Makeup to enlarge the eyes. To make your eyes look bigger and more beautiful. With the help of the inner corner of the eyelid. Color combinations are suitable for blue and gray

It would seem that not the easiest question is how to enlarge a room, there are many solutions. By playing with color, texture and lighting, you can significantly increase the lack of space in the room. These techniques are especially relevant in standard city apartments and Khrushchevs. Most of all, Scandinavian style, minimalism, hi-tech are suitable for decorating a compact apartment.

What colors make the space bigger?

Everyone knows the fact that the lighter the shade, the larger the object seems. The same technique applies to interior solutions. In order to visually increase the area of ​​​​the room, it is worth using a finish in light colors: white and cold pastel shades. Furniture should also be used in a light color, but different in tone from the walls, ceiling and floor. For example, it can be a delicate pastel range.

The photo shows a compact kitchen in Khrushchev. In order to visually increase the area, the room was decorated in bright colors.

How to decorate the walls?

What wallpaper enlarges the room

Using some finishing tricks, you can push the boundaries of the room and visually enlarge the room.

  • Vertical stripes elongate the space, making it taller;

  • Wallpaper with horizontal stripes will increase the width of the room;

In the photo, the wall is decorated with wallpaper with horizontal stripes, this type of decoration visually increases the width of the room.

  • One of the walls can be pasted over with wallpaper with a pattern or ornament; this technique will make a long room more proportional;

  • Flashy bright colors should be avoided;
  • Walls can be decorated with wallpaper with a shiny surface;

In the photo, the accent wall in the bedroom is decorated with gold wallpaper with a shiny surface.

  • You can use wallpaper with a small pattern or discreet pattern, they will increase the volume.

What drawings enlarge the room

It would seem that simple drawings and geometric shapes miraculously affect our perception. The same pattern with a different color, scale or location dramatically change the appearance of the room.

  • Volumetric drawing on one of the walls (photo 1). A large drawing shortens the room, visually bringing the wall on which it is located closer. This type of finish is suitable for long narrow rooms. The image will shorten the length and expand the space.
  • Small patterns (photo 2). A small pattern of a light shade opposite visually enlarges the space, making it voluminous.
  • Horizontal stripes (photo 3). Transverse stripes can increase the width and stretch the walls. However, a low ceiling effect may occur. In the case of wallpaper with horizontal stripes on only one wall, the room will appear shorter.
  • Vertical stripes (photo 4). Vertical stripes, on the contrary, stretch the space, making it taller. The thickness of the strips enhances this effect.
  • Horizontal stripes on the floor (photo 5). As with wallpaper, horizontal stripes make the room look wider but shorter. This method of decoration is suitable for disproportionate rooms.
  • Longitudinal stripes (photo 6). Vertical stripes deepen the room, making it longer. As with wallpaper, the width of the stripes enhances the effect.

Wall mural that enlarges the room

The image can increase or vice versa reduce the area of ​​​​the room.

  • Wall murals with an image going into the distance will make the room bigger;
  • An unpromising image will reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
  • Photowall-paper with the image of different texture will allow you to create a play of light, which will also add volume;
  • Wall murals with a shiny surface will increase the area due to reflective properties;
  • Wall murals with an image moving from dark to light shade will make the room taller;
  • You should not paste over all the walls of the room with photo wallpaper, they will have the opposite result, one or two will be enough.

Ways to increase due to the ceiling

The easiest and most popular way to enlarge a room with a ceiling is to make a tensile structure with a glossy surface. Mirror material due to reflective properties will double the space. An interesting solution would be a combined ceiling, a combination of matte and glossy material can create an unusual composition, increasing precious square meters.

In the photo, the ceiling in the living room is decorated with a tensile structure with a glossy surface.

A disproportionate room can be leveled by combining colors. A strip of a darker shade across an elongated room will make it appear wider. The same effect can be achieved with ceiling beams, a few straight wooden beams will be enough.

Another way to increase the space is photo printing with the image of the sky.

The choice of flooring

The floor covering, like other surfaces, is performed mainly in light shades. For the living room, you can use laminate, linoleum or carpet, it is better to choose a solid color or with a small discreet pattern.

Laminate and parquet can be laid out diagonally or in a herringbone pattern, so the room looks more spacious.

They also use already familiar stripes, the direction in any of the directions will increase the room in the desired direction.

In the photo, horizontal stripes make a narrow kitchen visually wider.

Self-leveling floor with a reflective effect will double the space.

How to increase the height of the room?

There are several ways to make a room taller. One of them is wall decoration. Vertical stripes or patterns on the wallpaper will "stretch" the wall. It can be wallpaper, painting or hand painting.

Wall murals with a perspective image, for example, a receding path in the forest or a high waterfall, will have the same result.

The photo shows wallpaper with a perspective image (a receding pier), helping to visually increase the height of a small bedroom.

You can increase the height of the room with the help of high door and window openings. Curtains or tulle with a straight cut from ceiling to floor will also contribute to this.

Mirrors are a stylish way to significantly increase the area, such as a tall mirror on the wall or a composition of small mirrors on the ceiling.

How to visually expand a narrow room?

You can enlarge a narrow room by finishing one of the walls. A smaller wall will be decorated with wallpaper with a horizontal pattern or stripes. It can also be textured panels or textured wallpapers, this method will maximize the space.

An unusual option would be to finish the floor and one of the walls with one material. It is worth using the wide side of the room.

As for furniture, preference is given to narrow items. Folding not bulky sofa, TV, attached to the wall, hanging shelves.

Make a room look bigger with mirrors and glass

Reflective surfaces are the most common and effective way to increase the boundaries of space. With the help of mirrors, even the most compact room will seem spacious.

In the photo, the accent wall is decorated with mirrored canvases that make the bedroom visually more spacious.

A high mirror starting from the floor itself will add volume to the room, forming a passage to another room without any obstacles. It should be borne in mind that covering more than one wall with mirrors is not the best option; instead of a stylish living room or bedroom, you get a real ballet studio, devoid of comfort and homely atmosphere.

Mirrors can have different shapes and frames; with unusual frames, they will also play the function of a decorative element of the apartment. Curly mirrors can make an unusual composition on the wall or ceiling, they will unobtrusively increase the volume.

Another common way to increase space is a stretch ceiling with a glossy surface.

The perfect solution would be to install mirrored or glossy furniture.

A false fireplace with a mirror along the inner wall will be an interesting design solution. Such decoration takes up a minimum amount of space, while creating the illusion of passage to another room.

If it is necessary to separate rooms, a glass partition will perform the function of the wall. It will not create the impression of a closed space, but will divide the room into zones.

Photo of compact furniture and decor

When choosing furniture for a small room, you should give preference to low items. For example, instead of high bar stools, put a stool or ottoman, a bed without a high headboard or a sofa with a low back.

Weightless transparent furniture performs its direct functions, while not overloading the space, it can be plastic chairs and a table with a glass surface.

The photo shows a transparent dining group in the interior of a small kitchen.

Pieces of furniture should be placed along the walls so that the central part of the room remains free.

Interior details and accessories are best used in a vertical form. Such techniques will help visually increase the height of the ceiling.

As for decorative elements, there should not be many of them, otherwise you can get a feeling of clutter.

Choice of curtains

Window decoration plays an important role in the design of the apartment. The selected material and cut will fill the room with space or, on the contrary, overload it.

  • White tulle from ceiling to floor will visually enlarge the windows, respectively fill the room with light and stretch the space;

  • Light textile curtains with a small pattern are suitable for decorating the windows of the living room and nursery;

  • Roller blinds or Roman blinds save space and are ideal for a kitchen or nursery;

  • Some styles allow you not to use curtains at all, for example: minimalism, loft, Scandinavian.

Choosing the right lighting

In a small apartment, it is worth using diffused light. Bright chandeliers with transparent shades or open light are not suitable for a small room. It is more appropriate to use lamps and chandeliers with frosted glass shades or a light shade.

To increase the width of the room, use a spot lighting system around the entire perimeter.

An interesting effect will give the backlight from the LED strip. The tape, recessed in a two-tier structure, will create the impression of a soaring ceiling.

Furniture items can also be trimmed with LED strip.

In the photo, the bed in the children's room is highlighted with LED strip.

How to visually make the bathroom bigger?

In a small bathroom, the best idea would be to decorate the walls and floor with light-colored tiles. White tiles will fill the bathroom with light as much as possible and visually increase the area.

Combining the two colors, a horizontal line in a brighter shade is a good option, this will expand the walls.

Finishing the ceiling with metal panels with a mirror finish will increase the space.

A large mirror above the sink will also play a role.

In the photo, white tiles fill the bathroom with light, and the mirror above the sink visually enlarges its area.

As lighting, you should choose spotlights and mirror lighting.

An important role is played by furniture, for example, shelves recessed into the wall and a narrow sink. You can save usable space by placing the washing machine under the sink.

Even the most compact apartment can be made comfortable by placing everything you need for life. Modern technologies allow you to create miniature appliances and mobile furniture that save the maximum amount of free space. And repairs in the right shades will increase the space and make the house cozy.

Everyone loves big eyes - do you know why? They are subconsciously perceived as a sign of youth and health, and hence beauty. Remember how dolls and charming cartoon characters look like: both Barbie and Bambi have eyes that occupy almost half of their faces. Of course, this is hyperbole and in reality this does not happen, but in children the eyes are indeed proportionately larger than in adults. With age, all features increase, except for the eyes, the cut of which remains unchanged. That is why the eyes of young girls seem wide open and bottomless. But even in adulthood, you can enlarge your eyes a little. The most affordable way is to make your eyes look bigger with makeup. But you can't call it simple. However, if you wish, you can quickly master the correct “enlarging” eye makeup. And we will be happy to help you with this.

How to make eyes look bigger without makeup
We perceive the face of any person as a complex, as a combination of all features at once, without highlighting the eyes or nose separately. Nevertheless, a good make-up artist knows how to correctly place accents and emphasize the merits of appearance, at the same time masking the flaws. But is it possible to enlarge the eyes without makeup? Other, not decorative, means? It turns out you can. Here is a list of the most effective eye enlargement methods without makeup:
False and extended eyelashes occupy an intermediate position between makeup and cosmetic care procedures. They need a very delicate approach, based on the features of the cut of the eyes and the structure of the eyelids. Properly selected in length and density, extended eyelashes can visually enlarge the eyes, make them brighter and more expressive. But if an inexperienced master makes an extension that is not suitable for a particular client or follows her lead and sticks disproportionately large eyelashes, the eyes will appear smaller under their weight. Hanging eyelids is one of the contraindications for eyelash extensions. But Asian, called “flat” eyes by makeup artists, just visually “open” with the help of artificial eyelashes.

How to make eyes look bigger with makeup
Regular care is necessary, but makeup has been and remains the most affordable way to quickly make your eyes look bigger. True, this method cannot be called very simple, but in case of failure, the wrong makeup is easily removed, and you can always experiment and learn how to paint your eyes correctly. Small eyes and eyes with an unusual cut require makeup, which includes several specific techniques. Here are the most effective and simple ways to make your eyes look bigger with makeup:

  1. It is undesirable to paint small eyes in dark colors - you remember that black slims, that is, reduces. Choose light shades to match your eye color and appearance color type, giving preference to a cold undertone. And for daytime natural eye makeup, try replacing the shadows with a powder that is a few numbers darker than your face powder. Highlight the contour of the eyelids with dark powder and gently blend it.
  2. Matte textures "absorb" light, so it is better not to use them if your goal is to enlarge your eyes. But frankly shining mother-of-pearl is also not needed. Use products that are satin and lightly highlighted with reflective particles. They especially noticeably enlarge deep-set eyes. But in any case, carefully shade the shadows and avoid clear color boundaries - this is an indispensable condition.
  3. Clear lines always reduce space - and this rule of optics fully applies to eye makeup. Therefore, those who seek to visually enlarge their eyes, first of all, need to master two makeup techniques. First - . Smoky eyes appear larger due to the absence of a clear border, and at the same time, this technique, like no other, allows you to model the shape of the eye. The second technique is the fashionable ombre technique. To visually enlarge the eyes, the gradient should start with a light color on the eyelids and turn into a dark one as it moves away from them.
  4. Arrows and eyeliner do not interfere with enlargement of the eyes, but they need to be used in a special way. You need a soft contour pencil that does not irritate the skin with a sharp edge. However, it needs to be sharpened properly and then applied over the lash line along the upper eyelid. Don't line your lower eyelid if you want to make your eyes look bigger. Do eyeliner only after the shadows, do not lead it beyond the crease of the upper eyelid - this is the border after which the arrow does not enlarge the eye, but exacerbates its shortcomings.
  5. Owners of small, narrow and / or close-set eyes should once and for all forget about the kayala on the inside of the eyelid. The darkened mucosa "takes" part of the space and significantly reduces the open part of the eye. Apply pencil, shadows and any other cosmetics only outside and behind the lash line.
  6. Instead of a liner pencil, use a white or light beige pearlescent eyeliner on the lining of the lower eyelids. It will simultaneously expand the eye and illuminate it. But keep in mind that before using this technique, you need to make sure that the proteins are in perfect condition. Otherwise, redness, yellowness and / or broken capillaries will become more noticeable against a light tone.
  7. Small and close-set eyes can be visually enlarged with white shadows applied to the inner corners. Blend them towards the bridge of the nose and along the upper eyelid so that a noticeable, but not intrusive glare is formed. Instead of shadows, you can use a light concealer, a white pencil or any highlighter.
  8. Do not forget that eyebrows not only affect the expression of the face, but also ensure the success of eye makeup by 50%. To visually enlarge the eyes, first create the correct shape of the eyebrows: plucking them is allowed only from below, and the highest point of elevation should be slightly shifted to the temple relative to the vertical from the pupil. Graceful, but not too thin eyebrows visually enlarge the eyes, but the trendy fluffy eyebrows will have to be abandoned. Use the brow pencil as your primary shaping tool, then wax the natural direction of the hairs up and out to the side.
  9. Whether you're getting eyelash extensions or coloring your own, they must be curved. Only owners of naturally large eyes have the right to straight eyelashes, everyone else needs to make friends with forceps and regularly curl their eyelashes outward.
  10. To enlarge the eyes, mascara is necessary, but not any. Volumizing mascara is a bad idea, as is any colored (blue, purple, green) mascara. The best option is mascara with a silicone brush for separating and villi for lengthening the eyelashes. Even better if it has a twisting effect.
Eye Makeup Technique
To consolidate knowledge, let's do makeup with an emphasis on the eyes, which will visually enlarge them. First, apply a light base under the shadows and a skin-leveling concealer, then - a tonal foundation all over the face, including the eyelids. Build the shape of the eyebrows with a pencil and fix it with wax. With white shadows, put highlights in the inner corners of the eyes and blend them in two directions: towards the bridge of the nose and along the upper eyelid. Separately emphasize the space under the eyebrow from the rise along the tail of the eyebrow. With a graphite-colored liner, draw a line from the outside of the lash growth from the highest point of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eye. Blend it gently onto the eyelid. With a white pencil, draw the lower eyelid along the mucous membrane, above the lash line. Apply lengthening mascara to upper and lower lashes. As a finishing touch, brighten the protruding parts of the cheekbones with a highlighter. So literally in a matter of minutes you can emphasize your eyes with makeup and make them visually larger.

The eyes are considered one of the most beautiful parts of the body. There is an opinion that it is the big eyes that make the face seductive and give it mystery. And today we will tell you how to make your eyes look bigger with makeup!

“She has eyes in which you can drown…”. How I wish they would say that about each of us. But nature is an unfair aunt, and not everyone gives out an ideal appearance. That's why we are women, to be able to correct her shortcomings. Learn to draw the most seductive big eyes for yourself!

Disguise dark circles under the eyes

The darkness around the eyes visually deepens them, creates the effect of "falling" into the eye socket. We want the eyes to be the main focus of the face. To do this, pick up a good concealer with reflective particles. we already told you. If you have bags under your eyes, then you need to do a phased disguise: first apply a concealer with a salmon undertone, and light with a light texture on top.

Highlight eyebrows

Beautiful eyebrows are the frame of the face. If the eyebrow is carefully drawn, it creates the effect of enlarging the entire eye area. Do not neglect this stage of makeup.

Highlighting the areas you need

Buy a light-colored cream pencil or heavy concealer and apply it under the eyebrow, on the center of the upper eyelid and in the corner of the eye. Blend the product well, it will create a highlight effect and refresh the look.

Tinting the lower mucosa

For evening make-up, many makeup artists use the method of darkening the lower mucosa with kajal, this makes the eyes brighter, but visually reduces them. To, on the contrary, enlarge the eyes and make the look more open, paint over the lower mucosa with a light pencil (beige, light pink, but not white). And it is better to darken the lower lash line.

If an arrow with an upturned tip suits your eye shape, use this technique. The arrow will visually open the eyes, make them more open.

We curl eyelashes

Do not be afraid of eyelash curlers, if they are of good quality, then there will be no harm to the eyelashes. Make it a rule to use this device every time before applying mascara. In many girls, eyelashes grow downward, and even good mascara does not hold a curl. Tweezers will solve this problem, and the eyes will appear larger.

Applying false eyelashes

A simple rule - the longer the eyelashes, the larger the eyes appear. Every day, of course, you can’t glue eyelashes, but this method is quite suitable for the exit. And if you glue small bunches into the outer corners, then you can bring any eye shape closer to the ideal almond-shaped.

And one more secret: when tinting the lower lash growth, blend the shadow or pencil a little down and towards the outer corner. But do not connect it in the outer corner with the upper eyeliner. This technique will help visually lengthen the eyes.

All these techniques are useful not only to enlarge the eyes, but also to hide tiredness or lack of sleep. Light shadows, highlighted brows, voluminous lashes and a few little makeup tricks will make sure you never feel insecure about the shape or size of your eyes again.

Remember all shortcomings can be easily turned into individual features and even zest of appearance, the main thing is to change your attitude towards them. Be beautiful!

The task of making eyes visually larger is one of the main reasons why girls turn to decorative cosmetics. And to solve it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know the basic rules and some tricks. The first step is to follow our photo tutorial on how to create makeup that makes your eyes look bigger.

Eye Makeup: Photo Tutorial

Start your eye makeup by applying a thin layer of eyeshadow base. Spread it with your fingertips over the entire moving eyelid, and then blend it to the eyebrows. If the base is too sticky, making it difficult to blend the shadows, go over the eyelids with a fluffy brush with translucent powder or nude shadows.

Darken the outer corner of the eye. To do this, with a barrel-shaped brush, blend matte shadows of a dark shade in the corner of the eye and stretch a little to the orbital line, and also blend in the direction of the temple. Add this shade to the lower eyelid, filling it one third, starting from the outside.

Having typed the shadows on the brush, do not rush to transfer them immediately to the eyelid. A large amount of pigment on the brush can create a spot in the shading that will be impossible to turn into a beautiful haze. Therefore, before shading the shadows, remove the excess by running the brush along the back of the hand.

Add shadows, gradually increasing the intensity of the color. So the makeup will look as neat and beautiful as possible.

With matte shadows of an “intermediate” shade (darker than the skin color, but lighter than the previous shade), blend the borders of the dark color on the mobile eyelid and emphasize the orbital line, then also blend to the temple. To make the shading as soft and smoky as possible, use a fluffy natural brush. Walk with these shadows and all over the lower eyelid.

To achieve the effect of increasing the eyes, make the shading really wide - both towards the eyebrows and towards the temples.

On the moving eyelid, add shining shadows. This will not only give the look a healthy shine, but also help to make the mobile eyelid visually larger.

Shadows with a shiny texture are best applied not with sliding movements of the brush, but with pressure, imprinting the pigment of the shadows into the skin of the eyelids. If the intensity of the application with a brush seems weak to you, add some shadows also with your fingertips.

To make the makeup look as voluminous as possible, you can use several colors of shining shadows in this step.

  • Apply lighter shadows to the inner corner of the eye.
  • Shadows a little darker, but with a strong shimmer, place in the center of the eyelid.
  • Even darker shadows, but also shining, blend closer to the outer corner of the eye.

This will help make the transition from light shimmery shadows to the darkest shade of matte shadows as smooth as possible.

A light pencil on the mucous membrane will help to significantly increase the size of the eyes. Paint over the entire lower mucosa with a pink or shade of eyeliner. Do not use a bright white pencil for these purposes, it will look unnatural and will not help to achieve the desired effect.

Long lashes also help make your eyes look bigger, so paint them from the very roots, and add a few tufts of false eyelashes to the outer corner of the eyes if desired. If your lashes are naturally straight, be sure to use first.

Learn a few more tricks to make your eyes look bigger in this video tutorial by beauty blogger Olya Red Autumn.

Take care of the skin around the eyes

Swelling of the lower eyelids is the first thing that reduces the size of the eyes. Therefore, we advise you to start the morning with special patches for the area around the eyes. If these are not at hand, you can use ice cubes. They will help relieve swelling and moisturize the skin in this delicate area.

Use concealer

Another common problem is dark circles under the eyes, which certainly make the eyes look smaller. Illuminating concealer will help get rid of them. Choose a moisturizing concealer that is a shade lighter than your skin tone. The yellow pigment in the composition will perfectly hide and neutralize the "blue". For more effect, set the concealer with highlighting powder. Remember that the concealer must be applied in the shape of a "triangle". We wrote more about choosing and using a concealer in ours.

Don't Forget Eyebrow Makeup

Eyebrow makeup is another important part of the daily beauty ritual. Someone needs to draw them completely, but for someone it’s enough to “comb” them with gel. The main thing is that the eyebrows look neat and well-groomed: beautifully shaped eyebrows will help the eyes to open up for real.

Emphasize mucous

One of the main tips for enlarging the eyes is highlighting the water line. To do this, you will need a light-colored eyeliner (for example, NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk). Prefer light peach or beige shades, they will look the most natural. Summing up the eyes in this way, you neutralize the redness of the water line and visually increase them.

Curl your eyelashes

In make-up that enlarges the eyes, you can not do without a curler. Be sure to curl your lashes to create a more "open" look, and then apply. Don't forget about the lower lashes, they can be lightly painted over. But choose waterproof formulas to avoid the panda effect.

  • In evening make-up, do not be afraid to use false eyelashes (we wrote how to do it correctly). For a natural, but at the same time bright look, individual tufts are suitable, which you can glue on the center of the lower lashes. This way you will create the effect of large "doll eyes".

Add some sparkle to the corners of your eyes

Don't forget to add a sparkling accent to the corners of the eyes. To do this, you will need a shimmery shadow of a light shade. For the most intense effect, use a creamy highlighter (with a cool or warm undertone), apply it to the corner of the eye and set with a powdery texture, such as shimmery shadows.

Draw neat arrows

If you like to use arrows in eye makeup, draw an arrow as close to the eyelashes as possible to visually enlarge them. Refuse thick and massive arrows that make your eyes look heavier. In more detail about what types of arrows will help to enlarge the eyes, we will describe below.

How to make bigger eyes without makeup, every woman wants to know. A charming open look attracts the attention of men, but not everyone can apply mascara and eye shadow every day. When we look at a person, the first thing we evaluate is the eyes.

For most girls, it has already become a habit to get up every morning and immediately put on makeup. Yes, it gives expressiveness to the eyes, helps to hide almost all visual imperfections, but this is only temporary. Coming home in the evening and washing off all the layers of decorative cosmetics, in the mirror you can see the reflection of the appearance that you may not like a little.

The reasons why girls refuse to go without makeup have long been known to everyone. Moreover, it is already becoming like a kind of ritual. The fear of looking ridiculous surrounded by other women is so strongly developed. Someone begins to feel more confident only after applying all the decorative cosmetics to their face, while someone does not need it at all. After all, in order to feel attractive, you need something completely different than layers of paint. To make your eyes bigger and brighter, it is not necessary to apply shadows, foundation and mascara. It is enough to lead a correct lifestyle and take care of your eyes.

Beautiful and big eyes - healthy eyes

The first thing to do for an open and clear look is to stop using decorative cosmetics. Artificial dyes only spoil the skin and give only a temporary effect. At first, the new state will be unusual. Yes, it is difficult and not easy, but it is quite real. Start reducing the amount of decorative products gradually. Experts in the field of dermatology have proven that after a few weeks spent without cosmetics, the eyes will become brighter, the cheeks will acquire a natural glow, and the skin will become clear.

The second step is to get more rest. Bags, bruises and small wrinkles appear on the face due to fatigue. Healthy sleep will do its job and correct these shortcomings. Be sure to watch your diet. More fruits and vegetables. Vitamins will enrich your skin and make it healthier and tighter. Visually, the eyes will immediately increase as soon as the bags and bruises under them pass.

Nothing gives a tired look like a dull look and a red white of the eye. In between work, you can do a couple of useful exercises to improve your vision. Smoking and drinking alcohol have a negative effect on the color of the whites of the eyes and the condition of the skin. Do not abuse bad habits, but it is better not to do this at all.

At night, it is not recommended to drink a lot of water, as this can cause swelling. Morning swelling will immediately make the incision smaller. Keep track of what time you go to bed. Several times a week, try to fall asleep no later than 10 pm.

How to visually enlarge the eyes without makeup?

No one forbids the use of eyelash curlers or tweezers for plucking eyebrows.. On the contrary, it is all very necessary for the care of your eyes. A slight curl of the eyelashes will make the eyes bigger and more expressive, and the correct line of the eyebrows will emphasize them. Also in the beauty salon you can slightly tint your eyebrows. Trust experienced professionals who know how to look beautiful without makeup. They will pick up the paint to match your eyebrows, which will not harm their structure in any way.

The correct shape of the hairstyle will also contribute to the visual enlargement of the eyes without makeup. Beautiful and neat curls will be a great addition to the image. It is advisable to select the styling in accordance with the shape of the face.

For a clear and open look, it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • in no case do not touch the skin of the face with dirty hands;
  • if you had to apply cosmetics, then instead of water, use a cotton pad dipped in sunflower oil;
  • compresses and masks made from natural ingredients will help relieve fatigue;
  • every morning wipe the skin around the eyes with an ice cube.
  • do a light massage along the contour of your eyes;
  • avoid direct sunlight.

Ice for washing can also be made from medicinal herbs. Pour the medicinal decoction into special molds or bags and put them in the freezer overnight.

Massage helps relieve fatigue from the eyes. Do not try to press hard, do it lightly. The result will amaze you.

The sun is a weapon directed against a clear and open look. When going outside in direct sunlight during the summer, wear sunglasses and never look directly at the sun. Ultraviolet is very dangerous. Even if the weather forecast shows rain, put your glasses in your bag anyway, maybe the sun will scorch later. Going outside in the summer, use protective creams. Sunburn is very good and useful, but excessive exposure to scorching rays is very harmful to the skin.

Medical cosmetics to help

If decorative cosmetics is done away with once and for all, then you should not forget about its medical options.

Properly selected creams and lotions will breathe life into your skin. Read the ingredients of each product carefully before you buy it.

For washing, it is advisable to use herbal decoction. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers or a collection of other medicinal plants and leave to infuse. Wipe the skin around the eyes with this remedy twice a day.

Scrubs can also be made from natural products. Lemon juice will perfectly cleanse the skin of age spots, brighten it and add radiance. You can make a mask at home. If you make a remedy from one egg white with the addition of a couple of drops of lemon, then the effect will be simply amazing. This procedure smoothes wrinkles, fights rashes and the appearance of acne. A beautiful face without makeup will become possible.

Special exercises for the eyes

Fifteen minutes a day can be devoted to eye exercises. Do not be lazy and get distracted for a few minutes. Various techniques will help restore the eyes not only shine, but also relieve stress. Here are some examples:

  • make circular movements with pupils in both directions;
  • move your eyes from left to right;
  • close your eyes for a couple of seconds, and then relax;
  • focus your vision on a nearby object, and then on a more distant one.

Don't be afraid to change. You can look beautiful with big expressive eyes without makeup. You need to accept yourself as you really are, without artificial means. By following all the recommendations, you can achieve a visible effect in a matter of days. Becoming a beauty with a clear eye is quite real and natural.