Dress for a girl in the style of romance. History of the origin of the romantic style of clothing

We offer you descriptions of this direction and photos of the romantic style of clothing. The main emphasis is on light, airy dresses, elegant accessories and additions. How to create your ideal image and give it a romantic charm, read this article.

Summer is the time for romance. Tired of the long winter, we expose our face, arms, shoulders to the sun's rays. Finally, you can wear thin, airy, weightless. Finally, you can not hide the figure under the massive outerwear. The wind, which until recently was cold to the bone, becomes a true ally, bringing coolness and beautifully waving hair and light dresses.

In the summer there are many reasons to spend time outside the home. Sitting with friends in an open cafe, walking in the shade of parks and alleys, wandering with a camera through the narrow streets of resort towns, riding a carousel with children. And I want the clothes to fully express the feeling of carefree joy and romance that permeate summer days. We've put together a little romantic style guide for you to help you find the romantic look that's right for you.

Romantic image in clothes

The romantic image in clothes has many faces, but its most characteristic features remain unchanged: it is a pronounced emotionality and femininity. Femininity can have many shades - naivety, purity, tenderness, windiness, sophistication, elegance, calm confidence in one's own attractiveness, pronounced sexuality, cold detachment ... In a word, you can find a romantic image for every taste and character.

The silhouettes of romantic style clothes are very diverse. They can outline the smooth curves of the female figure or mask them. Clothing can fit snugly to the body or be loose, voluminous.

Nevertheless, all these silhouettes still have one thing in common: smooth, rounded lines prevail. They emphasize the bust, waist or hips. Even in the case when the thing is tailored with large additions to the freedom of fitting, the contours of the figure can be seen in movement. Soft fabrics, draperies, folds, tails make the voluminous silhouette mobile, "breathing", "dancing".

Romance style in clothes

The style of romance in clothes prefers thin, light, well-draped fabrics. They form beautiful soft folds, tails, draperies, sway beautifully when walking, smoothly outlining the figure. The texture of fabrics is often very expressive. These can be fabrics with a glossy sheen, such as silk satin, or pile fabrics, such as velvet.

Such textures make the color of the clothes play, it turns pale and disappears altogether in the area of ​​​​glare and becomes deeper and richer in the folds. Reliefs, woven ornaments, jacquard, embroidery over the entire surface of the canvas, and openwork elements are also widely used.

The color scheme inherent in the romantic style is extensive. It can include almost any color. But the first association is, of course, pastel shades: light blue, lilac, lavender, peach, apricot, ash pink, pale yellow, mint green. Pastels are perfectly combined with each other and form a soft, calm color.

However, a romantic image can be made in almost any color. Wine shades of red, rich greens, yellows, blues, even black, white and gray - all these colors can be used in romantic style clothes. The belonging of clothes to the romantic style is determined not so much by the color as by the silhouette, plastic, texture and ornament of the fabric, as well as decor and accessories.

Decor. Expressive decorative details are very characteristic of the romantic style. These are ruffles, frills, frills, frills, molds, draperies, lace, embroidery, flowers, ribbons, lacing. In contrast to the historical costume these days these elements are only possible in a women's costume and are unequivocally read by most people as a sign of a romantic, feminine style.

Ornament. Another uniquely feminine detail is romantic ornaments. "Milfleur" (small flowers scattered over the canvas), polka dots, floral patterns are also sure signs of romance. This also includes openwork fabrics, guipure, embroidered tulle, mesh.

Additions. All sorts of hats with flowers and ribbons, elegant soft panama hats, silk scarves, openwork shawls and stoles, intricate fine jewelry, elegant shoes complement the romantic look.

Fashionable images in a romantic style

Romantic looks for the summer of 2019 are full of references to the fashion of the past. You can see hints of the 30s, 50s, 60s, 70s of the XX century. Sometimes this is a literal copying, but more often subtle hints, plaque, nostalgia for "mother's" and "grandmother's" dresses, a game of retro fashion.

Gold, pink, ultramarine, yellow shades are popular. Traditionally, a lot of white and neutral light colors. Lots of chiffon and blouses, guipure and mesh inserts. The waist is emphasized by belts and straps, often in a contrasting color.

Foxtrot. Think back to the 1930s. Puff sleeves that widen the shoulders, an accentuated waist and a flared skirt. Modern versions of the typical 1930s silhouette are somewhat shorter compared to their prototype - now we wear skirts above the knee.

Dresses in a romantic style and their photos

Cheerful orphan. Funny dresses made of soft printed fabrics with lace trim and small round collars, oversized knitted blouses, deliberately funny jewelry, flat sandals - the image is both mocking and touching.

Look at the dresses in a romantic style in the photo:

With a frill on the ground. Long, ground-length dresses with colorful prints take us back to the 1970s. The dresses are very narrow and the dresses are flying, pastel and bright, dense and transparent, with cuts, frills, colored belts - in a word, for every taste.

A simple little dress in a romantic style. It can be white, pastel or bright. With a belt at the waist or straight. Knee-length or mini, with discreet trim. Find a dress in your color and silhouette and you'll have the perfect piece for summer. With this dress you can wear any jewelry, accessories, shoes. It will help you out more than once and will be appropriate almost always and everywhere.

Delicate pink. All shades of pink are in fashion. You can dress in pink from head to toe or add a little pink touch to your outfit - beads, belt, lipstick. If you are planning a celebration, think about the idea of ​​a pink outfit made of silk, chiffon, guipure.

With a bow around the neck. A huge bow on a bare neck or a thin ribbon under the collar, whichever option you choose, it will be elegant, touching and funny at the same time. The bow can be in the same fabric as the dress or in a contrasting color.

Pleated and corrugated. Rigid narrow folds create a clear rhythm and add elasticity to the soft plasticity of thin transparent fabrics. Pleating can be seen on skirts, dresses, blouses.

In the 19th century, styles in art and costume changed at breakneck speed. And already in the 1830s, romanticism came to replace it. Romanticism will not last long. From the middle of the 19th century, style will come into fashion, and by the 1870s it will be replaced by positivism.

Karl Bryullov
Horsewoman, 1832

The most striking change of styles took place in the women's costume of the 19th century. Fashion has changed and often quite fundamentally. While the men's suit throughout the 19th century basically did not change.

So, if in the first decades of the 19th century women wore simple shirt-cut dresses with puffed sleeves, then already in the 1830s corsets and richly decorated dresses with puffy skirts came back into fashion.

Jean Baptiste Camille Corot
Portrait of Claire Sennegon, 1837

Dresses in the style of romanticism are divided into casual and ballroom. Casual dresses do not have a neckline. Ball gowns often have open shoulders. Ball gown sleeves can be either short or long. Long gloves were worn with dresses with short sleeves.

Another feature of dresses in the style of romanticism is that the sleeves and skirts of these dresses take the shape of a bell.

Dress colors vary. Plaid dresses are in fashion. Shawls and scarves are worn with dresses. For example, an esharp scarf, which falls to the waist from behind, after which it is thrown in front on arms bent at the elbows. Or a boa scarf - a round scarf made of fur or ostrich feathers.

Karl Bryullov
Portrait of Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna with her daughter Maria, 1830

There is a fashion for hats. During the period of romanticism, the bonnet hat becomes the most popular - a headdress with a high hat crown (for hair pulled back to the back of the head) and with wide, hard fields framing the face, tapering towards the back of the head. The hood was held on the head with wide ribbons, which were tied under the chin with a bow.

Also in fashion is women's clothing for riding - an Amazon dress. The Amazon dress consisted of a long cloth skirt and a narrow blouse. With this dress they wore a hat with a veil and gloves.

Karl Bryullov
Portrait of M. A. Beck, 1840

The style of romanticism in European art was most widespread in England and Germany.

English artists of that time painted melancholy landscapes with inclement and foggy weather, and writers in their books told stories of beautiful poor girls who, having got into a mysterious castle with ghosts, without fail, overcoming all difficulties and trials, became mistresses of the castle and married beautiful princes . Thus, the artists created romantic landscapes, and the writers created those very famous English novels of the 19th century.

Little Jane argues with her guardian, Mrs. Reed. F. Townsend's illustration for Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, 1847

Jane Eyre meets Mr. Rochester for the first time

But not only interest in the feelings and emotions of viewers and readers was characteristic of romanticism. Another feature of this style is an interest in the past. Moreover, interest in the past, history and mythology, of one's own country, and not, for example, as it was before, in mythology.

It was during the period of romanticism that the British remember about King Arthur and the knights of the round table, and the French about Joan of Arc. It was at this time that fairy tales were written and legends were recorded.

And the Middle Ages becomes the most favorite historical period for people of the first half of the 19th century. Interest in the Middle Ages is also reflected in the fashion of that time, mainly in jewelry. For example, ferronnieres are in fashion - women's head jewelry in the form of a narrow ribbon with precious stones.

Karl Bryullov
Portrait of G. N. and V. A. Olenin. 1827

In addition to the Middle Ages, the East is of interest. The 19th century is the time of colonial empires. Both England and France had their colonies in the countries of the East. In the costume, the passion for the East will be reflected both in patterns with oriental motifs, and in the appearance of such a type of men's home clothing as a bathrobe.

Eugene Delacroix
Self portrait, 1837

As for the men's costume of the Romantic period in general, it was not subject to such significant changes as the women's costume. Men still wear light trousers, pantaloons, and on top of a waistcoat, tailcoat or frock coat in darker shades. And various coats. One of the most popular was the carrick coat, a coat with multiple collars.

V.A. Tropinin
Portrait of A.S. Pushkin

However, there were also some innovations. So, during the period of romanticism, a fashion for checkered fabrics arises. And it is during the period of romanticism that dandies appear.

It is believed that the emergence of dandyism is associated with an attempt by young people from wealthy families to express their protest against the fashion of the same type and the same for all classes in a men's suit of the 19th century.

Karl Bryullov
Portrait of I. A. Beck. Around 1839

The appearance of dandyism is associated with a man named George Brummel. He is considered not only the most famous dandy, but also the first dandy in history. It was George Brummel who introduced the principle of "casual elegance" in clothing, which became a guide for all those who wanted to look like a dandy.

Statue of George Brummel in London

George Brummel in the first half of the 19th century was considered not only a trendsetter, but was even called the "prime minister of elegance." Among his friends were the heir to the English throne and the future Prime Minister of England, who also became adherents.

George Brummel outlined his views on fashion in his book "Men's and Women's Suit".

Karl Bryullov
Portrait of the writer A. N. Strugovshchikov, 1840

The principle of "careless elegance" in a men's suit was as follows: the collar of a white starched shirt was never fastened, the neckerchief was tied carelessly, the hair had to be slightly disheveled, the suit was necessarily sewn from good quality fabric, great attention was paid to accessories. Dandies wore gloves that they almost never took off, expensive watches, a cane or a cane umbrella.

A mandatory attribute of a men's suit in the style of romanticism was a headdress - a hat-cylinder. Men's hairstyles were short haircuts. They did not wear beards and mustaches, but sideburns were in fashion.

Tenderness, sophistication, femininity, elegance, lightness - all these qualities can be described as the most beautiful romantic style in women's fashion. And in order to match the fashion trend and the latest trends in your combinations, you should figure out what kind of romantic style it is.

History of the origin of the romantic style of clothing

This feminine trend owes its incredible popularity to the legendary one, whose images ideally personified tenderness, sensuality and sophistication. The modern romantic style of clothing, whose history goes back to the end of the 18th century, gained relevance only in the 80s of the last century. Over the past century, girls periodically tried to transform themselves according to the romantic style, but due to working specialties, such combinations were only seen at parties and clubs.

Romantic style 2018

In the new season, such a gentle direction is considered one of the most relevant. Especially feminine images are welcomed in the warm period, when beautiful ensembles are backed up by a graceful gait and a slender figure. The most fashionable element of clothing is considered to be a dress in a romantic style in 2018. However, stylists also offer beautiful, memorable alternatives - comfortable trousers, flying skirts with a variety of top combination solutions. But let's take a closer look at the characteristic features of the romantic style:

Romantic style in clothes

If a few decades ago, delicate feminine bows were considered relevant only for going out or themed parties, today beautiful ensembles are also relevant for everyday wear. Stylists insist that women should always be feminine - not only on the streets, but also at home. The romantic style in the clothes of girls is distinguished by a certain modesty. There are no hints of vulgarity and frankness here. But this is the highlight of the romantic style. Let's see the fashionable wardrobe items:

Romantic style in outerwear

When choosing outerwear, it is important to pay attention to this detail to emphasize the feminine silhouette. The best solution would be a midi-length coat or raincoat with a fitted cut. The romantic style of clothing for women also involves stylish jackets - leather jackets,. And although such styles do not belong to the romantic direction, in an ensemble with beautiful and delicate other elements, the overall appearance will be appropriate.

Dresses in a romantic style

This element of the wardrobe is considered the most characteristic of a beautiful sensual direction. Features of the romantic style suggest the presence in the design of the dress of a distinguished waist, a flying hem, open areas of the body that attract attention, but do not go beyond the bounds of decency. The most fashionable styles were models in the style of the 60s. A tight-fitting yoke in an ensemble with a wide skirt perfectly emphasizes harmony and grace. In the warm season, sundresses and loose dresses made of flowing materials are popular.

Romantic style - skirts

The skirt has become an alternative solution to the dress in the gentle feminine fashion direction. In this case, wide hemlines made of fabrics that hold their shape well are considered an actual choice. Classic romantic style in clothes - midi length. A typical solution would be a strict pencil made of lace material. If you are looking for an original version that will reveal your originality, pay attention to the models of an asymmetric cut made of thin and flying materials - chiffon, tulle, silk and others.

Wedding dress in a romantic style

Wedding fashion in any season is not complete without beautiful notes of romance. The main element of the image of the bride is always the dress. Therefore, such clothes should embody the femininity and sensuality of their owner. In modern fashion, both flying and lush, as well as concise short styles are presented. But not every model matches the romantic style. Let's see the most popular wedding dresses in a romantic style:

Shoes in a romantic style

An important element that determines the entire direction of the image is its completion. When choosing shoes for a feminine combination, the model must be appropriate. The main criteria are a comfortable and neat shape, stability of the last and a beautiful design. A basic wardrobe in a romantic style can include both high-rise and flat styles. Let's see the most fashionable solutions:

Bags in a romantic style

When choosing a stylish "assistant", it is important to remember that this detail should not overload the image. It is worth excluding such models of bags as a bag, a hobo, and a briefcase. A good choice would be products made of suede, leather or soft textiles. For everyday active wear, an elegant bag with a long handle or a crossbody with an adjustable chain strap is suitable. For ensembles on the way out or to meet with your favorite stylish addition, a clutch in a romantic style, an envelope or a mini backpack will become. Small handbags are also considered relevant.

Romantic style - accessories

Such a feminine and gentle direction involves the use of beautiful decorative additions that will not only help to dilute the image, but also add a touch of originality, individuality and originality to the bow. Any types of belts and belts that emphasize the waistline and emphasize a slender figure are considered relevant. Stylists recommend adding non-functional accessories. Let's see the most popular solutions:

Hairstyles in a romantic style

When making beautiful styling, it is important to consider the length of your hair. For short haircuts, you should use beautiful accessories - a bandage, a hairpin with a flower or a bow, a diadem and others. A hairstyle for long hair in a romantic style provides for both accuracy and negligence. Complex weaving and, careless tail and high bun are acceptable here. Modern hairstyles in a romantic style are also presented in a simple design - a neat shell or loose curls, laid in soft curls.

Makeup in a romantic style

The main criterion that should be followed in make-up is tenderness and expressiveness. The ideal solution would be the choice of classic tools - red lipstick and black eyeliner. However, the eyes should not be added too wide lines. Romantic style in 2018 is accentuated by the popularity of natural makeup. In this case, it is worth designating the contours of the face, and making the skin smooth.

Romantic style prints

The gentle fashion trend is not only plain pastel colors, but also attractive patterns and abstractions. The most popular romantic print is the floral motif. Buds can be both large and small. The main features of the romantic style are also indicated by a contrasting Indian pattern. A good choice, both in clothes and shoes, would be a lace print. And the simplest, but no less attractive, is geometric peas.

Romanticism lives in the soul of every woman, and in order to show it to everyone around, it is enough just to create a suitable image.

In order to start falling in love with yourself, it is enough to change your trousers for a skirt and bare your shoulders a little. In creating a romantic image, the most important thing is to emphasize the waist. Any romantic look is easy to create with a full knee-length skirt and a fitted top. To date, not a single show is held without a romantic dress with a fluffy skirt. The romantic style is distinguished from the rest by its ultra-lightness.

To create a romantic look, you should choose clothes from light, airy fabrics, such as silk or chiffon. Another important feature in creating this image is lace, ruffles and flounces. The trend of 2015, according to national and international fashion bloggers, was clothes made of fabric with a shiny iridescent effect. These fabrics, according to fashion experts, give the image not only a romantic look, but also give the image sublimity and value.

It is a mistake to think that a romantic image can be created from aggressive colors of fabrics. The main colors that create a romantic style are white, blue and pastel colors.

Floral prints are very popular.

Silhouettes of dresses in a romantic style favorably emphasize the waist and chest.

When choosing shoes for this style, flat shoes, stilettos and other not massive shoes are ideal. Shoes can be, as well as romantic style clothes. Decorated with flowers and ruffles.

The range of accessories for a romantic style is very wide, ranging from brooches to artistic lacing. Jewelry for a romantic style should not be massive, but refined, refined and light as the image itself. Jewelry made of openwork flowers or delicate pearls is ideal.

The final touch in creating a suitable image is always a hairstyle. To create a romantic look, a hairstyle with curls and waves is very suitable. This hairstyle is good because it does not matter how long your hair is. The hairstyle with slightly disheveled or carelessly pinned up hair is also no less relevant.

Tenderness, sensitivity, simplicity, innocence - this is what the image of a girl in a romantic style is associated with. This style is suitable not only for everyday looks, but also for special occasions.

Romantic style look

A romantic look with a dress is the most common and simple option. Indeed, the dress is best suited to create a delicate, feminine and so impressive bow in a romantic style.

However, you can be romantic in any clothes. The main thing is that the silhouette should be soft and emphasize the grace of the figure, and the color of the outfit should be light, pastel colors.

You should not choose too revealing clothes, it is better to give preference to light flowing fabrics that only allow you to guess the silhouette hiding under them. All kinds of ruffles, draperies, pleats and frills will also not be superfluous in the image of a romantic young lady.

The best materials are linen, cotton, silk, satin, velvet, and, of course, lace. Fabrics decorated with embroidery, sequins, imitating fur, fish scales, snake skin can also be used.

The main colors of the romantic style are all soft pastels. However, deep and pure colors are also acceptable. Bright neon shades are undesirable.

Do not forget about shoes - classic pumps, neat ballet flats or sandals decorated with ribbons or flowers will do just fine. However, games of contrast are appropriate this season - rough boots or in combination with a light sundress or a flying skirt look very stylish.

Romantic hair and makeup style

In addition to clothes and accessories, hair and makeup are important for a complete holistic image. All kinds of buns, bouffant braids and curls are perfect for a romantic look. In the hairstyle, it is better not to make strict, geometric shapes or hard styling, the hair should be soft, mobile.

Make-up should be done naturally, without bright colors or clear, strict lines. Foundation to match the skin tone, translucent shadows, pink lip gloss and a little mascara on the eyelashes - and the make-up is ready. A slight blush on the cheekbones will not be out of place, but do not overdo it, cheeks of the color of a suckling pig are useless to you.

As you can see, romance in the image of a girl does not require any special tricks, techniques, or frilly outfits. The main feature of the image should be softness and tenderness.