Concealers for the face - concealer and corrector. Facial concealers. great camouflage pencil

Envy perfectly smooth and clean skin models? But they are just ordinary girls like you, just when creating makeup, experts use a face corrector, which allows you to hide more than 80% of all skin imperfections. However, simply buying a concealer by “pointing your finger to the sky” is not enough. It must be chosen correctly, and most importantly, correctly used.

So, what corrective means exist and how to apply them correctly? Let's figure it out.

There are many types of correctors for the face, but you should not choose such a tool at random: each case has its own nuances

What correctors exist?

A face corrector can and should be used if you have problem skin and want to hide these imperfections. The corrective agent is capable of acne, irritation and age spots, as well as hiding bruises under the eyes and making the face oval clearer.

Concealers are of the following types:

  • colored, allowing you to hide skin imperfections;
  • flesh-colored, even tone.

According to their consistency, they are also divided into:

  • liquid;
  • hard;
  • oily.

Nude correctors are most often applied after using colored ones, so as not to give out your little secret, or simply as a base for makeup, but cosmetic imperfections are not hidden.

Colored concealers are designed to combat the visual manifestations of various skin imperfections - with redness, bruising, excessive pallor or uneven tan.

Colored concealers come in the following colors:

  • blue
  • green;
  • orange;
  • purple
  • silvery;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Each color is aimed at masking one or another skin imperfection. For example, a green face corrector perfectly masks pimples and blackheads. And in order to hide the pale complexion, you need to use yellow and orange concealer.

If you like to sunbathe in a solarium or use it, then you just need to have a blue concealer in your cosmetic bag. It will come in handy when the tanning effect is, to put it mildly, unexpected, which is very often the case when using wipes and self-tanning creams. It will hide all the spots and even out the tone of the face.

If you want to get the effect of "expensive porcelain", then you need to use a silver-colored concealer. And for applying evening makeup, experts recommend applying purple concealer to the face.

If you have "stars" on your face, veins that spoil the whole appearance, you need to apply a green face corrector. It is applied pointwise to problem areas of the skin, and then a layer of a tone-leveling corrective agent is applied.

Liquid correctors for the face are inferior to other types in coverage density, but they benefit from the most natural result.

Liquid correctors for the face are similar in texture to fluid foundation creams. As a rule, they are sold in tubes or glass jars. They are applied to the skin with special brushes or sticks that come with a corrective liquid.

They also come in the form of automatic pencils that allow you to easily apply concealer to problem areas.

All liquid correctors have a water-based, non-greasy base, so you need to apply them quickly, otherwise you risk masking the spots already on the skin, but at the same time “earning” others.

To apply liquid concealer quickly and efficiently, you need to use a special brush or have the skill of applying it with your hands.

In professional cosmetic lines, solid face correctors can be produced in palettes - concealers for all occasions in one box

Solid concealers

This type includes all masking pencils. Their solid base does not spread when applied, which means that they are easy to apply. Their main advantage is that they do not clog into folds and wrinkles, so even the person who first decided to mask flaws with this tool can use them.

At the same time, most solid concealers contain various supplements in the form of vitamins, which, undoubtedly, favorably affects the condition of the skin.

Oil concealers are very heavy in texture and definitely not suitable for daily use.

Oil concealers

These tools resemble in their consistency theatrical makeup, which has a dense texture. With the help of oil corrective agents, you can easily mask bruises under the eyes, age spots and other pronounced imperfections on the skin. They are also easy to use, as they do not have a very oily base.

The choice of corrective agent should not come from the shade, but from the flaws that you want to hide from the eyes of others. If this problem is acne, then you need to purchase a special concealer, which, in addition to the masking effect, also has healing properties.

The corrector should be applied pointwise, and this should be done fairly quickly, since most products are water-based and dry instantly.

How to use?

Most women do not know how to use the corrector for the face, so they try not to use it in everyday life, which, of course, is their mistake. It is very easy to hide skin imperfections with a corrector. For this you need:

  • cleanse the face of impurities;
  • apply a moisturizer to the skin of the face and allow it to be completely absorbed;
  • apply a corrector to the skin;
  • apply foundation.

The foundation should not be applied too thin and smeared heavily on the face, otherwise you will erase the corrector from the face, mix it with the foundation, as a result of which there will be no effect from the concealer.

And to avoid spotting, solid correctors should be mixed with a tonal base. So they fit better and do not stand out against the general background.

Now you know all the secrets of models that look at us from TV screens. Now you can make your skin perfect, perfectly even and without any flaws - you will want to touch it again and again!

By secret

A younger face in just 11 days!

Even at 40, you can look 21 if you smear your face at night ...

Knowing how to properly apply concealer on the face step by step (photo), you can easily not only mask imperfections and minor flaws in the skin of the face that the foundation could not cope with, but also correct its shape. Usually concealers are matched to the natural skin color, but there are also color options that allow you to hide the most problematic areas. Read on for more details.

"Concealer" - what is it?

What is the difference between a corrector-concealer and a regular foundation and what is it? In its properties, it is very similar to a regular corrector, which is also applied directly to the problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin (pigment spots, bruises under the eyes, acne, scratches, fine wrinkles, freckles, etc.).

The product is quite dense in its structure (but at the same time it can be applied to the most sensitive and delicate areas of the skin), which is why a stunning visual effect is obtained. However, concealer is not a substitute for foundation or makeup base.

Concealer: how to choose

  • Choose a shade of concealer for everyday makeup, preferably a tone lighter than the tonal foundation.
  • To cover dark circles under the eyes, use a concealer with a pink or peach undertone.
  • The green corrector concealer well “hides” defects in the form of acne, various kinds of redness and bruising.
  • Violet perfectly hides the yellowness of the skin and age spots.
  • To hide any rashes on the skin, it is advisable to choose a product with a dense structure, in which there are additives that reduce the growth of bacteria. Such concealers not only mask problem areas, but also treat them, neutralizing the inflammatory process.

What are the types of correctors

Manufacturers produce a very large number of concealers that differ not only in color, but also in their texture.

  • Liquid. The light texture of this tool allows you to bring the color of the concealer as close as possible to the main tone of the face. The advantage of the concealer can be called ease of application and combination with any type of skin. Of the minuses - this is transparency, which does not make it possible to mask serious problem areas.
  • Creamy. Such correctors are produced in tubes, and they are applied to the face using a special brush or your own fingers. Creamy concealers are ideal when you need to cover tired blue circles under the eyes and other similar imperfections.
  • Based on mineral powder. More effective correctors that have a very dense structure (therefore, they are difficult to shade), capable of hiding those shortcomings that others could not cope with, while, in addition, having a therapeutic effect.

As for the choice of concealer by skin type, everything is individual here - for dry skin, a moisturizer is selected, for oily skin - with a drying effect.

Palette of colored concealers

Color correctors are very popular, with which you can hide imperfections on the face and, if necessary, correct the oval line, but only if you know how to properly apply the concealer on the face step by step (see the photo with a description below). The choice of color depends on the problem that needs to be masked.

  • with the help of a white concealer, you can “hide” freckles well;
  • pink will help hide bruises and visually reduce veins;
  • yellow masks dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles and vascular networks;
  • orange or apricot copes with hiding circles and bruises under the eyes, but be careful, as these shades are not suitable for everyone;
  • green color corrects scars, reddened skin, rashes of a different nature;
  • purple is used to hide yellow complexion and bruises;
  • brown is used to sculpt the face.

Subtleties of applying concealer

To get a perfectly even complexion, when applying concealer, you must take into account the shape of the face. This will emphasize the advantages and hide the shortcomings.

How to apply concealer correctly? The corrective agent should be applied along the massage lines, namely, the upper part of the cheekbones, forehead, chin and nasolabial folds.

  • So, apply the corrector on the work surface (stand or hand), distribute it to problem areas. Using a sponge, brush or fingers (as you see fit), blend with light strokes. If necessary, you can apply another layer if the coating is not thick enough.
  • To correct dark circles under the eyes, a concealer is applied Attention! cone-shaped (under the lower eyelid), gradually (shading) moving down and making a smooth transition with the tonal base. Next, a small amount of the product is applied to the upper eyelid, starting from the inner corner of the eyes, and quite a bit - under the eyebrow. Thanks to this technique, the eyes will look rested, and the look will become radiant.

  • Darker shades of concealer are used for areas that need to be hidden, while lighter ones are used to highlight protruding areas of the face or to create a strobing effect.
  • At the end, to consolidate the result, be sure to powder your face, otherwise, after a few hours, the makeup will smear.

Correction of face shapes with concealer

When applying concealer, follow the following rule: if the concealer is lighter than the foundation, then it must be applied first (under the tone), and if the color matches the tone of the foundation, then the sequence in application will not matter much.

How to apply concealer on the face step by step (photo) will be clear if you repeatedly do the whole process in practice. The main thing is to remember the basic rules for applying and you are guaranteed an impeccable complexion!

Despite the desire to be perfect, all people have flaws, which is manifested in their individuality. Seeing smooth skin and impeccable make-up of Hollywood stars, I want to learn how to correctly correct the shape of my face and visually give it the correct shape.

To do this, before makeup, even out the tone of the face and mask imperfections. Freckles, age spots, pimples, wrinkles or bruises under the eyes are common problems for women. They are easy enough to fix, especially if you have a magic tool - corrector. It provides an individual approach to each problem, making the skin great.

How to use the corrector for the face - n application to the face

To get a good result, you need to know the elementary rules for using the corrector.

  • Before applying the corrector, the skin of the face must be moisturized with a light cream. The agent should be absorbed, if this did not happen, then get wet with a napkin.
  • If the corrective agent is liquid, then it must be driven in, and not rubbed over the skin. Foundation is recommended to be applied after.
  • If the corrector is dry, then before applying it, you need to apply a foundation.
  • The foundation should be applied with light hand movements so that the masking agent does not smear.

2 ) How to use corrector to correct freckles and age spots

When applying the corrector pointwise, it is necessary to distribute the product into zones and carefully work out all the spots. Do not apply too much product, because in this case you can get ugly pieces and stains.

If you mix tonal and concealer, then this will avoid the appearance of spots.

3) How to use corrector to cover bruises and circles under the eyes

Problematic areas under the eyes are perfectly corrected with an oil or liquid product. Such a corrector should be applied in small strokes and driven into the skin, then you can powder. There is no need to use foundation after this.

The corrector comes in different colors, so first you need to decide what color the circles under the eyes have.

To neutralize a color, you must choose the color that is opposite to it. For example, if the circles are purple, then it will be hidden by a yellow or orange tint of the product. Bluish circles can be removed with yellow, red ones with green corrector. The table below will help determine the color of the corrector. In order for her take advantage you need to choose the color of the problem, opposite which will be the color of the miracle remedy you need.

4) How to use Pimple Concealer

With such a problem as acne, a solid corrector will cope. It contains vitamins, salicylic acid and other antibacterial Components . Thanks to this, the tool can not only mask imperfections, but also treat them.

For these purposes, it is best to use a yellowish tint corrector.

5) How to use the corrector for the face from spider veins and redness

A creamy corrector is applied with fingertips to the problem area. It is better to remove the vascular mesh with a yellow corrector, and red spots are perfectly masked by a blue tint.

6 ) How to use the facial wrinkle corrector

You can hide wrinkles on your face with the help of light corrector colors, which include reflective particles. It should be a light dry product, the shade of which matches the skin tone. If you use a cream corrector, then the dense texture will clog into wrinkles, and this can aggravate the situation.

7) How to use the corrector for the face to change the tone of the face

  • Light tones of correctors do an excellent job with swelling and mask dark spots. If there are circles under the eyes and puffiness on the face, then you need to apply the product only on one area, because the eyes will be even more swollen.
  • If the goal is to mask wrinkles near the eyes, then it is better to mix the corrective agent with cream.
  • For a tightened look of the skin, it is recommended to use a brush, while making strokes in an upward direction.
  • For a healthy and fresh looking skin on your face, you need to study on your face, you need to take into account the time of year. The dense texture of the product is ideal in winter, and light correctors are suitable for the summer season.

Not every woman can boast of smooth facial skin that does not have flaws. The ideal faces of models that we see in glossy magazines are not a gift of nature at all, but the work of skillful hands of makeup artists.

The modern arsenal of decorative cosmetics makes it possible for any woman to look no worse. Tonal foundations, concealers, face correctors work wonders, you just need to know how to use them.

Corrector and concealer

Age spots, pimples, acne marks, moles - these are the shortcomings that can be temporarily eliminated with the help of cosmetics. What is a face corrector? This is just the tool that will help you with this. Correctors are available in different forms and they are intended for point application. With their help, you can mask only small areas of the skin. They contain salicylic acid and other components that not only hide minor flaws, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

A concealer is also a corrector, but for a different purpose. With it, you can hide the imperfection of the oval of the face, slightly correct the shape of the nose and emphasize the cheekbones. This tool allows you to hide signs of fatigue, give the skin a radiant look.

If you explain the difference in a nutshell, then the corrector corrects, and the concealer hides the flaws. Both types belong to tonal cosmetics. To make the makeup as natural as possible, you need to know how to use the corrector for the face and how to choose it.

Types of correctors

The choice depends on the type of skin and the problem that needs to be addressed. Tonal cosmetics can be divided into two types:

  • water and oil based cosmetics;
  • dry and dense proofreaders.

The first is suitable for daytime makeup, the second - for an evening out. A dense corrective pencil is used for spot masking.

Water-based cosmetics is a liquid foundation with a light texture, available in bottles with a dispenser or in the form of a stick with an automatic cream supply. The concealer is applied to large areas of the face with a brush.

Camouflage cream on an oily basis has a dense texture and hides clearly expressed imperfections - bruises, moles, etc. It is produced in jars or pallets.

A dry corrector is a pencil used pointwise. It contains anti-inflammatory components. The structure of the sticker is gentle and fits well on the skin.

Corrector "Zero flaws" can be bought at the link

Correctors for the face use different colors and they act by applying a certain shade to the problem area. Concealers are transparent tones that are close to the natural color of the skin.

A face corrector palette can contain from 5 to 15 or more (for professional makeup artists) colors and shades, including lilac, green, peach blue, orange, bronze, yellow, white and pink. There is a certain pattern of placing flowers on a pallet. Colors placed opposite each other are contrasting. For the ability of one color to mask another, they are called complimentary.

Concealers do not mask moles, age spots and freckles, but only give the skin an even tone and correct the oval of the face. They also help to hide the color corrective.

The method of application for masking agents is also different. The corrector is always superimposed on clean skin, the concealer is always applied after the foundation.

Features of choice

How to choose the right concealer for your skin type? First of all, be guided by the degree of its fat content. For dry skin, oil-based products are suitable, they will not only hide imperfections, but nourish the dermis. For oily skin, it is better to apply a water-based cream. It gently fills the pores without creating a film, and allows the skin to breathe.

The second criterion is the nature of the problem. If you have irreparable minor cosmetic defects, you will need a denser corrector.

To create a contour of the face, foundation creams of a light texture are more suitable. Which color to choose depends on your skin tone. Girls with light delicate skin are more suitable for pinkish shades, dark skin will be refreshed by peach tones. In principle, the colors are selected half a tone lighter than the skin.

How to use color

The corrector is designed for color masking, while a specific color is applied for each flaw. How to use the palette? And why do you need so many shades?

  • in order to hide minor redness or acne, use a green corrector for the face;
  • yellow color and similar shades are suitable for masking dark circles and bags under the eyes, they will make them almost invisible, this color will also hide the vascular network;
  • light beige tones are used for the face as a masking layer - they will hide all irregularities, age spots, moles and acne marks;
  • brown color will highlight the desired curves, they process the cheeks, corners of the forehead and other parts of the face that need to be emphasized;
  • dark shades visually change the contour, giving it the desired shape;
  • purple or lilac is indispensable for masking bruises and for evening out skin color after an unsuccessful tan;
  • red spots will hide a blue pencil;
  • bronze shade is used for small scars and post-acne;
  • white serves to highlight protruding areas - cheekbones, nose, and also to emphasize eyes and lips;
  • pink will hide oily sheen, and peach or orange will give the skin a fresh look.

The face corrector palette does not always contain green. Camouflage pencil with a dispenser in this color can be purchased separately. It is needed by those who suffer from persistent acne and red spots.

The main rule is to observe the measure in applying cosmetics, then the flaws will be really hidden. Now you know what colors are for what, it's time to tell you how to use the corrector for the face.

How to use the corrector

To prevent the face from looking like a theatrical mask, you need to use facial correctors correctly. There are several general rules. Step-by-step instructions provide for several stages of applying masking cosmetics:

  • 20-30 minutes before doing makeup, the face is cleansed and lubricated with a light daytime nourishing cream.
  • Cosmetics do not tolerate oily skin, therefore, before using it, it is necessary to remove unabsorbed cream from the skin.
  • On the skin under the eyes, a masking cream is applied pointwise, then shaded with a brush. The direction of movement is from the outer corner of the eye to the inner.
  • When applying tinting agents, it is not necessary to rub them into the skin, they are driven into its surface with light tapping of the fingers.
  • Foundation is applied on top of the liquid corrector.
  • A solid corrector is used over foundation.
  • The final action is the application of a light matting powder.

The use of a green tinting pencil also has its own characteristics:

  • you need to use the corrector on clean, moisturized skin over an already applied makeup base;
  • it is better to mask red spots and acne with a mixture of correctors - green and light;
  • it is better to do this not with a pencil itself, but with a brush;
  • Apply powder on top, but not crumbly.

My own make-up artist

Facial correction with concealer can make a woman unrecognizable. It will hide imperfections, correct the outlines of the cheekbones and chin, and make the oval of the face clear. The main thing is to use colors correctly. You don't have to be a professional to understand concealers. You need to choose certain colors for yourself and understand what is the scheme for applying them to the face step by step. How to apply corrector?

  1. Thick concealer is best applied with your fingers, while your hands should be warm.
  2. Lightweight concealer is applied with a brush. If there are many wrinkles on the face, the corrector used should have a light texture. Too dense, on the contrary, will emphasize the imperfection of the skin.
  3. Before use, the brush must be sprinkled with water from a spray bottle, so it is easier to blend the color.
  4. The color is applied first with clear lines, and then shaded.
  5. Lightening and white tones are applied last. With their help, the protruding parts of the face - the nose and cheekbones - are highlighted, as well as the nasolabial folds are hidden.

If possible, it is better to take a lesson from a professional makeup artist - visit a beauty salon and do makeup. And at the same time, learn how to apply a corrector, how to use colors and, finally, how to choose a corrector specifically for your skin.

What woman wants to look beautiful. Sometimes there is not enough time for this. You need to get up early in the morning, wash your face, brush your teeth, take your child to kindergarten or school, and run to work.

But what about herself? Bags, dark circles under the eyes, harmful ubiquitous acne, age spots, how to deal with it quickly? This requires correction with the help of correctors for the face.

Facial concealers: types

Concealer is a cosmetic product, which is based on foundation. But unlike him, the corrector is solid, presented as a pencil, or a small vial with a brush. They are inexpensive, respectively, and the quality leaves much to be desired, and more expensive.

You can buy in stores, through online stores, you can order the best products from catalogs. The representative of Oriflame, Avon, Faberlic will tell you in sufficient detail what kind of remedy, what is the scheme for applying correctors.

Many distributors of this cosmetics present their products at master classes, using samplers, this is a palette with tonals of various shades, for teaching customers about cosmetic procedures.

If the catalog was brought by a friend, sister, then when choosing a masking agent, trust the description in the catalog, which also indicates the price of the product.

The corrector for the face is used for masking, that is, signs of fatigue, the first wrinkles, bruises, and other irregularities on the face are hidden under it. With the help of the tone, especially problematic areas of the skin on the face are evened out and masked.

The corrector happens:

View Description
Liquid Foundation, which is applied to the skin in small drops, then blended with fingers, or with a special brush, over the entire surface.
Dry Loose foundation powder, application is carried out with a foundation brush, it is large, a leveling layer of powder is applied on top of the loose corrector.
Cream It has a creamy form, which are produced in the form of a palette, each tone has its own cell, with which you can play on any colors by mixing several tones.

With the help of such a corrector, you can most closely match the tone to the color of your skin. Applied with fingers and brushes.

With the help of a variety of colors of the corrector, makeup artists match the tone to any skin color, from light beige to swarthy.

The corrector palette contains a set of tones, from white to lilac, or green. Each color will help to cope with a specific task.

Consider which color is for what:

  1. The use of light and dark shades will help to even out face shapes, dark shades are applied to the skin for a visual shadow, and light ones to define the contours of the face, even out the complexion.
  2. Green, blue tones help mask inflammation, freckles, redness, circles around the eyes, pigmentation.
  3. Orange, beige, are able to hide bruises, give the skin warmer tones.
  4. Pink - can be used by women who are older than 50. This tone can give the skin its former freshness, cope with the problem of deep wrinkles.
  5. Lilac - softens a strong tan, brightens the face, with it you can cover up passing bruises.
  6. White - has a leveling effect, is the base color, when mixed with other shades of the color palette, it allows you to find the shade most suitable for skin color.

Along with correctors, cosmetologists have developed a cosmetic product called concealer. This is a concealer that can hide especially small skin problems.

The composition includes substances that can dry painful areas, pimples, acne. Used in conjunction with a corrector.


Many people have big skin problems. The main problem is the ubiquitous pimples and acne (blackheads). Before applying the corrector and concealer, you need to remove the inflammatory process as much as possible.

For this, an acne serum is used. It will help get rid of many problems, such as swelling, peeling, redness. It is easy to use, there are instructions on each package.

The main thing is to apply it regularly, until the painful foci are eliminated. The skin becomes firmer, more elastic, the skin color evens out.

How to apply corrector on the face: step by step instructions

How to apply corrector on the face? Consider the instructions step by step:

  1. Preparation. At the preparatory stage, the skin is cleaned with a special cleansing lotion or tonic, from dirty particles, cosmetics and sebaceous gland products.

    Then moisturize, any moisturizing day cream is suitable for this, let it absorb as much as possible. To moisturize the skin around the eyes, special gels and creams are used, designed for this most sensitive area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face.

  2. Primer application, that is, products for cosmetic products, which is able to eliminate the shine of the skin and even out the oval of the face.
  3. Apply foundation for make-up. If pigmentation, freckles, bruises under the eyes, small blood vessels in the form of a mesh are still visible on the face, then you will certainly need a corrector for the face.
  4. Apply concealer as needed. It is applied to problem areas, the area around the nose, buzz, chin, in the form of white and purple tones.

    On the tubercle of the nose and between the eyebrows, they are painted with white shades, and white is also applied under the eyebrows to emphasize their expressiveness. Violet colors can be applied to the wings of the nose and cheekbones, with shades of gray.

  5. Compare the color of the neck and décolleté with the color of the skin on the face. The oval of the face should also be lightened to remove the clarity of the painted contours.
  6. And at the end of it all - blush and powder, as well as coloring the eyes, eyebrows. The powder will make all the contours of the corrector and concealer application softer, they will not stand out among the applied cosmetics.

Basic makeup is ready. If the step-by-step instructions are followed correctly, you will be irresistible in any society. What to add to the makeup will decide the woman herself.

Important: if a large amount of corrector or foundation is applied during the process of painting the face, you can remove it with a brush, and this must be done so that the layer of makeup is not too thick and noticeable.

Common mistakes makeup artists make

Many novice makeup artists are capable of making a number of mistakes. Do not apply concealer to uncleaned, dry skin without using a moisturizer.

It is also a mistake that it is applied to inflamed places, that is, pimples, acne, wounds. They draw and shade only the contour of the problem area in order to distract the eye from the flaw.

Advice: the make-up artist should most correctly choose the color scheme that matches the color of the skin, since if the combination is wrong, problem areas will be emphasized, and not masked.

If you paint yourself, then remember that before covering the eyelids, a solid corrector should be applied with warm fingers to blend it as much as possible. If you have a liquid corrector, you should apply it with a brush, as when applied with your fingers, traces of them will stand out.

All items intended for applying cosmetics must be thoroughly cleaned after the procedures so that the remnants of creams and various products do not dry out, and also to extend the service life.

It is necessary to carry out cosmetic procedures in a well-lit place, since a lack of light can adversely affect the final result. You will get a completely different effect that you wanted to achieve.

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