What colors go with white? Classic color combination. Red color in clothes: combinations for bright and bold

There is a special nature of compatibility and incompatibility of colors. What colors are combined with red, you need to know not only professional designers, but also ordinary people in order to choose the right clothes and jewelry. Red is one of the brightest colors in the spectrum. It is combined with many colors and shades, however, it may not be in harmony with some colors. From the visible picture it will simply ripple in the eyes, and if a person dresses in an outfit of incongruous colors, he will look, to put it mildly, tastelessly dressed. To prevent this from happening, you should choose the right color scheme.

Features of red

Red is considered one of the colors that have the greatest impact on the consciousness and subconscious of a person. Scientists have proven that if a person looks at red, his heartbeat, pulse, and blood pressure increase.

It is the color of love and the color of aggression, so it should be used with care. He attracts attention, but at the same time provokes others to action. If you need to use it in order to attract the attention of others, then it is necessary. But it should be borne in mind that in some situations the use of red will lead to negative consequences. For example, if you wear a red suit to a business meeting. It will attract attention, but at the same time, the meeting participants will feel tense, constantly expecting an attack. If you want to build relationships with business partners, wear other colors and use red as little as possible. To attract the attention of partners, it is enough to wear a red tie or belt.

In order to make a good impression, combine colors correctly. Choose only those that are combined with red. And those that do not harmonize, do not use.

What colors go with red?

The peculiarity of combining red with other colors is that it is good with almost all colors. However, much depends not only on the color, but on the shade. So, dark green looks good with red, but the combination of red looks tasteless. However, a successful combination of brown-red with light green is possible.

Best of all, red harmonizes with neutral colors: white, gray and black, as well as with colors of the cold spectrum: blue, dark blue, light blue. Moreover, these colors can be of varying degrees of saturation and hue.

What colors does red go well with?

Worst of all is the combination of red with other colors and shades of its spectrum: pink, brown, purple, lilac, orange and, partially, yellow. It either does not stand out against these colors, or the image looks like a reddish-brown mess. This is especially evident in the example of a combination of colors red and orange.

The inept combination of these colors will lead to the fact that the product will look sloppy. Much depends on the shape of the spots and the structure of the gradient. So, if the images are a photographic image, which conveys the colors and shades of red, then the combination of such colors will be more or less successful.

An incorrectly chosen shade of yellow, when combined with red, can lead to an unpleasant phenomenon. The thing is that when complemented with yellow, red becomes orange. If the shade is chosen incorrectly or it is incorrect to combine the sizes of color spots, then the picture will look sloppy.

Combination of red and white

White is neutral. It goes well with any color, including red. The combination is especially successful when there is little red, then it emphasizes whiteness. For example, a red border or lines that cross and visually separate the surface. Or white lines and shapes on a red background.

Combination of red and blue

One of the best is the combination of blue and red. A feature of this tandem is the fact that all shades of red are suitable for all shades of blue. The combination of the “hottest” and the “coldest” colors makes it possible to balance the temperature of the color range and achieve harmony. Due to the high contrast, blue and red spots in the picture or clothes look even brighter and more saturated. Red does not behave this way with any other color. And both light and dark colors look good.

Union of red and black

Black, like white, belongs to the colors of the neutral range, so it can be safely used. The combination of red and black is considered good, but it should be borne in mind that using only these two colors gives the picture a gloomy look. Therefore, it is not recommended to use them separately from other colors. With a pair of red and black, contrasting colors to black are well combined: white and yellow.

Combination of red and gray

Gray is also considered so it goes well with red. However, it should not be too much, otherwise the picture will become blurry. That is, it will become unclear what is depicted on it. If you need to choose a color combination in clothes, then red looks best over gray attire. This can be, for example, a gray tracksuit and a red vest or a gray jacket and a red tie, etc.

Combination with shades of red

As paradoxical as it sounds, red does not go well with some of its shades. There are those that harmonize well with red, and there are those that either merge into one color or contrast ridiculously with each other. For example, pink and burgundy, red and brown, purple and violet. And there are many such tasteless combinations. Therefore, in addition to red, you need to use either neutral or contrasting colors. You can use shades of red, but they should not merge with the main color. There are shades of red that go well with it, but they will have to be selected according to the color map.

union of red and purple

This combination is considered the most unfortunate. It is believed that the purple color suppresses the human psyche, makes him indifferent to others (remember the well-known expression: “But it’s purple for me”). While red is exciting. A person cannot experience two opposite emotions at the same time. Visually, he tries to ignore one of these colors. As a result, the image looks gaudy. In addition, purple quickly fades, and against the background of light purple, red seems inconspicuous. This applies not only to the color scheme of clothing, but also to design in general.

Harmony of red and gold

You should immediately distinguish between golden and yellow - these are two similar, but different colors. The combination of red and gold does not give the same effect of turning red into orange. Golden is very good with red, and this combination is considered noble, since both colors have long been considered signs of wealth, power, and nobility.

A combination of three or more colors

Using red and several colors at once makes it possible to balance this very bright color, to give the picture more expressiveness due to other colors. There are several possible options. Those colors that are combined with red in a pair are also good in combinations with a large number of colors. The combination of red, blue and white is considered the best, so it is not surprising that the flags of many countries are based on these three colors. Even such complex designs as the flags of the United States and Great Britain consist of these three colors. In addition to the combination of blue, red and white, there are other more or less successful combinations.

Combination of red, yellow and green

If only two colors are used: red and yellow or red and green, then this combination looks defiant and tasteless. However, if you use these three colors at the same time, they look pretty stylish. The thing is that yellow and green are very well combined, and red adds contrast to this pair, while it itself acquires an orange tint. A glow effect appears when the colors become brighter than if only two colors were combined.

Tandem of red with yellow and white

This composition is considered one of the most successful. The combination of red, yellow and any neutral color, with the exception of black, has exactly the same effect. A positive effect is achieved through a paired combination of red and white, as well as white and yellow. That is, white color softens the influence of yellow. Red does not acquire a reddish tint and does not lose its saturation.

Composition of red, blue and green

Despite the fact that the spectrum consists of these three colors, their simultaneous use is considered not the most successful. Even if these colors are diluted with some neutral color, harmony will not come, and the picture will still look tasteless and gloomy. An unpleasant impression can be smoothed out by adding other colors to the picture, for example, brown and yellow, but only on condition that they separate blue color spots from green, green from red, etc. You can add more, however, if this is clothing, then the amount colors should not exceed seven, otherwise it will be too colorful.

In what cases is the use of incongruous colors considered necessary?

Not always the incompatibility of colors is an indicator of bad taste. Often this is used to give a certain effect and meaning to the outfit. For example, in order to show the cheerful disposition of the owner of a bright, jesterly, colored suit. Most often, such combinations are used when sewing children's clothing. For example, yellow ducklings on a red background or red peas on a green one.

Using tables and color matching charts

Based on the law of compatibility and incompatibility of certain colors in design practice, special maps were developed - tables and diagrams of compatibility and incompatibility of colors. From them you can easily determine which colors are combined with red and which are not. However, in order to use them, you need certain knowledge, a sense of proportion and taste. The color spectrum diagram has the shape of a circle, in which each color and hue is assigned specific coordinates (degrees). There are several ways to determine the compatibility of colors and shades:

  • Square. For this, a square is used, cut out of cardboard or made using the tools of a graphic editor. It is superimposed on a circle of colors (spectrum) and those colors that go well with red are located in the corners of the square. They are the most suitable.
  • Triangle. This method is similar to the previous one, but instead of a square, an equilateral triangle is used. It makes it possible to determine the compatibility of three colors in a composition.
  • Straight line. It is believed that opposite colors are best combined. For example, opposite the color red and its shades, there are colors and shades of blue.
  • Cross. This method is similar to the square, but uses the same principle as the straight line method. If four colors are combined in pairs, then such a composition will be successful.

The color wheel does not include two colors: white and black. They are basic and are combined with all the colors of the circle. Therefore, the combination of red and black or white is correct, and such a combination can always be used.

The use of the above methods for determining the most successful of their effectiveness have been tested empirically and are used by all designers, regardless of what area of ​​art they are engaged in: they are developing a new model of clothing or making jewelry from beads.

Black is one of the most versatile colors. It is considered as such because it is an excellent background for any decorations and decor. Black color refers to achromatic colors, i.e. devoid of qualities such as hue and saturation. In fact, - black is the absence of color, because. objects painted black do not reflect the light flux from their surface. That is why the human eye sees them as black. The only characteristic of black, like any other achromatic color, is lightness. Black is the darkest of all existing colors.

For most people, black gives rise to both positive and negative associations. Positives include confidence, self-sufficiency, elegance, strength, and luxury. The negative impact is associated with feelings of depression, fatigue, sickness, closedness and alienation. The perception of black often depends on the attitude of a person at a particular historical moment. In clothes, black can give rise to both positive and negative emotions, depending on the quantity, location, combination with other shades, etc. That is why you should know a few important principles for creating harmonious color combinations with black.

Any color harmonies with black are built, first of all, on the contrast in lightness, since lightness is the only property of this color. Despite the fact that from the point of view of physics, the black color does not have such a property as saturation (brightness), subjectively it can be characterized as a soft color, because any chromatic color loses its brightness if it is darkened (i.e. black is added). This means that the second principle of building color harmonies with black is the contrast of color saturation.

On the other hand, high light contrast requires a well-thought-out composition in which the main color spots occupy areas calculated and carefully selected in advance. The fact is that in ensembles with a high contrast in lightness, when the area of ​​​​color spots is approximately the same, a dark color (in our case, black) can seem very heavy, disturbing the balance of the composition. Let's imagine a knee-length pink dress and a black jacket. We see a high contrast in lightness and approximate equal areas occupied by the main color spots - the dress and the jacket. Such an ensemble looks heavy and rough. The black color clearly “hammers” the pink. To correct the situation, it is recommended to use the principle of interpenetration of colors, when in addition to large spots in the ensemble there are also smaller spots on a contrasting background. In our example, you can wear a black belt over a pink dress, pick up a black bag, put on black beads and shoes. So the area of ​​color spots will change in the direction of increasing the area of ​​black, and the composition will look more harmonious.

It should also be noted that high contrast in lightness is not suitable for all people. The combination of black and white in the form of large color spots, as the most contrasting of all possible combinations, is suitable only for the Winter color type, because. it is winter types that have the most contrasting appearance. All other color types should not wear black close to the face, because. black with a face by itself creates a strong contrast. Such people should take a closer look at the so-called shade of black - “off-black”, i.e. very dark grey, almost black. But, even when wearing off-black rather than pure black, you should make sure that it harmonizes with your appearance. To do this, try to make the transition from face to black through the colors of your palette. A scarf or beads dyed in your best shades can become conductors.

Can't determine your color type? Take a free test..

Another way to wear black and white in the same ensemble for non-contrasting types is to not wear these colors in large blocks - color spots. When these two colors are intertwined in a drawing, the colors overlap, black and white lose their contrast, and the image becomes much softer.

As for black accessories, they are much more versatile than black clothing. Any color type can afford to buy black shoes, a bag, gloves, a purse, a belt, because they do not have to be worn near the face, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcolor spots is usually small. But here, if you do not belong to the winter type of appearance, if you have a choice between classic black and off-black, give preference to the latter.

Let's now take a closer look at some of the most common color combinations with black.

As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, black is the perfect background for jewelry. If you have something to show, do it on a black background. Precious stones, gold and silver will sparkle like never before. That is why black is indispensable in the evening wardrobe.

1. Black color + bright colors. Black color seems to be created for the neighborhood with bright, saturated colors. In such combinations, the contrast of color saturation comes to the fore. This creates very effective, independent images. So, with bright red, black represents passion, strength and authority; and with bright blue it creates a good, “unhackneyed” combination for business clothes - strictly and solemnly. Bright purple shades against a black background give the image a touch of mystery and create intrigue.

2. Black color + warm colors. Very effective combinations can be obtained by placing some clearly warm shade next to black. For example, orange next to black creates an upbeat mood. This very active combination looks best in sportswear, in concert costumes. For casual and dressy wear, it is best to use a softer shade of orange, close to coral.

3. Black color + yellow color. The combination of black and yellow is very fond of the podium and high fashion. This combination is especially relevant in checkered patterns. However, in life this combination can hardly be called harmonious, because. in nature, black and yellow symbolize danger. Although in sportswear, as well as spectacle clothing, it may well be appropriate.

4. Black color + pink color. Black and pink are a great combination for young girls. Black color emphasizes the fragility and tenderness of pink, making the image even deeper.

5. Black color + soothing colors. With soothing colors of medium lightness, black creates the basis for everyday style. Next to muted, desaturated shades, he himself becomes a little softer.

6. Black color + dark colors. As mentioned above, combining black with dark shades, it is difficult to get harmonious combinations due to the proximity of the colors used. But if you combine black with dark and bright shades, you can achieve good and quite harmonious images in which the depth of bright shades is only revealed even more.

7. Black color + ice colors. Very refreshing images can be obtained by placing icy pastels next to black. Such combinations are suitable for people with a winter type of appearance due to their high contrast and pronounced cold undertone.

8. Black color + pastel colors. Soft pastel colors (pale pink, light blue, pale lilac, light turquoise, peach, cream) next to black give the impression of romance. Such combinations are suitable for all color types of appearance. In this case, it is recommended to use not classic black, but off-black.

9. Black color + beige, also ivory color. Black and beige, as well as ivory, are recommended for office fashion. Such combinations create an exquisitely elegant look. It is better to use off-black.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the opportunity to dress in black from head to toe. This is the so-called. black total look. For black (and in general all dark) things, the silhouette is extremely important. Unlike light shades, details and texture are poorly “read” on dark ones, but the silhouette and outlines of the figure in black create contrast and attract attention. That is why a clear, seasoned silhouette, strict styles, the absence of unnecessary details and any excesses are always important for a black total look. That is why products with ruffles and flounces are rarely sewn from black fabric.

The selection of colors is a rather responsible task. The combination of colors in design has always been one of the main tasks. Be sure to attach importance to color combinations, this is important!

The color scheme should not strain or unnerve you in any way, but, on the contrary, return the harmony spent during the day. Choosing a color scheme starts with deciding what you really want from a color design. Only in this way you will be able to choose the optimal combination of colors.

The hottest color is orange. The coldest is blue, always associated with cool water and ice. Moving from blues through greens and yellows, the colors warm up, holding the "heat" on red, burgundy, brown and some shades of pink and purple, and then "descending" back to the cold through lilac and blue. However, the presented gradation is very conditional, since the boundaries between cold and warm are barely perceptible. For example, lime is more of a yellow hue, but is a cool color. Conversely, deep, rich purple can be both warm and cold, depending on whether it is dominated by red or blue.

And yet it is warm or cold palettes that can transform a room. So, for example, in order to expand the walls of a small room, it is advisable to use not just light, but light cold tones.

And vice versa, warm shades will help to make a too spacious and therefore empty room more comfortable. They will also add a little sunny mood if it lacks natural light, and fluorescent lamps are used. Whereas a richly lit hall with large windows can be “dressed up” in cold colors.

The colors of the interior of the kitchens are distinguished by a special breadth. If you are designing a kitchen, keep in mind that juicy warm colors - orange, grassy green, egg yellow - increase appetite, while blue and white help you keep yourself within limits and eat food in moderation.

The bedroom - whether it's a corner to relax from the harsh everyday life or the very embodiment of romance - also requires a special approach. In the first case, it is better to paint it in cool colors that take away from the problems that need to be solved. In the second, of course, the first roles belong to red and its various shades, or any other color that you like and belongs to the warm range. This color will allow you to quickly restore strength, as if transferring your energy and warmth to you. Color combination rules

Of course, there are fashionable color combinations in every season. But when you select color combinations, you should still be based on the color combination table and your own feelings.
There is no right combination of colors, there is only a successful combination of colors.

In order to choose color combinations, there are several approaches. The first type is monophonic

The color scheme varies within the main color, it only becomes darker or lighter. For example, dark blue, blue, blue. However, a room designed in this way can be slightly diluted with “blotches” of a different color that does not attract too much attention. For example, a room in blue and blue tones can be complemented by white and light sand. The second type is harmonious

If you want variety, but not so radical as to talk about contrasts, "paint" the room in a harmonious combination of colors. The most winning examples of color combinations that can be safely combined with each other:

  • For red: pink - purple and orange - egg yellow
  • For orange: red - pink and egg yellow - yellow
  • For yellow: orange - egg yellow and lime - light green
  • For green: lime - light green and aqua - blue
  • For blue: green - the color of the sea wave and lilac - purple
  • For purple: blue - lilac and pink - red

The third type is a game of contrasts

For lovers of original and bright design - a game of contrasts. Each color on the palette has its own "antipode":

  • Red Green
  • Orange - the color of the sea wave
  • Egg yellow - blue
  • Yellow - lilac
  • lime - purple
  • Light green - pink

Even if it seems to you that you don’t react to color in any way (you absolutely don’t care what color the objects around you are), your eye picks up the slightest shades of it (up to one and a half million!), And your subconscious and genetic memory fix all color “messages” .

As a result, staying in a certain color range of rooms invisibly guides your emotions and actions.

"Unfavorable" colors and color combinations
Red - creates nervous tension (may even cause hypertension).

Black (and also purple) - "eats" the space.

Brown (including woodgrain finishes) - causes melancholy, can lead to depression.

Gray - sadness and despondency.
Blue - a feeling of cold and uncomfortable. Favorable color scheme

  • Shades from yellow to green - a calm and optimistic range, relieves fatigue.
  • Pastel shades from yellow to beige are “reconciling” and comfortable colors.
  • Turquoise - gives a feeling of freshness (suitable for the bathroom).
  • Light blue - calms, causes drowsiness - ideal for bedrooms and rest rooms, but in offices and work areas it is contraindicated.
  • Dark blue - "cools" space and ardor (for example, at the negotiating table), is considered a serious and business color.
  • Yellow and orange - stimulates and tones (not suitable for a bedroom), suitable for a room facing north.
  • White - can cause a feeling of cold and discomfort, on the other hand - a "blank slate" is an ideal backdrop for any design decisions. Red or terracotta in the form of accents - invigorates, uplifting.
  • Black in the form of accents - gives the interior a graphic and special style.
  • Light gray in a "mix" with other colors - a business environment.

Combinations of related-contrasting colors represent the most extensive type of color harmonies. In the color wheel system, related-contrasting colors are located in adjacent quarters. These are: warm (yellow-red and yellow-green colors) and cold (blue-green and blue-red colors).

Combinations of colors that are located in the color wheel at opposite ends from each other have a special harmony. This is explained by the fact that there is a double bond between such pairs of related-contrasting colors: they consist of an equal amount of the unifying primary color and equal amounts of contrasting colors. In practice, one rarely encounters compositions that contain only two colors. The simplest harmonious combination of two related-contrasting colors is significantly enriched by adding a color from the tone range of the same colors, bleached or darkened.

Also, color harmony can be formed by a combination of colors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel. By turning such a triangle inside a circle, you can get any combination of colors, while it will be necessarily harmonious. A successful combination of colors and colors in the interior is a guarantee of comfort in the house.

Color combinations in clothes is a very important moment when choosing a wardrobe, designing a new model when knitting. Harmonious means well-matched in combination.

  1. The harmony of colors in clothes is based on the principle of a combination of related or contrasting colors. In clothes, you can talk about harmonious combinations, based on shades of the same color, then this is one-color harmony.
  2. Harmony can be built on a combination of similar colors, i.e. adjacent colors of the color wheel, for example, yellow and yellow-orange, orange and red-orange.
  3. Harmony can be built on contrasting colors. This means that colors are selected from adjacent sectors of the color wheel. The colors that are located at an angle of 90 ° in neighboring sectors are best combined with each other. Another kind of contrasting harmony are combinations of colors that are to each other in the color wheel at an angle of 180 °.

The main colors are considered to be 4 pure colors: yellow, red, blue, green. All others are considered intermediate (yellow-red, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-red).
Pairs of "yellow-blue", "red-green" are considered additional, contrasting combinations. Colors can be arranged in the form of a circle with axes: “yellow-blue”, “red-green”.
There are 3 types of color combinations: related, related-contrasting, contrasting.
Contrasting - these are combinations of opposite quarters of a circle (the angle between them is 180 °), a total of 44 combinations.
Related-contrasting - these are combinations of colors from two adjacent quarters of a circle (the angle between them is less than 180 °), a total of 36 combinations.
- these are the intervals from this color to the next main one. Related are yellow and any in-between yellow-red (but not pure red).
Color harmony is understood as color balance in harmonizing colors of quantities of primary colors (pure yellow, blue, red and green).
Related colors will be harmonious with equal lightness and saturation, if the same number of primary colors is achieved in them.
Harmonious in related-contrasting color tones will be all pairs of colors located at the ends of chords parallel to the layers connecting the primary colors (since they contain an equal number of primary and secondary colors).
Based on these harmonic pairs, more complex multicolor harmonies can be built. In this case, three rules must be observed:
1. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, a third can be added - the main color, their related, weakened saturation. For example, yellowish red, yellowish green, and yellowish white can all be balanced with the same yellowness.
2. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, you can add a third and fourth, balanced with them. For example, a harmonious combination of orange and yellow-green can be complemented by purple and blue.
3. You can create harmonies of related and complementary colors. For example, the harmony of yellowish white and leafy green can be complemented by purple.

Unfavorable combination of colors in the interior

Black and purple tones make the space compressed, depressing.

Brown color causes a depressive mood, melancholy.

The red background is unnerving and can increase blood pressure.

Gray coloring brings despondency, depression, sadness into the atmosphere.

Blue color irritates with a feeling of cold.

The colors in the decoration are the main thing, if you correctly understand the psychological characteristics of the household: lifestyle, habits and needs. People choose their habitat according to their color tastes, not fashion trends. This speaks of the growing culture of modern man. Any combination of colors in the interior it should be beautiful, comfortable and of high quality - and all this in equal measure. And most importantly, it is intended for a specific family.

Suppose a person has visited Bali, looked at how people live there, gained new color impressions, returned - and wanted to remake everything into a “lurid jungle”. And tomorrow he went, say, to America - and again he wants to change everything into a fashionable psychedelic scale. This can go on ad infinitum. However, a color project is like a painting: sometimes you can't "improve" it, you can only spoil it.

The magical combination of colors in the interior

In the palette of colors, each paint has its own pole, thanks to which the interior becomes bright, fantastic or unusually stylish. Helps create contrast color combination in the interior table antipodes:

Orange and marengo.

Blue and yellow (yolk).

Purple (indigo) and lime.

Pink (flamingo) and light green.

Delicate yellow and lilac.

Green and fiery red.

If you are a fan of futuristic diversity, but want to avoid sharp contrasts, saturate the interior with an elegant atmosphere, then choose color harmony from classic combinations.

Gray - with blue, blue, yellow, green, black, red, pink.

Violet - with yellow, light green, golden, orange.

Lilac - with chestnut, gray, light purple.

Pink - with burgundy, brown, gray.

Green - with black, gray, red, orange, burgundy, yellow.

Brown - with pink, yellow, golden, beige, gray.

Blue - with gray, red, golden, burgundy.

Blue - with orange, red, light purple and blue.

Color mimicry

Exquisite color composition is an integral part of our life - its colors, rhythm, dance. Created according to the laws of cosmic beauty combination of colors in the interior transfers its energy to a person. Communication with color calms, helps to relax, forget about troubles.

Coloring is just like people: it can saturate the house with feelings, has a temperament, inspires sympathy and antipathy, imitates the owner. At the same time, the truth of harmony lies precisely in the concept, a favorable fusion of colors.

White and sandy background, stones and marble create a welcome coolness.

Bamboo-colored furniture will be held in high esteem when using the patio-style design.

Rooms, abodes of red hues and striped blue-white nuances, enclose the world inside the house and catch bright lighting with all walls.

The combination of green and red things in one ensemble may seem unnecessarily defiant and meaningless. However, this impression is created due to the exceptional brightness of both shades. Red and green are natural colors that are often combined in natural settings.

Stylists call the combination of green and red complete. This means that the resulting ensemble will fully comply with the existing principles of harmony. However, when conscious of the set, one feature should be remembered: red should be the main one, and green should be complementary. As a rule, this combination does not require “third” colors.

When red is combined with green in the same ensemble, both colors begin to appear brighter. Therefore, when creating a spectacular ensemble, be sure to pay attention to the shades used. The wrong combination will look overly saturated and disharmonious.

For example, the combination of scarlet and emerald looks beautiful and dynamic. Also, mint and red-burgundy complement each other wonderfully. But at the same time saturated green and red will greatly cut the eyes.

The green-red ensemble looks very energetic, juicy and somewhat exotic. This combination is perfect for spring-summer looks. Color psychology experts recommend this tandem to people who are mobile, extravagant and love attention.

Red-green set: spectacular and juicy

The main feature of the combination of green and red in clothes is the absence of the need to use additional colors. A bright combination, as a rule, does not require any additions and is self-sufficient. When combining red and green elements of the wardrobe, it is necessary to ensure that both colors are equivalent or only red is in the lead.

For example, with green trousers, feel free to wear a red jacket or T-shirt. If you wish, you can “play” with the colors of the top: under a bright jacket, use an elongated top one or two shades lighter. To enhance the red will help sandals or shoes, matched to the tone.

A great combination will come from a green skirt and a red blouse / jacket. Shoes must also match the color of the top. But a bag or scarf can "support" the bottom.

If you want to stand out, opt for a bright green dress. It should be supplemented with dark red or even burgundy accessories. If both the dress and accessories are designed in dark red-green tones, stylists advise introducing a third color that is in perfect harmony with both shades. In this case, silver, gold or bronze details would be a suitable option.

Advice 2: Why antifreezes are red, green, yellow

Motorists often carry out some manipulations with their car on their own. One of these actions is topping up and replacing antifreeze. However, one day it may end, and there will not be a liquid of the desired color on the counter.

Antifreeze: what is it and are they all the same?

Antifreeze is a process fluid that is mandatory for any car. Its main task is to protect the engine from overheating. Thanks to this, its power is preserved, fuel consumption is normalized and various malfunctions are excluded.

Coolant must be used in every vehicle. Even in driving schools, they clearly teach how to check this element. For example, they warn that you can not unscrew the cap of the antifreeze tank if the engine is running - you can get burned. It is necessary to open the container inside the car in stages: first release the pressure, and only then completely remove the cover. The amount should be average. High or low fluid level will create problems during operation.

A special light on the instrument panel will signal a critical level of liquid in the tank. If there is none, the amount of antifreeze will have to be checked visually. On average, this should be done once a month.

Antifreezes from different manufacturers are different from each other. Using the wrong fluid can speed up the corrosion process on the water pump. For example, for new cars from Audi, Volkswagen, General Motors, it is recommended to use red / orange saturated with organic acids. The silicates in them decompose more slowly and provide better protection against corrosion.

Why are antifreezes colored?

Automotive professionals assure: color is a common marketing ploy that allows a manufacturing company to highlight its products on the market. That is why today on the shelves there are coolants of almost all possible colors. Coloring is achieved using conventional dye.

The color of antifreeze does not affect its quality. However, without special need, you should not mix liquids of different shades: they may have a different composition of additives.

When choosing antifreeze, pay less attention to its color. The main indicator for you is the absence / presence of silicates in the product. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging. Remember: if you mix two antifreezes of different composition, their service life will be significantly reduced. After such a procedure, the best option would be a complete replacement of the coolant.

If you are a young driver and focus solely on the name and color of antifreeze, pay attention to the recommendations of professionals in case of emergency to mix two products. For example, liquids of red shades (red, orange, pink) interact well with each other. Only with a very urgent need, you can add green or yellow antifreeze to them.

Many girls and women prefer black in their clothes, and almost everyone has at least one such thing in their closet. It is incredibly stylish and can be a great base for many sets.

It goes well with other tones, suitable for any occasion and occasion. Even in an office with a strict dress code, you can wear black clothes, and the festive version of the outfit with its use will look elegant and elegant. For everyday bows, such quality as practicality is especially important.

Conciseness, rigor, depth, practicality, versatility and style - black never goes out of style.

Who suits and how to wear

Everyone has long known about one of its most important advantages - to make us visually slimmer, and this is a definite plus, but ... Black clothes can emphasize even minor imperfections on the face, for example, fine wrinkles. Therefore, we recommend using our tips:

  • Girls with a dull, soft appearance, dressed in a dark outfit, run the risk of "getting lost" against its background, looking pale and inexpressive. But this applies to clothes near the face (blouses, dresses, etc.). But the “bottom” (jeans, trousers, skirts) can be worn safely;

  • Ink is suitable primarily for girls who own the “Winter” color type. Their bright and expressive appearance will only benefit from its use. They can afford total look. Fashionistas with other color types are advised to be more careful with it and try different variations with other shades.

If you like to wear black, but your color type, as they say, “does not allow”? Everything is very simple! Separate the dark shade from the face with the help of various accessories. It can be neckerchiefs, scarves, some kind of jewelry. Or combine black skirts or trousers with tops in a different tone.

Many fashion experts like to include things of this color in.

Interestingly, it has its own shades: ink, anthracite, coal, agate, asphalt, marengo, etc.

The combination of colors in clothes - create images

What is best to wear black? What color to choose for him, this will probably be one of the simplest questions in coloring :) Anyone! Anyone can be paired with it.

More contrasting variations are suitable for girls and women with a bright appearance, and for those with a softer appearance, it is better to choose more delicate muted shades in a pair of inky ones.

+ White

Black and white combination in elegant and casual clothes is always relevant. This option looks spectacular, elegant and bright, thanks to the sharp contrast. The classic office outfit is black trousers or a skirt and a light blouse that looks strict but elegant. But it's not always enough just to wear black and white

to make your image look original, you can use one trick: one of the colors should be more than the other, or one will be the main one, and the second will only complement it in the form of accessories. This will make the ratio more dynamic and interesting.

A combination for everyone ink + white + any other.

A pencil skirt will fit perfectly with a milky blouse, jacket or jumper.

In the photo, the ink outfit is complemented by small accessories and white shoes, which create a great accent for the whole look.

Interesting combinations can be obtained if you use a combination of plain things with a print or pattern. Thanks to an interesting contrast, even the simplest “stripe”, “cell” or “herringbone” will look very impressive and expressive.

Pair herringbone trousers with a black blouse (shirt) or checkered coat plus a straight skirt and a white blouse for a great everyday look.

+ gray

The simplicity and clarity of black is deceptive and it is important to learn how to wear it correctly and combine it with other tones. It is not difficult and we hope our article will help you.