Overheard stories anonymously. Funny stories from life, "overheard" from ordinary people

We all love jokes, but sometimes life "composes" such stories that it is very difficult to believe in them the first time. And how much humor and comedy in such stories ... It's great that there is an opportunity to "eavesdrop" on people who have had funny situations.

About women's

Walked through a large clothing store. There were many young mothers with children who whined and asked to go home. Few people managed to calm the children. One woman stood out. She walked with the baby between the shelves, looking at the things she liked, and the child said: “Where is the way out? I can't find it anywhere."

*** *** ***
When I watched the cartoon "Prostokvashino" as a child, I did not understand Uncle Fyodor's mother. I thought: what a harmful woman, she always swears, does not want to go to her son in the village from the resort. But now I understand that she is not so bad. And that I, too, would rather have a rest on the sea than in the countryside ...

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When I walk alone or with someone and need to be photographed by a random passerby, I look for girls in heels in the crowd. They certainly won't run away with my phone!

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Friends like the way I cook. My husband recently admitted that my culinary talent is one of the reasons why he married me. And I just realized from my youth that a dish in sour cream, put in the oven, is the key to success.

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Today I finally went to the fitness center. I persuaded myself for a long time. She left, then she got sick, then she struggled with laziness. I bought a uniform, shoes ... I prepared mentally for such an event for a long time. But... fitness has moved.

And funny and awkward

I work as a credit specialist in a bank and recently for some reason my eyes began to water. When filling out another application for a loan, I asked the standard question “expenses for utility bills”, the guy answered “10-12 thousand”, and then I take out a paper handkerchief and wipe the tears from my eyes. The guy was not taken aback and said: “Girl, don’t worry, some people pay more.” I was both embarrassed and funny.

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I walk down the street towards a man. In front of him, in his palms folded like a boat, he carefully carries something. I sharpened it - like a kitten or a puppy, plump, red. It is difficult to see, the sun is blinding + myopia, and the man is far away. The man is getting closer, I stare, trying to understand who he is carrying so gently. And then he brings his hands to his face and bites juicy on the head of a kitten-puppy! I was about to yell, but I managed to see who he was carrying - belyash! Plump red, white! Almost turned gray!

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My parents are TV eaters. When one of them comes into the room with food, the division immediately begins (most often dad tries to take it from mom, because he is too lazy to go himself). Last time: mom holds one side of the bowl of soup, dad holds the other, and everyone pulls on themselves.

Everything continued until all the contents had spread over the carpet. They ran from that place at the same speed as they were pulling the plate - in different directions, shouting: “Your soup was, you clean it up!” Dad is 46, mom is 44.

From childhood

In the summer, when I was little, I often spent time with my grandparents in the country. My grandfather is an ardent smoker. Every morning we went out into the garden, sat on a bench near the pond, and grandfather smoked a pipe. When I asked why he was doing this, my grandfather said that thanks to the smoke from the pipe, clouds appear. All my childhood I looked at the sky with a sense of pride, because it is thanks to my beloved grandfather that everyone admires the beautiful sky with clouds :)

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Babies often can't sleep because they toss and turn under the covers. My dad, when I was little, laid me down, lifted the blanket over the bed and said: “Well, turn around!”. After that, I spun, spun, and then froze exhausted, and he covered me with a blanket. It became warm and cozy and did not want to spin anymore. Fell asleep instantly.

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The son was 6 years old. They put a plate of dumplings in front of him. The child looked at them for a long time, and then roared. To the question: "What happened?" - he replied: "I don't know where to start!"

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In the morning I ask my daughter (3 years old):
- Lizonka, what are you going to eat?
- Do we have bread?
- Eat.
- And the oil?
- And there is butter.
- And the sausage?
- And there's sausage.
- I'll have pancakes.

It is unlikely that anyone can argue with the statement that life is much more interesting than any fiction.
Strange and wonderful things happen to each of us every day, and sometimes it is simply impossible to keep silent about it. Therefore, there is even a special project that helps people anonymously share their revelations.
There are different stories: joyful and sad, evil and kind. We are inspired by stories about what made the life of their authors happier and more fun. These revelations are collected in this article.

About good

I'm waiting for my wife on a bench at the entrance. A red cat comes up, meows. I talked to him, and he caresses and meows, he also tells me something of his own, it is clear that he is homely, lost, not afraid of people. I met him at the house and the next day - again meowing something to me. On the third day I saw him all dirty - as before, he came up to me and meowed sadly, as if crying. Never in my life have I had animals before, and now there is the most intelligent and sociable cat in the whole world.

I live in a city where there are two railway stations. The railway line from one station to another passes through the city, along the road to the airport. So, if the guys are sitting in an "ambush" with a radar on the road, then the driver "blinks" the headlights of the diesel locomotive to oncoming cars. Our people cannot be defeated! Who has poor eyesight - we arm ourselves with glasses so as not to miss the signal. Modern eyeglasses online store offers to buy literally in one click. You just need to choose the frame model you like and add the lens parameters from the prescription, place an order - and wait for the package. Convenient service, quality materials, free shipping and product warranty - these facts speak in favor of choosing this particular store.

My wife is a teacher at the institute, strict, puts deuces without compromise. Sometimes he brings exam sheets home. So, when my "bitch" falls asleep, I change some deuces to triples, because I myself was a loser. While channeling. Have fun kids, you have your incognito genie!

Once, when I was in first grade, I ran down the school corridor and fell. The floors were wooden, all the knees and palms were covered with numerous splinters. Suddenly, tenth-graders came to the rescue, who skipped class, picking out splinters from my knees, calming me, crying bitterly. Many years have passed since then, but I remember these supermen! If they're reading this: Thank you guys so much for your kindness.

Fell asleep on the subway after work. I wake up, I understand that I put my hands under my head and settled down on the man's lap. I felt ashamed, I didn’t know how to quietly get up and fall down. Apparently, the man saw that I woke up and said with a smile: “Yes, you sleep, sleep, I passed my stop about 10 minutes ago.”

About failures

Photographer. After the registry office, the newlyweds are given pigeons to release them into the sky. I take a standard shot with the pigeons in their hands, and I say: “Kiss!” 99% of the grooms kiss the dove, not the bride.

I came to a new job, made eyes at the guy for a week, the next week he came up and asked what he had done to me and why I was looking at him so angrily.

For three years they celebrated the anniversary of the registration of marriage on October 17, until they looked at the certificate, in which the date is November 17 ...

I'm at work, my husband is at home. To my question: “What are you doing?” - replied: "I'm doing your job!" She was delighted: she thought she was preparing dinner and washing the floors. I come, and he eats sweets.

As a child, when I visited my grandmother at home, I imagined that the socket in the bedroom was a microphone, and sang various songs into it. I stopped doing this when the neighbors said through the same outlet: “Girl, we hear everything.”

About life

Today, such a sun, I remember March 8, 2009 - it is also very sunny and warm, this is a rarity. We were driving around the city in a tram, and then the woman driver sang into the microphone, then the conductor read a verse, and all passengers were allowed to send congratulations, read poetry, sing. And I just lost the gift of speech and cried from an excess of emotions. This is Peter.

At the exit from the subway, my grandmother and a five-year-old boy were climbing the stairs in front of me. Coming out into the spring Moscow sun, the baby, stopping, said with a breath: “A strange melancholy state ...” “Don't drive yourself into this emotional trap,” the granny answered, and they headed for the entrance to Pushkinsky. Cultural Moscow.

I live in Germany. who can pronounce "Kraftzoughaftpflichtferziherung" without pausing to take a breath, call the frying pan "kavaraska" because, damn it, the Russian language is very difficult!

About love

After my business went bankrupt, I worked as a taxi driver for two months without telling my wife anything. Today I found out that she knew everything and secretly worked as an English tutor. I love her.

When I went to school, my mother always woke me up in the morning, now I study in another city several thousand kilometers away, I go to school by half past eight, and my mother has to go to work by ten, but every morning she calls me at seven in the morning and wishes good morning. Take care of your mothers - they are the most valuable thing you have.

She spent most of her childhood often visiting her mother at work in a children's oncological rehabilitation center.
So, one 17-year-old girl with her boyfriend left an indelible impression for life. She had osteosarcoma, had several sessions of chemotherapy, cut off her left leg above the knee. Once a guy came to visit her, that girl told him, they say, let's break up, I don't want to spoil your life. The guy told her a firm "no" and said that she was the best for him.
Not so long ago I met them by chance. She is in trousers, with a prosthesis, of course, they are walking, holding hands, with them two children. We started talking, the eldest son (he is 6) got into the conversation, proudly declaring that his mother is the best, because she is a Terminator.

Every day a lot of events happen to us: funny or not, funny or a little sad. There is even a special project that helps people anonymously share their revelations. Here the funniest stories from the first mouth. Put things aside for a while and recharge your good mood right now.

  • My husband and I rarely drink alcohol. One evening I really wanted to drink a bottle of Czech beer. We always replace the word “beer” with “kvass”, because our 6-year-old daughter associates beer with marginal personalities on the site, whom we always cautiously avoid. So, we drink kvass, the phone rings. Daughter comes up: “Hello, hello, grandma! Everything is fine! Parents? Here they are, drinking beer, but they say that kvass! A curtain.
  • My grandmother received a new type of identity card (a plastic card with a photo and all information about the owner). She came today terribly dissatisfied, she said that in the Public Service Center everyone laughed at her. It turned out that my brother told her that now, when presenting a certificate to the Pension Fund, you need to bring it to your face and say “Multipassport”.
  • I sit, I cry. My husband wipes my tears. I thought it was so cute. I go to the mirror ... and he painted a mustache on me with blurry ink!
  • In the kitchen, my wife makes tea, and we rub together with our dog. Suddenly she slips on the laminate and drops her empty cup. I pick up my wife, and the dog catches the cup with his teeth. I put my wife down, the dog gave her a cup and held out his paw to me. I gave him a high five and we proudly left.
  • My friend once lost a kitten in her apartment. Searched everywhere! On the sofa, behind the sofa, on the balcony, in the toilet, in the bathroom, but all in vain ... And she was impatient to eat, opens the refrigerator, and there ... her miracle sleeps peacefully on a pot of soup.
  • I go down the elevator, a taxi to the airport has already arrived and is waiting. I understand that something is wrong with the sneakers - I forgot to insert the insoles into them. I throw things in the car and back to the 20th floor on a slow elevator - I want to have time to run to the apartment and back before the elevator leaves, so as not to get stuck waiting for the elevator.
    The plan is violated by a girl standing on my floor. Ok, I ask her to wait literally 15 seconds. She agrees with a coquettish smile. I run for the insoles and hear the elevator close and leave. I think: well, yo-my, how is it possible? I return, and she stands and waits for me without an elevator.
  • Somehow they argued with my boyfriend, who absolutely cannot cook, what would he do if he was left with small children and no means of communication with the world, but a full refrigerator. Thinking for a long time, he convulsively clung to me with the words: “What are you, you can’t leave children! You can’t leave them with me before they can eat sausages!”
  • Today I realized that I am a decent girl when I flew down the stairs in high heels and instead of swearing, I shouted: “Oh-oh-oh!”
  • She flew a few months ago from the USA to Moscow. I'm sitting in economy, approximately in the middle of the plane. Just gained altitude, I hear a slight rumble of voices on the rise. Then they slap me on the shoulder: “Girl, pass the fare!” And a $20 bill. I do the same with the passenger in front of me. In general, when this "twenty" rested against the wall, so to speak, after a minute's pause, the liner was covered with Homeric laughter. Everything was invented by two Russian guys in the gallery, but the whole plane was seduced!
  • My fiancé (now husband) on our wedding day wrote on a sky lantern: “Take me away, I don’t know her.”
  • Once I meet my son from school and see such a touching moment when his classmate takes out a pie, breaks it in half and gives one part to Yegor.
    The next day I tell my son: “Now you have to treat the girl, otherwise it doesn’t work out well”, I give him change for sweets, send him to school.
    In the evening I ask:
    - Well, did you treat a classmate?
    - No. He gave money.
  • For three days now, my brother has been finding my phone and setting idiotic ringtones for my alarm clock. The day before yesterday I woke up under "Aka-47", yesterday under Valery Leontiev - "Augustin", and today under "Natural Blond". I'm tired.
  • Cook dinner. I urgently sent my husband to the store (3 minutes walk from home) for onions. He returns after 40 minutes and shouts from the doorway: “Darling, there was no onion anywhere, I bought dill!” I start to laugh, and he, with incomprehension: “Did I do something funny?”
  • On the train Voronezh - Moscow, when asked by a passenger about the presence of Wi-Fi in the car, the conductor answered: “What are you, nothing like this can happen, the car is disinfected twice a day!”
  • I do archery. I left some arrows in the country. I come back a week later for them, but they are gone. Found in the garden, with tomatoes. It turned out they were tied up with tomatoes. Grandmother…

These are the overheard stories that prove that life is sometimes much more interesting than fiction.

The wife told. A young woman came to see her. The case is difficult, we talked for an hour and a half. Everything was discussed, the patient understood everything. My wife sets the date for the next appointment. Turns back to the calendar on the wall: - Weeks through three. Eighth numbers. Comfortable? The patient replies: - Could you repeat to me what you said? I read lips. Deaf. He speaks great. Reads lips. For an hour and a half, my wife did not suspect anything, although deaf people often come to her reception.

My friend was very fond of the singer Bilan. I even met my husband at one of his concerts. And so, for some holiday, I was among those invited to visit them. Now imagine my face when I heard that their daughter's name is (!!!) DIBILA. In honor of the aforementioned Dima Bilan… Seriously. I allowed some faux pas, sincerely believing that I was being played, and asked to see my birth certificate. Dibila... I'm still confused

She was born in the late 80s, when pharmacies did not have such an assortment of various drugs. Then it was customary in the first days of the newborn to bathe in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect water and skin. But my mother went too far with the dose and after bathing I turned into a Negro (potassium permanganate gave a shade to the skin). This misfortune happened just a couple of hours before the arrival of my grandmother, who was preparing to see me for the first time. And here it is! In general, for a long time my mother justified herself and explained what was happening))

We arranged a mini-bachelorette party with my friends, ordering a sea of ​​​​sushi at home. The next day, I had to throw away the boxes of all this, which amounted to two packages. Right next to the container, one of the bags burst and all the contents lay on the snow. Then, from behind the forest, from behind the mountains, grandfather Yegor came out. Or rather, the bum Anatoly crawled out from behind the trash can, as he later introduced himself. He stretched out his palm and said: “Madame, let me take it all away, don’t bother!” and started throwing everything in the trash. All knights are here!

I say that chess is my favorite game, although I only know how the pieces move. Several music school classes, but in many of the pictures I am at the piano in a large hall. I draw a little, but the edited portraits say that I'm just a talent. I read books in abbreviated form so that there are more of them in my arsenal of pseudo-knowledge, I memorize scientific facts, skillfully weaving them into a conversation. I'm acting like a dick and I can't stop! It's very scary to run into someone who will dig deeper and realize that I'm actually a fart.

When I was 10 years old, I saw on TV a clip of the Disco Accident "Severe rap". In it, one of the soloists brushed his teeth with black toothpaste. In our tiny town, of course, there was no such pasta, but I just wanted it madly. I followed my older brother and begged to find one. And one day he brought black paste in a jar! My happiness knew no bounds. And more recently, I remembered this story, and my brother admitted that he simply rubbed activated charcoal then and mixed it with ordinary paste. my favorite brother)

I work as a cashier and we had one interesting granny. The story began with the fact that one day this grandmother lacked a few rubles. I added from mine. She was touched, cried, thanked me. But apparently she liked it and she began to go to my shift and buy not at all the things that grandmother can afford. And every time at the checkout, make wet eyes and plaintively count pennies again and again. I paid once... I paid twice... And then I got tired of it. Granny! Have some shame!

I decided to buy an apartment in a 3-storey building built in the 50s. All my friends dissuaded, they say, the house is old, the lining is terrible, and there are also apartments on a long corridor, like in a hostel, and so on. A year has passed. I'm happy. Spacious bright layout, and you can hear the neighbors only if they are "shooting from a cannon." And for the first time in my life, I know all the neighbors, and they don’t impose themselves on guests, and when they found out that there wasn’t enough money for the RFP, they silently brought “goodies” from the dacha. It's like a family that I didn't have. And friends are jealous

As a child, a friend had a home theater, every evening they gathered to watch movies. Once we decided to watch a horror movie, we were sitting, it was scary, there were speakers everywhere, all the rustles were heard. Then my friend could not stand it, rushed to the toilet (a private house, a toilet on the street), opens the door and there is SHE, death with a scythe, everything is as it should be a hood, her face is not visible. He will naturally yell. Turns on the light, it turned out it was a neighbor, it was raining in a hood, only not with a scythe, but with a shovel, which my friend forgot at the gate, and the man brought it: D

A work colleague told about his wife, how in a dream she convicted him of treason, without waking up she sat on top of her peacefully sleeping husband and began to choke him. Woke up with a good slap in the face. Laughed at work and forgot. It's been 5 years now and the same thing is happening to me. I wake up from the fact that the missus, sitting on top of me, with her eyes closed, squeezes her fingers on my throat. I woke her up more correctly, but in the morning she did not remember anything. Probably all women have the gene for killing their husband during infidelity.

Left home without keys. Mom had to leave immediately. I come home, there are no keys, no one is at home. I waited at the entrance for 3 hours, when my dad opened the door and saw a note on the table: “the neighbor has the keys”. What kind of logic is this, leaving a note on the table of a closed apartment saying where the keys are?

I had a boyfriend. He didn't say his last name. Jokingly, she began to call him Chainikov. What was my surprise when, after some time, he showed me the rights, passport and business cards with his last name Chainikov! I guessed it, I guessed it! And he thought that I punched him by the number of the car.

My son (6 years old) went into the kitchen with a light bulb in his mouth, my husband dropped a large mug of hot coffee on his leg with laughter, I jumped up from a loud blow and my husband’s ora and hit the shelf above my head. Bottom line: the three of us were in the emergency room: a husband with a suspected broken finger and a burn, I with a suspected concussion and a son with a light bulb in his mouth. The doctor could hardly keep himself from laughing

I think every girl has her own superpower. Someone does well in the photo, someone eats a lot and does not get fat. And my hair grows very slowly on my legs, it can stay smooth for a month) Not so hot, of course, but better than nothing))

My dog ​​is not very playful, she collects her toys, puts them near her and ends there. My husband and I decided to show her how to play. They took the ball and started throwing it at each other, running after it... In general, we tried. The dog looked and looked... Then he came up to me at the moment when the ball was in my hand, took it away and took it to all the other toys... Broke us off.

A selection of life stories that prove that reality is much more interesting than fiction

I have a Yorkshire Terrier at home. The dog is purebred, so we buy expensive shampoos, sprays, etc. for her. Few people know, but I use it all. Now I have shiny beautiful hair like my dog.
Classmates in the days of a cheerful drunken student rented a private house and fed a nobleman dog named Druzhok. They said: one of them was walking home from the store late at night, Druzhok got in touch with her. He sees a large company of highlanders in the alley, he thinks they will get to the bottom right now - and fox me. Robbed or raped. One of the non-Russians comes up and speaks with a characteristic accent: Druzhka's friends are my friends, let's go, I'll see you off. And he did. Druzhok - connecting people.
When I lived with my family, we had an eternal battle for the harvest. All year round, under the sink, they saved egg shells (in the country, pour under the bushes). Stored torn nylon tights. It is convenient for them, having cut into ribbons, to tie up tomatoes in the country. They hoarded milk cartons. This is for seedlings. Do not throw away buckets of mayonnaise. It is convenient to pick berries in them. You take a ribbon from pantyhose. You make a loop. You hang a bucket around your neck. Hands are free. Hello raspberry! And, of course, banks! The eternal cycle of cans in nature.
At language courses a couple of years ago, they made a “collage of desires” - they cut out phrases and pictures from old magazines and glued them onto whatman paper. On my collage, the main phrase is “Life is like in a movie. Now is the time for ... ”and further in groups, family, home, relaxation, yoga, quite a bit of work ... I hung it in the kitchen at the dining table ... today I looked and was stunned - almost all wishes came true! Especially in terms of family and recreation. But it’s completely in vain that I glued the picture “enjoy delicious food” there. Gained 10 kg in 2 years.
Dad's friends went to rest in nature. Arriving, they went to look for a place to spend the night and did not approach the car for 2 days. When they returned, they noticed that the car was behaving somehow strangely. Upon arrival, they drove to the service for repairs. An auto mechanic calls in the evening and says: “Do you want to neigh? Come!” They come in and show them this picture: a squirrel stuffed nuts with some kind of crap right up to the stop. Just an incredible amount of nuts. They got a discount for nuts)
When I was little, we had a cat. Due to circumstances, I often had to be at home alone. Like all children, I often messed up, and by the time my mother came, I carefully covered all traces of my pranks. When my mother returned from work, our cat Michelle ran to meet her, and meowed very strongly with different intonations. The bottom line is that my mother talked to her. I asked her what I did during my stay in the house. And at the same time I went around the whole apartment and Michelle “told” what I had done wrong, and my mother found it. All my childhood, I really did not like our cat at such moments because she handed me over to my mother every time. I always asked my mom to teach me how to talk to a cat. But she denied only the answer that when I become a mother myself, only then will I learn to talk to cats. After a while, all this was forgotten. I grew up. And recently, my mother reminded me of talking with a cat. She said that I was very bad at covering my tracks, and so that I would not learn how to destroy them all, she pretended to be talking to our Michelle. After all, you always need to know what your child has done.
*** I'll tell you how I entertain myself in the subway when I'm bored) Once, when I was driving home in the evening, listening to my favorite tracks on headphones, in the usually crowded subway car on the Zamoskvoretskaya line, an attractive girl patted me on the shoulder and asked something. Of course, I understood that she had asked something like: "Are you leaving the next one?". I had to go out and I shook my head and said yes. And then I was puzzled O_o. And suddenly she asked something else! For example: "Can I tear your balls off?" And I just shook my head and said, “Yes.” Embarrassment. Since then, I amuse myself on the subway by asking people with headphones (mostly girls) all sorts of stupid questions like: "Will you marry me?". The girl shakes her head and says, "Yes." I'm laughing, people are laughing nearby. The girl is perplexed. Good mood.
Once we had a rest with friends at my place, drank, listened to music, and quite loudly. The time was well after midnight, I tried to keep it quiet, because I was terribly afraid of a man from a neighboring apartment, I often ran into him in the entrance - a real ambal, under 2 meters tall, all in tattoos, always with a terribly serious expression on his face, in general, creepy type. But one of my friends turned up the volume all the time, I didn't have time to follow him. As a result, there was a knock on the door, and with such force that I immediately realized who was behind the door. The music was immediately turned off, everyone was silent. I went to the door, looked through the peephole - indeed, that very creepy neighbor. Opening the door, I was ready to say goodbye to the white light. "Well, are we having fun?" he yelled. “Well, just a little,” I squeaked. My knees were shaking so much with fear, it seemed to me that I would faint. He put his hand in his pocket and felt for something. I think, well, that's it, now he will get the barrel and shoot me, this is the end. And he took out his phone and said: “Listen, what was the last song you played, turn it on again, otherwise Shazam won’t recognize me through the wall.” Since that day, Vkontakte found me, we throw music to each other.
More than anything, I hate it when my girlfriend asks me to watch a movie with her. Then it starts: “Well, why can’t you be so romantic?”, “But you probably wouldn’t have thought of wishing me a happy birthday in this way!”, “Look, what a press Gosling has! You, too, would not hurt to pump up! Darling, I understand everything - it must be difficult to be the girl of such a jerk, but maybe when you finish your third cutlet and tear yourself away from your series, you will finally realize that you are not Scarlett Johansson either? I love you, but no, motherfucker, I won't wear blue lenses to look like Somerhalder.
My childhood was spent in the countryside. She studied at a rural school. period of restructuring. At the lesson of economics, they gave homework to assemble a team and defend the business plan of their project. For some reason, all the girls without exception had projects to open beauty salons, apparently, they didn’t have enough brains for more. And the boys have security companies. I defended the project for the production of ALCOHOL, during the defense I talked about the advantages of the project (you can make it on any raw material, even on rotten potatoes, it is widely used in industry, medicine, etc., it is in demand in the production of vodka ... sorry, business is business and the main goal is to make a profit). And this is the 90s, when vodka was sold even in stalls. My whole team was given a mark of "3", the rest of the class - "5". It was embarrassing to the point of tears. There were no computers then, I collected information in the regional library. After school, she left for Moscow, graduated from one of the leading universities in Russia, worked in international holdings, then successfully implemented her projects. I remember the lesson of school economics with a smile.
In my student years, I went over so much with friends that I rode a taxi all night. The hostel is already closed. So I, an important lady, called a taxi, crawled into the car, gave him the last thousand and asked him to drive until the morning. And he is caring - not only did he not refuse, he covered me with a blanket, wiped my tears, gave me a basin, fed me in the morning and took me to the hostel. Managed to place more orders. Shame, I still don't drink.
The house was built at an angle, leaving the balcony I can see the neighbors on the floor below. The first time I noticed a month ago: the baby draws at the table, the pregnant mother helps, and the grandmother is nearby. Sometimes I even paid attention to the shining window, but today everything was different: the baby draws at the table, the grandmother fusses and the mother walks around the kitchen with a newborn baby. Tears of joy rolled over for people completely unfamiliar to me, and they probably don’t even suspect that for someone they are like a window into another life.