Acid peeling for the face: reviews. Acid peels for home use. Facial peeling with fruit acids - "Acid peeling at home, without burns and irritation."

Acid peeling is one of the best ways to visibly rejuvenate the skin, and at the same time eliminate minor cosmetic defects. Scars, acne marks, chickenpox, striae - all this is easily removed with one or two exfoliation courses. Many seek to repeat the procedure at home. But is it always possible? When are peels useful and when are they contraindicated?

Acid peeling comes from the English verb to peel. It translates as “scrape”, and it is scraping that is the meaning and essence of this cosmetic procedure. It will be applied to the face, abdomen and other parts of the body (if you agree on a course with a beautician).

To understand the mechanism of the effect of the procedure, let's turn to anatomy - it is important to understand what our skin consists of.

The cutaway skin looks like this:

  1. The top layer is called the epidermis. This is a thin, upper skin, where all vital processes take place: cells grow, work, die, metabolic processes “boil”, immunity works, which protects us from harmful bacteria, pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. The second layer is called the dermis. If you imagine it in the form of a ball, you get two: papillary and reticular. The balls contain collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  3. The last layer is adipose tissue. Between the fibers are fat cells. They protect a person from temperature extremes, overheating or hypothermia.

All layers tend to be updated in a natural way, literally reborn again. And now let's figure out how exfoliation, that is, peeling, renews the skin layers.

Acid peeling aims to burn off the skin layer, thereby causing it to renew itself. The intensity of exposure depends primarily on the aggressiveness of acids: it is different for everyone.

Common types of acid peels:

  1. Superficial peeling allows you to remove the first layer of the skin, that is, the epidermis. Acids for superficial peeling are used rather weak. These are salicylic, lactic, pyruvic and other fruit acids. Sometimes a light course of exfoliation is quite sufficient for a bright effect of renewal: the face becomes cleaner, wrinkles become less noticeable, and in general the person looks younger and fresher.
  2. For median peeling, more powerful acids are taken - retinoic, trichloroacetic. He gets to the second layer - the dermis, burns it and the result of rejuvenation becomes even more pronounced. A person visually “throws off” up to 5 years, minor injuries disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out. The relief of the face becomes even, and the skin acquires a pleasant velvety structure.
  3. The strongest deep peel. This is a very effective procedure for removing scars, stretch marks, chicken pox pits, and other skin lesions. Since a very aggressive phenolic acid is involved, one uneven movement is fraught with a burn. Deep peeling is carried out only by professional cosmetologists, and the manipulation is comparable to a mini-operation. It is carried out only in the clinic.

But for home use, light peeling with fruit acids is quite suitable. It acts instead of scrubs, and has a good result for maintaining the skin in a well-groomed condition. Even regular superficial peelings, carried out in courses, allow a woman to look younger longer.

Serious deep peels are often carried out for medical reasons: for example, if there are a lot of ruts on the face left after an illness or acne. For home conditions, the ideal option is multi-acid peeling, which includes several types of acids at once with a concentration of no more than 25%.

It is best if glycolic acid is present in the composition: it has a low molecular weight, penetrates into tissues almost instantly, and quickly cleanses it. It goes well with vitamins E and A, acquiring the effect of an antioxidant. And paired with kelp and vegetable oils, it is ideal for skin rehabilitation after winter, when it lacks vitamins, and the color turns gray.

Acid peeling for the face has become very popular recently. This is due to the versatility of the procedure and generally affordable cost - hundreds, if not thousands of fashionistas can afford to keep their skin in order. At the same time, deep cleansing solves not only purely cosmetic problems - it is able to eliminate defects that women only a few years ago were forced to put up with for life.

Indications for use:

  • loss of elasticity, firmness of the skin;
  • age-related changes;
  • mimic wrinkles;
  • "crow's feet" around the eyes;
  • age spots, including senile ones;
  • freckles;
  • uneven skin relief;
  • dull, gray complexion;
  • minor damage;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • acne, acne marks;
  • scars and potholes after chickenpox;
  • some skin diseases (molluscum contagiosum);
  • dryness, dehydration, tightness of the skin.

Chemical peeling of the face, if it does not completely remove it, then makes striae invisible - stretch marks after childbirth, which many women suffer from. And he can also make the scars left after deep cuts invisible. But still, do not forget: this is primarily a medical manipulation and also has its contraindications.

Attention! Mesotherapy, biorevitalization are much more effective if you first conduct a course of skin cleansing with acids. Sometimes only 3-4 procedures are enough for the result. Beauty injections lie on the skin much better: it absorbs vitamin complexes without a trace, rejuvenates and heals from the inside. But only the attending cosmetologist can advise the course and the desired acid.

In some cases, cosmetologists prohibit peeling, or it takes time to fix the problem. Facial peeling with acid should not be done by pregnant, lactating women. Median peels are especially harmful when chemicals penetrate through the blood, getting directly into the baby's body (or the placenta to the fetus).

Peeling contraindications:

  • acne at the stage of exacerbation;
  • herpes, infectious diseases that pass with high fever;
  • open wounds, abrasions, purulent lesions, burns;
  • severe thinning;
  • carrying out severe traumatic procedures, for example, laser rejuvenation;
  • taking medications for acne, antidepressants;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergy;
  • rosacea;
  • with bronchial asthma;
  • with fresh tan (including artificial).

There are cases when an allergic reaction to acids is already detected during the session. The cosmetologist, if he is experienced, instantly applies a neutralizer, stopping the action of the cleansing preparation. Therefore, a prerequisite for any peeling is an allergy test. With rosacea (and just closely spaced vessels), the concentration of acid is chosen with the utmost care: otherwise the skin is easy to burn.

Facial peels with acids are best done in the salon - home-based exfoliation formulations are much milder and less aggressive, we will discuss them below.

In the salon, the stages of the implementation look like this:

  1. Cleansing from the remnants of decorative cosmetics, degreasing, restoring hydrobalance with special means.
  2. Drying areas where acid will be applied.
  3. Apply directly to the acid. Evenly over the entire surface of the skin. For one procedure, a maximum of 2 ml of exfoliator is usually used.
  4. The beautician acts along massage lines, applies the composition from less sensitive to more sensitive areas, without affecting the skin around the eyes.
  5. Peeling is aged from 2 to 15 minutes maximum: it all depends on the structure of the skin.
  6. The last stage is neutralization with a special solution (it contains moisturizing ingredients) and a soothing mask.

An experienced specialist does not step away from the patient during the entire cleansing session - he carefully monitors the reaction of the skin. Strong burning, tears from the eyes, redness serve as an immediate stop signal for the end of the session. As you can see, everything is serious. For home procedures, you can use only mild formulations that gently free the skin from dead cells. Which? We'll tell you in the next section.

Compositions for home and the best cosmetics

Acid peeling at home is radically different from the salon. First of all, the maximum permissible concentration of acids. After all, you understand - if you overexpose the composition on the skin for a second, a severe burn will appear. What acids can be used at home and how to prepare safe formulations?

Popular recipes:

  1. Ascorbic acid and lemon juice. It is necessary to crush a tablet of ascorbic acid, mix it with lemon juice to the state of gruel. Then it is important to apply it on the face, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then neutralize with a mixture of soda and boiled water in the proportion of 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water.
  2. Sea salt and soda. Mix a teaspoon of salt, soda, baby cream, apply pre-cleansed skin (and even better, degrease it with an ordinary tonic), leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm clean water.
  3. Berries and honey. Berries (it is good to take ripe, seasonal ones) are crushed into gruel. Mix with a dessert spoon of honey, a tablespoon of gelatin. Heat until gelatin grows. Apply to face and wash off after 15 minutes. Rinse your face with mineral water without gas. Be sure to moisturize your face with your favorite cream.
  4. Strawberry. Similarly, you can make a pure strawberry scrub. To do this, mix the puree of ripe berries with honey, apply on the face. Berry acid peels for home use are considered one of the best - they contain fruit acids that whiten, but do not harm the epithelium.
  5. Almond. Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, mix with oatmeal, add a teaspoon of green tea, cream and a drop of lavender oil. We apply a scrub mask on the face, and after 20 minutes wash it off with mineral water. Peeling is suitable for dry skin. Anyone with oily skin can take milk instead of cream, and lemon juice instead of butter.
  6. Coffee and kefir. Do not throw away the usual "drunk" ground coffee - mix the grounds with kefir, and then apply on the face along the massage lines. Wash off after 15-20 minutes, thoroughly moisturize your face.

These are examples of gentle and generally skin-friendly formulations. These are light surface masks, although their regular use will quickly transform the skin of the face. At home, you can go through an analogue of the salon procedure. It is important to strictly follow the sequence so as not to burn the skin of the face.

It is important to know! Light superficial peeling allows you to make some home care products. These are creams, gels, serums with a low content of fruit acid. The Avon company has released a special product - pillows for the home. They look like cotton pads with low concentration acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic acid are present in the composition). The effect of the application is controversial, but many people like it.

We remind you that deep acid peeling is strictly prohibited at home! The maximum allowable acid concentration for the home is 25%. But now there are kits for home peeling on sale, and many are willing to buy them.

What is included in such a set?

  1. Acids (succinic, hyaluronic, glycolic, pyruvic).
  2. Neutralizer.
  3. Mask for nutrition and hydration.

The price of sets ranges from 400 rubles. But

Exfoliating acid peeling for the face at home is applied strictly according to the time specified in the instructions, and then washed off.

Summing up

Wherever you are peeling, be sure to pay attention to skin care after peeling. You can’t go to the solarium, it is important to use creams with UV factors, moisturize and nourish the epithelium. For the first time after acid peeling, cosmetologists recommend refraining from playing sports, not smoking or drinking alcohol (and, if possible, strong tea and coffee, which dry out the skin from the inside). For care, it is allowed to use Panthenol, aloe vera gel and other soothing anti-inflammatory agents. Make it a rule to finish cleansing with any discomfort: this way you will avoid burns and get a good result. Take care of yourself, but be careful about your health!

Among the most effective cosmetic ingredients: AHA and BHA acids, retinoids and peptides. Today I will tell you in great detail about all the nuances of acid peels, and I will give an answer to the question: "HOW TO TRANSFORM THE SKIN?". With the beginning of autumn, the topic of acid peels becomes the most relevant, so read carefully and arm yourself with valuable knowledge. There are many letters ahead of you, but a detailed and consistent theory is the key to successful practice.

2. Types of peels

4. Indications for use

9. Side effects

10. Rules for post-peel care

11. Expected result (part 2)
12. Prices for peels (part 2)
13. A short story about my first experience with acid peels (part 2).

1. Acid peeling: mechanism of action

Chemical peeling is a procedure for removing the surface layers of the skin epithelium using weak acid solutions.

The peeling procedure is a serious procedure, which requires indications, consideration of contraindications, execution according to the manufacturer's instructions and special care after it.

To understand exactly how acids help the skin stay in good shape, you need to remember the structure of the skin.

The skin is made up of 3 layers:

1. Epidermis- this is the uppermost thin layer, in which metabolic processes are very intensive, as well as the growth and reproduction of epithelial cells. It is necessary to protect the body from various harmful substances and microbes.

2. Dermis- consists of two layers: papillary and reticular. It is here that the fibers that support the elasticity and smoothness of the skin are located - collagen and elastin. The dermis is also rich in nerve endings and blood vessels.

3. Hypodermis or subcutaneous fat- in this layer between the fibers of the connective tissue are lipocytes (fat cells). The purpose of the hypodermis is to protect a person from the temperature effects of the environment.

The use of acids with varying degrees of aggressiveness allows you to have a targeted effect on certain layers of the skin and get the desired effect. The body's response to acid is the activation of recovery processes: cells begin to grow and divide intensively. In fact, when exposed to acids on the skin, a chemical burn occurs. The depth of the burn depends on the concentration and type of acid, exposure and individual characteristics. The stronger the burn, the faster and more intense the recovery processes will proceed.

Thus, it is not the peel itself that improves the condition of the skin. Peeling damages the skin and stimulates protective and regenerative processes in the tissues, as a result of which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is stimulated, which means that the skin is renewed, its tone and elasticity increase. At the same time, general rejuvenation, smoothing of skin tone, narrowing of pores, improvement of skin texture are externally observed, and in the case of problem skin, inflammatory elements and post-acne gradually heal, etc.

2. Types of peels

According to the depth of impact on the skin layers, peels are divided into:

1. Superficial peeling . Removes partially or completely only the epidermis. It is these peels that can be carried out both at the beautician’s and at home. They are the most painless, recovery is gradual, but not long. Superficial peels have a cumulative effect. The maximum result can be observed after the completion of the course of procedures.

2. Median peeling affects not only the epidermis, but also the dermis, which leads to a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Requires a certain recovery period. Median should be carried out by professional specialists - cosmetologists.

3. Deep peeling affects all layers of the skindown to the base layer. He is carried out only in a medical institution, so this procedure refers to surgical manipulations. The rehabilitation period lasts from one month to six months.With this type of acid exposure, you can remove not only wrinkles, but also scars.

Depending on the type of acids, there are:
1. Peeling based alpha hydroxy acids (ANA)

1.1. glycolic acid ( glycolic acid ), isolated from sugar cane;

1.2. lactic acid ( lactic acid ), obtained from milk;

1.3. mandelic acid ( mandelic acid ), isolated from bitter almond extract;

1.4. citric acid (citric acid) - from oranges and lemons;

1.5. tartaric acid (tartaric acid) - from the waste of winemaking, grapes, grape wine, oranges, potatoes, cucumbers.
1.6. Apple acid ( malic acid ) - from apples and pears;

1.7. pyruvic acid (piruvic acid) - from f ruktov, honey, vinegar, as well as from tartaric and lactic acids.

2. Based peelsbeta hydroxy acids (BHA)

2.1. salicylic acid ( salicylic acid) isolated from willow bark (the Latin name for willow is salix). Do not be surprised, but this acid is a derivative of aspirin!I plan to write a separate post about all types of acids in more detail.

Names a alpha hydroxy acids reflects the primary natural source in which the substance was found. Therefore, in cosmetology they are often called fruit acids.

Important difference between AHA and BHA:

. AHAs are water-soluble acids and work best on the surface of the skin. Used to eliminate pigmentation (freckles, age spots). More suitable for owners of normal, dry or sun-damaged skin.

. BHA is a fat-soluble acid, therefore it penetrates deeper into the skin, can exfoliate the surface layer of the skin, and also penetrate into the pores (it dissolves in the fat layer). Therefore, it is more preferable for combination and oily skin, prone to the formation of inflammatory elements and blockage of pores.

3. Factors affecting the effect of peeling

There are four interrelated factors on which the strength of peeling depends:
1) The concentration of acids (from 1% to 70%).

2) pH level (from 1 to 4)

3) Type of acid

4) The form of the product (cream, gel, liquid)

The percentage of acid and pH are decisive. The higher the % acid and the lower the pH, the stronger the peeling. The lower the % acid and the higher the pH, the softer it is.

Working concentration and pH for BHA acids: 0.5-2% at pH 3-4. When pH exceeds 4, the effectiveness of BHA decreases and salicylic acid turns into nothing more than a great moisturizing ingredient and nothing more.
Working concentration and pH for AHA acids: from 4% at pH 3-4. At low concentrations (less than 3%), AHAs work as water-binding agents. An AHA-based product with a pH of more than 4 stops exfoliating, but will actively moisturize.

Acids differ from each other in the size of the molecule, the depth of penetration and the "softness" of the work. For example, salicylic acid is strong, active and is used in small concentrations. Whereas mandelic acid is very mild, does not cause sun sensitivity and can be used even on very sensitive skin.
Acid concentration ratio: approximately 30% glycolic acid = 40% lactic acid = 10% salicylic acid in strength.

The thicker the peel, the softer it is. A cream or thick gel will work softer than an aqueous or alcohol solution. Peels in liquid form penetrate deeper. In addition, it is more difficult to control the depth of penetration of water-alcohol peels than gel and cream ones.

4. Indications for use

Carrying out acid peels is now very popular and many people consider this procedure as a panacea for solving all skin problems. But, in fact, peeling is a cosmetic procedure, which also has its indications, limitations and contraindications.

Indications for acid peels:
The presence of signs of aging (decrease in skin elasticity, the appearance of wrinkles), dull complexion, prevention of aging

Etc rough skin of the face
The consequences of acne treatment, post-acne
The presence of acne, juvenile acne, comedones
Skin hyperpigmentation

The presence of superficial scars or stretch marks on the skin

Enlarged pores
Irregularities in the external relief of the skin
Hyperkeratosis (hardening of the epidermis) of various origins
Presence of seborrheic dermatitis
Dehydration, dryness
Availability to ontogious mollusk

Preparation for mesotherapy and plastic surgery.

It should be remembered that peeling by itself cannot clean black plugs from pores, mechanical or hardware cleaning will be needed, and superficial peeling will not be able to eliminate cosmetic skin defects.

5. Contraindications and warnings

Peelings cannot be carried out:

With exacerbation of acne or any other active inflammatory process on the skin of the face

With exacerbation of herpes and other infectious diseases

With elevated body temperature, acute respiratory and viral diseases

In violation of the integrity of the skin (the presence of wounds, abrasions, burns on the skin)

With critical deviations of the skin condition from the norm (dryness, intense inflammation, irritation, thinning)
During traumatic procedures (deep cleaning, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing)less than 2 months before the start of the peeling course

When you take medicines containing roaccutane (an acne medicine) ordrugs that increase sensitivity to the sun, immunosuppressants

With cancer, hypertension, asthma

With allergic rashes on the skin of the face

In the presence of rosacea, hypersensitivity of the skin, telangiectasia, psoriasis,

keloid sutures

With an abundance of birthmarks on the application area, especially if they are large(they are not peeled)
When d long exposure to the sun and a fresh tan

In the presence of increased individual sensitivity to peeling components

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, while the use of any products with salicylic acid should be avoided, because. it has been established that it can affect the development of the fetus, while products with aha acids are not recommended due to the risk of pigmentation.
With rosacea should apply s o cautionbecause this can lead to aggravation of its manifestations.

Precautions when doing an acid peel at home :

In no case should you peel at home with preparations intended for salon use! In this case, you can get skin burns and other serious consequences, because. the concentration of active ingredients in salon cosmetics is higher than in products for home use, and procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
E If you are unsure whether a peel will be beneficial for YOUR skin, please consult a beautician and/or dermatologist.

Peeling must be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions, very carefully and carefully, after conducting a skin reaction test.behind the ear or on the wrist.You need to apply and hold the product exactly as much as indicated on the package / in the instructions
Before buying, make sure that you have indications and no contraindications for its use, choose the type of peeling taking into account the type and condition of the skin, the time spent in the sun .

6. Pre-peel skin preparation

If you are going to start a course of superficial peels at home or plan to contact a cosmetologist for a medium or deep peel, then you need to start preparing for this in advance. skin . Preparation in this case is a very important point and it consists in the daily use of acidic agents.

You need to start preparing the skin 1-2 weeks before the peeling procedure, and preferably a month in advance, so that the skin has time to get used to the action of acids. Incorrect preparation can cause the chemical peel to not be deep enough or, on the contrary, to be too deep and painful.

For preparation, you can use cosmetics with a small percentage of acids (6-12%) and high enough pH- cleansers, serums, creams, soft pre-peels.

For AHA acids, the minimum effective indicators for a daily remedy are 5-8% at pH 3-4.
For BHA acids (salicylic) - 1-2% at pH 3-4, for heavily soiled skin with a large number of comedones - up to 5% with a lower pH.

7. Features of the use of acid peels

Exposure to acids is a procedure that requires special attention and accuracy. After all, if you make a mistake with the concentration of acid or exposure, the consequences can be quite unpleasant.

Places of application. Acid peeling can be used both on small areas - wrinkles around the mouth and eyes ("crow's feet"), on the cheeks with pigmentation changes - and on the entire face, neck, as well as on other areas of the body that are often exposed to sunlight, for example, on chest (decollete), on the hands.It can be applied under the eyes and on the nasolabial folds, but very carefully, for a shorter time and, possibly, in lower concentrations. Only at your own risk! Because can be very dry and even burn delicate skin.

Age. The procedure can be recommended at any age, with the exception of children. Peeling can be prescribed for teenagers in case of acne.

Seasonality of the event. The best time to peel is from November to mid-April when the sun is at its lowest.
It is not necessary to carry out the procedure before the holidays, as well as immediately after it - let the skin recover a little.

Periodicity. The effect of the procedure becomes noticeable after the first session: the skin acquires smoothness, even color, velvety. To achieve maximum results, you need to repeat the procedure at least 7 times. But remember that 10 sessions is the maximum length of the acid peel course. The number of sessions depends on the type of skin and the type of problems being solved.
During the course between peeling procedures should take 7-15 days. D
For oily, problematic, oily and combination skin, the interval can be along the lower limit, for dry and sensitive skin - the interval along the upper limit.

Mild acid products can be used between peels to maintain the effect.

acid concentration. If you have just decided to start using peels, then start with small doses, observe how the drug affects your skin, if there are any unpleasant reactions. If everything is in order, the concentration of the drug can be gradually increased. Irritation on the skin does not necessarily occur immediately, it may appear after more or less prolonged use of acid products. Then the provoking drug must be postponed for a while. Those with thin, dry skin are always more sensitive to acids than those with oily skin.

8. Algorithm for the peeling procedure

The peeling procedure itself takes 10-60 minutes.

Stage I: Skin pre-cleansing from make-up residues, its degreasing, restoration of the pH level of the skin. The cleanser should not contain soap or other alkaline products, because this will change the pH of the skin and significantly impair the peeling effect. Dry the application area thoroughly, as to avoid burns, the skin must be dry.

Stage II: Application of the peeling mixture.

One procedure will require 1-2 ml of peeling liquid. Peeling is poured into a clean, dry container, from where it will be applied.

Peeling can be applied with a brush, cotton buds or cotton pads.

Peeling is preferably applied to the skin from less sensitive to more sensitive areas in the following sequence: forehead, nose, temples, lateral surface of the cheeks, neck, chin, central part of the face and finally the fixed part of the face.

If you still decide to take a chance and apply peeling to the area around the eyes, then you need to step back from the ciliary edge of the upper eyelid by 1 cm and from the lower eyelid by 0.5 cm.
If acid gets into the eyes, rinse them very thoroughly with plenty of water.

The process of applying the mixture may be accompanied by a tingling or slight burning sensation. It is this stage that requires careful monitoring. With each subsequent layer, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the skin to the components of chemical peeling.

The peeling procedure must be stopped if you notice at least one of the following signs:

Appearance of visible mild erythema (redness).

Unbearable burning sensation, even if there are no external visible manifestations.

The end of the peeling time (according to the instructions).

For each acid with different % content and pH, the exposure time of peeling on the skin can last from 2 to 15 minutes maximum. For the skin of the eyelids - from 30-40 seconds, up to 2 minutes maximum. In any case, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions and follow the recommended exposure time.

Stage III: Neutralization.

The action of the peeling agent is neutralized by a special solution, which also moisturizes and tones the skin after an exfoliation session. The neutralizer can be held for 1-3 minutes. Only after that, wash off the remnants of the funds from the skin with water at room temperature.

If the acid is washed off during peeling without prior neutralization, burns may appear on the skin of the face.

Stage IV: Post-peel measures.

After an acid burn, which is peeling, the skin needs special care. Following the flushing of the neutralizer a moisturizing cream is applied, preferably with soothing and regenerating components. For this purpose, you can apply aloe vera gel under cream or instead of cream. From my experience, I really enjoy applying aloe gel.vera as a mask on the face: the first layer of aloe vera, as it dries, the second layer on top, then repeat 1-2 more times until the skin calms down, then rinse and apply the cream.

If you have run out of or do not have a neutralizer, then you can make it at home: dissolve a teaspoon of soda with a small slide in half a glass of boiled water, wet a cotton pad, wring it out a little and wipe your face with wetting movements. The solution must be prepared before starting the peeling procedure.

9. Side effects

Increased skin sensitivity (due to thinning of the epidermis), including increased photosensitivity (sensitivity to the sun);
skin irritation, symptoms of which may include redness, burning, itching, pain, and possibly even scarring

Peeling is considered a normal skin reaction after peeling, because.directly shows how actively the process of cell renewal takes place. Itcan last up to 10 days. However, not all acids cause visible peeling, salicylic acid stimulates it most of all, while after glycolic and milk peels, peeling occurs extremely rarely.

With proper care, all discomfort disappears within 1-3 days. If during this time the side effects do not go away, you should definitely consult a specialist. In case of acute reactions, you should not wait three days, but contact immediately for professional assistance.

10. Rules for post-peel care


After acid peeling, the skin has lost a certain amount of moisture, so it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that will eliminate the feeling of tightness and prevent fluid loss. Any special means after superficial peelings are usually not required. But for the best moisturizing and regenerating effect, pay attention to care products with hyaluronic acid, natural oils, vitamins, aloe, algae, centella, arnica, chamomile, calendula, panthenol and lipids.
In case of irritation, redness or severe peeling, you can use soothing and deeply moisturizing products.


Thinned skin must be protected from the effects of sunlight. To do this, use a sunscreen that protects against UVB and UVA rays (SPF factor of at least 25). It is also desirable not to be outside for a long time, not to visit the solarium, and to refrain from sunbathing for a month.

To consolidate the achieved result in the post-peeling period (preferably after the peeling course), you can use cosmetics with acids in low concentrations. It can be a serum, tonic, cleanser, mask, etc. This will help maintain a healthy complexion and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands.

For the period of the peeling course aboutlimit any aggressive skin treatments such as mechanical scrubs, alcohol-based products, it is also advisable to avoid products with retinoids so as not to thin the skin too much. Prefer gentle cleansing with micellar water, hydrophilic oils or milk with plant extracts.
During the period of pling, you also need to abandon any cosmetic procedures that can injure the skin.

If crusts appear on the skin after peeling, in no case do not remove them yourself, but lubricate them with cream. Avoid touching your face with your hands to avoid infection.

Do not plan important events for the period of the peeling course. Decorative cosmetics do not always hide redness, it is better to limit its use in the recovery period.
It is very important to understand that acid peeling removes the protective layer from the skin, so additional procedures that can have the same effect should be excluded.

So gThe main task of post-peel care is to reduce the feeling of discomfort, preventive procedures to prevent side effects and complications, stimulate the regenerative process, protect the skin, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory therapy..

Acid peeling consists of a complex of chemical peels that are used in beauty salons. In the process, the skin is treated with acid. Such procedures have a beneficial effect on the skin and are recommended at any age, regardless of the person's gender. The acids used have a beneficial effect on the skin and contribute to the dissolution of pollution, exfoliation of the keratinized cover and cleansing of the pores. Acid during the procedure penetrates very deeply into the epidermis and, on the one hand, it promotes cell renewal, but, on the other hand, does not harm them at all.

Thanks to acid peeling, you can get rid of:

  • shallow wrinkles;
  • dry or oily skin;
  • pigmentation;
  • violation of tone;
  • acne
  • small scars;
  • stretch marks on problem areas.

Modern cosmetology claims that acid peeling is one of the safest procedures for solving skin problems. Such a procedure not only fights existing problems, but also prevents the emergence of new ones.

Used acids

A wide variety of acids are used for the acid peeling procedure, but they are all designed for one thing - to get rid of skin problems. The only difference in the material used is the dosage. Some acids need to be used a little more, others less. The depth of penetration of the substance also depends on this.

It is worth considering the risk of an allergic reaction to a particular component. So, for example, if a person is allergic to fruit acid, then you can use some other one. There will be no significant difference in the end result. But all this is the task of a cosmetologist, who will directly carry out the peeling procedure itself. The patient's task is only what he wants to get in the end result and notify the specialist about possible intolerance, any drugs and existing contraindications. This is the main information that a cosmetologist should know, since the consequences of peeling can be unpredictable if the components are selected incorrectly.

Acid peeling involves a light treatment in which only the surface layer of the skin is involved. But there is also peeling with trichloroacetic acid, which penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.

Superficial peeling

One of the most common procedures can be called fruit acid peeling, also known as AHA-acid. For such cleaning, natural acids are used, which are found in many fruits. Lactic acid is also actively used. Another type of cleaning is the effect of ascorbic acid. One of the most gentle is the procedure using almonds.

Such procedures are used primarily for cleaning the face, but other parts of the body are not excluded.

Facial peeling

Skin fatigue, a gray complexion and fine wrinkles are the main problems that concern women at any age. This result depends not only on age, but also on nutrition, and on the impact of the environment on the body. All this destroys the structure of the skin and leads to its early aging. In this case, peeling with acids is almost an ideal tool that can refresh the complexion and give it its former elasticity and freshness.

For the peeling procedure on the face, a concentrated acid solution is used, which effectively removes dead cells.

Fruit peeling can be carried out independently, for this it is enough to apply finely ground fruits containing a high percentage of acidity to the skin of the face. Naturally, modern cosmetology has developed many techniques to help cleanse the pores, but still the most effective, reliable and, most importantly, affordable is the direct use of fruits on their own.

The most common acid peel used in beauty salons is used:

  • to remove pigmentation on the skin - use date, azelaic and kojic acid;
  • for rejuvenation - retinal;
  • to reduce inflammation and eliminate acne - benzoic, trichloroacetic and salicylic acids;
  • glycolic acid is used to strengthen youthful and aging skin.

The benefits and harms of peeling

Among women, there is an opinion that the acid peeling procedure is absolutely harmless. Until the age of thirty, a girl can really use this procedure in order to get rid of seborrhea, oily sheen on the skin and pigmentation. But this is only during the period of maturation of the body. At a more mature age, such a procedure can smooth out fine wrinkles, give the skin its former elasticity and restore its freshness. This is partly true, but like any other procedure, peeling has its own indications and contraindications, which we will consider in more detail.

  • manifestation of the first mimic wrinkles;
  • acne, the presence of comedones;
  • too enlarged pores;
  • overdried or vice versa, too oily skin;
  • keratinized skin;
  • unhealthy skin tone, pigmentation and freckles.

But, despite such effective results, acid peeling has its own contraindications, which include:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • open wounds;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • the use of drugs containing roaccutane;
  • non-standard skin conditions, such as dehydration and dryness.

Types of acid peel

Acid peeling is used individually, at the request of the client. Modern cosmetology offers a variety of methods for cleansing the skin.


Depending on how many components are used during the procedure, peeling is divided into:

  • multi-acid;
  • monoacid.

Cleaning method

If you distinguish by the depth of facial cleansing, then it will be:

  • deep;
  • average;
  • surface.

Application method

Because how the product is applied to the skin, the procedure is divided into:

  • chemical;
  • physical peeling.

Components Used

If we consider which components are used in the composition of acids, then they are divided into:

  • pyruvic;
  • fruit;
  • ascorbic;
  • salicylic;
  • retinoic.

Peeling at home

Acid peeling very well cleanses, refreshes and tones the skin. It is not necessary to visit expensive beauty salons in order to carry out such a procedure.

In order to make the mass necessary for peeling, you will need fruits containing acids, baby soap, mineral water and regular face cream. Fruit gruel should be applied to the face for no more than 15 minutes. If you feel a slight tingling sensation, then the acids have begun their action. In the case when nothing is felt, it is better to immediately wash off such a mask, since there will be no effect.

After the time has elapsed, the gruel must be removed from the face with baby soap and mineral water. Apply cream.

It is worth remembering that before starting the procedure, it is especially necessary to check on your own whether there will be an allergic skin reaction. Only then can the skin be cleansed.

Acid peeling for the face - what is this procedure, how is it performed and what effect does it have on the skin? In modern cosmetology, there are several types, they all differ in their composition, affect different layers of the skin and are not suitable for all people.

At what time of the year can peeling be performed, what results should be expected from it, and what are its advantages over other methods of rejuvenation and renewal? How should you take care of your skin after peeling and what you need to know before going for this procedure? All of this below.

What is an acid facial peel?

An acid peel for the face is a procedure that involves the use of acids of various concentrations to provide a certain degree of effect on the skin.

Peelings are distinguished not only by the degree of power, but also by the depth of exposure. For peeling different layers of the skin, certain types of acids are used, which have different concentrations.

The procedure can take place at home or in the salon, depending on what results the patient wants to achieve. Doctors recommend using the technique under the supervision of specialists in order to avoid burns and other unpleasant consequences.

How does acid peeling affect the skin?

The principle of action of chemical peels is to burn the various layers of the skin, which, in turn, trigger natural regeneration processes in the body.

Such a seemingly cruel method of exposure at first glance allows you to restore the youthfulness of the face, give it a healthy color, eliminate fine wrinkles and even get rid of noticeable scars that have arisen during the removal of acne and blackheads.

To begin with, it is necessary to describe exactly how the human skin is arranged in order to clarify the method of action of the described peeling. Substances are able to influence various layers of the skin, act with different strengths.

So, the skin has three main layers:

  1. Epidermis. This is the top layer in which the development and renewal of epithelial cells takes place. Visible layer, which is responsible for the protective functions of the body from various harmful effects. It is on this layer that creams and other cosmetics for home care act.
  2. Dermis. It is located under the epidermis and is separated from it by a basal membrane. Consists of papillary and reticular layers, which form the main part of the dermis. It is in the mesh layer that most of the collagen fibers are located, and, to a greater extent, the general condition of the skin depends on the state of this layer.
  3. Hypodermis. Subcutaneous tissue or fatty tissue located just below the dermis. This layer takes part in the thermoregulation of the body, it stores water and nutrients.

Chemical peels can target different layers of the skin. It depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the active substance. To achieve the desired effect, various substances can be used, which are selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of the patient's skin.

It is allowed to apply independently only those acid peels that have a weak effect on the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis.

3 types of depth of impact

Each type of acid has a specific effect on a particular layer of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right concentration and determine the type of active substance in order to achieve the desired results:

  1. Superficial peeling. Weak acids are taken for this category. Different concentrations can be used, the exposure time can vary. This will affect the final result - the complete or partial removal of the epidermis.
  2. Peeling for . Affects simultaneously the epidermis and dermis, resulting in a noticeable rejuvenation. Here, TCA (trichloroacetic) or retinoic acid is most often used.
  3. Deep peeling. It is used exclusively in medical institutions. The procedure is classified as a surgical intervention, it can even affect the hypodermal layer and remove small scars that have arisen after acne or blackheads. Phenol is used as the active substance.

The use of highly concentrated acids at home without medical supervision is strictly prohibited, as there is a high probability of serious burns.

6 acids and how they differ

Each type of acid has a specific effect on the skin, and it is the choice of the right substance that determines the final result:

  1. . One of the weakest acids, which is used for mild age-related changes. Suitable for home use. The active ingredients are grape, mangrove, cane or sugar acid. Returns firmness, elasticity and tone to the skin.
  2. . Used for antibacterial treatment of the skin, reduces the severity of scars formed from blackheads and acne.
  3. Salicylic acid. Suitable for owners of dark skin, as well as those who suffer from seborrhea (any kind of it), hyperpigmentation or acne.
  4. Lactic acid. Promotes skin rejuvenation, makes it softer and more tender.
  5. It is used in cosmetology clinics and has a pronounced effect. The concentration of the substance allows you to select the effect on different age categories. The degree of chemical burn is also determined by this criterion.
  6. Glycolic acid. Ideal for the treatment of the upper layers of the skin. It cleanses the epidermis, eliminates rashes and spots, eliminates dirt plugs and sebaceous accumulations.

The type of acid, its concentration and exposure time are selected individually for each patient.

How is the procedure for using acid peels?

Regardless of whether the procedure takes place at home or in a clinical setting, it is divided into the following steps:

  1. Cleansing. The patient's skin must be cleaned of cosmetics and greasy deposits. This process is carried out by means of special tonics that do not contain fragrances, fatty oils or dyes.
  2. Applying peeling. After cleansing, an acid peel is applied to the skin, selected for the patient individually. The type of active substance, its concentration, as well as the period of application to the skin is determined privately.
  3. Removal of peeling. After the peeling stays on the skin for the specified time, it must be washed off with water, eliminating the possibility of contact with the eyes or mucous membranes (nose, mouth). The delicate skin of the lips should also be protected.
  4. Applying care product. After removing the peeling, it is necessary to use a special cream that will protect the skin from drying out and contribute to its speedy healing.

Improper performance of at least one of these processes can lead to a lack of results, or, conversely, to a chemical burn.

Question answer

Yes, acid peeling will improve the condition of the skin, brighten it. It is recommended to pay attention to TCA peeling, as well as laser resurfacing.

This procedure can be carried out anywhere. The main thing is that the doctor selects the appropriate peeling mixture to deal with a specific problem.

In this area, cosmetologists use superficial peels. They will improve the regeneration processes in the skin. But to eliminate wrinkles, it is better to think about other manipulations.

Recovery period

Acid peeling requires a fairly long recovery period - from 7 to 14 days, depending on the degree of exposure to the skin. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient.

For some, the regeneration processes in the body proceed quite quickly, and the skin is able to recover in up to 7 days, while for others this value exceeds two weeks.

But, regardless of the speed of healing, for all categories of patients there are general prescriptions, which include:

  • the use of creams and ointments that accelerate the healing process (Bepanten or Solcoseryl);
  • refusal to visit baths and saunas;
  • avoiding being in the cold;
  • refusal to use aggressive cleaning agents;
  • exclusion of injury.

In all other respects, the same behavior is necessary as when receiving a burn - to exclude the mechanical effect on the skin, it is necessary to protect it from injury, aggravation of the burn condition, and others.

Indications and contraindications

Allocate certain indications.


  • the first signs of aging;
  • the appearance of scars from acne and acne;
  • the formation of age spots;
  • hyperkeratosis (hardening of the upper layers of the skin);
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

There are also some prohibitions on peeling.


  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. allergies and individual intolerance to active components;
  3. herpes in the acute stage;
  4. the presence of keloid scars.

Peeling is allowed only between November and March. In the warm season, peeling is strictly prohibited, since exposure to warm temperatures and sunlight can cause irreversible processes in the skin.

Peeling at home

There are a number of drugs that allow you to exercise. Among them are homemade acid peeling for the face Mi Ko 30 ml, reviews of which say that the drug is very effective, as well as products from the Mac line (Poppy).

With proper use of drugs, you can count on a real result, which will lead to an improvement in the overall condition of the skin.

The main advantage of home remedies is that they are not so harsh on the skin, but they lead to tangible results. Their disadvantages include a less pronounced result, which is achieved in a clinical setting.

You can also prepare peeling yourself:

  1. Fruit peel. Any fresh fruit will work for this. For example, banana, strawberry, apple or pineapple. It must be cut and put on the face for a third of an hour. After that, wash your face and moisturize your skin.
  2. Lemon peel. It whitens the skin, eliminates excess fat. Using a cotton pad, apply lemon juice (it must be fresh). After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is washed off. At the end, it is also worth moisturizing the skin with a cream.
  3. Grape peeling. From grapes you need to make gruel. It is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour. A tingling sensation may be felt during exposure. Do not forget to moisturize with cream after the procedure.

Acid peels include any type of deep cleansing of the face with acids. These cleansing procedures can be afforded by both ladies of advanced age and young girls. The main feature of chemical peeling is that the acid acts on the skin of the face gently, but at the same time it removes dead cells well, cleans the pores, and removes all impurities.

Popularity and types of acid peeling

These procedures are used to solve many cosmetic problems and improve skin condition. And as a result, as the reviews of the girls say, peelings are the most efficient option rejuvenation, help to monitor themselves and amaze others with their magnificent appearance.

Among all cosmetic methods that contribute to the maintenance of skin beauty, youth and health, the most peeling is popular. There are a lot of technologies for cleaning the skin of the face:

  • acidic or chemical;
  • mechanical peeling;
  • meso-peeling and ultrasound;
  • enzymatic.

Acid peeling based on various solutions cannot be performed when you want, it must be timed to comfortable weather conditions. This means that acid cleansing of the face impossible on a frosty or hot day. The most suitable seasons are "golden autumn" and warm spring months.

In a climatic region with mild winters, it is possible to perform procedures in winter, but summer days should be an exception for any climatic regions. The negative effects of heat and sun are evidenced by the reviews of dermatologists, and they should be carefully listened to.

How natural acids work on the skin

Despite the fact that peeling is a gentle cleansing of the face, at the same time, this is not an ordinary wash, but an effect on the skin of the face. certain solutions and this procedure must be taken very seriously.

The principle of acid-based peeling is that properly selected acidic formulations help to produce an effective solution to such problems:

  1. Remove the stratum corneum.
  2. Exfoliation of dead cells of the epidermis.
  3. Remove acne marks.
  4. Remove wrinkles and pigmentation.

The main point is precisely correct choice of drugs. This can be done by an experienced cosmetologist; according to the girls, it is not recommended to take on a mixture of cocktails with your own hands. This can greatly harm the skin on the face, since only a specialist can determine the composition of the cocktail for each specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin cover.

Varieties of acids for peeling the skin of the face

For this type of purification, AHA acids, namely alpha hydroxy acids, are used. These include lactic, glycolic, pyruvic, malic acid. They can be used either as the only peeling ingredient, or in combination with each other.

The principle of action of each of the acids is keratolytic effect. This effect consists in exfoliating the layer of the upper epidermis and restoring it.

At the same time, the complexion of the skin of the face is evened out, looks healthy, and becomes younger. The action of AHA acids is the safest, since these compounds are of natural origin. Also they are also called fruit acids and are considered as absolutely useful and effective remedies for facial skin.

The keratolytic effect is the general effect for all acid-based peeling formulations, but all of them have their own characteristic differences.

pyruvic acid protects the skin from dehydration and has protective properties. In addition to the barrier function, it also has a restorative effect, it helps to activate the formation of collagen and elastin, and this leads to elasticity and improvement in skin density.

That is, peeling with its help partially becomes a lifting, thus, the collagen fibers awakened to life tighten the skin on the face. Facial cleansing with pyruvic acid is suitable for those women who have thin, weakened and sensitive skin.

Another one has similar effects. acid - lactic. It acts more gently and also promotes rejuvenation, the reviews of girls in beauty salons speak of this acid as universal, they tried to use it even in summer. No one had any negative side effects. That is, it can be used to cleanse the face at any time of the year.

Glycolic acid cleaning known to many, it is popular like no other. This is one of the types of fruit acid compositions that promotes the activation of new cells, the enhancement of metabolic processes and the burning of old cells.

The acid creates an impulse so that the cells on the skin wake up and all processes take place in them faster. Against the background of such an acceleration, all the problems of the skin of the face and rejuvenation occur.

Apple vinegar- This product has miraculous properties. Apple contains many useful substances, vitamins, mineral components, polyphenols, pectins, etc. All these substances are collected in apple cider vinegar, and it is an integral component for many cosmetic preparations and is used to cleanse the skin.

The action of malic acid on the skin cover is a calming effect, astringent effect, removal of excess moisture. The operating principle is in the regeneration of the dermis at the cell level.

As a rule, apple cider vinegar is found in acidic cocktails that are used for peeling. Moreover, its amount in the solution is usually 10–15%, and it is responsible for both regeneration and smoothness of the upper layer of the skin and evening out the color of the skin.

Features of complex peeling with acid

Before contacting a cosmetology center and purchasing peeling based on fruit and other acids, you need to know exactly what this drug helps with. Feedback from girls about this method of cleaning is only positive.

It cannot be otherwise, as this procedure comfortable, painless significantly improves the condition of the skin on the face. But after all, everyone expects much more from the procedures, and often they come up with a specific problem. In this regard, there are no complaints about facial cleansing with fruit acids.

But at the same time, in cosmetology practice, acidic substances are also used, where contain chemical compounds, with such solutions you need to be much more careful and try not to use them without consulting specialists.

The course of treatment is necessary develop with a beautician, only in this case the selected drug will be able to help from specific problems. The hyperpigmentation defect is subject to acid peeling, which contains kojic acid, it works as a brightening agent and at the same time helps to reduce the formation of melanin.

The drug has the ability to pass into the basal layer of the dermis, while its deep action removes even long-term pigmentation. It also improves skin elasticity and promotes the resorption of scars after acne.

As a rule, kojic acid is used with retinoic and phytic. This peeling is also called "yellow", it is carried out for several days, the effect lasts up to six months.

Yellow peeling is a relatively new method, shown to ladies of mature age, since more effective for age spots. If you have oily and dense skin, then the procedure with glycolic acid is relevant for it. This acid will deeply cleanse the pores, remove comedones and perfectly soften the sebum.

If a defect after acne is still added with oily skin, then glycolic acid is necessary combine with salicylic, it is a beta-hydroxy acid of the BHA type and, when exposed, penetrates much deeper than glycolic, which helps to reduce the production of sebum and regulate the sebaceous glands.

Used to smooth wrinkles trichloroacetic acid. Such peeling is deeper, during which a small chemical burn of the skin occurs. This activates cells for rapid division, which as a result creates the effect of getting rid of flabbiness, wrinkles and pigmentation of the skin cover.

The skin of the face in this case must undergo rehabilitation for five days. During this time, the crust that appeared from the burn will fall off and only renewed skin will remain.

Used against aging retinoic acid, it is a vitamin of group A, the same acid is used for severe acne, as it is a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory substance, accelerates the restoration of skin cover at the cell level, activates the production of proteins.

Who Needs Acid Cleaning?

Acid-based peels are used by women both in adulthood and at a young age. To remove oily shine on the face of girls, pimples, acne, this cleaning can be applied without fear. They are also suitable during photoaging of the skin cover.

When properly used along with antioxidant skin care treatments, they are guaranteed to remove the adverse effects of UV exposure during tanning and rejuvenate the skin.

Women in adulthood write reviews that acid cleaning, although not a panacea for aging, helps remove small wrinkles and improve the tone and color of the skin, make it more attractive and smooth.

Contraindications for the procedure

The acid cleaning process has some contraindications, they are few, but you need to know about them. These include:

Acid-based peels leave redness that can last from two hours to a week, so plan ahead of the weekend. After the procedure, the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays increases, respectively, the skin must be protected from the sun for a while.

It can be a hat or an umbrella, as well as sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. In addition, it is undesirable to do peeling procedures immediately after arriving from the sea, the skin should normalize from the sun and sea water.

Any effect on the body with chemistry, including peeling, is a kind of stress that you do not need to increase with alcohol-containing cosmetic preparations and scrubs for at least a week after cleaning.

Daily skin care at this time should be based on soft preparations, for example, micellar water, herbal milk, hydrophilic oils. Relevant in rehabilitation time for care and hyaluronic acid in combination with oils from natural ingredients, preferably those that have vitamin E, as well as aloe juice.

A pretty good option is to use cosmetic preparations during recovery time, but only those that the cosmetologist advises.

Acid peels are quite affordable, they can be done every month (the only exception is the summer season) or 5 procedures at intervals of a week with the preservation of the effect for six months. It depends only on your capabilities and the course of recovery and treatment prescribed by the doctor. In any case, this is a great opportunity for women to become beautiful, healthy and young.