Recipes for body peeling at home. Features and varieties of body peeling: independently and by the hands of professional cosmetologists

Human skin, like other organs, can self-cleanse and regenerate. Tiny scales, consisting of dead and keratinized cells, constantly descend from its surface. Under them is a healthy, dense and elastic cover. But for many residents of large cities or ecologically unfavorable areas, the ability of the epidermis to self-regulate is violated. That is why body peeling is so useful for us. This procedure deep cleansing, skin scraping is also called exfoliation.

Video procedure of coffee peeling-massage

Why is it good for the skin

If the dead cells of keratinized skin cannot exfoliate on their own, they stick together into the thinnest shell that covers the body. This makes it difficult for the epidermis to breathe, leading to disruption of the proper circulation of blood and lymph in the tissues of the dermis. To help the skin get rid of the load of dead cells, simple cosmetic procedures peeling or scrubbing. In addition, skin tissues are intensively saturated and nourished. useful substances contained in the mixture used. Peeling is usually carried out up to two times a week. In this case, means of different strength of action are used for the body and face.

The appearance of cleared of excess burden, renewed skin is significantly improved. It has a more even and pleasant color, gets rid of oily sheen, fine wrinkles, minor defects. After several peeling procedures, freckles, age spots, acne marks or scars will become less noticeable. Exfoliation successfully removes such a cosmetic defect as comedones ( dark dots, formed by clogged sebum pores).

To carry out the manipulation, you can visit a beautician who will use professional mixtures or special preparations. Salon visits are usually expensive and may not be affordable for everyone. A worthy alternative to salon care is body peeling at home.

Homemade exfoliating products have undeniable benefits. They are most often made on a purely natural basis, using components natural origin. And therefore, even without having the power of influence industrial facilities, home peels are less aggressive on the skin. With their regular use, the effect achieved will be as impressive as from salon care.

Dry skin will become silky after peeling with cottage cheese and salt

Who is contraindicated peeling

This procedure will be useful to many people. Such cleansing manipulations are advised to start by girls and boys over 18 years old. Sometimes teenagers with problematic skin they are also shown, this is individual, and it is better to consult a specialist. The procedure has a positive effect for people under the age of 50 years. It is suitable if the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis is reduced in problem areas(shoulders, bust, neckline, abdomen, hips, buttocks). cellulite, excess weight, the presence of acne, stretch marks or stretch marks, signs of photoaging of the skin from frequent exposure to the sun - these are also a number of signs that it is time to take care of yourself.

There are also general medical contraindications for scrubbing or body peeling. For example, if the skin is very prone to inflammation or allergies to pharmacy, salon and homemade facilities. When it has unhealed wounds, scratches or fungal infections. It is impossible to produce such effects if there is open bleeding in the body, for example, for women during menstruation. Pregnancy or breastfeeding are also contraindications for peeling. You can not do it at the time of exacerbation of any infectious diseases, and, of course, with skin diseases.

coffee and sea ​​salt- Relief from cellulite

Preparation and conduct of the procedure

First you need to figure out what type of skin you have. So it will be possible to understand with what regularity peeling should be done, and what means to select. For example, dry skin, which is prone to irritation and flaking, can withstand no more than one procedure in one and a half or two weeks. Whereas normal skin can be cleaned weekly, and strongly prone to oiliness - even twice a week.

In order to achieve desired effect, the surface of the body must be properly prepared for exfoliation. Take a hot shower or bath, steam well. It is necessary that the pores open and be ready for deep exposure. You can use daily remedy for washing (soap, gel, milk).

The exfoliation mixture itself is prepared immediately before the cleansing procedure. Doing in advance and storing the composition is not recommended. Peeling is advised to be applied to clean, steamed and still damp skin. You need to do it with gentle massage in a circular motion trying not to miss any part of the body. Only the face should remain unused. You can rub the mixture with your palms or use massage gloves, a special brush. The applied mixture is left to act for 5-10 minutes. After that, it is washed off without residue with cool water. The body is blotted with a towel, and a moisturizing or nourishing cream is applied to the treated areas.

As a result of peeling, the upper keratinized layer of cells is removed and skin renewal processes are launched.

Recipes for mixtures for peeling at home

If the skin is oily

IN young age oily skin looks problematic. Enlarged pores are clearly visible on it, the appearance is worsened by periodically appearing rashes, redness and inflammation, unaesthetic oily sheen. To speed up the self-cleansing of this type of skin, peeling or scrub is best.

Cinnamon and ginger

A good cleansing effect in this case can have a mixture of oriental spices - cinnamon and ginger. The composition has a strong antiseptic effect, contains vitamin C and several groups B, and has an anti-cellulite effect. In addition, the mixture smells pleasant, giving the procedure an aromatherapeutic effect.

Fresh ginger is ground in a blender to a puree state (if fresh is not available, you can take the powder sold as a seasoning). A deep container is placed in a spoonful of ginger and ground cinnamon. One tablespoon of unsweetened honey is also added there. All this is well mixed and you can start applying. If you think that the resulting volume is not enough for you, do more, observing the indicated proportions.

Cinnamon has found wide application in cosmetology and in the manufacture of home peels.


There are also recipes for oily body skin using pharmaceutical preparations. Among the most effective options for such compositions can be called salicylic peeling. It acts as a rejuvenator, improves general form skin, gently affects it. Possessing disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties, does not cause irritation. His active ingredients have enough deep action, penetrating to the layers of the capillary dermis. The principle of action in this case is the chemical dissolution of keratinized particles of the epidermis.

At home desired composition can be made from a simple aspirin. Place one tablet of the drug in a tablespoon (this is acetylsalicylic acid obtained from salicylic and acetic anhydride). Drop a few drops in there. clean water to dissolve the medicine into a powder. Then, depending on preferences or the presence of allergic reactions to the ingredients, half a teaspoon of liquid honey or gel containing aloe vera is added to the powder. The mixture is well mixed, after which it is ready for use. The course will consist of 10 procedures, two per week.

If you don’t have time to make products for such peeling on your own, you can buy finished products of a similar and even stronger effect. It is offered, for example, by manufacturers such as Renophase, Egia, BeautyMed and others. Be sure to follow the instructions for use of such drugs.

Peeling with coffee will help against cellulite

Peeling for dry skin

It has a tendency to peel off and dry out. The task of peeling in this case is to help restore the water-fat balance of the dermis, as well as remove dead scales from the surface. After exposure, you need to apply a sufficient amount of nourishing cream to the treated areas.


For sensitive skin, a natural recipe may be suitable fruit peeling. To prepare it, fruits are chopped with a blender (half a banana and an apple each), one raw egg white, two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of ground oatmeal. With a blender, the resulting mixture is brought to a homogeneous consistency.

Sea salt can be used in the preparation of formulations. Check only in advance so that the components are not overly aggressive (try on small area skin). The cottage cheese included in the composition will help to make the impact more gentle and gentle. A little milk is added to three tablespoons of homemade fatty cottage cheese (for oily skin, you can take low-fat kefir, yogurt, whey or low-fat yogurt). After stirring, you should get a creamy mass. Just before application, one tablespoon of fine sea salt is added.

Fruit-based peels purify and nourish the skin

For manifestations of cellulite

Anti-cellulite peeling based on ground coffee is also useful to many. You can take freshly ground coffee beans or even use the ground coffee. For five tablespoons of the coffee component, the same amount of sea salt and four tablespoons of the first extraction are taken olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and use immediately.

These recipes are a drop in the ocean of advice offered for home peeling folk medicine. You can use various vegetable and essential oils, ground grains, seeds, juices, infusions, sugar, spices, etc. Take care of your skin. Trust me, you will soon see that you are putting in the time and effort to your advantage.

If you are tired and want care and attention, you need a body peeling. This procedure will give you a feeling of renewal and complete relaxation. Professional cleansing is carried out in the salon with special tools, but at home, you can carry out this procedure on highest level After all, making a body scrub with your own hands is not at all difficult.

Why peeling is needed

Body peeling is scrubbing of all its parts. The dead stratum corneum accumulates not only on the face, but also on the whole body, and it must be removed periodically. Skin particles clog pores sebaceous glands and promote the formation of ingrown hairs and the effect orange peel. With age, the rate of cell exfoliation decreases. If children have practically no keratinized scales, then in a person at the age of thirty they occupy up to one millimeter of the upper layer of the skin. It is also necessary to scrub the skin for those who are going to sunbathe so that the tan lies evenly.

Types of procedures

Peelings according to the method of exposure are divided into mechanical, physical and chemical. And according to the depth of impact: on the surface, middle and deep. If we are not talking about the correction of any pronounced cosmetic defects, for body peeling, a mechanical surface option is used, that is, a scrub.

Scrubs are abrasive peels, they consist of hard particles that, like a brush, clean off the stratum corneum of the epidermis. It is better not to use them for too dry skin to avoid its excessive injury.

Professional peeling

Body peeling in the salon is carried out using special means. The most famous of them are products of the Gloria series, Yves Rocher and Yves Saint Laurent.

BrandGloria has the most diverse range of peeling products. Here you will find classic coffee and salt scrubs as well as lesser known medal and strawberry scrubs. They do their job very well. The convenience of this series lies in the fact that scrubs are available in jars of different sizes: small for the first bottle for the first and large for economical use.

Read more about scrubs of this brand in the video below.

Manufacturer Yves Rocher wonderful vegetable scrub for the body from the oriental series of products. Unlike other scrubs, Yves Rocher contains large and small abrasive particles together. First, large particles are exfoliated dead cells and then fine grind the skin, giving it softness, smoothness and velvety. The botanical ingredients of Yves Rocher exude an oriental scent that soothes and soothes.

Peeling by Yves Saint Laurent softer than the compositions of other manufacturers, it does not injure the skin, suitable for frequent use. The Yves Saint Laurent brand is distinguished by the fact that the product is applied to a dry surface. This peeling is suitable for sensitive skin, as there are practically no abrasive particles in it.

homemade recipes

The most common and effective scrubs for the body - it's coffee and salt.

Coffee peeling for the body perfectly cleanses the skin and soothes it, while salt peeling tones and accelerates regeneration. At healthy skin it is better to alternate these peels, and if the skin is dry, preference should be given to a coffee scrub. For oily skin, a salt procedure is more suitable.

For coffee scrub, it is best to use ground coffee . The most inexpensive coffee is suitable, since ground coffee of all varieties has almost the same granules. Also for the recipe you will need:

  • Cinnamon is a binding element so that the scrub stays on the body, and it is possible to thoroughly massage the entire surface of the skin.
  • Olive or any other oil to soothe skin.
  • Essential oils for pleasant smell and relaxation.

All this is mixed and applied to the steamed skin.

Salt peeling for the body is perfect for skin with a large number of keratinized scales. There is nothing complicated in its preparation either. To prepare, take:

  • Ground sea salt.
  • Any essential oil.

All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and put ready mix into the refrigerator. The salt for this peeling can be ground to very small grains, if you want to achieve a velvety feeling on the skin or leave the particles large, then the scrub will be deeper.

This mixture fights rashes and cellulite well.

Scrubbing is not recommended more than once a week, because this procedure is still traumatic for the skin, and it needs time to recover. .

Periodic use of body peeling will help you prolong the youthfulness of your skin and get rid of breakouts and bumps. . Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Periodic body peeling at home refers to effective ways skin care. Nature has laid down the body's ability to independently renew the upper layer of the dermis. To maintain this quality, it is recommended to carry out additional manipulations aimed at removing dead cells.

Neglect of the cleansing procedure leads to the formation of a dense layer of dead dermis, which prevents oxygen exchange organism with the environment. In order to prevent this condition, it is necessary to periodically clean at home. And this information will help you understand how effective this procedure is.

Rules for cleaning at home

Self-cleansing of the integument should be carried out in compliance with certain safety rules, which allow not only to protect the dermis from damage, but also to achieve a greater effect from the procedure. Peeling at home is not carried out during pregnancy, lactation, during an exacerbation herpetic infection. It requires a preliminary test for an allergic reaction to the components of the composition.

Basic rule home cleansing lies in the frequency of its implementation. For oily skin, 1 procedure per week is enough, for sensitive and dry skin - no more than 2 times a month.

Before applying the product, it is necessary to thoroughly clean and soften the dermis. Ideally, cleansing should be done in a sauna. If it is not possible to visit the bath, it is enough to take a hot bath.

The agent is applied to the surface with gentle and slightly massaging movements so as not to damage it. Rough rubbing of the mixture into the body is unacceptable. The agent is applied by hand or soft sponge. The last way allows you to carefully treat the skin with a mixture and minimizes the risk of damage to it.

It is erroneously considered that it is necessary to remove the mixture immediately after application. This rule is ineffective and does not bring any benefit from the cleansing procedure. When doing peeling at home, you should remember that visible result can be achieved by keeping the composition on the skin for at least 10 minutes. So much time is required for the substances to act, remove dirt and dead cells. Many also try to glycolic peeling faces, but how the procedure takes place, you can see

On video body peeling at home:

The final step in home cleansing is moisturizing the skin. Regardless of the type of skin, it is necessary to apply a moisturizer to it. Its use allows you to soften bare skin, prevent the development of inflammation and tightness. But how to do a glycol peel at home and what you should pay attention to is outlined

For different skin types

Body peeling at home, the recipes of which can be easily found, is effective means to restore the skin. For dry and sensitive skin, a cleansing based on cottage cheese is recommended.

It is necessary to mix the composition until a homogeneous mass in the following proportions:

  • 2 tbsp. l. cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp ground rice;
  • 0.5 tsp olive oil.

In the photo - cottage cheese and milk for the skin

Then heat the product in a water bath. Gently rub the composition into the body and leave for 10 minutes. The scrub is then washed off warm water, and the surface is moistened with a hypoallergenic cream. And here's how it's done retinoic peeling and how such a procedure occurs, you can see

The preparation of a composition of cucumber and oatmeal is indicated for cleansing oily, prone to acne, skin . It is necessary to mix the ingredients until smooth in the ratio: 1 vegetable and 1 tbsp. l. flakes. The mixture is infused for 20 minutes and rubbed into the surface with massaging movements for at least 10 minutes. On the basis of oatmeal, you can prepare another effective peeling. It is necessary to mix 2 tbsp. l. crushed cereal and almonds, 1 tsp each. cream and green tea, 1 drop of rose oil. The agent is insisted for 20 minutes and applied to the covers for 10-15 minutes.

You may also be interested in information about how it is done and what the results can be before and after the procedure.

In the photo - cucumbers and oatmeal

A versatile option suitable for all skin types is the strawberry scrub. It is necessary to mix 6 berries, 4 tsp. olive oil and 6 tsp. sea ​​salt. With gentle movements, peeling is applied to the surface for 10-15 minutes. After removing the composition, the integuments are moistened with cream.

In the cold season, you can please the skin with a fragrant chocolate scrub. It is necessary to warm up in a water bath 3 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. brown sugar, 1 tsp. olive or vanilla oil. Apply the mixture to the surface for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water.

In the photo - chocolate scrub

Peeling based on citrus peels, enriched with vitamin C, is effective and allows not only to thoroughly clean, but also to support the skin during beriberi. You need to grind 30 g of fresh peels of any citrus fruit and mix them with 100 ml of yogurt. Apply the resulting mixture on the body and rinse with warm water after 15 minutes.

Cellulite Recipes

An effective way to remove the “orange peel” is a pepper-based scrub. Holding full course cleansing with this recipe allows you to significantly smooth the surface and visually reduce the severity of cellulite. To prepare a scrub, you need to mix 25 ml of tincture hot pepper with 100 g ground green coffee beans. For a week, the product is placed in a dark, cool place for infusion. With gentle massaging movements, the composition is treated with problem areas for 10 minutes. The scrub is then removed with cool water and the body is moisturized with a soothing hypoallergenic cream.

On the video body peeling against cellulite at home:

Exist various options the use of honey - an indispensable component in the fight against cellulite. To prepare one of the effective scrubs, you need to mix 10 tsp. honey, 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil. Massage the composition onto the skin for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. The following anti-cellulite remedy is prepared in the same way, but in this case, you must first melt the honey in a water bath and add a few drops of any citrus tree to the mixture. With the resulting composition, gently but vigorously treat problem areas until redness and rinse after 15 minutes.

In other cases, immediately after rubbing the scrub, you can wrap the body with a film and wrap yourself in a warm towel for 2-3 hours.

It will also be useful for you to learn about how the procedure takes place and how this procedure will help get rid of ugly and oily skin.

A gentle option for treating areas affected by “orange peel” are clay-based scrubs. You need to mix blue or pink clay with water in a 1: 1 ratio. By adding to the composition coffee grounds, it is applied to the areas of the dermis affected by cellulite, wrapped with a film and a warm towel for several hours.

In the photo - clay-based scrubs

The removal of the “orange peel” is facilitated by the use of a salt scrub. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix sea salt, water and olive oil in quantities sufficient to obtain a porridge-like composition. The resulting scrub is treated with problem areas and washed off with water after 15 minutes.

Recipes for a better tan

The preparation and use of sugar peeling contributes to the effective cleansing of the dermis before taking sunbathing. To prepare it, mix 2 tbsp. l. sugar with 0.5 cups of natural yogurt. This proportion is standard and in case of deficiency, a larger amount of the mixture must be prepared. The resulting product is applied to the integument with massaging movements and after 10 minutes it is washed off with warm water.

The use of a floral cleansing mixture allows not only to quickly and effectively remove dirt and the upper layers of the dermis, but also to give the body a feeling of tenderness and lightness. To prepare the mixture in a blender, grind 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, lavender and rose flowers. To the resulting powder add 2/3 cup of coconut or olive oil, a few drops of neroli and petitgrain oils. The composition is thoroughly mixed and gently applied to the surface for 10 minutes.

Aromatic flower peeling competes with a mixture based on milk and honey.. In addition to thorough cleansing, its use allows you to moisturize the dermis, making it soft and velvety. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to mix crushed oatmeal, honey and milk in proportions sufficient to form a mushy consistency. With light massage movements, it is applied to the integument and left for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

In the photo - a mixture based on milk and honey

A non-standard recipe for cleansing the skin before sunbathing is peeling based on red wine. Its use enriches the dermis with essential antioxidants, making it less vulnerable to the harmful effects of the environment. It is necessary to grind 200 g of dark grapes, to which add 2 tsp. brown sugar, a small amount of red wine and a few drops of grapefruit oil. With gentle movements, the composition is applied to the body for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with cool water.

Home peeling is an excellent way to cleanse the skin of accumulated dirt and dead cells. The process of applying the compositions must strictly obey the rules, including preliminary softening of the dermis, applying the mixture, removing and moisturizing the skin.

Any self-respecting woman in without fail takes care of himself: face, hands, legs, decollete, neck ... But for some reason, many people forget that the body also needs care. Human skin is updated daily, cells die off, new ones appear in their place. At the same time, the pores of the skin become clogged and it acquires an ugly shade. Therefore, body care should be daily, and it is advisable to do peeling once a week.

Determine your skin type

If the skin is oily, then peeling can be done 2-3 times a week, if normal - once a week, with dry or sensitive skin - no more than 1 time in 2 weeks, because you can damage the skin with solid particles, but if you have skin diseases, then peeling is generally contraindicated.

Find a body scrub at home

There are two options: gommage or scrub.

Gommage - cosmetic product to remove dead cells. Its composition includes chemical substances, which dissolve the scales and remove them. This great option for peeling dry skin.

The scrub contains abrasive particles that "rip off" the top layer of the skin and remove dirt from the pores. The particles are used apricot kernels, ground coffee, oatmeal, sugar, salt, etc.

Get a hard brush for exfoliating the body.

Peeling at home will help you:
- cleanse the skin of the top layer of dead cells

Remove sebaceous plugs

Stimulate the outflow of sebum

Rejuvenate wrinkled and aging skin

Remove age spots

Remove soft wrinkles

Smooth out scars and scars

Improve metabolism in the skin and activate the so-called immunocomplete cells.

Salt peeling at home
This salt peeling, prepared at home, exfoliates, removes the keratinized, coarsened layer and partially age spots and freckles and makes the skin "satiny".

To prepare this homemade peeling, mix 1 tbsp. l. sour cream or 2 tbsp. l. heavy cream with 1 tsp. fine salt. With light circular movements of the fingertips, massage lines distribute sour cream with salt all over the face, rubbing the skin very gently with salt.

For dry skin, use only the finest salt in half with baking soda.

When dry thin skin mix 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l. olive oil (you can - any vegetable) with 1 tsp. salt of the finest grinding.

With gentle sensitive skin instead of 1 tsp. salt take 1/4 tsp. baking soda and mix with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal, diluted with warm water (or better - warm yogurt or low-fat kefir) to a thick slurry.

Salt peels can be applied to any areas of the body where the skin is flaky, or to the whole body.

After removing the scrub, apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream, or cosmetic mask. Use salt peeling at least two or three times a month to achieve the effect of silky skin, but not more than once every 7-10 days. With oily thickened skin, this peeling can be used more often - 1-2 times a week. However, for the neck and décolleté area, apply peeling no more than once every 3-4 weeks, moving with soft circular movements strictly along the massage lines.

Dry, thin or delicate sensitive skin can be cleaned with a salt scrub no more than once every three weeks, be sure to lubricate immediately after the scrub with a nourishing cream. It is most useful to do this procedure before going to bed, so that during the night the top layer of the skin has time to “rest” and recover. An oatmeal scrub with baking soda can be used more frequently.

In the hot season, if the skin of the face has to experience direct exposure to the sun, with dry, thin or sensitive skin - salt scrubs do not use, but with oily and thick - use very limitedly.

Peeling of oatmeal and almonds

Mix 2 tbsp. l. - oatmeal (can be prepared in a coffee grinder from oatmeal or oatmeal) and peeled almond kernels, ground in a coffee grinder. Separately, in a mixer, mix 1 tsp. cream, 1 tsp. brewed green tea (if necessary, replace with boiled water) and one drop of rose oil. Combine and mix both compositions well, let the mixture brew for 15-20 minutes.
Moisten the face with a napkin moistened with water, lightly moisten the hands with water and, heating the mixture between the palms, apply the scrub on the face and neck. With gentle circular movements, it is easy to massage the skin along the massage lines. It is useful to leave the scrub on the face as a mask for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, wipe the skin with a tonic lotion and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
To use this scrub for oily skin, you need to add 1 tsp to the composition. oatmeal and replace the cream with skim milk and the rose oil with lemon essence.
In a simpler and faster version of this scrub, you need to brew green tea and rose oil to replace 1 tbsp. l. crushed pulp of strawberries with juice, strawberries or raspberries.

Peeling from citrus peels and fermented milk products

Dry the peels of citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, tangerine, lemon) in the sun and grind them in a coffee grinder.
For peeling right amount citrus flour mixed with natural yogurt, kefir or other sour-milk products.

Peeling at home with coffee grounds

For peeling, you can use coffee grounds. For dry and normal skin, dilute the thick with milk, cream, sour cream or vegetable oil. For oily skin, dilute the thickening with whey, yogurt or kefir.

With the help of the last two gentle peels, you can clean normal skin in a day, dry skin in 2-3 days, and oily skin- daily.

To sea salt (2 cups), add grated orange zest (2 tablespoons, you can lemon) and so much olive oil that the mixture becomes thick. Apply to the body and exfoliate.

Mix ground coffee with cream or sunflower oil.
Anti-cellulite scrub. Twist one grapefruit in a meat grinder and add 5 tbsp. tablespoons of sea salt and olive oil (1 tbsp.)

Mashed strawberries (3-4 tablespoons) are mixed with almond oil (2 tablespoons) and honey (1 tablespoon)

Cane sugar mixed with a little honey and lemon oil to the thickness of sour cream.

And here is the easiest way. After a bath or shower, massage the body with ordinary finely ground salt (extra) or soda.

Take cane sugar and mix with olive oil. Add some coarse black pepper and cinnamon to the mixture. She produces peeling.

If there is no scrub at hand, and the skin is still peeling off, you can moisten the end of the soft scrub in warm water. terry towel and with very light circular movements along the massage lines, wipe their face with it.

Body peelings are also offered in beauty salons, however, for reasons of economy and the need for coursework, many choose home care. According to reviews, it is practically not inferior to the salon.

In this article, we have collected the most interesting recipes from affordable ingredients that are easy to find in a regular supermarket. But first, let's figure out what this procedure is intended for.


Every 28-30 days, epidermal cells are renewed, naturally tearing away dead scales of the stratum corneum. However, with age, cell shedding slows down, which causes clogged pores, the appearance of inflammatory elements and loss of tissue elasticity. Oxygen and nutrients can no longer, as before, penetrate deep into the skin, and its general state getting worse.

Body peeling helps to eliminate aesthetic defects and heal the skin. You can perform it once a week (for example, on weekends), and gradually the effect will become noticeable. Exfoliation also benefits a healthy epidermis, but it is even more necessary for those who are troubled by such cosmetic defects as:

  • Biological and photoaging of the hands and neck;
  • Dull skin color and;
  • Dryness and flaking of the cover;
  • Stretch marks (stretch marks) as a result of sharp fluctuations in weight;
  • Post-acne on the back and forearms;
  • "Orange peel" and "goosebumps".

Home peeling for the body is also carried out before visiting the SPA or the beach, so that the appearance is more spectacular, and the tan lies evenly. At the same time, the procedure is devoid of any age or gender restrictions and promotes overall health, having a beneficial effect on blood circulation and tissue nutrition.

Differences between home and salon

The absence of restrictions is not accidental: only superficial processing is permissible for independent conduct. Medium or deep body exfoliation requires clinical conditions, professional equipment and medical training.

Body peeling, in comparison with the salon, is not so effective, and more procedures are needed for a pronounced result. And yet, it is quite possible to achieve positive changes on your own, and improvements can be noticed after the first session.

At home, you can use natural abrasives: coffee grounds, salt and sugar, cereals ground in a coffee grinder, crushed fruit stones and even eggshells.

Also on sale are electrical appliances for home exfoliation of horny cells: for example, a device for the French brand GEZATON (120 €) or a Chinese device for LW-006 (33 €).

GEZATON, €150 LW-006, €33


Body peeling must be applied correctly, otherwise you can get straight opposite result. The basic rules for applying are as follows:

  1. On the eve of the session, be sure to try the composition on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin(for example, on inside elbow) for an allergic reaction.
  2. It is impossible to carry out the procedure if the integrity of the cover is violated (less than 24 hours after epilation, in places of scratches from pets, etc.).
  3. Before epilation, on the contrary, exfoliation will benefit: such a measure will soften the hair follicles and prevent ingrown hairs.
  4. It is forbidden to treat warts, nevi and other benign and malignant neoplasms.
  5. It is better to carry out the procedure before going to bed after a bath, so that the skin is steamed enough and possible redness has time to disappear overnight.
  6. The peeling composition is applied with light massaging movements, without rubbing, so as not to stretch the skin. You can also use a sponge.
  7. After a 5-minute massage, the exfoliant is left on the skin for 10 minutes, otherwise the effect will be much weaker.
  8. At the end of the session, it is necessary to wash off the abrasive particles with plenty of warm water.


Body peeling can be prepared literally from what is in the refrigerator. Such exfoliants benefit from the guaranteed absence of preservatives and dyes.


Body peeling recipes at home based on natural ingredients usually not intended for the manufacture of cosmetics suitable for storage. As a rule, even if the mixture is placed in the refrigerator or freezer, when defrosted, the composition will for the most part lose its beneficial properties.

The exception is powdered components (they can be stored in jars for spices), as well as compounds that need to be specially defended until ready. Introducing the best favorite recipes for easy do-it-yourself.

Anti-cellulite wrap with coffee and pepper

Body peeling based on hot red pepper successfully fights cellulite. To prepare this exfoliating scrub, just mix 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee beans with one of the same spoon. pepper tincture and add a little olive oil to the desired consistency. We place the composition in a closed glass jar and leave it in a cool dark place for a week, then we take it out and you can use it in the classic way.

Wrap with algae

The wrapping is as follows: the algae are soaked in water for 20-30 minutes, then applied to the skin previously cleaned with a scrub. The treated areas are wrapped with a film, then put on top warm clothes and leave for 1 hour. Then the composition is washed off.

Milk peeling for goose bumps

Body peeling with lactic acid is carried out in the shower, relieves goose bumps(red dots on arms and legs). To do this, dilute the pharmacy MK with water in a ratio of 1:159 (measured with a syringe) and apply to the previously cleansed skin of the body for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water and moisturize. Gradually, the concentration can be increased.

Salt exfoliation for cold days

And this is another salt peeling for the body, which perfectly smoothes the relief and cleanses, and at the same time the recipe is not complicated at all: mix a large spoonful of honey and half a spoonful of salt.

This peel is perfect for cold weather because it applies to the whole body with strong peeling(In the heat, it is better to prefer fruit exfoliation).

Owners of dry skin should add sour cream to this mixture or vegetable oil apply for 10 minutes.

Honey coffee wrap

Coffee peeling for the body helps not only cleanse the skin, but also get rid of cellulite due to micro-massage, which stimulates more intensive circulation of blood and lymph. It has a draining detox effect and also supports slimming treatments.

A few tablespoons of liquid honey must be melted over steam and combined with a small amount of coffee to a thick consistency. You can add a couple of drops cosmetic oil citrus fruits. Massage the skin until visible redness for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water and gently blot with a towel.

For an anti-cellulite wrap, after the massage, wrap the legs and buttocks with food foil and leave for 2 hours, then rinse. The effect of the sauna contributes to the thinning of the fat layer.

Scrub for a perfect tan with cinnamon

This body peeling has a self-tanning effect: long-term use allows you to give the body a golden-beige hue. Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants, relieves inflammation and improves blood microcirculation.

Combine 2 large spoons of coffee with the same amount of olive oil, add 1 large spoon and half a small spoon of spice. Massage, then leave the mixture for 15 minutes and only then rinse. If washed off immediately after the massage, the coloring effect will not appear.

Coffee Peeling Shower Gel

One of the simplest yet most effective exfoliants can be made by simply adding some dried coffee granules to your shower gel. To soften, add a comparable amount of olive oil. Rub in, wash off after 5-15 minutes.

Thanks to linoleic acid in coffee and oil, it provides a lifting, cleansing, anti-stress, anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect.

Scrub with sea salt and grapes

We combine a large spoonful of coffee in a ratio of 1: 2 with fine sea salt and in a ratio of 1: 3 with butter grape seed, mix and store in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. In the future, you can use this salt body peeling as a classic scrub. Marine well tones the skin, prevents the appearance of acne. Grape seed oil accelerates regeneration, cleanses and moisturizes.

Tonic coffee-nut

Mix the thick of the drink with ground to a state of flour walnut or ready-made nut powder in the amount of 2 teaspoons. The consistency should be dense. Massage, rinse with warm water or mineral water.

Walnut relieves inflammation, tones and soothes; for the abundance of vitamins and trace elements, it was even nicknamed the “king of nuts”.

Delicate for frequent use

Coffee is a product with vitamin PP, magnesium and phosphorus responsible for cell regeneration. A safe scrub is recommended even in the most delicate positions, for example, after childbirth, and its frequent use is allowed.

A low-fat cream is combined with finely ground coffee (2. tsp) and mummy (4 g). Next, this mixture is applied to the steamed skin and rubbed with a peeling washcloth in a circular motion into the problem area.

against stretch marks

There are several recipes for lemon peeling:

  1. Mix the mashed zest of one lemon and 100 g of sour cream, add 2 drops essential oil rosemary. Rub the mixture into the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, leaving for 20 minutes, and rinse.
  2. Combine equal parts lemon juice and water, apply to the skin and wash off after 15 minutes.

After the procedure, it is important to use a moisturizer: lemon juice can dry out the skin. Use no more than once every 1-2 weeks.

Anti-aging with

The badyagi contains silicon, which, when it gets on the skin, stimulates blood flow and elastin production.

Bodyaga "works" in tandem with 3% hydrogen peroxide in a 1: 1 ratio. The problem areas of the skin are wiped with a mixture and left to act for 15 minutes. Usually 10 sessions are enough for daily use.

Before applying this peeling, it is advisable to conduct an allergy test. In addition, badyaga is contraindicated in lactation and pregnancy.

stretch marks for sensitive skin

sparing almond peeling from stretch marks is suitable even for very sensitive and thin skin and is allowed for frequent use. Mandelic acid gently exfoliates, has a lifting effect and does not dry the skin.

almond kernels and oat flour crushed to a powder and mixed. This mixture is then combined with mandelic acid and aloe juice. The scrub is rubbed into the skin for several minutes and washed off.

With iodine for scars

Iodine peeling from stretch marks must be used with caution, since iodine can cause severe burns. Also, the method is contraindicated for sensitive skin and during pregnancy and lactation.

From stretch marks on the skin, an iodine solution of 5% is applied, which is applied to problem areas 4 times a day for 3 days. As a result, the coarsened burnt tissue begins to peel off and is replaced by a new one, already without scars. However, it is highly undesirable to use iodine peeling more than once every 2 months.


Another variation of salt peeling for the body. An additional ingredient - soda - cleanses well, brightens and gently exfoliates. To prepare such a scrub, you should mix soda and finely ground salt in proportions of 1: 1. Next, the mixture is gently rubbed into the skin for 1-12 minutes, after which it is washed off. After peeling, you need to apply a moisturizer. Apply no more than 1 time per week.


Phytopilling uses only herbal ingredients, and its ingredients can be combined according to own will. Any components can be added to the mixture: sea salt, lemon juice, badyaga, extracts of flax and eleutherococcus seeds, etc. The resulting composition is applied to the skin for 15-20 minutes, or rubbed for 1-2 minutes if solid particles are present.

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