Quilling: learning to create real masterpieces in the paper rolling technique. Quilling for beginners: simple patterns for making snowflakes, butterflies and valentines How to make a large quilling umbrella

What is quilling, what is needed for this skill and the technique of hand crafts. Not complicated quilling patterns, 29 photos and videos on creating shapes.

Quilling originated in the 14th century, now it is experiencing another birth. Many are attracted by the fact that such beauty can be created with your own hands from paper strips.

Quilling for beginners - what you need to prepare

For those who have never been engaged in such creativity, it is better to start with simple crafts. It can be:

  • postcards;
  • snowflakes;
  • flowers;
  • panel;
  • Pictures.

They will tell you how to make crafts using the quilling technique for beginners. Below are the main figures that are used to create real works of fine art. First you need to prepare everything you need for this type of creativity.

If you have the opportunity to buy a quilling kit, get it. The basic kit includes:
  • strips of colored paper;
  • a template with a coordinate grid applied to it, radii, guides;
  • a device with a forked metal tip, with which paper tapes are twisted;
  • glue;
  • small scissors;
  • tweezers.
Larger quilling kits are also available for sale. There is a ruler with round holes to make twisted elements of the desired size along it; pins for rough fastening parts. Ready-made kits are also sold, in which there is a diagram, blanks in order to make flowers, a butterfly, a picture, and so on.

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a ready-made set, this should not stop those who want to create. In quilling tools for twisting the ribbon, you can turn:

  • manicure scissors with straight ends;
  • awl;
  • kernel;
  • gypsy needle;
  • toothpick.

Cut off the sharp part of the toothpick, and split the resulting top with a clerical knife. You will insert the edge of the paper tape into this hole and twist it.

When using nail scissors, paper strips are placed between two blades. Further, the tape is wrapped around this tool and a spiral of the desired size is obtained.

When using an awl and a gypsy needle, the edge of the strip is superimposed on the metal part, held with two fingers of the free hand and twisted. They also work with a rod, but in this case the core of the workpiece may turn out to be larger than necessary, then any of the four tools listed above are used.

Strips of quilling paper can also be replaced. To do this, cut them out of white or colored double-sided paper.

Quilling patterns

A detailed description of the manufacture of various elements of this needlework will help you create real masterpieces over time.

The main elements of quilling are:

  • tight and loose spiral;
  • curl;
  • drop and curved drop;
  • semicircle;
  • eye;
  • arrow;
  • sheet;
  • heart;
  • triangle;
  • crescent;
  • square;
  • foot;
  • horns.
Almost all work begins with the manufacture of a "tight spiral". Take a strip of quilling paper. If there is no such material, then lay a sheet of A4 paper horizontally in front of you, moving the scissors from the bottom up, cut off a strip equal in width to 3–5 mm. Fix its tip between the blades of nail scissors, in the slot of a toothpick or a special quilling tool.

You need to hold the paper tape with your left hand, and the tool with your right. If your strip is double-sided, then its wrong side should look towards the rod. Rotate the tool clockwise, and with the fingers of your left hand, hold the spiral beginning to form from above and below so that the curls are even and at the same level.

When the tape is over, put a little glue on its free end and attach it to the spiral so that it does not unwind and the workpiece looks neat. So you made one of the main figures of quilling. Many others are based on this element. Those who are better with the left hand need to carry out this process in a mirror image.

The next element is called a "free spiral", make it from the figure you just received. To do this, remove the spiral from the needle, let it unwind a little. You can do it differently - do not let go of the fingers of your left hand, but slightly rotate them in the center of this quilling element, and the spiral will weaken.

To make a “curl”, you do not need to glue the free end of the twisted tape to the spiral. To make a “drop”, it is necessary to squeeze the “free spiral” on one side with your fingers for a few seconds. A “curved drop” will turn out if you bend the corner of the “drop”.

The element called "eye" is also easy to make. To do this, the “free spiral” needs to be slightly pulled to the sides and clamped from two opposite sides, then released. The “leaf” figure will turn out if the corners of the “eye” are bent, one to the right, the second to the left. To make a "semicircle", take a free spiral, press it so that the top side becomes rounded and the bottom side is even.

It clearly shows how elements are made using the photo quilling technique. Looking at it, you will understand how to create an "arrow". To do this, press with your fingers on 3 sides of the spiral to make a triangle, now press two of its corners to each other, leave the third one as it was.

To make a quilling greeting card, you can decorate it with an element called "horns". To do this, you need to take a long paper tape, bend it in half, wind the right side in the form of a spiral clockwise, and the left side counterclockwise.

The “heart” shape is made in the same way, only the right half of the tape is wound counterclockwise, and the left half is wound clockwise. The junction of these two elements must be clamped with your fingers to get the corner of the heart.

The "crescent" is made from the "eye", its 2 opposite corners are bent in the form of the letter "C". A “triangle” will turn out when the “free spiral” is compressed in three places, and to make a “square” this must be done from 4 sides.

For the “foot”, you need to make a “triangle” figure, and then bend its two opposite sides to the center with your finger.

How flowers are made using quilling technique

Now that you know how to make the basic elements for this type of creativity, you can start the fun process and create original postcards. If you want to decorate them with such colors, then make a “drop” shape from the “free spiral”. To make the petals multi-colored, use quilling paper of different colors. The middle of the flower will come out of the "free spiral" figure.

Drop glue on a postcard or cardboard, attach a “free spiral” here. Also, with the help of glue, fix a few petals around it. The stem is glued in the same way. For it, take a strip of green paper. The middle leaf, as you can see, is made from the "drop" shape, and the upper and lower leaves are made from the "eye" elements. After the glue dries, the work is completed.

You can make other postcards using the quilling technique. For beginners, another simple option is offered.

As you can see, the center of the flowers is a "free spiral". The petals are made from the same element, but in a different shade. Decorate the card with a "heart" element, as well as an "eye" figure. A beautiful creation will be appreciated by the one to whom you present such a gift.

How snowflakes are made using quilling technique

For the New Year, you can make a snowflake. For her you will need:
  • quilling paper;
  • stencil;
  • tailor's pins;
  • glue gun or PVA;
  • quilling tool.
Cut 3 paper strips in half, you will need 5 pieces. Insert the tip of the first one into the hole of the quilling tool, twist the tape tightly. Remove it and insert it into the hole in the stencil. Let's say it is 10 mm. This is the diameter you will have the first blank. Make the next 4 elements the same size.

To remove the spiral from the stencil, pick it up in the center with a toothpick and remove it by pressing the workpiece with your finger. Let it unwind a little, glue the tip. You have a "free spiral". Place all 5 blanks in the center of the template, it will be easy to align them with it.

If beginners make a snowflake using the quilling technique, then it is better to attach the elements to the template with a pin, and then glue them together. Then the details will be arranged as needed.

As you can see in the photo, 10 “eye” details are located around the five “free spiral” elements. Make them and glue them together and with the central parts of the snowflake.

The next 5 parts of the “free spiral” are made from solid strips, so they will turn out to be 2 times larger than similar snowflakes glued in the center. A stencil will also help to achieve their evenness. Use a hole with a diameter of 2 cm. After gluing the tip to the spiral, let it unwind and attach each such blank to the previous row of parts.

So that the "free spiral" in the snowflake does not unwind, direct the center of the spiral to its edge, press it. You can apply a little glue here so that the middle of the workpiece has shifted to the edge.

As you can see, the “tight spiral” completes the production of the attribute of winter and the New Year. You need 5 of these elements made using a stencil. Glue them in place. If you will be hanging a snowflake, run a strong thread through the center of one "tight spiral" and bring it out through the middle of another. Tie it in a bow and hang it on the Christmas tree or on the wall.

The video clearly shows how to make quilling snowflakes:

You read how to make flowers, a snowflake using the quilling technique, got acquainted with the main elements that are used to create works of such creativity. A lot of new and interesting things await you ahead, you will learn how to make a lake, paintings, animals using the quilling technique. You will also learn how to make candy bowls, which are almost as strong as glass ones, but, unlike them, will not break.

Other quilling video tutorials (for beginners):

Other photos of quilling works:

If you are looking for an interesting hobby or try quilling! This simple at first glance needlework will make your imagination play, and for children it will be a useful activity for developing motor skills. Don't believe? See for yourself!

What is it?

Interesting! The name comes from the English quill, which means "bird feather". If you choose a Russian analogue, you can call this technique paper rolling or more elegantly - the art of paper filigree.

The essence of quilling is to create flat or voluminous paintings and crafts using specially twisted strips of thick paper. Lines and hanks are organically intertwined, creating the outlines of flowers and animals, drawing landscapes and portraits.

They do quilling, relying on their own imagination or on quilling patterns. Previously, a pen was used to twist the ribbons, which was reflected in the name of the art. Now needles and toothpicks are used for these purposes, and the choice of paper has become much wider. And the most important advantage of this art lies in the fact that it is available to almost everyone - the main thing is to understand its basics.

A bit of history

Information! If the East is considered the birthplace of origami, then the situation with quilling is more complicated. A number of sources date the origin of this type of needlework to the 1st-2nd century. The choice of time is not accidental - in 105, paper was invented in China.

According to another version, Catholic nuns were the first to engage in paper rolling in the 14th-15th centuries. The creation of do-it-yourself medallions and postcards from quilling attracted secular ladies. Commoners could not afford paper for a long time, so this technique was the prerogative of wealthy citizens. Paper rolling has taken a particularly significant place among the applied arts of Korea.

Whatever it was, but the quilling technique was enriched by the traditions of different countries and times. And unlike the first products made in it, it has come down to us intact.

Product types

Of course, the differences between Western and Eastern quilling crafts are as noticeable as the difference in the mentality of people from different countries. Thus, European samples are simple, clear, and do not require a long time to be performed. In the East, masters painstakingly work on each curl and create massive, often voluminous paintings, figurines and jewelry.

Idea! Depending on the preferences of the person to whom you want to present quilling for a birthday or other occasion, you can choose the style of execution. If the recipient is fond of Japanese culture, voluminous and, consisting of many intricate details, sakura will be just to his liking. Lover modern you can please with a concise and uncomplicated, but at the same time thoughtful postcard.

On a note! With the help of quilling, not only pictures are created, but also figurines, vases, snowflakes, jewelry boxes, decorative cups and saucers and even chess.

Idea! Very bright look made in the technique of quilling butterflies. You can make several pieces of different colors and place them on the leaves of indoor flowers.

Set of tools

Quilling is good because you do not need a special office or super-complex professional tools. The set of funds comes down to a small list:

  1. Strips of paper of different widths (3, 4, 6 and 10 mm);

    Advice! Save on paper whenever possible. Not only the final result, but also the process of the work itself will depend on the quality of this material. After all, special paper is easier to bend and less damaged.

  2. A device for twisting ribbons. It can be a needle, a toothpick, or a needle stuck into a wooden stick with a large but bitten eye. A special machine can be found among other needlework products.
  3. Tweezers. To prevent your fingers from sticking to the parts and cardboard when gluing, you need to use tweezers with flat ends.
  4. Scissors. Sharp and thin will work best.
  5. Glue with a brush. White PVA glue is perfect, which is easy to find in any stationery store. If there is no brush in it, use a toothpick to lubricate the parts - this will avoid marks on the paper.
  6. The basis. Cardboard is great for canvas. In addition, you can choose the desired tone, in harmony with the image.

Advice! To create a fringe, you can resort to using a special device that cuts it without any extra effort. By finding such a tool, you can save a lot of time. Also useful stencil with different circles.

In addition, ready-made paper rolling kits can be found in stores specializing in quilling and.

Ideas for Beginners

How to make quilling? If you do not often do needlework, do not worry, as it is easy to comprehend this art from its very basics. After all, even simple crafts look beautiful if done carefully.

On a note! Quilling for children is a fun and useful activity that promotes the development of fine motor skills and imagination. It’s even better if you work together on the craft. Having carried away, the child will be able to express himself, which does not always happen in school.

Before, you need to master the technique of creating parts. Perhaps the easiest way to make petals for flowers. To do this, you need to take a strip of paper, twist it into a tube, and then flatten it on one side. Having made several of these parts, you can lay out a flower that will decorate any postcard.

From similar parts, you can create a more complex craft. For example, a heart with candy. For this, in addition to the tools already listed, you will need the following materials:

  1. Candy. It is desirable that the delicacy be round, but its packaging protrudes from both sides beyond the contents.
  2. Thick white cardboard base.
  3. Colored (red or pink) paper.
  4. Transparent narrow tape.
    • Step 1. Creating a cardboard base. We draw a heart with a central axis of 7 cm, a width of 8 cm. Draw a circle inside. A stencil is useful for this, you can also use a compass. From the top line of the circle, you need to retreat a centimeter down and put a point, draw a semicircle through it. Cut out the resulting oval.
    • Step 2. Next is the preparation of the tubes, as described above. By the way, you can not compress them. Then you get closed, round spirals. Or, on the contrary, you can close the skein from two sides, getting something that looks like an eye.

Advice! Use one or both options at your discretion.

Quilling, a fashionable hobby, as a result of which you can make a variety of paper miniatures. Most often, crafts are made from colored paper, but it is quite possible to make miniatures from white paper.

In order to master the art of quilling, you just need to master the manufacture of individual elements of miniatures, and then prepare various crafts, postcards, paintings from them ...

You can buy special paper for quilling in craft stores or make blanks yourself. The most important thing is the weight of the paper. It must be at least 60 grams per square meter (usually this information is indicated on the packages) otherwise it will not curl neatly and keep its shape.

And now the most interesting. How do you get such amazing work. It turns out everything is quite simple. The principle of creating paper masterpieces: you need to wind a strip of paper on the awl core (you can use a simple toothpick), fix the end of the strip with glue, and then create a petal, drop, or some other shape. There are quilling patterns by which you can create one or another pattern from stripes.

Quilling technique

Take a strip of paper with two fingers.

Pull the end of the strip with pressure with two fingers of the other hand, running your fingernail along it so that the end is slightly bent.

The bent tip is easier to wrap around the awl. Tightly wind a few turns. The bent tip is easier to wrap around the awl. Tighten a few turns tightly.

When the diameter of the roller becomes 3-4 mm, it can already be removed from the awl and further twisted manually

Roll the dense disk with both hands, intercepting it with your fingers all the time so that the paper tape does not unravel.

The entire strip is folded

Now slightly relax your fingers, allowing the paper spiral to unravel a little.

Glue the end of the strip with PVA glue

Now squeeze the workpiece with two fingers. The result was a “drop” blank.

Blanks can be given a variety of shapes by performing compressions and dents.

These are blanks "drop" and "petal".

In addition to these two figures, there are still a number of basic forms of twisting paper tapes:

Tight spiral. Twist the tape and glue the tip without removing the spiral from the needle so that the tape does not unwind.
Free spiral. Twist the tape, remove the spiral from the needle, and before sticking the end, let it unwind.

curved drop. Make a drop and bend its corner.
Eye. Make a loose spiral and squeeze the opposite sides, giving it the appropriate shape

Semicircle. Make a loose spiral, squeeze the two corners so that one side of the workpiece is flat and the other is rounded.
Bird paw. Make a loose spiral, squeeze the triangle, bend two corners towards the third and press hard.

Sheet. Make a loose spiral, squeeze it in the form of an eye and bend the corners.
Triangle. Make a loose spiral and squeeze it in three places.

Arrow. Make a free spiral, squeeze it so that a triangle is formed, and press its two corners together.
Cone. Twist a tight spiral in the form of a cone, glue the end of the tape, dry the workpiece, and only then remove it from the needle.

Crescent. Make a free spiral, squeeze the corners and bend the part.
Rhombus. Make an eye and squeeze its corners to make a rhombus.

Master class 1. Quilling flower.

To work, you will need double-sided colored paper, PVA glue, cardboard - as a background for creating a postcard, and a couple of toothpicks.

The simplest element of quilling is a spiral, for its manufacture, it is necessary to wind a strip of colored paper about 5-0.7 cm wide and up to 25 cm long, then remove it from the toothpick, dissolve it a little and glue the edge of the paper with glue. The spiral is ready, it is the basis for the manufacture of other elements.

Spiral with clamp is made from an ordinary spiral by squeezing it with your fingers on one side. A spiral with a clip can be used as a petal or leaflet for a future flower.

If you clamp the spiral on both sides - you get a boat, which can also be used as a leaflet. And if you clamp the spiral on one side, and bend it inward on the other, you get heart.

When all the elements are ready, it is necessary to form a pre-thought-out composition from them and glue them with PVA glue to the cardboard base, you can also use velvet paper as the base, this craft looks more spectacular.

Here is such a simple quilling master class, I hope it will help you master the basics of quilling.

The beauties of quilling:

The art of quilling allows you to embody incredible ideas and ideas in inconspicuous paper strips. A separate category is occupied by animals and birds.

Such crafts are easy to perform, do not require a large amount of materials, special tools and special skills in the quilling technique. Most often they consist of a small number of parts - several spirals, a couple of droplets, etc.

Quilling for beginners allows you to create funny little animals from simple elements that will become your favorite children's toys.

Based on special schemes, you can decorate various postcards with animals, create a panel or a picture on the wall in the nursery. Children like this activity, they are happy to twist the stripes to decorate a postcard for mom or teacher with a cute animal.

Using cut paper, a real home puppet theater or a small zoo is created. Children will take part in the process and twist their first crafts.

Often, not only standard paper strips are used for children's creativity. Animals twisted from corrugated cardboard of different colors turn out to be interesting.

Volumetric animals will be a great interior decoration. Such crafts will require a certain level of skill, the availability of tools, supplies. Those who are just learning the art of paper rolling can rely on master classes that describe the whole process step by step.

Paintings in the technique of contour quilling deserve special attention. From a distance, they look like real watercolor paintings.

An animal or a bird “drawn” with paper strips will organically complement the design and become a highlight of the interior.

Video: Animal Twisting Lessons

Quilling birds

The kingdom of birds is no less diverse. Quilling allows you to gracefully convey the airiness, lightness of crafts. Funny figurines will decorate postcards or a Christmas tree.

And they will become an independent, central element of a full-fledged picture or part of a large plot canvas.

When performing birds, the same techniques and elements are used as when creating animals. These can be two-dimensional crafts from basic shapes.

Or contour images that emphasize the lightness, tenderness, delicacy of the bird.

Volumetric figures are often twisted, which are used as interior decorations or toys for children.

Video: Bird Lessons

Quilling patterns for creating birds and animals

Sometimes one's own ideas gush forth and one's hands can hardly keep up with the flight of thought. But it happens that it is not possible to come up with a sketch of a future work, especially if there is still little experience. In this case, various schemes will come to the rescue. They will serve as specially created sketches of other masters, as well as ordinary black and white drawings for coloring or contour, silhouette paintings.
Below you will find a selection of schemes, sketches, contours of different complexity, which will serve as the basis for quilling animals and birds. They are used as a basis for gluing elements (to create postcards or paintings), and as a background for contour quilling. Not only experienced craftsmen, but also beginner needlewomen or even children will be able to work with such schemes.

Despite the seeming simplicity, birds or animals made in this technique rightfully occupy a place of honor on the shelves and walls of their creators.

Video: Quilling for beginners