How to make a pattern for a tilda doll. Tilda clothing is a very important element of your toy. Pantaloons for Tilda

Today, quirky Tilda rag dolls are gaining more and more popularity. Once you get into this wonderful world, you stay in it forever, because it is love at first sight. Tilda is the sweetest and kindest creature that any needlewoman can create. In addition, on the Internet today you can find a lot of patterns of various types of dolls, the most difficult thing is to choose the one and only one, your Tilda, from the huge variety. And come up with an exclusive outfit for her. To make it easier for you, we have collected in this article the most popular and original ideas on how to sew clothes for Tilda dolls with your own hands, patterns for each model will help you quickly understand the whole process.


You look at this beauty and believe that they have been living their lives for a long time. But, in fact, Norwegian artist and designer Toni Finnanger created this world just over 20 years ago:

  • At the turn of the century, the world saw the first such doll - with long legs, dotted eyes and rosy cheeks.
  • Realistic accessories and beautiful, often lace clothes give a special charm to these creatures.
  • Toys are sewn exclusively from natural materials - cotton, coarse calico, linen, decorated with buttons, ribbons, threads.
  • As a stuffing, a synthetic winterizer or a special filler - holofiber is used.

Usually needlewomen learn the art of creating dolls in parallel with the manufacture of angels, hares, cubs and giraffes. And one of the main questions that arises in the process of work is how to make a pattern of clothes for a tilda doll:

  • Traditionally, the doll is made of fabric of two colors, and already at the final stage they are dressed in underwear - underwear. Therefore, making clothes is very simple - just sew on a skirt or attach lace to the undershirt! The sleeves and shoes of dolls are sewn in the same way.
  • In order to make a blouse for a traditional tilde, it is enough to sew a pretty ruffled rosette to the undershirt, and tie the doll's arms with pieces of ribbons that will play the role of cuffs.


When deciding how to sew clothes for a tilde, make patterns, you should know a few simple answers from the practice of experienced craftswomen:

  • How to sew a Tilde dress? To create it, it is enough to circle the outlines of the doll, while not forgetting to add about a centimeter for seam allowances.
  • How to sew clothes for Tilda the Hare? Usually, eared ones are dressed in pajamas or overalls. A shirt and pants would be a great option. Patterns for this type of doll are also easy to make. Circle the outlines of the doll, determining the required length. Don't forget to add seam allowances.
  • How to sew a complex style tilde doll dress? There is an answer to this question too. Wrap the body of your doll with an ordinary paper napkin, secure it with pins and draw the outline of the desired dress. After removing the napkin, you can easily model the clothes you need, based on the size of your creation.

Important! In order to make shoes for a doll, it also does not require much effort. Heeled shoes or boots can be made from cork, cardboard, and even wood. But first, practice on flat shoes.


Many novice craftswomen are wondering not only how to sew clothes for a tilde, but also what materials are better to choose for this. The following types of fabric are recommended for the body of your future doll:

  • Cotton is the most versatile material. The advantages include high strength, softness, elasticity, susceptibility to color. But he also has disadvantages - this fabric has a tendency to shrink and turn yellow in the light.
  • Linen, like cotton, is a fairly durable material and is resistant to the test of time, in particular, to light and decay. Linen fabrics have sufficient rigidity and have little shrinkage. The disadvantages of this material include its high cost.
  • Cotton jersey has high elasticity and wear resistance. But it is absolutely not suitable for making Tilda. Knitwear tends to stretch, as a result - after the stuffing stage, you can get a more voluminous product than you planned.
  • Coarse calico can also be attributed to the ideal option. Cotton dense fabric, light and hygienic, relatively inexpensive. Its disadvantage is transparency.
  • Fleece, which is a synthetic material, is very light in weight and does not require special care. It is not subject to biological degradation and does not cause allergies. Another plus is its relatively inexpensive cost.

Important! Do-it-yourself clothes for Tilda dolls can be made from absolutely any fabric that comes to hand. Knitwear, jeans, gabardine, jacquard - here the choice depends entirely on your imagination. There is only one exception: the size of the pattern on the fabric must be small, otherwise your doll will look ridiculous in a dress with large elements.

Dress for Tilda

When the question of how to make a pattern of clothes for a Tilda doll is resolved, you can safely get to work. For this you will need:

  • fabric for the base of the dress;
  • lace, braid and other decorative elements;
  • mesh, tulle or organza (if you decide to make a fluffy petticoat);
  • thread, needle, scissors.
  • We cut out the details of the dress from the main fabric and from the lining.
  • Using pins, we chop these parts together, and then we sew the future dress. First we lay the shoulder seam.
  • We cut off the front and back parts along the armhole line. After they are fixed, we sew them on a typewriter. We process the clasp on the back in the same way.

Important! It is better to cut off the excess part that was left on the allowance so that there are no extra seals. It is also worth cutting off the excess diagonally at the corners of the parts.

  • On the neck, from the side of the allowance, we make several cuts in a circle, not reaching the seam line. In this way, you will be able to achieve the perfect line at the final stage, without creases and clips.
  • Now we turn the top part of the dress inside out.

Important! Check that all corners are carefully straightened.

  • We sew the armhole and the place of the future armhole on a typewriter. Then we work on the wrong side of the dress. We sew the side parts of the dress and do not forget to cut off the excess fabric left for allowances.
  • Now let's take a look at the bottom of the dress. For her, we need a rectangle from the main fabric. Determine the width and length based on the size of your tilde. The longer the stripe, the more magnificent the frill will be. We cut out the lower part of the dress - the skirt.
  • On the workpiece, we immediately do the processing of the hem. Inside we bend 0.5 centimeters and sew on a typewriter.
  • From above we also lay a line, but without bending the fabric. Due to this machine stitch, we make an assembly on the skirt by gently pulling on one end of the thread.

Important! If you want, you can sew on a tulle or organza petticoat.

  • Now it remains only to assemble the parts of the dress into one whole, attach the bodice to the skirt.
  • A strip of lace can be sewn to the bottom of the dress from the inside, slightly longer than the main fabric, also pre-assembly on it. Or decorate the hem with a beautiful braid.

By the same principle, you can solve the question of how to sew a dress for a Tilda doll of any style:

  • Semi-fitted with a frill at the hips.
  • With a cut-off skirt at the waist.

Cut out a long strip from the fabric, use a stitch to ruffle it and sew an additional frill from the main fabric to the skirt, which will make the clothes even more magnificent and elegant.

Important! In the same way, you can make the sleeves of the dress. But here you need to take into account one nuance. The arms are first dressed in clothes, that is, sleeves are created on them, and only then you sew these parts to the body.

Pantaloons for Tilda

In search of answers to the question of how to sew clothes for Tilda, you have probably already looked at hundreds of sites and photos of these gentle creatures. And they noticed that many dolls have pantaloons under their skirts. They are decorated with lace or braid, which gives the doll a special sophistication and charm. Therefore, let's look at the issue of creating this piece of clothing:

  1. First of all, measure the volume of the hips of the calf, the height of the seat and the desired length of the pants.
  2. Then draw a pattern on paper. You can also draw the details directly on the fabric, using a remnant or chalk. Don't forget to add seam allowances. The pattern should consist of two parts - the right and left parts. There are no side seams.
  3. First, connect the parts together along the seam of the seat, and then sew the inner seams - the blank for the pantaloons is ready.
  4. Put it on your doll. And make opposite folds at the bottom of the legs, on the side of the leg, so that the pants fit snugly to the silhouette, but at the same time create a beautiful volume.
  5. You can also make a beautiful gathering by making a seam with small stitches and tightening the thread.
  6. Now make the pants fit at the top. Along the waist line, lay beautiful, soft folds on the sides.
  7. Now carefully sew the trousers to the body from above, the edge of the fabric can not be folded, as this part will be covered by a skirt or dress.
  8. Finishing the bottom of the pantaloons - on the contrary, pay special attention. This part will be visible from under the skirt, so it should be decorated with lace or braid.

Clothes for Tilda Hare

Another popular question that worries needlewomen: how to sew clothes for Tilda the Hare? As we have already said, this type of doll is most often dressed in pajamas or a suit consisting of trousers and a shirt.

Pants are made in the same way as pantaloons. Below, initially, when drawing a pattern, it is worth slightly narrowing each leg and bending it inward. Or you can make folds outward, then when drawing a pattern, you need to lay the required amount of fabric on it.

Here it is worth dwelling in more detail on how to sew clothes for Tilda's shirt pattern. This piece of clothing should fit snugly to the body, so it's worth taking the pattern of the doll itself and using it for the shirt, adding 1 cm on each side for seam allowances. This will help you achieve the exact size. Next, we perform the following actions:

  1. From the fabric that is prepared for clothes, cut out the shelf and back - the main details of the future shirt.
  2. Next, lay only one side seam and process the bottom of the shirt by simply folding the edge of the fabric so that it does not crumble.
  3. Next, proceed to such a detail as a collar. By the body, determine the width and length of the part, draw it on the fabric.
  4. Do not forget to prepare a part for the strap. Its dimensions depend on the size of your doll.
  5. Iron the bar so that the edges of the fabric remain inside, from the wrong side. Now we sew it in place - in the middle of the shelf. Do not forget to fold the top of the part so that the finished shirt looks neat.
  6. Now try on the detail of the future collar, if necessary, cut off the excess and draw up the final version.
  7. After that, attach a collar to the workpiece or sew it by hand with neat, small stitches.
  8. Then roll up the collar and iron it again for the final look.
  9. Now you sew the shirt, but leave a small gap so that you can put it on Tilda Bunny.
  10. Put the shirt on the doll and sew the shirt to the end along the placket line using a blind seam
  11. Now repeat everything that you did at the beginning - only with your hands. Take the details, wrap them in fabric, taking into account the indentation of half a centimeter.
  12. Sew the sleeves with a hidden seam on the details of the calf, not forgetting to bend the bottom.
  13. Now sew the handles, already with sleeves, to the body of the hare.

Shoes for Tilda

A story about how to make a pattern for a Tilda doll would be incomplete without such a detail as shoes. The following materials are suitable for her:

  • For the front side of the product, it is better to choose artificial suede. It is better to duplicate this material with interlining so that it does not crumble at the edges.
  • For the wrong side, take a tough artificial leather so that the shoes keep their shape.
  • For the sole, you should also opt for artificial leather. If it seems to you not rigid enough, then duplicate it - either with interlining, or with another layer of material.

The pattern for shoes is quite simple:

  • You need to outline the foot of your doll.
  • The upper part of the boot will be curved and somewhat reminiscent of a horseshoe. You make its length and width “by eye”, based on the length of the foot.

Important! The most remarkable thing about such a pattern is its arbitrariness. The toe can be either rounded or pointed. The cutout can be both large and close to the leg. The main thing is that in the end the design should be tightly and confidently held on the puppet leg.

  1. Duplicate those details that you consider necessary.
  2. Attach the upper part of the boot so that its middle and the center of the sole match.
  3. From this point, you begin to carefully connect the parts with an overcast seam. The stitches should be small, insert the needle at a distance of 0.3-0.5 mm from the edge.
  4. After you have reached the heel, leave the free end of the thread. Do not fasten it, return to the center again.
  5. Finish the other side of the shoe with the same overcast stitch.

Now you just have to connect both parts, moving from the sole up. You can choose any seam you like. If all measurements were taken correctly, then the shoes should fit perfectly on the leg of your Tilda.

Good afternoon, dear craftswomen!

In our past articles, we introduced you to the distinctive features of Tilda dolls. We also learned how to sew a Tilda Pumpkinhead doll.

Dolls in the style of "Tilda" are popular all over the world. Now it is fashionable to give Tilda dolls as a souvenir, gift or interior decoration.

In this article you will find various patterns for Tilda dolls, as well as a master class for sewing a Tilda doll for beginners. Here you will find patterns for Tilda dolls in full size, and you can download patterns for free and sew a Tilda doll with your own hands.

Tilda doll patterns

Angels and fairies are a very popular theme for gentle Tilds.

Tilda - floral angel, Tilda is a sewing angel, an angel of home comfort, a sleepy angel ... Tilda will turn into an angel, one has only to sew beautiful wings for her. And you will sew Tilda - an angel and wings for her, using the pattern below. Tilda doll life-size patterns for free.

Pattern Tilda Angel.

The pattern can be printed on a printer or transferred from the monitor screen to paper.

Also in the summer I want to sew Tilda - beach girl, in a cute swimsuit and headband. To make it easier than ever, since there is practically no costume, we sew it together with a pattern and sew on a small skirt.

Pattern Tilda Beach Girl

From the pattern below, you can sew Tilda - a witch, Tilda the schoolgirl, Sleepy Angel, Santa Claus. The nose must be stuffed carefully with synthetic winterizer so that it stands out on the face.

Pattern doll Tilda schoolgirl.

Another pattern of an angel, only the wings are smaller here. The basis for Tilda - a coffee angel, a country angel, etc. for your imagination.
Tilda life size patterns

Pattern Tilda Angel

Classic Tilda - refined, slender. The next pattern is suitable for Tilda in a coat, in a sweater, in a beautiful princess dress.

Pattern Tilda Princess

Dress pattern for Tilda

The next Tilda pattern is suitable for Splyushka, Santa Claus.

Pattern doll Tilda Sleepy Angel

Pattern doll Tilda Splyushki

Cute Pinocchio also comes in Tilda style.

Pattern Tilda Pinocchio

Tilda Bigfoot Pattern

Making clothes for a tilde doll is not difficult at all if you already know how to sew Tilda toys. However, in order to get it neat and beautiful, you will have to try! Usually, needlewomen study the art of modeling clothes for dolls in parallel with the manufacture of angels, hares, cubs and Tilda giraffes. Clothes for tilde - patterns can help if you lack fresh ideas in making doll clothes.

Fabrics for clothes Tilda-dolls

Clothes for a tilde can be made from almost any material, but most often natural fabrics (linen, calico, batiste and cotton) are used for this purpose in pastel shades: lilac, lavender, lemon, light green and pale blue.

If it is more convenient for you to use synthetic fabric, then choose a plain fabric or fabric with small patterns or patterns - such fabrics will blend well with each other, in addition, they look spectacular on Tilda dolls.

Materials that are often used for clothes for tilde dolls are tulle, organza (for making tutus, for example), silk, fleece, knitwear, jeans and chintz.

Clothes for tilde dolls: how to sew?

There are several ways to make clothes for Tilda dolls. Traditional tilde dolls are made of fabric of two colors and already at the final stage of production are dressed in underwear - underwear.

Therefore, making clothes for these dolls is very simple: sew on a skirt or attach lace to the bodysuit - and Tilda is dressed! Sleeves (or cuffs to them) and shoes of dolls are sewn in the same way.

In order to make a blouse for a traditional tilde, it is enough to sew a pretty ruffled rosette to the undershirt, and tie the doll's arms with pieces of ribbons that will play the role of cuffs.

It is more difficult to make partially sewn-in clothes: they are made in the usual way and sewn to the body of the doll. These are dresses, overalls, pants with suspenders, shirts.

Dresses for tilde dolls are sewn according to simple patterns: to create it, it is enough to circle the doll with a half-centimeter allowance. The material for the dress - chintz or knitwear - is pasted over with interlining from the inside so that the clothes for the tilde fit better on the soft doll. If not lace, but ruffles are used to decorate the dress, then the ruffle seam should be located on the back side. Ruffles are typed on a thread and neatly connected to the dress (they must first be secured with pins). The folds must be carefully ironed, after which the dress can no longer be removed from the doll.

Hare tilde - clothing is often represented by pajamas or overalls, but you can sew a shirt, detachable pants or even a suit for him. To do this, you will need a tilde hare pattern, according to which you sewed your toy.

Trace the pattern on the shirt fabric, leaving a seam allowance. Two identical parts of the shirt need to be sewn on the sides, iron the seams. Sew the bottom of the shirt and sew the front placket and two pieces of the shirt collar from small rectangular pieces of fabric. Now you need to carefully stitch the bar on the typewriter to the front half of the shirt, and the collar halves to its upper part.

The sleeves of the shirt are sewn directly to the bunny's paws, and sew two small buttons to the bar.

That's all - the shirt for the tilde hare is ready.

If you want, you can complement it with stylish corduroy pants, sewn according to a simple pattern. The hardest part about making these panties is making sure that the stripes on the two sides of the pattern line up with each other. And, of course, do not forget about accuracy at all stages of the process: fix the fabric with pins and iron the seams with an iron, no matter how laborious it may be.

Tilda dolls are, first of all, interior toys, but if children play with tildes, then it makes sense to make clothes that are easy to take off and put on. Several removable sets of clothes for your author's doll will make the baby's play more interesting and exciting. Removable clothes for tilde dolls can be of any style and are sewn from almost any material. Clothes for a tilde are sewn in almost the same way as clothes for a child, so by increasing some doll clothes in size, you can sew a spectacular carnival costume for your child.

Those who sewed a beautiful interior doll know that sewing clothes for a doll can be many times more difficult than the doll itself.
How to sew a dress for a Tilda doll will be told by Lyubov Neustroeva in her master class, the master class is very detailed, it will help even for beginners in sewing:

We will need fabric for the dress, it is desirable that it does not crumble much at the edges, so that it is more convenient to sew. The neckline, the edges of the sleeves and the hem of the dress will be processed with an oblique trim.

We cut out a rectangle from the fabric - this will be the hem of the dress. The length of the rectangle depends on how long you want the dress to be. The width of the rectangle depends on how many folds you want to make.

We trace the patterns on the fabric. Back 1 piece, shelf - 2 pieces, sleeve - 2 pieces.

We cut out the cut out parts, with seam allowances of 0.5 cm.

We sew shoulder seams on a typewriter:

We outline the oblique trim on the edges of the sleeves and the hem of the dress:

We sew some inlay on the hem of the dress and on the sleeves:

We sew a slanting inlay on the neck. Here's what happened.

We outline the sleeves and then sew on a typewriter:

Here's what happened on the front:

Here's what happened on the wrong side:

Now from the wrong side you need to flash the inner seams of the sleeves and the dress:

Here's what happened (front side of the dress):

Now we need to distribute the folds on the hem of our dress. We take a rectangle (hem), find the middle and already from it, first in one, and then in the other direction, we mark folds 1 cm each (I do this with needles)

We apply the top and bottom of the dress with the front sides and fasten with needles:

We sew on a typewriter:

Here's what happened (front side). Our dress is almost ready! You can try on a doll :)

It remains only to sew one seam, for this we fold the dress in half with the front side inward and stab it with needles along the line of the future seam. You need to sew from the bottom of the dress, but not to the end (not to the neck), do not forget that we need to put it on over our heads. When the seam is sewn, you can turn it inside out, iron it and put it on the doll. After dressing, we sew the dress on the back to the neck with a hidden seam and sew on a small button or bead for beauty. :)

That's all! Our dress is ready!

Here is what the doll looks like in this dress:

Interior toys from Lyubov Neustroyeva can be viewed here.