How to get rid of tan easily and lighten skin? How to get rid of sunburn at home

Not all girls love dark skin.

Therefore, if you spent a decent amount of time in the sun, but forgot to use it, the question “how to whiten your face from sunburn” should worry you.

Don't worry: there are proven funds that will restore the whiteness of your skin.

Is it possible to?

How to get rid of sunburn on the face? You can remove sunburn from your face. However, there are gentle methods that do not harm the skin, but there are also fairly tough tools. which can cause great harm. It is important to be able to choose the right safe methods. This is what we will share with you below.


What tools can be used at home?

To remove unwanted tan from the face, it is not necessary to run to the beautician: there are both proven homemade folk remedies and special cosmetic ones that you can buy in the store.

So if on salon procedures no time but professional tools- money, choose one from the list below:

These funds are considered most effective for skin whitening.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, Special attention It is worth paying attention to the creams that you use. Frightening figure - in 97% of creams famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are referred to as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin, and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by funds from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. Recommended to visit official internet store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Quick Whitening Recipes

How to remove tan from face quickly? Prepare a bowl for making masks, select one of them and get started.

Whitening clay mask. Mix one tablespoon of white clay with water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Add a few drops of lemon juice.

Apply the mask on the face, hold for 15 minutes. Periodically sprinkle your face with water so that the clay does not dry out. Then rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer.

Scrub mask with parsley. You will need parsley. Grind it well to such a state that it begins to secrete juice. For two tablespoons of chopped parsley, add a teaspoon (without a slide) sea ​​salt fine grind.

Leave for a minute so that the parsley releases as much juice as possible.

Gently rub into the skin, massage lightly and leave for five minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Lemon mask. To prepare this whitening mask, mix lemon juice (2 tablespoons) with 4 tablespoons of kefir and 1 liquid honey.

For density, add starch or flour to the mask. Leave on face for twenty minutes, then rinse.

These are the most popular and effective folk masks to remove tan from the face.

home mask

How to whiten your face after sunburn? We have given you three recipes, each of which effectively helps to remove tan.

But there is another homemade whitening mask with a perfectly matched composition, which will 100% give a good result.

You will need:

  • honey: 1 tablespoon;
  • parsley: 1 bunch;
  • lemon juice: 1 tablespoon;
  • essential oil of orange, bergamot, grapefruit, or mandarin (any choice): 3-4 drops;
  • water: as much as needed to dilute the mask to the desired consistency;
  • kaolin ( White clay): 1 tablespoon;
  • salt: half a teaspoon.

Finely chop the parsley, and dissolve the essential oils first in honey.

Then mix all the ingredients thoroughly. The mask is ready! Apply to cleansed face and leave on 15 minutes.

You can pre-steam the skin for best effect. After the mask, be sure to use nourishing cream .

How to remove autosunburn?

Unlike natural sun tanning, tanning is not so durable. That's why wait 5-6 days while he washes away.

But if suddenly it is washed off unevenly from your face, try to whiten the skin with any of the products that we have listed above.

Such whitening masks will remove self-tanning residues even faster than regular tanning.

Conclusion: to wash away unwanted sunburn/ self-tanning from the face, you need to use masks with one of these components: white clay, kefir, lemon juice, parsley, honey, aloe vera. If you don’t have the time or desire to make homemade masks, buy products with acids, but use them only at bedtime.

You can learn about how to whiten the skin of the face from unwanted tanning from the video:

Majority sunscreens contains toxic ingredients or chemical substances, destroying endocrine system, which in many cases can actually contribute to the development of skin cancer and the production of free radicals in the body. In fact, since the beginning of the use of sunscreens, the incidence of skin cancer has increased. Many reports indicate that most sunscreens actually increase the risk of skin cancer. In order not to use products with harmful ingredients, it makes sense to make a natural do-it-yourself sunscreen that does not contain dangerous ingredients and that will perform the protective functions exactly as needed.

Of course, you can buy ready-made natural and safe sunscreens, but this is not such a simple matter. In ordinary stores, such cosmetics come across rarely.

No evidence that sunscreen prevents skin cancer

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) recommends the use of clothing, hats and shade as the primary sun protection and claims that sun protection should not be used for the prevention of skin cancer and as the only means of protection from the sun. Office for Sanitary Supervision of Quality food products and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States in 2007 stated that: "FDA finds no evidence that sunscreen prevents skin cancer." You can read more about the dangers of sunscreens in.

Insufficient Sunshine Leads to Vitamin D Deficiency

The sun is ours the best source vitamin D. 20 minutes under direct sunbeams enough to produce the vitamin D3 needed throughout the day. This vitamin is essential for humans, but many people are deficient in it. Often, the lack of sunlight is a more serious problem than their excess. Many types of cancer have been linked to vitamin D deficiency, including the deadliest ones, such as breast cancer. Vitamin D deficiency can also lead to problems during pregnancy, including preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, premature birth and much more.

Therefore, while hiding from the sun and using sunscreen, still remember to be outside without protection in order to receive a sufficient dose. sunlight. If you have to spend a lot of time on the street, then first of all the skin must be protected with clothes and hats.

DIY natural sunscreen

If you cannot do without sunscreen, then it is better to use natural remedies to protect the skin. It is especially important to use more safe means for children.
The sun protection factor (SPF) of the product obtained depends on the proportion of blocking components it contains, such as zinc oxide, coconut oil, etc.

Natural protective properties (SPF) of ingredients:

Almond oil (can be bought at a pharmacy) - SPF about 5;
Coconut oil - SPF 4-6;
Zinc Oxide SPF 2-20 depending on how much is used;
Red Raspberry Seed Oil SPF 25-50;
Carrot seed oil - SPF 35-40;
Shea butter - SPF 4-6.


Zinc oxide can be purchased through online stores or at a pharmacy (zinc oxide is not available in any pharmacy, for example, I found it in a pharmacy that manufactures drugs itself), please note that the powder must be NOT NANO! Non-nano powder is relatively safe to apply to the skin, unlike nano-zinc oxide, which is absorbed into the skin and is often used in commercial cosmetics. When working with zinc oxide, be sure to use protective mask to prevent inhalation.

Cold-pressed almond oil can usually be easily found in drugstores. You can order good virgin coconut oil produced by BARAKA (Sri Lanka), for example, in the online store, you can find shea butter.

Sunscreen with water-resistant properties (SPF 20)

  • 1/2 st. almond or olive oil;
  • 1/4 st. coconut oil(SPF 4);
  • 1/4 st. beeswax;
  • 2 tablespoons of zinc oxide.
Additional Ingredients:
  • up to 1 tsp red raspberry seed oils;
  • up to 1 tsp carrot seeds;
  • up to 1 tsp vitamin E oils;
  • 2 tbsp. l. shea butter;
  • essential oils, vanilla extract or other natural extracts to taste.

  1. Combine all ingredients (except zinc oxide) in glass jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters or more.
  2. Pour about 5 cm of water into a medium-sized saucepan and place over medium heat.
  3. Cover the jar with a lid, but do not close tightly, and place in a pot of water.
  4. As the water heats up, the ingredients in the jar will begin to melt. Shake or stir the contents of the jar. When all ingredients are completely melted, add zinc oxide.
  5. Pour the contents into the prepared storage container.
  6. Use like regular sunscreen.
  7. It is better to store the cream in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator for no more than six months.


  1. This sunscreen has some water resistance, but it is not completely waterproof. After swimming, it must be reapplied.
  2. This recipe produces a sunscreen with an SPF of around 20, although you can increase the SPF by increasing the amount of zinc oxide.
  3. To make your sunscreen thicker, you can add more beeswax to it.
  4. If you do not add zinc oxide to the cream, you will get an excellent body lotion.

Simple Homemade Sunscreen (SPF around 20)

Sunscreen Ingredients:

  • 2 tbsp. l. shea butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
  • 1 st. l. zinc oxide;
  • Optional: 8 drops of essential oils to taste.

Preparing sunscreen

  1. Spread shea butter and coconut oil in glass container sufficient size.
  2. Pour some water into a medium saucepan and place over medium heat.
  3. Place a glass container in water and melt the ingredients.
  4. Remove from heat and add zinc oxide.
  5. Pour into a container.
  6. Stir the contents several times as they cool to dissolve the zinc oxide.
  7. Store the cream in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator.

A quick way to make sunscreen

  1. Take a regular body cream that does not contain citrus oils. Add a couple tablespoons of zinc oxide.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Use as a sunscreen.

Again, although natural sunscreen is very pleasant on its own, it should not be used on a daily basis, as vitamin D must also be obtained.

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Essential oils. Harm in use

For residents of Russia and neighboring countries, summer is a time of fun and active rest. People go to the beach, go hiking and fishing. At this time of the year, families gather for joint recreation and entertainment. But there is nothing fun about being exposed to a powerful attack of solar radiation. Excessive sun exposure can cause a lot of problems for your skin. In the very best case, in memory of the summer you will have an ugly tan, which will not be so easy to remove.

Of course, sometimes a tan looks good, but too much sun can make your skin so dark that you regret going outside. Long term exposure ultraviolet radiation may result in blistering burns. Sunscreen won't save you if you spend hours sunbathing.

Often people have to use the services beauty salon to take off the tan. But you need to know what a professional beautician most likely uses chemical processes to get rid of the tan, and then you will return the original color and healthy shine skin. Unfortunately, these chemical processes can have harmful side effects. Damage to the skin may appear a long period time.

How to remove sunburn from face safely?

A worthy alternative is to use homemade tanning masks. These masks are much safer and, in any case, more effective. Homemade preparations consist of natural ingredients and therefore will never harm you. Good news also that you have the opportunity to choose the most suitable option:

  • by price,
  • availability of ingredients
  • ease of manufacture.

Skin is the most big organ our body. But often we don't give it the attention it deserves. Of course, the heart, lungs, kidneys, intestines and all other organs are vital. But the skin is more important at times. You definitely need to take good care of your skin!

How your skin tans

The skin cells of each of us contain melanin. It is he who gives her color. Dark-skinned people have a higher concentration of melanin, light-skinned people have less of this pigment. Cells human body, which are called melanocytes, produce melanin through a process melanogenesis.

The human body produces melanin to protect the deeper layers of the skin from damage. If you've been exposed to the sun's ultraviolet radiation for a long time, your skin will produce more melanin to reduce the damage. It is a protective mechanism of the skin. Excessive production of melanin leads to skin discoloration. Those who are lucky to have dark skin, will become even darker, fair-skinned will turn red. Exposure to the sun can tan or burn the skin, and some people develop freckles or patches of indeterminate color.

Moderate UV radiation has a beneficial effect on the skin, as it stimulates the production of vitamin D. However, overexposure to the sun will never do any good. Avoid it if possible! But this is not always possible for those who are constantly outdoors.

Solariums and tanning lamps

Some of us want to tan on purpose, because a moderate tan on the skin looks damn beautiful. There are ways to get fake tan. You need to lie down in a solarium where your skin will be exposed to UV radiation. You will get the desired tan, which will look natural.

However, it is important for you to know that excessive tanning bed use can harm your skin. She may look old. Also, tanning in a solarium increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Therefore, the radiation in the solarium is just as dangerous as the natural solar radiation.

It's great that homemade tanning masks work effectively even when it was purchased in a solarium. Your skin will get original view no matter where you sunbathed.

TOP 9 home masks to help remove tan from the skin

Finally, we can get down to business! Present to your attention nine unique mask recipes that you can cook yourself at home. Remember, it was mentioned earlier that all the ingredients you will need will be completely natural and will not cause any side effects. You will also be pleased that most of the components used for homemade masks are commercially available.

1. Mask with saffron and milk

It is a common ingredient in Ayurvedic practice. It has been used for centuries to whiten skin and teeth. In addition, saffron has many health benefits. For example, it promotes the formation and regeneration of cells, is an antidepressant, minimizes the manifestations of hypertension and other cardiovascular disease, helps to get rid of rashes and acne, promotes hematopoiesis.

Like saffron, very useful. It keeps your bones strong and healthy, helps to overcome stress, improves skin condition, perfectly cleanses it and tightens pores. Therefore, it is not surprising that saffron and milk mask will have a powerful effect. With its help, you can easily and quickly remove the tan from the body.

You will need:

  • 4-5 tablespoons of warm milk;
  • several stalks of saffron;
  • a couple of drops of lime juice.

Do the following:

  1. Pour milk into a container and heat up. Heat it up to a moderate temperature.
  2. Next, add a few drops of lime juice to the milk.
  3. Grind the saffron and pour it into the milk, then mix well. Your mask is ready.
  4. Now apply the resulting mixture on your face with gentle massage movements. It is necessary to apply the mask on all parts of the face, as well as the ears and nose, because they can also have a noticeable tan.
  5. The exposure time of the mixture is 5-10 minutes.
  6. After this time, wash off the mask from the skin with cold water.
  7. Immediately after the procedure, moisturize your face with cream.

2. Mask of cucumbers and tomatoes

cucumbers good to eat, they are also good for the skin. They will help get rid of constipation, provide the body with dietary fiber and potassium, remove worms, produce an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce dark circles under the eyes and moisturize the skin. In addition, cucumbers are used to whiten the skin and teeth, and, as we will find out below, will help whiten the face after sunburn.

- natural antioxidants that protect us from free radicals, regenerate cells, give our skin a glow. With the help of them, they narrow the pores and get rid of acne, fight excessive production of sebum.

You will need:

  • 1 tomato;
  • a tablespoon of turmeric;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • lemon;
  • a teaspoon of cottage cheese or sour cream (sour cream is better to use if you have oily skin, cottage cheese - if dry).

Do the following:

  1. Cut the tomato into slices. You will need two for the mask.
  2. Grate the tomato, place the resulting slurry in a bowl.
  3. Add sour cream or cottage cheese to the tomato pulp.
  4. Add turmeric.
  5. Squeeze out the lemon juice, drip three or four drops into the mixture.
  6. Next, add honey.
  7. Pour the pea flour into the mixture.
  8. Your mask will be ready when you thoroughly mix the resulting mass.
  9. The mask must be applied to the face and neck.
  10. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes, then rinse it off with water.

3. Turmeric and Pea Flour Mask

Pea flour- old home remedy our grandmothers, which is used in many cases. The people of India have used it for many centuries as food and as a remedy for the skin of the face. IN Lately This remedy has also become popular in the West.

Indeed, for many beauty and spa treatments pea flour used as the main ingredient. It will help you eliminate a number of skin problems such as acne, blackheads, rashes, blackheads, and more. It can be used to remove unwanted hair, revitalize the skin, restore its vitality and, of course, remove redness after sunburn.

Pea flour is a cheap and commercially available ingredient.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of pea flour;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • a tablespoon of orange peel;
  • a tablespoon of milk;
  • pink water.

Do the following:

  1. Pour the flour into a bowl.
  2. Add turmeric to it.
  3. Add milk and orange zest.
  4. Now put in the mix rose water. She must be cold.
  5. Create a mask by mixing the ingredients.
  6. Wash your face with soap.
  7. Apply the mask on cleansed face and let it dry.
  8. The mask should remain on the face for at least 20 minutes.
  9. If the mixture has hardened in some places, sprinkle them with rose water.
  10. Gently remove the mask from the face when the exposure time is over. It must be removed first clockwise, then against it.

This mask is recommended to be used every other day, in this case, you can quickly get rid of the tan. To improve the result, you can add a tablespoon of yogurt or a few drops of lemon juice to the substance you received. These components contribute deep cleansing since.

4. Mask of tomatoes, yogurt and lemon juice

With the addition of citrus, it will produce a mild whitening effect, evenly remove tan from the skin without leaving spots, and keep your skin supple and hydrated.

Tomato juice It will also help to whiten the face after sun exposure. In addition, the tomato is a natural tonic, it will narrow the pores and reduce the production of sebum by the skin glands. A mask with these components will remove tan and excess pigmentation from any skin.

You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of tomato gruel;
  • a tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a tablespoon of yogurt.

Do the following:

  1. Place the tomato paste in a bowl.
  2. Squeeze the lemon juice, mix the required amount with the tomato.
  3. Now add yogurt.
  4. Mix the ingredients well.
  5. The mask is applied to the face for half an hour.
  6. The mask must dry.
  7. The mixture is washed off the face with a small amount of water.
  8. At the final stage, the skin of the face is moisturized with a cream.

Warning! Tomato juice may make you itchy at first. Don't worry, the itching will go away soon. Also, lemon juice makes your skin sensitive to the sun, so try not to be exposed to UV radiation during the mask and a few hours after you wash it off.

5. Mask with aloe and lemon

Benefit Aloe vera for the skin is well known. This plant has been used in cosmetology and medicine, has been included in medicines and herbal decoctions since the time of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs. In many documents ancient egypt documented use of Aloe for the treatment skin diseases and many internal diseases. It will also help to effectively and quickly get rid of sunburn.

In fact, the juice extracted from the long leaves of Aloe Vera makes it an amazing plant. Aloe gel or juice contains amino acids, minerals and polysaccharides, as well as others useful material. IN modern cosmetology It has been used for decades to remove blackheads and give skin a healthy glow.

If you try mixing aloe juice with a few drops of lemon juice, your bad tan going away very quickly.

You need:

  • some Aloe Vera juice or gel;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice.

Do the following:

  1. You do not need any container to prepare this mask. Squeeze aloe juice into the palm of your hand.
  2. Add to it a couple of drops of juice squeezed from a lemon in advance.
  3. Mix the ingredients with your fingers directly into the palm of your hand.
  4. Apply the mask on your face and hold for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with cold water.

Since Aloe Vera produces a sufficient moisturizing effect, it is not necessary to apply a cream on the face after using this mask.

6. Cabbage and Turmeric Mask

Cleansing and healing powers turmeric well known. Did you know that ordinary cabbage can help you get rid of sunburn?

It's a fact that cabbage juice It contains many phytochemicals and antioxidants, and together they neutralize the effects of free radicals that can lead to skin problems such as blackheads, acne and pimples. Improve the texture and color of the skin, protect it from damage. Vitamins A, C and E contained in cabbage juice make the skin soft and supple.

You need:

  • some raw cabbage;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • a pinch of turmeric;
  • you will need a binder like rice or pea flour. One tablespoon is enough.

Do the following:

  1. Divide the cabbage into four parts. You will need one quarter.
  2. Finely chop it.
  3. Squeeze out the juice of a lemon, add a couple of drops of it to the cabbage.
  4. Add honey to the resulting mass.
  5. Next, add the flour of your choice.
  6. Mix everything until you get a paste.
  7. Apply the mask on the neck and face, leave for 20-25 minutes.
  8. Wash off with cold water.
  9. Moisturize your skin with cream.

7. Mask with sugar and lemon

Sugar is a good cleanser, so it is easy to remove the tan from your face with it. Make a mask and evaluate the result! This incredibly simple, but effective mask everyone can cook. Add lemon juice to sugar for faster results.

You need:

  • one tablespoon of white sugar;
  • one drop of olive oil;
  • two or three drops of lemon juice.

Do the following:

  1. Pour sugar into your palm.
  2. Add olive oil to it.
  3. Sprinkle the sugar with two or three drops of lemon juice.
  4. If you have dry skin, try adding glycerin.
  5. By mixing these components, you get a mask that is applied to face light in a circular motion. Do not apply the mask to the area around the eyes! Do not rub the mask into the skin, otherwise the sugar will not have the effect you want.
  6. The mask should be kept for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off with cool water. Pat your face gently with a tissue or towel.

8. Oatmeal Butter Mask

Butter and oatmeal are a great combination to get rid of a tan. These products are in almost every home.

Oatmeal contains the most a large number of amino acids than any other cereals. It has a high content silicon dioxide. Thanks to these two components, oatmeal makes the skin hydrated. Oats are also hypoallergenic and highly absorbent. It soothes and softens the skin of any type, exfoliates and cleanses it. Beneficial features oatmeal has been known to people since Ancient Greece. The oil heals burns and improves skin color.

You will need:

  • two tablespoons of oatmeal;
  • three tablespoons of oil;
  • a tablespoon of honey (optional)

Do the following:

  1. pour out cereals into the container.
  2. Add oil.
  3. You can also add honey.
  4. Mix ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Apply the mixture on your face with massage movements. The mask can also be used for hands and feet.
  6. The mask works for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Wash off with cool water.
  8. Use a moisturizer.

9. Mask of potato gruel or potato juice

This mask is probably the easiest to prepare. Potato juice or pulp– time-tested home remedies that give excellent results. A potato gruel mask will remove tan from your face, improve skin texture and make it healthy.

This mask should be applied to the face every day for a week. The tan will definitely disappear. The mask nourishes the skin vitamin C. Potato juice or gruel will help get rid of spots and hyperpigmentation quickly and effectively. If you have dark circles under your eyes, you can also remove them with this mask.

You will need:

  • a small potato tuber;
  • lemon (optional)

Do the following:

  1. Peel the potatoes, grate it on a fine grater.
  2. You can use the resulting slurry or squeeze the juice out of it. The effect will be the same.
  3. If you like, add a couple of drops of lemon juice.
  4. Apply the mask on a washed face with soap and wear it for about 20 minutes.
  5. Wash your face at the end of the procedure.

You don't need to change your habitual image life! Enjoy the summer - go on those hikes, spend hours on the beach or just laze in the park. Don't worry about getting sunburned. As you can see, there are many home remedies that can help you remove the tan from your skin and quickly return it to its original color. Try applying one of the masks suggested above. All of them are safe and easy to prepare!

Write in the comments if any of the above masks helped you.

29 330 0 Good afternoon In today's article we will tell you how to remove a tan on your face and telemaximally in safe ways. You will get to know folk recipes skin whitening at home. You will learn not only to effectively whiten the skin, but also to properly care for it after such procedures.

Why does our skin tan?

Our skin cells contain a substance called melanin. Some people have more, and some have less. That is why the tan in dark-skinned people lays down faster and more evenly. People with fair skin there is very little melanin and this is the reason for the redness of the epidermis after taking sunbathing.

Not many people know, but the human body produces melanin for protective purposes. So the epidermis reacts to an excessive amount of negative UV rays. As a result of this process, the skin begins to change color and become darker.

Unfortunately, aesthetic damage is the smallest drawback. Frequent exposure to sunlight can cause serious harm to health. Doctors recommend using special creams and to carry out such procedures as little as possible. However, you should not completely avoid them, because moderate exposure to ultraviolet rays is useful. Small exposure to the skin stimulates the production of vitamin D.

fake tan

Nowadays, tanning studios are very popular. The advantage lies in the absence of seasonality and the speed of obtaining the effect. Regular visit gives rich dark shade, which makes the figure more slender and hides minor skin imperfections. This is what encourages many girls to visit the magic cabin regularly.

However, radiation from artificial lamps is no less dangerous. Excessive exposure to the solarium is fraught with premature aging skin and loss of elasticity. That is why everything should be in moderation.

Remember that artificial UV rays are several times stronger than the sun, which means that protection should be higher. Moreover, ordinary creams for relaxing at sea will not work. A solarium is required, which is sold in the studios themselves or professional cosmetics stores.

Why get rid of sunburn?

Most often, this question is asked by girls who have received an uneven tan. Another popular reason for getting rid of a dark shade is the appearance of freckles, red spots and peeling of the skin. In addition, many avoid chocolate color skin due to work that requires aristocratic pallor. It is found in models, actresses and other media personalities.

There are times when the question of how to remove redness after sunburn or remove peeling after sunburn becomes very acute. The reason for emergency deliverance may be an important meeting or a responsible position. Agree, it’s not entirely decent to meet with investors or negotiate with a red face and peeling skin.

It is for such cases that there are different ways get rid of sunburn. Salon procedures can come to the rescue and professional cosmetics. But it is worth noting that no worse than the previous ways to remove tan from the skin, home whitening activities can.

Cosmetic procedures

If you are not worried about your budget and want to do everything professionally, then we recommend that you use the services of a beautician. The specialist will select necessary cosmetics and products that are suitable specifically for your skin type. Of the most popular procedures can be distinguished:

  • Mechanical peeling

This peeling removes the topmost layer of the epidermis. There are several types of mechanical peels: superficial, medium and deep. It should be noted that only a specialist can tell you which one should be used for you. Everything will depend on the condition of the skin, the depth and intensity of the tan.

This is a way to remove sunburn with a variety of acids. Often it is fruit acids that slightly burn the dermis. Superficial cells exfoliate and the skin is completely renewed.

  • Physical peeling

It should be noted that this is the most gentle way to get rid of unwanted tan. The beautician gently removes tanned cells with an ultrasound machine, thereby polishing the skin. This method not only allows you to get rid of sunburn, but also cleans the epidermis from dirt and blackheads.

  • Cryotherapy

For this procedure, use a liquid nitrogen. Under influence low temperatures pigment cells die off, and their place is replaced by new ones with a very low content of melanin.

  • Mesotherapy

This method is recommended for lightening single skin areas. For example, if you don't know how to remove dark spots after sunburn or freckles, then mesotherapy will help you with this. Clarification occurs due to the introduction fruit acids subcutaneously. Ascorbic acid is mainly used.

  • Phytocorrection

IN specific case high-intensity light rays are exposed to the epidermis. The most interesting thing is that the skin will darken even more, but after a few days after the session, it will be renewed, and the color will come off.

Of course, in the fight against the ugly and uneven tan you can always use special cosmetics and salon services. However, bleaching agents are not always safe. Often they contain a lot of aggressive chemical and synthetic components.

As for beauty salons, this is, of course, a good alternative. However, for services professional cosmetologists you have to pay a hefty sum.

And knowing how to remove redness after sunburn at home, you will save a lot of time and money. Moreover, the composition of the recipes is insanely simple and cheap.

Folk remedies to eliminate sunburn, redness and peeling

  • Yoghurt mask with citrus

Mix 80 ml natural yogurt with 50 ml of orange juice. Apply to tanned skin and keep 15 minutes. This mask not only whitens the skin, but also fills it with vitamin C.

Soak a towel in sauerkraut juice, and wipe the body 1-2 times a day. Such wiping can wash off the tan in a few days.

  • Mask with cucumber and egg

Grate a few fresh cucumbers and mix with the beaten egg. Apply to the body and leave to act for 15 minutes.

  • Mask "3 citrus"

Mix juices 1 pc. lemon, 1 pc. orange and 1 pc. grapefruit with a couple of tablespoons of white clay until thick. Apply to body and face and keep for 15 minutes. After a while, wash off the composition under running water.

  • Mask "Snow White"

Mix 20 ml of parsley juice with 150 gr. sour cream and 50 gr. pulp raw potatoes. Add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture. Mix everything and leave on the skin for 15 minutes. Wash off after warm water.

How to whiten a tan at home

To whiten the skin after sunburn, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. There are a large number of ways and recipes that will help achieve the desired effect. The most popular are:

  • potato tonic

Make juice from two raw potato tubers. Soak a cotton pad in it and wipe the tanned body. Wash your face after 20 minutes. This procedure must be done 2 times a day. After 3-4 days, the skin will noticeably brighten.

  • lemon tonic

Squeeze the juice of several lemons and cotton pad apply it to the skin. Wash off with warm water after 10 minutes. Cucumber juice can enhance the whitening effect. Even half a vegetable will be enough. Such a lotion will solve the problem of how to remove age spots after sunburn.

  • Milky almond mask

Put 5-6 peeled almonds in a glass of milk and forget about them for a day. Then beat the infusion with a blender and apply to the skin. You can wash off the mask after half an hour.

Mix a couple of tablespoons of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice together. Apply to face for 30 minutes. You can also use a mixture for the body, increasing the number of components.

  • clay mask

mix cosmetic clay(preferably white) and cucumber juice of potatoes. Important: the mixture should be a little thick, so the proportions must be done by eye. Apply the composition to the skin of the entire body and wash it off after 25 minutes.

The fastest way to get tan off your face

There are situations when it is necessary to remove the tan very quickly. For such cases, the following recipes are suitable:

Pass a few bunches of fresh parsley through a meat grinder or chopper. Put the resulting slurry in a piece of gauze and squeeze the juice. Wipe the darkened areas with this composition. Wash off with water after 15 minutes.

Half glass cucumber juice mix with 1 teaspoon of turmeric and apply the composition to the skin. After 35-45 minutes, take a warm shower.

  • Mask with yogurt

Mix 50 ml of cucumber and 30 ml of lemon juice with 200 ml. natural yogurt. Mix all the ingredients and apply on the body for half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

  • Curd mask

Mix 250 grams of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of turmeric and apply the mixture on the body. Hold the composition for 25 minutes, and then rinse under a warm shower.

  • Milk mask

Mix 50 ml of lemon juice with the same amount of cucumber juice, a glass of milk and a pinch of turmeric. Apply to clean skin. The exposure time of the mask is 35 minutes. After it, you need to take a shower.

  • Apple cider vinegar tonic

mix Apple vinegar half with boiled water. Soak a towel in the liquid, and rub the body with it for 5-7 minutes. Be sure to take a shower after this procedure.

  • Honey Lemon Mask

Mix 3 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey with the juice of half a lemon. Apply the resulting mixture on the body and leave for half an hour to act. Take a shower after the time is up.

  • Oatmeal mask

Take 200 grams of steamed oatmeal and the same amount of buttermilk. Mix and apply the mixture on the steamed body. Wash off after 25 minutes.

  • Aloe Tonic

Mix aloe juice with boiled water in a 50/50 ratio. With this infusion, it is necessary to wipe the skin once a day, after which it is necessary to take a warm shower.

  • Scrub with glycerin and sugar

Mix 150 gr. coarse-grained sugar, 10 ml of glycerin and 10 ml of lemon juice together. Gently massage the composition into the skin and wash off after 10 minutes.

How to remove tan from face quickly and effectively

If a tanned body suits almost everyone, then the situation with the face is somewhat different. Firstly, they are more noticeable on the face. Secondly, dark tone adds age. Thirdly, freckles and age spots appear.

In addition, many girls are not satisfied with a tan in the spring. At this time of the year, the face looks reddish against the background of the body, which adds disharmony to the image. Therefore, a huge number of women are also wondering how to remove spring tan from their faces.

Plus to everything tanned face emphasizes age defects. On a light and matte face, it is much more difficult to see mimic wrinkles and inconspicuous folds near the eyes. In addition, UV rays help early aging epidermis.

If you can not afford the services of a cosmetologist, but store funds for whitening faces do not inspire confidence, home-made scrubs and masks will be an excellent alternative:

wring out coffee grounds and apply to the face with rubbing movements. Rinse off with warm water. You can add a little nourishing cream to coffee.

  • Citrus scrub

Dry the peels of any citrus fruit. Then grind the crusts in a coffee grinder to the state of grits and mix with your favorite cleanser. Apply the composition to the skin with massaging movements. Hold on for a couple of minutes.

  • parsley lotion

Pour 100 grams of parsley 300 ml. hot filtered water. Put in a water bath and boil for 7 minutes after boiling. Then the solution must be filtered. With a cooled broth, you need to wipe your face 2 times a day.

Squeeze half a lemon and mix with one protein chicken egg. Treat the skin with the composition and do not rinse until complete drying. The product whitens perfectly, but girls with dry skin should avoid it.

  • Mask with tomato juice

Mix curdled milk and tomato juice 1 to 1. Apply to the skin of the face. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes. This mask will whiten the skin and at the same time get rid of acne.

  • Mask with saffron and milk

Warm a little 50 ml of milk in a water bath and then add 2 chopped stalks of saffron with 5 drops of lemon juice to it. Keep the mixture on fire for another 1-2 minutes and set aside to cool. Apply the mixture to your face and keep it on for another 15 minutes. Wash off with cool water afterwards.

Skin care after whitening

Remember a few important rules skin care for light skin:

  • The next few days after whitening procedures, you should not expose your skin to aggressive impact direct sunlight;
  • Apply a cream with UV filters to the skin. Now many have foundation creams and powder;
  • Moisturize the skin. In the morning and in the evening it is necessary to apply a nourishing or regenerating cream;
  • Do not use drying lotions or products with acids.

Whitening of the skin of the face from sunburn, freckles and age spots

How to prevent bad tanning?

The following tips will help you avoid unpleasant consequences from contact with ultraviolet radiation:

  • If you are in direct sunlight, then always use sunscreen;
  • From 11.00 to 16.00 it is advisable not to go out to sunbathe at all, since at this time the most active sun;
  • A few days before sunbathing, do peelings and scrubs, then the tan will lie more evenly;
  • Do not sunbathe in solariums and under tanning lamps without specialized creams;
  • Don't go out into the scorching sun without wide-brimmed hat and do not sit on the beach without a special umbrella;

If you follow these rules, then your tan will always be even and noble.

Every person who has been on vacation wants to return with a tanned, chocolate skin. But unfortunately, a tan does not always satisfy the wishes of a vacationer, so the question of how to remove it from the body comes first.

In this article you will find useful information, about how to remove an uneven or ugly tan from the skin of the face and body at home, using cosmetics, in a beauty salon. And also how to do it quickly.

In what cases is it necessary to remove the tan

As you know, a tan is not only beautiful, but also harmful to health, especially if you get it quickly and in large quantities. Therefore, the desire to get rid of sunburn can be for two reasons:

  • For health reasons.
  • Due to unaesthetic appearance.

On the health side, sunburn can affect general state skin, overdrying it and depriving it of elasticity, then it is simply necessary to whiten the body. Of course, getting rid of sunburn is also in cases where irritation is noticed in the form of a rash and redness. excessive skin is also a reason to wash it off.

It is especially important to get rid of the dark color when open sun too much time was spent, the skin was significantly burned, and burns appeared. This is manifested by burning, itching.

It is important to know! If blisters appear at the site of the tan, the skin turns red, and a burning sensation appears, in no case should the tan be removed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

As for the unaesthetic appearance, it can be noted that tanning should be removed from the body if the skin is unevenly colored or if age spots appear. Of course, a layer of dark color is removed when traces of a swimsuit remain, or a contour from sunglasses is visible on the face.

Ways to eliminate sunburn

How to safely get rid of sunburn on the face and body? There are many ways to safely and conveniently remove tan from the face and body. These are folk methods, and the means used by cosmetologists in beauty salons.

At home

How to effectively get rid of sunburn at home? TO folk methods sunburn removal include the use of the following products:

  • Lemon juice. Removing sunburn with lemon is very simple and fast. It must be squeezed out and applied, without rubbing, to those parts of the body that need to be lightened. Leaving more than three minutes is not recommended. Rinse with warm water, then wash with face wash or apply a moisturizing balm.
  • Fresh cucumber. You can wipe the body with cut skin 3-4 times a day. It is also recommended to grate the cucumber and apply the resulting porridge to the lightened areas of the skin. For more best result it is worth adding a few drops of lemon juice to cucumber porridge;
  • Dairy products. Ryazhenka, kefir or low-fat sour cream apply even layer without rubbing on the skin. Leave on for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After the procedure, do not use cosmetics;
  • Table apple cider vinegar. Add half a teaspoon per liter of water. Dampen a handkerchief, towel, or gauze bandage, and wipe the skin. Do this for 2 minutes, and then wash with warm water. You need to be very careful with this procedure, as it can lead to burns.

Such available ways will help everyone who wants to whiten the skin of the face and body from sunburn at home. To wash off the tan from the face and body in this way is practically free and fast. Most importantly, be careful with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar!


Do not forget that you can always visit a bathhouse or sauna. As you know, hot air with steam perfectly helps to get rid of sunburn and put your skin in order. In the bath, it is worth thoroughly rubbing the tanned places with a hard washcloth, rubbing the skin with a pumice stone or warming yourself up with a broom. After such procedures, blood circulation increases, and skin cells are updated faster.


So, what cosmetic products can be used to wash off the tan? There are a number of whitening scrubs and tonics that can make your skin glow in just a few uses.

As statistics show, almost every type of cosmetics, regardless of the manufacturer, helps to get rid of sunburn in short time, while not providing negative impact on the skin.

In a beauty salon

Finally, you need to figure out how to remove unwanted tan from your face and body in a beauty salon? Every self-respecting salon offers its clients a number of procedures that help to cope with the ugly tanned body or age spots. Among the most popular procedures, the following should be emphasized:

  • Laser whitening. The beautician, using laser beams, breaks down the accumulated melanin in the skin cells, thereby accelerating its breakdown in the body. Usually, 2-4 treatments are required to achieve the ideal result;
  • Bioactive whitening. It is carried out with the help of preparations containing chemicals. However, it is more gentle in contrast to photobleaching or acid peeling. Requires 3 to 7 treatments.

How to quickly get rid of uneven tan

There are different situations, for example, the result is needed immediately. And how to get rid of sunburn on the face and body quickly?

First of all, in order to quickly whiten the face from sunburn, acid-based creams should be noted. It is they who, as if by magic, help the body to quickly remove the accumulated melanin. After 5-6 applications, the skin begins to exfoliate, and after 2-3 weeks it is completely renewed.

Pharmaceuticals - another fast way to quickly wash the tan from the face and body. For example, hydrogen peroxide diluted 1:1 with boiled water will whiten the skin in just 2 weeks, and synthomycin ointment will help remove not only dark skin after exposure to the sun, but also age spots both on the face and throughout the body.

Some of fast-acting remedies, consist exclusively of natural organic components. The only downside is they are not cheap.

Of course, they will not be able to remove the tan from the face in exactly 1 day. But in any case, they will make the situation much better!

How to take care of your skin after bleaching tan

First, it is recommended to regularly moisturize and nourish the body, whether it is the face, legs, neck or hands. This procedure should be performed at least 2 times a day. Secondly, it is necessary to use sunscreen if a person is often exposed to direct sunlight.

Limit yourself in use age cosmetics or in a wax procedure or sugar hair removal. And for the first time after bleaching, it is desirable to be outside as little as possible from 10:00 to 16:00, when the sun is most active.

It is worth concluding that it is quite possible to quickly get rid of a tan, you just need to regularly apply whitening masks or do not forget to use cosmetics.

Now you know how to whiten your face and body from sunburn. If something goes wrong and you are disappointed with the result of sunbathing, then you can implement certain tips from the article.

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