How to remove grease stains on a down jacket. How to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket at home: folk and store remedies. What industrial facilities exist

A down jacket is a versatile and practical piece of clothing. It saves from frost and piercing wind, in winter it always looks appropriate and fits most outfits. But due to active use, stains often appear on the down jacket and it is better to know in advance how to deal with them.

The most obvious solution seems to be a full-fledged . But this process has a lot of features, and clothes after it do not always retain a presentable appearance. You can arrange local cleaning and remove stains from the down jacket without affecting the rest of the surface.

General rules for stain removal

In order for the result of work to be completely satisfied and your favorite down jacket to be ready for use again, a number of rules should be observed:

  1. Before proceeding, it is necessary to remove external visible contamination, if any. The dense layer can be gently scraped off.
  2. Any stain should be rubbed in the direction from the edges to the center.
  3. Residues of any detergent must be removed.
  4. After cleaning, wash the previously contaminated area, slightly increasing the area of ​​the wet spot. This will help avoid divorce.

You can evaluate the results only after complete drying. If the contamination is not completely removed, the manipulations should be repeated, and only after that a decision should be made on a full wash or dry cleaning.

Grease stain removal

Grease stains are the most common stains on outerwear. They can be planted in a cafe, in a store, an auto repair shop, or even on the threshold of your own home. Often such surprises "please" children. How to deal with such pollution?

So, there is a greasy stain on a down jacket, how to remove it quickly and easily? This will help:

  1. Food salt. It should be applied to the contamination as soon as the stain is detected. It partially adsorbs fat, and it will be easier to remove it.
  2. Dishwashing liquid. Absolutely anything that has a liquid or gel-like consistency will do. A concentrated solution should be prepared, applied to a sponge, lathered. Treat the contaminated area and leave to act for a few minutes. Remove foam and wash area.
  3. Soap or. Both are great for removing fat. The main thing is to wash off the solution with high quality, otherwise whitish stains will remain.
  4. Household stain remover. This may be an advertised composition or a product from the nearest store. It must be used in accordance with the recommendations given on the package.

When cleaning, do not use hard brushes and work too aggressively on the fabric. This can lead to the formation of puffs.

Getting rid of shine

Often, on a completely clean down jacket, an unusual shine appears on the fabric. Such zones are called glossy. Usually shiny areas "decorate" the cuffs of the sleeves and the top of the pockets.

Vinegar will help with unnecessary gloss. It is necessary to prepare a solution (the ratio of water and vinegar is 3: 1), moisten the sponge and gently rub the shiny areas. After that, wash the sleeves and other areas to be treated.

Vinegar can leave a peculiar smell on the fabric. Prolonged ventilation will save him. After complete drying, the clothes can be worn again or sent for long-term storage.

Removing stains of various origins

The most difficult thing in cleaning any thing is the correct identification of the source of contamination. Compositions that do an excellent job, for example, with greasy stains, can make other pollution more noticeable.

Before figuring out how to remove stains from a down jacket, you need to determine which substance left a mark. And only after that apply knowledge:

  1. Street dirt and rain water. They should be removed with soapy water. Wash the contaminated area and then wipe clean.
  2. Rust. Acids successfully cope with such pollution. Lemon juice or vinegar should be applied with a cotton swab. Rinse with clean water.
  3. Blood. Hydrogen peroxide will help remove. Apply the substance to the contaminated area, leave for 10 minutes and rinse the cloth.
  4. Spots of unknown origin. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia (ratio 1: 1) will help to cope with them. Apply the cocktail and rinse with clean water.
  5. yellowing. To remove a stain from a down jacket at home, acidic products, namely, a solution of vinegar or lemon juice, will help. You need to work according to the usual scheme: apply - rub easily - rinse.

Before applying any substance, it is necessary to check whether it will change the color and texture of the material. The experiment can be carried out on the inner surface or a sample of fabric, which is often attached to a piece of clothing. If the material begins to change shade or structure, the composition should be quickly removed and the area dried.

In order for your favorite outerwear to serve for a long time, it is necessary to inspect it for contamination before sending it to seasonal storage. Divorces can appear after washing the down jacket, greasy stains can be found during cleaning. All contamination must be removed as soon as possible. Only in this case will it be possible to manage on their own.

If you notice a stain on a down jacket, you should try to remove it immediately, without waiting until the contamination has entered the fabric and becomes difficult to remove.

So that ugly stains do not appear when removing stains, the down jacket should be prepared for cleaning. Remove dust from the product and carefully remove dirt from the surface using a soft brush. Then carefully read the label on the product. Perhaps your down jacket does not "accept" exposure to certain detergents.

After choosing a stain remover, it must first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

Professional stain removers

Even difficult stains from a down jacket can be removed with the help of professional stain removers:

Tool name Description
Dr. Beckmann with bile soap The components in the composition of the product allow you to remove stains of a different nature without damaging the fabric structure. Suitable for all fabrics.
Ecover Stain Remover Eliminates stains of dirt, grease, blood, etc. Consists of vegetable and mineral substances that decompose without harm to the environment.
Amway Prewash Spray Suitable for all types of fabrics, both colored and white. Copes with pollution of different nature due to the optimal combination of solvents and surfactants.
minute Eliminates not only grease, traces of lipstick and ballpoint pen, but also stains from varnish and paint.

How to remove grease stains from a down jacket

Dish detergent

Since dish detergent contains fat-dissolving ingredients, this is exactly what is needed in this situation. 1 tsp detergent dissolve in 1 tbsp. water, lather the solution with a sponge and apply to the problem area. Wait 5 minutes and then wipe away any remaining product with a clean, damp cloth.


Mustard contains alyl oil, which perfectly breaks down fats. This tool is suitable for colored and dark clothes. So much warm water should be added to dry mustard to make a mass, the consistency of which is like thick sour cream. Apply the mixture on the stain and leave for 35 - 40 minutes, then wash the grease-free area with laundry soap.

Shaving foam

An unexpected method, but also very effective. Suitable for those down jackets that can be washed. Apply foam to the problem area and wait 5 minutes. Next, wash the item by hand or in a washing machine with liquid detergent.


Laundry soap must be grated to get 2 tbsp. spoons, and pour it into a glass of warm water. Dampen a soft cloth in the resulting composition and treat the stain, moving from the edges to the middle. Rinse the fabric with clean water.


Take half a glass of warm water and dilute 1 tsp there. ammonia. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and wipe the stained area. Repeat until the fat is completely gone.

This method is suitable for both dark and colored, and for white things.


Put a sheet of blotting paper on the “affected” place, heat the iron to 110 degrees and iron the product over the blotting paper. If a large amount of fat has been absorbed into the fabric, then the paper will have to be replaced several times with fresh one.

Talc or chalk

You can use either one or the other means, or you can combine them in equal parts. Pour the powder onto the greasy blot and wait 2-3 hours. After that, shake off the remaining powder from the material.


Squeeze the juice from a lemon and pour it on the problem area. After 30 - 40 min. wash the product with liquid detergent. If the thing is colored, then onion juice can be used in the same way.


It can be fearlessly applied to products of any shade. Sprinkle a little salt on the contaminated area and rub it gently over the surface. Wait a few minutes and shake off the grains from the material. Repeat until the fat is completely gone from the material.

Peroxide with ammonia

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia can rid a down jacket even of old stubborn stains. Combine these components in equal parts and apply the mixture on the stain. After 40 minutes, wash the item by hand or in the machine to eliminate the ammonia smell.

It is necessary to work with ammonia in gloves and a respirator, having opened the window.


Before using this substance, the jacket should be dried well, because if it is wet, the turpentine will not penetrate deep into the material, and the pollution will not completely disappear.

Put on gloves and a respirator, open the window. After that, dip a cotton pad into the turpentine and wring it out well so that the liquid does not get on the fluff. If the stain does not disappear after the first wipe, repeat the procedure a few more times.


It is used to remove old greasy stains. Drop several times with glycerin on a greasy blot and wait half an hour. Wash off the substance with a damp sponge.

How to get rid of mud stains

First, try removing the dirt stains with a soap or dish detergent solution. If this method does not help, then try using vinegar. In 500 ml of water, dilute 1 tbsp. l of vinegar and wipe the stains with a cloth dipped in the resulting composition. Remove the vinegar with a clean damp sponge. If the pollution is serious, then the cotton wool with a solution of vinegar should be left on the fabric for 15 - 20 minutes.

How to remove gasoline stains

If the gasoline stain is fresh, try treating it with table salt. Pour it over a damp cloth and leave for 1.5 hours, then remove the salt and wash this area with laundry soap.

Another method is to dilute the washing powder with water to a slurry state and apply it to the problem area. For this purpose, it is better to choose a powder for colored or delicate fabrics. Wash the affected area after half an hour.

If the described methods do not help, it is worth trying a radical remedy - a solvent. Apply a little substance to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thing and wait a bit. If nothing happens to the fabric, you can use a stain remover. Apply the solvent to a cotton pad and wipe the gasoline marks. This should be done literally for one minute, after which the fabric should be washed using laundry soap.

How to remove rust stains

Rust is "afraid" of acid, so you can fight it with the following methods.

  1. Vinegar. Wipe the stain with a cloth soaked in the liquid and wait a few minutes, then remove the remnants of the substance with a damp cloth.
  2. Lemon juice can be used the same way.

blood stains

If blood gets on the down jacket, take hydrogen peroxide, soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the contaminated areas. Wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse the fabric with running water.

Stains after washing

After washing, if the product is not rinsed well enough, white stains may appear on it. In such a situation, the first step is to wet a clean cloth and walk it over the entire surface of the down jacket, rinsing it regularly under running water. If after drying the fabric remains, you will have to rinse the product again in a typewriter or manually.

But sometimes not white, but greasy yellowish spots appear on down jackets. This is because the fluff, when exposed to elevated temperatures, releases fat, which stains the outer material of the jacket. In this case, a stain remover will help. It must be applied to the spots and wait as long as indicated in the instructions for the composition. After that, wipe the fabric several times with a damp sponge. If stains remain, repeat the procedure a few more times until they disappear.

To prevent lint and yellow streaks, wash with down-filled detergents.

If even after proper washing and drying there are stains on the down jacket, treat them with dishwashing liquid, and then wipe it off with a damp cloth - the stains should disappear.

How to clean greasy areas

The places near the pockets, cuffs and down jacket collar are most quickly salted. To put them in order, try pouring salt, starch or talc on shiny areas, wait until the powder “pulls” the fat out of the fabric and remove the substance from the clothes. But if the greasy is strong, this method may not help. In this case, prepare the following composition:

  • ammonia - 1 tsp;
  • Liquid stain remover or dishwashing detergent - 1 tsp;
  • Half glass of water.

How to get rid of greasy areas on a down jacket, the author of the video will tell:

Beat the foam with a sponge and apply it to the slick spots. Wait 15 minutes, then rinse off with clean water.

Another option is to use glass cleaner in a spray bottle. Spray it on the contaminated area and rub it with a cloth. If the spots do not disappear the first time, repeat the procedure. Finally, rinse the cloth with clean water.

The described methods will help to easily remove stains of various origins from a down jacket. If some remedy did not help, do not despair, turn to other methods to achieve the desired result.

If there are grease stains on the jacket, do not rush to take it to the dry cleaners. You can get rid of greasy stains on a down jacket at home without resorting to expensive dry cleaning services.

A Few Rules

To completely remove greasy stains on a jacket, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • you need to start cleaning the fat stain immediately. So you get rid of blots much easier;
  • in no case should you rub oil traces, otherwise they will be absorbed even deeper into the material;
  • so that the stain does not spread over the matter even more, it must be removed with movements from the edges to the center;
  • if chemicals are used for removal, they must first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe jacket;
  • before sending the jacket to the washer, it must be carefully inspected. If there are stains on the material, they must be removed before washing, otherwise the dirt will eat even deeper.

Before washing the product, lather the greasy areas with a simple washing soap. In most cases, such a simple manipulation helps to get rid of marks.

Preparing for washing

Before washing off a greasy stain on a down jacket, the product should be prepared. The thing is cleaned of dust and dirt with a clothes brush.
Then prepare the stain remover and related tools and products. In conclusion, the stain is carefully removed, and only after that the jacket is loaded into the washing machine or washed by hand.

Removing grease stains at home

Getting started, you need to read the label to the product. Manufacturers usually give precise recommendations on how to clean or launder an item. Perhaps the down jacket can only be dry cleaned or it is forbidden to use solvents. Based on the information on the label and choose a cleaning method.

Greasy stains that have had time to soak into the down jacket and dry out are highly resistant to normal washing. To destroy greasy stains, specialized household products and home folk methods are used. Chemical stain removers are very effective, but expensive, while salt, vinegar, alcohol, peroxide and Kalosh gasoline are readily available, much cheaper and have the ability to dissolve and remove grease from polyester, raincoat fabric, bologna and other synthetic fabrics.

Even the most accurate people periodically smear their favorite down jackets in greasy stains from foundation, powder, and other substances that shine very well. Synthetic fabric allows fat to be absorbed well and dry firmly. Normal washing, even with the most modern powders, does not remove such stains. It is necessary to take preliminary measures, which consist in soaking the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric in a special solution. The main condition for success in this case is knowing how to clean the down jacket from greasy stains so as not to spoil the fabric and its color.

Special household chemicals from the hardware store

In order to remove greasy stains from your favorite clothes, you can use special stain removers, which are sold in most household stores. They have a special composition that allows you to effectively and quickly deal with persistent stains of any origin, while not damaging the fabric itself and its color.

Typically, such products are applied pointwise, that is, each stain is filled with the portion of the stain remover specified in the instructions, after which the clothes are left for a certain time. After the substance destroys the structure of the contamination, having been well absorbed into the fabric, the clothes are washed (if there are a lot of stains), or only the area that was contaminated (sleeve or collar) is washed.

If the product is used to remove stains of a very large area, then the clothes must be soaked in a stain remover solution prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. After some time, the thing must be completely washed.

The advantage of specialized stain removers is their effectiveness: the contained active substances break down stains of any age and complexity, make it possible to remove greasy dirty places, while maintaining the integrity of the thing, subject to the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Look at the icons

Each manufacturer indicates which washing method is recommended for a particular item. Recommendations are depicted in the form, which is hemmed into the lining of the down jacket, or from the inside of the collar. To remove stains, the owner should be interested in the icon depicting a hand - it means that the down jacket cannot be washed by machine, but only by hand. If there is no hand icon on the tag, most likely the item can be.

Folk methods

In almost every kitchen there are several commonly available and inexpensive products that can break down greasy traces that have soaked into the fabric. The advantage in price is that it can differ from professional products by several times. However, some of the products below are very chemically active, so you should strictly follow the rules for preparing stain removal solutions so that the color and structure of the fabric remain intact.

Using folk remedies, you can conveniently clean the collar and other elements of the down jacket, on which the greasy stain is located.

A mixture of salt, starch and lemon juice

Salt has the ability to absorb liquid well. If a greasy stain has just got on a down jacket, sprinkle the smeared area with plenty of salt. It is very quickly saturated with fat, and the stain will be much easier to remove in the future.

If the stain is old, already well absorbed and dried up, salt should be applied in the form of a cooked slurry. One tablespoon of kitchen salt is gradually diluted with water and mixed until a porridge-like consistency is formed. The prepared mixture is generously applied to the old stain, after which the thing is set aside until the slurry is completely dry. Usually it takes 1-2 hours. After that, the dried solution is carefully removed with a regular brush. Next, you need to prepare a solution of soda (one teaspoon per glass of water), and wet the spot with the stain well. After these operations, the down jacket must be washed well.

Salt is effective on its own, but starch and lemon juice can be used to enhance its effect. To prepare such a mixture, you need to mix salt and starch in a 1: 1 ratio and dilute with freshly squeezed lemon juice. The final consistency should resemble very thick sour cream. Further, the scheme is similar to that described above: we apply the mixture on the stain, wait for it to dry completely, clean it with a brush and wash it. So that there are no streaks left on the jacket, and the fluff does not go astray, you need.

Vinegar and salt solution

Vinegar can also enhance the properties of salt. To remove greasy stains, a solution is prepared, consisting of half a liter of clean water, a tablespoon of salt and vinegar. The liquid is thoroughly mixed, a cotton pad or an ordinary piece of cotton wool is impregnated with it. From the edge to the center, the stain is wiped and soaked with the prepared solution. As the cotton wool gets dirty, it must be changed to a clean one. You need to continue until the fat is completely cleared and passes into cotton wool.

After the fabric has been cleaned, the down jacket must either be wiped with a damp, warm cloth or washed.

soap solution

Laundry soap perfectly dissolves greasy stains of any complexity.

To process the down jacket, it is necessary to prepare a soap solution. A bar of laundry soap is rubbed on a medium grater, about two tablespoons. The chips are dissolved in ordinary water to the state of liquid viscous sour cream. Using the soft side of a dish sponge, wipe the stain with the prepared solution.

Important! The stain must be wiped from the edge to the middle so that the dissolved fat does not stain the fabric more.

After the soap dissolves the stain, the treated area is washed abundantly with clean water. If necessary, the procedure is repeated, periodically removing the old soap and replacing it with a fresh solution.

If you don’t have laundry soap on hand, regular liquid hand soap will do. It already has the necessary consistency and is most often contained in a container with a dispenser that is convenient for application. The stain treatment scheme is similar.

dish detergent

Dishwashing detergent is designed to actively and effectively break down not only fresh fat, but also old, dried up.

Table 1. The use of detergent to remove stains from down jackets

Stage description Process image
For processing it is necessary to use a liquid or gel detergent. Choose a quality manufacturer, if possible, the product should be as concentrated as possible.

For foaming, the product must be diluted in a small amount of warm water. Use a clean, soft dishwashing sponge to clean your clothes.

After soaking the sponge with the prepared product, it is necessary to wipe the stain from the edge to the center until the soap begins to act. Usually, the stain quickly sags under the action of the detergent and begins to be absorbed into the sponge. It can be periodically washed under clean water, re-impregnated with a solution and continue wiping the down jacket.

Depending on the area of ​​contamination, the thing can either be wiped with a clean, damp cloth to remove soap residue, or washed entirely if the detergent was concentrated and does not wash out well.

Advice! The prepared soap solution should be warm - at elevated temperatures, a significant increase in the activity of dishwashing detergent is observed, it foams better and breaks down fat of any origin more efficiently.

It is better to wash the jacket in the machine with.


To remove stains, you can use highly refined gasoline, which is sold in hardware stores under the name "Kalosha". It is colorless, completely transparent and has the ability to dissolve grease, allowing you to wash a greasy sleeve or collar.

Attention! It is worth using Kalosh gasoline only as a last resort, if no other method helps. It has active chemical properties and a persistent specific smell.

To wipe the soiled area, you can use a cotton pad or a piece of clean cloth. Gasoline is applied to the selected material, after which we soak the stain so that it is soaked through with gasoline.

It takes 10-20 minutes to carry out the reaction, after which the down jacket is thoroughly washed in the manner indicated on the tag.

White Spirit solvent can be used in a similar way.

Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia

To dissolve old greasy stains, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are used.

Table 2. Technology for the use of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to remove stains

Stage description Process image
Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are mixed in equal proportions.

Soak a cotton pad or clean cloth with the mixture. In this way, it is transferred to a dried greasy stain. To break down fat, it is recommended to leave the thing for an hour and a half.

To remove the remnants of fat and the persistent smell of ammonia, the down jacket must be washed.

If the result from the first time turned out to be unsatisfactory, the procedure is repeated until the fat spot is completely dissolved in the applied mixture.

Note! For fresh and shallow stains or greasy shine, peroxide and alcohol can be used as independent cleaning agents.


Soap foam is very active in breaking down many contaminants, including greasy stains.

The foam is transferred to the contaminated area of ​​​​clothes and thoroughly rubbed with a hard bristle brush. The procedure continues until the trace “floats”, after which this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing must be wiped with a clean, damp cloth. The method is especially effective if the down jacket has just become glossy.

Newspaper and iron method

In addition to the chemical effect on fat, temperature can be applied. To do this, you need a newspaper and a heated iron. You can clean greasy and greasy places on the down jacket by ironing the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothes through newspapers placed on top and bottom of the fabric. The temperature of the heated iron will melt the fat very quickly and it will begin to soak into the paper underneath. Regularly monitor how the newspaper gets dirty, and constantly put a fresh one.

Note! On a light down jacket, traces of printing ink may remain, on a green or black fabric, the ink is almost invisible.Wash down jacketnecessary immediately after the removal of greasy stains.

Below is a video that clearly shows interesting ways to remove greasy stains of varying complexity from a down jacket.

Larisa , February 11, 2018 .

The most popular outerwear for both men and women is the bologna down jacket or jacket. In such an outfit it is always comfortable, not cold and it can look very impressive. Another advantage is that it is much easier to care for and keep it clean than a fur coat or natural wool coat. But, even in the care of such an outfit, difficulties may arise. If you do not know all the subtleties, you can spoil the thing with strong detergents or high temperatures. How to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket at home without damaging it? There are many reliable ways, consider them.

1 Preparation process

Use a clean soft brush

In winter, outerwear becomes the main element of everyday wardrobe, so care issues become relevant. Everything starts with preparation. What steps should be taken at this stage?

  • 1. Clean the surface with a soft clothes brush from dust and dirt.
  • 2. Double-check that there is nothing left in the pockets.
  • 3. Choose the appropriate method and prepare everything you need to implement it.
  • 4. Test everything on the wrong side.

Important! Before carrying out any cleaning activities, read the requirements that are described on the label. Each product type has limitations.

How to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket at home

It is much easier to remove fresh dirt, so it is better to act immediately. Before you begin to consider pollution control methods, read the universal rules and recommendations.

Now you can start spreading the secrets of purity. We learn five secrets on how to remove a greasy stain from a down jacket at home.

  • 1. It is necessary to apply a stain remover to the contaminated area, selected according to the color and characteristics of the fabric. Scrub vigorously with an old toothbrush for ten minutes and then rinse thoroughly with plenty of water.
  • 2. By the same principle, you can use dishwashing gel - it destroys the lipid layer. Rub the drop with a soft washcloth and leave for 30 minutes, then wash the item.
  • 3. Light-colored items can be cleaned with 3% hydrogen peroxide by wiping the liquid with cotton. After such cleaning, wash the jacket immediately so that it does not turn yellow.
  • 4. Mustard paste is no less effective in this matter. Steam a spoonful of mustard with boiling water until a thick slurry is formed. Rub the composition into the dirt with a brush, then wait 15-20 minutes, the rest of the work will be done by the washing machine.
  • 5. Baking soda breaks down even refractory oils on any surface. It works most effectively if you pre-brew it with boiling water. For 20 grams of soda 10 ml of boiling water - pour and wait until cool. The artificial fibers of the raincoat fabric do not break down even at 70 degrees, so the mixture can be applied immediately, so it will be more effective. After manipulation, rinse it thoroughly, it is possible with the addition of vinegar so that there are no streaks left.

These simple tips will help not only in removing oil blots from winter outerwear. They will be useful for any kind of textiles, except for silks and lace.

3 Is it possible to do without washing?

There will be no problems with splitting marks on the fabric if it is hardy enough, does not lose shape from aggressive detergents and contact with hot water. To cleanse wardrobe items that are forbidden to be washed and subjected to strong chemicals, there are also secrets to removing traces of fat. Let's consider them.

  • A fresh oil blot can be thoroughly warmed up with a hair dryer and removed with dry paper towels. It will become almost invisible, and after 3-4 repetitions it will completely disappear.
  • The second method also does not provide for hand or machine washing. Apply a little pharmacy glycerin, wait half an hour, and then wipe the oily residue dry with a clean cotton rag.
  • Dissolve 20 ml of ammonia in 100 ml of warm water, stir and soak a piece of gauze or bandage. Scrub the dirt in a circular motion and dry the item.
  • If the fabric is not afraid of ironing, you can iron it through a double layer of blotting paper. The iron will melt the dirt and it will be absorbed into the sheet.
  • Pour fine salt on the mark, leave for a few minutes, then brush it off. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times. Instead of salt, you can take crushed chalk, or chopped laundry soap - according to the same scheme.

For reference: in cleaning delicate clothes, you can use degreasing, matting wipes, which are sold in perfumery and cosmetics stores. They absorb grease and leave no residue after drying.

Cleaning a down jacket from stains

4 Stubborn stains

Old oily spots, even small ones, are difficult to remove, but they can be dealt with by knowing how to do it. What will help remove dried oily dirt? There are three methods proven by generations of women.

  • Pour the same amount of turpentine into 50 ml of ammonia, mix and rub it on the right place. After 3 hours, wash well and rinse a couple of times.
  • Use a strong solution of citric acid or 9% vinegar for grouting, then rinse the clothes with high quality. It may take a lot of repetition to get meaningful results.
  • Apply refined gasoline on paper, attach strictly to the mark, rub vigorously on top. Continue until the result, and then wipe dry with a clean cloth.

For hardy synthetics, soaking in an industrial stain remover can be used. For a visible result, 5-6 hours of soaking followed by washing is enough. In general, man-made fibers are not susceptible to deterioration, but excessive use of chemicals can shorten the life of the outfit.
Important! In order not to have to deal with the fight against chronic greasy, you need to follow the rules of storage. Get a special breathable cover, and pack the coat in it after a quality dry cleaning until next winter.

5 Suede cleaning

Suede jackets require especially gentle care. It is dangerous to wash them, and the use of chemicals can ruin the natural material, corrode the dye or the structure of the leather. But, and suede will shine with cleanliness with the right approach. How can you save her from fat?

  • A tablespoon of vinegar to 1 liter of water, mix and use for rubbing. Some types of suede deteriorate from acids, losing the brightness of shades, a preliminary check will be required.
  • Coffee grounds remove marks if you rub it in for 30-40 minutes and carefully remove the residue.
  • Steaming gives an impressive result - you need to hold the product over boiling water and clean it with a sponge, or use a household steam generator.

Alternative option- take it to a dry cleaner for professional processing. The skin is very delicate and any violation of the rules of care can lead to irreparable consequences.
With the above recommendations, the problem of pollution will not become a reason for the disposal of a damaged outfit. But, it is better to take into account all the features at the stage of purchase, so as not to encounter difficulties in the future. High quality products don't have to be expensive - there are plenty of domestic manufacturers that offer fashionable, durable and affordable options. They are easy to tidy up and keep in perfect condition.

6 Video instruction

Below are videos on how to remove stains from a down jacket: