Clogged pores on forehead. How to clear clogged pores at home? Common Hardware Treatments

Ideal skin is, first of all, an even color and the absence of painful shine. This effect can only be achieved if you know how to clean the pores on your face. It is believed that it is possible to completely remove the greasy epidermis only using professional procedures. But it's not. Many methods are able to give results at home much better and much cheaper.

Why you need to clean your pores

Pores are the openings of the sebaceous glands on the surface of the skin, which are necessary for the release of sweat and waste products of the body. It is important to understand that any fat (in a normal amount) is good for tissues, it protects, softens, and is an alternative source of nutrition for the body. But, an excessive amount of lipid compounds is detrimental.

Due to the large amount of fat on the skin, so-called. sebum plugs. This is the accumulation of dirt, dust, fatty deposits and dead cells in the pores. It is because of them that pimples, blackheads and comedones begin to appear on the face. In addition, sebaceous plugs tend to stretch the pores.

Why you need to clean your pores:

  • This helps to normalize metabolic processes in the cells of the epidermis, contributes to their saturation with oxygen and moisture, improves the quality of "nutrition";
  • Regular cleansing will help avoid the problems of enlarged pores. Otherwise, even if you achieve clean skin holes (without fat and dirt), the face will still look sloppy;
  • Clogged pores are a great food source for bacteria and fungi. Peeling is needed to minimize the rate of reproduction of pathogens, the number of acne and rashes;
  • This allows you to activate the production of collagen and elastane, strengthen the fibers, increase local immunity;
  • Scrubbing improves blood circulation and evens out complexion.

How to clear facial pores at home

You can get rid of clogged ducts in the following ways:

  1. Use a professional cleaning service (ultrasonic, mechanical, vacuum, etc.);
  2. Independently make narrowing masks and facial peels;
  3. Regularly steam the skin, rub the pores with hard tissues, sponges, loofah, etc.

The easiest and most effective way to clean the pores of the face at home is to make a charcoal mask. It is a completely natural analogue of the advertised Black Mask, with the exception of the hypoallergenic composition and 100% effectiveness. Judging by the reviews, it is the best for effective narrowing of the ducts.

How to make an activated charcoal purifying mask:

  1. You need to take two tablets of angle and grind them in a mortar. If it is not there, take a glass and push the pill there with the help of the reverse handle of the knife, rolling pin, etc. It is inconvenient to do this on a plate - pieces of coal fly apart;
  2. The milk is then heated. It is very important not to boil it, and if it is accidentally overheated, you need to wait a bit for it to become 40-60 degrees;
  3. 1 tablespoon of natural gelatin and charcoal powder are added to the hot liquid. Now the most difficult thing is to stir the mixture until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Please note that the porridge thickens very quickly. Your goal is to achieve the absence of lumps. If necessary, the mass can be reheated in the microwave;
  4. Apply the resulting mask to the face with a brush. It is important not just to rub the product, but to drive it into the pores. Only then will there be a really noticeable effect. Another secret is to carry out the procedure only on steamed skin;
  5. Keep until completely solidified. Preferably in a horizontal position. After do not rinse, but gently “rip off” from the face. At first it will be painful, but then the skin will get used to it. Sebaceous plugs will be clearly visible on the mask - white columns with dark heads;
  6. After the procedure, immediately wipe your face with an ice cube, wash your face with cold water and smear your skin with a moisturizer. Repeat session every week.

Often used as an analogy adhesive face mask, cleansing pores. For 1 spoon of PVA glue (only this type is necessary, it is safe and dissolves in water), 2 tablets of coal are taken (if you take more, the mixture will not thicken). Apply in the same way as a charcoal product - on problem areas over steamed skin. Keep until completely solidified.

Of course, the methods described above are an emergency approach if the skin is already clogged with sebaceous plugs. To avoid enlarged pores in the future, you need to regularly do soft peels and cleansing procedures. Over time, this will completely get rid of acne, rashes and uneven color.

Helps visibly even out skin hercules face mask, cleansing pores. To cook it, you need to take a spoonful of oatmeal and pour it with kefir. Porridge should brew and swell, for this it is removed in a warm place for 20 minutes. When applying, it is important to rub the mixture into the skin, this will remove mechanical particles from the pores. Then leave the product on your face for 30 minutes. The effect will be noticeable immediately after rinsing. Kefir will “corrode” body fat, oatmeal will help improve color, and massage will normalize blood circulation.

Video: How to quickly clean the pores on the face yourself

Quickly clean and narrow the enlarged pores on the nose can clay and honey mask. Cambrian powder is best suited for this purpose. For 1 spoon of clay, 1 spoon of herbal decoction, tea, mineral water is taken. After that, a spoonful of honey is added to the mass. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to the neck and face. Keep 20 minutes. Suitable for young and mature skin.

Good facial cleanser with aspirin and oil. To prepare such a miraculous mask, you need to take 4 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid, 2 tablespoons of oil and a spoonful of water. Butter is selected depending on the type of skin. For dry, we advise you to take shea or coconut, for oily - sea buckthorn and rose hips, for problematic, calendula and castor are ideal. All components are combined and applied to the neck and face for half an hour. The session is repeated every other day.

Of course, to clean and narrow the contaminated pores, you need to use peels. The most popular option is scrub with soda. It is suitable for any type of epidermis, has whitening anti-inflammatory properties, quickly removes residual fat from the surface of the skin. To prepare soda peeling you will need:

  • Spoon of soda;
  • The same amount of any base oil;
  • Half a spoonful of fine-grained sea salt.

All ingredients must be mixed and applied with fingertips along the massage lines. This will clean the top layer of the epidermis and remove redness. Repeat no more than 1 time per week.

Better for rosacea coffee scrub- It is an antioxidant. Coffee has a rejuvenating, disinfecting and tonic effect. To cleanse contaminated pores, you need to combine a spoonful of ground fresh coffee (not boiled) with a butter. The abrasive mixture is applied to the neck, face and body, rubbed into the skin for 2 minutes, then left for 5 minutes.

After peeling, be sure to do protein mask- it will tighten the pores. To prepare it, separate the protein from the yolk, beat it with a fork or a broom and apply the liquid with a brush on your face. Wash off after 15 minutes, then apply moisturizer.

Steaming the skin

Naturally, greasy pores are quite large without this, but their structure must be taken into account. To put it simply, imagine an inverted triangle. The wide part is located on the surface of the skin and narrows to the middle layer of the epidermis. Accordingly, without steaming the mask, only the upper part will be extended, and in the middle the pore will be as dirty as before.

How to steam the skin:

  • In the bath. This method has been used since ancient times. In ancient Rus', there was even a tradition to sit in the steam room every week, and then wipe yourself with a hard white cloth. This allowed to improve blood circulation and quickly cleanse the skin. This is the easiest and most enjoyable way to quickly steam;
  • Well steamed skin inhalation. You can make them with various folk remedies: propolis, potatoes, mint, essential oils, etc. You need to place the selected component in a saucepan or other container with hot water. After bending over it and cover your head with a towel or sheet. Breathe over the steam for at least 10 minutes;
  • Pharmacy funds. Few people know that zinc, kaolin and some other pharmaceutical products have warming properties. To use, you just need to follow the instructions for use;
  • Special Products. These are unique steamers. They contain active ingredients that allow you to open the pores with virtually no effort. The ranking of the most popular includes Garnier (Garnier) "Clean Skin", Avon (Avon) Warming and NIVEA Pure Effect (Nivea).

Hot compresses

A professional cosmetologist, before cleaning clogged pores on the face, steams the skin with a special compress. This will remove the surface layer of dust and dirt, ensure blood flow and open the sebaceous ducts.

How to make a hot compress at home:

  • Natural fabric (cotton, flannel, baize and others) is soaked in hot water. The optimum temperature is up to 42 degrees;
  • The matter is carefully wrung out and applied to a previously cleansed (with soap or thermal water) face;
  • The compress lasts 15 minutes and is done in two approaches.

After that, you need to do a superficial peeling and a mask. Only such an integrated approach will permanently cleanse and narrow the pores on the face. The most important thing is to ensure the regularity of procedures. As soon as you stop carrying out preventive procedures, the effect will come to naught.

Clogged pores are one of the main causes of acne and other skin imperfections. When the sebaceous glands produce excess oil, it combines with dead skin cells to form plugs. Bacteria begin to multiply, which leads to spots and inflammation.

Although it is most prominent on the face, clogged pores can occur in various places on the body such as the back, neck, arms, or chest. Taking care of your skin daily will help you prevent clogged pores.

What to do and what to avoid in the fight for clear skin

  1. Buy skin care products that are water-based or contain minimal oils. These products do not clog pores and keep the skin clear.
  2. Wash your face twice a day using a special cleanser. Then, wash off all traces of the cleanser from the skin with warm water or facial toner. Gently pat your face dry with a soft towel. Ideally, you should also wash your face after exercise or prolonged exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke.
  3. Exfoliate your skin 1-2 times a week to remove dry, dead skin cells that clog pores. Use a fruit peel or cream to prevent skin irritation.
  4. Do not apply makeup too thick. Then you will not be able to completely remove it, which will cause clogged pores. Yes, and a thick layer of foundation and powder will not add beauty to you.
  5. Refrain from sleeping with makeup on. Remove all traces of makeup before going to bed, otherwise in the morning you will not avoid acne, blackheads and terrible circles under the eyes.
  6. Keep hands and other objects away from your face as far as possible. This will help prevent the transfer of grease and bacteria from your hands and objects to your skin.
  7. Don't squeeze out the blackheads or they will get bigger. You run the risk of infection (use masks with aloe for acne, or a black mask).
  8. Limit the amount of time spent in areas where the skin is exposed to grease, oil, or other contaminants such as smoke or dust. Avoid spending time at fast food restaurants and auto shops if possible.
  9. Keep your hair away from your face to protect your skin from constant friction and reduce the risk of clogged pores. Choose hairstyles without bangs - she is a paradise for acne and blackheads. Better gather your hair in a ponytail, braid or stylish bun.
  10. Reduce contact and friction between your skin and other materials such as clothing, hats and sports equipment.
  11. Less sweet. Everyone loves to eat chocolate, but you should not overeat, because the skin will immediately react to this and not in the best way.
  12. Hygiene. This applies to makeup brushes, towels and bed linen. They must always be clean.

Three main rules in skin care:

  • do not forget to drink the daily norm of pure water;
  • give up alcohol and cigarettes;
  • take good care of your skin.

By following the simple tips in this article, you will never face the problem of clogged pores, and your skin will always be clean and healthy.

Clogged pores are a problem that every woman faces sooner or later. The consequences of the defect are a dull complexion, untidy looking skin, the development of inflammatory processes.

For cleaning, it is not necessary to go to the salon or purchase expensive cosmetic preparations - self-prepared products will effectively and gently remove the contents of the pores. The results of the regular use of simple masks at home are a clean face, radiant with freshness.

Pores on the face

Cleansing the pores is a mandatory procedure, without which the owners of oily skin can not do. Increased activity of the sebaceous glands will lead to the appearance of a layer of fat on the face, preventing the cells from being enriched with oxygen. It is not difficult to predict the consequences of the problem - tissue regeneration does not occur, irritation and even severe peeling appear. The only way to prevent the development of defects is to use masks that help cleanse the pores and provide free access to oxygen.

Often at home, women use alcohol-containing products and cleansing tonics, which is not entirely correct - face cleaning should be approached more responsibly. The procedure consists of several stages, each of which must be carefully performed:

  1. Cleansing. Special lotions or milk are used to clean the face of cosmetic residues, oily layers, dirt, dust. You can prepare a homemade lotion based on strawberries in advance, which has the ability to narrow pores and extract the contents from them. The recipe is simple - insist on alcohol (50 ml) a few fruits. Store after filtering in the refrigerator.
  2. Steaming. This stage of the procedure will open the pores and soften the dermis, allowing the components of the mask to penetrate deep into the tissues of the skin, removing dirt and oil. To steam, soak a towel with warm vegetable decoction and put on your face for a quarter of an hour. To prepare the product, brew with boiling water (200 ml) and insist for a quarter of an hour chopped St. John's wort, chamomile, sage, (45 gr.). You can add 2-5 drops of essential oil, which will prevent the appearance of rosacea stars.
  3. Deep cleansing. Scrubs or homemade masks are used. The regularity of manipulations is twice a week for owners of oily skin and once every 7-9 days for women with dry dermis.
  4. Narrowing of pores. After cleansing, use products that close the cleaned pores. You can cook them yourself - brew regular green tea, squeeze the juice from an aloe leaf or lemon slices.
  5. Hydration. It is recommended to complete the manipulations by applying a moisturizing nourishing cream. The only condition is that the composition should not be replete with fatty components that can clog pores.

Important! Before using home formulations, regardless of the purpose for which they are used, conduct a tolerance test. To do this, apply a few drops of the composition to the sensitive dermis (elbow bend, “crescent” behind the ear) and wait 2 hours. If unwanted body signals (rash, discomfort on the skin, burning or extensive redness) are not observed, you can safely proceed to the procedures.

How to clear the pores on the nose

It often happens that only clogged pores on the nose are disturbing, in such cases it is better to use a simple scrub that allows you to remove impurities.

It's easy to prepare:

  1. Leave heavy cream (20 ml) at room temperature for half an hour.
  2. Add 15 gr. to the dairy product. coffee grounds, salt.
  3. Mix the composition, use immediately.

Spread the prepared product over the nose with your fingertips, conduct a light massage for 1-3 minutes. Do not apply force - salt crystals or coffee particles can injure skin tissues or cause irritation. Remove after a minute using a cotton pad and water. It is forbidden to use the product if inflammatory processes occur on the nose - the use of a scrub can contribute to the spread of infection.

Clogged pores on the nose can be cleared with an oatmeal mask. This composition is recommended for women with a depleted dermis - simultaneously with the removal of contaminants, epidermal tissues will receive the necessary portion of nutrients.


  1. Grind oatmeal (20 gr.) in a coffee grinder.
  2. Pour oatmeal powder with warm water to swell (a quarter of an hour is enough). For dry skin, it is better to take cream or kefir.
  3. Stir the product until smooth.

Apply the composition on the nose with massaging movements, spread evenly. Leave for 10 minutes. Remove with a cotton pad, wash with water or herbal infusion (20 g of chamomile or linden flowers, brew 230 ml of boiling water). With sensitive skin, it is better to use a herbal remedy - it perfectly tones and relieves irritation.

Pore ​​Cleansing Mask

Before you start cleansing with masks, you need to figure out why the pores are clogged - it often happens that the reason is hidden in improper care or poor-quality cosmetics. It is enough to strictly follow all the recommendations of cosmetologists for cleaning the face or replace cosmetic products in order to forget about the problem.

One of the requirements of specialists is the regular use of cleansing masks. There are a lot of recipes for preparing compositions, you can alternate them - this will allow you to determine which composition is ideally suited individually.

milk, gelatin

An excellent mask for all skin types - does not cause irritation, quickly removing the contents from the pores. Before opening the blockage, it is recommended to carry out a steam procedure - hold your face for a minute over the steam of herbal decoction (brew 30 grams of chamomile or plantain with a liter of boiling water). After such manipulations, even the most persistent pollution will be completely removed.


  1. Mix gelatin (25 g) and skim milk (20 ml) in a small container.
  2. Put the mixture in the microwave at maximum mode to dissolve the gelatin granules enough for 10 seconds.
  3. Get the composition, put to cool.
  4. In a slightly warm liquid, add the pounded egg white.

Spread the warm mixture with a wide brush over the skin, paying special attention to the areas of the chin, nose, forehead. It is better not to apply the product near the eyes or lips - on delicate skin, the gelatinous mass can provoke the appearance of fine wrinkles. After a quarter of an hour, the composition will turn into a dense film, on which, when removed, black dots, dirt, and grease stains will remain.

Yeast, peroxide, milk

A blockage does not always lend itself to gentle home remedies, especially if the grease and dirt are deep. In such cases, cleaning with a yeast-based mask is recommended - the product will remove strong contaminants that are not amenable to other masks.


  1. Dissolve pressed yeast (15 g) in warm milk (15 ml).
  2. Add peroxide (10 ml) to the mixture.
  3. Leave for a quarter of an hour.

The mixture is quite liquid, so it is better to distribute it with a cotton pad or a special brush. Leave for half an hour. Remove with herbal infusion or water. Be sure to apply a nourishing cream - the yeast mixture dries the skin and can provoke peeling, especially on dry dermis.

Corn flour, cucumber

With enlarged pores clogged with grease and dirt, it is recommended to use a corn-cucumber mask. The tool will not only remove the contents, but with regular use it will narrow the pores, improve the shade of the skin, and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.


  1. Grind one small cucumber, squeeze the juice.
  2. Add corn flour to the cucumber juice, the mixture should resemble a semi-liquid dough (like on pancakes).
  3. Use immediately, no need to insist.

Before opening the pores with the composition and removing the contents, it is recommended to steam. Apply cucumber remedy with massaging light movements, leave for 20-22 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Clogged pores on face

Often on the net you can see what clogged pores look like, the photo is rather unattractive, so it’s better to avoid such a condition of the skin and regularly use cleansing masks. Not all women follow these recommendations and get unpleasant surprises on the dermis in the form of tight plugs.

With clogged pores on the face, you will have to resort to aggressive compounds that can open the blockage and extract the contents - dirt and fat particles. Ladies with sensitive dermis must first consult with a beautician and find out if such masks will provoke irritation or rashes.

soda, sugar

Soda solutions do an excellent job with clogged pores, but it is often not recommended to use funds - in addition to irritation, peeling of the dermis can be provoked.

Hello dear readers! Every woman, and not only, strives to look good, but for this, as a rule, it is necessary to make a lot of effort. Often, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we notice that not everything is perfect. formed on the skin. So it's time to think about how to get rid of clogged pores.

After reading the article to the end, you will learn many useful recipes and tips. By applying them in life, avoid unpleasant moments.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the application of masks or scrubs, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the procedures. It is not enough to simply remove makeup and wash off the remnants of make-up remover.

With clogged pores on the face, steam baths are used, for this it is enough to tilt your face over pre-prepared hot water and cover yourself with a towel on top, as a rule, various herbs such as sage or oak bark are added to the water.

After steaming the skin, as a rule, scrubs and masks are used, we will consider which are the most effective ones to cook at home.


  • Honey and coffee grounds. One of the most common scrubs, coffee grounds cleanses as well as tightens pores. After you have brewed and drunk coffee, do not rush to throw away the remaining thick, use it to make a scrub. Take a small amount of cooled coffee grounds, a couple of tablespoons is enough, add about three tablespoons of thick honey. Mix, apply on pre-steamed skin with massaging movements. Wash away.
  • Rice and oatmeal. In equal parts, take rice and oatmeal (3 tablespoons each), grind in a blender, add kefir to get a thick mixture. Massage into the skin and leave for 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  • Salt and. The easiest scrub ever. We apply soap on wet skin and lather, distribute salt on the body with massage movements. Wash off. The scrub will perfectly cleanse and disinfect the skin.

After our skin is cleansed with a scrub, it is necessary to narrow the pores so that they do not clog again, they do this with the help of special cosmetics, or a homemade mask and lotion.


  1. Milk, gelatin, charcoal. We take half a tablet of activated carbon, grind, mix with a teaspoon of gelatin, pour a tablespoon of milk. We heat the resulting mixture in a water bath until our components dissolve. Cool, apply on the face, paying attention to the forehead and nose, wait until it dries, remove it like a patch in one motion.
  2. Oil, cucumber and kefir. Cleanses and moisturizes the skin. We mix one tablespoon of kefir and olive oil, three cucumbers on a grater, squeeze the resulting pulp with gauze, add the juice to the oil and kefir. Apply to problem areas of the skin for 20 minutes, then rinse with water.
  3. Blue clay. Great for shrinking enlarged pores. The tool is purchased in the store. The clay is diluted with water and the ingredients are mixed until smooth, applied and wait 20 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water. After using the clay, wipe the skin with a soothing lotion.


Homemade lotions are prepared from decoctions and infusions of herbs, they can be washed or compresses are made on this basis, they narrow pores and nourish the skin. In order to make a compress, you need to take a gauze cloth and dip it into the prepared warm broth. Wring out the fabric, apply to problem areas of the skin, face or back.

Herbs use any. Rosehip decoction gently cleanses and nourishes dry skin. Chamomile infusion has anti-inflammatory properties, gives the skin elasticity and silkiness. - anti-inflammatory, whitening effect, tightens pores. Frozen decoctions in the form of ice cubes are used to cleanse, reduce pores and rejuvenate the skin.

Causes of the defect

The problem appears not only on the body, but also on our face, the forehead and nose areas are especially affected. Causes:

  • malnutrition, which disrupts the digestive tract, which leads to inflammation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Improper skin care, irregular cleansing, improperly selected skin care products lead to clogged pores.
  • and genetic predisposition of the skin, emotional stress, exposure to the external environment.

For whatever reason, the pores are not clogged, do not give up. Using the above methods, feel free to fight cosmetic defects. Victory will be on your side!

Need to know, personal hygiene is one of the most common ways to prevent clogged pores. Carry out the procedure by visiting a beauty salon, sauna or bath, or by simply taking a bath, steam the skin, then thoroughly clean it with a scrub.

Take a bath, adding various herbal preparations, salts, industrial sugars, choose products that help open and cleanse pores. After cleansing the skin, do not rub with creams, give the skin a little rest.

The skin reflects our external and internal state, stresses and experiences, nutrition and lifestyle. In order to have fewer problems, it is important to learn how to take care of yourself, monitor nutrition, relax more and catch positive emotions. Stay tuned for our updates and encourage your acne sufferers to read this article. They will be grateful.

Skin pores are the ducts of the sebaceous glands, through which decay products, sebum are removed to the surface, and oxygen is also supplied. With normal functioning of the skin, pores do not cause problems. But very often enlarged pores become clogged with excess fat, scales of dead tissue, cosmetic residues or street dust. This leads to the fact that the skin ceases to receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, and comedones and inflammation form on its surface. To avoid this, it is necessary to systematically carry out cleaning procedures.

Causes of blockages

The factors that lead to clogging of the sebaceous glands can be different. It is important to know them in order to prevent the formation of a plug inside the pores in time. In most cases, such a defect occurs as a result of the action of a cut of several factors. The most common causes of blockage are:

  • Intensive work of the sebaceous glands, combined with an unhealthy lifestyle, insufficient or improper care.
  • Ignoring cleansing cosmetic procedures. Pollution accumulates in enlarged pores. Mixing with adipose tissue, they form a dense cork. Because of this, acne and inflammation appear on the skin.
  • Use of cosmetics that are not suitable for skin type.
  • Excessive use of decorative cosmetics. Because of this, a mask is formed on the skin, preventing air from reaching the skin, and subsequently plugs in the pores. Almost all decorative cosmetics have comedogenic properties - a tendency to clog pores.
  • Improper nutrition and abuse of "harmful" foods. For example, semi-finished products, spicy, smoked, salty, fatty foods, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, sweets, mayonnaise and other sauces.
  • Rare and short walks in the air. This factor negatively affects not only the formation of traffic jams, but also the general condition of the skin.
  • Having decided on the factors contributing to the blockage of the sebaceous duct, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and habits. Otherwise, the condition of the epidermis will constantly deteriorate.
  • To determine whether a cosmetic product has comedogenic properties, it is enough to conduct a simple experiment. Stop using this remedy for a while, if the blockage symptoms disappear and the skin condition improves, then the cream contributes to clogging the pores and it is better not to use it. But a simple rejection of the product is not enough, it is necessary to regularly clean the face.

Before starting measures to eliminate an existing problem, you need to make sure that these are really clogged pores, and not a dermatological disease.

Home solutions to the problem

Having determined the cause of the blockage of the sebaceous ducts, you should begin to eliminate it and cleanse your face. To do this, you need to choose an effective way to get rid of comedones, which will suit your skin type and help solve its other problems.

There are effective facial cleansing methods designed for home use, these include:

  • Systematic washing (at least twice a day) using various hygienic gels, serums, milk and other preparations.
  • Steam herbal baths from calendula flowers, pharmacy chamomile or celandine herbs. Procedures are carried out once or twice a week.
  • Scrubbing. Scrub solution can be prepared from natural products that are in every home.
  • Gommage. The method is suitable for owners of sensitive skin, since solid particles do not affect the epidermis during the procedure.
  • Cleansing mask-film. It should be used after cleansing with a scrub.

Components for home cleansing routines are readily available and can be purchased at any store or pharmacy.

Scrub Recipes

  • Classic oatmeal scrub

Grind the flakes in a coffee grinder, dilute with water. The amount of oatmeal and water should be such that a creamy mixture is obtained.

For 15 minutes, massage the skin with massage movements.

  • Rice lemon scrub with honey

Grind a tablespoon of white rice, combine with a tablespoon of natural honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Massaging, distribute the solution on the surface of the face, leave for ten minutes.

Honey massage

Regardless of the cause of blockage of the sebaceous ducts, honey massage will effectively help get rid of this problem. It is suitable for all skin types. But a contraindication to its implementation is an allergy to bee products and the presence of a vascular network in the massage area.

To avoid the development of allergies, you need to test honey on a small area of ​​​​skin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wrist. Apply a couple of drops of honey and rub. If after 15-20 minutes there are no signs of allergy, then the procedure can be carried out.

  1. Honey is applied in a thin even layer on the face. After five minutes, when the main part of the honey is absorbed, noticeable drops will remain in some areas. These are problem areas where there are clogged pores or damage that is invisible at first glance. They are the ones who need massaging.
  2. The massage procedure is quite simple. It is necessary to apply the pads of the fingers to the surface of the skin and tear them off. In this case, the pressure should be minimal so that there are no bruises on the face. The method works similarly to a vacuum, plugs easily come to the surface.
  3. After the massage, the face is washed and a moisturizer is applied.

During the massage, the honey covering the face will turn into a white mass. This reaction is due to the fact that honey is mixed with the contents of the pores.

Such a simple massage not only cleanses the epidermis, but also increases blood circulation, smoothes out shallow wrinkles, and tightens the contour of the face.

Facial cleansing is a procedure that needs to be done regularly. Otherwise, the result will be short-term, and the skin will quickly return to its previous state. To keep your skin clean and healthy for as long as possible, you need to listen to the advice of professional cosmetologists and dermatologists.

First, we need to reconsider the cosmetics that were previously used in skin care. Particular attention should be paid to oils and creams that can clog pores.

Cosmetologists divide cosmetics into two categories:

  1. containing non-comedogenic components - not polluting the sebaceous ducts;
  2. containing comedogenic components - contributing to pore pollution.

Non-comedogenic products include lanolin, wax, and the following oils:

  • wild rose;
  • hemp;
  • shi (karite);
  • castor oil (castor bean oil);
  • safflower;
  • argan;
  • sunflower;
  • mineral.

These types of oils can be safely used in the preparation of homemade caring masks. But oils related to comedogenic products should be used for cosmetic purposes with great care and in moderation. These oils include:

  • coconut;
  • cocoa;
  • linen;
  • wheat germ.

Masks for skin prone to clogged pores, it is enough to do up to three times a week. If, in addition to masks, cleansing procedures (scrub or peeling) are performed once a week, the frequency of masks can be reduced to one per week.

Regular and properly selected care will help to make beautiful even problematic skin prone to comedones. To do this, it is enough to carry out simple home procedures and listen to the advice of specialists.