What to wear with a yellow detachable collar. Why a detachable collar. Fashion accessory - collars in designer collections

Not the first season, removable collars are popular. Each variety has its own characteristics. Beads and beads are appropriate for office dresses, formal sweaters and turtlenecks. Finishing with precious metals is good for a celebration, and fabric models are beautiful in everyday life. Woolen, leather or fur models are ideal if you need to focus on a thin woolen base of clothing.

A detachable collar should be chosen based on what to wear such an accessory with. You can choose universal models, classic white with rounded or pointed edges, or trimmed with light lace. These options go well with any outfit.

Collars are divided into turn-down, shoulders, racks, multilayer, bibs and decorative. Corners are acceptable and rounded, and pointed, and multi-layered, and single-layered.

Turn-down models of detachable collars are the most popular. They can be combined with any clothes: a dress, a sweater, a turtleneck, a jumper and even a shirt. In the latter case, a layered effect is created.

Rack - a ribbon fastened around the neck. To create an image, the option is not easy, but winning. Combine successfully with a longsleeve or a jacket with a deep neckline, and if you wish, you can create an image with a sundress or a dress.

Shoulders - collars that lie on the shoulders. Be sure to cover up such accessories so that the outfit does not look awkward. Detachable bib collar - collar with continuation. It is in harmony with any plain clothes.

Pointed stands work well with masculine-style outfits, while round stands work well with feminine looks. A detachable collar should contrast with the clothing in terms of texture or color so as not to get lost.

Flat round collars must necessarily cover the edges of the neck. Racks do not have to follow this rule, they are also worn on the naked body or under the collar of clothing.

Such a detachable collar resembles a collar cut off from a man's shirt. It has sharp edges, usually high-quality fabric or leather is used to make such accessories. The form is perfectly preserved.

The best combination options are men's fitted shirtless jackets, of course. The collar looks good with tops or leather dresses. An interesting option is a cashmere sheath dress.

If the accessory is trimmed with pearls or artificial crystals, then with such collars it is necessary to combine simple and feminine fitted or semi-fitted items. Additional decorations for this image are no longer needed.

This option looks very good with dresses or peplum tops and with clothes in the style of the fifties and sixties. It is not bad to combine with jumpers, vests or cardigans with round necks.

The hit of the season is removable oval collars made of dense fabrics or lace. There may be options trimmed with large beads or pearls. They are perfect with peplum or retro outfits.

Fur collars

Such accessories are good over either a dress. Finishing can even be unusual: it is in trend.

Since a detachable collar is an accessory, why not make it a decoration? The designers did just that. And here is the result - a collar-necklace made of chains, beads, plates. Such details will decorate outfits for going out, and make simple looks more sophisticated. The option is equally successful with both everyday and festive looks.

Removable collars do not look with oversized clothes or with clothes with oval sleeves. The only exception is fur collars. Removable accessories will remain in trend next season.

Business style and a removable collar - an interesting and very advantageous combination. It is clear that only modest models are appropriate here. Generous finishing is excluded. Luxurious options, decorated with stones or rhinestones, are worn as jewelry.

When choosing your model, the shape of the face, features or flaws in appearance, which are very desirable to hide, are taken into account. Round face - removable collars with pointed elongated edges to bring the face closer to the oval. If the face is oval, then a classic, rounded collar will do.

To a black strict simple cut, a white collar with rhinestones or sequins is ideal, and white will decorate the dark version. For colorful or lace outfits, detachable collars can be omitted. Lace, metal, fabrics, sequins, rhinestones, beads - what materials and finishes are not used for collars!

An overhead collar with a blouse looks interesting, and it is important to choose the shape of the accessory according to the model of the blouse. The shape of the detachable collar cutout should match the neckline. Elegant lace models are ideal for clothes made from delicate and light fabrics.

Ideal combinations with detachable collars are plain outfits or clothes with an unobtrusive print, polka dots, stripes, small flowers. With colorful collars, only monochrome things are appropriate, and plain models are good with clothes of any color.

If the model of a dress or blouse is with bare shoulders, then you can pick up a collar from the same fabric.

Models made of shiny, richly decorated fabrics will successfully complement cocktail outfits. Cream collars, not white, will help add age outfits. The white will draw attention to aging skin, while the cream shade will provide contrast, drawing attention to the outfit.

A mobile accessory will instantly change the character of the image. Even a simple dress turns into a work of design art. The small detachable collar has unlimited possibilities.

Such an unusual accessory as a false collar is gaining more and more popularity. How to use it correctly is shown to us by world style icons. This flirty little thing can completely change your appearance and allow you to update your boring dress or blouse without much cost and tricks.

The website Stylish Trick today will tell you what to wear with a collar to keep up with Hollywood celebrities.

What are false collars

False collars appeared a long time ago, and for several seasons in a row they have gradually gained more and more fame. This accessory has won women's hearts due to its practicality: it not only performs a decorative function, but also helps.

Therefore, many ladies gladly changed massive necklaces and necklaces for false collars.

Today you can find a variety of options for false collars. They are sewn from textiles, leather, fur, lace. They are decorated with beads, beads, pearls, rhinestones, sequins, embroidery, braid. They also differ in form. So the same dress with the help of different overhead collars can turn from everyday into cocktail.

False collar: what to wear?

Old things that have long been unclaimed in the closet can be given a new life, refreshing them with a folded collar.

1.A little black dress can miraculously turn into a new one at least every day - almost any collar goes with it. It will look magnificent and luxurious if you complement it with a silver or golden collar with rhinestones.

A white lace collar will help you create a charming retro look. A pearl collar is an unusual interpretation of a classic look that combines a little black dress with a string of pearls.

2.Strict business attire can be presented in a new way with the help of classic-shaped textile collars.

Experiment with colors, choose bright collars that will contrast with the main color of your suit, and then you will certainly earn a reputation among your colleagues as a trendsetter.

3.Various elegant collars can radically transform an evening or cocktail dress. For example, a collar woven from small beads will add femininity and romance to your look.

A collar made of small pearls will emphasize the grace of your swan neck.

A collar made of multi-colored stones, shaped like a necklace, will make even the most modest dress elegant and luxurious.

4.A simple fitted dress of a feminine style will become even more romantic and elegant if you add a collar made of lace or sequins to it. Such decoration will perfectly emphasize the charm of youth.

5.A bright patchwork collar woven from chains can complete a stylish look suitable for going to a nightclub. Leather trousers, high-heeled ankle boots, a black neutral top will go well with this slightly rough accessory.

6.The simplest plain jumper will look interesting if you complement it with a textile collar in a bright contrasting color or decorated with some kind of print. As an addition, you can choose jeans, trousers, and a skirt. This ensemble will help you out in a variety of situations. It is a great option for a practical everyday look.

7.Any false collar has a clasp that allows you to fasten it to the neck without using clothing. And this gives you the opportunity to use the false collar as an independent accessory, putting it on your bare neck. Many designers have shown fashionistas how to use it boldly and effectively when shaping their costumes. Wear a false collar over an off-the-shoulder top or bustier, under a V-neck jacket - you will see that it can be quite a self-sufficient thing.

Surely, if you conduct an audit in your wardrobe, you will find a lot of options for what to wear a false collar with.

Collars have been at the height of fashion for several seasons in a row. But only this year, the fashion accessory began to appear on a large scale in almost all collections of famous designers.

This unusual element of the wardrobe was initially perceived by the fair sex rather coolly, since it very much resembles a similar detail of a school uniform. Now overhead collar became a bestseller in many countries, it gives expressiveness and brightness to even the most nondescript things.

Overhead collars in the women's wardrobe

Now designers practically no longer create new trends in fashion, but are trying to bring old and undeservedly forgotten elements “to life”, thereby rotating fashion in a circle. Collars are a prime example. They were popular back in the Renaissance, then their design was reduced to minimalism, and now fashion for detachable collars is reborn again.

Designers are experimenting with shapes, fabrics and textures. For example, large lace collars with beads or classic turn-down collars, but made of bright or denim fabrics, are now in trend.

A detachable collar today is not only a wardrobe item, but also an exquisite decoration., such an image no longer needs to be complemented with a necklace, pendant or beads.

How to wear collars correctly?

Because in 2013, a detachable collar is an indispensable attribute of the wardrobe of any fashionista, a completely logical question arises: “How and with what to wear it?”. Indeed, in order to introduce this element into your wardrobe, you should still know what clothes it is better to combine it with.

First of all, you need to take into account the features of your face. Girls with delicate features will suit rounded shapes and lace, while young ladies with soft features should choose pointed corners and metal details.

From clothes, detachable collars can be worn with anything, they go great with dresses, shirts, blouses, tops, sweaters and even business suits. This stylish accessory is not tied to the neckline, so it can be easily worn even with open evening dresses.

How to wear false collars: basic ruleslook"A

Stand-up collars with sharp corners suitable for androgynous and business images. White collars in the style of Peter Pan will perfectly refresh the classic business suit and bring femininity to it.

round collars, including fur and lace, for romantic feminine looks. Round beaded collars with back closure perfect for an evening look. Even middle-aged and elderly ladies can afford them.

The little black dress is a great addition. neat lace or openwork collars(gold or silver).

A detachable collar should be of a contrasting color and texture with the garment worn with it. The round collar should cover the neck line, while stand-up collars or necklaces are not tied to this line and can be worn under the collar of clothing and with an open neck and shoulders.

You should not combine this accessory with oversized or round sleeves (fur collars are an exception).

Such a bright element will look great only on the owners of a beautiful neck. For those ladies who have fullness in this zone, it is better to abandon this part of the wardrobe, since the collar will only emphasize their shortcomings.

When choosing a collar, try not to overdo it with details.. If the basic thing is already decorated with various elements such as lace, studs, spikes and beads, it is better to refuse a collar in this image, otherwise you risk acquiring the status of an exalted lady.

Removable collars: what to wear?

Below are the most current models of detachable collars.

High stand collar

This model resembles a cut piece of a men's shirt, it has sharp corners and is made from fabrics that retain their shape well. They look best with fitted shirtless jackets, masculine style jumpers, tops and leather dresses.

round collar

It is perfect for tops, peplum dresses, light sundresses, dresses in the style of the 50s, 60s, it can also be worn with jumpers and tops. Gives an image tenderness and romance.

A thin lace collar trimmed with pearls and small rhinestones will be appropriate even on wedding dress.

Fur patch collar

Collars made of natural and faux fur can have an original and completely unexpected decor this season; they are worn both over coats and with knitwear dresses.

Collar necklace

Most often decorated with beads, spikes, rhinestones. Of course, such a catchy accessory is unlikely to suit a modest everyday dress; light lace or beaded collars will suit a delicate look.

Iron collars in silver or gold are best worn with simple shirts. Products made of beads and rhinestones are combined with light dresses and blouses.

Collars are now very popular, more reminiscent of a necklace than a piece of clothing, they are suitable for sophisticated evening looks with an open neck and shoulders.

Studded collars go well with leather jackets and belts, very often such accessories are sold complete with similar cuffs.

How to make a false collar with your own hands?

Of course, you can go the easy way and buy a false collar in the store, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. Its advantage will be complete exclusivity. In addition, it will cost you mere pennies, compared with a designer product.

The easiest way to make such an accessory- this is to rip off the collar from an unnecessary shirt and sew guipure, lace, beads, beads or rhinestones or any other decor of your choice to it. You can also use applications. Metal studs and studs look very advantageous on stand-up collars. Combine rough textures with beads and sequins, denim with lace and create your own unique look.

Detachable collars - this season's trend. They are perfect for both a light romantic look and a strict office style. Such a beautiful and interesting thing will decorate any outfit and dilute the severity of the image.

If you want to look fashionable and bright, be sure to get or make some stylish collars for your wardrobe.

Most people of the middle age category have certain signs of osteochondrosis, for the purpose of treatment and prevention of which a special bandage or neck collar is used. A Shants collar is prescribed for people of different ages in order to fix the spine in the cervical region.

Why do you need a Shants collar?

Osteochondrosis is the cause of many diseases and pathologies in the body. Compression of blood vessels and nerve endings can lead to irreversible consequences, for the elimination of which a corrective type of treatment is prescribed using an orthopedic collar.

Its main function is to reduce the load on the areas of the cervical region and improve blood circulation in painful foci. By applying such a tire, the natural musculoskeletal apparatus of the neck is temporarily replaced, which leads to a limitation of its oblique amplitude. The use of this fixator is necessary when:

  • migraines and that occur due to impaired blood supply;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • torticollis;
  • injuries of varying severity;
  • displacement of the vertebral discs;
  • curvature of the spinal column.

The Shants collar splint for adults is also used for prevention purposes. It is especially useful for people who are in a sitting position for a long time. However, wearing a bandage should be moderate, since the constant presence of the neck in a relaxed state can lead to atrophy of muscle tissue.

Video "How to wear a Shants collar?"

Demonstrative video, which shows in detail how to properly put on a bandage around the neck.

Types and features of collars

There are several types of orthopedic collars. The main factor in their difference is the materials that are used to make the bandage.

1. Inflatable

It is a device that, by means of an inflatable mechanism, takes the form of a bandage. Such a collar in a deflated state is fixed on the neck, after which air is injected until it is completely filled. Density and pumping force must be calculated individually. Such a bandage allows you to increase the blood flow of the spinal cord and brain, stretch the cervical column of the spine and develop muscles.

2. Soft

The Shants soft tire for the neck is prescribed for children and infants with a diagnosis of torticollis, as well as for the prevention of osteochondrosis in adults.

For its manufacture, medical foam rubber or any other elastic porous material is used, which provides convenience and comfort to the patient. It is a flexible strip with an anatomical notch and Velcro fasteners.

With such a bandage, it is rather difficult for a person to tilt his head, as a result of which the spine is in a relaxed and extended state. With its proper use, weakened vertebral discs are gradually strengthened, the risk of osteochondrosis is reduced.

3. Semi-rigid

Most often, these types of collars are prescribed for pathologies of the cervical vertebrae in adults and neck injuries in children. By its design, it is not much different from a soft bandage. Its only difference is more rigid materials, since dense matter and metal inserts are used for production, which act as structural elements. With the appointment of such a collar, the mobility of the head and neck is severely limited. Despite the discomfort, the vertebrae are well extended, and the manifestation of osteochondrosis is reduced.

4. Hard

These types of splints are used for serious injuries, fractures and pathologies of the cervical region. Due to the rigidity of the bandage, the spine is firmly fixed in a clearly defined position. Such a collar should be worn daily for quite a long time. For production, metal elements and durable types of plastic are used. With the right treatment, even the most severe pathologies can be eliminated without surgery.

How to choose a Shants collar?

Speaking about which Shants collar is better to choose, it is necessary to take into account the patient's condition, the symptoms of his disease, age and individual characteristics of the body. The choice of bandage should be approached with full responsibility, because your health depends on it. After all, an improperly selected device will not only not get rid of the current problem, but can even aggravate the situation.

Therefore, to avoid mistakes, it is best to contact an orthopedist who will help you make the right choice. Thanks to his recommendations, you can more accurately select the type of retainer and its size. If it is not possible to use the help of a specialist, then the choice of collar size is carried out taking into account the following parameters:

  1. bandage heights. To calculate it, you should make a measurement from the angle of the lower jaw to the collarbone. In this case, the head must be positioned straight, so that the eyes and auditory openings are located at the same horizontal level.
  2. Bandage lengths. It is necessary to measure the diameter of the neck at the base. The resulting value will match its length. It is important that these indicators practically do not differ from each other, otherwise it can later cause harm.

When choosing a collar in a store, you should remember that the sizes of different manufacturers may vary slightly.

Therefore, before buying it should be tried on to make sure the size matches. You can be sure of the correct choice if:

  • there is a limited inclination of the neck and its movements;
  • an index finger can fit between the bandage and the neck;
  • the collar in height fully corresponds to the length of the neck, the head should not be tilted forward or backward, it should have an even horizontal position;
  • there are no painful sensations, rubbing of the skin or a feeling of discomfort, it should be comfortable to swallow and move the lower jaw in it.

How to wear?

Features of wearing a Shants collar must be checked with the attending physician who prescribed it. Depending on the condition of the patient and the type of collar, there are differences in time and duration of stay in it. In some cases, it is recommended to wear a bandage only after massage and physiotherapy procedures, in others - almost constantly, until the situation improves. The main thing is that there is no squeezing of soft tissues and constriction of breathing.

How long can you wear it?

On average, for the prevention of osteochondrosis and the treatment of mild forms of this disease, it is allowed to wear a splint no more than 4 hours a day. Do not abuse its use, so as not to weaken the natural muscle corset and spine. The treatment course is about a month. If you feel unwell from wearing a bandage, you should consult a doctor to find out the real causes of such a side effect. After that, the doctor will decide on the need for further therapy.

Can an adult sleep in a Shants collar?

For most symptomatic indications, doctors recommend removing the fixator at night. At this time, there is no need to support the neck, because it is already in a relaxed state. However, in case of certain diseases, injuries or in the postoperative period, if the neck must be completely immobilized, then the collar is not recommended to be removed even during sleep. All these points also need to be individually coordinated with your doctor. But for preventive purposes, sleeping in it is categorically not recommended.


There are a number of pathologies in which the use of the Shants collar is contraindicated. First of all, this applies to patients who experience instability of the cervical region, for example, after fractures. This is due to the fact that such fixation is rather weak, so there is a possibility of displacement of the spinal disc with subsequent infringement of the spinal cord. It is impossible to replace rigid tires with such bandages, which provide a completely immovable fixation, without the appointment of specialists.

In addition, people with dermatological problems and purulent-inflammatory skin diseases (dermatitis, in the form of sweats) are also not recommended to use a bandage, as this will lead to an even greater exacerbation of the disease.

In the process of wearing, there is a possibility of allergic reactions to the materials of the product. If this happens, then it is necessary to abandon its use at least for a while. Therefore, when choosing a bandage, pay attention to the material, it must be natural.

Product price

You can buy orthopedic fixators in specialized stores or pharmacies. In such a situation, it is better to refrain from buying via the Internet, since there is a high probability of miscalculating the size of the product. The cost depends on the model, manufacturer and size of the collar itself. Its average price is in the range from 500 to 2000 rubles. More expensive bandages are branded products and are of better quality than cheaper counterparts.

In modern orthopedics, there are many devices that successfully correct spinal anomalies and prevent the development of disability. Among them is the Shants collar, which can be prescribed from the first days of life or already in adulthood. In any case, this is an important component of the treatment of pathologies of the cervical spine.

What is a Shants collar

If the orthopedist has prescribed a splint for the cervical spine, the first step is to find out what it is, what it is for, what the results are, and how soon they can be expected. The Shants collar is an effective method of corrective treatment when an orthopedic device made of a special material is prescribed to a patient at any age.

The main purpose of wearing such a collar is to reduce the load on the affected cervical spine, to provide warmth and light massage of the characteristic focus of pathology. The orthopedic device has several varieties, where the determining factor is the material of manufacture. Structurally, Shants collars do not have significant differences.

Shants soft tire

For easy stretching of the cervical vertebrae and suppression of attacks of the disease, orthopedists prescribe a soft therapeutic collar. It is made of medical foam rubber or elastic porous material for the convenience of the patient. Outwardly, it is a flexible band that has an anatomical notch specifically for the chin, comfortable Velcro for secure fixation of the neck position.

Such an orthopedic device of Shants limits head tilts, stretches and strengthens weakened vertebrae, and prevents the development of cervical osteochondrosis. The collar is more often prescribed in childhood, a common indication for use is torticollis in newborns. It is important to choose the right “corrector of the spine”, otherwise there is no therapeutic effect at all.

Semi-rigid collar

Structurally, this option is not much different from its predecessor, its characteristic feature is the material of manufacture. The semi-rigid Shants collar is used for more serious pathologies of the cervical spine, as it tightly fits the neck, limits the rotation and tilt of the head in different directions. It is made of dense matter with metal inserts, structural elements. With everyday wear, it gives the patient a feeling of discomfort. Provides traction of the vertebrae not only in children, but also in adulthood.

Rigid Shants collar

This metal structure is used for severe lesions of the spine, as an option - for a fracture of the cervical spine. A rigid cervical bandage firmly fixes the spinal column in one position, while requiring a very long daily wear. It is made of metal or durable types of plastic, with competent medical participation, it provides non-surgical methods for eliminating such a global health problem.

What is the Shants collar for?

In case of injuries, disorders and age-related weakness of the cervical vertebrae, the orthopedist prescribes corrective treatment, which can take up to one month. If you put on a Shants collar, it limits the flexion - extension of the vertebrae of the neck, keeps them in one position, promotes soft and imperceptible stretching. A cervical collar is also needed for injuries, when it is important to limit the increased load on the affected spine.

Shants collar for newborns

If in the first days of life the doctor suspects torticollis, parents will have to buy an orthopedic collar for newborns and put it on for the baby, according to all medical prescriptions. Such a device is necessary for stretching and strengthening weakened vertebrae, performing a soft massage and providing a warming effect. You can buy a soft retainer for a baby at a pharmacy, but before making your choice, it does not hurt to carefully read the instructions. The principle of operation of the Shants collar is already explained by a pediatric orthopedist.

Other indications for everyday wear of the collar are as follows:

  • hyperexcitability;
  • short neck syndrome;
  • movement disorders;
  • birth injuries of the cervical spine;
  • depression of the nervous system.

Shants collar for cervical osteochondrosis

If migraine attacks, frequent dizziness, decreased visual acuity and general weakness occur against the background of severe pain in the neck, it is possible that these are signs of cervical osteochondrosis. The disease progresses more often in adults, but also requires additional wear of corrective devices on the recommendation of an orthopedist. An orthopedic neck collar for osteochondrosis effectively relieves acute pain, strengthens the muscular frame, restores blood supply through the vessels of the neck, stabilizes the sleep phase, and normalizes the emotional background.

Shants collar - application

If the attending physician prescribes such an orthopedic device, you should not violate his recommendations. The Shants collar is an effective method of corrective therapy for lesions of the cervical spine of varying intensity. It is put on the neck, tightly fixed, and not removed for a long time. The duration of wearing starts from one to several months, individually negotiated by the orthopedist. The main indications for everyday wear are the following clinical pictures:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • violation of posture;
  • myositis;
  • torticollis of newborns;
  • spinal cord compression;
  • the period of rehabilitation after injuries, operations of the spine;
  • migraines and dizziness of a neurological nature.

How to choose a Shants collar

When choosing such a corrective fixator, it is important to consult an orthopedist for advice. Otherwise, you can only worsen your overall health. The specialist will tell you what types of orthopedic products are appropriate in a particular clinical picture, what size, and how to properly fit. Before you buy a head holder, it is shown to consider the following nuances:

  1. After trying on the Shants fixator, the mobility of the neck should be as limited as possible - it is impossible to tilt the head back or tilt it forward.
  2. The length of the neck and the height of the collar are the same, and the upper line of the orthopedic device should be located at the base of the skull, the lower line - first of the neck.
  3. The upper edge of the retainer should rest against the chin and jaw, and the lower part of the structure runs parallel to the collarbones.
  4. The collar acts as a neck holder, so with the right choice, there is no pain when wearing it.

Shants collar inflatable

The use of such a design in diseases of the cervical spine has found its distribution among the masses, since the fixator is easy to use, practical in everyday wear and, with the right choice, does not cause discomfort to the patient. The Shants inflatable splint for the neck is a convenient model that is used for mild degrees of damage to the spinal column. Air is injected into the structure with the help of a special pear, which provides gentle stretching of the vertebrae, increasing the space between the joints.

Inflatable bandage

This is an orthopedic structure similar in principle of operation, into which air is also pumped by a pear. An inflatable neck brace is a kind of “alternative” to the Shants collar, however, the device itself does not cure spinal problems, but eliminates the impact of pathogenic factors on the affected area. An inflatable bandage is used in osteochondrosis to maintain a period of remission, as well as to prevent diseases. In the treatment of injuries of the cervical spine, radical methods are already involved.

Neck brace

A rigid neck collar is a radical treatment for spinal column problems. The need for its daily wear arises with severe injuries or fractures of the vertebrae. Such a fixator provides a restriction on the rotation of the neck, minimization of the load on the affected area, a full regime of the approximate muscles. It will not be possible to cure a characteristic ailment at a fast pace, the patient will have several months of hard rehabilitation in a hospital and at home.

How to choose the size of the Shants collar

Before you buy a collar in a pharmacy or order it in an online pharmacy, you should decide on the size, since such an orthopedic device is no longer returnable. To do this, position your head so that the eyes remain on the same level with the ear holes. Then, using a centimeter, measure the distance from the sternum to the chin, which is the determining size of the Shants collars. The girth of the neck is a secondary indicator, since all orthopedic collars have a universal clasp and can be adjusted according to the girth of the neck.

How to wear an orthopedic collar

Wear such a neck brace tightly, but do not squeeze soft tissues. Otherwise, side effects are observed, and the patient complains of nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath. It is important that between the device itself and the neck there is a slight gap in the finger. Only in this case it fulfills its main purpose. Optimal height - the collar should cover the entire neck, from the bottom to the top. In this case, the lower edge rests on the bones of the clavicle, the upper one holds the lower jaw.

How long to wear a Shants collar

It is supposed to wear such a collar daily, and in some clinical pictures it is completely contraindicated to remove it for the indicated time interval. The question of how long to wear a Shants collar is best addressed to your orthopedist. The answer is individual for each case, for example, with congenital torticollis, the indicated fixator will have to be worn for at least a month. With an exacerbation of a hernia or cervical osteochondrosis, the collar should be worn until the alarming symptoms disappear completely. In this way, you can further strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Is it possible to sleep in the Shants collar

If we are talking about a child's body, a newborn child with torticollis is allowed to sleep in the Shants splint, and remove it only for bathing. Improvements will be noticeable already in the first month of everyday wear. However, there are pitfalls in this issue. For example, if such a collar is not removed, the muscles, muscles will atrophy. Therefore, at an older age, doctors prescribe the toe of the indicated orthopedic device for 4-5 hours per day, no more. The time interval for wearing can only be selected by the attending physician for medical reasons.

How to wear the Shants collar to newborns

With torticollis, such a fixative is prescribed from the first days of life. Parents should understand how to use it correctly so as not to harm the health of the baby. The Shants collar with torticollis in infants is required to be worn for a month. More often, this time interval is enough to strengthen the weakened neck muscles. It is important to put on the collar correctly so that the child does not experience discomfort, then he will completely forget about the existence of the retainer. He should sleep in the collar, stay awake - in the collar of Shants. Treatment takes place under strict medical supervision.

How to wear a collar for osteochondrosis

Such a pathology often progresses in adulthood, is associated with previous spinal injuries, the features of the work of an adult patient, and a genetic predisposition. The focus of pathology is shown a rest mode, so the orthopedist must prescribe a collar for the cervical vertebrae. This is protection, and massage, and the necessary warming effect. Wear a retainer depending on medical indications, but more often this is a period of 4-5 hours per day for several months.

Shants collar price

You can buy such an orthopedic device in a specialized store in Moscow and not only. To make the purchase inexpensive, it makes sense to place an order from a photo from catalogs in thematic online stores. The cost of products is much cheaper, but with the size you can miscalculate. Prices in pharmacies of the city are different, for example, you can see the prices in the capital using the following table.

Video: Medical neck collar for osteochondrosis