Download presentation on energy exchange. Energy metabolism - catabolism. Stages of intracellular energy metabolism Preparatory Oxygen-free (anaerobic) Oxygen-free (aerobic) - presentation. Metabolism and cell energy

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LESSON on the topic: "Energy exchange". teacher of the highest category Bichel Ya.S. GBOU secondary school No. 456 St. Petersburg Kolpinsky district

Repetition of the topic.

PHOTOSYNTHESIS TEST In which cell organelles does photosynthesis take place?

Which compound breaks down to release free oxygen during photosynthesis?

What is the name of the process of decomposition of water under the influence of light?

In what phase of photosynthesis are ATP and NADP-H produced?

What substances are formed as a result of the dark phase of photosynthesis?

“Growth, reproduction, mobility, excitability, the ability to respond to changes in the external environment - all these properties of the living are ultimately inextricably linked with certain chemical transformations, without which none of these manifestations of vital activity could exist” V.A. Engelhardt

Energy metabolism - CATABOLISM

Tasks: To form knowledge about the three stages of energy metabolism using the example of carbohydrate metabolism. Describe the reactions of energy metabolism. To be able to classify and summarize material from complex material by stages, types and at the place of their occurrence.

Remember the substance associated with all the written words, determine its role in the cell? Adenine, ribose, energy, 3 phosphoric acid residues, mitochondria, battery, macroergic bond.

A single and universal source of energy in the cell is ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid), which is formed as a result of the oxidation of organic substances.

What is catabolism? CATABOLISM is a set of cleavage reactions of macromolecular compounds with the release of energy.

Stages of catabolism Where it happens Species What is formed Outcome Outcome: Fill in the table

Stages of carbohydrate catabolism: a) preparatory b) oxygen-free c) oxygen

STAGE 1 - preparatory Where does it take place? In lysosomes and the digestive tract.

WHAT IS FORMATED? Breakdown of polymers to monomers. FOR EXAMPLE: Proteins amino acids Fats glycerol, fatty acids Carbohydrates glucose What happens when all these substances are broken down?

Energy is dissipated as heat

STAGE 2 - oxygen-free oxidation or glycolysis. Where is happening? In the cytoplasm of cells, without oxygen.

Where: In mitochondria. Types of cleavage Glycolysis Alcoholic fermentation Lactic acid fermentation Glucose

Glycolysis is the breakdown of carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen by the action of enzymes.

Where is happening? What happens in animal cells? C 6 H 12 O 6 + 2H 3 PO 4 glucose phosphoric acid + 2ADP \u003d 2C 3 H 4 O 3 + 2ATP + 2H 2 O PVC water Glucose is oxidized with the help of 9 enzymatic reactions. Bottom line: energy in the form of 2 ATP molecules a) Glycolysis

Where is happening? In plant and some yeast cells. What is formed? 2C 3 H 4 O 3 \u003d 2C 2 H 5 OH + 2CO 2 + 2ATP PVC ethyl carbon dioxide gas b) Alcoholic fermentation

Where is happening? In animal cells, in some bacteria. What is formed? With a lack of oxygen - lactic acid. TOTAL: 40% of energy is stored in ATP, 60% is dissipated in the form of heat into the environment. c) lactic acid fermentation

STAGE 3 - oxygen (aerobic) splitting. Where is happening?

Intracellular respiration is the complete (to carbon dioxide and water) oxidation of organic substances, which occurs in the presence of an external oxygen oxidizer and provides a lot of energy in the form of ATP.

Stages of oxygen oxidation: a) Krebs cycle b) oxidative phosphorylation

The Krebs cycle is a cyclic enzymatic process of complete oxidation of activated acetic acid to carbon dioxide and water.

PVC 3C Acetyl-CoA 2C Citric acid 6C Glutaric acid 5C Succinic acid 4C Fumaric acid 4C Malic acid 4C PIA 4C CO 2 2H CO 2 CO 2 2 H 2 H 2 H 2 H ATP

b) oxidative phosphorylation Result: 2C 3 H 4 O 3 + 6 O 2 + 36ADP + 36 H3RO4 \u003d 36ATP + 6 CO 2 + 42 H 2 O energy in the form of 36 molecules (more than 60% of energy) ATP,.

Think and answer Why, when the mitochondria are destroyed in the cell, there will be a decrease in the level of activity, and then the suspension of the cell's vital activity? How many ATP molecules are formed as a result of energy metabolism?

TOTAL Energy in the form of 38 ATP Summary equation: C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6 O 2 \u003d \u003d 6 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O + 38 ATP

CONCLUSION: In the body of all living beings, the process of catabolism occurs daily, hourly, every second. Any violation of this process can lead to irreparable consequences! And in order for this process not to be disturbed, it is necessary: ​​...

For the generation of energy, clean air is needed, i.e. oxygen. 2. Nutrients are necessary for the formation of energy. 3. For the formation of energy, biological catalysts are needed, i.e. enzymes. 4. For the formation of energy, biological activators are necessary, i.e. vitamins

Importance of respiration As a result of oxidation, a balance is maintained between the synthesis of organic matter and its decay. CO 2 is used to form carbonates, accumulates in sedimentary rocks, for the process of photosynthesis. The equilibrium between oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the atmosphere

Recommendations: 1. Constantly ventilate the room, walk more in the fresh air. 2. Eat whole foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats. 3. Do not exclude lactic acid products from the diet. 4. Do not forget about vitamins.

Homework: Paragraph 11-12, question 4 of the table, compare the two processes of oxidation and combustion.

Constant exchange of substances with the environment is one of the main properties of living systems

The process of synthesis of organic substances is called assimilation or plastic metabolism (anabolism)

The process of breaking down organic matter is called dissimilation.



Energy metabolism - dissimilation (catabolism)

Plastic metabolism - assimilation (anabolism)


Autotrophic organisms (green plants) - are able to synthesize organic substances from inorganic

Heterotrophic organisms (animals) need the supply of ready-made organic substances

I stage -


II stage - anaerobic (glycolysis) - incomplete oxidation

III stage - aerobic

complete oxidation

Mixotrophic organisms - with a mixed type of nutrition

Organic substances rich in energy break down into low molecular weight organic

or inorganic compounds poor in energy. Reactions are accompanied by the release of energy, some of which is stored in the form of ATP.

  • Preparatory
  • Anaerobic (glycolysis) - oxygen-free oxidation
  • Aerobic - oxygen oxidation (cellular respiration)

Occurs in the gastrointestinal tract

The energy released is dissipated in the form of heat.

Complex organic substances are broken down into simpler ones:

Proteins to amino acids

+ 3H 2 O

Nucleic acids to nucleotides

+ 3H 2 O

Carbohydrates to monosaccharides





+ 6H 2 O












Fats to fatty acids and glycerol

+ 3H 2 O


fatty acid

Occurs in the cytoplasm of cells

The substances formed at the first stage undergo splitting with the release of energy -

incomplete oxidation.

The process is called oxygen-free or anaerobic, because. goes without absorbing oxygen

The main source of energy in the cell is glucose (C 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 )

Anoxic breakdown of glucose - glycolysis: C 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 2NAD +2ADP + 2P 2C 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 2NADH 2 + 2ATP



H atoms accumulate with the help of the NAD acceptor + , and later combined with O 2 H 2 ABOUT

In the conditions when ABOUT 2 no, and, therefore, the hydrogen atoms released during glycolysis cannot be transferred to it, instead ABOUT 2 another hydrogen acceptor must be used. Pyruvic acid becomes such an acceptor. Depending on the metabolic pathways of the body, the end products are different:

lactic acid

2 WITH 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 2NAD N 2 = 2 WITH 3 H 6 ABOUT 3 + 2NAD

lactic acid

alcoholic fermentation of glucose by yeast


2 WITH 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 2NAD N 2 = 2 C 2 H 5 HE + CO 2 + OVER



2 WITH 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 2NAD N 2 = WITH 4 H 8 ABOUT 2 + 2CO 2 + 2H 2 + OVER

butyric acid

200 kJ are released from one glucose molecule, of which 120 kJ is dissipated in the form of heat, and 80 kJ (40%) is stored in the bonds of 2 ATP molecules:

2 ADP + 2 H 3 PO 4 + energy → 2 ATP + H 2 O


NH 2

H 2 C

+ H 2 O

H 3 PO 4


Occurs in mitochondria

This is an aerobic process, i.e. flowing with the obligatory presence of oxygen. Pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis: C 3 H 4 ABOUT 3

undergoes further oxidation in mitochondria to H 2 O and CO 2





ATP synthetase


Inner membrane

outer membrane

Cellular respiration includes three groups of reactions:

  • Formation of acetyl coenzyme A;
  • tricarboxylic acid cycle or citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle);
  • Electron transfer along the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation.

The first and second stages take place in the mitochondrial matrix, and the third - on the inner mitochondrial membrane.

Acetyl-CoA + NADH 2 + CO 2 as a result of the oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose, 2 molecules of pyruvate are formed, the number of molecules of all components of the reaction must be doubled. The resulting acetyl-CoA undergoes further oxidation in the Krebs cycle. "width="640"

Pyruvic acid comes from the cytoplasm

into mitochondria, where it undergoes oxidative decarboxylation, which consists in the elimination of one molecule of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from a pyruvate molecule and addition

to the acetyl group of pyruvate (CH 3 CO– ) coenzyme A (CoA) with the formation of acetyl-CoA:

Pyruvate + OVER + + KoA – Acetyl-CoA + NADH 2 + CO 2

Because as a result of the oxidation of 1 molecule of glucose, 2 molecules of pyruvate are formed, the number of molecules of all components of the reaction must be doubled.

The resulting acetyl-CoA undergoes

further oxidation in the Krebs cycle.

In the Krebs cycle, the sequential oxidation of acetyl-CoA in the composition of citric acid occurs, which is accompanied by the elimination of carbon dioxide (decarboxylation) and the removal of hydrogen (dehydrogenation), which is collected in NAD H 2 and is transferred to the electron transport chain built into the inner membrane of mitochondria, i.e. as a result of a complete turnover of the Krebs cycle, one molecule of acetyl-CoA burns to CO 2 and H 2 ABOUT.

Acetyl-CoA + 3NAD + + FAD + 2H 2 O + ADP + H 3 RO 4 → 2CO 2 + 3NAD H + FAD H 2 + ATP

  • SO 2 exhaled with air;
  • NADH and FADH 2 oxidized in the respiratory chain;

- ATP is used for various types of work

supplies hydrogen to the respiratory chain in the form of NADH and FADH 2

The respiratory chain (electron transport chain) is a chain of redox reactions, during which the components of the respiratory chain catalyze the transfer of protons (H + ) and electrons ( e - ) from ABOVE H 2 And FAD H 2 to their final acceptor, oxygen, resulting in the formation of H 2 ABOUT (electrons are transferred along the respiratory chain to the O molecule 2 and activate it. Activated oxygen immediately reacts with the formed protons (H + ), resulting in the release of water.

Respiratory chain - 12H 2 O + 34 ATP + Q T 18 "width =" 640 "

ATP synthetase

Inner membrane

1/2O 2


outer membrane

Intermembrane space, proton reservoir

H +

H +

H +

H +

H +

H +

H +

H +

H +

Electron transport chain



H +



H +

ABOVE + + H +


H +

2H +

H +

H +



Krebs cycle

34N 3 RO 4


12N 2 + 6О 2 – Respiratory chain – 12H 2 O + 34 ATP + Q T

Oxidative phosphorylation -

this is the synthesis of ATP from ADP and phosphate using the enzyme ATP synthetase built into the inner membrane of mitochondria. This process uses the energy of the movement of electrons and protons in the mitochondrial membrane.

NH 2

two residues of phosphoric acid

H 2 C

+ H 2 O

H 3 PO 4

Stage III produces 36 ATP



Hans Krebs (1900 - 1981)

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6О 2 + 38ADP + 38H 3 RO 4 6SO 2 + 6H 2 Oh + 38ATP

The overall equation for glucose oxidation consists of:

  • glycolysis

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 2NAD + +2ADP +2H 3 RO 4 2C 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 2NAD H 2 + 2ATP

  • Cellular respiration

2C 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 6О 2 + 36ADP + 36 H 3 RO 4 42N 2 O + 6CO 2 + (36ATF)

  • 2 ATP in glycolysis - anaerobic stage;
  • 2 ATP - in the Krebs cycle and
  • 34 ATP - due to oxidative


Total: at the anaerobic stage - 2 ATP, at the aerobic stage - 36 ATP, in the amount of 38 ATP per 1 glucose molecule.

Slides: 11 Words: 426 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Energy metabolism in the cell. Actualization of knowledge Learning new material Consolidation. Movie. Reactions. Reflection. Learning new material Consolidation. Replace the highlighted part of each statement with one word. The enzymatic and oxygen-free process of decomposition of organic substances in the cell is observed in bacteria. (Glycolysis). (Breath). Task. Testing. Return. Methods for obtaining energy by living beings. Stages of energy metabolism. Fermentation. Solve the problem. The process of glucose oxidation in the cell is similar to combustion. - Energy Exchange.ppt

Stages of energy metabolism

Slides: 45 Words: 816 Sounds: 0 Effects: 161

Energy exchange. Fill in the gaps in the text. Types of nutrition of organisms. Sun. solar energy. Metabolism. Energy exchange. Describe the reactions. Stages of energy metabolism. Preparatory stage. catabolism. Relationship between anabolism and catabolism. ATP. ADP. splitting process. Preparatory 2. Anoxic 3. Oxygen splitting. anoxic phase. Glycolysis. Energy. Glucose. How many glucose molecules need to be broken down. Preparatory 2. Anoxic 3. Oxygen splitting. Aerobic respiration. Stages of energy metabolism. Conditions. - Stages of energy metabolism.ppt

energy metabolism

Slides: 13 Words: 936 Sounds: 0 Effects: 75

Energy exchange. Biological oxidation and combustion. The process of energy exchange. Preparatory stage. Combustion. Glycolysis. The fate of the PVC. Lactic acid fermentation. Repetition. Lactic acid. Oxidation of a substance A. The energy that is released in the reactions of glycolysis. Enzymes of the oxygen-free stage of energy exchange. - Energy metabolism.ppt

Energy metabolism in the cell

Slides: 8 Words: 203 Sounds: 0 Effects: 42

Biology lesson in 10th grade. Metabolism and energy in the cell. Basic concepts. Metabolism; plastic exchange; Energy exchange; homeostasis; Enzyme. Metabolism. Metabolism and energy. External exchange (absorption and release of substances by the cell). Internal metabolism (chemical transformations of substances in the cell). Plastic metabolism (assimilation or anabolism). Energy metabolism (dissimilation or catabolism). Plastic exchange (assimilation). Simple in-va. Complex in-va. Organelles. Energy exchange (dissimilation). Comparison table. - Energy metabolism in the cell.ppt

"Energy Exchange" Grade 9

Slides: 26 Words: 448 Sounds: 0 Effects: 18

Energy metabolism in the cell. The concept of energy exchange. Energy exchange (dissimilation). ATP is the universal source of energy in the cell. composition of ATP. Conversion of ATP to ADP. The structure of ATP. Preparatory stage. Scheme of the stages of energy metabolism. Glucose is the central molecule of cellular respiration. anaerobic glycolysis. PVA - pyruvic acid С3Н4О3. Fermentation is anaerobic respiration. Fermentation. Three stages of energy metabolism. Aerobic stage - oxygen. Mitochondria. The overall equation of the aerobic stage. "Energy exchange" Grade 9. Fats. ATP in numbers. - "Energy exchange" Grade 9.ppt

Energy exchange in biology

Slides: 17 Words: 286 Sounds: 0 Effects: 12

Energy metabolism (catabolism). catabolism. Ways of obtaining energy: Use of energy. Mechanical processes Transport Chemical processes Electrical processes. Anaerobic metabolism (glycolysis). The process of anaerobic breakdown of glucose. Alcoholic fermentation. C6H12O6 \u003d 2CO2 + 2C2H5OH (ethyl alcohol) Yeast. Lactic acid fermentation. С6Н12О6=С3Н6О3 (lactic acid) Lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli). propionic acid fermentation. 3C3H6O3 \u003d 2C3H6O2 + C2H4O2 + CO2 + H2O Propionic acid bacteria. Formic acid fermentation. CH2O2 (formic acid) Escherichia coli. Butyric fermentation. - Energy metabolism in biology.ppt

Energy metabolism in the cell

Slides: 25 Words: 823 Sounds: 0 Effects: 24

Energy metabolism in the cell. Biological oxidation and combustion. biological oxidation. Preparatory stage. oxygen-free oxidation. Process equation. Alcohol fermentation. Complete oxygen splitting. The equation. Repetition. Protein hydrolysis. Enzymes of the digestive tract. Lactic acid. Ethanol. Moth. Carbon dioxide. Reactions of the preparatory stage. Dissipated in the form of heat. Stored in the form of ATP. Give short answers. Assimilation. What organisms are called heterotrophs. What happens to the energy released at the preparatory stage. - Energy metabolism in the cell.ppt

Metabolism and cell energy

Slides: 13 Words: 317 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Preparing students for open-ended assignments. Test tasks. Metabolism. Definition. chemical transformations. Digestive organs. plastic exchange. Energy exchange. Metabolism. Tasks with the answer "yes" or "no". Text with errors. Question with a detailed answer. Thank you for your attention. - Metabolism and cell energy.ppt

metabolism in the cell

Slides: 10 Words: 295 Sounds: 0 Effects: 36

Metabolism and energy. Food is a source of energy and plastic substances. Oxidation products. Oxygen. Stages of metabolism. Preparatory Changes with substances in the cell Final. Preparatory stage Intake of substances. Food. Air. Digestive system. Respiratory system. Circulatory system. body cells. Cell changes. Final stage Isolation of oxidation products. Water, ammonia. excretory system. Task: What is the fate of the butter eaten for breakfast? Aristotle. - Metabolism in the cell.ppt

Transport of substances

Slides: 21 Words: 533 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Transport of substances across the membrane. Mechanisms for the passage of substances through the cell membrane. The main processes by which substances penetrate the membrane. Diffusion -. Properties of simple diffusion. Facilitated diffusion. Facilitated diffusion properties. active transport. Active transport properties. Types of active transport. Na/K pump is considered to be the prototype of active transport. Scheme of Na/K-pump - ATPase. Comparative composition of intracellular and extracellular fluid. ion channels. Gradient. Main differences between ion channel and pore. Conformational states of the ion channel. Activation state - the channel is open and allows the passage of ions. - Transport of substances.ppt


Slides: 24 Words: 689 Sounds: 0 Effects: 44

The exchange of matter and energy (metabolism). 2 metabolic processes. reactions of assimilation and dissimilation. By type of food. According to the method of receipt of substances. in relation to oxygen. plastic exchange. protein biosynthesis. Transcription. Broadcast. Genetic code. Properties of the genetic code. What is the primary structure of the protein. Solution. Section of the right strand of DNA. DNA. The initial part of the molecule. Protein. A protein made up of 500 monomers. Molecular weight of one amino acid. Determine the length of the corresponding gene. One of the gene chains carrying the protein program should consist of 500 triplets. - Metabolism.ppt

Carbohydrate metabolism

Slides: 49 Words: 886 Sounds: 0 Effects: 7

Molecular Biology for Bioinformatics. The set of chemical reactions in the body. Metabolism. metabolic pathway. Enzymes. Enzymes. Enzymes. important coenzymes. Classification of enzymes. Factors affecting the activity of enzymes. non-competitive inhibition. catabolism. Basic stages of carbohydrate metabolism. Possible pathways for the conversion of glucose. Scheme of glucose oxidation. Stages of glucose oxidation. substrate phosphorylation. Glucokinase. Phosphoglucoisomerase. Aldolase. triose phosphate isomerase. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Phosphoglycerate kinase. Enolase. Glycolysis equation. -

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Slides captions:

Metabolism. Energy metabolism Materials for the lesson: Energy metabolism in the cell Grade 10 Kabachkova E.N.

Metabolism, or metabolism, is a set of chemical reactions that occur in a living organism to sustain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to environmental stimuli. A set of chemical reactions in the body that are associated with the synthesis of complex organic compounds, which require energy. A set of chemical reactions in the body that are associated with the degradation (splitting) of complex organic compounds to simple ones, going with the release of energy.

Oxidation is the loss of electrons or hydrogen by a compound. Recovery is the addition of electrons or hydrogen atoms. The oxidized substance is a donor, the reduced substance is an electron or hydrogen acceptor.

Catabolism, or energy metabolism Stages: Preparatory Glycolysis (if the glucose molecule is broken down) Respiration

Preparatory stage Occurs: In lysosomes In the parts of the digestive tract Essence: Complex organic molecules are broken down to monomers (glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, glycerol) under the action of enzymes Energy: - Released in the form of heat

Oxygen-free (anaerobic) stage Glycolysis (Greek g lycos - sweet, lysis - split) Location: Cytoplasm Essence: One six-carbon glucose molecule is stepwise split and oxidized with the participation of enzymes to two three-carbon molecules of pyruvic acid. 4 hydrogen atoms are used to reduce nicotinamide denucleotide (NAD+)

Oxygen (aerobic) stage Respiration Place: Mitochondria Essence: 2 PVC molecules enter the enzymatic ring "conveyor" - the Krebs cycle.

1) Once in the mitochondria, PVC is oxidized and converted into an energy-rich derivative of acetic acid - Acetyl coenzyme A. The Krebs cycle

2) acetyl-CoA combines with an oxaloacetic acid molecule to form tricarboxylic citric acid.

3) Citric acid is oxidized during subsequent enzymatic reactions. At the same time, 3 molecules of NAD + are reduced to NADH, one molecule of FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) to FAD ● H 2 and a molecule of gunosine triphosphate (GTP) with a high-energy phosphate bond is formed. The energy of GTP is used to phosphorylate ADP and form ATP. Citric acid loses 2 carbon atoms, due to which 2 molecules of carbon dioxide are formed.

In total, as a result of 7 consecutive reactions, citric acid is converted into oxaloacetic acid. It, in turn, combines with a new acetyl-CoA molecule and the cycle repeats.

In the process of glucose oxidation, mainly NAD●H and FAD●H 2 molecules arose, and very few ATP molecules were synthesized. It is ATP that is the universal biological energy accumulator. The next stage of biological oxidation serves to convert the energy stored in NAD●H and FAD●H 2 into ATP energy.

Oxidative phosphorylation (at mitochondrial cristae) In the course of this process, electrons from NAD●H and FAD●H 2 move through a multistep electron transport chain to their final acceptor, molecular oxygen. When an electron moves from step to step in certain links of such a chain, energy is released, which goes to the formation of ATP. Since oxidation is coupled with phosphorylation in this process, the process is called oxidative phosphorylation. 1931, biochemist Engelhardt

The general formula for energy metabolism: C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 + 38ADP + 38H 3 RO 4 6CO 2 + 12H 2 O + 38ATP

Lesson in grade 10 on the course

"General Biology".

Prepared by a biology teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 43 named after. G.K. Zhukov, Kursk

Kholodova E.N.

The source of energy on Earth is the Sun

solar energy









  • Energy
  • plastic exchange
  • Assimilation
  • Anabolism


  • Dissimilation
  • catabolism

  • adenine
  • Ribose
  • Energy
  • 3 phosphoric acid residues
  • Mitochondria
  • Battery
  • macroergic bond

A single and universal source of energy in the cell is ATP(adenosine triphosphoric acid), which is formed as a result of the oxidation of organic substances.

ATP + H 2 O = ADP + H 3 RO 4 + energy

ADP + H 3 RO 4 + energy = ATP + H 2 ABOUT


those. attachment of one residue of phosphoric acid to an ADP (adenosine diphosphate) molecule.

“Growth, reproduction, mobility, excitability, the ability to respond to changes in the external environment - all these properties of the living are ultimately inextricably linked with certain chemical transformations , without which none of these manifestations of vital activity could exist"

V.A. Engelhardt

  • To form knowledge about the three stages of energy metabolism using the example of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Describe the reactions of energy metabolism.
  • To be able to classify and summarize material from complex material by stages, types and at the place of their occurrence.

What is energy metabolism or catabolism?

CATABOLISM is a set of enzymatic reactions splitting complex organic compounds accompanied by release of energy.


  • at AEROBS
  • 1.Preparatory
  • 2.Oxygen free
  • 3.Oxygen
  • 1.Preparatory
  • 2.Oxygen free

Characteristics of the stages of energy metabolism.

chemical reactions

Stage I - Preparatory in the digestive system.

Energy output

Stage II (anaerobic) - Glycolysis. Goes without O 2 in the cytoplasm of the cell

ATP formation

Stage III (aerobic) - Oxygen splitting.

Goes in the presence of O 2 in mitochondria (cellular respiration).

Final summary equation:

STAGE 1- preparatory

Where is happening?

In lysosomes and the digestive tract.

What happens in the digestive system?

Breakdown of polymers to monomers.

Squirrels amino acids

Fats glycerin + HPFA

Carbohydrates glucose

What happens to the energy when all these substances are split?

STAGE 2- oxygen-free oxidation or glycolysis .

Where is happening?

In the cytoplasm of cells, without oxygen.

glycolysis- the process of splitting carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen under the action of enzymes.

  • Where is happening? in animal cells.
  • What's happening? Glucose with

enzymatic reactions


WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 2 N 3 RO 4 +2 ADP = 2 C 3 H 4 ABOUT 3 + 2 ATP +2 H 2 ABOUT

glucose phosphorus PVC water


Outcome: energy in the form of 2 ATP molecules .

Alcoholic fermentation.

  • Where is happening? In vegetable and

some yeast

cells instead of glycolysis.

  • What's happening

and formed? On alcoholic fermentation

based cooking

wine, beer, kvass. Dough,

mixed with yeast

gives a porous, tasty bread.

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 2H 3 RO 4 +2ADP = 2C 2 H 5 ABOUT H + 2CO 2 + ATP +2 H 2 O

glucose phosphoric ethyl water

acid alcohol

Lactic acid fermentation.

  • Where is happening? In human cells

animals, in some

types of bacteria and fungi.

  • What is formed? In the absence of oxygen -

lactic acid. Lies in

cooking basis

sour milk, curdled milk,

kefir and other lactic acid


  • TOTAL: 40% of energy is stored in ATP, 60%

dissipated as heat in

environment .

Oxygen splitting (aerobic respiration or hydrolysis ).

What's happening? Further oxidation of products

glycolysis to CO2 and H2O using

O2 oxidant and enzymes and gives

lots of energy in the form of ATP.

Where is happening? Occurs in mitochondria associated with the mitochondrial matrix and its internal membranes.

Stages of oxygen oxidation:

a) the Krebs cycle

b) oxidative phosphorylation

Krebs cycle cyclical complete oxidation enzymatic process organic substances formed in the process of glycolysis to carbon dioxide, water and energy stored in ATP molecules.

Hans Adolf Krebs (1900-1981)

Acetyl-CoA 2C


acid 6C


acid 4C


acid 5C


acid 4C

Succinic acid 4C

The process of oxygen breakdown of milk is expressed by the equation:

2 C 3 H 6 ABOUT 3 + 6 ABOUT 2 + 36 ADP + 36 H 3 RO 4 =

6 SO 2 + 42 H 2 O + 36 ATP

Energy in the form of 36 ATP molecules (more than 60% of energy).

Think and answer

1. Why is the destruction of mitochondria in the cell a decrease in the level of activity, and then the suspension of the cell's vital activity?

2. How many ATP molecules are formed as a result of energy metabolism?

Summing this equation with the glycolysis equation, we get the final equation:

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 2 ADP + 2 H 3 RO 4 = 2 C 3 H 6 ABOUT 3 + 2 ATP + 2 H 2 ABOUT

2 C 3 H 6 ABOUT 3 + 6 O 2 + 36 ADP + 36 H 3 RO 4 = 6 CO 2 + 36 ATP + 42 H 2 ABOUT


WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6О 2 + 38 ADP + 38 H 3 RO 4 = 6 CO 2 + 38 ATP + 44 H 2 ABOUT

WITH 6 H 12 ABOUT 6 + 6О 2 = 6 CO 2 + 38 ATP

TOTAL: Energy in the form of 38 ATP


In the body of all living beings, every day, every hour, every second there is a process catabolism . Any violation of this process can lead to irreparable consequences! And in order for this process not to be disturbed, it is necessary: ​​...

clean air is needed, i.e. oxygen.

nutrients are needed.

biological catalysts are needed,

i.e. enzymes.

biological activators are needed,

those. vitamins.

  • As a result of oxidation, a balance is maintained between the synthesis of organic matter and its decay.
  • CO2 is used to form carbonates, accumulates in sedimentary rocks, for the process of photosynthesis.
  • A balance is maintained between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

1 . Constantly ventilate the room

walk more outdoors.

2. Eat whole foods rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fats.

3. Do not exclude lactic acid products from the diet.

4. Do not forget about vitamins.

Continue with suggestions.

Our lesson has come to an end, and I want to say:

It was a revelation for me that...

- Today at the lesson I succeeded (failed) ...


paragraph 22,

? How are anabolism and catabolism interrelated in a single metabolic process?

Tasks (Appendix 2).

Problem solving .

Task 1. In the process of dissimilation, 7 mol of glucose was cleaved, of which only 2 mol underwent complete (oxygen) cleavage. Define:

a) how many moles of lactic acid and carbon dioxide are formed in this case;

b) how many moles of ATP are synthesized in this case;

c) how much energy and in what form is accumulated in these ATP molecules;

d) How many moles of oxygen are spent on the oxidation of the resulting lactic acid.

  • Kamensky A. A., Kriksunov E. A., Pasechnik V. V. General biology grade 10-11. - M .: Bustard, 2007, - 367s.
  • Kamensky A. A., Kriksunov E. A., Pasechnik V. V. Introduction to general biology and ecology. Grade 9 - M .: Bustard, 2006, - 304 p.
  • Kozlova T.A. Thematic and lesson planning in biology for the textbook by A.A. Kamensky, E. A. Kriksunov, V. V. Pasechnik "General biology: grades 10-11" - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2006. - 286 p.
  • Pepelyaeva O.A., Suntsova I.V. Pourochnye development in general biology.
  • Grade 9 - M: "VAKO", 2009.- 462 p.
  • Lerner G. I. Biology. Thematic training tasks. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - 168s.