Very strong smell of urine in women. Prerequisites for the appearance of the smell of rotten eggs. Acetone smell of urine in women? Diabetes

The unpleasant smell of urine, which appeared in a healthy person, should be a cause for concern. There are several reasons for its change to sharp and repulsive. The smell emanating from urine can signal the onset of an illness, improper diet or drinking. Normally, it should be light, special. If odor has appeared, it is required to find out the causes of the adverse event. To this end, doctors conduct a full examination of the body.

Urine of healthy people exudes a barely audible smell of ammonia. An interesting fact is that when female urine is placed outdoors, its aroma is noticeably enhanced. Urine stinks even with the active course of pathological processes inside the body. True, a strange aroma appears already when urinating. To find out why the smell of urine has changed and what to do in such a situation, contacting a medical specialist will help.

Physical indicators of urine change under the influence of various factors. These include:
  • venereal diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • the use of certain foods in large quantities (alcohol, garlic, asparagus crops);
  • disturbed metabolism;
  • deviations that have developed at the genetic level;
  • diseases of the liver and digestive organs;
  • improper use of certain groups of drugs (among which there are antibiotics).

Bad smelling urine is often caused by the buildup of acetone compounds in the urine. They are also present in the urine of healthy people, but at a lower concentration. If the urine smells very strongly and specifically, it is likely that the amount of acetone exceeds the allowable limits. And here it is important to know why this happens.

The smell, reminiscent of acetone, is often an alarm bell announcing such deviations and pathologies:
  • stomach cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • disturbed diet (when it is dominated by food with a lot of fats and proteins);
  • depletion of the body due to a long, unbalanced diet, heavy physical exertion, prolonged fasting;
  • elevated body temperature, which does not subside for a long time;
  • poisoning of a different nature (including alcohol);
  • thyroid disease;
  • prolonged vomiting that occurs against the background of toxicosis of pregnant women or intestinal poisoning.

The strong smell of acetone from urine is often accompanied by additional symptoms indicating a particular disease. But even if they are absent, and the smell of acetone in urine appears singly, a person should still go to see a doctor. The smell of acetone is a sign of the presence of ketone bodies in the composition of urine. If timely medical measures are not taken, the patient falls into a coma or gets serious problems with his health. This is especially true for women preparing to become mothers.

In general, urine with acetone comes with a sharp smell or aroma of rotten apples. The therapy helps to eliminate the causes that have changed the physical parameters of urine, as well as adjust the diet plan.

Another type of compound that is always present in urine is ammonia. If it has accumulated in large quantities, the urine begins to smell like ammonia. With the development of unfavorable physiological conditions in the body, the ammonia odor increases.

The occurrence of such conditions depends on the following factors:
  • the use of large quantities of drugs containing a lot of iron and calcium;
  • eating a large amount of protein (ammonia is formed during the breakdown of protein amino acids);
  • inflammation in the urinary organs, against which the smell of ammonia occurs (such conditions rarely develop, for example, as a result of pyelonephritis or cystitis);
  • dehydration (the concentration of components increases in urine, among which there is ammonia);
  • stasis of urine (ammonia levels in the urine often increase in the morning, after prolonged abstinence, in pregnant women and people suffering from kidney stones, bladder, squeezing the ureter);
  • liver diseases (released ammonia molecules that enter the urine from an inflamed organ become a source of a pungent odor).

If some physical factors (malnutrition, lack of fluid, prolonged retention of urine in the bladder) become the determining cause of the change in the smell of urine, then you can make it normal again by adhering to the correct drinking regimen and emptying the bladder in a timely manner.

It happens that the steps taken do not bring the expected result, and urine with an unpleasant odor appears even 3 days after the start of therapy. This situation indicates that the internal organs are working intermittently. The doctor conducts additional diagnostics, which allows him to develop the correct treatment regimen.

The sour smell emanating from urine may resemble the aroma of sour milk or sauerkraut. Its appearance is caused by the activity of an infectious fungus in the urinary organs (candidiasis urethritis or candidiasis).

Such a specific smell of urine is complemented by the following symptoms:
  • turbidity of the liquid;
  • persistent itching in the vagina;
  • the appearance of a whitish discharge from the genitals (in their consistency they resemble flakes);
  • the formation of white plaque on the vaginal mucous membranes.

If your urine is cloudy and smells sour, your doctor will recommend topical medications such as ointments, vaginal suppositories, and suppositories for effective therapy. Medicines that have a systemic effect also help well (these include pills that need to be taken orally).

The sour smell of urine sometimes appears against the background of problems with the functioning of the digestive organs. High acidity of the juice in the stomach or intestinal dysbacteriosis become the main factor provoking the development of the situation. Another explanation for why urine has a pungent odor is vaginal dysbacteriosis or vaginitis. Pathologies of the female genital organs cause a sour aroma of urine, complemented by secretions. Successfully cope with dysbacteriosis will help suspensions, capsules or vaginal tablets, the action of which is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. If pathogenic bacteria are detected, the medical specialist prescribes antibacterial drugs.

It is very rare that urine has an unpleasant smell of rotten fish. Its appearance is due to the presence of pathological secretions in the vagina, which, mixing with urine, give it a corresponding odor. For example, yellow urine, mixed with secretions of the same color and specifically smelling like fish, occurs as a result of the active life of Trichomonas (they are the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease trichomoniasis).

Along with the bad smell of urine, other signs also appear:
  • pain at the time of urination;
  • swelling or redness of the vaginal and urethral mucous membranes;
  • vaginal discharge that has a yellowish brown tone.

The disturbed balance of the vaginal microflora explains why the urine smells strongly of fish. In the composition of the liquid, pathogenic microorganisms, gardnerella, become predominant. An unpleasant odor is accompanied by an abundance of greenish discharge, an inflammatory process of the mucous membranes, painful sensations that increase when the bladder is emptied (provided that urethritis has developed against the background of the inflammatory process).

Urine can smell like spoiled fish due to a genetic disease called trimethylaminuria. In people suffering from this pathology, a sharp aroma resembling rotten fish begins to appear when any body fluids (urine, blood, sweat, saliva) are released. This happens because the liver, due to genetic disorders, cannot fully regulate the production of individual enzymes responsible for the conversion of the active connecting component of trimethylamine (it is released when food is digested by the stomach). Trimethylaminuria is diagnosed mainly in children when they are weaned from the mother's breast. But there are cases of detection of this genetic disorder in adults. The treatment course provides for the constant adherence to a diet low in protein and the use of adsorbing medicines by a sick person.

The sweet smell of urine, reminiscent of the aroma of maple syrup, is most often part of the hereditary disease of leucinosis. In the body, the production of certain enzymes involved in the breakdown of amino acids is disrupted. As a result, they gradually accumulate inside the tissues and poison the body. The diagnosis of "leucinosis" is made mainly in newborn children. However, the first manifestations of the disease occur at a later period of development.

The sweet smell of urine is not the only symptom of a hereditary pathology. the disease is exacerbated by stress, reduced immunity, serious physical overstrain, and is accompanied by the following pronounced symptoms:
  • convulsions;
  • nausea or vomiting;
  • uncoordinated movements.

Therapy for leucinosis involves dieting throughout life, without the inclusion of certain types of amino acids in the diet. It is also important to constantly monitor the results of clinical tests. The prognosis is favorable subject to timely treatment.

Urine smells bad if a person has phenylketonuria and the fermentation system in his liver is not working properly. The phenylalanine component is not broken down, but accumulates in the tissues. The consequence of this is the release of body fluids (urine, sweat, saliva) with an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of mice or mold in smell.

The disease is found in babies, and often it is accompanied by additional symptoms:
  • lethargy;
  • convulsions;
  • mental and physical underdevelopment.

Treatment of pathology involves the observance of a strict dietary diet. Dietary restrictions are introduced for life, helping to slow down the course of the disease. If the patient does not follow the developed diet, then he will face damage to the brain and central nervous system. The consequences of such a state are very sad, up to the development of imbecility and idiocy.

The presence of a putrid odor may indicate an oncological tumor of the rectum or pyelonephritis. If the smell of rotten eggs exudes women's urine, there is a high probability of infection in the kidneys or bladder. The presence of turbidity and various inclusions in the urine (suspensions or purulent particles) indicates pathologies of the genitourinary organs.

In general, the causes of the pungent smell of urine may be of a completely different nature, which is not associated with an internal disease. Sometimes a person with good health has to face a similar problem. For example, the acrid smell of urine, similar to rotten eggs, appears after eating a large amount of asparagus. It passes on its own, without any treatment, 6 hours after eating the plant. If a person consumes a lot of alcoholic beverages, salty, spicy or smoked foods, then his urine can change its flavor for about 1-2 days.

There is also a separate category of urine odors that appear after eating certain foods. For example, it can become a source of the aroma of garlic, beer, sulfur, rubber, smell of roasted seeds or sausage, exude the smell of smoked meats, rotten cabbage or ampicillin. If a person takes antibiotics or other strong drugs, his urine will smell like drugs. But this aroma disappears after the end of taking the drugs.

The color and smell of urine change when multi-colored spices are included in the diet. The list of causes that cause a persistent bad smell in urine is just an example. Urine is called the end product of metabolism in the human body, so its physical parameters change when the slightest internal problems appear in the functioning of organs and systems.

Normal human urine should not have any odor. If she began to exude extraneous aromas, this means that the urinary system was attacked by some kind of disease.

For example:
  • pyelonephritis;
  • cystitis;
  • urethritis.

Pathogenic bacteria that get into the urine cause the appearance of a pungent smell of urine. For example, the cause of cystitis may be medical or infectious. Sometimes this disease develops against the background of prolonged drug therapy. The cause of the putrid and pungent smell of urine is progressive inflammation, accompanied by the accumulation of pus.

When determining the source of the unpleasant odor of urine, the gender of the patient also matters. For example, in men, a change in the smell of urine often indicates a malfunction of the prostate gland or the onset of prostatitis (in which urination is difficult and pain occurs in the perineum).

In addition, in males, the increased smell of urine is caused by a number of factors:
  • progressive spread of genitourinary infections;
  • lack of water in the body;
  • diabetes;
  • acute liver failure;
  • long-term intake of vitamins of group B 6;
  • kidney infection.

Women's urine often changes its smell after sexual intercourse, due to a change in the microflora of the vagina. This situation often occurs in the fair sex, suffering from thrush, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or other sexually transmitted diseases.

A bad smell from urine often becomes the only symptom of diseases that affect the genitourinary or excretory system. It appears already at an early stage in the development of pathology and makes it possible to identify it before the appearance of other signs.

Normal excrement in childhood does not have any smell. Only after a few years of life, the urine of a child begins to “smell” in the same way as in an adult. Many parents who have had to deal with a change in the physical parameters of the baby's urine are interested in what the pungent smell of urine in children means, is it worth visiting a pediatrician if such a symptom is found?

The causes of a pungent odor of urine in childhood are similar to those in an adult:
  1. If the baby suffers from any hereditary disease, his urine already at the beginning of his life has an unpleasant odor. Hereditary pathologies of newborns are diagnosed even in the maternity hospital, and therapeutic therapy is carried out there.
  2. Yellow, concentrated urine in a child indicates a lack of fluid in a small body. Such symptoms may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Such conditions occur against the background of the development of pathologies of an infectious nature. To help the child, parents should give him to drink as much liquid as possible.
  3. An unpleasant odor from the urine of a newborn child sometimes comes from the action of factors that have external localization. For example, if a nursing mother changes her diet, eats sauerkraut, seeds or drinks alcohol, this affects the change in the physical characteristics of urine. Urine should also change its odor when transferring a baby to other artificial mixtures or adding complementary foods.

Often the urine of a child changes its smell due to the action of banal factors. Parents should not ignore this fact. They should consult a pediatrician regarding the change in color of the urine, even if the baby does not have any complaints.

During the period of gestation, female urine smells bad due to the action of various factors. If the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies, urine practically does not change its smell. True, in healthy women, this liquid happens with a barely audible smell of ammonia.

Pungent odors from urine signal the course of pathologies in the patient's body:
  1. If the aroma of ammonia in the urine immediately becomes caustic, the expectant mother is probably drinking too little fluid. Because of this, urine becomes smaller, and its concentration increases, which leads to the appearance of an ammonia smell. To restore the natural smell of urine, a pregnant woman should reconsider her drinking regimen.
  2. In the early stages of pregnancy, many women develop severe toxicosis, and up to 8-10 vomiting occurs per day. Because of this, a metabolic failure develops, and a bad smell comes from the urine. The acetoacetic acid and acetone accumulated in it worsen the general condition of the woman's body, leading to a strong decrease in weight and pressure.
  3. Decompensated diabetes mellitus causes the accumulation of ketone bodies, and against this background, the urine acquires the smell of rotting apples.
  4. The smell of acetone in the urine of pregnant women is due to a too strict diet or uncontrolled fasting.
  5. Ammonia fragrance appears in the urine of many pregnant women. The accumulation of pus, pathological microorganisms or white blood cells leads to a foul-smelling urine.
  6. Turbid urine in pregnant women indicates the activation of inflammatory processes associated with cystitis or pyelonephritis.
  7. If a pregnant woman eats a lot of onions, horseradish, asparagus, or garlic, her urine can smell bad.

If the urine of a pregnant woman has changed its smell, this symptom should be regarded as dangerous. Probably, serious pathologies develop in the body. The expectant mother needs to ask a urologist for help in diagnosing and identifying the causes of the disease.

To find out why a condition developed that caused a strong smell of urine, the patient must visit a medical facility and pass a series of tests, including instrumental and laboratory measures. In the laboratory, the patient's urine is examined, the level of leukocytes, protein and erythrocytes in it is determined. For more detailed research, MRI, ultrasound, urography, computed tomography of the kidneys are performed. An accurate diagnosis allows the doctor to develop the correct treatment regimen and select effective medications.

If a person's urine has changed its smell, it means that pathological processes occur in the body that require treatment.

The therapeutic course is developed taking into account the physical characteristics of urine:
  1. Sweet urine with the smell of acetone requires a revision of the diet. Remove sweet and spicy foods from your menu by replacing them with natural honey. Do not eat fatty foods, prefer alkaline water. If the measures taken do not lead to an improvement in the condition, contact a specialized medical center. There you will be able to pass the necessary tests and receive high-quality treatment according to the scheme that the doctor will individually develop.
  2. If the urine emits an unpleasant odor in the morning, it is necessary to pick up diuretic drugs or antibiotics. They will help restore the full functioning of the organs of urination and remove the inflammatory process. The patient also needs to drink more fluids.
  3. Urine will smell like ammonia if a bacterial inflammatory process has developed in the urinary organs. To cure a patient, a medical specialist selects a therapeutic complex, which includes antibacterial and auxiliary drugs. At home, you can add folk remedies (for example, a rosehip decoction) to medical treatment.
  4. The smell of rot from urine is eliminated with the help of antibacterial tablets. Washing with a decoction of chamomile will also be useful. To prepare it, take 1 tbsp. l. flowers, pour 200 ml of hot water, insist and cool before use. Washing is carried out using an enema, 2 times a day.
  5. A smell of mold emanating from the urine may indicate that a person suffers from a hereditary disease called phenylketonuria. The course of drug treatment in this case is developed by the doctor, and at home the patient must take care of changing the diet. From the menu it is necessary to exclude products that contain animal protein. It is better to give preference to food of plant origin.
  6. Urine with a sour aroma appears more often in women with impaired vaginal microflora or when a fungal infection enters the genitourinary tract. Therapeutic therapy involves the use of drugs containing fluconazole (tablets or suppositories).
  7. Sometimes urine emits a fetid odor after having sex. This means that a fungal infection has entered the woman's vagina or the balance of lactic acid has been disturbed. At home, you can solve this problem with the help of enemas with a decoction of chamomile. In this case, medications in the form of tablets and vaginal suppositories will also help.
  8. The smell of rancid oil from the urine indicates a high level of methionine. An infusion of fresh dill will help fix the problem. To prepare the remedy, you need to take 2 tbsp. plants, pour it with 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. The infusion should be drunk before each meal during the day.
  9. If a fetid odor of urine occurs against the background of prostatitis and is accompanied by an increase in temperature, the patient must first of all get advice and a treatment regimen from his doctor. Additionally, you can use a decoction of parsley seeds and leaves at home. To prepare it, take 0.5 cups of raw materials, pour 300 ml of hot water and insist. Drinking a decoction is recommended before meals.

Therapeutic measures for the unpleasant smell of urine are aimed at eliminating the root cause of its occurrence. If you care about your health, get a full examination in the hospital, which will help to find out why the urine has changed its smell.

This was probably due to a latent infection in the urinary tract or the use of low-quality food. In any case, a medical examination will help to quickly understand and undergo a course of treatment.

If the smell of urine in men changes, the reasons may be different. In an absolutely healthy person, urine should be clear, not have a pronounced odor and have a straw-yellow color, and if this is not the case, then you should consult a doctor.

Causes include various diseases or lifestyle habits. A change in the smell of urine usually occurs under the influence of really serious factors, which requires that the symptom be treated with due attention. The smell of urine can not only be replaced by an unpleasant or pungent one, but resemble rotten fish or engine oil. Such specific "aromas" help the attending physician to establish the correct diagnosis.

Change not related to problems

The unpleasant smell of urine in men can appear as a result of eating certain foods with specific properties. It is customary to include asparagus, very salty dishes, black and red pepper in this group. Specific treatment is not required, it is enough to exclude the source of unwanted substances from the diet in order to forget about your problem in 1-2 days.

Unpleasant odor in the urine is also provided by drugs. This process is especially pronounced when taking vitamin B6 and antibiotics. Urine returns to its natural light yellow color and odor as soon as the last doses of drugs are eliminated from the body. The withdrawal process may take several days, so it is not worth waiting for everything to return to normal the very next day after stopping the course of treatment. The rate of withdrawal is affected by the quality of the kidneys, liver, proper nutrition and the amount of fluid consumed daily.

The pungent smell of urine with a hint of ammonia indicates dehydration or an acute shortage of any of the most important nutrients. Similar phenomena are typical for people who experience the effectiveness of various diets for weight loss. Caution is paramount - if the body warns men in this way, then it is worth switching to a different diet.

Genetic diseases

If the urine has the smell of engine oil, then the causes of this phenomenon are hidden in the presence of phenylketonuria, in which the exchange of phenylalanine changes. As a result, the enzyme accumulates in tissues and organs, which affects protein metabolism. The most dangerous consequence of the development of the disease is the defeat of the central nervous system. Treatment is prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Change the smell of urine to the aroma of maple syrup can a rare disease - leucinosis. This disease belongs to the category of congenital, so the treatment is symptomatic and only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Genetic diseases most often make themselves felt in early childhood, which requires increased attention from parents. Timely diagnosed disease allows you to develop a special system of control and behavior for adulthood. A change in the smell of urine becomes a kind of indicator of the state of the body.

Pathological manifestations

Ketone bodies that appear in the urine give it a specific smell of acetone. A similar phenomenon may signal the development of diabetes if, in parallel, there is a decrease in body weight, constant dryness of the skin and haunting thirst.

A strong smell of ammonia appears in the urine at the moment when the stones of the bladder, ureter or in the renal pelvis begin their movement. The process is quite painful, so you should not wait for the first pain sensations to pass, they will only intensify. Even a slight pain, combined with an altered odor of the body fluid, requires immediate medical attention.

Putrid odors indicate the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. Treatment is aimed at destroying the pathogen, so the main course is antibiotics, drugs for the speedy restoration of microflora and strengthening the immune system. It is required to start treatment without delay in order to have time to prevent the development of many complications. Inflammatory processes can be accompanied by a peculiar smell, reminiscent of decaying fish. It will not be possible to get rid of odors until the source of inflammation is destroyed.

Long-term use of various drugs for the treatment of any diseases can provoke the development of non-infectious cystitis. Analyzes show the absence of bacteria in the sample, but a change in its qualitative component is recorded. In this case, the urine has an odor similar to the one that prevails in pharmacies. Not a "medical" smell is possible, but a kind of "chemical" one. The reason lies in the long-term irritation of the urinary tract with drugs. The patient needs to consult a urologist, in some cases, the withdrawal of the drug does not mean the mandatory self-recovery of the mucous membranes.

Inflammation of the prostate contributes to the acquisition of an unpleasant odor in the urine. You can get rid of the symptom only by destroying the pathogen. For this, a whole range of measures is used, including specific drugs, antibiotics, biological additives, physiotherapy and massage sessions.

Mandatory medical consultation

A change in the smell of urine should excite a man and make him listen more carefully to his body. In most cases, change is associated with very dangerous reasons. Characteristic accompanying signs help to recognize their presence.

If urine acquires a pungent odor, postponing a visit to the doctor is quite risky if mood swings, apathy, and severe pain in the abdomen are observed.

No less dangerous signal is the appearance of blood in the urine.

In infections that affect the urinary tract, an unpleasant smell of urine accompanies bladder spasms and a burning sensation during urination. Also, a man may note the foamy nature of urine, pain in the abdomen and frequent urge to urinate.

For systemic diseases that cause a change in the smell of urine to a sharp one, in most cases, dry mouth, general weakness, fever, loss of appetite, pain in the rectum, and digestive disorders are characteristic.

A change in the smell of urine, not associated with the intake of certain products the day before, requires you to see a specialist for a consultation. The doctor is usually limited to referring the patient to a general urine test to determine the presence of foreign elements (flakes, sediment) or bacteria in the fluid. After that, the appropriate treatment will simply be prescribed that can preserve the health of a man and protect against many problems associated not only with urination.

The properties and composition of urine give an idea of ​​the general state of women's health and are interconnected with various changes occurring in the body. The unpleasant smell of urine in women signals the possible development of pathology. It is important not to ignore this symptom and consult a doctor in a timely manner. However, not only pathological processes can be indicated by a change in the smell of urine in girls and women, the reasons for this condition are varied.

Non-pathological factors

In a healthy female representative, urine should be yellow (light shade), transparent, without additional impurities, and have a slightly perceptible aroma. As a result of rapid oxidation, shortly after urination, urine smells like ammonia (ammonia).

The causes and factors that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in women can be physiological and pathological. It all depends on whether the process is accompanied by additional symptoms. If the urine smells bad, it is not always associated with a disease. The female genital organs are located near the anus, which often changes the aroma of urine. It will be possible to correct the situation with the help of careful hygiene of the intimate area.

Urine smells unusual in women due to certain foods in the diet. If you often eat spicy, fatty or salty foods, urine acquires a bitter odor. A sharp odor is accompanied by urine after taking alcoholic beverages. In girls, urine has a specific smell as a result of taking certain antibiotics or B vitamins. There is no need to treat this condition, it is enough to exclude the provoking factor.

Menopause is a natural period when reproductive and menstrual functions decline. On average, it occurs after 50 years (sometimes even after 35 years). Allocations in women with menopause also smell unpleasant. This suggests that the hormonal background has changed. With age, the aroma of urine may change, smell like iodine or sulfur.

Later, the pelvic floor muscles weaken, resulting in urinary incontinence. It happens that because of this, even clothes stink in an elderly woman.

Diseases of the urinary system

If non-pathological factors are excluded, and urine with an unpleasant odor is observed for more than 5–7 days, there is a possibility of an inflammatory process developing in the urinary tract and organs of the excretory systems. It is noteworthy that the changed aroma sometimes appears long before the development of the characteristic clinical picture. Thanks to this, the doctor can timely prescribe treatment even at the initial stages of the disease.

The strongly pronounced aroma of urine in infections of the genitourinary system is the result of the release of waste products of the pathogenic microflora that caused the disease.

Often, urine in such situations smells like penicillin, which is also a consequence of the development of dangerous bacteria in the urinary system. If it smells like onions, the problem may be related to inflammation of the appendages.

The cause of a strong smell of urine in women can be:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelitis.

In addition, the urine acquires a dark yellow color or becomes colorless. Turbid urine indicates serious inflammatory processes. The smell of urine with cystitis, for example, becomes ammoniacal, with urination there are sharp, terrible pains. In addition to darkening of the urine, there are pains in the lumbar region, giving off in the lower abdomen. Turbidity, a change in the aroma and color of urine, the appearance of impurities in the urine of women is a reason to be wary.

Sexual infections

Often a change in flavor is a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). With chlamydia, a strongly perceptible smell of urine from the vagina exudes, and an unpleasant-smelling discharge appears. Mycoplasmosis leads to inflammation of the genitourinary system, often accompanied by the development of bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal discharge causes the urine to smell like fish.

With thrush, which is not an STD, but often accompanies these infections, a sour smell (vinegar) appears. In some cases, candidiasis in the later stages is characterized by the aroma of herring. In the initial stage, there may be a burning sensation during urination. The problem will disappear immediately after taking the first doses of antifungal drugs.

Liver pathology and diabetes

In diseases of the liver, dark urine with a pungent odor is characteristic. Excessive amount of bilirubin stains urine. There is a fishy smell, sometimes - garlic. The smell is so strong that even regular hygiene procedures cannot cope with this problem.

The appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in women can signal a disruption in the endocrine system. The smell of urine in diabetes is sweetish or sour, reminiscent of acetone or pickled apples. It is important to consult a doctor immediately after such changes. Perhaps the development of hyperglycemia, fraught with dangerous consequences, one of which is a diabetic coma. The pungent smell of urine is accompanied by additional symptoms of diabetes. Women feel constant thirst, dry mouth, there is an excessive increase in the volume of urine excreted, jumps in body weight are observed.

Other pathologies

Often, the strange aroma of urine becomes the only sign of a pathological process in the female body. A different smell of urine in women can appear under the influence of the following reasons:

  • The persistent aroma of mold is a hereditary disorder of protein metabolism (phenylketonuria).
  • The smell of fish, and rotten, is characteristic of the rare disease trimethylaminuria.
  • The sugary sweet smell of urine, reminiscent of maple syrup, is a sign of a genetic disease called leucinosis.
  • The smell of putrid cabbage - appears when the absorption of amino acids and monosaccharides is impaired.
  • Strong smell, fetid - observed with purulent inflammation in the urinary tract.
  • A chemical smell is often the result of dehydration, when urine becomes very concentrated.

Changes in the properties of urine during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is characterized by colossal changes in the work of the female body. It is due to serious hormonal changes that the smell of urine changes during pregnancy. Often, the expectant mother, who is not yet aware of her interesting position, feels the sweet aroma of urine in the early stages. Often there is a slight ammonia odor as a result of the breakdown of nitrogenous products.

In the later stages, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the urinary tract and kidneys, there is a slight stagnation of urine in a few hours of a night's sleep. As a result, in the morning when urinating, a pungent odor is released. Usually, after giving birth, the smell of urine normalizes for some time.

A change in the smell of urine during pregnancy can be observed with insufficient fluid intake. Often, orange-colored urine appears at the same time - this is due to the use of various vitamin complexes based on vitamins C and B12, which cause a pharmacy aroma.

An unpleasant smell of urine during pregnancy can signal danger in the event of any additional unpleasant symptoms (dry mouth, a state of general weakness, a cardinal change in the color of discharge, etc.). In such a situation, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

What should be the treatment?

Before starting treatment, a thorough diagnosis and a number of necessary tests are carried out to exclude or confirm the existing pathology. Appropriate therapy is then prescribed.

If changes in the urine are caused by taking certain medications, it will be possible to correct the situation by canceling the pills. In the case of pathological factors that provoked this problem, it is necessary to abandon self-treatment. Treatment with folk remedies is not always effective. Only a specialist can help get rid of the existing pathology. Kidney disease is treated with diuretics to speed up the formation of urine and clear the infection.

If pregnant women experience an unpleasant aroma of urine during morning urination, it is necessary to pay attention to possible non-pathological causes. If they are excluded, but the problem persists for more than 1-2 days, you should contact your doctor and undergo the prescribed course of treatment.

In healthy people, urine has a light yellow color, transparent, normally it does not have an unpleasant pungent odor. The appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine may indicate any pathologies not only of the organs that are involved in its formation and excretion, but also of many other body systems. Many do not attach due importance to such a symptom, but if you notice that your urine has some kind of unpleasant odor and it persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

The most common cause of a change in the smell of urine is infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, for example, pyelonephritis.

The most common cause of an unpleasant ammonia smell in urine is infectious diseases of the urinary system, such as cystitis and urethritis. This is due to the fact that pathogenic bacteria and their metabolic products enter the urine. It should be noted that the appearance of an unpleasant odor can be the first symptom of these diseases, which appears long before its other signs. Usually, with diseases of the urinary system, patients are also concerned about pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, pain and burning during urination, and urine can become cloudy.

Cystitis can also be non-infectious in nature, and occur as a result of long-term use of drugs that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder (while there are no bacteria in the urine). In such cases, urine may acquire a specific pharmacy or chemical smell.

The appearance of a putrid smell of urine can be a symptom of serious diseases of the genitourinary system in both men and women. This symptom can occur during inflammatory processes accompanied by suppuration, as well as during the formation of rectal fistulas (vesico-rectal fistulas). Such diseases require urgent treatment.

The unpleasant smell of urine in men may indicate development. Other symptoms of this disease include pain in the perineum, difficulty urinating, and sexual dysfunction.

In women, the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine, especially aggravated after sexual intercourse, may indicate the presence of sexually transmitted diseases or disturbances in the balance of the vaginal microflora. For the same reasons, an unpleasant odor may appear in the urine after childbirth.


The appearance of the smell of acetone in urine indicates the presence of ketone bodies in it, which may be a symptom of diabetes. Usually this disease is accompanied by other symptoms, such as excruciating thirst, dry skin, weight loss, spasms of the calf muscles,. Such signs may also appear in pregnant women, which may indicate the development of gestational diabetes.

The appearance of the smell of ketone bodies in the urine can be associated not only with diabetes, but also with dehydration, starvation, or severe infectious diseases.

Diseases associated with metabolic disorders

An unpleasant fishy smell of urine may indicate a rather rare disease associated with metabolic disorders - trimethylaminuria, in which the accumulation of the substance trimethylamine occurs in the human body. The appearance of this substance in the urine and gives it the smell of rotten fish.

A mousey smell can appear in the urine with phenylketonuria. This is a genetic disease in which the metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine is disturbed, it accumulates in the tissues of the body and the amount of this substance in the urine increases, which gives it a specific smell.

The smell of maple syrup or burnt sugar appears in the urine with leucinosis, also called maple syrup disease. This is a hereditary pathology in which the activity of the enzyme system that ensures the oxidation of certain amino acids is reduced. The disease begins to manifest itself from the first days of a newborn's life and requires immediate treatment.

With many other metabolic disorders in the body, various odors can appear in the urine: the smell of beer, rotten cabbage, mold, sweat or sulfur. In any case, the appearance of an unusual smell of urine is a reason to consult a doctor.

External factors

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine is not always associated with diseases; absolutely healthy people can also face this problem. Some foods, especially asparagus, spicy and salty foods, and alcohol, contain substances that give urine an unpleasant odor. As a rule, it disappears on its own within 24-48 hours after eating them.

Sometimes the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the urine is associated with taking certain medications, such as antibiotics (ampicillin, ciprofloxacin) and B vitamins. The problem is solved on its own after stopping these medications.

The appearance of a sharp ammonia smell in the urine is one of the symptoms of an imbalance in the body during diets and dehydration. To avoid this, you should consume at least 1.5 liters of fluid daily, and while following diets, make sure that the diet is balanced and the body is provided with enough nutrients and vitamins.

Unpleasant smell of urine in a child

In breastfed babies, the smell of urine is affected by the foods the mother eats.

The bowel movements of newborns are practically odorless. As the child grows older, the urine of the child acquires the same smell as that of an adult. The causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor in urine are usually associated with the same pathologies as in adults.

With hereditary diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the body, an unpleasant odor in the urine appears from the first days of life, very often such diseases are diagnosed even in the maternity hospital, and their treatment begins there.

Urine in a child can acquire an unpleasant odor in inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. In diseases accompanied by fever and dehydration, urine becomes more concentrated, which also causes an unpleasant odor in the baby's stool. In such a situation, it is necessary to give the child to drink more fluids.

The appearance of a smell in the urine of a child does not always indicate any disease. In breastfed babies, the smell of urine can be affected by the mother's diet, such as eating cabbage. Changing milk formula and introducing complementary foods can also cause a change in the smell of the baby's bowel movements.

Most often, the causes of the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in a child are rather banal, however, this symptom should not be ignored. Even if the child is not worried about anything, you should pay the attention of the pediatrician.

Which doctor to contact

If an unpleasant odor appears in the urine, you should contact a urologist, and show the child to a pediatrician. If a metabolic disorder is detected, it should be treated by an endocrinologist. If hereditary metabolic diseases are detected, it will be useful to consult a geneticist, a nutritionist.

In a person who does not have health problems, the functionality of the systems along with the organs should not be accompanied by suspicious symptoms, respectively, even urine cannot smell sharply. The appearance of an unpleasant odor often indicates the possibility of the formation of pathological processes. If we talk about the norm, urine should be colored light yellow, have complete transparency, and have no impurities.

Of course, we are now talking about fresh urine, because when oxidized, its smell takes on an ammonia tint. In some cases, the cause is not in diseases, but in certain medicines or products used by a person. But as practice shows, much more often urine, which does not smell too pleasant, indicates the presence of pathologies, and treatment becomes a sad necessity.

Causes leading to problems

The main rule that must be followed, regardless of a pathological or non-pathological cause, is to contact a specialist with a prolonged presence of an altered odor, since timely diagnosis with subsequent therapeutic exposure in many cases helps to avoid dangerous complications. Often, the causes of a strong smell of urine in a woman are diseases of the urinary system.

Important. As practice shows, in urine, the property in question can change long before the initial clinical signs of a disease in this group appear, due to which it is often possible to identify a problem at the very beginning of its development.

When it appears, you can suspect the presence of a number of diseases in the body:

Name of pathology Peculiarities
Pyelonephritis This disease is infectious, affects the tubules of the kidneys, its development is provoked by Escherichia coli. An unpleasant odor is accompanied by acute pain in the lumbar region, an increase in temperature, and unpleasant sensations during urination.
Urethritis Inflammation is formed in the area of ​​the urethra under the influence of infectious pathogens that pass from the carrier through sexual contact.
Cystitis Inflammations develop against the background of pyelonephritis or may be its cause, flow in the bladder. The main causative agent is streptococcus, Escherichia or Pseudomonas aeruginosa, chlamydia and others. Accompanying signs - painful frequent urination, the illusion of constant overcrowding of the bladder.
Pyelitis The disease is characterized by damage to the renal pelvis, pus is often found in urine.

Women who are not too picky when choosing sexual partners can complain about an unpleasant aroma - the cause in this case is often infections transmitted through sexual contact. Given that the reproductive system is anatomically very close to the urinary system, there is a change in the properties of urine. The most common pathologies that change the smell of urine include:

Name of pathology Peculiarities
Chlamydia The provocateur of the disease is chlamydia, which enters the body during sexual intercourse. Accompanying symptoms are pain in the lower abdomen and the appearance of intermenstrual bleeding.
Ureaplasmosis The disease is provoked by conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which begin to actively multiply when immunity deteriorates, causing inflammation of the urethra, ureters and genital organs.
Mycoplasmosis Mycoplasmas cause the formation of inflammation in the kidneys, the reproductive system, and can provoke bacterial vaginosis.
Trichomoniasis Pathology causes the formation of inflammation in the vagina, uterine neck, urethra. In addition to inflammation and soreness of sexual intercourse, frothy vaginal discharge is observed.

In a woman, the occurrence of a sharp smell of urine is a frequent companion of other unpleasant phenomena:

However, a change in the characteristics of the contents of the bladder does not always indicate the presence of pathologies, sometimes the symptom in question develops against the background of hormonal changes due to the bearing of the baby. And usually the problem occurs in the 2nd half of pregnancy. The smell will become more unpleasant if you hold back the urge to visit the toilet for a long time - the fluid in the bladder becomes more saturated, literally “infused” and turns into a concentrate.

Nutrition can also change the contents of the bladder for the worse; spicy, overly fatty foods, pickles, garlic and carbonated drinks, asparagus can negatively affect the liquid. Antimicrobial drugs, B-group vitamins are also capable of negatively influencing. A foreign aroma can also appear with the active use of drinking with the addition of alcohol, especially beer.

When the sense of smell gives a distress signal

When urine has a sharp unpleasant odor, you should be wary, and if this phenomenon persists, the best solution is to contact a specialist. It is also worth mentioning the differences in olfactory sensations - a disgustingly smelling liquid, depending on the predominance of one or another shade, can indicate very specific pathological processes in the body. Consider what a certain smell can tell about:

  • If the urine stinks of acetone, one can suspect the presence of stomach cancer, diabetes mellitus, an incorrectly compiled menu in which proteins and fats predominate, chronically elevated temperature, exhaustion of the body against the background of diets, starvation, and excessive physical exertion. Interestingly, acetone in small quantities is constantly excreted by the kidneys from the body as part of the urine, but if the aroma becomes strong, we can talk about a pathological excess of the permissible limit.
  • Another constant component of urine is ammonia. However, when its odor increases, it is necessary to consider possible influencing factors. We can talk about the use of drugs containing iron and calcium, the abuse of proteins, less often ammonia stench accompanies inflammatory processes that occur with cystitis or pyelonephritis. Ammonia can be formed due to stagnation of urine, dehydration, and liver pathologies.
  • The pungent smell of urine can be sour, reminiscent of spoiled milk or sauerkraut. In this case, first of all, fungal infections of the genitourinary system are suspected - usually it is candidal urethritis or vaginal pathology. Additionally, there is turbidity of urine, itching, white discharge resembling flakes or suspension and appearing in the genital area, a whitish coating on the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer and on the labia. A sour shade also indicates problems in the functioning of the organs of the digestive system - this can be intestinal dysbiosis, a high level of acidity of gastric juice and other painful conditions. Taking certain medications - usually antimicrobials - also provokes the appearance of sourness, since taking such drugs upsets the balance of microflora.
  • In quite rare cases, the bladder fluid itself stinks of spoiled fish, but vaginal discharge can get into it after the penetration of sexual infections into the body, hence the similar effect. So, the venereal pathology of trichomoniasis causes damage to both the genital organs and the urethra, and the pathogens of the pathology, actively multiplying, secrete yellowish leucorrhoea, specifically.

These are the most common changes, but there are many other pathologies. For example, phenylketonuria, which means a hereditary failure of protein metabolism, “smells” like mold. The rare disease trimethylaminuria is accompanied by the stench of rotten fish, and not only urine, but the whole body smells like that.

There may be an aroma of maple syrup or burnt sugar, which indicates the presence of leucinosis. This hereditary disease is characterized by disturbances in the production of enzymes that break down certain amino acids. As a result, the latter begin to accumulate in the tissues, causing intoxication of the body. Symptoms of pathology also include vomiting, seizures and problems with coordination of movements.

In case of infection of the urinary system or genital organs with Escherichia coli in urine, the smell resembles rotten eggs, the same phenomenon accompanies the formation of pyelonephritis or oncology of the rectum. If a similar symptom occurs in girls, the development of infectious processes occurring in the kidneys and bladder can be suspected.

Proven fact. Most diseases of the urinary system are accompanied not only by changes in the aroma of urine, but also by its turbidity, the appearance of various pathological inclusions - pus, suspension, and others.

Other reasons for changing the properties of urine

Quite often, changes in the properties of urine do not occur as a result of the development of diseases. For example, the liquid may smell like garlic, sulfur, or ampicillin due to eating certain foods or using antimicrobials. Ordinary cabbage, due to the sulfur compounds it contains, can enhance or worsen already unpleasant odors. Seasonings, especially garlic and curry, cardamom or cumin, can also change the properties of the contents of the bladder.

Changes also appear when a woman carries a child. However, the reasons may be factors that existed before pregnancy. During this period, it is very important to carefully monitor any unusual nuances. For example, it is considered most dangerous for pregnant women when a sweet aroma appears in the liquid, a shade of a rotting apple or acetone. Such symptoms may indicate the development of diabetes in pregnant women, the occurrence of eclampsia or nephropathy.

It has been noticed that in the process of bearing a child, inflammatory processes most often occur in the bladder or kidneys, resulting in the appearance of a liquid with a purulent or sour spirit. In the third trimester, it is possible that the ureter is clamped by an enlarged uterus, which causes stagnation of the contents and enhances the ammonia smell. Another reason why a pregnant woman's own urine may not smell very pleasant is the increased blood supply to the mucous layers of the body, including the nasal membranes. As a result, even the most common urine and natural secretions can seem fetid.

Quite often, discomfort is caused by poor hygiene, partial urinary incontinence, cystitis and other reasons.

How to get rid of pathology

Having determined why the urine began to smell atypically, they proceed to eliminate the influencing factors or begin treatment in order to get rid of the disease accompanied by this unpleasant phenomenon. The main proposals for the elimination of the pathological phenomenon include:

  • A visit to a specialist with persistent symptoms that do not disappear even after the elimination of all possible factors of influence. The doctor will determine the necessary examination and develop subsequent treatment.
  • At home, you can use decoctions of knotweed, cranberries or lingonberries - they are recommended to be used instead of tea.
  • It will require a revision of nutrition, the exclusion of products that provoke an unpleasant phenomenon.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the correct drinking regimen, consuming at least two liters of purified liquid during the day.
  • Control over intimate hygiene should be tightened, given the proximity of the anus to the vagina. Ideally, washing is carried out after each bowel movement, which avoids the penetration of pathogenic microflora into the urethra.

Treatment with pharmaceutical preparations becomes possible only after an accurate definition of the disease causing the phenomenon in question. If the problem lies in the kidneys, the appointment of diuretics is required. Hospitalization may be required for kidney failure. In case of infection of the genitourinary system, treatment should be complex with the use of antifungal agents and antibiotics. Most often, therapy is carried out against the background of a diet in which it is necessary to limit the consumption of flour, fatty and sweet foods, focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables.

It should be remembered that self-treatment is inadmissible, which will avoid unnecessary complications.