A Hollywood style party is a great idea for an original holiday. Old Hollywood glamor style

Hollywood chic associated with images of stars walking down the red carpet and girls storming the vintage stores of West Hollywood. To adopt this style, choose elegant clothes that flatter your figure. Of course, you should not wear evening dresses around the clock. Perfectly harmonized clothing items and original decor will perfectly convey the atmosphere of Hollywood.

Hollywood clothing style

Lush ball dresses and the abundance of frills are contrary to Hollywood fashion. Clothing should be concise and truly luxurious. Brocade dress in the style of the 50s has an undeniable charm. A floor-length skirt may seem modest, but decorative seam gives it true elegance. Classic combination Sweaters and pencil skirts will look more interesting with an animal print cashmere cardigan. You can wear a smooth silk or shiny satin blouse with a embossed textured skirt. Glittering fabrics, sequins and metallic shades are perfect for Hollywood chic and refined style stars.

Hollywood chic look

Ordinary chic involves choosing clothes that visually thin the figure. For Hollywood chic, outfits that accentuate feminine forms or create the illusion of an hourglass are important. Choose shapewear that will hide problem areas and highlight the benefits. Choose fitted dresses, skirts, jackets and blouses, or accentuate your waist with a belt. Play with proportions to draw attention to your virtues. A skirt with slits will help to demonstrate slender legs. Accentuate your cleavage with deep cut And original parts such as embroidery or beadwork.

Hollywood clothing style should not include cutting edge trends. In addition, clothes do not have to be exclusively classic. Purchase some iconic vintage style items. A velvet coat, a romantic lace blouse or detailed prints will remind you of the retro - glamor of Hollywood.

The finishing touches can make or break a Hollywood chic look. Every detail of the wardrobe should be perfect: clean, ironed and perfectly fitting. Add a few accessories to make your ensemble stand out. Feathers and ruffles are associated with Hollywood retro charm, while diamonds and precious metals make you look worthy of an Oscar. Long hair should be placed in a smooth updo, and the caret can be disheveled. Don't forget to complete the look with matte red lipstick.

Expensive, shocking and brilliant - the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning a Hollywood party. How else? World-class celebrities, film masterpieces, nominations and awards, hundreds of camera flashes and crowds of fans! But it’s also props and scenery, and therefore a Hollywood-style party does not have to cost like a suite at the Roosevelt Hotel.

The colors of the evening are deep red, shining gold and black. Instead of gold, silver can prevail, and bright blue is great for adding zest to the decor. If you're planning an Old Hollywood party, prepare black and white decorations. A few ideas for decorating the hall (room, private courtyard?):

  • No Hollywood party is complete without a glamorous red carpet. It can be made from painted and glued pieces of drawing paper, rented or bought three meters of exhibition carpet (the cheapest version of a real track).
  • Place posts with sagging ropes along the path. We cut out a “washer” from the foam, stick a piece of plastic pipe into it, and put a ball for a dry pool on top. Zilch from a can of gold, pull the "ropes" - you're done!

  • Set up an "advertising" banner for photos of guests at the entrance. Instead of advertising, write catchphrases from films, the motto of the evening, or congratulations to the hero of the occasion. Designate a place for the stage (many competitions will be held here).
  • At a Hollywood-style party, you can’t do without posters, posters and photos of famous actors. If you have invited friends to Old Hollywood, black and white or sepia images are desirable.

  • At the entrance and along the walls, place cardboard silhouettes of cameramen, journalists, and fans. Ideally fit palm trees in large tubs or palm leaves as part of the compositions.
  • Cinematic attributes are useful for decoration. Film reels and crackers, cameras and large umbrellas, buckets of popcorn, tickets, etc. You will have to paint, draw and glue a lot, but no special expenses!

  • Make large HOLLYWOOD letters out of plywood or thick cardboard. Put on the floor or hang on the wall, use for photo shoots. Organize the Walk of Fame on the wall or floor - five pointed stars with the names of the guests of the party.

To add Hollywood shine, use in the design of the hall:

  • glass beads
  • serpentine, New Year's rain (not colorful)
  • electric garlands (miniature, round or star-shaped)
  • foil, glitter paper
  • satin or silk for draping walls, furniture
  • balloons (glossy, sparkling, plain or star-shaped)
  • CDs (if you split them into uneven pieces and stick them with the “cover” inside on a shiny cord, you will get beautiful garlands).


There are no less options than Hollywood celebrities! Take any of the already mentioned movie symbols as a basis. For example, two photo reels glued together (printed, glued to cardboard) with a protruding label - pulled, and a “film” with text is pulled out from the inside. Or a black-and-white cracker with a laconic inscription “Hollywood party 12/12/17 at 16-00 Take one”, and details on the back. A star, an Oscar silhouette, a ticket, a miniature poster - lots of options!

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Play up the content like an invitation to a screen test, a premiere, a season-end, an awards ceremony. And funny, and a kind of beginning to win back the scenario.

The original invitation will be a short video recorded on CD or sent by e-mail. You can pack a can of Coca-Cola and a bucket of popcorn by attaching a card. Or send out golden paper postcards with ornate official text.


Don't forget to discuss the dress code, because wearing a “grandmother's” sweater to a pompous Hollywood party is definitely ruining the surroundings. Of course, if the sweater is not part of the image of a famous actor or movie character. Don't want Princess Leia and Lara Croft, Jack Sparrow and Mad Max to be in the same society? Designate the genre and / or era - New or Old Hollywood. And find out in advance who chose what image, so that five Bonds do not have to entertain seven Marilyns.

Trying on someone else's image is not your topic? Then the option "to himself a Star": girls in chic flowing dresses, men in suits with a needle and polished shoes to a shine. Festive clothing for a Hollywood-style party does not just hint, but directly says - in front of you, well, very rich and famous! Makeup, accessories, hairstyle must match.

Catchy jewelry and "expensive" sparkling accessories can be bought at a jewelry store, and butterflies, ties and hats can be made from improvised means.

Hollywood dress code for teenagers can go a little beyond the traditional classics. For example, sneakers + jeans + jacket. For girls - Cocktail Dresses and low-heeled shoes. Watch a recording from the Academy Awards or an interview from some high-profile premiere - Hollywood youth more often prefers convenience, but stylish and fashionable.


Everything is simple here - treats for one bite. Tartlets, kebabs, canapes, vegetable and fruit cuts. Tiny sandwiches, ham, caviar and seafood - great variety but small portions. The design of the menu should be such that the guest does not have to pick at the plate. Don't forget cocktails, the obligatory champagne and soft drinks. Arrange vases with beautifully arranged sweets and cups with desserts.

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Prepare the twigs herbs, beautiful sprinkles, candied flowers and figured ice to decorate dishes worthy of the Hollywood beau monde!

Serving - buffet, Buffet or several tables for 3-4 persons. Long, flowing tablecloths and nameplates. Napkins in gold rings and miniature vases with fresh flowers. Chocolate fountains and ice figures. "Silver" and "crystal", laconic one-color or blatantly "expensive" dishes. In general, at the highest level!


Right from the door, friends should enter the role of a famous movie star - start the party script with a short Hollywood-style interview: "Mr. Alex, are you glad to be among the guests?", "Miss Angela, what emotions do you expect from the premiere?" and so on. To make the photos interesting, let the presenter and the next guest stand against the background of the "advertising" banner.

And then the premiere, screen tests or awards, there is not much difference. All competitions offered below will fit in. If the script is about awards, then name the games "Best actor, screenwriter, make-up artist." If this is a premiere, then "Scene one - the star is in shock", "Scene two - a childish surprise", etc.

Star in shock

And the Star is sad, fun, disgusting, scary. Prepare emotion cards. The guest pulls out one, reads it and silently shows it. The rest guess.

The choice of clothes can also depend on the mood. If you feel incredibly happy, you want to smile, rejoice, share your joy with others, then you will surely choose clothes of bright colors, unusual styles, because you would like others to pay attention to you. Well, when you are upset, depressed about something, you want to "go into yourself" so that no one bothers you, then choose modest, closed clothes dark tones, as if trying to become inconspicuous.

Everyone knows that the most fast way update your style - make a new hairstyle. But do you know how? Give as candid answers as possible to the following three questions. However, remember that a positive answer to at least one of them means that you are suffering from a very common disease - clientus vulgaris. Do not worry, it is treated without problems, a true professional will surely be able to choose a hairstyle that would satisfy your exacting taste!

Never cut your hair bad mood: an unsuccessful romance, being fired from a job, or a fight with best friend- by no means a reason for an urgent visit to the hairdresser, as your emotions can negatively affect your decision making. In a fit of desperation, you can venture on too radical a haircut, which you later regret.
Do not count on the fact that the hairdresser will read your thoughts: he does not know what kind of hairstyle you came up with. If you're not sure what you want, arrange for a preliminary consultation, not a haircut. During the consultation, you and the stylist will look at photos with hairstyles and discuss what exactly you need and which hairstyle will suit you, take your time, because choosing a hairstyle is not such an easy task.
Don't expect a haircut to radically change your look: a good haircut will accentuate your face, make the most of your hair's texture and length, and match your lifestyle and personal style. But even the most best haircut will never change natural hair texture, facial features or life!
Do not follow the manipulations of the hairdresser: even if you wear your hair in a straight part and tell the stylist about it, this does not mean at all that he should start cutting from the middle. Trust the stylist and remember that your job is to explain to him what you want, and how he will embody your desire is his and only his business.
Never be late for an appointment with a hairdresser: Damien Miano, stylist at Miano Viel Salon, explains how annoying these delays can be and how they disrupt the hairdresser's work schedule: “If you are even ten minutes late, it takes another ten minutes to change and getting ready for a session, talking to other clients, and powdering your nose in the ladies' room. Naturally, the mood of the stylist will not improve from all this - after all, he will have to meet half the time allotted to create the perfect hairstyle.
Don't bring your cheerleaders with you: "You get your haircut, not your girlfriends," says stylist Pancho Soekoro, owner of Pasha Salon in New York. “If your girlfriends surround you on all sides and interfere with the hairdresser’s work, the connection between him and you is broken.” In addition, this puts the stylist in an uncomfortable position: he is forced to please not only you, but also your environment, and this is simply unfair.
Relax and enjoy: It is extremely important that you feel calm, comfortable and relatively relaxed - this will allow you to clearly explain to the stylist what you want. In addition, in a calm state, you are more susceptible to any changes in your hairstyle.
Feel free to grab a photo: all the stylists we spoke to agreed that The best way explain what hairstyle you want to do - show a photo. Soekoro also recommends bringing pictures of hairstyles you don't like. So you can clearly demonstrate your passions and the desired result.
Do not expect miracles from a visit to the hairdresser: good stylist can recreate almost any hairstyle in the salon, but if the texture and length of the hair is not up to par, you will never be able to repeat it at home. For example, you have thin straight hair, and you dream of wild curls - that's it at this moment it's good to return to reality!
Be sure to meet up with friends after getting a new haircut: this way you can cheer yourself up by listening to admiring “ahs” and “oohs”. Let your friends touch your hair, stroke it. Note that all this does not damage the work of the stylist and does not tear him away from creating a hairstyle.
Ask the stylist to start with a natural parting: Mark DeVincenzo, stylist at Frederic Fekkai, stresses the importance of starting with a natural parting, when the hair is best adjusted, flowing freely and moving towards your hands.
Try to come to the salon a few minutes before the appointed time: this way you will not only show respect for the stylist, but also do not miss a single minute of the session, which will significantly increase the chances of creating the haircut of your dreams!

Jeans are turning...

Before leaving for the sea just a day. And not all things for the rest are bought. You need naughty shorts, a stylish baseball cap and an accessory for a cheerful mood. The problem is solved. Moreover, without leaving the walls of the apartment.
We will do everything we need. And we'll change Office Style on holiday! Ideas suggested by pinterest.com users.

Do you have old jeans? Surely there are. You will also need sandpaper, tailor's chalk, scissors and a metal sponge for washing dishes.
Step 1. Decide on the desired length by making a mark with chalk on one leg. After removing the jeans, draw a cut line. You need to put the ruler a little at an angle. So that the inner seam is slightly lower than the outer one.
Step 2. Cut along the line, but not completely, but a section. Tear the rest with your hands.
Step 3. Start making holes. In a random place, make a small incision with scissors. Next - tear with your hands, pulling with both hands in different sides. Repeat where you want to see holes.
Step 4. Take a large sandpaper and rub the edges of the shorts, as well as the cuts (holes).
Step 5. Process the pockets. First cut upper edge(you can use a blade, you can use scissors), and then walk along the edge with a metal sponge to make a fringe.
Step 6. It remains to pull out the threads a little more. Although, if you just wash the shorts, then this will happen by itself.

Stylish accessories for women

Fashion rings for women are stylish accessories
Each stylish woman develops her own style and charm over the years, applying various combinations clothes and complementing the look with stylish accessories. The appearance of a woman becomes more attractive when she complements her wardrobe with fashionable things - accessories.
Fashionable and stylish rings are one of those elements that can be emphasized, forming your image. Therefore, every woman should choose rings for herself for all occasions, for a stylish and sexy wardrobe, and taking into account her budget - this is very important. A fashionable ring for a woman is great idea for a gift in various occasions such as wedding or birthday.
What's more, you can also pay attention to a friend by giving her a gift, or a gift for mother or sister to wear every day. Rings like this don't have to be expensive, and won't cost a lot of money if you know how to choose the right ring for the exceptional women in your life as well as each other, and that's if they are also women.
Actually, women love diamond rings, but not everyone can wear them. Most often, such rings are used only in special occasions such as engagement, and wedding. For example, some women wear false diamond rings and this is not a good idea. Unfortunately, there are not so many who can afford beautiful gems.
On the other hand, there are other segments besides diamond. There are rings precious stones, With white silver and gold. They are available various sizes, shapes and colors. There are also fantasies that usually adorn teenagers, as it depends only on their taste, appearance, presentability, True, there are people who collect jewelry, expensive rings. For many women, it doesn't matter what kind of jewelry they buy. It is important that the thing looks good and is not expensive.
So don't be content with just wedding rings, or you can experiment with other accessories that can complement the look. There are many other decorations to make a woman look beautiful.
Traditionally, let's start with the head, namely with the hair. It is customary for us to wear a headdress when the temperature is below zero. Here the designers came up with for stylish women decorate your beautiful heads with a ribbon. Fashionable, stylish, beautiful and warm. I won't write much better time to see than to read or hear many times.

How to choose a style in clothes
"Your" can be considered the style in which you feel like yourself and in which you are comfortable. And this means that, first of all, it must correspond to your external appearance, internal state, behavior.
In many ways, your lifestyle determines the choice of style.
If you get used to something certain style clothes, then you develop an appropriate demeanor. But when you put on something completely unusual for you, it seems that you can no longer behave as before, and what manner of behavior should be chosen in this case you don't know for sure.

The choice of clothes can also depend on the mood. If you feel incredibly happy, you want to smile, rejoice, share your joy with others, then you will surely choose clothes of bright colors, unusual styles, because you would like others to pay attention to you. Well, when you are upset, depressed about something, you want to "withdraw into yourself" so that no one bothers you, then you choose modest, closed clothes in dark colors, as if trying to become more inconspicuous.

Much when choosing a style depends on the characteristics of your figure. If you are slim, fit, proportionately built, then, of course, you can afford everything you want - from classic to avant-garde. Pick your clothes variety of styles, show your wonderful figure from different angles.

But if your figure requires visual correction, then the choice of clothing should be taken more responsibly. You must be clear about what you can afford and what will look ugly on you.

It is not always easy to objectively evaluate our external data, because we see ourselves in the mirror every day, we are already used to our shortcomings and have stopped noticing them. If you feel that you are unable to give an impartial assessment of your external data or cannot determine what clothes really suit you, seek help from an image maker or those people whose opinion you respect and whose taste you have no doubt.

Assessing your figure, try to note not only the minuses, but also the pluses. Clothing should be chosen in such a way that, if possible, it not only masks flaws, but also emphasizes the dignity of the figure.

There are a wide variety of clothing styles. As the main styles, it is customary to single out: classical, sports, fantasy, folklore, avant-garde, and within each style, there are separate directions. For example: in a classic style, now they are separately distinguished (business, English, dandy and Chanel.

The choice of style usually depends on the features of appearance and character: feminine, sophisticated young ladies, clothes of a romantic style are perfect, mobile, energetic people prefer a sporty style, conservatives prefer classics. A harmonious combination of appearance, character and clothing gives the image integrity and naturalness.

To find your style, you must first of all carefully study the strengths and weaknesses of your appearance, the features of the figure. After all, it is the type of figure that determines what the cut, style and length of clothing should be.

Think about what styles and colors suit you, in what clothes you most often receive compliments from others. And then act at least by the method of elimination: what obviously doesn’t suit you, brush it aside right away. Then, from the remaining few options that are most acceptable to you, choose the style that is closer to you, which best suits your lifestyle and character.

Regardless of what style you generally adhere to, I advise you to expand the style palette of your wardrobe whenever possible. For example, if you have not yet worn the classic style, try it, it will definitely do you a favor by raising the rating of your business qualities.

What you need to know to update your style

How much they talk about style in Lately! What is it connected with? Probably because it's really important. Even Coco Chanel said: "Fashion passes - style remains." Coco Chanel has become a vivid example of how clothes become part of the image, and the image becomes part of life. famous fashion designer Donna Karan says: "Style is more than just clothes, it's body language." And Wolfgang Joop, a famous German fashion designer, says: “I feel sorry for women who claim that they have already found their style. Life without change is as insipid as soup without salt.” Even if you have found your style in clothes, this does not mean that you should not pay attention to other styles. For example, let's look at Catherine Deneuve - at every stage of her life, she made adjustments to her style. In order for you to be able to make some changes to the image, you need to have an idea about the features of each style of clothing. I have tried to briefly summarize each style so that you do not spend a huge amount of time reading. So:

Romantic style in clothes is a victory of femininity over fashion. He once again confirms: no matter how much women strive to borrow men's wardrobe items, they will never forget ruffles, frills, bows and the soft shine of silk fabrics for a long time.
Yes, that's exactly what distinctive features romantic style - no hard straight lines, many adjacent silhouettes that emphasize curves female figure. romantic clothes most often fitted, sometimes multi-layered, created from flowing, flying fabrics. Exactly romantic style we owe the appearance of seductive necklines, all kinds of cuts and cutouts. Fantasy sleeves, various draperies, decorative buttons and textile embellishments are also an echo of the same romantic style.

STYLE Casual
Casual - the style of individualists, the style of residents of megacities. Style and fashion are dictated and formed by them themselves, based on their worldviews and attitudes. The basic principle of this style is elegant negligence, convenience. Casual style components: jeans, t-shirts, sweatshirts, t-shirts and tops, fancy skirts, trousers and shirts, comfortable shoes.

CLUB Casual
The club dress code is so fickle and the clothes are so diverse that there can be many variations. Great importance in clubwear is black. We can say that black is the color of the club culture of the last two centuries. Welcome to use various accessories. The most common is a belt with a large buckle.

STYLE smart casual
Smart Casual is a democratization of a strict office dress code that allows you to feel comfortable at work. Dress code without a tie, "smart" ease. As an option, fans of this style dress in a jumper, shirt and neckerchief, designed in corporate colors. Smart Casual is freedom, but restraint. Moderate color range, a combination of no more than two shades.

STYLE Street Fashion
STYLE Street Fashion - a style created by the street, carelessness, self-confidence. A style that promotes everything that is convenient, spectacular. This is a way to dress brightly, mixing styles and trade marks. In this case, the variety of "LOOKs" is colossal, so it is difficult to note the rules and boundaries. The main thing is a creative approach, a desire to experiment, BUT a sense of proportion is a must!

STYLE Glamor
GLAMOR (“charm”, “charm”, “charm”) is a collective designation of a luxurious lifestyle, everything that is usually depicted on the covers of expensive fashion magazines; proximity to the generally accepted standards of luxury, chic, external brilliance.
Exposing the sexiest parts of the body with a variety of tops is an attribute of any glamorous young lady. When dressing, do not forget to wear one of the fashionable items of clothing (for example, a hat), shoes are welcome on high heels. Designer handbags and flashy jewelry are what you need for glamour. Also, the owners of this style would be appropriate fur, long suede or thin leather gloves over which you can wear a ring, ring or bracelet.
The requirements for a glamorous dress are very simple: it must necessarily emphasize slim figure and be original, unlike the outfits of the surrounding people. The ideal would be a dress with bare shoulders or back, long or just above the knees.
TO tanned skin shimmering powder and seductive lacquer lips are perfect for the face.

Vintage is a "rare" thing that was once an undeniable trend. Passion for "vintage" is impossible without knowledge and love for the history of fashion, because you need to see the difference between a valuable vintage item and junk. Vintage refers to clothing that has been made at least 20 years ago. We can say that any clothes that copy the style, pattern, fabric, cut of clothes have long past days, is called vintage.

business style clothes are clothes for work and important meetings. Rigidity and rationality. Jackets, trousers and skirts straight cut, a frock coat (a fashionable elongated jacket to the knees), a combination of black and white, conservatism in everything, from details to the silhouette. Expensive shoes with low heels or no heels at all. Sandals, sandals, sports and rough shoes, as well as the absence of tights (even in the most hot weather). Restrained Jewelry. Business attire or business style is elegance and convenience classical style. It is important to observe the severity of the lines - the business style does not allow frills, flares and flounces. Business style is the mood for serious attitude to the work that a business man does.

Disco style allowed absolute freedom in relation to clothing. Jumpsuit shorts, suede shirt dresses, cashmere trouser suits, mini short sets and long cardigans, platform shoes in exotic colors or snakeskin wedge sandals. characteristic feature Disco style has been used in in large numbers fabrics from artificial material: polyester, spandex, viscose, jacquard, lurex, etc. As for Disco style accessories, everyone followed the same rule - the bigger and brighter, the better.

Style, both in men's and in women's clothing, in the image of a military uniform, usually in gray-green or olive tones.
Relevant wide pants with patch pockets, they can be solid and even hip-hugging. T-shirts in the style of "military" should be long, all kinds of delays, pockets and cutouts - paramilitary stripes and shoulder straps are not forbidden. Skirts can be mini, maxi, tight or wide. For jackets, stitching, zippers, large metal fasteners, stripes, patch pockets are welcome. The military-style coat is cut like an overcoat, with a stand-up collar, stiff shoulders, patch pockets, and a wide belt.

Country style is also called folklore. As an everyday one, it is not suitable for everyone - most people will risk dressing in a rustic style only for a walk in nature, a trip to the country or to Vacation home. His silhouettes are free and calm - dresses, sundresses, blouses and wide-cut skirts, culottes, loose knitted sweaters and cardigans. The country style philosophy is based on the idea of ​​harmony between man and nature, which means that the fabrics are only natural (cotton, linen, wool, tweed), and the colors are only pastel, muted (shades of beige, green, brown). Very popular, all kinds of patterns, including ethnic, appliqués, embroidery, fringe, beading and lacing.
With special respect, folklore style refers to accessories. He encourages large scarves and knitted shawls, checkered ponchos, small pouches and shapeless woven bags, white cotton stockings and stockings, all kinds of hats - straw hats with colorful ribbons, crocheted "potty" hats. From shoes - sandals with a strap, wooden clogs and simple shoes with low heels; from jewelry - small beads on a long thread, large wooden earrings and thread baubles.

Sports style is always stylish, comfortable and unpretentious things to wear. styles sports style- T-shirts, tops, turtlenecks, blouses, sweatshirts, tights, overalls, jeans, Bermuda shorts, raincoat windbreakers, jackets with hoods, down jackets made of waterproof materials. The sporty style is characterized by loose forms that provide active movement and at the same time emphasize the smartness and sportiness of the figure. The features of such clothes are geometric cut lines, large patch pockets, fastening valves, various folds, slots; abundance of finishing lines. Accessories are used as accents. All kinds of finishes, inserts from knitwear, leather, fur are used.

Things in this style they are distinguished by multifunctionality, asceticism, lack of eye-catching accessories, simplicity of form and versatility. Most often, in the manufacture of such clothes, materials of neutral, restrained colors (gray, beige, white and black) and not expressiveness of texture are used.

Hollywood style in clothes, how stars dress for the red carpet

When the word “Hollywood” comes to mind, the “red carpet” immediately comes to mind, the glitter of spotlights, a noisy crowd of fans, beautiful expensive dresses and accessories from fashion designers– in general, a dream, and nothing more!

By the way, nothing is so fiercely discussed on this "red road" as celebrity outfits. Together with samira-miss.ru we offer not to get lost and plunge into the "star life", or rather, into the star wardrobe.

Moreover, appearing in the same outfit at several ceremonies is bad manners and a complete disgrace, so exquisite evening dresses from the most famous designers, like one-day butterflies, adorn a celebrity once.

What should be a Hollywood style dress?

With this simple question in mind, we've trawled through a huge number of photos from the most recent ceremonies such as the Oscars, Golden Globes and Grammys 2012, in order to keep up with the times and keep up with fashion trends.

And although this style is usually associated with the classics, many star ladies have long been practicing creative and fresh design ideas in their outfits.

Glitter stones and shimmering fabrics. From year to year, more and more often on the "red carpet" you can see sparkling outfits, mind you, not even accessories, but dresses decorated with stones, embroidery, various shining inserts. At the 2012 Oscars ceremony, almost all the stars appeared in dresses made of shimmering fabrics or embellished with such trimmings.

For example, Berenice Bejo and Mila Jovovich (in dresses from Elie Saab), Octavia Spencer, Melissa McCarthy (in a dress by Marina Rinaldi), Sandra Bullock (in a dress by Marchesa), and Cameron Diaz (in a dress by Gucci) appeared in dresses decorated with embroidery or sequins.

Emphasize the figure, the curves of the body, visually make the silhouette thinner and more graceful. You will not see shapeless, baggy and overly voluminous dresses on the red carpet, but there are more than enough styles like “hourglass”, “fish”, dresses with a high waist or a belt. Perhaps the most spectacular and striking example of such a dress was the outfit of Jennifer Lopez from Zuhair Murad.

Train - this element always gives royal luxury and some greatness to the image. Stacey Kibler (in a Marchesa dress), Mila Jovovich, Meryl Streep, Michelle Williams (in a red dress from Louis Vuitton), Emma Stone (in romantic light dress from Giambattista Valli Couture), Sandra Bullock and others.

In fact, it's easier to say who doesn't show up in evening dresses with a train, because now outfits of such a cut have gained special popularity and love among the stars.

deep cuts and Open back and shoulders. Elegance is a good thing, but the stars always want to look seductive, so no dress can do without intriguing elements.

For example, Angelina Jolie captivated fans, journalists and samira-miss.ru with her deep cut of a rather strict black at first glance. velvet dress from Atelier Versace, and Rihanna at the Grammy Awards immediately pleased with the deepest neckline, neckline and open back. At the same time, her black long dress did not look defiant, but rather bold, bold and stylish.

Finally, to look chic, a dress in a similar style should be made of expensive plain fabric, mostly calm noble colors. Cheerful colors or any, even the most fashionable print, will instantly “cheapen” the image, and the appearance will lose its rigor and sophistication. Therefore, only decorative elements, embroidery, lace and accessories, like light blotches, will help to dilute plain dress.

The Hollywood regency style emerged in the 1930s during the heyday of cinema. It was used to create a dramatic backdrop for actors on stage, but soon became extremely popular with designers and architects. Specialists such as William Haynes, Dorothy Draper, Kelly Wearstler and Jonathan Adler helped to gain him great fame and distribution.

This stylistic direction has much in common with such manners as chinoiserie, neoclassic, art deco and modern. It exudes sophistication and confidence with a touch of swagger. Its appeal lies in impeccable elegance, as well as the ability to bring authentic interior design to life. In today's story, we will introduce you to the main features of this amazing style.

Small amount of furniture

With an eye on cocktail parties and leisurely conversation, this trend in interiors puts people at the center of attention. Chairs, chaise longues and sofas with a low rise and modest forms do not clutter up the space and invite guests to sit down for a pleasant conversation. Avoid placing furniture around the perimeter of the room or grouping around the TV.

In such a dramatic manner, the headset has an unusual and sophisticated appearance. You can use antiques, neoclassical models or art nouveau objects.

strong color

The main color palette of the Hollywood Regency is black and white, as it embodies the sharp contrast that characterizes the interiors of films of that time. However, bright and rich colors can bring to home decor incredible energy.

Use colorful accents (turquoise, fuchsia, mandarin and regal purple) to give the decoration a special expressiveness. Pair versatile headsets and accessories to show off their contrast. For example, a black chair against a sapphire wall.

Bold pictures

Non-standard solutions help to complement the manner of the Hollywood regency. Tapestries and prints, art deco elements and neoclassical motifs, wide stripes and geometric accents will fit perfectly into this style.

Use wallpaper to decorate the wall surface, which is gaining popularity again. If you're afraid to cover the whole room, try decorating small areas.

Lacquered finish

Shine and shine are the main elements of this style. Glossy varnish brings designer furniture to life, while a sparkling chandelier brings sophistication and elegance to the decoration.

Luxurious fabrics

Rich and chic fabrics give a special splendor to the room in this style. Choose high-quality and beautiful textiles for design: velvet, chenille or suede.


Chinoiserie- This french word, embodying the Chinese style, the motives of which are used in this design direction. It manifests itself in the form of wallpapers, furniture, art and decorations in the form of traditional Asian patterns such as birds, flowers and landscapes.

Chinoiserie is a flamboyant and whimsical interpretation of the Chinese style that harmonizes wonderfully with the theatrical room. Combine two modern art styles together for a more expressive and dramatic effect.


Mix sparkling panels displaying framed surfaces, furniture and accents to create sparkle in your décor. You can create a multi-level effect using mirrors that will increase the area of ​​​​the room and bring a special aesthetic appeal to the decoration.

At the same time, use them carefully and judiciously so as not to scare away your guests with an abundance of sparkling surfaces.

whimsical details

The Hollywood Regency style evokes a sense of illusion, as it includes incredible interior items: lush carved frames and mirrors, voluptuous crystal lamps, tassels on pillows and bright canvases. In addition, it has exotic and avant-garde accents, so it needs magnificent authentic furnishings.

We have brought to your attention an amazing collection of tips and tricks for implementing this interesting design style in the decoration of the apartment, which can fill the atmosphere with a sense of drama and special expressiveness. Did you like these solutions and ideas? Share your opinion with us in the comments below...