Stylish clothes for bald men. You look like a real "dangerous asshole". The Complete Arco Shaving Line: A Brief Overview of Its Components

Within the framework of modern fashion trends, not only aging gray-haired men shave their heads, but also young people who have everything in order with their hair. are so popular, and why do girls love them?

Bald people have their own audience

In America, a special term hair disadvantaged was created for people with a bald head, which means “a person experiencing difficulty with hair”. This is a kind of manifestation of pity for those who are not able to boast of elegant styling and density of curls. So the absence of hair does not put an end to personal life at all.

We are talking not only about a shaved head, but also about senile baldness, although, it would seem, what is attractive in this? Male power is marked by a girl at one glance at a guy with a shaved head. Complex hairstyles only distract from more important features, while in their absence the image becomes clearer and more expressive.

Scientists collected statistics and conducted research:

    30% of the male population suffers from baldness. This is embarrassing for some, sometimes it lowers self-esteem, but for someone it doesn’t interfere with being self-confident and even making this feature a feature of their style. According to statistics, girls like bald guys. 40% of the beautiful half of humanity consider them attractive.

    It was found that baldness is influenced by testosterone - the male sex hormone, that is, bald scalp is directly dependent on the level of sexuality. So you can judge that bald guys are great lovers if you base it on ordinary logic, which is what many women do. This conclusion does not always turn out to be true, but many lovers of skinhead gentlemen adhere to this train of thought.

    Attraction can be purely subconscious, on a hormonal level, without studying scientific research.

    Baldness trendsetters

    It's hard to deny that bald guys have a particular style. They look courageous, like American action heroes. If, in addition, under the clothes the relief of the muscles is visible, such a man instills in those around him awe of his authority. The trendsetters for baldness can be considered its famous carriers.

    The advantages of a shaved head are not at all an axiom that opposes the beauty of male hair, but arguments in favor of the love of many ladies for Gosha Kutsenko, Bruce Willis and Vin Diesel. It seems that these bald guys would lose all the charm of their image if they grew their hair.

    Ed Harris, D. Statham, M. Sukhanov, A. Rosenbaum are no less popular for their masculine appearance among the female audience. Wrong, it can be said that in order to gain confidence and like girls, it is enough just to shave off your hair, this definitely creates a special power. After all, bald people emphasize their individuality, show that fears and complexes do not live in their souls, forcing some representatives of the stronger sex to experience inconvenience and lose faith in themselves.

    Manifestation of self-sufficiency

    A real man does not need to "show off" in front of society. In addition to hair, he has a lot of advantages for which he will be loved and respected by friends, wife, family and colleagues. He does not fuss once again in order to meet the expectations of society. This is how will and determination are manifested, the ability to go against stereotypes, unwillingness to waste one's time and energy on regrets. After all, we are not all perfect. If you wish, you can turn your shortcomings into advantages.

    In the end, people believe the words of the one who speaks more convincingly. In the same way, bald guys, who show absolutely no doubt about their attractiveness, are able to convince others that the absence of hair is more an advantage than a disadvantage.

    Everything is subjective

    It is worth recalling that in the Middle Ages, even women shaved their foreheads, to say nothing of the strong half of humanity. Asking if girls like bald guys is like asking if women like brunettes/brown hair/redheads/curly hair/long hair/tall/thin/muscular. Someone is definitely crazy about them, while others are indifferent. Everyone's tastes are different. For every product there is a buyer.

    Definitely, bald guys are beautiful in the eyes of a separate category of women, they have their own audience and admirers. Some even believe that their hair fell out due to excessive thinking, which causes a certain respect. A separate study was conducted on this topic, according to the results of which most lawyers, financiers and bankers turned out to be bald.

    It's practical

    Post-Soviet women also like F. Bondarchuk. Like their example, many men shave off their hair when the first bald patches begin to appear. Getting a haircut "at night" is a much more refined option than showing evidence of your withering.

    Plus, such a hairstyle in the absence of hassle with washing your hair, styling and combing. So even many owners of lush hair choose it for reasons of comfort. You can forget about dandruff and monthly trips to the hairdresser for a haircut. You only need to shave regrown hair every 3 days. In futuristic works, the man of the future is often described as bald. So, who knows, perhaps the progress of the human race is behind the skinheads.

    Bald head + beard

    In modern fashion, there are quite a few frames and barriers for the flight of fancy. The main task of designers is to distinguish themselves from competitors.

    Bald guys with a beard look quite original, as if challenging the usual order of things. There are many of them among rockers and bikers, since this image is especially courageous and good because others have no doubt that the man has thick hair.

    Seeing facial hair, people understand that the head is shaved voluntarily, and not for the sake of the whim of nature. One of the brightest bearers of this "hairstyle" is the muscular lead and rhythm guitarist Kerry Ray King. He is the founder of the world famous thrash metal band Slayer.

    Fans have heard of his tough personality. Is it possible, looking at photographs of this man, completely covered in tattoos and hung with chains, to assume that he is somehow worried about the lack of hair on his head? Hardly. Although long hair is more characteristic of metalheads, this musician has made a bald head and a beard a feature of his image, for which he will always be recognized. Moreover, many do not even remember who is the vocalist in Slayer, while almost everyone knows about the guitarist.

    Why is it nice to love a bald man?

    It is worth figuring out how a bald guy behaves with a girl, what attracts her so much in him. First of all, it's neatness. No tousle, no need for smoothing and combing. Accuracy is maintained until the end of the day.

    On a hot day, such a person is much easier than the owner of a thick shock. With stuffiness, strands are less likely to stick together, drops of sweat, which makes the hot night of love much more pleasant.

    A bald guy and a blonde, brunette, brown-haired or redhead look spectacular. There is a contrast between the lovers due to the masculinity of the partner and the reverent image of the partner. Looking at Hollywood idols who complemented their image with a bald head, you cease to doubt the sexuality of skinheads. It immediately seems as if in front of you is an omnipotent and invulnerable hero of an exciting action movie.

    Only a mature man so that one can judge the integrity and self-sufficiency of the individual. A separate exception are guys from youth groups, who still have the wind in their heads.

    Bald people really stand out in a crowd. They pay attention, while men with hair can simply miss the look. Against the background of the absence of hair, facial expressions, posture, physique, smile and height, other human virtues, if any, attract more attention.

    Comfortable with him

    Another positive aspect for a woman is that she does not have to fight for a bathroom with her beloved. It will take him much less time to take a shower. A real macho does not need to fiddle around the mirror for a long time.

    Caring for appearance comes down to simple and quick manipulations. He would rather force society to accept him for who he is than to adapt to him.

    It reduces the chance that one day your man will come home with a funny haircut, and when asked for your opinion, you will only have to smile stupidly and say that this is not bad, although in fact it was a hundred times better. Girls who do not know how to hide emotions lay out everything as it is, which can hurt their young people.

    The situation is getting awkward. It seems to be bad to lie, but this somehow does not make it easier for a partner. With a bald man, a woman in this regard is waiting for only stability and constancy. No surprises.

    A bald head or any hairstyle, no matter what length and style, suits a person only if he himself is confident in his attractiveness. There is no magic in the mesmerizing shine of a clean-shaven scalp. The arguments of scientists and the comments of women fade if there is no most important component - self-confidence. Every bald man must remember that the absence of hair does not detract from his beauty, he can remain the same spectacular macho, achieve career heights, win the heart of a lady he likes and become the soul of a friendly company.

As part of this review, the main types of popular haircuts for balding men (with a photo, for clarity) of different ages are presented, taking into account the “features” of each type.

We really hope that our article will help hide the consequences of age-related changes: there are, for example, hairstyle options for disguise bald patches on the forehead or on the sides, taking into account the physiology associated with early baldness in each individual case.

And so, for convenience, we have prepared small table of contents:

List of popular men's hairstyles for balding people

1. Half box

This is the most common "classic", and at the same time a universal haircut for bald patches. Here, changes in the main direction of the hair, as well as their length, are possible. Special styling or processing is not required, the temples are very short, with a smooth transition to the crown, where they leave a few centimeters, so "filling" the bald spot.

2. "Hedgehog" in a shortened version

Assumes a slight "remainder" on the "hair", including in its front part, well suited for ages 50+. The hair is cut very short over the entire head, it is important to maintain the length, that is, regular visits to the hairdresser. In the longest section - in the frontal part, it does not exceed 3 cm.

3. Crew cut style

Good for men with bald patches forehead or crown, since there is no "emphasis" of the hairline: the illusion of a uniform extension of the "hair" is reproduced, through combing to the side, but without excessive smoothing.

4. Retro - option

This option also goes well with a lush mustache, characterized by a side parting with a smooth structure of the hairstyle itself - an alternative to the now popular raised bangs.

5. Pompadour

For thinning hair growth of the head or baldness at the crown, varieties are suitable "Pompadour". In this case, the sides are cut short and the bangs are raised, the bald patch is deliberately emphasized and the main emphasis is on the contrast between the short-cut sides and the raised bangs.

6. "Hipster" UnderCut

Interesting name, isn't it? 🙂 Here the emphasis is on the bangs from the frontal part to the crown, the temples and the back of the head are shaved. A good example is undercut(name of hairstyle): here a long bang with a white span runs half a head from the front to the top, diverting attention from the bald head, for which you should choose blond options, and without shades of yellowness. Whiskey and the back of the head are "smoothly" shaved.

7. Iroquois + semi-box

The half-box is complemented by a stylish mohawk. The model is suitable for respectable men, but, moreover, it is quite youthful, often in demand among professional athletes. Reasons: the model is stylish and practical, which is achieved by the “openness” of the sides, preventing sweating of the head in hot weather.

8. "Beckham"

The popular soccer player has created his own style, which, when handled, lifts the hair at its base and slicks back using light hold products such as foam or mousse. Works well with stubble (2-4 days).

9. Tapered haircut is a good option for older men

Most of the vegetation is concentrated on the top, with a gradual decrease in concentration in the back of the head and sides, which gives the wearer a neat appearance. In some cases, the hairstyle is supplemented with a comb on one of the sides and a short beard. The approach is especially good with a lot of gray hair.

10. "Caesar"

If the face shapes are elongated and the forehead is wide, then Caesar will be a good option: here
the length is minimal, and the "bouffant" forward helps to hide imperfections. A certain touch of "antique color" is created.

What to do if there are large bald patches on the forehead or on the sides? Adviсe

In addition, in non-standard cases, for example, if there are large bald patches or weak areas are located inconveniently, additional techniques can be applied. For example:

  • If baldness began at the same time as gray hair, vesicles can be cut as short as possible, while sideburns naturally turn into a beard. Well suited for the fight against obvious bald patches on the sides in men of all ages.
  • Important correct styling, because this way you can mask problem areas: one of the tricks is to shift up and to the side, with the temples removed, the long frontal part.
  • Sometimes, bald patches can be emphasized intentionally, which is especially true for men with a high forehead line and a luxurious beard, clearly separated from the temples.
  • Comb back, by cutting the hair in layers, laying them on top of each other: this creates the appearance of density. In this case, the technique will well hide the lack of vegetation on the crown.
  • Coloring. A simple way for older men, for example, at the age of 50-60, will be to color the hair in natural light shades. Thus, both gray hair and thinning areas of vegetation are hidden, and when combined with combing back, volume is created in the selected model.
  • For wavy hair, you can use layering, from bangs to the back of the head, with gradual shortening, thus emphasizing the “curlyness” of the structure.
  • In some cases, simply add height, which is achieved by increasing the volume at the crown, by applying gel fixation.

Video on YouTube about masking sparse hair:

When choosing a suitable hairstyle for young people or men of the order 40 - 45 years old, it is worth deviating a little from the usual standards. The following methods can be given:

  1. Firstly, it is actually the age and style of the person.
  2. Long bangs are combed to the side or up, this is the main "trick", whiskey and the back of the head should shave off completely, thus creating the main focus, hiding early bald patches.
  3. Youth model with mohawk. For sparse and thin hair with bald patches: combed in the direction from the forehead to the top of the head, the hair is fixed not with a gel, but with a foam or mousse in order to create the necessary volume without weighing down the foundation. Also, varnish is quite suitable, you can use the “dry” aerosol version. You can also choose in the case of rare, thin vegetation.

Conclusions and disclaimer

When comparing men's haircuts, adjusted for early baldness, first of all, pay attention to:

  • The degree of "neglect" of the problem.
  • Main areas of hair loss.
  • Personality traits, preferred style.

The main solutions are given that are suitable for “masking” the shortcomings associated with baldness of certain areas, in addition, haircuts of this type are divided into “classic” and more “advanced” options:

The first group includes: a half-box / half-box with a mohawk, a shortened hedgehog, a “crew cut” style, a retro version, a Caesar or a cone haircut - perfect for men of age, they will be just a universal solution for any occasion.

On the other hand, you can always try more creative, bold solutions, such as: Beckham, Pompadour or Hipster Style,.


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No guy wants to lose his hair. Unfortunately, by the age of 35, at least 40% of men already have some visible hair loss due to hormonal influences.

But baldness is far from the end of the world. Here's how you should dress, given the recommendations of Philippe Paoletta ( Phillip Paoletta) to minimize the emphasis on your head.

Notice the color.

When a bald spot appears on the head, the color of the skin in this place is of great importance. Choose clothes in a color that complements it well.

Hair often provides contrast, so you need to pass the torch to the clothes. Pale-skinned guys will go for darker colors, while dark-skinned guys should stick to lighter shades.

Your eyes also play a big role and if you choose clothes that make this color stand out, it will take the focus off your bare head.

Try adding some key accessories.

Dress a white linen with some complementary color. Hats, watches, sunglasses can all be used to draw interest in your clothing. And it will help draw attention away from your skull.

Glasses can change the skin tone of your face - the darker and thicker they are, the better.

Even flashy accessories like big watches can help distract people - just don't overdo it or you'll look like the henchmen of James Bond villains.

A word of caution about hats: don't expect too much from them, because you can't fool anyone. This will make you show that you are embarrassed about your head, when in fact you need to show confidence in yourself.

Watch your collars.

Try to avoid low-hanging T-shirts altogether. Instead, opt for V-necks, turtlenecks, or shirt collars, which are visually more interesting and can help frame your bare scalp.

This will give the neck some sharpness and depth, reducing the roundness of the head.

Jacket lapels can also help - the sharper the better.

Dress according to your age.

No need to try to go back now. Because you shave your head, there is no way to look like you were 18 again.

That means you can't wear cargo shorts and graphic t-shirts won't help your cause. Even baseball caps must be worn with care. All of the above clothes only emphasize your bald head, as they cause feelings of inconsistency and confusion in onlookers.

Instead, you need to wear clothes that look more grown-up like blazers or the aforementioned V-neck t-shirts and collared shirts.

Upon reaching the age of 30, many men are overcome by the fear of baldness. Like lions without manes or roosters without bushy tails, men perceive baldness as evidence of the relentless time that robs them of their most prized possession: their hair. Moreover, this fear did not arise yesterday. Be that as it may, being bald can be much better than it seems.

The old fear of the balding

Even in ancient Egypt, 5,000 years ago, men afflicted with this disease were advised to ointment from hedgehog needles, oil, honey, gypsum, ocher and pieces of nails.

Later, at the beginning of the 4th century BC. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, tried to overcome his baldness with a mixture of pigeon droppings, horseradish, cumin and nettle. Apparently it didn't work because a form of baldness was named after him. Cleopatra once advised her beloved Julius to apply a mixture of horse teeth, pieces of mice and bear fat to his head in order to breathe new life into his hair. Finally, the Vikings smeared goose droppings on their bald head. However, it is doubtful that all these works made their hair thicker.

Be that as it may, today there are many remedies for this predominantly male disease, which is officially called "androgenetic alopecia." Preparations, nutritional supplements, lotions, implants… In total, more than 3 billion euros are spent every year on the fight against baldness in the world. And this is more than the budget of Macedonia and, as Bill Gates noted, the funds allocated to fight a much more dangerous malaria. And the game may not be worth the candle, because finasteride, used to combat alopecia, has many side effects, such as impotence.

It is worth noting that hair loss is perceived by a man as a real tragedy, a symbol of unattractive aging. The Romans attributed it to soldiers wearing helmets, Aristotle to sexual relations, and the French demagogue Saburo to a microbe in 1897 (his theory was refuted). Ultimately, no one is immune from baldness: all ethnic groups are affected.

Physiological reflex

Today we know what causes hair loss. It is caused by dihydrotestosterone, the biologically active form of the male hormone. Its production is associated with the development of the male genitalia. Unfortunately, it also contributes to the occurrence of prostate cancer. And that is quite often observed in bald men. Therefore, it is believed that they have a higher content of testosterone in their blood, and, therefore, they are more masculine. What is not true is stated in one BBC article. At the same time, they had increased hairiness on the arms, legs and body.

Be that as it may, baldness can be more useful than it seems. According to some scientists, it may be a physiological reflex that allows you to compensate for the harmful effects of dihydrotestosterone on the prostate. For example, hair loss promotes skin exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, a source of vitamin D, which a 2015 study found to help treat prostate cancer. Perhaps nature is smarter than we think? “Thus, baldness would help many people get more UV rays and thus produce more vitamin D,” says study author Peter Kabay of St. Stephen's University (Budapest). This would explain the fact that women without a prostate are much less prone to baldness. That is, baldness can have good sides.

Perception in bald society

And it's not just limited to this. From a social point of view, a man with a bald head becomes the object of many positive stereotypes. First of all, because baldness is almost exclusively a feature of men, explains Frank Muscarella from Barry University in Florida (USA): “If in nature males have physical traits that females do not have, this creates an additional effect of attraction.” To verify this, the psychologist conducted an experiment in 2004 involving 101 men and 101 women. They were all shown photographs of men with and without hair.

As a result, bald men enjoyed great sympathy with women: “They called them more intelligent, influential, educated, wise, honest and amiable, having a higher social status. Such character traits are associated with wealth and maturity.

The second study of this type was conducted by Albert Manns and also showed that bald men are perceived as taller and more massive. In general, bald people are considered self-confident, mature and calm people who know how to lead and insist on their own.

There are a huge number of bald men in the world. It is even becoming trendy. Everyone treats this phenomenon in their own way. Some spend a lot of time in salons, spend large sums of money on all kinds of cosmetics, while others just live without darkening their days at this time.

Success in life is hardly directly related to the amount of hair on your head. Loss of hair does not reduce male dignity, attractiveness. Accept the situation and live for the joy of yourself and loved ones!

Decent hairstyles for balding people

Keeping your hair short is the most prudent solution. You can execute it in several ways:

  • shave your head smoothly
  • make a hedgehog hairstyle;
  • hairstyle "Caesar";
  • make a shaggy haircut;
  • hairstyle "Roger Sterling";
  • grow hair on the face.

Hairstyle with facial hair

Each method is good on its own. A clean-shaven head takes the worry out of how your hair looks and how it's styled. This is a characteristic memorable feature, and you need to carry your bald head with dignity.

If the soul does not accept its shaved reflection, you can wear a “hedgehog” on your head. Sticking out short hair is a practical, comfortable, up-to-date option. Frequent trimming is even beneficial for the hair roots. And the head looks neat.

Practical, pretty and comfortable hairstyle "Caesar". The most suitable option for those men whose hair loss begins at the crown. Suitable for any age, position and physique.
Baldness in the initial stage can be perceived as a kind of shaggy, if you skillfully cut your upper hair. Unevenly cut, intensively towel-dried, disheveled, they mask the problem that has appeared.

A good hairdresser can make a decent, solid Roger Stirling haircut out of the remaining vegetation on the top of his head. Smoothly comb into a side parting, carefully cut around - and a typical styling turned out.

In the end, facial hair perfectly compensates for the lack of them on the head. But do not comb the bald areas of the head. This is not the best way to hide a seeming flaw. It is better to trust the master.

Confidence clothing that accentuates a bald head

The bald patch can be complemented, shaded by the color of the clothes. Dark tones of clothes on pale skin advantageously attract attention. And vice versa, dark-skinned people prefer light shades. The color of the eyes, combined with a skillfully chosen color set of clothes, will divert attention from the head.

Equally important are accessories in the form of glasses, hats. A large clock can be a good distraction. But don't hide behind a fancy hat. In general, you should be careful with attributes. It is advisable to keep your style, emphasizing male confidence.

The style of clothing helps to hide the reason for embarrassment. It is possible to draw attention to the neck, thereby distracting from the skull, with the help of shirts with collars, V-necks on T-shirts, blazers, and notched lapels of jackets.

The most important thing in all attempts to disguise is not to overdo it, not to look pretentious, funny. After all, there is no way to return to early youth with a mop of hair.

Interesting facts from the life of confident men with a bald head

Interested scientists investigated the behavior of bald men. It turned out that a third of them are painfully experiencing the current situation, this is expressed in embarrassment, a decrease in self-esteem. But the remaining two-thirds live a full life, some of them even flaunt their special appearance.

It was shown that about 40% of them find a special attraction in a bald skull. Studies on the effect of testosterone have given the following result - the level of sexuality and baldness are in a direct relationship. Many women are quite satisfied with such a logical connection. This conclusion is not always correct.

It is not necessary to focus your attention on the question of why this happens. You can establish by examining the causes, you can try to restrain the process that has begun with a balanced diet, rubbing in trendy cosmetic preparations.

It is important to keep the conviction in yourself that the meaning of life lies not in the hair.
Therefore, you need to behave calmly:

  • do not take into account incorrect comments addressed to you;
  • find positive moments in the absence of a chic hairstyle;
  • remember an inspiring loved one;
  • treat your health with high regard.

You can learn how to improve your appearance from various sources, including men's magazines, conversations with stylists, and sites on the Internet. Thoughts about good deeds, about beautiful works of art and literature, most importantly, about your beloved, dear people do wonders.