What can be done with pink rose petals. Rose petals - what can be done with them, interesting ideas and recommendations

Have you ever wondered this question? especially after the holidays, when they give flowers, they will delight for a week, And then they begin to wither and it's so pity to throw out flowers with such a delicious aroma))) So, we read))

Rose petals. Application.
Dry roses can be poured with boiling water and insisted for half an hour. As a result, you will get a wonderful lotion of rose petals, which will refresh your face and tighten pores. It must be stored in the refrigerator. True, such a lotion is stored for a short time. It should be used within 2-3 days.
You can freeze such an infusion and you get cosmetic ice for the face. It perfectly tones the face and is stored much longer.
You can grind rose petals in a coffee grinder and add this cosmetic powder to a facial scrub or bath salt.
You can also make oil from rose petals. This rose oil can be used in your home cosmetics in a variety of ways.

How to make rose oil

We need a base oil (olive, almond, grape seed or avocado, for example) dry rose petals. Petals must be well dried, otherwise the oil may turn sour.
Pour rose petals into a glass jar and fill with oil. We put the mixture in a water bath for 2 hours on the smallest fire and cover with a lid (so that the essential oils do not evaporate). Remove the jar from the fire, cover the neck with a cloth and leave to infuse for 3-4 weeks in a shaded place.
We strain the oil, squeezing the raw material well (rose petals). Let the oil stand for 2-3 hours and see if water has separated from the oil during this time. If there is water, then it must be carefully separated from the oil, otherwise the oil will quickly turn sour.
At the end, add a preservative to the oil (oil solution of vitamin E)

Or this option:

The well-known rose oil. We look for it in specialized stores or pharmacies, but it turns out that the recipe for making it at home is not so complicated. Rose petals are mixed in a 1:1 ratio with good olive oil, after which the container (an ordinary jar) is tightly closed and kept in sunlight for a week. Store in refrigerator after 7 days. Rose oil retains its healing properties throughout the year. Rose oil is used in cosmetology to soften the skin of the hands and face. It is enough from time to time to lubricate them like a cream on skin areas. And she will be completely hydrated. But there is another little trick. Rose oil has the amazing ability to blend completely harmlessly into your favorite cream. Just drop a drop of oil into it, and then, in addition to its obligatory action, your cream will also acquire the “usefulness” of rose oil.

Luxury bathroom with rose petals

If you have some free time, treat yourself to a luxurious rose petal bath. Light candles and an aroma lamp, turn on your favorite music, pour a handful of petals into warm water ... I assure you, you will feel like in a good spa. Or maybe remember your recent vacation trip. Such a bathroom works real miracles and relaxes well.

Fragrant potpourri or sachet

Use rose petals as a fragrant sachet. You can use them as a mono version, or mix with dry neroli petals, cornflower, verbena, aromatic herbs and spices. Arrange them on a beautiful ceramic plate and drizzle with a few drops of natural rose oil to enhance or refresh the fragrance. You can make gift bags-sachets from linen fabric. putting rose petals in them.

The rose is an ornamental plant that is generally used for beauty and decoration. But this beautiful flower can have other uses as well.

The healing properties of roses

For many centuries, the rose has been used as an effective medicinal plant, later it began to be widely used in cooking, and today it has found its place in cosmetology.

Rose leaves can be used to make delicious jam or rose water. Also, this plant is used to obtain essential oil, which has a lot of useful properties and can become an indispensable tool in the fight for beauty.

Rose is considered a medicinal plant due to the content of valuable active substances - approximately 1-18% of various types of sugars (fructose, sucrose and glucose), 4% of pectin substances, including organic acids, tannins and phenolic acids. This flower contains a large amount of vitamins of group B, PP, as well as pantothenic acid.

Rose essential oil is widely used in cosmetology and perfumery, and is also used for medicinal purposes. Damask rose has one rather popular variety - Kalyk rose, which is grown in Bulgaria.

Rose oil has a pleasant light yellow hue, has a fairly thick consistency, fragrant and slightly harsh aroma. It turns out as a result of distillation of plant petals with water vapor. To produce this remedy, a lot of raw materials are used - for example, about 3 tons of petals are consumed to form 1 liter of oil.

During the process of distillation or evaporation, water is formed, which is called pink. Today, this tool is widely used in cosmetology and is one of the main components for eau de parfum. It can also be used in folk medicine, as well as in cooking.

Rose oil has a lot of positive qualities, which include the following:
  • even strong spasms are quickly removed;
  • various inflammatory processes are eliminated;
  • can be used to relieve pain attacks;
  • helps with allergic reactions;
  • resists various harmful microorganisms;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • promotes mild vasodilation;
  • has a sedative and calming effect.
Quite often, rose oil is used during the treatment of various dental diseases, especially gum problems.

Essential oil from rose petals has the ability to stop bleeding, signs of allergies are quickly removed, the work of the nervous system is normalized, and helps in the fight against helminths.

This remedy can also be taken orally. In this case, it has a laxative effect, while it is allowed to be used even during pregnancy, with nervous disorders, hay fever and hemoptysis.

You can also use whole rose petals for lotions. It has a positive effect on eye inflammations. You can brew the petals of the plant and use the resulting infusion to gargle.

How to collect rose petals?

Today you can buy already collected and dried rose petals, but do not rush to buy. The fact is that such raw materials can be collected with violations of the rules, therefore, useful properties are lost.

It is important that the collection of rose petals takes place only in clear weather, provided there is no precipitation. This procedure is carried out from morning to afternoon. You should not stretch the pleasure, you need to work quickly, otherwise there is a risk of losing the useful qualities of the plant. If rose petals are harvested in the afternoon, the raw material will lose about 30% of the essential oil.

After the completion of the collection procedure, all the petals are laid out in the fresh air in the shade, where drying will take place. You can carry out this procedure indoors, but only if it is well ventilated. After all the petals are dried, they are transferred to storage in a tin and completely dry container, with a tightly closed lid.

Rules for storing rose petals

It is very important to follow the basic rules for storing raw materials, since it is on this that their useful qualities depend, which can be significantly reduced if a few simple recommendations are not followed.

If rose petals will be used to scent a room, you can store them in salt. All raw materials are poured with a large amount of salt and transferred to a glass decorative container with a lid. You have to wait exactly 4 days. After the specified time, slightly opening the container, you can feel the incredible aroma of roses that will fill the room.

If desired, you can make your own wax decorative rose petals. In this case, one simple candle is taken and melted. One petal at a time is dipped into liquid wax, then they must be left for a while to freeze. The finished decoration is recommended to be used as a flavored decoration.

You can also dry the whole roses yourself. To this end, they are tied and hung down with buds, then left for a week in a dark room. After 7 days, the petals will be completely dry, after which they can be carefully cut off.

Rose petals in cosmetology

Today, rose petals are widely used in cosmetology, helping to cope with various problems. You can make home remedies yourself if you know a few simple rules.

Rose petal tonic

This product is ideal for the care of different skin types, with the greatest benefit for dry and sensitive skin. Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes aging skin.

To prepare such a tonic, 2-3 tbsp is taken. l. pre-crushed rose petals and pour 200 g of boiling water. The container is covered with a towel, and the solution is left for about 20–25 minutes to infuse well. Then the tonic is filtered and left to cool completely and can be used.

A cotton pad is moistened with a tonic and the skin is wiped or the product is poured into a spray bottle and the face is irrigated 2 times during the day. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in hot weather.

Washing lotion

To make such a remedy is taken? Art. raw materials and poured with boiling water. The container is covered with a lid and left for a day, then the lotion is filtered and 1 tbsp is added. l. glycerin. Everything mixes well and the product can be used for washing the face and skin care in the décolleté area.

Wrinkle Control

An amazing result is given by the following remedy, which should be used in the form of compresses. A glass of boiling water is poured 2 tbsp. l. rose petals. As soon as the solution becomes warm, it is filtered. Cotton pads or gauze are wetted in the decoction, and applied to problem areas.

Refreshing lotion

One glass of vodka is filled with the same number of rose petals, the container is covered with a lid and left for exactly 10 days. Then 2 tsp are added to the infusion. boiled and chilled water. The finished product can be used.

Ice cubes

A decoction is made from rose petals, filtered and poured into ice molds. With ready-made cubes, you need to wipe the skin of the face, neck and décolleté every day.

Lotion for dry skin

Rose water is diluted with a little milk. In the resulting composition, cotton pads are moistened and every day, before going to bed, the skin of the face is wiped, and the décolleté area can also be treated.

Lotion with honey

First you need to make rose water and an infusion of roses, after which they are mixed, 1 tbsp is introduced. l. fresh lemon juice, 1 tsp. liquid honey. You can use 50% alcohol instead of lemon juice.

Regular use of the ready-made lotion perfectly tones the skin, gives the face freshness, and eliminates signs of fatigue. Can be used to care for any type of skin. You can store the finished lotion in a glass container with a tightly closed lid in a dark place, but not for too long.

Rose petal tonic

Taken in equal amounts 2 tbsp. l. rose petals and jasmine flowers, pour 400 g of boiling water. The agent is infused for at least 5 hours, after which 2 ampoules of vitamin B1 and 2 tbsp. l. floral cologne. This tonic is recommended for dry and sensitive skin.

Tonic for normal skin type

Take 2 tbsp. l. rose petals and poured 1 tbsp. boiling water. The broth is infused until it becomes warm, then 1 tbsp is added. vodka, 1 tsp. glycerin. The finished product can be used to wipe the skin of the face and décolleté or for washing.

Lotion to combat enlarged pores

Preparing a tincture of rose petals. 60 g of tincture is mixed with 30 g of fresh lemon juice, 30 g of cucumber juice is added, 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, 15 g of vodka. To narrow the pores, this tool should be used regularly.

Lotion for oily skin

4 tbsp. rose petals poured 500 g of vinegar. The product is poured into a glass container, covered with a lid and left for 3 weeks. After the specified period, the infusion is filtered, diluted with 500 g of boiled water and can be used. This lotion perfectly tones and removes ugly oily sheen.

Tonic against rosacea

An infusion of rose petals is made in a ratio of 1:20. A napkin is wetted in the finished tonic and applied as a compress, after 20 minutes you need to wash. This procedure must be carried out at least 2 times during the day. The full course of treatment for rosacea is 20 sessions.

Nourishing mask for different skin types

First, rose flour is made - rose petals are crushed in a blender. Take 1 tsp. the resulting flour is mixed with 0.5 tsp. sour cream (low fat), 1 tsp egg white. All components are mixed and the mixture is left for 5 minutes to infuse. The composition is applied to pre-cleansed facial skin, washed off after 30 minutes.

Rose petals can become valuable and indispensable helpers in the fight for the beauty and youthfulness of the skin. They are recommended to be added to masks, tonics and lotions. If there is no time to prepare complex cosmetics, you can use ice cubes made from rose water. Most importantly, no matter which remedy was chosen, to obtain the desired result, it must be used regularly.

Read more about the benefits of rose petals in this video:

Many people grow roses in their summer cottages. When the flowering period comes to an end, the question arises of what can be made from rose petals.

Tea rose is used to make jam and added to a hot drink. But you can also use varieties that are not suitable for ingestion. They make good cosmetic products.

The benefits of roses

A rose is an amazing flower, it not only impresses with its beauty, but also has a lot of useful properties that can preserve youth and freshness of the skin. It has been used in cosmetics for a long time. Even the ancient beauties took baths with petals and washed themselves in the morning with rose water. The flower is very useful for the skin, as it has anti-inflammatory, tonic and healing effects.

The effect of the application is noticeable after the first time, which cannot but please the ladies. The color of the skin acquires a natural, healthy shade, in addition, the tone is evened out. The skin becomes smooth and tender. And the feeling of freshness lasts all day.

Rose petals will help get rid of problems such as dryness, peeling, inflammation and flabbiness of the skin. The flower has a slight tightening effect, which helps to preserve the youthfulness of the face.

Absolutely everyone can use such products, regardless of age and skin type. The only contraindication is individual intolerance.

Since it is not possible to use fresh petals all year round, they are dried and stored in a glass container, in a place protected from moisture. Preparing raw materials for homemade cosmetics is very simple. Fresh petals should be laid out on cloth and dried in a shady place. You can store dry petals for 2 years.

It is important to remember that only those flowers that have grown on the site are suitable for making homemade cosmetics. Some women use purchased roses, but this is a huge mistake. Flowers that are grown for sale are often fed with chemicals to make them grow faster and last longer. In addition, already in the process of sale they are processed by various means.

Therefore, you can not use purchased rose petals: the use of such flowers can only harm the health of the skin, causing redness, rash, dermatitis. If a woman does not grow roses herself, but wants to rejuvenate her skin with natural means, flowers can be purchased from summer grandmothers.

Application of rose petals

For the preparation of cosmetics, both fresh and dry petals are suitable. If the product is made from dry raw materials, the flowers must first be ground in a coffee grinder. Fresh roses are crushed only for cream or mask, in other cases, whole petals can be used.

The effect will be better if you pre-steam the skin. For this purpose, a bath, sauna, hot or steam bath is suitable.

The easiest way to rejuvenate the skin of the body is a bath with roses. It helps to relieve fatigue after a hard day, softens and tones the skin. A light pleasant aroma will help calm the nervous system. Such baths are recommended for people prone to frequent stress. Fresh flowers can be added directly to the water when filling the bath. The recommended water temperature is 40ºС.

Dry petals must first be brewed. The raw materials are crushed, poured with water and put in a water bath for 20 minutes, covered with a lid. To prevent small particles from interfering, the broth must be filtered before use.

To prepare sea salt for baths, you need fresh petals. For 200 g of salt you need 5 rosebuds. The ingredients are mixed, placed in a glass jar with a tight lid and left in a warm place for 14 days.

To make water for morning washing, you need 2 handfuls of raw materials. Flowers are poured with warm water and left for 6-8 hours. Fresh petals can be used as an independent remedy. It is enough to pass them through a meat grinder - and the refreshing mask is ready. Before use, clean and steam the skin.

Cosmetic ice can be made from dry petals; this is an excellent tonic for the skin of the face and décolleté. One handful of raw materials is poured with 250 ml of boiling water and infused for 20-25 minutes. After that, the liquid must be filtered, poured into molds and put in the freezer. Apply ice 2 times a day.

Masks and lotions

The above recipes are suitable for anyone. But masks and lotions should be chosen based on your skin type. The most popular of them:

  1. Nourishing face mask. You will need crushed rose petals, cream and egg white. Everything is mixed in equal proportions, 1-2 tsp each, and infused for 5-10 minutes. The mask is applied to cleansed skin of the face and neck. The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes, after which the product is washed off with cool water. This mask is suitable for women with normal and oily epidermis. If the skin is dry, you need to use only flowers and cream.
  2. Wrinkle Remedy. Starch is added to a fresh decoction of roses (1 glass), a mixture resembling jelly should be obtained. The finished product is applied to cleansed skin and kept for 15-20 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  3. Blackhead lotion. This remedy is suitable exclusively for oily skin, as it contains vinegar. You will need 0.5 liters of table vinegar and 4 cups of petals, preferably red ones. Flowers are poured with vinegar, covered and left in a warm place for 21 days. After 3 weeks, the infusion is filtered and diluted with water (1:1). The tool is ready.
  4. Hair conditioner. In 1.5 liters of rose decoction, add the juice of 1 lemon. The product is used after washing the head, so that the hair becomes more alive and acquires shine.

There are also more complex recipes using oils, herbs and other flowers. In addition, cosmetologists recommend adding rose essential oils to each product to enhance the effect.

It is not for nothing that the rose is called the queen of flowers: its exquisite beauty attracts the eye, and its wonderful aroma serves as a source of inspiration for perfumers. Even in ancient times, the healing properties of this beautiful plant were used in medicine and cosmetology: nervous disorders were treated with rose water, infusions from the petals were used for heart and kidney diseases, and the face was rubbed with rose oil to preserve youth. Rose petals contain many useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, which is why this product can often be found in cosmetics, among which homemade lotions are especially popular. Rose petal lotion has nourishing, moisturizing and tonic properties, promotes tissue regeneration and smoothes fine wrinkles. In addition, this care product has a pleasant aroma that uplifts the mood and helps fight depression.

Benefits of rose petals

Rose petals contain a large number of vitamins and microelements, including riboflavin, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, which have antioxidant properties and take part in all types of metabolic processes. Essential oil has a stimulating effect on the immune and nervous systems, restores and rejuvenates epidermal cells, and also stops inflammation on the skin and relieves irritation. In addition, fresh rose petals have a fairly high bactericidal activity, so they are often used to treat acne, eczema and other skin diseases.

Popular Recipes

For the manufacture of lotions at home, garden rose petals and wild rose petals are suitable, and even those flowers that have stood in a bouquet for several days can be used. The main thing is that roses are grown in the garden (those bought in a flower shop are not suitable for this purpose, since they are treated with chemicals). Homemade face lotions can be acid, alcohol or alkali based, and it is important to choose the right concentration of the base solution for your skin type. For dry skin, alcohol no more than 20% is suitable, for combination - 30%, and for oily - 50%. It is advisable to use any lotion no more than twice a day.

Pink lotion for oily skin

This remedy eliminates oily sheen and helps fight acne.

  • half a glass of rose petals;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • spoon (tea) of lemon juice.


  • Place the petals in a glass container and fill with vodka mixed with lemon juice.
  • Infuse the lotion for a week (in the refrigerator), periodically shaking the contents of the jar.
  • Strain the finished infusion and wipe your face with it twice a day.

Refreshing rose petal lotion with honey

This tool perfectly nourishes and softens the skin, and also smoothes wrinkles. Suitable for any skin type.

  • 30 g of liquid honey;
  • two tablespoons of dry petals;
  • 50 ml of alcohol;
  • 30 ml lemon juice.


  • Fill the rose petals with alcohol and insist in a cool place for at least three days.
  • Strain the resulting infusion, add warm honey and lemon juice to it, mix thoroughly and use as directed.

Pink lotion for normal skin

To prepare this lotion, it is desirable to use fragrant roses of red or burgundy color. Ready infusion can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than fourteen days. This tool perfectly tones the skin and refreshes the complexion.

  • 2 cups dried rose petals;
  • 250 ml vinegar (9%).


  • Place the petals in a dry glass jar and pour over the vinegar.
  • Close the container tightly and place it in a cool place for three weeks.
  • Strain the finished lotion and dilute with boiled water in equal proportions.

Pink jasmine lotion for dry skin

This remedy soothes the skin, eliminates dryness and irritation. Jasmine flowers can be replaced with 1 teaspoon of jasmine oil, only you need to add it after the lotion is infused.

"! Have you recently had an anniversary, birthday or other celebration, and now the whole apartment is lined with bouquets of flowers, or are roses just fragrant in the backyard?!

Over time, they begin to fade, and the hand doesn’t rise to take out the flowers? Rose petals remain, what can be done with them? How else to please yourself with these amazing flowers? After all, the beauty of roses is not only pleasing to the eye, but can also benefit your health and skin.

Since ancient times, rose petals have been used in anti-inflammatory, healing and tonic agents, used in all kinds of cosmetics, and so on.

When used in homemade recipes, it is better to use fresh petals, garden-grown roses are ideal. The most common beauty products infused with rose petals are rose essential oil, tincture, rose oil, and rose water (tonic). So what can be useful from rose petals? I offer you the most easy-to-use, healthy homemade recipes for remedies using rose petals.


Bath with rose petals helps relieve fatigue, stress, tones and softens the skin. Just fill the bath halfway with warm water, add dried or fresh petals of ten roses to it (you can replace it with jasmine, rosehip or peonies petals), then dial the bath to the end.

You can put a few drops in the bath, decorate the bathroom with candles, turn on relaxing music and pour yourself a glass of freshly squeezed juice, and you will get tremendous relaxation after a hard day and at the same time soften and moisturize your skin.

Sea salt bath

Put 200 grams of salt (preferably sea) and five rose petals in a glass container, close the lid tightly, shake well and put in a warm place. After two weeks, homemade bath salt with rose petals can be used for its intended purpose. Simply dissolve 6 tablespoons in a liter of warm water and add to your bath before bathing.

For morning wash

Pour two handfuls of petals with two liters of warm water and leave overnight. Use this water to wash your face in the morning.

For breast and décolleté

Take two tablespoons of crushed rose petals and a tablespoon of cream. Mix and apply the resulting mask for 15 minutes, then rinse with running water.



Pour about an equal amount of alcohol into freshly picked rose petals and leave to infuse for a month in a cool, dark place.


Pour a glass of rose petals with a glass of vodka and leave to infuse in a cool, dark place for 10 days. Then strain and your lotion is ready to use.

rose oil

Place two cups of rose petals in a sterile glass container and fill them with a glass of olive or peach oil. Close tightly and leave to infuse in a dark place for three weeks, shaking occasionally. Then strain and use for its intended purpose: as an after-shower oil, for silky and moisturizing skin, for cleansing the face and removing makeup, as a massage oil, as a base in the manufacture of masks, creams, etc.

cosmetic ice

Boil a handful of rose petals with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. Cool, strain and pour into ice cube trays. Wipe the face and décolleté area with the resulting cosmetic ice in the morning and evening.



To prepare a face mask, pour a handful of crushed rose petals with a small amount of water and heat in a porcelain cup in a water bath (10 minutes), cool. The optimal exposure time for the mask is 30 minutes.

Nourishing for dry skin

Mix equal amounts of rose flour (ground rose petals) and nourishing cream (can be replaced with butter). The duration of the mask is one hour. Or you can take equal amounts of pink flour, sour cream and honey. Apply this mask on your face for twenty minutes. Then rinse with running water.


Tea rose petals can be used to ennoble (flavor) tea by adding them, for example, to green tea, or by brewing them separately.


Pour two teaspoons of petals into a cup of hot (80 degrees) water. Let it brew for five minutes.


From the petals you can create a natural sachet. Just put dry rose petals in a beautiful linen bag and tie with a ribbon. Other aromatic herbs can be added to it, such as cornflower flowers and spices.

To flavor the room, you can put a similar fragrant mixture in a stylish plate, and drop a few drops of rose essential oil into it.


Petal decor - there is no limit to the imagination, you can make a picture from natural materials, handmade soap with petals, a composition of dry petals and the like.