Eye mask for dark circles. TOP of the best recipes for masks from dark circles. Honey and cucumber juice

If your face doesn't look fresh in the morning, you need an easy-to-make under-eye mask. Find out how it works, what may be the reasons for this misfortune, the rules for applying and the best recipes that will return your eyes to radiance.

One of the most pressing issues that women of absolutely any age face is a bluish halo around the eyes. You can’t disguise it with foundation, because the skin in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face is too thin and sensitive. Even branded cosmetics for the care of this area cannot cope with it. The look takes on a tired look, the face loses its former charm, so I want to get rid of this misfortune as soon as possible by any accessible ways. And one of the most effective is mask for under eye circles, which is easy to prepare at home from the most common foods. However, in order for her to desired effect, it is desirable to take into account several useful tips not only from cosmetologists, but also from ... therapists.

To help the mask in the fight against circles around the eyes

Judging by the reviews, the mask from dark circles under the eyes does not always work. It all depends on what is the cause of the misfortune that overtook you. Think about the nature of the origin of these bruises: can a simple, albeit effective cosmetic remedy cope with them if the problem is rooted deep into the body? So before you turn your own kitchen into a laboratory for the preparation of miracle masks, for starters try to find out the causes of dark circles around the eyes in your case and by all possible means to eliminate them.

I. Diseases:

  • heart problems: circles under the eyes become bright purple;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system: circles become gray;
  • disorders in the work of the kidneys;
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland;
  • liver disease;
  • taking certain medications for a long time;
  • vitiligo provokes the formation of white circles under the eyes;
  • allergy to household dust, animal hair, plant pollen: in this case, bruises are frightening with their bright red color;
  • heredity.

II. Wrong lifestyle:

  • lack of sleep;
  • too long sleep;
  • fatigue;
  • stress leads to the formation of brownish circles under the eyes;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • many hours of sitting at the computer;
  • violation of the water balance in the body;
  • smoking causes dark yellow circles around the eyes;
  • alcohol abuse: alcohol takes away moisture from the tissues, resulting in the formation of black circles under the eyes;
  • regular presence in the diet of salty, spicy, pickled foods;
  • very fast weight loss.

If you want to home mask from dark circles under the eyes saved you from this misfortune, you will first have to find out the nature of this cosmetic defect. If you don't get treated or if you continue to lead wrong image life, no means of external disguise, even the most effective ones, will save you. Therefore, deciding to try folk remedies to eliminate bruises around the eyes, get the job done internal organs, food and daily routine. Only in combination, all these measures will restore your look to its former radiance and beauty.

And one more reason

There is another reason for the appearance of dark circles under the eyes, which you cannot cope with on your own. This is age. It takes away the elasticity of the tissues, resulting in the formation of these most unpleasant bruises. It is with them that our life-saving homemade masks are just effectively handled.

Ingredients for whitening eye masks

In order for the mask from circles and bags under the eyes to work 100%, it must have a whitening effect. It is possible thanks to a range of products that natural color restore, and lymph flow with blood circulation will establish, and moisturize, and soothe the thin and overly sensitive skin of this area of ​​​​the face. When choosing ingredients, be guided by the following list.

  • fresh greens: dill, coriander, parsley;
  • fresh vegetables: , ;
  • fresh fruits: peach, apricot;
  • grain crops: oatmeal, white bread;
  • strong brewed tea: black, green varieties;
  • any dairy products: sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir, cream;
  • decoctions of herbs: chamomile, field cornflower, garden mallow, sage, aloe, calendula, plantain, bird cherry, birch, wild rosemary.

If a homemade mask for under eye circles includes these ingredients, its effectiveness is guaranteed. Already after the first application, the skin of this area of ​​​​the face will again shine with beauty and freshness. And when regular use And additional measures elimination of the root causes of this misfortune in 2-3 weeks you will forget about this problem altogether. As auxiliary components, cosmetologists recommend adding to the main components:

  • egg white;
  • pharmacy vitamins;
  • oils: olive, castor, burdock, almond;
  • ethers;
  • citrus.

When including these products in face masks for circles under the eyes, do not forget about the proportions. Most of the main ingredients should be. Auxiliary should be calculated in drops, that is, in very small dosages. And with the second group of components, be extremely careful: they are often a source of allergic reactions and edema in such sensitive area faces. Related to this moment are the rules for the use of this kind of funds at home, which cannot be ignored.

Additional beauty secret

Dilute two full teaspoons of Cambrian cosmetic blue clay in a glass of clean (preferably mineral) water. If you moisten cotton pads in a clay liquid and put them on your eyes for 5-6 minutes, dark circles will go away by themselves.

Applying masks for dark circles under the eyes

Homemade masks against dark circles under the eyes you need to be able to prepare and apply so that they are effective and do not disappoint. Some nuances play a big role, so you should first learn, and then put into practice the knowledge gained.

Recipe selection

  1. In the recipe that you liked, it must be indicated that this mask, firstly, is really intended for skin care around the eyes. Secondly, there should be a clause in the recipe that it solves exactly your problem, i.e. eliminates dark (black) circles (bruises) on this part of the face.
  2. Do not use ordinary whitening masks just for the face: they can injure or burn the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes.
  3. Some mask ingredients can cause an allergic reaction, and you run the risk of waking up the next morning with or very strong irritation and redness of the eyes. To avoid this, after preparing each composition, be sure to check what effect it will have on your epidermis. To do this, lightly lubricate the skin on the wrist with the mixture and track the reaction. If itching and irritation are absent, you can use a mask to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

Mask preparation

  1. No need to take the ingredients in in large numbers. This will give you too much bleach and you will need to apply it all at once. Since there are no preservatives in homemade masks (and this is their huge plus), they have no shelf life. The mixture must be used immediately after cooking while it's fresh.
  2. It is advisable to mix the components in a glass, wooden or ceramic container, but in no case in a metal one, which will oxidize the products and can ruin the entire mask.
  3. Oils, herbal infusions, honey, any liquids that you use to prepare the mask should be warm. This will speed up the action of the miracle mixture: the active substances will quickly penetrate the cellular level and begin to work.
  4. If you include pharmaceutical vitamins (in any form), esters or egg white in the mask against dark circles under the eyes, be careful with fluid temperature: if you get it too hot, there will be no sense from essential oils and vitamins, and the protein will curl up, and the mask will have to be prepared again.

Applying masks

  1. Before applying the mask for dark circles under the eyes, clean the eyelids from decorative cosmetics, sebum, sweat and dirt particles. It would be nice to arrange a face steam bath with the addition of chamomile, and then wash well.
  2. Most best time for applying this kind of funds - before going to bed, approximately - an hour in advance, so that the active substances have time to fulfill their main function. However if you have dark circles only in the morning, then the mask will have to be prepared at this time of day in order to appear in public already without a cosmetic defect.
  3. If the mask turned out to be very liquid, you do not need to try to thicken it somehow. It is enough to moisten cotton pads in the composition and attach them to the eye. The same applies to the case if the composition turned out to be very thick: it must be driven into the eyelids with patting movements with fingertips. Such an unusual massage will have a positive effect on the subcutaneous circulation, which will also bring results: there will be no trace of dark circles.
  4. The duration of the masks from dark circles under the eyes - no more than 10 minutes. Since the skin in this area is very thin, this is enough for the active substances to start working.
  5. While the tool is working, you do not need to try to read, watch TV, play on the computer - in a word, strain your eyesight. It should be relaxed at this point. That is, the best option is to lie down with your eyes closed.

Final stage

  1. Sometimes the eye mask can be difficult to remove from the eyelids. Especially if oils were used for its preparation. In order not to suffer with them, it is enough not to immediately wash them off under running water, and even use soap, which will spoil the entire effect of the mask. You must first moisten a cotton pad in warm milk or a decoction of medicinal (any) herbs and wipe your eyelids with it. And only after that rinse (slightly!) Face without using any store funds(gels, tonics, milk, etc.).
  2. Now you can apply a cream to care for this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face (it’s good if it is also whitening).

If dark circles under the eyes appear in the morning, then such masks can be used every time they spoil your mood. If they are permanent, then initially you need to find out the cause of their appearance and eliminate them. In this case, masks from circles and bruises under the eyes are recommended to be applied 2 times a week. The same mask can be done for 1-2 months, but no more than that, otherwise the skin will get used to the active ingredients and stop responding to them.


Many whitening masks for dark circles under the eyes contain lemon juice. This is indeed a very effective remedy, but keep in mind that it is too aggressive for the thin and sensitive skin of this part of the face. Your body should perfectly tolerate citrus fruits in any form - this time. The mask should contain only 2-3 drops of juice, no more - that's two.

TOP of the best recipes for masks from dark circles

You will not have problems finding a suitable recipe, because there are a lot of them. There are a variety of food combinations, so you are sure to find something to your taste. The most important thing is that the components do not cause allergies. If you don’t like some mask in terms of its effectiveness the first time, you should not immediately be disappointed in all such remedies. Try something different and the perfect elixir eternal youth and freshness will eventually be found.

  • Potato + olive oil

Dilute fresh grated potatoes (1 tablespoon) with a small amount of unrefined olive oil (incomplete teaspoon).

  • Potato + oatmeal + milk

Dilute fresh grated potatoes (1 tablespoon) with a little warm milk (1 teaspoon), add oatmeal ground into powder.

  • Parsley + butter

Chop parsley, mix with melted butter to get a creamy consistency.

  • Dill + sour cream

Chopped dill (1 tablespoon) mixed with sour cream (the same amount).

  • Morning mask after insomnia

Mix 1 teaspoon of aloe juice, lemon and fresh potatoes. Add the same amount of cucumber puree, sprinkle the mixture with finely chopped basil and spinach (a pinch each).

4.1 /5 - 78 ratings

Homemade masks for bruises under the eyes are good helpers in the fight for the beauty and healthy radiance of the skin. But first, it is important to find out why darkening appears under the eyes, and eliminate the root causes of this cosmetic problem. And only after that you can count on efficiency. natural masks against dark circles.

What affects the discoloration of the skin under the eyes?

If you are familiar with such a nuisance as the appearance of blue sunken or dark circles under the eyes, then it may be the result of:

  • lack of vitamins in the body, especially C, K and P (routine);
  • chronic fatigue, overwork;
  • lack of sleep and stress;
  • insufficient or improper skin care;
  • diseases of the kidneys, endocrine glands, of cardio-vascular system;
  • intoxication of the body, for example, due to long-term use of drugs;
  • bad habits.

From a physiological point of view, the formation of dark circles under the eyes is associated with poor blood circulation in the face or in the area of ​​​​the eyeball and under the skin around the eyes.

In order to forget about blue or dark circles under the eyes, it would be a good start to give up bad habits and start adhering to healthy lifestyle life. visit more outdoors, move, do not abuse salty, spicy and spicy foods, preferring greens, cereals, fresh vegetables and fruits, clean water.

Make it a rule to get enough sleep every day, otherwise chronic lack of sleep, fatigue, nervousness, and in addition, the appearance of bruises under the eyes are guaranteed. You need to sleep at least 6-7 hours a day in a ventilated room at night.

An even more important step will be to examine the body for the presence of any chronic diseases, because they can be the main cause of the dark color of the skin around the eyes. IN daily care include a light facial massage, which is done in the morning and evening after cleansing the skin with light tapping movements with your fingertips. cool or contrast compresses will also be a good addition to skin care procedures.

Masks for dark circles

Homemade sweat masks for bruising and for lightening the skin around the eyes can be made from different products and cosmetic oils. The most popular are potatoes, parsley, lemon, dairy products, cucumber, medicinal herbs.


Most women use a mixture of grated raw potatoes With olive oil, applying this mixture to the eye area for 20 minutes. We suggest trying instead of potato gruel to use potato juice and olive oil, mixed in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively, for example, for 2 tablespoons of juice, 1 tablespoon of oil.

Soak two cotton pads in the resulting product and apply them to the skin for half an hour, after which do not wash off the remnants, but let them completely absorb. This mask is useful for the whole face.

The brightening properties of raw potatoes can be used in a mixture of it with oatmeal and milk in approximately the same volumes. In this case, it is better to pass the potatoes through a meat grinder or grind them into a homogeneous gruel in a blender. The mask, which lasts 20-25 minutes, will soften the skin, slightly whiten it and soothe it, removing irritation.


Homemade effectively whiten and charge the skin with vitamins. Use its juice or carefully chopped greens in such combinations:

  • parsley and almond oil 1:1;
  • sour cream, green and lemon juice, 1 tsp each;
  • juice of parsley, lemon and cucumber 1:1:1.

Parsley greens are rich in vitamin C, which is especially useful for eliminating dark circles under the eyes.

Cottage cheese

Curd masks also have a slight brightening effect and nourish the skin of the face. You can mix natural cottage cheese with milk and lemon juice - this is a good nourishing mask. In combination with green tea and lemon juice, cottage cheese can be used to prepare a tonic whitening mask.

Adding 2-3 drops of cottage cheese to a teaspoon essential oil lemon 2 drops of orange, lubricate the area under the eyes every other day for 15 minutes, then wipe with pink or cool mineral water.

Other recipes

A popular mask against dark circles and bruises with walnut. It needs to be crushed into a fine powder, add butter and a little lemon juice and keep the product on the skin for about 20 minutes.

The usual rubbing of the face and around the eyes with cold milk, as well as a mask of cucumber juice and sour cream, are effective. Once a week, make vitaminized compresses with orange and cucumber juice in the same proportions.

Herbal compresses

Medicinal herbs can be used for compresses or ice cubes that rub the skin every morning. In this regard, useful properties against bruising and darkening have:

  • dill;
  • chamomile;
  • cornflower;
  • parsley;
  • sage;
  • nettle.

Effective contrast compresses (alternating cold infusion and warm for 30 seconds each). To do this, prepare an infusion of chamomile and parsley, cool half and leave half warm, and moistening cotton pads, apply them to the skin in turn. The tool is useful to use against bruises that have appeared due to lack of sleep and eye fatigue.

34 894 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to remove circles under the eyes at home. What to do if there is no time and dark circles under the eyes need to be removed quickly? About all this later. The time has passed when the "bruises" under the eyes were endowed with their own charm and were a sign of mystery and even aristocracy. In the 20s of the last century, fashionistas not only made special makeup, but even went to sleep as little as possible, and today, on the contrary, we strive to remove black and blue circles under the eyes. Here it is, female inconstancy. But, jokes - jokes, in fact, everything has its own explanation.

If analyzed, it is the dark circles around the eyes that usually become the decisive moment in the formation of a tired and haggard image: in such a situation, neither a collection dress nor spectacular hairstyle they won't save. Dark circles around the eyes can age the youngest girl, so you should take this issue seriously. And another problem is that for some reason women in our country prefer to follow the path of least resistance, and instead of getting rid of the problem, they cover up its consequences with a ton of cosmetics. Let's try to solve this issue differently.

Causes of dark circles under the eyes

The most sensitive, delicate and thin is the skin around the eyes. All this depends on the network arrangement of collagen fibers, which is a prerequisite for increasing skin extensibility. From this, the very first wrinkles also appear around the eyes.

In general, dark circles around the eyes are translucent blood vessels, which become especially noticeable due to the fact that they are located very close to the skin. This is also related to the structure of the skull, since the shadow is more visible in the eye sockets. And yet, in addition to anatomical factors, there are other reasons.

  1. Incomplete sleep.

The average adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day, but, unfortunately, given the modern rhythm of life, not everyone succeeds. The accumulated lack of sleep then results in circles under the eyes.

  1. Loads and fatigue leading to exhaustion.

Abundance of work, irregular working hours, stressful situations– small steps to chronic fatigue.

  1. The presence of bad habits in life.

Tobacco and alcohol addiction lead to complete intoxication of the body, which, of course, affects the appearance and quality skin: hence swelling, bruising,.

  1. Wrong skin care.

Poor-quality or incorrectly selected creams, lotions, decorative cosmetics can also be a reason for detecting allergies in a person and a qualitative change in the skin.

  1. Hereditary and age indications.

Such a predisposition can be genetic, in addition to this, it also depends on (especially the Celtic and Nordic).

  1. Health problems.

What does the color of the circles under the eyes say

When circles under the eyes are caused by health problems, a preliminary diagnosis can be made based on their color.

  • blue: circulatory and heart problems;
  • yellow: problems with the liver and gallbladder;
  • brown: problems of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • red: kidney problems or allergic reactions;
  • black: problems with the respiratory system;
  • white: vitiligo (problems with skin pigmentation).

How to remove circles under the eyes at home

Troubleshooting with cosmetics

Most effective way to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes - this is the right makeup. Most often they use a concealer (corrector), preferably creamy in texture. It's kind of, ambulance, moreover, easily accessible to every representative of the weaker sex.

The question of the right concealer color, in fact, should be given enough time. General rule is that it must be on tone lighter colors foundation or completely identical to it. Otherwise, from a means that should pluck the shortcomings, it will become a means of emphasizing them.

Not less than an important factor is the color of the defect itself: the secret is that for each there is a paired color in the palette, for example, to mask dark shades, it is better to choose means of a natural beige undertone, and in order to remove yellow circles under the eyes, highlighters and concealers with reflective particles. concealer Pink colour better to choose to mask green circles, and purple will help hide brown bruises or dark spots.

When choosing a corrector for the skin, it is better to refuse oil copies: they are not resistant, gather in the folds of the eyes and are not suitable even for dry skin. Also, another important factor is your product, since the delicate skin around the eyes is very susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

Folk remedies for dark circles under the eyes

Masks for dark circles under the eyes

All mask recipes collected in this article are easy to perform and tried by our great-grandmothers. And most importantly, they really help!

  1. From parsley:

A chopped handful of fresh parsley is rubbed with a wooden spoon in a small container until a homogeneous consistency (and juice formation). Then the resulting mass is poured with a small amount hot water and mix until creamy. If you want to get rid of wrinkles at the same time, then you can add kefir or yogurt instead of water. After the mixture has cooled, apply with cotton swabs and leave for 10-15 minutes. For best effect repeat twice a week.

  1. From boiled potatoes:

Peeled potatoes are boiled like mashed potatoes, the resulting mass is cooled and applied to the area around the eyes. Leave the mask for 10-15 minutes, you can cover your eyes with a natural cotton cloth, then rinse with warm water.

  1. From fresh potatoes:

Peeled and washed potatoes are rubbed on a fine grater. The resulting slurry is applied to the eyes for 10 minutes. It is better to use this mask twice a day: in the morning and at night.

  1. From fresh cucumber:

Cut off rings 3-5 mm thick and hold in front of your eyes for 10-15 minutes. If you want to enhance the effect of the mask, then it is better to use grated cucumber.

  1. "Vitamin" mask:

This will require 1 fresh cucumber and 3-4 sprigs of cilantro and parsley. Everything is twisted or ground to a homogeneous mass and applied to the eyes for 7-10 minutes.

Please note that cilantro can cause an allergic reaction!

  1. Nut mask:

It will need 10 grams of nucleoli walnuts and a teaspoon of buttermilk. The ingredients are twisted or ground in a blender to a homogeneous gruel. Then you can add a few drops of lemon juice (to lighten skin tone). Keep on eyes for 20-25 minutes, then rinse.

If you have too sensitive skin, replace lemon juice with pomegranate juice.

  1. From cottage cheese:

Two tablespoons of cottage cheese, preferably with a high percentage of fat content, grind until total absence lumps and put on the eyelids. Hold this mask an average of 15 minutes. It is good if the cottage cheese is chilled, but not icy.

  1. Bread mask:

Wheat white bread is taken, the crumb is separated from the crust and soaked in cold milk. Then the resulting slurry is applied in a thick layer to the eyes. The mask time is 20 minutes. It is also better to remove it not with ordinary water, but with cold milk.

Lotions from dark circles under the eyes

The benefits of herbs and decoctions have been proven for centuries, and our problem is no exception. Here are quite a few available recipes, the effect of which will not be long in coming.

  1. Tea lotion:

For these purposes, black tea is more suitable than others, although green tea can also be used for a change. If you prefer loose leaf tea, then you will need to moisten cotton swabs in a strong tea leaves and leave in front of your eyes for at least 10 minutes. Used tea bags are also good for this purpose.

Please note that tea must be cooled down, otherwise a burn is possible!

  1. Sage decoction:

One teaspoon of sage per cup of boiling water. The broth is infused for about half an hour, then divided into two halves. The first part is cooled in the refrigerator, the second remains hot enough. Cotton swabs dipped in each part are alternately applied to the eyes. This is a very effective contrast lotion.

  1. Milk lotion:

Boiled milk cools, cotton swabs are wetted in it. This procedure carried out for 10 minutes, preferably every day for a month.

  1. Chamomile decoction:

You can apply it with a compress, just like sage, but there is another very convenient recipe. Pre-freeze the broth in ice cubes, and every morning wipe the area around the eyes and, in general, the entire face with such a cube. Firstly, the skin will immediately tone up, and you will get rid of not only bruises, but also puffiness, which is expressed in bags under the eyes; secondly, for many centuries the rejuvenating and restoring properties of chamomile have been known.

  1. Soda lotion:

Baking soda (1 teaspoon) dissolves in a glass of hot water. The solution cools down. Apply in the form of compresses for 15 minutes. Can be used once every two days.

  1. "Pharmacy" lotions:

For this, cornflower blue and pink water which can be purchased at a pharmacy.

If the situation is completely hopeless, there is another - camping - option: cool 2 teaspoons, and then apply them to the eyes. Why "marching"? Yes, simply because spoons can be cooled not only in the freezer, but also in a spring or on a glacier. After all, even on a hike you want to be beautiful!

In general, everything natural remedies, which are part of the masks and lotions, are gentle, so tune in to the fact that the result will not be visible immediately: you will have to wait, and not even one week.

Massage for dark circles

After the procedures described above, it will not be superfluous to perform the following simple exercises. Gently massage over the skin around the eyes. The pads of the fingers should touch the skin lightly, without pressure: first - the temple, then the area under the eyes, and finally - the bridge of the nose. You can immediately apply your usual cream during the massage. Try to perform this massage daily: it takes a minimum of time, but the results will please and will not take long!

Do not press on the skin with pads and try not to touch upper eyelid to avoid unwanted wrinkles.


It is best to perform these exercises while sitting comfortably in front of a mirror so that you can check the correct execution of each task.

  1. Close your eyes, count to five, then relax your eyes. Repeat 10 times.
  2. Circular eye movements.
  3. Eye movements up and down, left and right.

After each of these exercises, you should blink your eyes very quickly.

This gymnastics will not only improve the tone of the skin around the eyes, but also improve your vision.

Well, since dark circles under the eyes are often the result of circulatory disorders in the body, make it a rule to start every morning with contrast shower and fitness exercises.

In order to get rid of this annoying problem, it is required not only to correctly organized care behind the area around the eyes, which should be daily. Remember that following the laws of a healthy lifestyle are the secrets of both beauty and longevity.

Here is a list of key points to consider:

  • healthy sleep;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • fractional balanced nutrition;
  • obligatory presence in the diet of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • psychologically stable state;
  • regular working day;
  • leisure;
  • reduction of visual load.

As you can see, the most right advice It is love and care for yourself. And although you now know how to deal with dark circles under the eyes, it is better to strive to prevent their appearance. Do not spare time for your beloved: all the work cannot be done, and health and beauty are much easier to maintain than to restore.

Recipes on how to get rid of circles under the eyes.

The appearance of dark circles under the eyes upsets women no less than the discovery of new wrinkles. Even a slight darkening of the skin of the periorbital zone can make the face tired and add a few extra years to it. To fight it cosmetic defect There are many ways, including homemade masks for circles under the eyes.

Reasons for the formation of circles under the eyes

Darkening of the skin under the eyes may indicate the development dangerous pathologies kidney or cardiovascular system. But most often the appearance of spots provokes improper care, lack of sleep and the abuse of salty foods. Sometimes the blueness under the eyes is caused individual features, for example, close locations blood vessels and a small amount of subcutaneous fat.

The main factors that provoke the appearance of dark circles are:

  1. Incomplete sleep. Both its deficiency and excess have a negative effect. You should go to bed before 23:00 and sleep for at least seven hours.
  2. Improper nutrition. Deficiency of trace elements and vitamins leads to circulatory disorders. The abuse of salty and spicy foods negatively affects the skin under the eyes. Especially before bed.
  3. Excessive drinking and smoking are the main causes of circles under the eyes in men.
  4. Stress and depression. During emotional upheavals, the production of cortisol increases. It increases blood volume, which can lead to rupture of small capillaries.
  5. Eye strain due to computer work.
  6. Dehydration.
  7. Circulatory disorders, for example, vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  8. Injuries.
  9. UV exposure. The skin becomes especially sensitive to the sun in adulthood.
  10. Allergies.
  11. Pathology of internal organs.

In most cases, dark circles under the eyes of women and men disappear after a person begins to take responsibility for his health and adhere to right image life. Help to fix the problem faster cosmetic procedures well-chosen skin care products and recipes traditional medicine.

The main ways to deal with the disadvantage

In the event that the cause of the appearance of dark circles is not pathological process in the body, means to quickly cope with the problem will help modern cosmetology. The most effective are:

  1. Mesotherapy.
  2. Cosmetic massage.
  3. Introduction of hyaluronic acid.
  4. laser therapy.
  5. Lipofilling.
  6. Microcurrent therapy.

The massage is pretty effective way getting rid of dark circles. It should be performed only by a highly qualified specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of stretching the skin and exacerbating the problem.

Women who are interested in how to quickly remove circles under the eyes without contacting a massage therapist can perform this procedure on their own. While applying a night cream or serum, you can gently tap the skin with your fingertips, in the direction from the lower eyelid to the temples. Two to three minutes will be enough to improve the outflow of blood.

Hollows under the eyes contribute to the appearance of a shadow in this area. Visually, it looks like a bruise. The introduction of hyaluronic acid or one's own adipose tissue into the nasolacrimal sulcus compensates for the age-related decrease in fiber. The deformation of the tissue is corrected, the skin and the furrow are leveled. The face looks rested and rejuvenated.

You can get rid of bruises with the help of laser therapy. On average, about four treatments may be required. Immediately after the session, within two to three days, edema may persist, which will pass on its own. The disadvantage of the procedure can be considered a complete ban on exposure to the sun. It will be possible to go on vacation at sea no earlier than three months after the last session of laser therapy.

Microcurrent therapy provides lymphatic drainage and has a strengthening effect on the capillaries. Full course consists of 15 procedures that are performed every three days. Then, you need to maintain the result. It will be enough to perform the procedure once a month.

During mesotherapy, the near-orbital region is chipped with various vitamin preparations. The composition of the substances is selected by the beautician, depending on the needs of the skin. The cocktail may include:

Express Methods

There are situations in life when you need to quickly put yourself in order, but there is sorely not enough time. To do this, you can use proven folk instant remedies for dark circles under the eyes. The most popular and effective, and at the same time affordable, are the following methods:

  1. Teaspoons and freezer. Place the devices in the cold for 15 minutes. Then, take out and apply spoons to the eyes. Keep the utensils until they are warm.
  2. Green and black tea. Moisten a cotton swab in strong tea leaves and put to the eyes for 15 minutes.
  3. Ice cubes. Frozen mineral water or a decoction of any medicinal herbs can be used to apply to problem areas.
  4. Cucumber express mask for circles under the eyes. Place slices of fresh fruits in the freezer for a short time. Then, apply them for 10 minutes to dark circles.

Home masks and rules for their use

Masks from dark circles under the eyes must be properly applied and washed off. Otherwise, the situation can be aggravated. The periorbital zone is very delicate. Stretching the skin while applying the mixtures or vigorous rubbing while removing the composition can cause an increase in the number of wrinkles and damage to small vessels. And improperly selected ingredients for masks around the eyes can provoke the development of edema.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with some important rules:

  1. Mask products must be mixed immediately before use, they must be fresh. Use porcelain or glassware.
  2. Max Time exposure of the mixture on the skin should not exceed 20 minutes.
  3. You cannot combine two or more prescriptions in one procedure.
  4. Before applying the selected composition to the delicate periorbital area, a sensitivity test should be done. To do this, apply the mixture on the skin of the wrist and leave for 20 minutes. If allergic reaction does not appear, you can proceed to the procedure.
  5. Before applying the finished mixture, it is necessary to remove makeup, thoroughly cleanse the skin.
  6. The procedure can be performed in courses, two to three times a week. As a preventive measure, one application every seven days will be enough.
  7. It is not recommended to constantly use the same composition, as the skin gets used to its action over time. The mask needs to be changed once every five months.
  8. In the event that after the procedures the skin becomes worse, it is necessary to change the composition.
  9. A greater effect of the mask can be achieved if you wash it off herbal infusion or decoction.

Useful properties of clay

Blue clay - excellent tool from dark circles under the eyes. It is non-allergenic and has an impressive list of useful properties:

  • promotes the resorption of bruises and edema, removes excess fluid from the tissues;
  • improves the elasticity of the skin around the eyes;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • tones the skin;
  • starts regenerative processes;
  • improves color.

A mask with blue clay, applesauce and water or chamomile decoction copes well with dark circles. All ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting slurry is applied to the lower eyelids. This mixture is not recommended to be left on the skin for more than 10 minutes, as it quickly hardens.

Under-eye mask with white clay helps to quickly remove puffiness and brighten the skin. To prepare it, you will need to prepare two containers. The number of ingredients is selected independently, the ratio should be one to one.

In one container, clay and heated fat milk. In the second, crumb white bread triturated with warm cream. Then, all ingredients are mixed and applied to problem areas.

The clay mask "vitamin cocktail" for the eyes will not only eliminate bruises, it will also be an excellent prevention of wrinkles. For its preparation you will need:

  • A teaspoon of asparagus juice. To obtain it, grate the pulp or chop with a blender. Then, using gauze, squeeze the juice.
  • A teaspoon of clay.
  • Almond, olive and Peach oil. In total, you should get one and a half dessert spoons.

All clay mask ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied under the eyes. This mixture is recommended to be applied before going to bed.

cucumber masks

Cucumber is well known to cosmetologists for its toning, moisturizing and whitening properties. In addition, it contains starch and pectin. These substances do an excellent job of eliminating edema. They strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood microcirculation.

Cucumber is not only suitable for use on the area around the eyes. This affordable product is a real beauty elixir. cucumber masks for the face at home provide significant skin rejuvenation.

In the event that there is sorely not enough time to prepare a mixture of several ingredients, but you need to put yourself in order, vegetable gruel will help. To prepare it, you need to grate the cucumber on a fine grater. Use the resulting slurry for the problem area. Wash off with water after 15 minutes.

In the same way, you can cook gruel from cucumber and raw potatoes. Mix the mixture in equal proportions, put on the near-orbital area. You can leave it for 30 minutes.

Cucumber face masks at home can be supplemented with dairy products. Such compositions are ideal for the area around the eyes. It is useful to mix vegetable gruel with fatty cottage cheese, as well as yogurt or milk. In all cases, the number of ingredients must be equal.

Cucumber juice can be used to make ice daily use. To do this, grind several fruits on a grater, squeeze the juice from the resulting slurry and freeze it. Use the resulting ice in the morning, after washing. Gently wipe the area under the eyes, then apply a day cream.

starch for dark circles

Effective masks from circles under the eyes are prepared from starch. In addition, raw potatoes may also be suitable, in which it is contained in large quantities. Starch fights well with skin pigmentation and brightens it. The potassium included in its composition allows you to quickly remove excess fluid.

The starch mask is prepared on the basis of jelly, which is then mixed with other ingredients. To create the base, you will need a tablespoon of powder and 100 ml of water. Having prepared the ingredients, you can start making the base:

  1. Starch must be poured with 50 ml of water and stirred.
  2. Put the rest of the liquid on fire.
  3. Pour the mixture into boiling water, make a small fire. Mix.
  4. Once the mixture starts to thicken, remove it from the heat.
  5. Store the starch base for the mask in the refrigerator, no longer than three days.

IN ready basis add protein or oils. It is not recommended to use more than two ingredients, so as not to overload delicate skin. You can alternate them if you wish.

The benefits of parsley

Ordinary parsley contains all the vitamins necessary for the skin. It contains mineral salts, rutin and vitamin C. All these substances help strengthen the walls of blood vessels, tone the skin and nourish it.

To prepare a mask for dark circles under the eyes, you will need a teaspoon of chopped parsley leaves and 15 g of oily, homemade sour cream. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is applied to the skin of the eyelids.

From parsley, you can prepare an infusion for lotions. To do this, pour 15 g of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled, it must be filtered. cotton pads soak in liquid and apply to problem areas. In addition, parsley infusion can be frozen. Wipe the eyelids with the resulting ice after washing.

Milk fat has the same effect on the skin beneficial effect, How vegetable oils. It becomes more elastic and elastic. Substances that make up dairy products lighten freckles and age spots. Because of this, butter, cottage cheese, cream and sour cream are often used to make masks for under-eye circles.

You can lighten the skin of the near-orbital region with the help of cottage cheese. For the mask, you need the fattest product that you can find. Cottage cheese is rubbed with milk. The mixture is applied for 15 minutes, on the skin lower eyelids.

A cream and raw potato mask will eliminate swelling, wrinkles and strengthen skin turgor. In the event that the near-orbital zone is dry, add oil to the mixture grape seeds. The fourth part of a medium potato is rubbed on a fine grater. Then add a tablespoon of cream. The mixture is applied to the skin of the lower eyelids. The rest of the mask can be spread over the entire face.

An effective mask for circles under the eyes can be prepared from butter and parsley. Greens must be carefully chopped. Mix the oil with parsley in a ratio of 2 to 1. Apply a mask to the area around the eyes.


The appearance of dark circles is easier to prevent than to deal with them later. Save fresh look It's easy if you follow these rules:

  1. Get enough sleep.
  2. Avoid stress.
  3. Drink enough water, reducing its amount in the late afternoon.
  4. Get rid of bad habits.
  5. Eat well, avoid overeating at night.
  6. Use quality cosmetics.
  7. Regularly use masks from circles under the eyes.
  8. Do light before bed lymphatic drainage massage.
  9. Use sunscreen.
  10. Be outdoors more often.

Girls and women always strive to look beautiful and attractive - these are their natural instincts. Therefore, they strive to remove any, even the most minor flaws on the face as quickly as possible. One of the best means to eliminate skin defects, relieve fatigue, slow down the aging process, etc. are masks.

Masks - a tool proven for centuries

It is worth noting that the masks are among the most ancient cosmetic products used by the fair sex to improve their appearance. Naturally, for more than 20 centuries, many different recipes and options for their use have been invented. Some of them look quite exotic, many of the recommended word-of-mouth compositions do not bring any result.

However, in most cases, many compositions allow you to cope with a particular problem. The most common problems are black spots under the eyes.

They occur in almost all beauties various reasons. To eliminate the appearance of dark circles (as a preventive measure) and in order to remove the spots that have appeared, there are several tips. Below we will talk about the nature of the appearance of stains and the means by which they can be eliminated.

How to make masks for circles under the eyes

Options, when a dark spot under the eye was not formed as a result of a fight, then measures should be taken to eliminate it and prevent its reappearance. The main reason for the appearance of spots under the eyes is the outflow of lymph and circulatory disorders. Thus, the appearance of bruises is not associated with cosmetic skin defects, but with circulatory disorders. The main reason is the stagnation of blood and the lack of oxygen saturation.

The reasons for the appearance of black circles under the eyes include the following factors:

  1. Sleep disturbance. Doctors recommend sleeping at least 6 hours a day, 8 hours of sleep is considered the norm. In the event that, as a result of something, rest takes less time, blanching of the skin and the appearance of dark spots guaranteed.
  2. Bad nutrition. It also negatively affects the condition of the face, especially if a person abuses coffee, alcohol and low-quality food, spicy or fried foods, foods containing a lot of fat. The result will also be visible on the face in the form of dark spots around the eyes.
  3. Also, a change in the condition of the skin on the face can be caused by serious diseases. In this case, a comprehensive medical examination whole body and consult a specialist.
  4. The last thing that causes darkening of the skin around the eyes is stress. They arise spontaneously, because they are associated with contacts with other people. It negatively affects not only appearance but also on general health. Therefore, doctors recommend treating it comprehensively.

As can be seen from the above, circles under the eyes are the result of a number of reasons that have nothing to do with cosmetic disorders. At the same time, hide the spots themselves with cosmetics practically unrealistic. Can a mask help here? Yes maybe. This is due to the fact that the treatment and elimination of the cause of their appearance is a rather complicated and lengthy process, and you want to look beautiful right now. Therefore, below we consider several options for solving these problems.

Circles under the eyes: masks at home will help to cope with them

If spots appear under the eyes, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor who will determine the cause of their appearance and prescribe treatment. After that, you can contact a cosmetologist who will advise you on facial skin care products.

On this moment almost all well-known firms specializing in the production of cosmetics, produce ready-made formulations for masks. Including circles under the eyes.

To use, it is enough to purchase a ready-made mixture (usually in a tube) and then follow the instructions for its use. This will be one of the best options of all the masks, because almost all companies pre-test their compositions and conduct studies where their side effects are revealed. The only exceptions are unknown means and firms that are little known, and their products are suspiciously cheap.

The disadvantages of such masks include the relatively high cost. This is especially true for the products of "branded" firms. Therefore, many fashionistas make masks against circles on their faces from available funds. In most cases, the compositions are transmitted by "word of mouth" and many of them do not help. Therefore, below we consider several options for masks that are recommended by cosmetologists.

Mask from circles under the eyes at home - beauty of the face

To date, cosmetologists have identified several options for the composition of masks that help in the fight against dark circles under the eyes. Many of the formulations below have formed the basis of cosmetic products manufactured by the industry. Let's take a look at some mask options below.

Potato masks

To do this, grate one raw potato, which is mixed with milk until mashed. You can also add other auxiliary products (honey, lemon juice, etc. in a teaspoon).

Then the mask is applied to the face. These compositions well eliminate darkening under the eyes due to the property of potatoes to whiten the skin.

Curd-based masks

Cottage cheese also whitens the skin, so to prepare the mask, you should take about 15 grams of cottage cheese (not fatty) to which black tea is added until golden hue mixtures. After that, a mask is made from the resulting composition.

Parsley gives the best effect for the body

Its juice allows you to partially restore and normalize blood circulation in problem areas. To prepare the mask, you should take 25 grams of parsley and beat it on a blender. After that, about 5 ml of lemon juice is added to the resulting slurry. ready mix should also be applied to the skin.

The best means are masks, which include cucumbers mixed with parsley. To prepare the mask, you should kill 10 grams of cucumber (without peel) on a blender with the same amount of parsley. You can also add 5 gr. cilantro or 5 ml honey (optional). All this is mixed with 10 ml of sour cream.

What is an eye mask for dark circles?

It is worth recalling that when carrying out such procedures at home, several rules should be observed. So all masks are applied for a short period of time (15-30 minutes depending on the sensitivity of the skin), and the procedures themselves should be carried out approximately 2-3 times in 7 days. In case of violation of the procedure for conducting procedures, the effect of masks may be negative or absent. It should be remembered that such cosmetic therapy is carried out for 1 to 6 months.

To improve the condition of the skin and to enhance the effect of masks, it is recommended to wipe problem areas with ice every morning before washing.

Note that all of the above masks improve blood circulation. So wait quick effect meaningless - the first results will appear only a few weeks after the start of the procedures.

Masks for dark circles under the eyes: reviews after use

At the moment, reviews on the use of masks are quite contradictory - from negative to enthusiastic. At the same time, negative reviews are often left by people who do not follow the rules for the procedures or do not eliminate the causes of dark circles.

Mask for dark circles under the eyes at home (video)

It should be remembered that the mask is not a panacea, but only an addition to treatment.