.

How to deal with your concerns?

  • Focus on your feelings. Trust yourself. If you feel well, do not make unnecessary fuss, and do not run around the doctors' offices unless absolutely necessary. Enjoy your pregnancy, and then the fears themselves will burst like soap bubbles.
  • Make good use of your time. Maternity leave is a good time for self-improvement. Do not dwell on your fears, listen to your favorite music, finally read all those books that you put off for later, watch movies. Make it a rule to learn something new every day. This is good for both mom and baby.
  • Trust. Trust everyone who is close to you - your husband, your doctor. They understand that pregnancy is a serious test for you, and they are ready to help. Open up in response.
  • Do not hesitate to tell household members about your experiences and feelings. Share with your spouse, with an older child, if his age allows you to understand you. Let all members of your family expect the birth of the baby with you. Feeling like you're on the same team can help move mountains and reduce anxiety.

  • Do not neglect the advice to walk more often, take a warm shower in the evenings, learn to relax, master breathing exercises.
  • Distance yourself from anyone who tries to sow even a grain of doubt in you or criticize your decision to become a mother. Whether or not to give birth at 40 is up to you. No one has the right to impose their opinion on you. Don't let anyone disturb your inner state.
  • Get like-minded people. There are communities on the Internet where mature mothers like you will understand, support and not judge.

The birth of a child at any age is an extraordinary event. When weighing all the pros and cons, consider the most important factor - love. If you feel that she lives in you, and you are ready to give her in unlimited quantities to your loved ones, be sure to give birth to a baby, even if you are under 50.