Massage of the eyelids and eyes: how to do it right, types of massage around the eyes. The most effective eyelid massage techniques

Blepharitis is an inflammatory process caused by ophthalmic diseases: keratosis, allergic conjunctivitis, etc. It is expressed by redness, itching, pain, thickening of the edge of the eyelid with periodic release of purulent contents. IN advanced stages can cause the growth of eyelashes inward, deformation of the structure of the eye. Eyelid massage for blepharitis effective method relieve symptoms, accelerate the treatment of inflammation.

Regular massaging of diseased eyelids increases blood circulation in the skin and nearby tissues. Active microcirculation increases the supply of oxygen and important substances, improving local immunity, contributes to the resolution congestion, tones the eye muscles. Nerve fibers from stimulation return to normal, ensure the functioning of the visual organ.

Under pressure, lymph begins to circulate, which helps to drain excess fluid, reduce swelling, and remove toxins from blepharitis.

When massage is combined with medicines, recovery comes faster - rubbing contributes to a deeper penetration of the components into the affected tissues. After the first session, the volume of pus decreases, the inflammatory process becomes less pronounced.

Types of eyelid massage

There are several data methods for the treatment of blepharitis. They are performed according to the algorithm.

If blepharitis is accompanied by suppuration, a preliminary consultation with an ophthalmologist is required.

Types of massage:

  1. Glass rod. An effective and common way to deal with eye diseases. The spatula helps rub medications, bring out purulent formations. It is prescribed for the initial and advanced stages of the disease.
  2. Point impact with fingers. The easy way. Helps to get rid of fluid accumulation, puffiness, pain. All manipulations are carried out with the help of fingers, which affect biologically active points or move in certain directions.

When massaging the patient feels discomfort, pain. Before the procedure, drops with an anesthetic effect are used.

How to do eyelid massage with blepharitis

Massaging the eyelids inflamed from blepharitis is best left to the doctor. Wrong actions can cause complications.

If the treatment is carried out at home, it is important to take precautions, carefully monitor hygiene, follow the steps step by step.

With the appearance of abundant purulent discharge, severe pain, skin hyperemia, it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

An error can reduce visual acuity.

Necessary means and tools

The main working tools for massage are fingers or a glass rod. It looks like a rod with a spatula and a ball on different ends. The spatula is intended for bookmarking medicinal ointment beyond the edge of the affected eyelid, massaging is carried out with a ball.

Auxiliary means for the event with blepharitis:

  1. Antiseptic solution for the treatment of hands and tools.
  2. Clean terry towel.
  3. Boiled water.
  4. Ethanol.
  5. Painkillers - Alkain, Dikain.
  6. Ophthalmic ointments - Glycoderm, Floxal, Blefarogel, Tetracycline - as prescribed by the attending physician.
  7. Drops - Dexapos, Alomid, Maxitrol, Lekrolin - as prescribed by the attending physician.

The ophthalmologist chooses medicines based on the stage of blepharitis, the presence of complications.

Self-administration of antiseptic or antibacterial drugs can lead to allergic reaction, irritation.

Massage technique

The method of massaging the eyelids depends on the instrument used. Instructions for manipulating a glass rod:

  1. Thoroughly disinfect hands and glassware.
  2. Rinse eyes with boiled water. Apply a towel to remove moisture.
  3. Drop in an anesthetic. Works in 2-3 minutes.
  4. Gently pull and pull the eyelid up, place the shoulder blade inside, press with your finger from the outside.
  5. Move the stick gradually from the inner edge to the outer. As you advance, make small squeezing movements. At correct execution there is a discharge of pus with blepharitis.
  6. Repeat the manipulations on the lower and upper eyelids.
  7. When switching to the other eye, repeat the disinfection of hands and instruments.
  8. At the end of the massage, the edge of the inflamed eyelid is treated with ethyl alcohol.
  9. Drip drops or lubricate the skin with a healing ointment.

The course of massage with a glass stick for blepharitis is 2-3 weeks. Repeat daily. It is desirable to carry out in the conditions of the treatment room.

Therapeutic finger massage:

  1. Disinfect hands thoroughly.
  2. Anesthetize the eye with a special antiseptic: 3 times 1-2 drops with an interval of 2-3 minutes.
  3. Squeeze your eyelids tightly.
  4. Gently stroke the surface of the eyelid with your fingers inner corner to the outside.
  5. After a minute of stroking, begin light pressure on the edges to remove pus.
  6. After the release of pus, carry out repeated strokes, allowing you to relax the muscles after painful manipulations.
  7. Disinfect the edge of the eye with ethyl alcohol.
  8. Drop drops or ointment into the conjunctival sac.

The massage procedure for blepharitis can be performed independently at home.

For improvement metabolic processes you can apply a point effect on biologically active points.

The first is 1 cm above the middle of the superciliary arch. Press until pain occurs. Two points are located in places of depressions on the temples. They are gently rubbed with fingertips.

Combination medicines with blepharitis and massage will restore health to the eyes.

Step-by-step instructions for massage with blepharitis

With proper exercise, the patient experiences a minimum level of discomfort, recovery occurs after a few days.

How to proceed:

  1. Before starting the procedure, be sure to clean the eye from dust, purulent secretions, and other contaminants. For this, boiled water is used.
  2. Wash your hands with soap and dry with a towel.
  3. Thoroughly treat the inflamed area with an anesthetic in the form of drops. At severe pain drip three times with a break of 2-3 minutes.
  4. After preparation, you can start applying antibacterial drug prescribed for blepharitis, rubbing with fingers or a stick.
  5. When carrying out the procedure independently, it is necessary to take comfortable posture, relax. The movements are neat, it is forbidden to squeeze the eyelid.
  6. The duration of one session is no more than 8 minutes.
  7. At the end of the massage, lubricate the affected area with ointment or drip with the prescribed solution, drops.

Be careful not to aggravate blepharitis. To accurately perform the actions, you can ask the doctor to visually show step by step diagram execution.

What actions during massage can harm

The eye is a fragile organ, it is important to act carefully during treatment, to think over your actions.

Maintain hygiene. When massaging two eyes affected by blepharitis, first massage on one side, then carefully disinfect your hands and tools, proceed to treat the other side.

Do not use cotton buds to remove liquid. They will leave microfibers on the mucous membrane, which will lead to increased inflammatory process, will cause a secondary infection.

Do not use medicines without a doctor's prescription.

Do not press on the eyeball with your fingers or a stick to avoid injury.

Do not use cosmetics for processing.

Can't do vacuum massage face with blepharitis in the areas around the eyes.

Blepharitis is a complex ophthalmic disease that can be treated only with integrated approach. Diagnosis is based on a combination of signs and symptoms. Depending on the cause of inflammation, the type of pathology is established - allergic, staphylococcal. deal with backfire, a massage course will help reduce pain. It will speed up recovery, reduce the frequency of relapses.

Puffy eyes are a concern for many people, especially women. Some people see swollen eyelids in the mirror every morning, which makes them use more decorative cosmetics to mask a cosmetic defect. But any accumulation of fluid that continues long time, should alert: this may be a sign of diseases of the urinary system, liver, thyroid gland, endocrine system.

Another cause of swelling is an improperly fitted pillow, which causes the neck muscles to remain tense during sleep, due to which fluid accumulates in the face area, which is noticeable under thin skin eye orbits.

You can use various creams with a resolving effect, or you can do lymphatic drainage massage against edema. It shows itself well with regular practice: if you daily (morning / evening) do yourself a simple massage of the area around the eyes, this will help eliminate puffiness.

At the same time, you can use useful advice to improve lymphatic drainage of tissues from the body - wash your face cold water, do gymnastics, reduce the amount of salt consumed.

Benefits of manual massage

This is a simple technique, any woman can handle it at home. It is not necessary to spend money and pay for the services of a cosmetologist - just use your favorite face cream, or buy special remedy against edema with horse chestnut (escin) extract, enhancing microcirculation and outflow of interstitial fluid.

Another advantage manual massage eye against edema - a double cosmetic effect. The fight against edema has a pleasant " by-effect"- the skin around the orbital orbits becomes smoother, mimic wrinkles, etc. crow's feet will be less noticeable.

Lymphatic drainage massage from bags under the eyes has a general rejuvenating effect. You can do it yourself for prevention premature aging skin.


Lymphatic drainage facial massage for edema has its own contraindications:

  • infectious, allergic diseases (conjunctivitis);
  • cuts, abrasions, skin damage;
  • facial trauma;
  • recovery period after plastic surgery, filler injections, other minimally invasive cosmetic procedures.

If you have no contraindications, you can start doing an anti-edema massage today before going to bed or tomorrow morning after waking up.

How to do massage for swelling?

So, how to remove bags under the eyes? Before the procedure, the skin of the face must be cleansed. perfect time- Immediately after morning shower. Take advantage of familiar cosmetics- gel, milk for washing, scrub, tonic lotion.

At the end of the procedure, apply your favorite cream - nourishing, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, BB cream. Let the product soak in a little and start.

  1. Put the index and middle fingers of both palms together, gently swipe near the outer corners of the eyelids. Do 10 rolls clockwise.
  2. Using folded index and middle fingers, gently slide over the skin of the lower half of the orbit to the bridge of the nose. You need to do three very gentle movements so that the skin does not move under the fingers. Do the same with the upper eyelid.
  3. Do the same, only change the direction of movement to the opposite, moving to the temporal bone.
  4. With the pads of four fingers, gently massage the lower eyelids, then perform a few tapping movements with all fingers (acupressure). Do the same with the upper eyelid.
  5. Place the pad of your middle finger on the outer corner of your eyelid with the nail facing inward. Gently massage bottom edge eye orbit in the direction of the bridge of the nose.
  6. The same exercise, but first you need to gently press the outer corner of the eyelid, and when you reach the bridge of the nose, press the inner corner of the eyelid with the pad of your finger.
  7. We finish the massage around the eyes from swelling of the lungs tapping movements along the lower and upper eyelid, nasolacrimal gland, outer corner of the eyelid near the temporal bone.

Attention! Lymphatic drainage massage from bags under the eyes takes no more than 10 minutes. If you do it regularly, the results will not keep you waiting. However, you should not expect results immediately after the first session. The effect occurs after 7 days, and fixation occurs after 14-21 days.

  • Do special gymnastics for the mimic muscles of the face - improves blood flow, stimulates the outflow of fluid from the intercellular space.
  • Before the procedure, wash your face with cold water - it also increases blood circulation, thanks to which the face will become fresh, a blush will appear, the skin will tighten, fine wrinkles will be less noticeable.
  • You can apply pieces of ice from frozen green tea, chamomile decoction to the skin of the eyelids.
  • Do not neglect moisturizers - they do not increase puffiness, because. act in the deeper layers of the dermis.
  • Don't overdo it with funds hyaluronic acid- this substance has the property of binding fluid molecules, due to which swelling can increase.
  • Select orthopedic pillow so that the neck muscles are anatomically correct position during sleep.

In addition to cosmetic manipulations to remove bags under the eyes, review your drinking regimen. It is recommended to follow the standard recommendations of doctors, drinking about 1.5-2 liters of fluid per day. But in drinking you also need to know when to stop.

If you are constantly thirsty, drink a lot of water, you should consult your doctor. This may be a symptom initial stage diabetes, thyroid disease.

If swelling is observed not only around the eyes, but the whole face looks puffy in the morning, and in the evening the legs swell, you need to contact a urologist / nephrologist - a specialist in kidney diseases. Fluid retention is a direct sign of a violation of the urinary system.

Attention! Even if you have a predisposition to urolithiasis, you should not get involved in diuretics. You can take diuretic drugs only with the permission of a doctor.

Pay attention to your diet. The retention of fluid that accumulates between soft tissue cells is facilitated by excessive consumption of table salt. You may want to reduce the amount of sodium you get from food. Reduce salt during cooking and eating, and add natural spices to improve the taste.


Massaging the area around the eyes is great for bags. It is recommended to do it daily during the morning wash after applying a cosmetic (moisturizing / nourishing) cream. The massage effect can be achieved with regular performance, the first results are visible after 7 days.

In parallel with massage, attention should be paid to health, especially to the pancreas, kidneys and urinary system. You should be alerted by swelling of the face, legs, increased thirst, urinary retention. At warning signs you should consult a doctor.

Video - massage for wrinkles and bags under the eyes

Video - Puffiness of the eyes. How to clean at home? EXPERT speaks

In many specialized salons today you can find a procedure that has the name "massage of the eyelids." This procedure represents the circulation of the lymph and the impact on the lymphatic drainage.

Proper eyelid massage

With its help, the lymphatic system will significantly improve its work, and unnecessary toxins will simply leave the body. The duration of the massage is 10-20 minutes. With regular performance, you can notice that the swelling of the eyelids disappears after 7-10 days. After achieving the effect, massage will need to be done once a week.

Performing the procedure at home

Before doing an eyelid massage at home, you will need to perform cleansing procedures on problem areas. Wash with a gel, and wipe the area around the eyes with a tonic. After that, apply special cream or nourishing mask. Massage should be started at the same time for both eyes. Index and middle finger should be placed in the temple area at the corner of the eye. After that start doing circular motions.

Eyelid massage technique

Now, with the pads of your fingers, you will need to press the skin of the eyelids in the direction from the temple to the nose. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the skin does not move. First, movements must be performed for the lower eyelid, and then for the upper. Place 4 fingers in a row on the eyelid and press the pads against the skin for a few seconds. After that, you can move your fingers to upper eyelid and repeat similar movements.

With the index and middle fingers, patting movements should be made on the skin, moving from the temple to the nose along lower eyelid, and then you can move to the upper eyelid. Use your middle finger to apply pressure near the outer corner of your eye. Then, with the pads of your fingers, you will need to push along the bone near the eye towards its inner corner. You need to perform the exercise 10 times.

Using the index and middle fingers, you will need to make circular movements along the circular eye muscles. At the same time, try to affect the upper part of the cheekbone, as well as the superciliary region. You will need to start the exercise from the outer corner of the eye and then you can gradually move from the temple to the nose.

The final stage of lymphatic drainage charging is to perform light tapping with the fingertips. After completing the procedure, you must wash for 10 seconds in cold water and in warm water- the same amount of time. The procedure should be done 8-10 times and it should take at least 3 minutes.

Experts recommend doing eyelid massage with a glass rod only in a clinic setting. The massage is carried out in disposable medical gloves. First, the patient should sit comfortably on a chair. After that, doctors instill an anesthetic under the lower fornix of the conjunctiva. Repeat instillation is recommended three times with an interval of 2 minutes. After that, the eyelid is taken over the edge and pulled back. Now a glass rod is introduced towards the fornix of the conjunctiva.

Eversion of the upper eyelid with a glass rod

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

Eyelid massage has both positive and negative sides. Among good sides the following qualities can be distinguished:

  1. Removal of edema.
  2. Gradually go "crow's feet".
  3. Skin sagging is reduced.
  4. It appears to have a preventive effect against the appearance of new wrinkles.

It is important to know! Regular massage will help preserve the youthfulness of the eyes and reduce dark circles and bags.

Doctors attribute the disadvantage of the procedure to the fact that in some cases it can cause pain. Immediately after several massage sessions, you may notice increased tearing and pain.

Get rid of cosmetic defects like "crow's feet", bags and blue around the visual organs can be done with a simple procedure. Anti-wrinkle massage around the eyes activates the blood supply to tissues and enables beautiful ladies to achieve healthy look skin and even improve eyesight.

Everyone will be able to master special finger movements, but you can entrust this manipulation to a beautician.

Causes of wrinkles

Clinical picture

What Doctors Say About Wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been doing plastic surgery for many years. Many have gone through me. famous people who wanted to look younger. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance. science does not stand still, more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body appear, and some of them are quite effective. If you are unwilling or unable to seek help plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but the most budget-friendly alternative.

For more than 1 year on the European market there is a miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN, which can be obtained FOR FREE. In terms of efficiency, it is several times superior to Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and you will see the most important effect of it instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that almost immediately small and deep wrinkles, bags under the eyes. Thanks to the intracellular effect, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Learn more>>

Even a 20-year-old girl can detect wrinkles in herself. Many factors contribute to their appearance:

  • Poor vision (a person often has to squint);
  • Illiterate makeup (excessive application of powder);
  • Features of the epidermis, laid down by nature (tendency to dryness).

Collagen fibers located near the organ of vision are easily stretched, so skin creases form in this area in the first place.

To tone the skin and smooth out crow's feet, young age A light massage and moisturizing products are enough. However, over time, in order to ensure the youthfulness and health of the skin fibers around the eyes, an intensive massage for the eyelids from wrinkles is required. It activates cellular metabolism and accelerates collagen synthesis.

The positive aspects of massage

Patting, stroking and massaging the epidermis have a positive effect on the tissues under it, help remove excess fluid, which significantly reduces bluishness under the eyes and sagging of the face oval.

These light manipulations are effective prevention aging skin. The procedure is health-improving in nature and has a number of significant advantages:

  • Mastering complex skills and knowledge is not required to obtain a rejuvenating result;
  • Harmful compounds accumulated during the day are removed from the skin;
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis and increases the elasticity of the epidermis;
  • Regular massage for wrinkles around the eyes is the most effective tool fight them;
  • Sessions do not cause pain or significant inconvenience;
  • It can be used as a preventive measure for skin aging.

From performing massaging movements, you can quickly see pleasant results:

  • Cellular metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • The number of fine wrinkles decreases, deep creases of the epidermis decrease;
  • Increased skin tone in the periocular zone;
  • Bluishness and swelling disappear.


Despite the general safety of the procedure, eye massage for wrinkles has a number of warnings. It is not recommended for persons with:

Do not massage if you have a cold or high temperature, with increasing pressure. IN In case of any doubt, you should consult a doctor.

Massage options under the eyes for wrinkles

Developed a large number of massage techniques. Some make it possible to get rid of the signs of aging, others help improve vision.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully study how to properly massage around the eyes from wrinkles, familiarize yourself with the main indications for its use.

This version of anti-aging manipulation enhances the blood supply to tissue fibers, which leads to smoothing of the skin around the eyes. Realize this massage recommended three times a week.

Execution technology: with fingertips, you need to barely noticeably press on the skin in the eye area along the way from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. You should do 6-7 circles, then stroke the massaged area clockwise and in the opposite direction. The Taoist eye massage for wrinkles ends with a barely perceptible pat at a slow pace.

This procedure enhances blood circulation, the epidermis is leveled and small wrinkles disappear. Pre-in clean skin rub in the almond oil.

Tips first index fingers you need to press on the outer edge of the eye. Then, with light pressure, move along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose and return along the upper eyelid. It is important to try not to stretch the skin with your fingers. After repeating the manipulation 5-10 times, you need to walk with patting movements around the eyes.

This simple manipulation is allowed to be performed 2-3 times a day.

Wrinkle treatment

This massage from wrinkles around the eyes is realized both at home and in beauty parlors. You can massage with your hands or using a special eye massager for wrinkles.

First you need to prepare the epidermis. It is required to thoroughly wash off the cosmetics and apply fat cream for eyelids or special oil(olive, jojoba), easily driving it.


  • With the tips of the index and middle fingers, you need to gently stroke the skin around the eyes, directing movements from the inner corner to the outer along the upper eyelid. IN reverse side you need to stroke the lower eyelid. Run 10 times and rest a bit.
  • Middle and ring fingers you need to iron the skin under the eyebrow from the temples to the bridge of the nose and back. Do 5-10 repetitions.

Massage is performed three times a week.

Edema can be triggered by an unbalanced diet, smoking, poor-quality cosmetics. A 10-minute finger stroke from the inner corner to the outer one above the visual organ will help get rid of this defect, and from the temples to the bridge of the nose - below it. Then you need to walk 15 times with drumming movements from the outer edge of the eye to the inner one. You can fix the result with a cold compress or rubbing the skin with ice cubes. Well tone the skin and slices of cucumber, laid on closed eyelids.

Massage with spoons very effectively removes the problem of puffiness. Pre-cutlery should be kept in the refrigerator, and immediately before the procedure - apply a moisturizer to them.


  1. Smooth the skin with wave-like movements from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge of the eye;
  2. Press spoons on the whiskey 3 times;
  3. Massage the epidermis from the temples to the ears.

Repeat the sequence three times.

Tibetan massage

The peculiarity of this option is the alternation of massaging movements and special exercises. Execution algorithm:

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a way to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles that make you feel uncomfortable when you see them in the mirror.

We have investigated, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly tested most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from folk methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only an insignificant temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything came back.

The only drug that has shown significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botox. main feature that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes, you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

  1. It is necessary to close your eyes with an effort for 2-3 seconds, then relax your muscles, open your eyelids and look up. Repeat for a minute.
  2. With the pads of the index fingers 15 times, lightly press on the eyeballs (eyelids are lowered).
  3. Eyes still closed, fingers should press the eyelids to the eyeball. It is necessary to make an effort for centuries, as when trying to open your eyes. Look up. Perform 10 repetitions.
  4. Unnamed fingers are located in the inner corners of the eyes. Iron the skin of this area clockwise 5-6 times.
  5. Blink quickly for half a minute.
  6. Use your middle fingers to apply 10 weak pressures on the outer corner of the eye, move along the lower eyelid to the bridge of the nose and press the inner corner 10 times. Repeat 10 times.

Expensive creams and folk recipes only partially smooth out the roughness of the epidermis. Massage around the eyes against wrinkles is a simple and short-term procedure. You can actually do it anywhere. And even with minimal effort, a noticeable rejuvenating effect can be observed after a week.

Doing the procedure daily, correctly choosing cosmetics for care, it will be possible to preserve young, healthy skin for a long time.

Readers who have looked at our site under know for sure that the eyes that L.N. It was not in vain that Tolstoy called the mirror of the soul, they not only know how to speak even when their mouths are closed, but they give out a woman’s age and can tell a lot about her health.

In the eye area, the skin is very sensitive, thin and delicate - it reacts to all changes in the body: fatigue, sleepless nights, prolonged work in front of the monitor - the eyes will tell about everything. If you still remember about blinking and the constant movement of the facial muscles of the face, as well as the lack of moisture, then the appearance of wrinkles in the eye area can be considered an inevitable process. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the skin of the eyelids systematically.

You can improve blood circulation and thereby prevent skin aging by using cosmetic preparations, and with the help of massage, which by right, many cosmetologists consider the most productive method in the fight against wrinkles, bags and swelling under the eyes. Massage can be done as in the salon at professional beautician as well as at home.

Types of eye massage

There are such types of massage in the eye area:

  • Hygienic, which is recommended for women after 25 years of age to refresh the skin;
  • After 35 years, when the skin begins to fade and wrinkles become more noticeable, it is recommended plastic massage in the eye area;
  • At loose skin held medical eye massage.


It is important to know how to properly massage the eyes so as not to stretch the delicate skin. It can be done at home, but still it is better to learn from a beautician at least once in order to have a general idea of ​​​​the features of massage in this area.

  • First, massaging the eyelids follows strictly defined lines and in a certain direction.

A professional cosmetologist will massage the upper eyelid, moving rhythmically from the bridge of the nose to the outer corner of the eye. Whereas the massage under the eyes is carried out in the reverse order, moving from the outer corner to the inner.

  • Secondly, in order not to stretch the skin and improve the flow of lymph into the problem area, it is necessary to press on certain points;
  • Thirdly, even knowing the massage lines and points, you need to learn the basic massage techniques.

When working with delicate skin in the eye area, light tapping is most often used, less often vibration and gentle stroking.

  • And finally, it is important to choose the right eye product, taking into account the age and type of skin.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a cosmetologist and get a master class for massage in the eye area before starting to conduct sessions at home. Another option is to watch a tutorial video.

What types of eye massages are offered at the salon?

Let's do short review those types of massage that can offer in the salon.

Lymphatic drainage massage

This is the most popular type of massage. It is recommended for aging skin. The hands of the massage therapist move, taking into account the flow of blood (lymph), which is why this name is lymphatic drainage. Properly performed lymphatic drainage eye massage favorably affects the skin condition:

  • Improves blood flow by activating cells;
  • Prevents the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • Removes dark circles in the eye area;
  • Removes puffiness.

You can not carry out this type of massage for serious eye diseases, such as glaucoma, detachment of fiber.

Massage removes bags under the eyes perfectly, especially when it is done by a specialist

Japanese massage

From dark circles under the eyes in the cabin, they offer to get rid of with the help of Japanese massage eye. The technique of carrying out is also closely related to the work of the lymphatic system - by tapping the lymph is pumped to the main lymph nodes.

In the eye area, this type of massage is practiced from dark circles under the eyes and to relieve puffiness. It is carried out with rotational movements, taking into account massage lines and with pressure in the outer and inner corners of the eyes and in the corners of the superciliary arch. The masseur moves strictly along massage lines, which we discussed above.

Acupressure of the eyelids

You can remove puffiness and fatigue from the eyes with the help of acupressure. Points for eye massage are located in the temple area, along the edge of the lower eyelid, in the inner corner of the eye and along the edge of the upper eyelid.

Do not forget that soft skin in the eye area is easily stretched, so masseurs practice light tapping and pressure, rotational movements and touches so that the skin does not sag.

Spoon massage

Acupressure can be made more effective if carried out with hot. Press with heated spoons massage points moving along the massage lines. Massage with spoons is especially effective in the fight against crow's feet and fine wrinkles under the eyes.

Spanish massage

This is a fairly young type of massage, but in beauty salons this procedure quite in demand. After Spanish massage face, lymph outflow improves, puffiness in the eye area is removed, crow's feet disappear and mimic wrinkles.

Massage is performed not only with the fingertips, but with the whole palm. Particular emphasis is placed on problem areas, including the area around the eyelids.


For those who want to try something new, some salons offer a service - cryomassage of the face. The bottom line is that a roller with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of very low temperature, the vessels contract and expand rapidly. This procedure improves blood circulation, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin begins to breathe.

Pulse massage

In modern salons, you can also be offered to undergo a pulse facial massage using a Darsonval massager. Microcurrent acts on the surface of the skin. Under the influence of an impulse problem area blood flow improves and lymph flow improves, which eliminates dark circles under the eyes and eliminates wrinkles.

How to do eye massage at home?

To remove puffiness of the eyelids or remove bags under the eyes, massage does not have to be done in the salon. You can perform a simple plastic massage yourself. The site site reminds that the result will be noticeable only if the massage is done regularly.

You can do massage from bags under the eyes as an independent procedure, or combine it with applying night or day cream for eyelids.

Do not forget about the massage lines and how to move along them correctly. Remember also that the massage around the eyes is done only with the pads of the ring fingers, which we have the most tender, and the pressure is very light. Massage should be performed simultaneously in front of the eyes with both hands.

  1. Before starting the massage, all cosmetics are removed from the eyes;
  2. A moisturizing eye cream is applied to the skin of the eyelids. You can also occasionally use warmed olive or other vegetable oil for the base.
  3. We start from the upper eyelid: we tap with the pads along the massage line and move from the inner corner to the outer.
  4. We immediately go to the area under the eyes and massage the lower eyelid: we move in the reverse order to the inner corner.
  5. Repeat until the applied cream or oil is absorbed.

By moving correctly, you will not stretch the skin in the eye area.

So, let's summarize what has been said:

The result of both salon and home massages will depend on the regularity of the procedure. IN ideal experts recommend contacting cosmetologists 2 times a year and taking a course of 8-12 sessions, and daily 1-2 times a day to massage the eyelids at home.

The main thing to remember is that no matter what massage technique is chosen, you need to move strictly along the massage lines in a circle from the outer corner of the eye to the end of the superciliary arch and from the outer corner to the inner one under the eyes.

Spiridonova Julia - especially for the site Under the