We make aromatic sachets. Aromas of herbs, recipes for compositions and how to make aroma sachets with your own hands

Sasha is fragrant pad or a small bag. The name comes from French word sachet, which means bag. The sachet can be filled with various plants and resins that have nice smell and keeping it for a long time. As a rule, sachets are stored in linen or wardrobe to give things a scent and protect against moths.

The production of sachets is just the kind of business that you will have to spend very little money to open. You can start work alone, and then, if you can find good channels marketing products, hire employees. For registration as an individual entrepreneur, the OKVED code 36.6 (Production of various products not included in other groups) is suitable.

First of all, you should clearly imagine how you will sell products. Sachets are sold in many places: cosmetic stores, home improvement stores, gift and souvenir shops, oriental goods stores, Indian stores, etc. It depends on where the sachets will be put up for sale, what appearance you will give to the fragrant bag. Selling products over the Internet is not the most best idea, since the buyer, first of all, chooses a sachet by smell.

The production area must be dry, clean and well ventilated. You will need a sewing machine to sew the covers. It is better to purchase an electronic typewriter, as it can perform a large number of decorative stitching, monogramming, embroidery. The cost is from 13 thousand rubles. Ingredients should be stored separately from each other in glass, tightly closed containers, away from sunlight therefore, you will need cabinets or shelving. The cutting table costs from 10 thousand rubles.

The sachet filler is made from dried plants, essential oils, pieces of roots, dried flowers and fruits, fragrant spices. It is best to prepare most of the ingredients yourself, by gathering wild herbs or growing them at home. Something you can buy in the markets by weight. Almost all possible components for aromatic fillers are sold in pharmacies and herbal shops.

IN pure form herbs are usually not used to fill the sachet, the components are mixed, and aromatic compositions are obtained.

Various plants can be used to make sachets:

  • Lavender helps with headaches, stress, insomnia, nervous disorders, hypertension. Thanks to the wonderful smell of this plant, clarity of thoughts appears, anxieties go away, tension is relieved. Lavender drives away moths, and some believe that even evil spirits. A package weighing 25 grams costs about 40 rubles.
  • Cinnamon has a refined, delicate and warm aroma that helps fight depression and bad mood. In addition, cinnamon natural aphrodisiac. The cost of a stick is 30-50 rubles.
  • Acacia has a delicate aroma, which is an excellent antidepressant and can improve the quality of sleep. Herbalists prescribe acacia oil to people who are depressed. A package of dried acacia flowers costs 30 rubles per 25 grams.
  • Dried basil has an even stronger and more pleasant aroma than fresh basil. The smell of basil excellent tool, tonic nervous system, clarifying the mind, strengthening and restoring nerves, relieving fatigue, anxiety, headache. Inhaling basil helps with coughing. Under the influence of basil, patency improves respiratory tract. A package weighing 20 grams costs 30-40 rubles.
  • Marjoram smells like mint and cardamom. It is described in herbalists as a tonic and antiseptic. The cost is 35 rubles per 15 grams.
  • Mint is probably the most popular aromatic plant. The smell of mint is very strong and easily recognizable. A package weighing 20 grams costs 30-40 rubles.
  • Oregano (or oregano) is a plant related to marjoram, but with a sharper, bitter-spicy flavor. 25 grams cost 45 rubles.
  • Thyme (or thyme) has strong smell with hints of citrus and cumin. Price - 30 rubles per 20 grams.
  • Violet root has a beneficial effect on well-being and mood. 50 grams cost 40 rubles.
  • Juniper. The berries have a slight resinous smell, which disappears after a while, but the smell of juniper shavings will last for a long time and give some of its wonderful aroma to surrounding things. Cedar, juniper and pine are natural antiseptics, help with heart pain, relieve mood swings.
  • Ginger root is famous for its pungent spicy smell and is sold in fresh in any supermarket. The price per kilogram is about 200 rubles. Dry ginger can be found in spice departments or pharmacies. The aroma of ginger is strong and characteristic, this ingredient should be used carefully.
  • Vanilla pods cost about 150 rubles per pair. The scent is sweet and long lasting. To vanilla flavor felt in a sachet, one pod is enough.
  • Dried Melissa will add a fresh lemon flavor to the sachet, bring calm and tranquility, and give you a sound sleep. A package weighing 70 grams can be bought for 150 rubles.
  • rose petals- a well-known remedy for sound sleep. Petals of jasmine, peony, rosehip, geranium, lily of the valley and other flowers are also added to the sachet, dried on their own or bought in a store (20 grams - 40 rubles). Jasmine, lily, narcissus and lily of the valley have no place in the bedroom, their scent is invigorating, not relaxing.
  • Cedar shavings are widely used to make pillows, since the aroma of cedar has a healing effect on a person, calming the nervous system, restoring disturbed sleep, etc. Cedar shavings can be purchased online for about 50 rubles per kilogram.
  • Dried zest of orange, lemon, as well as coniferous needles, etc. easy to make your own. The aroma of citrus fruits is exciting, increases efficiency and can even interfere with sleep.
  • Various essential oils are widely used in the sachet. The cost of a 10 ml vial is from 150 rubles.
  • Cloves, bay leaves and other spices are available at any grocery store.
  • Aromatic resins of frankincense, myrrh and benzoy can be purchased at a price of 100 rubles per 30 grams.

All ingredients are crushed, mixed, then a few drops are added. essential oil. It is believed that if you add crushed aromatic resin, then the sachet will retain the aroma longer. The mixture must stand for several days in a closed vessel so that all its parts are properly mixed, and the resins and oils are absorbed, otherwise the cover may become greasy.

You can use the following recipes for aromatic mixtures:

  • 1 part bay leaf, 1 part lemon peel, 2 parts mint, 1 part pine needles, 1 part rosemary, 1 part thyme, 1 part sage, 1 part orris, a little pine oil, cinnamon, cloves.
  • 1 part basil, 2 parts chamomile, 2 parts lavender, 1 part lemon peel, 1 part mint, 2 parts rose petals, 1 part thyme, 1 part yarrow, 1 part orris root, a few drops of rose oil and lavender oil.
  • 2 parts lavender, 1 part rose petals, 1 part lemon balm, 1/2 part thyme, 1/4 part orris root, a few drops of lavender oil.
  • 2 parts lavender, 1 part lemon verbena, 1/2 parts mint, 1/2 parts rosemary, 1/2 parts crushed cloves, the same amount of cinnamon and violet root powder, 4 drops lavender oil, 2 drops verbena oil, 2 drops peppermint oil . The mixture is great for a linen closet.
  • 1 part marjoram, 1 part lavender, 2 parts rose petals, a little orange peel, 1 part violet root, 4 drops rose oil, 2 drops lavender oil. It is good to use such a sachet for flavoring linen, summer clothes, indoor air.
  • 1 part sage leaves, 1 part fennel, 1/2 part thyme, a few drops of essential oil tea tree, 1 part rosemary. It's a soothing sachet to put in bed.
  • 1 part sage, 1 part mint, 1 part chamomile.
  • 2 parts rosemary, 2 parts basil, 3 parts clove flowers, 2 parts lavender.
  • Classic sachet: lemon, cloves, rosemary.
  • Sachet "Garden of Eden" - lavender, ylang-ylang, rose;
  • Sachet "Fragrance of a fairy tale" - lemon, incense, lavender, rose;
  • Sachet "Green Garden" - lavender, rose, lemon;
  • Car sachets - lemon, rosemary, mint, cloves.
  • Sachet "Love" - ​​one part of rose petals, ginger, yarrow, lavender, cloves, rosemary, jasmine, pride, violet root; two parts of an orange.

And here are the recipes for sachets-amulets that people wear around their necks or in their pockets, believing that herbs bring good luck, drive away misfortunes, protect their home, family:

  • Orange peel powder, red rose petals, gypsophila and sage powder. The amulet preserves love.
  • Protective amulet: 1 teaspoon of flax seed, 1 dessert spoon of cumin seeds, 1 tablespoon of dill seeds, 1 handful of fine salt.
  • Salt sachet for home protection: 1 handful of salt, 1 teaspoon fennel and dill seeds, 1 tablespoon rosemary, 1 tablespoon dried basil, a small fern leaf and a bay leaf.

A sachet case is not just a bag for storing the mixture. In order for a sachet to be bought, the cover must look beautiful, attract attention. WITH appearance the buyer will associate those healing properties, which he wants to find in the aromatic mixture. The fabrics used for the cover are natural and thin so that the fragrance can flow freely. The presence of a loop or hook will allow you to hang the sachet in a closet, and not just store it on a shelf. Ribbons, appliqués, embroidery, beads, etc. are suitable as decorations. The cover is usually a pouch or pillow. To ensure that the aroma of the sachet does not disappear while the product is in the store window, it is recommended to pack each sachet in a tightly closed plastic bag. Bag manufacturing companies will produce transparent packaging right size on adhesive tape at a price of about 1 ruble apiece. Each sachet may include a label describing the ingredients of the mixture. This is important because the buyer may be allergic to any of the ingredients. In addition to the list of plants, the label should indicate the name of the mixture and the effect that the range of aromas presented can have on a person's well-being.

Sachets are sold at a price of 100 rubles, the cost of the product depends on the components used and the case. Fragrance lovers hang beautiful bags on the walls, put them in bed, put them in closets, carry them with them in a bag. The mixture is valid for one to two months, after which a person buys new sachets.

A sachet is a small bag filled with fragrant flower petals and various essential oils. Such products are used to refresh the space. For example, they are placed in the bedroom or closet where linen is stored. The aroma of flower petals and essential oils fills the air, helps to calm down and be in good shape. Do-it-yourself sachets can become great gift on any holiday.

How to make sachets at home?

Before creating a product, consider what shape it will be. These gizmos are made not only in the form of bags, but also in the shape of a heart, geometric shapes- the end result depends on your imagination. You can buy materials for making sachets at a specialized store, and you can buy herbs at a pharmacy.

To create a sachet at home you will need:

  • white button
  • lace 3 cm wide
  • filler - lavender
  • embroidery fabric 4*4cm
  • green and purple floss
  • black fabric marker
  • narrow satin ribbon
  • black threads

Step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of sachets:

  1. Cut the lace into pieces 14 cm long, 3 cm wide.
  2. Sew pieces of lace with a curly edge down, attach the last piece with a curly edge up.
  3. Fold the rectangle made of lace in half, sew the side and bottom seams.
  4. Turn the bag inside out front side and sprinkle some lavender flowers in there.
  5. Cut out an oval from your embroidery fabric and embroider a lavender flower on it.
  6. Sew an oval to the bag.
  7. Tie the pouch with black satin ribbon and sew on a button. Aroma bag is ready!

Do-it-yourself aromatic sachet master class with photo

Sasha - great way aromatization of your room, closet, car, bathroom. Scented pillows are a French invention. The French gave them a name and turned them into fashion accessory. They used different fabrics, embroidered bags with beads, sewn on lace. Try to make such a thing yourself according to our instructions!

To make an aromatic sachet, you will need:

  1. fabric glue
  2. thin felt different colors
  3. natural cotton
  4. threads
  5. fillers for bags different herbs)
  6. sewing machine
  7. disappearing fabric marker

Let's start making aromatic sachets:

  • Take a sheet of felt, draw a square 10 * 10 and leaves for the pillow.
  • Cut out the leaves from colored felt.
  • Cut out a 10x10 felt square, draw diagonal lines on it with a marker.
  • Apply glue to the diagonal lines, attach the leaves to the felt square. The first leaves that were larger size, also spread with glue and attach leaves to them small size different color.

  • Sew on the leaves with a sewing machine.
  • Put a felt square on a regular fabric, cut it out. Sew squares around the perimeter front side inside, leaving one part not sewn up (for stuffing with various herbs).
  • Turn the bag inside out, cut off the corners so that they do not interfere.
  • Put dried flowers in a bag and enjoy the pleasant aroma.
  • Sew up the pillow blind seam.

Sachet of rose petals

Sachet of rose petals

Rose petals are great as a filler for aromatic sachets. The scent of roses has on a person positive influence: affects the parts of the brain, forms harmony between body and soul, awakens emotions, fills with strength and energy, enhances sexual attraction between man and woman.

To make a sachet with rose petals, you will need:

  • pieces of cloth
  • filler - rose petals
  • sewing machine
  • threads
  • satin ribbon

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the fabric into squares 12*13 cm.
  2. Place two squares together right side up. Decorate one square with a satin ribbon.
  3. Sew the fabric, leaving a small opening for filling the sachet.
  4. Trim the corners carefully so that they do not stick out.
  5. Turn the bag right side out, straighten the product, sew on the machine from the outside. Do not sew up the hole.
  6. Pour the rose petals into the sachet, sew up the hole by hand.

Essential oil sachet

Aromatic sachet with essential oils have a refreshing and invigorating effect. To strengthen your immunity, fill the bag with a mixture of: rosemary, lemon balm, thyme, mint, sage, cinnamon, salt and drop two drops of lavender essential oil into it. Here are some recipes for combining herbs and essential oils:

  1. Rosemary, cloves, lemon.
  2. Rose, lavender, lemon.
  3. Clove, mint, rosemary, lemon.
  4. Rose, lavender, frankincense, lemon.
  5. Rose, lavender, ylang-ylang.

For the manufacture of aromatic pouch you will need:

  • two fabric squares 8*8 cm
  • dry herb: clove, mint, rosemary, lemon
  • clove essential oil
  • satin ribbon
  • threads
  • sewing machine

Let's start making a sachet with essential oil:

  1. Cut out two identical squares from the fabric.
  2. On the first square, lay the second (front side).
  3. Sew on three sides.
  4. Cut off the fabric at the corners of the bag.
  5. Finish the cuts with a zigzag.
  6. Fold the bag into a pyramid, sew along the edges, leave a small hole.
  7. Turn the pyramid right side out.
  8. Fill it with grass, drip a drop of essential oil.
  9. Sew up the hole with a hidden seam. Attach satin ribbon for beauty.

Material ideas for making sachets

Sachet filler is made from dried plants, pieces of roots, essential oils, dried flower petals, fragrant spices. In order to economize cash, collect the plants yourself and dry them at home. Herbs for filling are almost never used in their pure form, usually several types are mixed at once.

Beneficial features herbs:

  1. Lavender is good for headaches, insomnia, hypertension. With the help of this plant, anxiety goes away, mental clarity appears, stress is relieved.
  2. Acacia is an excellent antidepressant that improves sleep.
  3. Basil has a pleasant aroma. The smell of basil affects the nervous system, relieves fatigue, headache.
  4. Melissa is a great sleeping pill that brings peace and tranquility.
  5. Rose petals promote sound sleep, relieve headaches, calm the nervous system.
  6. Jasmine invigorates, gives strength, relieves fatigue.
  7. Dried zest of orange, lemon and tangerine has a stimulating effect, increases efficiency, enhances sexual desire between a woman and a man.

Having made several sachet bags, you can give them to friends, relatives and just acquaintances as a token of gratitude or attention. Using the above tips and adding a little imagination, you will get real masterpiece made by hand. Do not forget that the smell should be combined with the place where you want to place it.

Not so long ago, air fresheners were popular. Because they are very comfortable and a short time spread the fragrance throughout the room. However, over time, these cartridges began to be abandoned all over the world in favor of more natural remedies. People turned to aromatherapy. Now it is difficult to find a house where scented lamps or sticks are used to fumigate the room. Gradually, such an invention as aromatic sachet returned to homes. These fragrant bags not only decorate the house, they also saturate the air with a pleasant aroma., create a cozy atmosphere and have a beneficial effect on human health.

History of the sachet

The word "sachet" itself has French roots. In this country, several centuries ago, it was used to designate pillows sprinkled with perfume, or bags with herbs sewn into them, soaked in essential oils. Such bags decorated the living rooms and bedrooms of the richest houses. However, every self-respecting girl tried to have a sachet in her room, because this amusing little thing not only pleases with its appearance and spreads a pleasant aroma, but also creates a special romantic atmosphere. They were also used for medicinal purposes. Healing herbs were enclosed in a bag and placed next to the person. The smell of plants could calm, relieve insomnia, or, on the contrary, increase concentration. In houses ordinary people these bags were made of coarse linen, decorated with braid or fringe, embroidered with beads, girls from wealthy families sewed from the finest silk and lace, impregnated with the finest perfumes or essential oils. Sometimes a loop was sewn to the aromatic sachet. Such a bag can be hung next to clothes, then it will drive away insects, and clothes will acquire a barely audible pleasant aroma.

Sasha, of course, was not only in France. IN ancient Rus' to designate an aromatic pouch, the word "aldanka" was used. It was worn around the neck as a talisman. Our ancestors believed that some herbs were able to ward off dark forces. Of course, these pouches were small, and they did not have elaborate decorations. But the mixtures of herbs in them were truly healing. Large large amulets were hung in huts for the same purpose, aromatic pouches did not allow dark forces to come into the house, protected from the evil eye, diseases and other misfortunes. Different herbs were sewn into different amulets. Some were supposed to attract wealth to the house, others were designed to strengthen the love of the spouses. Often, amulets were placed under pillows or hung over the bed.

Still, aromatic bags have come down to us under the name "sachets". Now they are made from various fabrics and decorated in all sorts of ways. And the shape of the sachet itself has changed. Often, sachets are made not in the form of bags, but in the shape of a heart, fruit or animal. Modern craftswomen do not hesitate to design sachets in all sorts of styles. You can find both patchwork and embroidered sachets. And inside can be both real herbs and artificial filler. Often, coffee or oriental spices are sewn into them.

How to make a sachet

Scented sachets can be bought at almost any store.. True, it will often be inexpensive. chinese crafts with an artificial filler that has nothing to do with the delicate aroma of herbs. You can order sachets from craftswomen or pick up something in a needlework store. However, nothing decorates the house like a handmade item. And if you put a certain meaning into this product and select suitable herbs or oil, then the sachet will also serve as a kind of symbol, will serve as the embodiment of a dream or protect its mistress.

To make a sachet, you will need fabric, a needle, threads, all kinds of beads, ribbons and lace for decoration and filler. The fabric is best to take natural, not too dense. If you want to make a sachet in french style, you can prepare fine silk and lace. If you prefer the traditional amulet, it is better to take a rough one. linen fabric. However, you can create a unique sachet in your own unique style. Here your imagination is not limited by anything. The filler is better to choose natural. Herbs can be collected with your own hands or bought in a specialized store. You can look at the market where grandmothers sell bunches of all kinds of herbs. Any aromatic oils can also be used. Sometimes dried flower petals are used as a filler. Whether it will be a fragrant clover or an exquisite rose - you decide. Usually the powder is made from herbs. Dry leaves and stems can be ground in a coffee grinder or manually in a mortar. Then you need to take the powders of the desired plants and sift through a sieve. In order for the aroma of herbs to be stored longer, concentrated resins ground with orris root or magnesium carbonate must be added to them. You can add essential oil to it. Then you need to leave the powder for several days in a sealed container. Herbs are saturated with resins and oils, dry up, and then you can fill them in bags. If you do not let them brew, they will begin to release moisture, and on the surface of the bag will appear greasy spots, spoiling the whole look of the sachet. Sometimes natural or artificial musk is used to preserve the smell. It is ground with pumice powder or fine quartz sand. When the mixture of herbs is ready, it must be poured into a bag and sewn tightly. Then the fragrance will leave the sachet very soon.

Aromatic sachet recipes

So, sachets serve many purposes. And there is a unique blend of flavors for every purpose. Whether you want to banish insomnia, make a charm for the home, or just an aromatic pillow, recipes for every occasion will help you find the right herbs, spices and oils.

Please note that not all flavors blend well. However, there are combinations that are used very often. For example, mint sounds great with cloves, rose with lavender, rosemary with lemon and cloves, and so on.

If you want to create romantic atmosphere in the bedroom, you should pay attention to the so-called "compositions of love". You can mix cloves, chamomile, rosemary, rose petals in equal parts. Another combination includes ginger, lavender, yarrow, and rose petals, which should also be taken equally. If you mix one part violet root, three parts lavender and two parts rose petals, you get a beautiful sensual composition that saturates the room with the scent of love.

If you want to wear a sachet as a pendant, then you can use the following mixtures. To attract love, you need to mix half an orange peel, crushed into powder, with sage and gypsophila powder and three rose petals. The resulting mixture can be enclosed in a heart-shaped sachet and hung around the neck on a cord. If such jewelry seems too extravagant to you, you can carry it in your purse.

People who believe in the power of protective amulets can offer another recipe. It is necessary to add a tablespoon of dill seeds, a dessert spoon of caraway seeds and a teaspoon of flax seeds to a handful of fine salt. Usually such a mixture is sewn into a bag. white color. Such an amulet can be carried with you.

But to protect the house, they usually use a different mixture.- to a handful of salt, add a tablespoon of dry basil and rosemary, a teaspoon of dill and fennel seeds, bay leaf and fern leaf. Typically, such a sachet-amulet is sewn from red fabric, and kept in the highest place in the house.

What's happened

Sachet (fr.) - a bag, a bag.

Sachet - a pad with fragrances, designed to scent linen or repel moths.

Sachet - a bag of spices and fragrant herbs. Dipped for a while in broth or soup for flavoring.

Sachet - an embroidered cloth bag for storing handkerchiefs, combs, etc.

Sachet - a kind of packaging in the form of a small flat package.

Sachet (for rooms) is used for aromatization of rooms, linen or repelling moths. As flavorings, as a rule, a mixture of finely ground fragrant plants and resins is used. The aroma of the sachet can be preserved for a long time.

How to do

First you need to choose a fragrant mixture. Its composition is a matter of your taste or goals, for which sachet will apply. Fragrant mixtures will remind you of summer, the spicy East in the cold season, or they will help create a mood new year holidays.

Fragrant "filling" is placed in a bag. There is absolutely nothing complicated in tailoring a sachet. In fact, these are two identical pieces of fabric sewn together. The bag can be fabric or mesh. Any form can be given. The sachet can be decorated with any original way.

A mixture of flavors is laid out in a bag, which is then sewn up. When the smells disappear, we open the sachet and fill it with a new “filling”.

Flavors and their effects

1. Coffee

This filler is able to neutralize unpleasant odors. The aroma of coffee lifts the mood and awakens the appetite, so this sachet is perfect for the kitchen. You can use both whole beans and coarse ground coffee.

2. Dried citrus peel

Citrus fruits cheer up, increase efficiency and repel moths. You can place such a sachet both in the closet and on the desktop. The aroma can be enhanced by dropping a little essential oil of lemon, orange, grapefruit or mandarin on the peel. But citrus oils are very "volatile", so you will have to renew the fragrance quite often.

3. Spices

In a sachet, you can add cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, vanilla pods, ginger root and bay leaf. Of course, it is better to place such a sachet in the kitchen to increase your appetite.

4. Fragrant soap

Put a piece of fragrant soap in the bag so that your favorite smell accompanies you all the time.

5. Fragrant teas

In any tea department you can find a huge variety of teas. And flavored tea (with aromas of fruits, berries or flowers) will be an ideal filler for sachets, as it combines the smells of tea and an aromatic additive.

6. Dry herbs

You can bring them from the dacha, or you can buy them in the vegetable row. The choice is great: basil, fennel, thyme, mint, lemon balm, rosemary, marjoram, sage. The aroma of mint soothes, relieves irritation, pacifies. This herb is the most popular flavoring.

7 Flavored Sea Salt

You can buy ready-made, or you can give the aroma of sea salt with essential oils or your favorite perfume. Salt can be replaced with rice, sawdust, wood chips etc.

8. Coniferous plants

Pine buds, needles, cones and pieces of bark are used. This is the most suitable flavor for the New Year holidays. Again, the aroma can be enhanced with pine essential oils. Coniferous smells are uplifting, good for the lungs, deodorize the room and have antibacterial properties.

9. Dry flowers, petals and forest herbs

Lavender, rose petals, jasmine, chamomile, calendula - the choice is very large. Choose which scents of flowers or medicinal herbs more to your liking.

10. Wax

A subtle honey aroma will help give your sachet beeswax. Grate it and mix in a jar 1:1 with sea ​​salt, let stand 2 - 4 days. Get a filler with delicate aroma honey. But do not leave such a sachet under direct sunbeams or battery, as the wax may melt.

1. All herbs and flowers that you plan to use in the sachet mixture should be finely chopped with your hands, but not to the state of dust.

2. It is better to use lungs for a pouch natural fabrics- cotton or chintz. The bag can be decorated with lace, decorative buttons, braid, appliqué or embroidery.

3. Bags of lavender or hops have a beneficial effect on sleep. Such a sachet would be appropriate under a pillow or on a bedside table.

4. For boxes with underwear it is better to use not an ordinary sachet, but sheets of paper sprayed with floral or citrus oils, as well as your favorite perfumes. Such sheets should be placed at the bottom of the box.

5. To combat moths, you can use sachets filled with dried citrus peel, thyme, lavender, ginseng, cedar or sage.

6. In the Eastern tradition, cloves and cinnamon are considered “money” spices, acorns are symbols of fertility and wealth, and patchouli herb is considered stability and constancy. Make a mini sachet with this filling and carry it with you in your purse. All of a sudden fragrant pouch draws attention to you. Good luck!

Enjoy your favorite fragrances anytime, anywhere with a simple sachet.

A sachet (fr. sachet) is a small bag containing a mixture of aromatic herbs. For a long time, such bags have been popular in many families. They refreshed the house, attracted good luck and love, and even drove away dark forces. Although you can buy ready-made sachets in souvenir shops, but if they are made by yourself, they seem to fill the house with comfort and a pleasant atmosphere.

For manufacturing you will need:

Fabric for the bag;
thread with a needle;
beads and various braids for decoration;
a mixture of dry herbs;
essential oil.

The bag for filling is made from any fabric. The main thing is that it should not be very dense. It can be organza, cotton, silk or linen. Also, several fabrics are combined, it all depends on the imagination of the craftswoman. The product can be decorated with embroidery that matches the type or purpose of the aromatic content. A small pillow, a heart, animal figurines or a beautifully designed pouch - this is what a modern sachet looks like.

First you need to make the desired pattern on paper. According to this template, cut out the details of the sachet, not forgetting to make allowances for the seams. Then, folded inward with the front sides, the parts are sewn by hand or grind on sewing machine. It is necessary to leave a small piece of the product without stitching in order to fill it with herbs. The sachet is turned right side out. If you plan to decorate the bag with embroidery, do this before stitching the details. Already ready product can be decorated with beads, glass beads, lace or braid.

To prepare an aromatic mixture of herbs, you can buy at a pharmacy or prepare it yourself in summer time. In order for dry plants to fully release their aroma, they are ground by hand in a mortar or coffee grinder. Then they sift, add a few drops of essential oil and leave for a couple of days in a sealed container so that the herbs are infused and saturated with oil. ready mix fall asleep in a sachet and tightly sew up the bag or tie it with a decorative ribbon. Change the filler every 3-4 months.

5) Fillers for aromatic bag can be any. The most common compositions are: mint in combination with cloves, rose in combination with lavender, lemon, cloves and rosemary. To smell romance just in the bedroom, lay out a sachet with this mixture: mix an equal amount of chamomile, rose petals, rosemary and carnations, sew into bags. Melissa , lavender , chamomile , oregano and thyme promote sound sleep . A bag of lavender placed in a closet with clothes will drive away uninvited moths.

6) It is believed that if you sew a bag of green fabric and put two parts of cloves, three parts of patchouli and one part of cinnamon into it, this will attract money. If you want to sew a sachet for a motorist, then choose a red material, put a double portion of rosemary and juniper, and a single dose of comfrey, cumin and wormwood. Such a charm is hidden from prying eyes. And in order to protect your home , a red product is placed on the highest place , which is filled with the following mixture : three equal parts of basil and rosemary , two parts of dill and fennel seeds , one part of fern , laurel and a pinch of salt .

Scented sachets can impregnate bed sheets, clothes, serve as part of the interior. In this case, mixtures of dry petals, herbs and spices can be placed in a decorative basket or vase. A cotton bag with herbal mixture is dipped into a filled bath. In addition, the exquisitely decorated sachet will serve as an original and pleasant gift.