Seven simple rules on how to quickly give the face a fresh, radiant look. Pay attention to the skin under the eyes. Massage will help restore a healthy complexion

IN modern world When the atmosphere is very polluted, it is very difficult to protect the skin of the face from negative effects. Since it is the face that reflects our age, we need to start as early as possible and do it regularly. A negative factor affecting beauty is also constant stress, overwork and constant lack of sleep.

To protect the skin and restore its former attractiveness, you can use cosmetics from trusted manufacturers, which are available in large quantities on the shelves of women's stores.

But really effective means made from natural ingredients are sometimes very expensive. But do not be upset, because you can use ordinary fruits and vegetables to make your skin shine again.

What can affect the condition of the skin?

You can make your face attractive with the help of cosmetics and various masks. But the effect of such procedures will be short-lived and to prevent this from happening, you must definitely adjust your diet.

It should be dominated by fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, while the use of starchy, sweet and too fatty foods should be limited or eliminated altogether. What skin problems do women usually face? This:

  • A rash that can appear if the skin is too oily and not properly cared for.
  • Flabby and aging skin, which usually begins to bother women.
  • Dull skin, face looks stale.
  • Dry skin, which is also very flaky, also causes a lot of trouble for its owner.

There are several types of skin: dry, oily and combination. Each of them requires special care, so to always look attractive, you must adhere to these simple rules.

You need to understand that a sedentary lifestyle will negatively affect the skin, not proper nutrition, an abundance of bad habits (including addiction to alcohol, smoking and caffeinated drinks).

Also, skin problems can be caused by improperly selected decorative cosmetics (the age factor and the woman's skin type were not taken into account in the process of selecting the product).

Therefore, it is necessary to follow the lifestyle and adhere to such recommendations that will be useful at any age and help improve the appearance:

  1. Ration. It should be dominated by fresh and natural products - this will invariably affect the condition of the skin and it will improve.
  2. Required amount of fluid. Scientists have proven that for the normal functioning of all body systems and healthier, it is necessary to consume at least 2 liters of pure, non-carbonated water per day.
  3. Fresh air. Sitting at the computer for a long time harms not only the skin, so you need to make it a rule to take small walks on fresh air.
  4. Correct sleep. To feel great, get rid of the extinct look and circles under the eyes, you need to get enough sleep. You need to allocate at least 8 hours for sleep, but if attempts to fall asleep end in a fiasco, try to take short walks before going to bed and drink some natural lemon balm tea at night.
  5. Cleansing and care. It is necessary to devote enough time not only to applying makeup, but also to remove it. Going to bed without washing off your makeup is very bad, the skin condition will only worsen from this. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase a special tonic and make-up remover lotion, which is applied to the skin before going to bed to give it time to rest.
  6. You need to understand that you can achieve beautiful skin only by regularly caring for it, so devote enough time to yourself and your appearance.

How to improve the skin of the face with proper nutrition?

You can tell a lot about your health by looking at your skin. If it flakes too much or vice versa - the sebaceous glands secrete too much sebum, this is an occasion to think about the state of health and go to the doctor.

In this case, we can recommend comprehensive examination and go through several doctors at once. The main reason why the skin can become problematic is problems with digestive tract. Additionally, you need to check the condition of the liver and the level of blood hormones.

How to restore a healthy look to the skin of the face? Usually it is enough just to start eating right. For oily skin, it is best to limit your intake of sugar and fatty foods. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, and flour and spicy foods can be replaced with vegetables and fruits.

You need to understand that problem skin May cause breakouts and acne if blood sugar rises sharply. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the diet and not rely solely on cosmetics.

It often happens that with visible dehydration. In this case, it is necessary to drink at least 2 liters of pure water per day (this does not include concentrated juices, sparkling water and mineral water with gas). To further normalize metabolic processes and speed up metabolism, do not forget about fermented milk products.

Dry skin can be eliminated by including in the diet more foods that are rich in vitamins C, A, E. They will help remove free radicals from the body and the skin condition will noticeably improve.

Do not forget about antioxidants - these are substances that remove toxins from the body. A large number of them are found in vegetables and green tea. Therefore, if you need to restore the blooming look of your skin, a few cups of green tea with lemon a day should become a new, healthy habit.

How to make your skin healthier with beauty products

Cosmetology offers a lot of products that will help fight skin aging, wrinkles and other skin problems. All care should take place in several stages:

  1. Cleansing.
  2. Hydration.
  3. Nutrition.

You need to perform them using only those tools that suit your age category and your skin type. Otherwise, the condition can only aggravate.

Washing products should not contain any aggressive substances that will. You can use a special lotion for washing, soft water or just wipe your face with an ice cube. Good for this purpose is a decoction of herbs or green tea that has been frozen in ice cube trays.


Often, when washing, oily skin dries out a lot, sebum begins to stand out more actively and you can achieve the opposite of the desired result. Therefore, you need to take enough time to moisturize it.

For this purpose, a light moisturizer is excellent, which after its use will not clog pores and, as a result, pimples will not appear. Also, all ladies who by nature have problematic facial skin should be very attentive to the cleansing stage.

For them, peeling and the use of scrubs, which include abrasive particles, are contraindicated. To thoroughly cleanse the skin and achieve its softness, it is better to use peeling with fruit acids from trusted manufacturers.


To keep the skin on the face fresh, first of all, daily care is necessary. Moreover, in order to pamper your skin with a portion of vitamins, it is not at all necessary to lay out decent amounts of money in expensive stores, you can buy everything you need at a pharmacy and get it by simply opening the refrigerator.

If in the morning your face does not please you, then proceed to emergency procedures: wash your face cold water without soap. Water for washing in the morning must be cold, as warm, and even more hot, will accelerate the process of skin aging. As good remedy for washing, use ice of your own preparation. It is quite simple to make it: you need to pour the settled unboiled water into molds (if you wish, you can also make a special infusion on various herbs for washing) and freeze in the freezer of the refrigerator.

In the evening, you should not use cold water for washing, because, firstly, it can cause insomnia, and secondly, evening washing has a bad effect on the skin, no matter how paradoxical it sounds. For this reason, instead of water, use lotions as a cleanser, which can be either purchased or prepared in. It is possible to prepare such a lotion: finely chop the parsley, let it brew in hot water, and when it cools down, add a little apple cider vinegar. Such a lotion will not only perfectly refresh your face, but also whiten it, thanks to parsley. But remember that the product must be stored in the refrigerator, no more than a week.

Keep your face fresh on hot summer days thermal water, spraying the skin every time you feel the need for it. Such water, extracted from great depths, oddly enough, helps even with makeup applied to the face, without spoiling its appearance. Mineral water can serve as an alternative, but the concentration of useful substances in it is much lower than that of thermal waters.

To keep your face fresh and your skin looking toned, be sure to remember that the skin is primarily damaged by direct sunlight, provoking the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, be sure to wear sunglasses during the period of active sun.

Smoking has a very bad effect on the condition of the skin, so if you want to remain irresistible and attractive, stop smoking immediately and support your skin with vitamins (both in the form of masks and in a natural edible form).

In addition to the above, the condition of the skin depends on your mood. Smile more often and enjoy every little thing.

As an emergency way to give freshness face(when there is no time for procedures) use properly applied makeup in natural natural tones. Apply foundation, and then blend it with a slightly damp cosmetic sponge. Conceal dark circles under the eyes with a concealer or corrector pencil. Accentuate the cheekbones and chin with blush (they should be slightly pink).

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If you look through glossy magazines, you will notice that almost every model has a perfectly even, radiant complexion. Of course, with the help computer programs and spotlights can create the effect of skin glow. However, daily skin care and proper makeup also able to give your face extra radiance and freshness.


A dull complexion indicates a stressful state of the skin, loss of tone, and impaired microcirculation in it. So the first step is to change your lifestyle. Keep the water-salt balance, drink more water, eat right, take vitamins. Get enough sleep, walk more often in the fresh air and give up bad habits, it's no secret that alcohol and smoking negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Give your skin a natural look shine possible with care. Use products that suit your skin type. Remove make-up and impurities from the skin daily with a special cleansing line. Exfoliate dead skin cells twice a week with scrubs. For the face, get a cream that helps remove toxins from the skin and improve complexion, and for the skin around the eyes, an agent that fights dark circles and puffiness will be ideal. In cosmetic lines of some manufacturers there are facial serums containing a light-reflecting complex that instantly improves the appearance of the skin.

Makeup is a great tool for creating gorgeous skin radiance. First, apply your face cream to smooth, soft and silky skin, and only then proceed to make-up. Choose a foundation with reflective particles to create a subcutaneous glow effect. Mask dark circles around the eyes with a concealer, give preference to one that contains a pearl complex. Also apply a little concealer to the prominent areas on the face: the middle of the chin, cheekbones and areas above the eyebrows. Then apply a thin layer of powder with light-diffusing particles with a brush. In makeup, give preference to delicate natural shades.


It has long been noticed that if you are in love and happy, if you often smile and enjoy life, then your face shines the most. naturally.


  • radiance of the face

Tip 3: How to quickly give your face a fresh and toned look

Today, there are a huge number of cosmetics on sale, but recipes for creams and masks made from natural ingredients often outperform expensive cosmetics in terms of effectiveness. This face mask is often used by masseuses in salons in Thailand. The mask is truly magical. It will help out in cases where an important event is coming, and the skin of the face does not look good. in the best way. The mask will improve skin tone, tighten and even out, remove swelling and flabbiness

For the mask you will need: walnut, rice, cereals, banana and water. In a coffee grinder, you need to carefully grind about 60 g of rice (you do not need to wash the rice so that it does not lose its stickiness). Now, in the same way, you need to grind oatmeal (1/4 of the volume of rice) and walnuts. Pour the finished flour into a container.
Add a piece of soft banana (3-4 cm) to the resulting mixture and mix everything thoroughly, gradually adding water. Water is required so much that the resulting mass resembles thick sour cream in its consistency. Apply the mask on your face and keep it for about 10 minutes.
After applying the mask, be sure to cleanse the skin of the face. It is best to use a decoction of chamomile for this purpose. Chamomile must be brewed and for 7-10 minutes, steam the face in a chamomile bath, then cleanse the skin of the face soft scrub. Wash off the scrub with warm water, then rinse your face under running cold water. Because this mask has the ability to perfectly tighten the skin of the face, then after its application there is sometimes a feeling of tightening, so after the mask is washed off, you can apply a small amount of moisturizer and sprinkle your face with thermal water.

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A beautiful even tone of the face indicates the absence of health problems, the ability to take care of oneself and eliminates internal complexes. But, unfortunately, most people have to work hard to achieve positive result. Let's take a look at the methods by which we can short time improve complexion at home.

Facial care products

One of the main conditions for a uniform complexion is good blood circulation, which is responsible for delivering skin cells nutrients. Will provide it proper care behind the skin. There are the following required steps:

  1. Start every morning by washing your face. This will help the skin wake up, close the pores and remove the fat that stood out during the night. It is very useful to prepare cubes of frozen decoction of herbs (chamomile, mint) or green tea in advance and wipe the skin of the face with them.
  2. Cleanse your skin with special cleansers to remove dirt and oil residues. It could be cosmetic soap, lotion or gel for washing.
  3. Wipe the skin with a tonic that will restore the natural acid-base balance, relieve inflammation, dryness, and eliminate skin redness.
  4. The final stage daily care behind the skin of the face is its nutrition and hydration. In the cold season, cosmetologists recommend applying a nourishing cream in the morning and moisturizing in the evening, and in the warm season, moisturize the skin in the morning and nourish in the evening. Thus, the skin daily receives a sufficient amount of moisture, as well as all the vitamins and nutrients it needs.

Such care is necessary for the skin, both in the morning and in the evening. And cosmetics must be selected according to the age factor and skin type. For assistance, it is advisable to contact qualified specialist to accurately determine your type and choose the right cosmetics.

In addition to daily care, do not forget to do it once or twice a week. To do this, use exfoliating agents. Such cleansing of the upper layer of the skin of the face will ensure a uniform color of its entire surface. An oatmeal, ground coffee, sugar or salt scrub will do the job perfectly. Choose the peel that suits you best.

How to improve complexion: vitamins and nutrition

An equally important factor that affects complexion is healthy eating. pale color with a grayish tint - a sign. First of all, you need to try to solve this problem with a balanced diet, and if it doesn’t work, drink a course of vitamins. There are some dietary rules that affect the complexion of the skin. Let's consider them in more detail.
  1. Eliminate from your diet harmful products. These are salty, sweet, smoked, fried, spicy, coffee, alcohol, nicotine, soda, as well as snacks containing a lot of preservatives and chemical additives.
  2. Eat foods that contain fiber, vitamins and nutrients. For the constant regeneration of skin cells, protein is needed - this is lean meat of birds and animals, legumes, all types of fish, dairy products, fiber (cereals, whole grain bread, plant foods), as well as healthy unsaturated fats, which are rich in cold-pressed vegetable oils, salmon, mackerel, herring.

    Beauty vitamins and are simply indispensable for the skin. The first of them is contained in the liver, butter, sour cream, fatty fish, carrots, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, broccoli, herbs, lettuce, apricots, melon, plums. Vitamin E is rich in seeds, nuts, cereals, peas, corn, soybeans, eggs, liver and vegetable oils. Regular consumption of all these products will not only provide the skin with useful microelements, but will also bring undeniable benefits to the whole body.

  3. For even tone facial skin hydration is extremely important to ensure that you are drinking enough fluids. To improve your complexion, drink at least one and a half liters of clean water a day. For these purposes, spring, mineral or melt water without gases is best suited.

Another effective and accessible method that affects skin color is masks that you can prepare yourself at home. The result will appear instantly, immediately after rinsing.
  • Fresh cucumber whitens the skin well. Use only a grated vegetable or add a tablespoon of honey to it.
  • Any citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit) will do for masks. The secret lies in vitamin C, which performs a whitening function. Simply dampen the sponge with juice and apply to the face.
  • Align the complexion of the mask from any fermented milk product. Owners of dry and normal type skin, it is preferable to use sour cream or fatty cottage cheese, and for oily skin, a yogurt mask is better.
  • In winter, when there are no fresh vegetables and fruits, you can use grated raw potatoes, adding to it a spoonful of flour and honey. Such a mask should eliminate pigmentation of the skin of the face.

    Video tips on how to improve complexion and skin condition (Alginate masks):

Without a doubt, beautiful facial skin is the dream of almost every woman. After all, it is not only an indicator of the health of the body, but also emphasizes beauty, makes a woman more attractive and more self-confident. Unfortunately, fatigue, stress, lack of vitamins greatly affect the color of the skin, making it pale and painful in appearance. But in order to restore the natural radiance of the skin of the face, it is not at all necessary to spend more money on professional cosmetic procedures. A healthy appearance can be returned to her on her own, if you properly care for her.

Proper nutrition

All internal problems reflected in the appearance and complexion as well. Often the skin can look pale due to improper operation. internal organs or lack of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, proper skin care should begin with nutrition and saturation of the body with essential vitamins. By the way, if you have a problem with your teeth, you should also pay attention to this, because beautiful smile also gives a glow to your face. If there are chips on the teeth, or the color of the enamel is far from ideal, an effective solution to the problem will be veneers. In Moscow, there is one of the best dental clinics - Zubiki.RU: they put veneers quickly and efficiently and carry out, among other things, other procedures to solve problems with teeth.

It is better to remove alcohol and nicotine from the diet, which adversely affect both tooth enamel and skin cells, making it sagging, refrain from fatty and fried foods, and also eat more vegetables and fruits. Fish, cottage cheese, eggs are considered healthy products for the skin. They contain the necessary vitamins and minerals that stimulate the renewal of skin cells. It is also very important to drink as much water as possible. Nutritionists and cosmetologists recommend drinking at least 1.5 liters of plain water a day without additives. Additionally, you can start taking dietary supplements, such as vitamins A, E and C, or a whole balanced complex of vitamins. These supplements can be purchased at pharmacies. Proper nutrition and vitamins, of course, will not solve all skin problems, but will make the skin more elastic.

Proper Care

Careful daily cleansing faces. If you do not regularly wash your face and do not clean the pores, the skin will be inflamed, pimples may appear. Therefore, it is best to use facial scrubs or peels at least a couple of times a week, which will help to thoroughly remove dead cells. Also, do not forget about moisturizing and nourishing the skin. After washing your face, it is best to apply a moisturizer. Thus, the skin will be protected from the harmful radiation of the sun, will not dry out. Once or twice a week it is very useful to make face masks that will stimulate cell renewal and improve blood circulation, which also contributes to a noticeable improvement in skin color. The simplest mask is a mixture of carrots and honey. The vegetable is rubbed on a fine grater, a spoon or two of liquid honey is added and applied to clean skin faces. You can wash it off after 10-15 minutes. Such a mask is effective as a natural, harmless self-tanner for the skin, which can hide minor imperfections. To whiten the face, use a mask based on citrus fruits, such as orange or lemon. Mix the juice of one of these fruits with a drop or two essential oil and apply to the skin - literally in a matter of minutes the face will already become cleaner and more well-groomed, age spots will become less noticeable.

Decorative cosmetics

various powders and foundation creams, with their frequent use, no doubt harm the skin, polluting the pores. However, they are extremely effective if you need to temporarily hide certain skin imperfections or make its color a little lighter. It is recommended to use such products as little as possible and it is advisable to choose decorative cosmetics, starting from the type and color of your skin.

Regardless of the time of year and the weather outside the window, every girl and woman dreams of a healthy face and its beautiful, matte color. Poor ecology, unbalanced nutrition - adversely affect the color of our skin, making it earthy. Observing a number elementary rules you can not only reduce the cost of expensive procedures at the cosmetologist and expensive cosmetics, but also restore youth and elasticity to the skin, make it perfect, thanks to natural products. How to improve complexion, you will learn by reading our tips.

What affects the appearance and condition of the skin of the face?

Sometimes you can meet women with an earthy, pale color facial skin is immediately evident and raises many questions. What affects the skin, why do various deteriorations in its color and condition occur, how to even out complexion?

The skin, as you know, is a reflection of the state of human health, so various deviations and malfunctions of the body are immediately visible on the face.

The main reasons for changes in the condition of the skin are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation,
  • improper and unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient (due to lack of time and desire) facial skin care;
  • bad habits.

1. Proper skin care.

  • Make a rule, morning and evening, cleanse your face with soap or tonic. Regardless of whether you used cosmetics or not, you still clean your face twice a day, because. fine dust and dirt that surrounds us tends to settle on the skin. You should also use a facial scrub at least once a week.
  • Use moisturizers or nourishing creams(depending on skin type), immediately after cleansing the face. will also beneficial use face masks to help give extra food or moisturizing the skin.

2. Improve complexion, you will be helped by proper nutrition.

  • In order to look great, you need to take care not only of external beauty, but also internal, and this can be taken care of with the help of a varied diet, which should contain vegetables, fruits, berries.
  • It is very important to nourish our body with vitamins daily, vitamins A and E are considered especially useful for facial skin.
  • Cosmetologists and nutritionists recommend separate meals. A product compatibility table can be found on the Internet.
  • You should also limit the consumption of sweet, coffee, fatty, salty, smoked, spicy, as well as canned food.
  • You should also remember about the water balance of the body. The daily norm of water per kilogram of human body weight is 30 ml of water.

3. Daily physical education to help you. Do exercises in the morning. small physical exercise contribute to a rapid metabolism, and as a result, the body is cleansed and the color of our skin improves.

4. Take care of healthy sleep. Get at least seven hours of sleep, because it is at night that skin cells are restored.

No stress, just a smile and good mood. The release of endorphins in the body can improve complexion.

And of course, no matter how you please your face with masks prepared at home. We will tell you about how often you can make face masks, which face masks are the best.

How to improve complexion at home

So that you can constantly see a beautiful, matte face in the mirror, you should wipe your skin in the morning cosmetic ice, which includes a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, celandine). You can freeze mineral water, green tea. Such a morning wash will help reduce pores on the face, prevent the appearance of oily sheen.

Do not forget about the cleansing of the epidermis. To keep the skin fresh and clean, it is recommended to periodically (1-2 times a week) use scrub, do peeling And cleansing masks. Peeling with crushed oatmeal will be effective, it will help to evenly cleanse dead cells, while not deforming or injuring the skin.

Homemade mask recipes for a beautiful complexion

Sometimes you need to quickly, in a matter of minutes, put yourself and your face in order. This can be done without even resorting to the help of a thick layer of decorative cosmetics. This is where home remedies come in handy.

So, first we look in the refrigerator and find the product there, which ranks first in improving the complexion - this is carrots. Thanks to carotene, which is in carrots, it is possible to get a natural blush. Moreover, such carrot mask very easy to prepare, just grate the carrot on the smallest grater and apply on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with water at room temperature.

Next in the ranking is coffee. Prepare coffee to make about four tablespoons coffee grounds and apply on face. Leave the mask on for 15 minutes and rinse with water. Thanks to this coffee mask you will get a tan effect. But there is a contraindication to the use of such a mask - this is the presence of acne or rashes.

If it's watermelon season, you're in luck. Take the pulp and apply on the face, keep watermelon mask 20 minutes, then rinse. Do such procedures every other day, it is better to perform 7-10 such masks.

This will help you quickly put your skin in order. compress Take two bowls, one with cold and one with hot water. Add a decoction of lavender or mint to a cold bowl, and citrus essential oil to a hot bowl (you can use lemon essential oil).

You can also do beer mask. To do this, take 50 grams of beer, one egg yolk and some flour. Make a paste-like mixture and apply on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cold water. The entire course consists of 10 procedures that must be done at intervals of two to three days.

A face mask can be made using an egg, which should be beaten until white foam, add a tablespoon of sour cream and lemon juice, mix and apply to the face with a sponge. Leave on for twenty minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask will not only refresh your face, but also perfectly moisturize it.

We must not forget about oatmeal mask. To do this, take a tablespoon of oatmeal, pour 0.5 cups of hot milk and leave for 10 minutes to steam. After steaming, if there is milk left, it must be drained, and add one teaspoon of glycerin and a tablespoon of any mashed berries. Stir and spread the resulting mixture evenly over the face and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with cold water.

In order for the condition and complexion to always please you, you need not only to take good care of your diet, rest and sleep, you need to care for, nourish and moisturize your skin.

Question answer

Question: How to improve complexion with bodyagi?

Answer: Bodyaga is a powder that can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is easy to use but also one of the most effective. Pour the powder into a bowl, pour it with a small amount of boiling water, mix until thick sour cream is formed. Apply to face, previously cleansed, for 15 minutes, then rinse. During the procedure, you may feel some tingling as the blood circulation speeds up. After this procedure, it is recommended to use a moisturizer.

Question: Can I use parsley as a base for a facial lightening mask if my skin is sensitive?

Answer: Yes, you can. Moreover, it is the parsley mask that produces a calming effect, as well as relieves inflammation and improves blood circulation.

healthy eating

Face massage

Masks for tired skin

Cucumber Hydrating Mask

Energy creams

- sage - stimulate the skin,

spring makeup

What causes the skin on the face to lose its freshness

The condition of the skin is affected not only by the age factor - even in young people, the face can acquire an earthy hue. And most of the reasons leading to this are pretty trivial.

  1. Illness, of course, does not paint anyone. Therefore, before spending money on cosmetics, try to first eliminate the cause - get treated (and always under the supervision of a doctor).
  2. A person who takes on a lot of problems sometimes “suffocates” under their weight. This will certainly have an impact on health, and chronic fatigue will leave a shadow on the face.
  3. There are also psychological reasons. And the expression "gray face" is most suitable for people who find themselves in stressful situations or depressed.
  4. But often your own laziness can spoil the complexion. A person who is not able to adjust his lifestyle will never be in good shape. Daily "felting" on the couch or sitting at the computer for many hours will not add health.
  5. Nutrition is the factor that shapes the well-being of a person. There are a number of products that simply harm the human body. Only a balanced diet will help to refresh the complexion, because. it is based on only useful products.
  6. Bad habits are the most “powerful” reason due to which a face loses its attractiveness. Smoking, alcohol (and especially drugs) will quickly “paint” your face in an unpresentable look.

But sometimes the desire to be beautiful can "play a cruel joke", spoiling the complexion. And this happens when a woman chooses the wrong creams for herself, does makeup that is not according to the rules. Or the opposite situation - complete indifference to their appearance (but this is already a neglected case).

Principles to follow to improve complexion

No one but yourself can change your appearance. Only daily work on yourself, on your health will give the desired result. You can improve complexion even without participation beauty salons if you follow a number of life principles.

  1. Plan your life in such a way that there is enough time for everything: for work, for household members, and for yourself. And for this you need to establish a daily routine, which will take into account such moments as walking in the fresh air, playing sports (at least morning exercises) and time for a good sleep.
  2. In the same mode of the day, determine the specific hours of eating - the body should work in its own way. biological clock. When you start eating certain time while eating only wholesome food, health will improve by itself. And it will help bring back fresh color face.
  3. The skin, which does not receive moisture, quickly becomes decrepit. Therefore, make it a rule to moisturize your body by drinking at least one and a half liters of pure (spring or filtered) water per day.
  4. Learn to take good care of your body. Perform sanitary and hygienic procedures at least 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime. An important role in a healthy complexion is played by creams (day and evening), masks, tonics, etc. Your dressing table should have plenty of this.

You should not be limited only to a number of rules - they operate in a complex. Daily face care with cosmetic products, and at the same time specifically violating the diet, the effect will be difficult to achieve.

Proper nutrition will refresh the face

By chemical composition a man is what he eats every day. And the more garbage gets into the "furnace" of the body, the more it will appear on the face. Therefore, the choice of products that ensure your life should be approached with all responsibility.

  1. The most important of the components necessary for the body, vitamins of all groups are considered. Unchanged on dining table should be vegetables and fruits, as well as freshly squeezed juices. Those that contain vitamins A and E are especially needed - it is on them that the condition of the skin most of all depends.
  2. Eggs, dairy derivatives, seafood, liver - these components slow down the aging process of the whole organism, primarily due to the protein they contain.
  3. Oat flakes, soybeans, sprouted cereals, nuts will help rejuvenate the body and refresh the skin of the face.
  4. But fatty meat, spicy and fried food, muffins, canned food, fast food dishes should be completely excluded from the diet - they negatively affect the metabolism. And this immediately affects the color of the skin.
  5. Natural coffee lovers will have to make a choice: either a fragrant tonic drink, or beautiful and healthy skin. Oddly enough, coffee spoils the complexion.
  6. Sugar and salt should also be taboo. But they can be replaced by other products. An alternative to salt, for example, is soy sauce. And instead of sugar, use honey (it is very useful). And from time to time you can treat yourself to pieces of chocolate (but only exclusively black).

Poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract immediately affects the appearance of a person. In order to establish the process of digestion of food, you need to make the body work like clockwork. To do this, break it down into 4-5 times, and set a specific time for each.

Some nutritionists even recommend taking separate meals as a principle, because. most products are not compatible with each other in terms of their breakdown time and digestibility by the body. The easier the stomach will cope with its work, the cleaner your face will be (such a paradox!).

Much depends on skillful facial care

If you do not pay daily attention to your skin, then a dirty gray complexion will become a familiar sign of your appearance. Then do not be surprised that mirrors will annoy you. hygiene care for the skin requires compliance with a number of rules.

  1. Carry out the washing procedure 2 times a day (at least): refresh your face after sleep and in the evening remove the “traces” of the day from it. After all, the dust that surrounds us (and quite invisible) also settles on our bodies, clogging the pores on the skin, preventing it from “breathing”.
  2. If you use cosmetics, it should also be removed at the end of the day using cosmetic milk (or at least soapy water).
  3. The skin needs to be moisturized, toned and nourished. Lotions, tonics, creams, at the same time, should be of the same series (or at least similar in composition), suitable for your skin type and age. Try to choose drugs on a natural basis.
  4. Exfoliate your face at least once a week. Thanks to the regeneration process, some cells of the dermis die off, others are born, taking the place of the first. But by themselves, dead microscopic pieces of skin are almost not rejected - they must be removed. And for this, scrubs are used, the purpose of which is to refresh the skin.
  5. After peeling, you can not do without nourishing masks, which enhance the recovery processes in the dermis.

Most face care products can be made on your own and used at home.

Beauty recipes from our grandmothers

Man is an integral part of nature. Therefore, all problems with health and appearance are best eliminated with the help of her gifts. And in the collections of recipes of our grandmothers you can find a lot of tips to refresh the color of your skin (starting from the usual washing and ending with nourishing night creams).

  1. Try to wash your face not with water, but with fresh milk, kefir or yogurt. These products have a whitening effect. And if the skin is also flaky, then use a banana peel tincture.
  2. You can tone your skin with ice cubes. And it is better if they are from a decoction of medicinal herbs. But for each skin type, a specific composition must be selected. Universal is a decoction of lemon balm and mint.
  3. Wipe the skin with your own whitening lotion: 2 tbsp. mix vodka with juice squeezed from 0.5 lemon, add sea buckthorn oil 1 tsp. and whipped with sour cream (0.5 cups) egg yolk.
  4. To cleanse the skin, improve blood circulation, and therefore refresh the complexion, a cottage cheese scrub will help. It is mixed with honey and sugar in equal proportions. Perform peeling with massage movements for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Refreshing Cucumber Mask facial fit for any skin type. Only for those who have it fat, to 1 tbsp. grated cucumber should add whipped protein. For dry skin, yolk is added. The mask is kept for 15 minutes and then washed off with water.
  6. In the night cream that you usually use, drop a little orange-based oil. And the cream should be applied to the skin with a silver teaspoon, making light movements along the massage lines.

And you can also offer quite unusual remedy to refresh the face honey massage. First, honey is applied to the skin thin layer and left on the face for 10 minutes. Then start patting jerky manipulations with your fingers. This will help to remove all impurities from the pores.

You do not need to wash your face after the massage (wash only your hands). Let the skin dry on its own, then you can apply a day cream. This procedure is carried out immediately after waking up. By conducting a similar massage every other day for a month, you can achieve a permanent fresh blush on your face.

Under such circumstances, nothing pleases, neither the dream of a vacation, nor shopping. But there are many proven ways to regain a good mood, normal complexion, healthy skin. Let's try together.

healthy eating
That's where you need to start. After all, tired skin needs to be treated both from the outside and from the inside. You need to select fasting days and diets that will not exhaust, but clean and rejuvenate your body from toxins and toxins. And at the same time they will add useful minerals and stimulating vitamins. Such diets are based on herbal ingredients.

Recently, the brush salad has been popular, it is based on chopped: raw apple, white cabbage, carrots, beets. Additional components to this salad finely chopped greens, cranberries, pomegranate seeds, prunes, dried apricots. Refuels it lemon juice, olive oil or sour cream or mayonnaise.

This combination eliminates toxins, stimulates the intestines and pancreas, and normalizes cholesterol levels. It has a lot to do with the skin. Anyone who has experienced constipation knows how all this instantly affects the skin.

To enhance the benefits of these plant-based diets, try indulging in herbal smoothies, both externally and internally.

Herbal cocktail with the addition of psyllium seeds will cleanse the intestines. A popular plant like chamomile is rich in vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-stress effects. Chamomile tea is a good sedative that will help you sleep well as it is so good for your skin.

To improve the complexion, you can make infusions of oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, birch and willow leaves. You can make infusions of rose petals, peppermint, chamomile, and other herbs. The infusion should be cooled, poured into ice molds, and then frozen in the refrigerator, and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning.

Face massage
When we rub our face with ice cubes, we have a stimulating effect not only on the upper layer of the epidermis, but also on its deep layers. It's like we're doing a light massage. If, when looking in the mirror, the condition of our skin makes us worry, then we need to make this method more regular.

Facial massage allows you to restore the natural complexion, stimulates blood circulation, keeps the skin in order and restores muscle tone. There are several ways to do a facial massage, and you need to do the one that suits your skin type and your state of health, and if you have enough experience to do it. It is best to entrust professionals and go to a beauty salon.

Masks for tired skin
In spring, the skin suffers from prolonged lack of light, beriberi, dehydration, so you need to apply an extensive facial care program. Even if you think that your skin is healthy, that you use moisturizing, high-quality makeup removal and light nutrition, you still need to pay more attention and time to your skin in spring. And here you can not do without different masks that will help to revive the skin, stimulate and tone it.

Cucumber Hydrating Mask
Mix in a blender egg yolk, a teaspoon of cream, one cucumber, until a thick mass. Then apply the resulting mixture on the face, hold for 20 minutes and rinse. The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, gives it natural glow. Most masks for tired skin are made from herbal ingredients. Masks restore cells, even out complexion, remove toxins, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Due to the intense effect, these masks do not need to be applied to the areas of the lips and around the eyes. Such masks are made in the mornings, or in the evenings, or after preliminary cleaning of the skin.

If you used to make a mask once a week, now you need to apply it at least 2-3 times a week in order for the skin condition to recover.

Energy creams
Modern "energy" creams have an intense effect. They literally revive the skin and require careful attention.

Often active ingredients are used in energy creams:
- ginseng - stimulates, heals, tones,
- rose petals - improve the structure of the skin, soften it,
- sage - stimulate the skin,

- microalgae extract - gives elasticity, nourishes the skin, improves tone,
- cocoa extract - stimulates energy-saving and respiratory activity of cells,
- cloudberry and cranberry oils - preserve the natural moisture level of the skin, nourish it.

Before using the cream, you need to carefully study the composition of the cream before using it, because it can cause allergic reaction if you have sensitive skin faces.

Energy creams in the spring are often used under makeup, as a base, they make your complexion healthier. If this is important to you, then choose energy day creams that are applied to the décolleté area and to a cleansed face and neck in the morning.

spring makeup
It happens that massage, masks, creams, did not bring you desired result, and today you need to look good. Then some tricks will help you spring makeup.

Can be used instead loose powder, tonal, liquid products, which mask small defects and wrinkles, and give the skin a soft glow.

Give Special attention choosing a base for make-up. This improves skin tone.

If your skin is suffering high fat content, use light matte creams.

Shades of funds must be necessarily with a golden spark.

Blush deserves special attention, they are very relevant in spring makeup.

We shared with you the secrets of how to return healthy color faces, and we hope you enjoyed our tips.

Factors that negatively affect complexion

Disease of the internal organs affects the color of the skin

In addition to the already mentioned reasons leading to a deterioration in complexion, it is also necessary to note the following number of factors that negatively affect the condition of the skin, namely:

- lack of vitamins, microelements and nutrients in the diet, which inexorably leads to the development of anemia and the unnatural pallor of the face caused by it;

bad habits (tobacco smoking, alcoholic drinks etc.), which repeatedly accelerate the aging process of facial skin and adversely affect its color and condition;

- chronic overwork and stress;

- daily work in a tightly closed, smoky or poorly ventilated area;

- lack of systematic and competent organized care behind the skin of the face;

- neglect of walks in the fresh air and sports;

- excessive mental or physical stress;

- oxygen starvation;

- lack of proper rest and sleep.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of reasons leading to the loss of a healthy complexion. In some cases, a person may even need a complete medical examination, which will allow to exclude (or, conversely, confirm) the presence of certain violations functional systems organism and diseases of internal organs.

Products for beautiful skin

Fatty acids - fish, flax grains.

Vitamin A - carrots, new potatoes, broccoli, spinach.

Vitamin E (prevents the natural aging of the skin) - hazelnuts, walnuts, seeds, almonds.

For a quick improvement in complexion, drink one glass of carrot juice daily. Carrot juice should be consumed with a small amount of fat, such as sour cream. Since assimilation occurs only with fats. It improves the complexion by itself and, thanks to it, the skin seems to have light tan, and the tan itself sticks faster. You can achieve the effect in one week.

pay attention the right combination products, the wrong combination of products leads to fermentation of products in the stomach, and to a deterioration in complexion. Eat enough vegetable salads. And of course, diet is important.

Daily Care

The skin of the face, like the whole body, constantly needs care and cleansing. Therefore, it is very important to wash your face with cool water every morning and evening. Sparkling water has an excellent tonic property, especially if you add ice cubes to the water and immerse your face in such a refreshing cocktail every morning. The result will be especially good if the ice cubes are made from frozen decoctions of herbs or rose water.

It is best to wash off cosmetics with special cosmetics. Scrubs will help get rid of the remnants of makeup and dead cells, they will restore freshness and radiance to the skin, cleanse the pores. This allows you to speed up effective processes from other creams and masks.

How to improve complexion with makeup

Each of us has had a situation in life when the skin does not look good, but today you need to be irresistible. To quickly even out your complexion, you need to know some spring makeup tricks. This season, makeup artists offer several solutions:

— Liquid foundation to improve the complexion, which include reflective particles are used in place of loose powder. They will mask small defects, wrinkles and give the skin the effect of soft radiance.

- A big role is given to the base for makeup. It must be selected based on the condition of your skin. For oily skin - a light matting cream, for irritated and dry skin - a cream with a dense structure for a long fixation of makeup. Properly chosen base significantly improves the tone of the face.

- Use auto bronzers and bronzers to improve complexion. They are back in fashion, because a light tan is more relevant than ever. Please note that the shade of such a product should be golden-sparkling, peach and very light.

- Think about blush to improve complexion. They return to their leading positions in makeup this spring and allow you to improve the complexion.

Nutrition to improve complexion

And the first thing to change for the better is nutrition. If a woman does not diet, she rarely treats her diet with due attention: there is little time, and the products in the supermarket around the corner are so affordable, and after work she is so tired - why complicate your life?

Bought, cooked (well, if not completely finished products, like sausage or store-bought salads), fed her family and herself, washed the dishes and quickly went to the TV - not to miss her favorite series. Of course, this picture is not always true, but it happens very often.

But about the fact that useless and incompatible foods, an excess of fried, sweet, fatty, a lack of fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables are literally reflected on the face, we try not to think so as not to be upset, or we promise ourselves that we will deal with this later. Later, when?

Everyone has heard about separate meals, but for some reason it seems to most people that it is very difficult. Meanwhile, it is enough to stop mixing different types of proteins, starches and proteins, proteins and sugars, proteins and carbohydrates in one meal, and the body will immediately feel better.

For example, if you are cooking meat or fish, do not add cheese or eggs to them, as often recommended in cookbooks, do not eat them with potatoes, pasta, cereals, but combine them with vegetables, herbs, herbs - this is the simplest thing you can do. It is not difficult to find a food compatibility table, and you can cook much more dishes in this way than according to traditional recipes.


Sometimes even a balanced diet cannot fully meet the body's need for vitamins. Hypovitaminosis manifests itself in different ways, including the skin of the face: it can become excessively dry or greasy, pale or yellowish. The course of taking multivitamin preparations in such a situation can simply transform the face.

The most effective are special multivitamins for beautiful skin. As a rule, they contain B vitamins, vitamins A, E, C, PP and others, as well as mineral complexes. Perhaps no cream that improves complexion will be as effective as a course of multivitamins: the skin will become elastic, smooth, and unhealthy pallor will disappear.

Diagnosis of the disease by the color of the skin of the face

- Icteric skin tone - diseases of the digestive system and in particular liver diseases

- Greenish skin tone - with exacerbation of cholelithiasis or cholelithiasis and also with liver diseases

- Reddish skin tone - with overheating, as well as with heart vascular diseases. If your lips are bright red, check your blood pressure. It's definitely up.

- Bluish skin tone oxygen starvation, suffocation and diseases of the pulmonary system. If at the same time the lips have blue tint, then we can talk about circulatory problems and disorders in the work of the heart

- Redness on the skin with a bluish tint - a sign of heart failure

- If your cheeks are burning - a lack of vitamin C in the body, and it can also be a sign of bronchitis and even asthma.

- Paleness of the skin - indicates a sharp decrease blood pressure- hypotension, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, a lack of oxygen and disorders in the functioning of the lungs

- Earthy skin tone frequent constipation and bowel problems

- A dark complexion often indicates that a person may have a disease associated with infections in bladder

- Dark circles under the eyes are a sign nervous diseases

- Orange skin tone and the appearance of dark small spots - there may be a deviation in work thyroid gland Or is it the result of age-related hormonal problems

Folk remedies and masks to even out complexion

It is advisable to apply masks that even out the complexion before going to bed, since the sun's rays negatively affect the skin after them. By regularly applying masks to even out complexion, we reliably protect our skin. Such masks are especially necessary in the summer.


The most efficient and at the same time a simple means to even out the complexion is bodyaga, the powder of which is sold in every pharmacy.

The powder is diluted with boiling water to the consistency of sour cream and applied to the cleansed face for 15 minutes. During this procedure, a tingling sensation is felt, because all capillaries begin to work more actively, as a result of increased blood microcirculation.

The skin of the face turns red for a short time, then the stagnant spots dissolve.

As a result, the skin is visibly evened, the complexion is significantly improved and acne is reduced.

After the face mask, you need to apply a moisturizer on your face.

Mask that improves complexion

Even our great-grandmothers understood how attractive the tender, well-groomed skin with a healthy glow. And for facial care, they used the most common products. One of the most popular face masks is still a mixture of homemade cottage cheese and sour cream. However, they can also be used separately. Simply apply to clean skin and rinse with water after 15 minutes. This mask has a slightly whitening effect, smoothes the skin, makes it velvety.

Mask Recipes

When choosing masks that improve complexion, consider whether the products in their composition are available to you and whether any of them are allergens for your skin. The product will need to be applied to clean, steamed facial skin twice a week, preferably after a bath or hot shower, before going to bed. Action time - 20 minutes.


Mix carrot fresh and warm mashed potatoes (one tablespoon each), yolk.


With a decoction of flaxseeds (one teaspoon per glass of boiling water until completely cooled), pour over ground oatmeal to get a porridge-like consistency.


Mix cucumber puree with medium-fat cottage cheese (one tablespoon each).


Mix warm light beer (50 ml), egg yolk, potato flour and grated carrots (one tablespoon each).

There are many recipes to restore youth to the skin and improve complexion. The same amount of advice and recommendations. But no matter how much they talk about it, the most important thing is your love for yourself. Love yourself, and your body will respond very quickly to you beautiful matte skin, taut shape and "soaring" mood - checked!

Under such circumstances, nothing pleases, neither the dream of a vacation, nor shopping. But there are many proven ways to regain a good mood, normal complexion, healthy skin. Let's try together.

healthy eating

That's where you need to start. After all, tired skin needs to be treated both from the outside and from the inside. You need to select fasting days and diets that will not exhaust, but clean and rejuvenate your body from toxins and toxins. And at the same time they will add useful minerals and stimulating vitamins. Such diets are based on herbal ingredients.

Recently, the brush salad has been popular, it is based on chopped: raw apple, white cabbage, carrots, beets. Additional components to this salad are finely chopped greens, cranberries, pomegranate seeds, prunes, dried apricots. It is seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil or sour cream or mayonnaise.

This combination eliminates toxins, stimulates the intestines and pancreas, and normalizes cholesterol levels. It has a lot to do with the skin. Anyone who has experienced constipation knows how all this instantly affects the skin.

To enhance the benefits of these plant-based diets, try indulging in herbal smoothies, both externally and internally.

Herbal cocktail with the addition of psyllium seeds will cleanse the intestines. A popular plant like chamomile is rich in vitamin C, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-stress effects. Chamomile tea is a good sedative that will help you sleep well as it is so good for your skin.

To improve the complexion, you can make infusions of oak bark, sage, St. John's wort, birch and willow leaves. You can make infusions of rose petals, peppermint, chamomile, and other herbs. The infusion should be cooled, poured into ice molds, and then frozen in the refrigerator, and wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning.

Face massage

When we rub our face with ice cubes, we have a stimulating effect not only on the upper layer of the epidermis, but also on its deep layers. It's like we're doing a light massage. If, when looking in the mirror, the condition of our skin makes us worry, then we need to make this method more regular.

Facial massage allows you to restore the natural complexion, stimulates blood circulation, keeps the skin in order and restores muscle tone. There are several ways to do a facial massage, and you need to do the one that suits your skin type and your state of health, and if you have enough experience to do it. It is best to entrust professionals and go to a beauty salon.

Masks for tired skin

In spring, the skin suffers from prolonged lack of light, beriberi, dehydration, so you need to apply an extensive facial care program. Even if you think that your skin is healthy, that you use moisturizing, high-quality makeup removal and light nutrition, you still need to pay more attention and time to your skin in spring. And here you can not do without different masks that will help to revive the skin, stimulate and tone it.

Cucumber Hydrating Mask

Mix in a blender egg yolk, a teaspoon of cream, one cucumber, until a thick mass. Then apply the resulting mixture on the face, hold for 20 minutes and rinse. The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin, gives it a natural glow. Most masks for tired skin are made from herbal ingredients. Masks restore cells, even out complexion, remove toxins, cleanse and moisturize the skin.

Due to the intense effect, these masks do not need to be applied to the areas of the lips and around the eyes. Such masks are made in the mornings, or in the evenings, or after preliminary cleaning of the skin.

If you used to make a mask once a week, now you need to apply it at least 2-3 times a week in order for the skin condition to recover.

Energy creams

Modern "energy" creams have an intense effect. They literally revive the skin and require careful attention.

Often active ingredients are used in energy creams:
- ginseng - stimulates, heals, tones,
- rose petals - improve the structure of the skin, soften it,
- sage - stimulate the skin,

- microalgae extract - gives elasticity, nourishes the skin, improves tone,
- cocoa extract - stimulates energy-saving and respiratory activity of cells,
- cloudberry and cranberry oils - preserve the natural moisture level of the skin, nourish it.

Before using the cream, you need to carefully study the composition of the cream before using it, because it can cause an allergic reaction if you have sensitive facial skin.

Energy creams in the spring are often used under makeup, as a base, they make your complexion healthier. If this is important to you, then choose energy day creams that are applied to the décolleté area and to a cleansed face and neck in the morning.

spring makeup

It happens that massage, masks, creams did not bring you the desired result, and today you need to look good. Then some tricks of spring makeup will help you.

You can use instead of loose powder, tonal, liquid products that mask minor defects and wrinkles, and give the skin a soft glow.

Pay special attention to the selection of the base for makeup. This improves skin tone.

If your skin suffers from oiliness, use light matte creams.

Shades of funds must be necessarily with a golden spark.

Blush deserves special attention, they are very relevant in spring makeup.

We shared with you the secrets of how to restore a healthy complexion, and we hope you enjoyed our tips.

What affects complexion?

A yellowish or earthy complexion, combined with flabby, dry skin and noticeable wrinkles - this is the picture that every woman is afraid to see in the mirror. Unfortunately, in modern realities life, the state of the upper layer of the epidermis on the face quickly deteriorates, depriving the appearance of attractiveness. Decorative cosmetics help hide imperfections, but do not get rid of them, while aggravating health skin.

To really improve complexion and restore skin tone, you need to determine the causes of the problems that have appeared, and then eliminate them as far as possible. So, we list the main factors that negatively affect the appearance of a woman:

  • absence regular care behind the face;
  • rare walks in the fresh air;
  • bad habits;
  • lack of proper rest;
  • constant stress, lack of sleep;
  • inadequate water intake.

Based on the main reasons for the deterioration of complexion, we will draw the appropriate conclusions and draw up a plan for the right lifestyle, which any will do beautiful lady.

Proper Care

Daily care procedures are the guarantee of a woman's skin health. Habitual morning and evening manipulations in the bathroom stimulate blood microcirculation in the small vessels responsible for the delivery of nutrients to the upper layer of the epidermis. The question is not even what cosmetics the lady uses at the same time - the main thing is to perform a light massage by performing the following steps:

  1. Washing with cold water or ice cubes. Such a morning procedure awakens the skin and closes the pores, reducing the secretion of subcutaneous fat. It is useful to prepare decoctions of medicinal herbs in advance - chamomile, string, mint - to freeze them into cubes and wipe the face daily, refreshing it.
  2. Cosmetic cleansing. Gel, milk or foam help eliminate impurities in the pores, remove residual fat.
  3. Toning. A lotion or tonic will help relieve inflammation, restore natural PH balance, and eliminate dryness.
  4. Hydration and nutrition. It is important not to confuse these two concepts, since in the cold season a person needs nutrition, while in summer or in dry weather it is moisturizing. It is also important to nourish the skin at night with a night cream and moisturize it in the morning with a light emulsion or day cream.

A very important question that can be heard from a woman who is not indifferent to her health is how to improve complexion at 30, 40 or 50 years old. Indeed, it is important to choose cosmetics taking into account the characteristics of the condition of the skin and the age of the woman. It is recommended to contact a specialist who will help determine the type of skin and choose the appropriate cosmetics.

Products that improve complexion

Indifference to sweets, addiction to fatty or spicy foods are bad habits that adversely affect the health of the digestive system. Any problems with the liver, stomach or intestines are instantly reflected in the appearance of a woman, giving her dark spots under her eyes and an earthy complexion. Do not forget about the lack of nutrients in food, provoking banal beriberi.

A balanced diet helps to solve problems, for the preparation of which it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • exclude harmful foods: alcohol, fatty, salty, sweet, smoked, spicy, canned food, carbonated drinks;
  • reduce the amount of coffee consumed to 3 cups a day, in hot weather - up to 1 cup in the morning, since caffeine contributes to dehydration;
  • get into the habit of studying labels describing the composition of products - they should contain a minimum of chemicals and preservatives;
  • eat foods containing fiber - cereals, vegetables and fruits, whole grain bread;
  • introduce protein-enriched foods into the diet - lean poultry meat, beef, seafood, sour milk, legumes;
  • include in the daily menu foods high in vitamins E and A, which are responsible for the health of the skin (most fruits, salad greens, tomatoes, broccoli, olive and sunflower oil, nuts and cereals, legumes).

The advantage of switching to a healthy diet is not only in improving the complexion, but also in acquiring wellness generally.

water consumption

Maintaining the water and electrolyte balance improves the appearance of a woman, since the hydration of the epidermis also depends on this. For an even tone of the face and a fresh blush, it is necessary to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day, in hot weather or under conditions of heavy physical exertion - up to 2-2.5 liters.

It is important to use non-carbonated liquid without chemical additives and without sugar. Tea or juice are not suitable for moisturizing the face, it is better to drink mineral or spring water without gas, melt water, fruit drinks or compotes.

Outdoor stay

An important condition for acquiring a healthy complexion is frequent walks in the fresh air. There is no need to be afraid of exhaust gases and other nuances of unimportant modern ecology - the change in temperature and humidity regimes is important for the skin, as well as the access of oxygen and sunlight, stimulating the production of vitamin D. In addition, in stuffy rooms, the air contains even more toxins contained in varnishes and paints.

You should try to go outside in the morning and evening at any convenient opportunity. At the same time, you should not abuse the sun - harmful solar radiation can aggravate existing problems in appearance. For this reason, walks in the period from 12 to 16 hours are undesirable.

Physical exercise

Lack of movement can affect the appearance in the same way as junk food or lack of sleep. Refusal to walk, a sedentary lifestyle makes our face grow dull and pale. This happens due to a slowdown in metabolism, which rids the body of accumulated toxins.

Do not neglect the loads, whether it is simple walking, evening jogging or systematic exercise in the gym. Physical exercise is especially important for those whose work does not allow much movement during the day.

Full sleep

If a person does not sleep well or does not get enough sleep, do not be surprised by dark circles under the eyes and gray skin. Good rest is an excellent natural remedy for evening out the complexion. Sleep is as important to a person as water or air. The less he sleeps, the slower the epidermal cells manage to recover and renew themselves.

It is necessary to leave at least 7-8 hours a day for sleep. In this case, you should go to bed no later than 22 hours.

Rejection of bad habits

Nicotine, ethanol and even caffeine is a poison for the face, so for a beautiful and healthy appearance it is worth giving up smoking and alcohol, and reducing the consumption of caffeinated drinks. Having overcome his bad habits, a person will feel a surge of vigor and strength, and will also feel more confident and independent.

Maintaining a harmonious level of emotions

depressive state, increased nervousness and stress, first of all, are reflected on the face of a woman, turning her into a gloomy person with earthy face and puffy eyes. At the same time, tranquility helps to improve skin health, as well as even out skin tone. Based on these facts, appropriate conclusions should be drawn - there is no need to be nervous, it is worth controlling your emotional condition smile more and enjoy life.

Of course, it is difficult to control oneself in difficult situations. life situations, but excessive nervousness never helps a person, but only exacerbates all his problems.

How to even out complexion with homemade cosmetics?

As for home treatments and masks that improve the appearance and health of the skin, it is better to use familiar and affordable products for them. The effectiveness of grandmother's facial recipes has been proven by time, as even some pharmaceutical products repeat the composition of masks based on herbal ingredients, garden vegetables and herbs.

Refreshing masks are enough to do twice a week, while the best time for such procedures is the evening. You can even out the tone of your face in just a few sessions, the main thing is not to stop at the results achieved and regularly arrange beauty sessions for yourself.

Carrot face mask

Carrot-based recipes can refresh your face with a healthy glow and save a woman from excessive pallor. In combination with warm mashed potatoes, crushed carrots even out skin tone, whiten yellow spots and other signs of pigmentation, and eliminate fine expression lines.

A mixture of carrots potato starch can be supplemented with egg yolk, as well as real live beer. Brewer's yeast not only improves the condition of the hair, but also acts as an antioxidant for the skin. Egg yolk contains lecithin, which has moisturizing and nourishing properties.

Curd mask

To prepare homemade cosmetics, fermented milk products are mixed with fresh vegetables or fruits. Perfectly tones the face mask of grated fresh cucumber with cottage cheese. The mixture is ground to a mushy state, after which it is applied to the skin and left for 10 minutes.

The mask perfectly copes with dark circles under the eyes, gives a fresh blush and generally improves the appearance. For skin prone to increased sweating, you should choose low-fat or low-fat cottage cheese.

Citrus mask

A mixture of citrus juice combined with a few drops of essential oil can whiten the face. To prepare it, you should squeeze one orange, drop oil into the juice and apply the mask to the skin with a sponge. The recipe is categorically not suitable for girls prone to allergies to citrus fruits.

Oatmeal mask

Oatmeal is a natural antioxidant that contains beauty vitamins A and E, necessary for female youth. In addition, being crushed into flakes, oatmeal effectively exfoliates the keratinized particles of the epidermis, thanks to which it successfully replaces expensive peels.

To prepare the mask, it is necessary to pour oatmeal with a decoction of flax seeds. Proportions: one spoonful of flaxseed to one spoonful of oatmeal. The composition acts as a nutrient, relieves dullness and refreshes the complexion.

Healing herbs

For this mask, herbs are brewed that improve blood microcirculation: calendula, yarrow, linden, string, chamomile. Hercules flakes are poured with a decoction of medicinal herbs, which are then applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Such a mask brings the expected effect after the first procedure, while its composition is quite versatile and affordable.


Moderate use of cosmetic and folk remedies in combination with in a healthy way life, including proper rest and proper nutrition - this is a guarantee of achieving not only magnificent appearance, but also the lady's well-being. To achieve a noticeable result and fix it for a long time, physical activity, walks in the fresh air, use useful products and competent skin care should become a daily habit, and not a one-time action, after which a woman will return to her previous regimen.