Complex interesting recipes of Japanese cuisine. Japanese food

With stunning natural scenery and a distinct national and cultural identity, Japan is a place to visit at least once in a lifetime. This East Asian island is also home to some delicious and freshly prepared dishes.

Japan, unique and deceptive, is a land of opposites. It combines tradition and modernity, a huge number of bustling cities along with magnificent natural landscapes. The food of this country is known to be very nutritious and dietary, consisting of fresh vegetables and seasonal products. We have selected 10 dishes to try while in Japan.

Okonomiyaki with bacon - recipe

Other toppings in the form of meat, seafood, or more European items such as yellow cheese are added when the countertop baked cake is lightly toasted. Pour water into a bowl, add flour and salt, then mix thoroughly. When the mixture is smooth, add the eggs and mix again. At the end, put the cabbage in the mass and mix again. Everything is baked on both sides, the other side is a little lighter. Then, on the less baked side, place the bacon pieces, roll up and bake for 2-3 minutes.

We turn the okonomiyaki onto a plate with the bacon on top. We spread the area with mayonnaise, pour the sauce over the okonomiyaki and sprinkle with katsuubushi flakes. Onigiri is a great snack that you can take with you to work and school. It is also an interesting picnic dish.


Sushi is raw fish laid on a compressed ball of rice, lightly seasoned with vinegar. Recipes and fillings for sushi are extremely diverse, for example, spicy caviar sea ​​urchin or thick, juicy amaebi (sweet shrimp) - once you try them, you will definitely not be disappointed. But despite the sublime image of sushi, it is primarily street food.

Onigiri with sesame seeds and yukari - recipe

Rice must be washed in cold water, rinse until the water runs clear. Then throw it into a saucepan and cover with water. Boil the rice over medium heat, covered until it boils. During cooking, rice should not be mixed or set up. When the rice has come to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer it for another 9 - 15 minutes. Then about 10 - 15 minutes remained without removing the lid. Well-cooked rice has a rough, dented surface. Immediately after cooking, it should be removed from the pot into another vessel.


Ramen, or egg noodles in salty broth, is a favorite among Japanese "night" dishes. Ramen is a perfect example of borrowed, in this case from China, a dish to which the Japanese have given their special taste. There are 4 main types of ramen broth: tonkotsu (pork bone broth), miso, soy sauce, and salty broth. Fukuoka is famous for its tonkotsu ramen and Hokkaido for its spicy miso ramen.

Rice cool and divide into two parts. For the first part of Yukari, add and mix thoroughly. With rice balls, we form the size of a golf ball. In the second part of the rice ball, we form the size of a golf ball, and spheronization of their sesame seeds. Nowadays it is hard to imagine them without a second breakfast, lunch or picnic. Rice balls are different tastes and each region in the Land of the Rising Sun has its own unique recipe. With snack based rice, we form a triangle with rounded corners.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, and then fry over low heat on both sides of the ball. After frying, transfer the onigir to a plate on top of it, we place the pieces of salmon. We can decorate them like onions or fresh herb leaves. Korean cuisine fashion Korean cuisine for several years, is cited among the world's important culinary trends. Balanced, varied dishes, fermented, grilled dishes and spices - all this attracts the interest of gourmets from all corners. For many centuries, the Korean peninsula has a mixed culture.


Unagi is river eel roasted on charcoal and seasoned with sweet barbecue sauce. According to folk beliefs, unagi - ideal remedy during the hot, humid and exhausting Japanese summer. This delicacy is reminiscent of old Japan, and most eel restaurants capture this atmosphere perfectly. Freshly caught unagi can be tasted from May to October.

Local food has changed under the influence of contact with the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, the Japanese, Mongols and Europeans. This contributed to the creation of interesting and original culinary arts. Korean cuisine is not only food, it is a philosophy, a way of presenting food on a plate, labels, and is also important element public life.

Japanese food sushi, sashimi, ramen and sake, who still don't associate these dishes and foods? Japanese cuisine in device and aesthetic plays today important role. Freshness, seasonality, types of food, route of introduction are just some of the elements that characterize food from Japan. Japanese culinary culture has been shaped over centuries by adapting and transforming outside cultural influences to today inspire chefs and researchers from all over the world.


Light and airy tempura Japanese version the world's well-done food (although it is most likely that such food gained fame in the Land of the Rising Sun thanks to Portuguese merchants). Seafood and vegetables in batter, traditionally fried in sesame oil, are served with a small amount of salt or soy sauce with grated radish for dipping tempura.

In addition to the opportunity to buy unique, hand job confectionery, the organizers have prepared many additional attractions. A sweet surprise will also await the participants. Detailed list shopping attractions on site. Ramen with miso paste is a very interesting and important dish. Pasta can be served, for example, with duck or glazed bacon.

Fried poultry with miso - recipe

Add water to the pot and broth dashi the garlic, shallots and meat. After bringing to a boil, we reduce the heat. The broth is boiled under the lid for 4-6 hours. After this time, season it with soy sauce and mirin. 3 minutes before the end of cooking, add the miso paste and mix thoroughly. Prepare the noodles according to package instructions. Place cooked pasta in bowls, pour in broth. Then place the ingredients on top: chopped duck breasts and chopped parsley.


Kaiseki is part of the Japanese dinner, and the ability to prepare such a dish is equated with Japanese haute cuisine. Several centuries ago, kaiseki was a meal served during the tea ceremony in (it should be noted that to this day it remains the capital of kaiseki).

Japanese cuisine, rich in vegetables, fruits, rice, fish and seafood, is considered one of the healthiest in the world. The ingredients of many dishes are cooked for a short time, so they retain valuable nutritional values. Asian cuisine is gaining more and more connoisseurs. This is due not only to new restaurants that have been created in our country, but also to the increasingly frequent trips of Poles to distant countries. Many supporters get Japanese cuisine: although rather exotic for our palate in terms of flavors, it is prized for its low calorie content and easy digestibility.

Kaiseki is a simple set of dishes served in the most meticulous manner on exquisite tableware. Only fresh ingredients are used for its preparation. The choice of ingredients for each dish depends on current season.


Soba, long thin buckwheat noodles, has long been a staple in Japanese cuisine. It is especially popular in mountainous regions, where frost-resistant buckwheat crops are valued higher than rice. Soba is served either hot with soy sauce or room temperature with broth on a bamboo mat. Purists who don't like noodles boiled in soup prefer the second option.

Connoisseurs healthy eating pay attention to the abundance of vegetables, fruits, rice, fish and seafood that are part of the dishes. It is important that elements of many Japanese dishes are cooked for a short time, so that they retain valuable nutritional values.

Japanese cuisine and "slow life" Proponents of the idea of ​​"slow life" pay attention to the fact that Japanese cuisine - perfect combination this trend: the dishes are prepared with great care and attention not only to the so-called purity of flavors, but also to a beautiful presentation on the plate. The attitude of the Japanese towards food is also important: according to tradition, food is eaten in concentration, with small bites, with respect and celebration. Immediate tone and overeating.

shabu shabu

The name of the dish comes from the sound that occurs when thin slices of beef or pork are lowered with chopsticks into a boiling broth. This is an extremely sophisticated dish. A plate of marbled meat is served at the table, which the visitors cook themselves. Moment - and the mouth is already full of food.

A Guide to Japanese Flavors. Although we have long made friends with the concept of sushi, others Japanese names may be a mystery to us. For anyone who wants to get to know them, we recommend our short guide to the most important ingredients and dishes in the world. Knowledge of many concepts will be useful not only during your stay in the Land of the Rising Sun, but also in Poland - while visiting a Japanese restaurant.

Dashi is in the form of pastes, cubes and granulates. Used as a base for soups and sauces. Very popular in Japanese cuisine. There are about 50 types of miso with different flavors and colors, also made from rice and wheat. Pasta is rich in proteins, minerals and vitamins. Ponzu sauce made with rice vinegar, lime and Mirin wine is extremely popular in Japan.


Okonomiyaki, which literally means "fried as you like," food cooked without special efforts, in the best Japanese traditions. This dish breaks typical image fine Japanese cuisine.

Okonomiyaki is a spicy flatbread filled with any number of foods (usually cabbage and pork), sprinkled on top of thinly sliced dried fish, dried seaweed, seasoned with mayonnaise and Worcester sauce. Cooking this dish is very interesting: in most restaurants, diners fry their own okonomiyaki on an electric stove built into the table.

Sashimi is a Japanese way of feeding fish. These are small pieces of raw fish that are served as an appetizer just before the main course. Sashimi is served with wasabi and ponzu sauce. Surimi. food product, obtained from minced white fish meat, is very popular in Far Eastern cuisines. After seasoning and proper education, it is available on the market, for example, as crab sticks, which are added, among others, to salads and sushi.

Tempura Japanese way cooking. Extremely popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, but from Portugal - it was borrowed from the Jesuits who came to the islands. Tempura is dipped in dough for dough and fried in olive oil with sesame seeds of fish, seafood and vegetables served with tentsuyu sauce.


The introduction of tonkatsu, a breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet, dates back to the 19th century, when Japan opened its borders to the west. But forget about the European version of this dish, the ingredients and cooking method are absolutely Japanese.

It is made from dashi, Mirin wine, soy sauce and sugar. Tentsuyu is served with tempura dishes. Tofu A specialty of Japanese cuisine, also known and popular in China, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea. Tofu is a type of curd made from soy milk. He has White color and jelly-like consistency. It is extremely nutritious and healthy. Tofu is integral part many Far Eastern dishes - in this region of the world they are prepared differently. They can be served both hot and cold.

Wasabi Bylina, from which a popular addition to sushi and sashimi is prepared. Wasabi is characterized by a pungent and bitter taste comparable to grated fresh horseradish. The supplement is available as a paste or powder. Any Japanese food recipe is a case of an imaginary journey through an exotic land of flavors, shapes and textures. The Land of Sunrise has a rich culinary culture perfected over thousands of years and slowly conquering the world.

Tonkatsu, especially when made from kuro-buta (a Berkshire pig breed) in Kagoshima, melts gently in your mouth. These cutlets are served with a bowl of miso soup and shredded cabbage.


Returning home after a hard day's work, the Japanese often buy a cold beer and a few skewers of yakitori - pieces of chicken grilled over coals. For yakitori, both chicken meat and its insides are used. Moderately done chicken is served with either salt or tare sauce (made from mirin, sugar, and soy sauce).

Rice is so impressive to the Japanese that at some point in history it was used as a currency of exchange, and the word for rice cooked in Japanese also means "meal" - in other words, there is no table without rice. Rice used in food recipes or cakes has a short grain and becomes sticky when cooked. The Japanese prefer white rice, which they find tastier than brown rice. Sushi recipes, onion, chajuk and many other Japanese recipes contain rice as the main ingredient.

It can be paired with seaweed, fish, vegetables, spices, soy sauce, raw or cooked eggs, and just about anything that goes through a chef's head. Since the country consists of islands, Japanese cuisine pays great attention the delights offered by the ocean: seaweed, seafood and, of course, fish and marine mammals.

Culinary community Li.Ru -

If you are tired of empty cereals, I suggest preparing a savory and very easy-to-prepare Japanese dish. Everything will turn out great for you, even if you don’t know how to cook.

Each country has its own way of making an omelet with its own special ingredients. Japanese omelette with rice will surprise you with its composition, but also beautiful way filing.

However, the most famous Japanese cuisine, sushi, is not based on the fierce fish that we believe Europeans are. There are several varieties of sushi, and the only common ingredient is rice, which can be combined with meat, seaweed, soy, etc. for example, Inarizushi is a combination of rice and tofu, while Chirashizushi contains rice and several types of sashimi - raw meat that can be fish or anything else. by the most famous view sushi are norimaki, fish roll and rice wrapped in seaweed.

Important ingredients in Japanese cuisine include noodles, which can replace rice in some cooking recipes. Traditionally, noodles are served cold, as well as sauce. But the Japanese also include it in soup recipes, a habit picked up from the Chinese over the past hundred years.

Today I will show you how to make nigiri at home. However, the nigiri recipe is extremely simple, and you can figure it out even without it. But for clarity, I think a recipe with a photo will come in handy for many.

Japanese rice is made with eggs and vegetables. You can also add meat or tofu, to taste. Japanese rice can be a good tasty side dish or a light main dish. Try it.

Another "registered trademark" of Japanese chefs is sashimi, raw meat cut into very thin slices. Usually fish or seafood, but some areas also eat horse, chicken, or sashimi beef. A specialty of the Japanese is Ikizukuri, sashimi made from a live animal, usually a fish.

Other ingredients commonly found in Japanese cuisines are seaweed, chicken, or quail eggs, tofu and other soy products, crustaceans, vegetables, exotic fruits and mushrooms - the famous maitaek, shiitake and others are known to have healing properties. Of course, preparing a Japanese recipe is not easy, not because they are complex themselves, but because the ingredients are rare in us. But sushi recipes, Japanese rice or noodles should be tested at least once and be sure to be served with chopsticks.

In order to cook rolls at home, you only need a can of canned tuna and carrots. Very tasty and hearty rolls with canned tuna will be a full meal.

The recipe for a simple and easy dish of fried shrimp with onions. Onions give shrimp a spicy flavor. Shrimp can be served as an appetizer or as a hot dish with boiled rice.

The Japanese and Koreans still cannot share this recipe - each side assures that kimchi is precisely its national treasure. For us, the origin of this delicious dish is not so important as the technology of its preparation. So, a simple kimchi soup recipe adapted to Russian culinary realities;)

Traditional option cooking beef in Japan using vegetables, soy sauce and sesame seeds. It turns out quite unusual, but at the same time incredibly pleasant taste.

Japanese chicken legs are best served with rice. It turns out chicken legs are spicy, so serve fresh rice.

Tofu in batter looks like fish sticks. The dish is hearty, quick to prepare and suitable for vegetarians. This is a great hot appetizer. Tofu is breaded and fried in oil. Try it!

The sweetish-spicy taste of Japanese liver will appeal to lovers of new sensations. I tell you how to make liver in Japanese - I recommend trying it, the dish is very good!

Shrimp patties are one of the most popular Japanese dishes. Yes, cutlets are also made in the land of the rising sun :) I advise you to try it, the taste is very unusual.

For two decades now, sushi and rolls have conquered the entire planet, but another Japanese-style fish recipe has bypassed worldwide recognition. Meanwhile, sashimi is one of the simplest and most delicious meals in the world!

Rolls at home are easy to prepare, besides, it can be a fun and tasty entertainment for a group of friends. You will need a bamboo mat, nori, sushi rice, avocado and salmon.

If you have leftover rolls that you could not eat the day before, then make a simple dish - rolls in tempura. It is very easy - I will tell and even show with pictures how to do it.

Do you like oriental cuisine and want to repeat it at home? There is nothing easier, because it is enough to cook meat in Japanese style and plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Pay attention to the ingredients - this is not a simple spicy chicken, this is Japanese-style chicken in an unusual sauce with coconut milk! This exotic dish is prepared quickly and easily.

Chicken Roll Recipe - Making Asian rolls with chicken, ginger, apple, onion and sweet chili sauce.

Recipe for shish kebab of sea scallops, oranges, ginger and cucumbers with honey. If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 30 minutes before using.

Marinated shiitake takes 40 minutes to cook. This is a delicious snack that can be stored in the refrigerator. When marinating, in addition to shiitake mushrooms, add cloves, pepper and other spices.

Shiitake noodles are good for a snack, side dish or a light lunch. You can add seafood, chicken or other meat to such noodles. A dish of fresh Asian noodles, shiitake mushrooms and spices is being prepared.

Shiitake mushroom soup is simple and very tasty. Let's add tofu cheese, a little mushroom or enoki to the shiitake soup, as well as green onion. It turns out a light, elegant and at the same time very satisfying soup.

Japanese traditional shiitake miso soup is cooked in half an hour. Ginger, tofu, vegetables and, of course, miso are added to it. Shiitake is a source of vitamin D, so the soup comes out both tasty and healthy.

As a rule, wasabi paste, which is used when serving rolls and preparing some Asian dishes, is bought in a store. I will tell you how to make wasabi at home from wasabi powder.

Daikon came to us from the East. If you have not tried to cook a daikon radish salad, you urgently need to fix it. Very useful and economical, not bitter. Worth cooking!

Chicken "Katsu"

Chicken "Katsu" is a Japanese dish, which is a very tasty chicken fillet fried in an egg and breadcrumbs. Everyone can cook it - especially with a simple step-by-step recipe.

I show how to make sushi (rolls) at home. If you have never tried to cook sushi (rolls) at home - try it. The process is simple and exciting, and the result is very tasty!

delicious recipe rice with seafood. The Japanese consider rice to be a sacred food. The attitude to this product is also special. A lot of dishes are prepared with rice, dishes with a sea cocktail are especially popular.

Chicken fillet in Teriyaki sauce

An exotic but simple recipe for chicken fillet in traditional Japanese Teriyaki sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soy sauce.

Teriyaki sauce (Teriyaki) is a Japanese dish based on soy sauce. You can buy it in the store, or you can cook it at home, especially since the recipe for making teriyaki sauce is not at all complicated.

Enjoy the subtle exquisite taste sushi with eel, touch the secrets of Japanese cuisine. Making eel sushi at home is quite simple, but it turns out tastier than in a sushi bar!

Shrimp rolls are dedicated to all lovers of sushi and seafood. Making rolls at home is easy, and step by step recipe with a photo will tell you in detail how to do it.

Salad "Chuka"

Chuka salad is a traditional Japanese salad made from seaweed. I tell you how to make Chuka salad at home - it's quite simple if you have the right ingredients.

The Japanese also eat meatballs. Japanese cutlets with cheese are quite similar to the cutlets we are used to, but they still differ in some ways. I share the recipe for Japanese meatballs!

Marinated Fish Recipe - Cooking grilled tuna under a Japanese marinade. In addition to fish dishes, the marinade is also suitable for chicken, beef, tofu and vegetables.

Rolls with avocado, salmon and cucumber - one of the most popular classic types rolls. Avocado, salmon and cucumber are classics of the genre. If you are cooking or trying for the first time - then what you need.

Japanese potato salad is something you've definitely never tried before. The most ordinary, familiar vegetables give birth to a Japanese salad that is completely unexpected in taste and design.

Recipe for hot rolls with salmon and cucumber.

You don't have to go to a sushi bar or restaurant to try delicious rolls with tuna and cucumber. It is enough to open this recipe and try a little. Good luck!

Daikon chamomile is an incredibly beautiful appetizer that will look spectacular on anyone. festive table and will give a subconscious signal to all guests: here they know how to cook tasty and beautiful.

Pickled daikon is an easy-to-make and simply excellent appetizer or side dish. Surprise your guests with this wonderful pickled vegetable!

Miso soup - a traditional dish Japanese cuisine suitable for healthy eating. In Japan, this soup is cooked for breakfast and throughout the day. Easy to prepare recipe. Ingredients: dashi, miso, tofu.

Futomaki with scrambled eggs and shiitake are rolls for those who do not trust raw fish. It turns out no worse than with salmon, tuna or eel. Dedicated to the same roll lovers like me :)

Don't be alarmed, the Japanese omelet with soy sauce is a fairly simple dish to prepare that does not require any outlandish and inaccessible ingredients. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty!

Actually, this salad is called "Ebi Sunomono", but for simplicity I will simply call it - Japanese cucumber salad :) Great idea for a simple but unusual vegetable salad.

Classic Japanese traditional cuisine - sushi with salmon. You don't have to go to a restaurant to cook awesome salmon sushi - you can do it at home!

The most popular type of tea in Japan. More than 80% of the tea produced in the country is septya. It is very gentle, fragrant and useful. It is obtained from the bunch and gyokuro varieties.

Remember the various coffee surrogates made from grains and chicory that were popular in the Soviet Union? Before you is a much more ancient Japanese analogue of roasted barley grains, which has retained its popularity today.

Vegetarian vegetable miso soup is a delicious and very healthy soup. Japanese cuisine is based on fish, but we will prepare a soup without fish, but nevertheless full of vitamins and useful substances!

Hosomaki are rolls and sushi with one filling. If you are preparing rolls for the first time, then this great option to master the process.

Sweet gentle rolls will certainly appeal to all girls and sweet tooth. The recipe for sweet rolls is very easy to prepare.

Mussels are shellfish. If you follow the rules of technology, you can cook very tasty dishes from them.

Recipe for a delicacy a la Japanese tuna soup, mushrooms and sea greens with sprat appetizer in dough.

Genmaicha (genmaicha), from the Japanese "brown rice tea" is an ancient energy drink used by the poor to maintain strength. It was made from green tea leaves and fried rice.

Tamago yaki recipe. Japanese omelette - tamago yaki, a very popular dish in Japanese cuisine.

A recipe for an Asian dish made from spinach, soy sauce, rice vinegar, Japanese wine and sesame oil.

Recipe for making rolls with grape leaves. For those who do not want to collect excess weight you will love this dish.

"Chakin Shibori" Japanese dessert

In the process of cooking, a very unusual and original dessert. You won't need much time to prepare this dish. It turns out very tasty. The Japanese love this dessert.

The world-famous Rice Vodka from the Land of the Rising Sun is actually rice beer, if you look closely at the brewing process. Interestingly, this drink is easy to make at home!

Recipe for crispy shrimp pouches. This dish is very good for lunch.

Recipe for cabbage rolls with shrimp sea ​​kale and lettuce leaves. The dish is low-calorie, satisfying, tasty and very healthy.

Taco rice recipe with onions, garlic, ground beef, soy sauce, cumin, lettuce, tomatoes. Mozzarella cheese, salsa and sour cream.

A modern Japanese omelet recipe. In Japan, it is also called Wasei-eigo (wasei-eigo), in England it is known as the "Japanese portmanteau" (Japanese portmanteau)