A hat with a wide brim - absolutely everyone! Wide-brimmed hat in modern street fashion Women's summer hat with wide brim

A hat is an essential item in every woman's wardrobe. She is able to add zest to almost any image. Among the many models, wide-brimmed hats stand out with their femininity and elegance. And in this article we will talk about what to wear with a wide-brimmed hat and its features.

Types of wide-brimmed hats

A wide-brimmed hat is a very tricky item in a woman's wardrobe. Once upon a time, it was extremely popular and was an indicator of high status, as it had a pronounced brim that successfully protected the face and shoulders of women from such a once unpopular tan. Today, you need to carefully consider the combination, choose the right clothes so that this headdress looks harmonious.

Wide-brimmed hats have several varieties, depending on the shape of the crown and the size of the fields:

  1. Calabrian. Its feature is a crown with a pointed top, similar to a cone.
  2. Wheel hat. This is a hat that repeats the shape of the head with an almost flat crown.
  3. Florentine hat. She has a low crown with a flat crown.

How to choose the right hat

In order for your image to be elegant and harmonious, when choosing a hat, several aspects should be considered:


To make the hat look good, you need to correctly observe the proportions. The upper part of the headdress should not be narrower than the width of the cheekbones, otherwise it will create the feeling that the hat is small for you. For similar reasons, hats with overly wide crowns should be avoided. For ladies of short stature, narrow-brimmed hats are preferable, since wide ones visually make height lower. Models with large fields are perfect for tall women, the main thing is that they do not go beyond the line of the shoulders.

face shape

Owners of a round face will suit models with a high crown and fields of medium width. This combination will help visually stretch the face. If the shape of the face is square, then you should give preference to a hat with a wider brim and a rounded crown. If you have a heart-shaped face, then you should create an asymmetry, for example, by folding the brim or moving the hat to the side. But in combination with an oval face, all varieties of wide-brimmed hats will look great.


The color of the hat should match the outfit. It is not necessary that the hat matches the gloves and scarf, or boots and bag. Contrasting combinations are possible. Or you can use it to set accents by choosing a plain outfit and a hat of a brighter shade.


According to hat etiquette, women, when decorating a hat, should do it from the right side, men - from the left. Although in our time this rule is not particularly observed.


Too many girls refrain from wearing hats, because headdresses spoil their hair. In this case, loose hair will look great, as well as a low ponytail or a beautiful braid.

What to wear?

The choice of outfit, of course, depends on the season and the weather outside. In summer, a wide-brimmed hat can be combined with a wide variety of outfits: summer dresses and sundresses, beachwear, youth looks with shorts and T-shirts. For example, as in the photo:

The outfit should be selected depending on the style and material of the hat. A straw hat or a model made of dense fabric in soothing shades will look good in combination:

  1. With summer sundresses and floor-length skirts.
  2. With simple models of shorts, jeans and denim overalls.
  3. With a midi dress or with an asymmetrical cut.
  4. Beachwear


The summer hat can also be combined with many different accessories: pendants, bracelets and rings. This will help create a light and romantic look. From shoes, sandals with flat soles, woven flip flops will look great.

With shorts

If your choice fell on shorts, then they should be worn with plain T-shirts, T-shirts and classic blouses, while the shorts themselves can be colorful. For a brighter look that draws attention, you can choose hats in bright, colorful shades. They are less practical and versatile, but they look much more spectacular.

Beach fashion

Beach outfits also go well with various models of wide-brimmed hats. With a one-piece swimsuit and a hat, jeans and high-waisted shorts will look original.

Boho style

Very well, a wide-brimmed hat fits into the "boho" style, which is a combination of bohemian style and hippies. The basis for the image can serve as a flesh-colored T-shirt with dark blue flared jeans, a wide fringed stole will also be a great addition. Sets with ethnic elements will be perfectly combined. Or, for example, an embroidered dress in combination with a denim vest.

Despite the apparent difficulty in choosing an outfit with a wide-brimmed hat, there are many spectacular and harmonious options, the main thing is your imagination!

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Straws, furs, leather, polyester, linen, sesal, etc. Modern wide-brimmed hats are predominantly women's headwear.

The main types of wide-brimmed hats

Cartwheel Hat- a rigid female headdress with a cylindrical or semicircular low crown and round wide brim. Usually made of lightweight textiles or straw.

Calabrian hat (German Kalabreser)- a headdress of a rigid shape with a low cone-shaped crown and round fields not separated from it. The name comes from the name of the Italian region of Calabria. Usually made of felt or straw.

Cowboy Hat- a hard headdress with a longitudinal hollow on the crown and wide brim, bent up on the sides. Made from straw, leather, felt. It is the traditional hat of American shepherds.

Florentine Hat- a rigid headdress with a cylindrical crown and slightly raised wide brim. Made from Florentine straw.

Sombrero (Spanish: Sombrero)- a hard headdress with a cone-shaped crown and wide straight fields, the edges of which are slightly bent upwards. It is made of felt, velvet, straw. It is the traditional hat of the Mexicans.

Beach hat- a headdress with soft or hard wide brim and a crown of any shape, made of straw or light textiles (linen, cotton, etc.). A beach hat is used to protect the head, neck and shoulders from the sun: it protects the skin from burns, and the hair from overdrying.

The history of the wide-brimmed hat

Middle Ages

According to one hypothesis, a wide-brimmed hat appeared in the Middle Ages as a male headdress for members of the Protestant Quaker sect. According to one of the most common versions, the wide-brimmed hat appeared in the Middle Ages due to unsanitary conditions in the cities of Europe. In those days, sewage was poured out of the windows, often dirtying the townspeople passing under them. In 1270, the French King Louis IX issued a law obliging to warn that slops would be poured out of the window. However, the decree did not solve the problem. In the 13th century, the townspeople wore hoods, and then in fashion included wigs that needed to be protected from dirt due to the high cost. Then the first wide-brimmed hats appeared. It is believed that the curtsey and the custom of taking off your hat to a lady also refer to bad smell and dirt, which were removed away from the delicate female nose. Wide-brimmed hats became especially widespread at the end of the 16th century. They were worn by British colonists, French royalists and musketeers.

XVII - XX centuries

In most European cities, sewage was poured out of the windows until the middle of the 19th century, and all this time wide-brimmed hats were popular. In addition, women's headdress fields helped to hide from the sun. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became fashionable to decorate hats with flowers. Wide-brimmed hats became popular again: whole bouquets could be placed around their tops. Such headdresses differed in considerable weight. In the 1910s, despite the popularity of small brimless hats, in the summer women continued to wear soft, wide-brimmed hats to help protect their skin from sunburn. In that decade, a new model of wide-brimmed hat appeared - the wheel. From the moment of its appearance and until the time when hats ceased to be a mandatory headdress, wide-brimmed models were distributed only among the nobility and wealthy citizens. Only in the twentieth century did wide-brimmed hats become beach hats, which were worn by representatives of various classes. Models appeared with a fishing line sewn into the fields, thanks to which it was possible to change and fix their position. In the 50s, wheel-style hats were popular.

XXI Century

In the 21st century, wide-brimmed hats regularly appear on the fashionable world.

Autumn-winter 2007-2008. Wide-brimmed hats were presented at.

Autumn-winter 2010-2011. Wide-brimmed hats were offered by Hussein Chalayan, Vena Cava, Salvatore Ferragamo, Diesel Black Gold.

Autumn-winter 2011-2012. Headwear of this type was presented by Vanessa Bruno.

Spring-summer 2011 and 2012. Wide-brimmed hats presented by Alberta Ferretti.

Spring-summer 2013. Wide-brimmed hats became the spring-summer 2013 collections of Rachel Zoe, Chanel, Douglas Hannant and Saint Laurent Paris. Lady Gaga donned a black wide-brimmed hat from the Saint Laurent Paris Spring/Summer 2013 collection and a 70s bohemian floor-length dress to meet Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

A hat with a wide brim looks very aristocratic. Any woman with good taste in the wardrobe must have a couple of different models, dressed according to the season and depending on the style of the outfit. With a well-chosen outfit, such an accessory can create a feminine and mysterious image.

types of hats

The wide-brimmed hat has three main subspecies that were invented at different times and by designers of different nationalities, namely:

  • Calabrian hat;
  • wheel hat;
  • hat from Florence or Florentine hat.

All of them are able to successfully cope with the tasks set, but one more useful property of such an accessory should be noted, which is to protect the hair from the negative effects of sunlight.

Wide brim reliably hide the face from the scorching sun, preventing the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin.

Going to the store for the accessory of your dreams, consider your own color type and features of the face, as well as height.

Slender short girls should turn their attention to models whose fields do not go beyond the boundaries of the shoulders. They are advised to raise the field and attach it to the crown with a brooch.

Slender tall girls can experiment with any shades and socks.

However, with very pale skin, pastel tones are best avoided, and red-haired beauties pass by a red and orange headdress. When in doubt when choosing a shade for an accessory, opt for a wide-brimmed black hat.

This is a classic of the genre, appropriate not only on the beach, but also at a party. With its help, it is easiest to create a harmonious luxurious image. Extremely effect model in white. She is able to emphasize the beauty of dark skin and dark eyes. But for ladies with a wide round face, it will not work.

What to wear with a wide brim hat

Much depends on the season outside the window.

A wide-brimmed summer waterproof marine hat made of straw or natural matting can be worn with a beach tunic made of weightless translucent fabric, but the best pair for this type of headdress is a long tiered sundress or skirt. It can be either plain or decorated with bright juicy prints or floral patterns. A massive bracelet or long beads will complement the set.

In general, a straw hat is a universal headdress for a hot summer. It is worn with chinos, alcoholic T-shirts and boyfriend jeans. Ankle-length leather sandals or loafers complete the look.

It is also indispensable when creating a boho image. It is perfect for a set in which there are ethnic elements. It has already been said about a long light sundress, but a cotton dress with embroidery, complemented by a denim vest, will look no less grotesque. An interesting combination with a long tunic and shorts.

Very often, a brim hat is used to create a classic look.

An excellent solution is to complement it with a set of straight trousers, which are tucked into a wide chiffon blouse. In cool weather, you can throw a light knitted cardigan over it and put on comfortable moccasins or slip-ons.

In late autumn, this headpiece will “sing” in unison with a set that includes a trench coat or an A-line coat, and it is better if the latter is made of the same material as the accessory.

The length of outerwear can be any, but the style must be concise. The set, which includes a wide-brimmed hat, does not tolerate frilly decoration. Under the bottom you can wear a sweater dress.

A headdress of this type will make a spectacular pair of a short leather jacket. The emphasis in this set should be on a blouse or shirt, while the rest of the elements should be made in the same color.

In all cases, a voluminous bag like a sack, made of leather or suede, is included with the headdress.

The briefcase bag will not detract from the merits of the classic image.

Summer women's hats with fields have one more plus - they are in perfect harmony with evening dresses. Putting on a long floor-length dress made of light fabric, adding a fur bolero or a short fur coat, as well as a miniature handbag on a chain and stiletto sandals, you can go out into the world.

How to care for a hat

This headgear needs to be brushed regularly, even if it looks clean at first glance. The fact is that barely noticeable dust can easily leave stains on the surface of the product when in contact with water, that is, rain.

Dirt that has fallen on the fields can be removed only when it dries. Light-colored felt lends itself well to cleaning with a mixture of cornmeal and salt. If the product gets wet, it must be stuffed with paper and left to dry at room temperature, laying it on a horizontal surface.

Summer models from washing and frequent wear lose their former appearance and shape. How to starch a brimmed straw hat? There is nothing difficult in this and you can return the accessory to its former appearance on your own at home.

Here are the steps in this process:

  • to prepare a paste in a glass of cold water, you need to pour 1.5 or 2 tablespoons of corn, potato or rice starch. Mix well. The mixture must be completely homogeneous;
  • boil 1 liter of water and pour the contents of the glass into it. Put on fire and then only a couple of minutes. This should be enough to make the composition transparent with a barely noticeable light shade;
  • now you need to soak the hat with the resulting paste. This can be done in a basin or directly in the bath. To dry the headgear, you must use a special blank. If you don't have one, just turn the 3 liter quarter upside down and put the accessory on it. If necessary, it can be ironed when the drying process comes to an end. After drying the product.

Now you know everything about the rules for caring for a hat and combining it with other items of clothing. This will help you bring any image to life and always stay on top. Good luck!

This tricky detail of the wardrobe is able to give the female image a flair of unique elegance. Although at all times it was perceived as an indicator of good tone and high status, but tastes are changing, and now it is much more difficult to put together an ensemble that will perfectly match with such a luxurious headdress, especially if it is a wide-brimmed hat.

Wide brim hat

The main feature of this fashionable women's accessory for the summer is that it necessarily has pronounced fields that continue the body of the crown. Initially, this headdress was an obligatory part of the wardrobe exclusively of the nobility. He perfectly protected the face, neck and shoulders of a rich lady from sunburn, which at that time was unfashionable.

Types of wide-brimmed hats

According to the shape of the crown and the size of the fields, wide-brimmed hats are divided into several varieties.

  1. One of them is Calabrian, which has a crown with a pointed top, resembling a low cone.
  2. The next type is a hat-wheel, in which the crown is flat, almost following the contours of the head. These models are widely represented in trade.
  3. Very popular is the feminine Florentine hat, which has a flat crown and a slightly raised crown.

The original function of this hat is sun protection.

This headdress has a number of advantages. For example, it carefully protects the hair from the direct rays of the sun, which can dry them out. Such a hat will protect the face and delicate skin of women's ears from burns in direct sunlight. If the fields are exaggeratedly wide, then they will protect the shoulders and neck from burns. Also, the fields cover the eyes with a shadow, which prevents them from having to squint from the sun even without glasses. It turns out that the hat will eliminate the need to wear sunglasses, which are not always of high quality and can spoil your eyesight.

Such a hat, and even a light color, perfectly protects the hair from scorching rays.

It is a hat instead of glasses that can reliably protect the skin around the eyes from facial wrinkles. And people with a predisposition to cancer can use it as a protector from the active rays that provoke such diseases. After all, it has long been scientifically substantiated that it is direct contact with the sun that causes skin cancer. Particularly careful in this regard should be people who have noticed the appearance or increase in moles or other neoplasms on their own skin. Judging by the assortment of clothes and even their Internet, they are made from a wide variety of materials with different finishes.

A hat is appropriate not only on the beach - summer in the city can also be very hot, and the sun is burning

Thanks to the variety of materials, stylists create many models of these fashion accessories, using different types of finishes to suit any budget. After all, a thing made of natural material is several times more expensive than its artificial counterparts. The ideal material for hair and scalp is cotton. Also suitable are flax and sesal, a plant that grows in India. Ordinary straw or its coconut counterpart is also used. This fragile material is able to provide good ventilation, avoiding clogging of the sebaceous glands of the skin. The price of a product made of natural material starts at $ 20. But lovers of frequent image changes can buy a hat with a fishing line inserted into the edging. This simple addition allows you to give the fields a wide variety of shapes. So you can form straight fields, a wave, bending the edges in front or on the sides, and each time you will get a new model that saves you from having to buy a new outfit. Such a hat can be decorated with natural or artificial flowers, feathers, fruit still life models, Velcro or pin brooches, bows, ribbons and other decorative elements.

You can choose the right hat for any outfit.

Another trendy nuance is color. Recently, bright hats are worn with an outfit of muted shades. And the most relevant technique in the wardrobe is a small detail that matches the tone of a bright headdress.

Beach Options

Even in conservative Soviet times, fashion remained fashionable wide brim beach hats. But even when choosing them, one must be guided by fundamental principles.

For women of high stature with a slender figure, the model with straight fields will be the most successful. For women of short stature, prone to fullness, this type is generally contraindicated, because it will only visually reduce growth and add fullness. But you should not completely abandon hats with a wide field. You just need to raise the field and secure it at the base of the crown with a brooch. As for the choice of colors, fair-haired ladies can try on black, gray, red, blue, brown or turquoise models. Red-haired beasts may prefer hats of soft shades, but it would be better to refrain from red tones, which makes a woman seem vulgar. Dark-haired ladies can relax in this regard, because an accessory of any color scheme will suit their face.

A voluminous hat can really decorate a slender silhouette.

Also, choosing a headdress, be sure to take into account the natural shade of the skin of the face. Congenital pallor can be aggravated by pastel colors of headdresses. The shape of the face must also be taken into account. When she approaches the circle, then you need to pay attention to a hat with a high crown shape, which will help visually stretch the face. The triangular and pronounced oval shape of the face encourages to close the forehead, which makes the face visually rounded. If a woman's nose is pronouncedly upturned, then it is possible, by bending the edges of the fields up, to open her face as much as possible, which will divert attention from the nose. But the outfit itself remains extremely popular.

Soft fields can be “stacked” differently each time

For example, in the notorious Hollywood, almost all women without exception prefer to complement the image with such a sophisticated outfit. They wear wide-brimmed women's hats of a wide variety of options and models. However, some do it well, while others do not. The most successful examples are the images of Rachel Zoe and Kate Moss, Sienna Miller and Gwen Stefani, Vanessa Hudgens and Miranda Kerr. It is difficult, for example, to imagine Paris Hilton without such a headdress. And these stars do not get tired of delighting those around them with grandiose majestic images. Therefore, even not so successful women will not be ashamed to follow the example of actresses. But at the same time, you need to be able to wear wide-brimmed hats correctly.

Such a hat is appropriate not only in a romantic style, but also in a youth one, and the image will turn out to be very original and even rebellious. In cold weather, wide-brimmed hats can be worn with a classic raincoat, an English coat or a jacket. But you should not wear this thing with jackets. Wide-brimmed hats go well with the flowing light fabric of fashionable wide flared trousers, romantic blouses, complemented by model beautiful high-heeled shoes.

Summer hats with wide brim, of course, will complement any look for the beach, even when it consists only of a pareo with a swimsuit. In general, hats of this kind look great with maxi skirts and floor-length sundresses, light knee-length chiffon skirts and some types of miniskirts. A very interesting look will turn out with leggings and a short tunic.

Summer white hat

Brunettes can choose such hats in contrasting beige, white, cream, light green, gray, blue colors. But they should not choose a hat to match the color of their hair, which in their case will not look so impressive. That is, you need to combine hats with different outfits, pick up, albeit sometimes making mistakes. The main thing is not to give up this stylish headdress.


A warm hat is a great headwear for autumn

Lovely silhouette

Wide brim protects the skin from the sun's rays, and, as a result, from photoaging

Girls will love to wear this headdress.

Wide-brimmed hat (English broad-brim)
Many women and even those who consider themselves fashionistas are frankly afraid of these models.
And absolutely in vain. If you learn to wear them in the warm season, then in the cold season you will no longer have problems with your feelings and even choice. With the practice of wearing a wide-brimmed hat comes the experience of matching clothes for it. And after a while, the woman who began to walk in a wide-brimmed hat changes her posture, she does not look at her feet when she walks, does not lower her chin, keeps her gaze straight, stoops less.

A hat with a wide brim should be matched with the image. If the hat in your wardrobe occupies the main place, then any small accessory should echo the color of your hat, whether it be a neckerchief, scarf, handbag or gloves. If the headdress acts as an addition, in this case, try to choose the most appropriate color or choose a well-harmonizing shade. According to one of the main hypotheses, a wide-brimmed hat appeared in the Middle Ages due to unsanitary conditions. In the past, people did not hesitate to pour slop directly from the windows, despite warnings, prohibitions, and laws. It was then that wide-brimmed hats first appeared, which reliably protected a person from dirt and sewage. It is even believed that the famous custom of curtseying and removing the headdress is also associated with an unpleasant smell. Men made this gesture from the rules of decency, trying to remove an unpleasant aroma from a sensitive and delicate female nose. But hats were most popular at the end of the 16th century, when musketeers and British colonists began to wear them. In India, America, Africa, it was necessary to hide from the scorching rays of the sun; this function was performed by a wide-brimmed hat.
The most popular are women's hats with large brim (summer version), made from natural materials: linen, sesal, cotton, yarn. In summer, such a hat looks harmonious with virtually any outfit.

A wide-brimmed felt hat is a great classic option. This hat brings zest to any look, perfect as a spring-autumn headdress. It goes well with fur products.

Types of wide-brimmed hats.

"Calabrian" hat

"Calabrian" hat (German: Kalabreser) - a headdress for women with a low cone-shaped crown (this is classic) and wide brim, soft or hard, not separated from it. The crown can be of any height and shape. The hat is made of felt, straw, velvet, fur, leather, polyester, linen, sesal (fiber from Mexican agave leaves) and other materials are possible.

"Beach" hat (English Beach Hat)

"Beach" hat - a headdress with soft or hard wide brim and a crown of any shape, made of straw or light textiles (linen, cotton, etc.). A beach hat is used to protect the head, neck and shoulders from the sun.

Hat - "Wheel" (cartwheel hat)

Hat - "Wheel" (Eng. Cartwheel Hat) - a hard women's headdress with a cylindrical or semicircular low top and round wide brim. A wheeled hat can be of two types: with a round crown, tightly covering the head and clearly separated from the brim, or with a pointed crown, without a clear transition to the brim, attached to the head with a ribbon or lace on the chin. It is made from different materials: light textiles, straws, felt, leather.
It can be worn both on the beach and on a business date.

Florentine hat.

It features a cylindrical crown with a slightly raised brim. The traditional material is Florentine straw.
In fact, the hats “Italian”, “Florentine”, “Livornian” are the same thing, since such hats were made from Tuscan marzuolo straw. The stems of this wheat have a beautiful golden color and good elasticity. In addition, the products from it turned out to be light. The variety was bred only for hat straw, it is not used for food.

Straws were braided into thin braids and seamlessly connected.

Previously, women's and children's labor was used to weave straw.
The worldwide popularity of the Florentine straw hat was brought by Domenico Michelacci, who settled in Signa in 1714. After many experiments, I came to the conclusion that it is marzuolo wheat with the thinnest and longest stems that is ideal for making straw hats.
In parallel with this discovery, the fashion for peasant women began in France. The aristocracy partially copied the appearance (fr. paysan) - peasant women, peasant women, borrowed the image (style) and exquisitely decorated it. This is where straw hats were in great demand.

Now the "Florentine" hat will not necessarily be handmade.
But as a type of hat, it exists to this day. It may not be so important that your hat is not handmade and, buying it in Italy, you will be surprised by the inscription made in China, the main thing is that it suits you.

Sombrero hat.

The word "sombrero" comes from the Spanish root "sombra", which means "shadow". In Spain, the word "sombrero" refers to any wide-brimmed hat. The classic sombrero is a high-crowned hat with a very wide brim that casts a shadow over the wearer's head, neck and shoulders.
The fields are slightly turned outward (but not necessarily), ribbons or laces tied under the chin are also necessary attributes.
The first mention of the sombrero dates back to around the 13th century AD.

Sombreros can be very different. Common to all real sombreros is hand-made. The poor wove them from straw, while the wealthy wore sombreros made of felt, felt and velvet, richly decorated with embroidery. Colors, patterns and types of decor are completely different. The top of the sombrero crown can be both flat and slightly pointed and elongated. There are several sombrero models. This is due to the peculiarities of the regions and the traditions of the peoples who have made this hat their national symbol.

As sombreros spread in regions with a hot climate, their fields expanded.
In Mexico itself, the classic, in our understanding, wide-brimmed sombrero is called “sombrero charro” (since their sombrero is any hat with a brim).
In addition, the sombrero takes its place in the history of the Philippines - in connection with the development of trade relations with Mexico.
We can say that today the sombrero is a tradition, a symbol, part of the national costume and an object bought by tourists. In general, this is a good thing, light, natural and protecting from the scorching summer sun. And modern designers do not forget this, in some collections the sombrero is very well played up.
In honor of the Sombrero, an annual festival, founded in 1986 in the city of Brownsville, is held, it is called the Sombrero Festival Texas, USA.