Spanish massage description. Spanish massage technique for the face and beautiful figure. Rules for performing facial massage

If you dream of achieving absolute relaxation in the shortest possible time, while remaining in an amazingly cheerful state of mind and body? Then the famous and unique Spanish massage is exactly what you need. This technique is not only completely unique and very effective, but also proven over the years, and is an ideal and completely safe way to rejuvenate the body. The services of a professional massage therapist will take you to sunny Spain, and the beneficial results of this magical procedure will be noticeable after the first session.

More about Spanish massage

The technique of this massage was developed by the famous scientist Enrique Garcia during his tenure as leader and was called " hemolymphatic drainage". The main features of the procedure are a very specific and, at the same time, an extremely positive effect on the entire human venous system, as well as the interstitial fluid, which is vital for the normal flow of metabolism between body tissue cells and blood.

Interesting fact- Spanish massage is a very organic combination of progressive healing and regenerative techniques of Europe with the healing techniques of the East, and includes all the wisdom of yoga, Ayurvedic medicine and Buddhist spiritual practice. It implies the deepest knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, and allows the patient to achieve the following results:

  • forget about irritability, depression, feeling of apathy,
  • cope with insomnia and get a good night's rest,
  • restore the functioning of the immune system,
  • get rid of the effects of stress,
  • significantly improve the condition and appearance of the skin of the face and body,
  • get rid of age-related changes,
  • best to correct the oval of the face,
  • relieve all symptoms of varicose veins,
  • eliminate swelling of the skin,
  • prevent such unpleasant phenomena as rosacea or mimic wrinkles.

Pay attention to the fact that the technology of Spanish massage is literally thought out to the smallest detail, and is based on a number of important rules. Thus, the number of techniques used in its implementation is more than a hundred - when selecting them, the individual characteristics of the body of a particular patient are certainly taken into account, and the process of getting used to certain movements is completely excluded, since they are constantly changing. This approach contributes to the maximum effectiveness of the massage procedure.

It will be useful to take note that all the traditional techniques of exotic Spanish massage are so plastic that the occurrence of pain or other unpleasant sensations is almost completely excluded. In addition, a deep effect on the systems and tissues of the body is provided, and the production of endomorphins is significantly increased, which causes feelings of pleasure and joy in patients.

And a few more interesting points

Spanish massage is designed to strengthen human muscle tissue in every possible way and actively fight against their possible pathologies. As you already know from the above, during the whole session, none of the techniques applied to a particular patient is repeated. Carrying out chiromassage affects such areas of the human body as the legs, face and back - after all, these areas, as a rule, are the most problematic for each of us. The beginning of the massage is not a traditional warm-up, but, on the contrary, complete relaxation. After that, the transition to deeper techniques is carried out - first of all, these are circular movements performed with the fingertips or palms.

It should be noted that the Spanish massage, famous all over the world today, is based on several very effective techniques at once, including:

  1. Myotensive- designed to restore the natural elasticity of various muscles and joints.
  2. Somatoemotional- Significantly strengthens the patient's nervous system.

Interestingly, when using it, additional elements can be used - for example, bird feathers or stones.

  1. Lymphatic drainage- allows you to remove metabolic products from the body, as well as excess fluid from the tissues.
  2. Hemolymphatic- helps to normalize blood circulation, reduces both intracranial and arterial pressure.

Neurosedative - ideal for normalizing sleep, relieving irritability, apathy.


Spanish massage is a special massage technique that is very popular in Russia and Europe. About thirty years ago, a Spanish scientist, Professor Enrique Garcia Castells developed a unique massage method. The main task of this was to intertwine the European approach to massage with human anatomy, its physiology, in particular, Eastern practice, in which qi energy is of great importance.

This method has proven itself only from the best side and has been effective and universal for many years. Thanks to a special massage technique, you can get rid of swelling and congestion, completely relax the body, normalize cellular respiration, rejuvenating and tightening the skin of the body.

The Spanish massage technique will perfectly relax and give you an unforgettable experience.

Features of Spanish massage

This technique is also called "chiromassage", but the name "Spanish massage" is used much more often.

According to the creator, in order to get a full-fledged healing effect, it is necessary to simultaneously affect the nervous system, joints, muscles, as well as the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

For each patient, an individual approach is selected: for one, the muscles should be carefully worked out, for the other, it should be acted through the lymphatic system.

The classic Spanish massage technique consists of many different techniques (there are about a hundred of them) - from the impact of the entire palm to the fingertips. During the massage, all muscles are worked out very carefully, stretched, warmed up.

Another feature of this massage is that during the entire session, the massage therapist does not repeat the same movement twice. Thanks to this, each new technique is felt with new emotions and feelings.

One of the main goals of massage is to relax the patient as much as possible. There were such cases that during the session people simply fell asleep.

Spanish facial massage

Recently, the technique of Spanish facial massage has gained immense popularity. And this is not at all surprising. Every woman wants to look fresh, young and beautiful. If performed correctly, you will achieve the desired effect: the muscular frame of the face will tighten, the elasticity of the skin will increase, the work of skin cells will be stimulated, it will look young and toned.

Massage includes, and décolleté areas. Movements are performed very gently, carefully and accurately, as the skin in this area is thin and sensitive. It can be performed by women of different age categories, because its range of effects helps to cope with a number of problems: the appearance of the first wrinkles, swelling, swelling, stale complexion, lethargy, and so on.

To get the most effective result and keep it for a longer time, you should undergo a massage course, which includes 2-3 procedures per week. You will notice an improvement after the first session.

Spanish body massage

To date, there are several varieties of this procedure. I would like to highlight three types:

  1. anti-cellulite
  2. myostructuring
  3. lymphatic drainage

The technique is aimed at eliminating the first signs of cellulite, its prevention, weight loss and correction of problem areas of the body. The procedure copes well with sagging skin and stretch marks.

Myostimulating massage is aimed at restoring and improving the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, as well as eliminating pain in the joints, muscles and spine.

Massage helps to remove toxins, toxins, stagnant fluid from the body, relieves swelling.

I would like to note that any technique of this massage is primarily aimed at the whole body, at providing a sedative effect, normalizing the work of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, thereby increasing immunity.


  • benign and malignant tumors
  • diseases in the acute stage
  • skin diseases
  • bronchial asthma

With age, the youthfulness of the face noticeably fades, and without special therapeutic procedures it is impossible to delay its flowering. With proper care, your beauty will last for decades, and Spanish facial massage, which will be discussed in this material, can contribute to this.

Plastic surgery, due to its cardinality, is more popular than therapeutic methods. But surgery always has a negative effect on the body. Botox is no less destructive than operations, because it is perceived by the body as a foreign substance. It is easier and more beneficial to achieve skin tightening in a more natural way.

Pilar Correcher technique

Shape-correcting method of deep study of the facial muscles, neck and décolleté. Eliminates hypertonicity, increases tissue elasticity, promotes enhanced cell regeneration, activates the production of collagen and elastin. The skin is saturated with oxygen and nutrients. There is an effect on the circulatory and lymphatic drainage systems located in the epidermis.

The procedure lasts a little more than half an hour, taking into account the mandatory use of an alginate mask. The mask is necessary as a fixative of the muscular frame developed by massage. The minimum course consists of 6-8 procedures.

Massage movements of a competent specialist should not cause pain.

The same techniques are used for . You can learn more about his methods here.

Principles of Spanish facial massage

It is impossible to just take and independently master Spanish massage at home by watching a master class. This is learned over the years from different masters. Even test practice is possible only after acquiring a high level of theoretical training. All this is due to a deep impact on the muscles of the face and the skeletal system, which, if neglected, will negatively affect the patient.

Competent massage solves almost any aesthetic imperfections of the facial skin. The choice of creams, oils and other excipients is strictly individual, based on the characteristics of the patient's body. The effect is visible after the first session.

Most techniques start with a warm-up, but not the Spanish one. The principle of the technique is gradual, but deep relaxation. The intensity of exposure increases slowly, in a circular motion, replacing the fingertips with the palm of your hand. The movements are fluid, plastic, fluttering, reminiscent of a dance. Sudden impulse gestures are subtle but effective.

Hypnotic music practically puts you into a trance, contributing to the process.

Experts recommend carrying out up to 3 procedures per week, stretching the course, which can be done no more than 2 times a year. Most often, massage therapy is prescribed by a cosmetologist, but often the initiative comes from the patients themselves. A dermatologist can also give this kind of referral in addition to a medication course to improve the condition of the skin (vitamins, healing creams).

A brief lesson on such a facial massage and a description of the technique used can be gleaned from the video. Full-fledged training, of course, is impossible from a video lesson (only an experienced specialist can teach this personally), but at least you will learn what Spanish facial chiromassage is from the point of view of a master.

Preparation for the procedure

When visiting a massage parlor for the first time, you may not know some of the nuances that are worth considering.

Before the procedure, all cosmetics are removed from the face with a special gentle agent, peeling is performed. The skin must be freed from sebaceous deposits and banal contaminants like dust, so do not apply heavy makeup before the procedure.

After that, pre-selected oil or cream is applied. It is extremely undesirable to massage the delicate skin of the face without additional means, because it is easy to injure it. Through open, cleansed pores, the skin additionally receives nutrition from cosmetic preparations.

The first touches are always relaxing, stroking, then they smoothly turn into circular massage movements. What follows is a combination of practices selected specifically for a particular case.

The cost of the procedure depends entirely on the skill level of the massage therapist, the technique and reputation of the salon you applied to. At the prices of the capital, the price per session on average varies from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Results and effectiveness of the Spanish technique

All patients, without exception, who have completed a full course with competent specialists, leave only positive feedback.

Visual manifestations:

Spanish facial chiromassage provides:

  • getting rid of acne;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • regulation of sebum secretion;
  • saturation of the skin with oxygen at the cellular level;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • face contour modeling;
  • enhancing cell regeneration.

In addition to visible results, the procedure helps to improve the psychosomatic state: fatigue is relieved, a positive emotional background increases, and stress disappears. The skin seems refreshed, and the general condition is like that of a well-rested person.

Spanish facial massage is a procedure that will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin, restore its fresh look and get rid of various defects. Positive changes will be noticeable after the first session, however, a course of procedures will be required to achieve a lasting result. This type of massage is currently very popular in Russia and Europe. What is unusual about this procedure?

Spanish massage of the body and face combines many techniques of yoga, Indian medicine, manual therapy, Buddhist practice. The procedure is carried out with obligatory musical accompaniment using aromatic oils and candles. Some experts use stones and feathers. Such a technique can only be carried out by professionals who have been trained for several years.

The uniqueness of the Spanish massage is that its action is directed simultaneously to the muscles, joints, circulatory, nervous, lymphatic systems. During the session, the specialist uses more than a hundred methods of influence: with the knuckles or fingertips, with the entire palm or its edge. The procedure is carried out with gentle, stroking, relaxing movements. Intensive techniques are not used here.

Another unique feature of Spanish massage is the lack of repetition of the same technique. Thanks to this technique, the client's nervous system does not have time to get used to a particular effect, but remains sensitive to each new touch. During other types of massage, the body quickly adapts to the repetitive action, due to which the effectiveness of the procedure decreases over time.

Indications and contraindications for Spanish massage

A course of Spanish massage helps not only to eliminate aesthetic defects of the face, but also to solve a lot of health problems. This procedure is useful for the following problems:

  • rosacea;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • change in the oval of the face;
  • the presence of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • other age-related skin changes;
  • swelling during pregnancy;
  • transferred stressful situation;
  • reduced immunity;
  • insomnia;
  • irritability;
  • depression.

Spanish facial massage has a minimum number of contraindications. It is allowed even in cases where conventional therapy sessions are not recommended. However, the procedure is prohibited for various skin diseases, exacerbations of chronic diseases, the presence of malignant tumors.


Spanish massage attracts not only women, but also men with its strong rejuvenating effect. During the procedure, the blood supply to the tissues improves, they are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are activated, and toxins are removed. The skin is leveled, acquires a beautiful shade, becomes elastic. Skillful manipulations allow you to rid the body of excess fluid, due to which bags under the eyes and swelling disappear.

What other results can be achieved with a Spanish facial massage? This procedure helps:

  • regulate intracranial and arterial pressure;
  • improve mood for a long period;
  • get rid of fatigue;
  • remove the effects of stress;
  • increase the volume of the lips;
  • smooth out the nasolabial fold area;
  • remove the second chin;
  • tighten the oval of the face.

How is the procedure carried out?

Spanish facial massage begins with a thorough cleansing of the skin from impurities and cosmetics. The face is then covered with an individually selected oil so that the specialist's hands can easily glide over it. There are no warming movements in Spanish massage, all manipulations are aimed at relaxation. A deep effect is achieved due to the complete relaxation of the muscles and the effect on the skeletal system.

Not only oil, but also all movements are selected individually by a specialist. The massage therapist makes a correct diagnosis, evaluates the location of nerve endings on the face, determines the tasks that must be solved during the procedure. Facial massage can be done up to 3 times a week. The course is at least 7 procedures. You can repeat the therapy after 2 months.

Choose a massage therapist to whom you are ready to entrust your body. During the procedure, there is an invisible exchange of information between the patient and the specialist. Intuitively established contact contributes to a deeper relaxation and a better effect.

Despite the fact that the course of Spanish massage requires money and time, it is impossible to achieve the effect that it gives at home. If age-related changes appear on the face or other problems, do not put off visiting a specialist “for later”. You will get stunning results that will last for a long time.

By secret

  • You missed a class reunion because you're afraid to hear that you've grown old...
  • And less and less often catch the admiring glances of men ...
  • Advertised skin care products don't refresh the face like they used to...
  • And the reflection in the mirror more and more reminds of age ...
  • Think you look older than your age...
  • Or you just want to "preserve" youth for many years...
  • You desperately do not want to grow old and are ready to use any opportunity for this ...

Yesterday, no one had a chance to regain youth without plastic surgery, but today he appeared!

Follow the link and find out how you managed to stop old age and return youth

The term Spanish massage refers to a special massage technique that is extremely popular today in Europe and Russia. It was developed about thirty years ago by a doctor, professor of medicine Enrique Garcia Castells, who set as his goal the interweaving of the European approach to massage, namely the knowledge of the features of human anatomy and physiology, and oriental practices, where the energy of qi, which permeates all living things and is responsible for healing, is of primary importance.

Purpose of Spanish massage

This exotic type of massage is done in order to achieve the following results:

  • Reduce skin puffiness
  • Prevent the development of rosacea
  • Relieve symptoms of varicose veins
  • Facial oval correction
  • Prevent the appearance and development of mimic wrinkles - those that most betray our age
  • Eliminate age-related skin changes
  • Restore the skin and the whole body after stress
  • Get your immune system up and running
  • Restore normal sleep and overcome insomnia
  • Remove apathy, depression and irritability

In addition, the use of Spanish massage techniques will help prevent the appearance of cellulite, improve lymph flow, increase elasticity and tissue turgor. At the same time, the patient does not feel any pain at all, since the method of its implementation is as sparing as possible. This massage will be very effective for people who are very sensitive to stress.

Spanish body massage techniques

Spanish massage can be represented by the following unique techniques:

☯ Hiromassage. Designed to improve the elasticity of muscle fibers. For its effectiveness, the massage therapist must first completely relax the patient's muscles. Then, with the help of circular techniques, they proceed to a deeper effect. Mostly this Spanish body massage affects the back and legs.

☯ Myotensive technique. It is used most often to normalize the musculoskeletal system. First, with the help of circular movements, the muscles that set the joints in motion are relaxed. After relaxing each muscle group, the articulation itself is deeply worked out.

☯ Somato-emotional massage. It is carried out to normalize the function of the nervous system. The masseur alternates relaxing techniques with intense ones that affect certain reflex zones. Massage movements are carried out at different speeds and strengths. Sometimes feathers and stones are used for such a massage.

☯ Neurosedative massage. Its goal is to normalize the mental state of the patient. Also, such a Spanish body massage is used to eliminate chronic pain in the neck, back and limbs. It is carried out with the help of monotonous, slow techniques, as it is believed, reminiscent of the sensations once experienced by a person in the prenatal period. To increase the effectiveness, various creams and aromatic oils are used.

☯ Hemolymphatic technique. Improves blood circulation and lymph flow. It is used to normalize arterial and intracranial pressure, eliminate edema, and for weight loss. Massage movements are carried out along the flow of blood and lymph.

There are also lymphatic drainage, anti-cellulite and other Spanish massage techniques.

Spanish facial massage

Spanish facial massage is especially appreciated for relaxing the muscles. This can be achieved through a variety of techniques and the atmosphere of the session. Slightly stroking movements are replaced by rubbing with the palmar and back of the hand. These techniques include intensity and painlessness, as well as a relaxing effect on all muscle groups.

Massage helps to improve the blood supply to tissues, the outflow of venous blood and lymph drainage. All this has a positive effect on the relief and color of the skin, increases its elasticity, smoothes wrinkles and relieves puffiness around the eyes.

After the Spanish massage sessions, the oval of the face is tightened and the contour is modeled, which includes:

  • lip augmentation
  • upper eyelid lift and eyebrow shaping
  • smoothing the nasolabial fold area
  • wrinkle reduction

Spanish facial massage technique

To begin with, the skin is cleaned of cosmetics and dust. For better gliding and deep nourishment, a cream or oil is applied. Which one to choose will depend on the patient's skin type. For dry, more fatty products are taken, as it is tender and easily injured. It is good to use oils with the addition of vitamins and minerals.

All movements are performed very delicately and gently. Facial skin is characterized by increased sensitivity and tenderness. Most manipulations are performed with fingertips and palms. Strong pressures alternate with weak ones. The masseur performs stroking, then patting, then circular movements.

Under the skillful hands of the master fall not only the forehead, cheeks, chin, but also the neck, décolleté. In one session, the specialist manages to work several times on each area of ​​the skin. Spanish facial massage helps to calm down and relax. At the end of the session, the patient is washed again and the cream is applied to the skin. The person feels full of energy and looks rejuvenated.

To achieve the desired result, at least 10 sessions are required, 2-3 per week. It is advisable to repeat the procedure after 6 months. If possible and willing, you can do this more often, there is no strict schedule.


  • diseases in the acute stage
  • skin diseases
  • malignant neoplasms
  • bronchial asthma during flowering (May-June)

Spanish massage is a set of techniques that can help solve a variety of problems. It is performed both on the body and, much more often, on the face. Spanish massage improves tone, improves skin elasticity, reduces swelling and partly relieves stress.

When performed professionally, it is especially clear that Spanish massage requires a creative approach. The same element of this technology is rarely repeated during the session, which does not allow the nervous system of the person being massaged to adapt, as his sensations are constantly changing. Massage is purely individual, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Conducting a course of procedures, it is advisable to allocate time for massage 2-3 times a week, ten sessions. The standard recommendation for massage courses is 2 times a year, however, depending on the desire of the client and taking into account the recommendations of the specialist, the schedule may change.

The Spanish technique has already been recognized as unique, as it allows you to achieve stable results in a short time, and fully influence the processes of biological skin aging.