Glycolic acid analogues. Glycolic acid for the face: description and reviews. Reviva Labs Glycolic Acid Cream

Any rash on the skin of the face negatively affects not only the appearance of a person, but also how others perceive him. Because of this, some people with problem skin also develop psychological complexes. To prevent acne from becoming a source of such serious problems, you should purposefully deal with them. For these purposes, you can use glycolic acid. Glycolic acid is a fruit, and therefore it is often used in cosmetology for the treatment and prevention of acne.

How glycolic acid works on the skin

Glycolic acid and its therapeutic effect on the skin have been known to doctors and cosmetologists for a long time. Acid is used for any type of skin. The positive effect of glycolic acid on the skin is more pronounced in the fight against acne. It is great for fruit peeling of the skin. This procedure is necessary in order to remove dead skin cells, excess sebum and dirt from the top layer of the skin.

At the same time, acid for peeling is never used in a pure 100% form: for this, solutions are prepared with a concentration of 5 to 80%.

Glycolic peeling can be of two types:

  1. Deep (concentration with acid concentration from 20 to 80%). Such peeling is carried out for medicinal purposes, under the supervision of a doctor, in a cosmetology room.
  2. Shallow (acid concentration no more than 10%). Such peeling is also called light. Usually it is carried out at home for prevention purposes. .

Under no circumstances should deep peeling with glycolic acid be carried out on its own. The fact is that the action of glycolic acid is such that it penetrates the skin quite deeply (regardless of concentration), and it interacts with the skin for quite a long time. Therefore, in order not to get burned, you should approach the glycol peeling procedure very responsibly.

In the event that the glycolic acid cleaning procedure is carried out correctly, a number of positive processes occur in the skin: collagen production is stimulated, skin elasticity increases, microcirculation and metabolism in the skin increase.

Glycolic acid has also been used successfully to remove blemishes that remain after acne and remove blackheads.

Contraindications to the use of glycolic acid

Although glycolic acid has been proven effective in treating acne, there are contraindications to its use. So, for example, any procedures with glycolic acid are contraindicated for you if:

  • you have very sensitive skin prone to instant irritations;
  • you have a personally-individual intolerance to this acid;
  • you suffer from any type of herpes infection (including genital herpes);
  • there are mechanical damages on your skin (fresh scars, abrasions or scratches);
  • there is a sunburn on the skin (or immediately after intense sunburn).

If you violate the recommendations for the correct violation of the glycol peeling procedure, side effects may occur. For example, if glycolic acid particles remain in the skin cells, the skin may begin to peel off and turn red. Often these problems arise due to the too frequent use of glycolic acid.

The reviews of people who have applied cosmetic procedures using glycolic acid are overwhelmingly positive: many were satisfied with the result. In addition, one of the advantages of this type of treatment is its affordable price.

Choosing Glycolic Acid for Acne Treatment

In order for acne treatment with acid to be most effective, it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the product to be used. When choosing glycolic acid and the products that contain it, you should keep in mind that not all of them are equally suitable for skin affected by acne. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the following important factors:

  • percentage of fat. The mark "0% fat" means that the composition of this product does not contain fat. For damaged and mature skin, instead of fat, these cosmetic products do not use fats, but nutrients and moisturizers.
  • pH level. It should be no more than four. The fact is that any acid, in order to be effective, must have a relatively low pH level. This property is necessary in order to reduce (or completely eliminate) the possibility of damage to the skin.

Acne Treatment Using Glycolic Acid

Acne treatment, regardless of their location, takes place in four standard stages, the treatment process for each of them is carried out in parallel.

Only the means and the order of their application can differ (slightly).

  1. First stage regular hygienic cleansing of the face. When washing, it is important not to overdry the skin - this can lead to peeling, and therefore to the possibility of new acne. It is not necessary to use products containing alkali for washing - it neutralizes the acid level of sebum.
  2. The second stage is cleaning of clogged pores. The greatest effectiveness of treatment at this stage will be in case of surface contamination (if they are clogged closer to the surface) of the pores. With a deep blockage, it is much more difficult to correct the situation. At that stage of treatment, prevention of blockage of other pores and the occurrence of new plugs is also carried out.
  3. The third stage is the treatment of inflammation. At this stage, it is necessary to consult a specialist, since the treatment of inflammation is a difficult and responsible process that requires an individual approach.
  4. The fourth step is prevention. You should not "give up" if the acne treatment was successful and gave visible results. The fact is that it is immediately after treatment that the risk of recurrence of acne increases many times over. Therefore, the prevention phase is no less important than the previous three.

As for the form of use of glycolic acid, the required concentration is added to peeling lotions, as well as to creams that are used for medical procedures. As a rule, the acid in their composition does not exceed 5-10%. The peculiarity of using such a lotion is that it must be applied to the skin of the face in the same way as any other preparation or cleanser, but the lotion must be washed off without allowing it to be completely absorbed.

Glycolic acid is better known as the main component of superficial and medium chemical peels. Meanwhile, this substance is much more common in cosmetology and solves many aesthetic problems. Possessing good exfoliating and regenerating properties, it helps fight acne, pigmentation, acne and early wrinkles. Moreover, the mild effect and almost zero ability to cause allergies make it possible to use the product in home care.

What is glycolic acid and what are its benefits?

Glycolic acid (glycolic acid) has been widely used in cosmetics as the best tool for cleansing and rejuvenating facial skin. True, marketers have slightly changed the terminology for greater attractiveness, calling the compound fruit or AHA acid.

The substance is relatively recently used in the beauty industry and, according to cosmetologists, is one of the most effective and safe keratolytics. The exfoliant is colorless, but has a well-recognized smell of burnt sugar, easily soluble in water and alcohol.

Attention. Glycolic acid in high concentrations can cause photosensitivity (increased sensitivity to the sun), therefore it is not suitable for use in the summer.

The huge advantage of glycolic acid over other fruit acids is the size of its molecules - they are so small that they easily penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis, causing active peeling and cleansing of the sebaceous ducts.

In addition, the simplest hydroxy acid acts as a kind of conductor, facilitating the penetration of other active substances into the dermis. This allows you to add it to various cosmetic products for the face and hair. On the basis of AHA, creams, serums and tonics are produced, they are included in the composition of shampoos, balms and rinses.

Properties of glycolic acid

The chemical properties of a natural exfoliant are due to an interesting molecular structure. The presence of alcohol and acid groups in the structure makes the AHA base multifunctional and allows it to be used in one capacity or another, depending on the need.

In some cases, these components begin to interact or influence each other, determining the specific properties of the keratolytic.

The ability of glycolic acid to lose water during heating, forming a low molecular weight oligomer, has found application in surgical practice. From the polyglycolide obtained as a result of a chemical reaction, a new suture material is made, devoid of all the disadvantages of catgut.

This is interesting. Glycolic acid is used for weed control, but not in its pure form, but released under the influence of ultraviolet rays from monochloroacetic acid

As for the cosmetic properties of the natural exfoliant, they are no less extensive:

  1. The keratolytic reacts with the top layers of the skin, breaking the bonds that hold the cells together and causing profuse flaking.
  2. Restores the natural balance of the dermis after sun damage, negative environmental impact, malnutrition, illness or hormonal imbalance.
  3. Activates the production of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen.
  4. Attracts moisturizers to the deep layers of the epithelium and neutralizes oxidants.

Where is glycolic acid found? Today the main supplier of organic matter is sugar cane. Glycolic acid is also present in other natural products - grapes, turnips, beets, unripe fruits. In industry, it is obtained by reducing oxalic acid or as a result of a chemical reaction of sodium hydroxide and chloroacetic acid.

Mechanism of action of keratolytic

Due to its unusual molecular structure, glycolic acid is very multifunctional and works in different directions:

  • smoothes the skin;
  • fights early wrinkles;
  • eliminates pigmentation and freckles;
  • increases firmness and elasticity;
  • normalizes sebum secretion;
  • cleanses pores, resolves post-acne and relieves inflammation;
  • reduces the visibility of scars and scars;
  • removes acne.
Cosmetics with glycolic acid are more suitable for problematic, impure and aging skin.

Application on a thin dermis can cause irritation or burns, so cosmetologists do not recommend using professional keratolytic products at home.

Attention. It is better to start care procedures and peelings with preparations containing no more than 5% of the active substance.

The use of glycolic acid in cosmetology

This fruit acid is most often used in the anti-aging beauty industry - it is included in anti-aging face creams and serums, injected into hair balms and shampoos.

Curls natural substance gives shine and silkiness, helps to restore the structure and protect from sun exposure. By restoring the pH of the scalp, glycolic acid relieves dandruff and itching, and normalizes sebum secretion.

As part of the washing gels, AHA not only has a moisturizing and cleansing effect, but also tightens pores, makes the skin smooth and matte.

We figured out the face and hair - but what to do with the body? After all, the rest of the skin also needs care and cleansing. And then, either anticipating our desires, or provoking them, the cosmetic industry began to produce special lines for the body with hydroxy acid. Among them are lotions, gels, exfoliating scrubs, moisturizers and milks.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Acid facial cleansing is considered the fastest and most effective way to get rid of various skin imperfections. It can be done both in a beauty parlor and at home, adhering to the recommended concentration.

The herbal exfoliant actively exfoliates dead skin flakes, which accelerates the production of collagen and elastin, stimulates the regeneration process, and makes the skin even and smooth. Thus, chemical peeling with glycolic acid provides not only a cleansing effect, but also has a number of other effects on the skin.

Surface treatment can be done at home. It is performed by means with a low concentration of the active substance, not exceeding 5%.

The procedure is used to prevent acne, normalize sebum secretion, smooth the skin and improve complexion. The median effect affects the deeper layers of the dermis, practically dissolving the epithelium. Such a manipulation is best done in the salon, under the supervision of a beautician. It is used to eliminate scars and scars, smooth mimic wrinkles, lighten age spots.

As for deep peeling with glycolic acid, it is performed only in a hospital setting. AHA base (70%) reaches the reticular layer of the dermis and deeply injures the skin. The procedure is used only for serious indications after 40 years.

Attention. It has been proven that the deeper the hydroxy acid penetrates, the more actively it works and the more aggressively it affects the epidermis.

Perhaps the most popular peel for home use is Reviva Labs Glycolic Acid Care. It is available in two concentrations and both of them are applicable for independent use. It is better to start peeling with 5%, gradually moving to a 10% option.

Cream with glycolic acid

Before you purchase and start using such compounds, you need to learn a few rules:

  • after applying the product with AHA acid, it is recommended to cover the skin with sunscreen. If this is not done, you can become the owner of age spots;
  • face creams should not contain more than 3% active substance. Otherwise, it will be peeling;
  • hydroxy acid body products can be 10-20% strength.

For hands, you can use the same compositions as for the face, but it is better to purchase a special lotion with AHA 10%.

Popular creams with glycolic acid:

Creams with glycolic acid should not be applied after traumatic cosmetic procedures: mesotherapy, injections, resurfacing. Means can cause irritation of the epidermis or burns.

Glycolic Acid Tonic

Lotion or toner is the best choice for delicate and dry skin. The products are easy to use, they do not cause irritation and perfectly prepare the dermis for further application of creams or serums.

Advice. If you've already picked up a glycolic acid cleanser, look for a lotion from the same brand.

Reviva Labs has a great facial toner that contains allantoin, hyaluronic acid and aloe vera concentrate. The tool perfectly smoothes the skin, mattifies and moisturizes. With contaminated pores and increased sebum secretion, the liquid regulates oiliness and protects the skin from inflammation.

Other products with glycolic acid

In addition to creams, tonics and peels, among preparations with glycolic acid, you can find a lot of other useful products for the face and body. These are various serums, masks for oily and impure skin, lotions and scrubs.

All products have a natural composition, are very pleasant to apply and give a wonderful rejuvenating effect.

Advice. Do not use products with AHA-acid if you have to be in the bright sun, as well as after various dermatological diseases except hyperkeratosis.

Glycolic acid: reviews

Recently, glycolic acid has become so popular that many women and girls are happy to use it in their daily care. At the same time, most consumers positively assess the effectiveness of the product.

Peelings for home use from Reviva Labs are especially popular. Inexpensive, safe and effective formulations perfectly cleanse, restore smoothness and elasticity to the skin, give freshness and a flawless complexion.

Praise and exfoliating serum from Mad Hippie. Skin Care Products contains 16 beneficial ingredients and is a must for loose, dull, discolored skin.

Made with only natural ingredients, Reviva Labs Glycolic Acid Problem Skin Mask helps to manage mild acne. Palmer's Cocoa Butter Body Lotion for stretch marks makes the dermis supple and elastic, reduces the visibility of stretch marks.

  • What is glycolic acid
  • Functions of glycolic acid
  • Benefits of glycolic acid for skin
  • How does glycolic acid affect the skin?
  • Restrictions on use

What is glycolic acid

Glycolic acid belongs to the category of fruit, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHA). It is naturally found in green grapes and sugar cane. In cosmetics, glycolic acid of both synthetic and vegetable origin is used.

Along with other AHAs, it actively renews the skin by starting the process of cell exfoliation (exfoliation). However, it is glycolic acid that has a couple of features that distinguish it from its colleagues in the AHA group:

  • low molecular weight;
  • low acidity.

This win-win combination allows glycolic acid to easily penetrate the skin and cause an immediate response. The strength and depth of exposure are determined by the pH level - the lower it is (that is, the more acidic the solution), the more active the acid works.

Glycolic acid is an AHA

Benefits of glycolic acid for skin

Glycolic acid is valued for its ability to literally transform the skin in a matter of days, and even faster when used professionally in the salon. Getting into the skin, acid molecules force it to hastily get rid of old cells and acquire new ones. As a result:

  • the relief of the skin is leveled;
  • post-acne marks and scars are smoothed out;
  • pores are narrowed;
  • the skin becomes lighter;
  • shine appears.

A particularly striking effect is observed in aging and oily skin, which, for various reasons, are characterized by an excessive density of the stratum corneum, and therefore a slow mechanism of cell renewal. It has to be stimulated artificially, and glycolic acid copes with this perfectly.

One of the natural sources of glycolic acid is sugar cane.

Glycolic acid effectively solves the problems of oily skin, working in two directions:

  1. 1

    Accelerates cell renewal, eliminates the earthy complexion and makes the skin smoother through exfoliation.

  2. 2

    Reduces fat content due to the outflow of sebum.

How does glycolic acid affect the skin?

Like all AHA acids, glycolic acid, when it enters the skin, lowers the pH in the stratum corneum, destroys the bonds between the scales, causes peeling and opens the way for the formation of new young cells. Refreshed, the skin looks much younger. After all, cells that have already outlived their age, but remained on the surface, give the face a grayish tint and uneven relief. Dull complexion, roughness, roughness, enlarged pores are typical signs of skin that has not gotten rid of old cells in time.

With age, the process of cell renewal slows down: in young skin, the full cycle of epidermal renewal is 28 days, by the age of 40 it increases to 35-40 days. Then the rate steadily decreases, and by old age the renewal cycle reaches 2-3 months.

In working with aging skin, glycolic acid is valued for its ability to smooth wrinkles, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. This is one of the few acids that renew the dermis: it launches a cascade of protective reactions, as a result of which new collagen and hyaluronic acid are produced, literally “straightening” the skin.

As part of many products for aging skin, glycolic acid promotes the production of collagen, resulting in dermal remodeling.

Glycolic acid has excellent exfoliating properties

Restrictions on use

When using glycolic acid on the skin, some precautions must be taken.

Sensitive skin

Here's what you should know about glycolic acid first and foremost: this substance is generally not suitable for people with sensitive skin. Irritation, persistent peeling and redness may appear, rosacea may increase.

If you haven't fully figured out how sensitive your skin is, start with a low concentration of glycolic acid, gradually increasing it and monitoring the reaction. If redness and tingling persist for a week, discard.

Solar Activity

Glycolic acid at times increases the photosensitivity of the skin and the risk of developing hyperpigmentation. And so much so that the skin that has interacted with glycolic acid should absolutely not be shown outside without high SPF protection, even if the ultraviolet index is not high at the moment.

Cosmetics with glycolic acid should be stopped at least a month before the onset of the sunny season to avoid burns and age spots.

Acne in acute form

If there are rashes and pustules on the face, one should be more careful with acids: the skin becomes thinner, its protective functions weaken, which is fraught with the spread of inflammation. In general, strict hygiene and impeccable cleanliness (disposable napkins instead of towels, fresh pillowcases, etc.) are mandatory conditions during your “romance” with glycolic acid.

Maintain strict hygiene while using glycolic acid products, especially if you have signs of acne.

Glycolic acid in cosmetics

Most often, glycolic acid is present:

Overview of Glycolic Acid Products

For high-quality exfoliation and renewal of skin, especially prone to oiliness, it is worth taking a closer look at some of these products.


Name Action skin type Application frequency

Night peeling Idealia, Vichy

Combines glycolic acid with antioxidants. Gives shine.

any Once a day, before bed.
daily deep cleansing gel Normaderm, Vichy Clears pores, prevents breakouts. Contains a complex of acids. oily, problematic Twice a day, morning and evening.
Black peeling double action Pure Ritual, Helena Rubinstein Contains black rice extract & nourishing oils for a deep yet gentle cleansing & renewal. any Once a week.

Care products

Cosmetic products with glycolic acid

Peeling is one of the main procedures aimed at deep cleansing of the facial skin. To date, there is a huge variety of cosmetic activities of this type. One of the most effective and versatile peels is the glycolic acid treatment. A specific type of light chemical cleansing of the dermis has long established itself as a safe and high-quality method of treating skin diseases. The peculiarity of this peeling is that it can be applied to all skin types, and its mild action does not have negative effects even for the most sensitive skins.

Glycolic acid - what is it?

Glycolic acid is a naturally occurring product obtained from the processing of sugar cane. This tool is widely used in cosmetology and as part of the production of cosmetic preparations of a different set of actions. This acid is one of the hydroxy acids and has the ability to stimulate the production of elastin and collagen.

The use of this component is very common, as it has no special restrictions, which cannot be said, for example, about retinols. Glycolic acid can be used for the benefit of the skin at any time of the year, for any type of dermis, and even during childbearing.

The use of glycolic acid in cosmetology

Due to the complex action, the described component is widespread and serves as one of the main constituent elements in cosmetics. Glycolic acid is an excellent tool for cleansing the skin, exfoliating the keratinized layers of the dermis, removing age spots, acne marks, smoothing wrinkles.

Glycolic acid can be found among the components of many cosmetic products, the substance is actively used and gives amazing results. The component is added to lotions, masks and peeling creams, but in a small concentration - no more than 10% (for consumer goods, in professional products the concentration can be 6 times higher). Also, within the framework of cosmetology rooms, a mesotherapy procedure with glycolic acid (1%) is offered.

What effect does the product have on the skin of the face

The effect of this component on the condition of the skin was tested in the course of a large number of scientific experiments. It has been established that the agent is capable of exerting the following types of influence as part of its use for cosmetic procedures:

  • active exfoliation of dead cells, due to which the color and the very surface of the skin are evened out;
  • the own reserves of the dermis are activated, the production of proteins is stimulated, as a result of which the elasticity and degree of skin hydration improves;
  • the natural processes of skin cell renewal are normalized, which slows down its aging;
  • skin elasticity improves.

Chemical glycol peeling is recommended only if the following indications are present:

  • if the skin is oily and problematic, there are a large number of imperfections in the form of acne and increased fat production;
  • decreased elasticity of the skin;
  • at the preparatory stage before laser resurfacing;
  • age-related processes of skin aging;
  • residual traces of acne and pimples;
  • as a remedy for age spots, but only if they are not the result of a chronic illness.

Instructions for using the solution at home

It is necessary to resort to this procedure only after all the risks and subtleties of using glycolic acid have been studied. The procedure can be carried out as part of a beauty salon, and its cost is quite affordable, but if you have professional tools with this component, you can do it at home. To do this, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. the skin must be thoroughly cleaned in order to remove excess fat and residues of cosmetics. Special gels for washing are sold, designed purely to prepare the skin for further exposure to acid;
  2. a lotion with glycolic acid is selected with the required concentration (from 20 to 35%, 70% is recommended for use only by professionals);
  3. acid lotion is applied to the skin with a special brush and distributed;
  4. after the composition is neutralized with an alkaline solution;
  5. the skin is moistened to restore water balance, nourishing creams or masks are applied, always with a factor of protection from solar radiation.

Overview of Glycolic Acid Products

In order not to harm your skin during the procedure, you should use proven products with a relatively low concentration of glycolic acid. Let's consider a few of them.

Reviva Labs 5% Glycolic Acid Cream

This cream is the initial tool for chemical peeling. Due to the low content of glycolic acid, the product does not injure the dermis, which is not yet accustomed to an aggressive environment. Using this peeling, you can qualitatively clean the face from dead skin, acne marks, etc. In addition, the composition has a drying effect, allowing you to cope with minor inflammation and various types of rashes. Also, despite the fact that the product is intended for aging skin, it can be used for the dermis of all ages, since glycolic acid is contained in only 5 percent.

Gel Gemene hyaluronic

The manufacturer of this cosmetic preparation claims that the systematic use of the gel for some time will give the skin of the face a more delicate and soft look. In addition to the cosmetic effect, high-quality skin therapy is carried out in the process of facial treatment. After completing a full course of treatment procedures with Gemene gel, women with age-related skin changes can forget about wrinkles forever. The acid contained in the gel normalizes the water balance of the skin, preventing it from drying out and depletion.

Lotion Jean Klebert

The product comes in a 50 ml bottle with a convenient dispenser. The lotion has a light watery consistency, recommended for oily and combination skin types. The content of glycolic acid is 14%, the product also contains natural eucalyptus oil. It is part of a series of cosmetic products for skin renewal, so you can use several positions from the manufacturer at once to get the best effect. The clear result from the use fully justifies the rather high price.

Peeling Gel Pleiana

The product is one of the gentle peelings, as it has a concentration of glycolic acid equal to 10%. The composition also includes an extract of aloe, echinacea, calendula, lemon balm and centella. To test the effectiveness of the product, especially given its high cost, the gel is available in a small sachet for just a few procedures. Standard packaging is a 200 ml bottle with a dispenser. The systematic use of the gel in the autumn-winter period and in combination with other positions from the Pleiana series is recommended. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy or specialized stores.

Video: glycolic acid peeling for acne

As part of this video, facial peeling is performed using a twenty percent solution of salicylic and glycolic acid. The procedure carried out in the video is carried out in the salon by a specialist, which allows you to get all the necessary information regarding the process of cosmetic skin cleansing.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Despite the high effectiveness of the product, glycolic acid has a number of contraindications, like most drugs in the cosmetic segment. Thus, the use of the aforementioned remedy is unacceptable in the following situations:

  • a high degree of sensitive skin with an immediate pathological reaction to aggressive environments;
  • individual intolerance to a particular product;
  • complex infectious diseases, including herpes;
  • damage to the skin of the face, such as abrasions and scratches;
  • fresh tan or burns of any severity, etc.

Glycolic acid is an organic compound related to fruit acids. It is usually obtained from green grapes or sugar cane. It can also be synthesized artificially. Glycolic acid is denoted by the formula C2H4O3 and has a number of unique properties that allow it to be used in various cosmetic procedures.

The compound is also found in many skin care products. Its high regenerative ability is noted. It not only cleanses the skin of the upper, dead layer, but also starts the process of renewal of dermal cells. After cleansing the epidermis, the skin is evened out, and its color and texture are improved.

Properties and functions

Useful cosmetic properties of glycolic acid are determined by its ability to easily penetrate into the upper layers of the skin and dissolve dead particles. It stimulates the mechanism of cellular renewal and activates the formation of collagen fibers, which help smooth wrinkles. As part of peeling products, glycolic acid helps to remove age spots and freckles. Organic acid can perform the following functions:

  • acceleration of regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • cleaning the top layer of old cells;
  • removal of sebum and cleaning of pores;
  • normalization of activity of sweat glands;
  • removal or lightening of age spots and freckles;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen fibers;
  • wrinkle smoothing.

Mechanism of action on the skin

Glycolic acid dissolves the components that stick together skin scales. As a result, the process of their exfoliation is accelerated. After the removal of dead particles, the mouths of the hair follicles are released, and the release of sebum is facilitated. The acidic environment activates cell regeneration, as a result of which the skin is renewed and becomes young and fresh. At the same time, the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid is stimulated in fibroblasts. The skin becomes softer and more elastic, while the tone increases and its alignment and smoothing of wrinkles occur. You can learn about masks with acids.

The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the points of application. The acidic environment destroys the coloring pigment melanin, which makes the spots on the face less noticeable, up to their complete discoloration.

Indications for use and benefits

This organic compound and preparations based on it can be used by all age categories of women. The effect is especially noticeable in middle-aged women with oily skin. In girls during puberty, the skin is especially sensitive and acne (acne) and pustular rashes often occur on the face, associated with hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, preparations and procedures with glycolic acid can be prescribed to girls from the age of 16. The main indications for cosmetic procedures with glycolic acid can be as follows:

  • problematic skin with blackheads;
  • enlarged pores;
  • acne;
  • aging skin;
  • small defects;
  • age pigmentation;
  • freckles.

In persons constantly exposed to ultraviolet radiation, negative changes in the dermis occur on exposed parts of the body, especially on the face. This process is called photoaging. The use of drugs with acid will significantly reduce the effects of sunburn. Learn how to make a vitamin C mask at home at.

Contraindications and complications

Glycolic acid is a mild chemical, but there are still contraindications:

  • especially sensitive skin;
  • individual intolerance;
  • the presence of warts and neoplasms on problem areas;
  • herpes;
  • mechanical damage;
  • bacterial inflammatory process.

Regarding the use of glycolic acid during pregnancy and lactation, doctors disagree. The best option for expectant mothers would be a consultation with a dermatologist. Negative complications can occur in women with swarthy skin. The use of drugs can cause hyperpigmentation. The use of acid is not recommended for those who take retinoids (vitamin A), as these drugs increase the effect of chemical exposure.

Application in cosmetology

The widespread use of glycolic acid in cosmetology is due not only to high preventive and therapeutic properties, but also to the low cost of the drug. Glycolic acid gives a complex anti-aging effect due to keratolytic, exfoliating and cleansing properties. If this compound is part of other drugs, then it allows you to deeply penetrate into the dermis, acting as a conductor.

The effect of cosmetic products with glycolic acid

Preparations with this acid brighten the skin and promote the synthesis of collagen fibers. The substance can be used to prevent wrinkles and reduce the defects of aging skin. Collagen fibers make the skin more elastic, which reduces the possibility of wrinkles and partially smoothes existing ones. Contributes to the narrowing of pores, which allows you to get rid of comedones and regulate the process of the appearance of sebum. A noticeable positive effect was noted when caring for damaged or diseased hair. It gives shine, restores the structure of the hair and eliminates possible itching and dandruff. Find out which are the most effective collagen masks.

Funds with C2H4O3

It is included in the following cosmetic products:

  • peeling;
  • cream;
  • tonic;
  • mask;
  • cleansing gel;
  • cleansing milk.

Before using products with C2H4O3, you should consult with a beautician.


Peeling products with glycolic acid have gained the greatest popularity in cosmetology:

  1. Peeling Beauty Med to eliminate coarse wrinkles contains no more than 10% fruit acids, so it can be used independently at home. The drug evens out the complexion, tightens pores and helps to reduce mimic and age wrinkles.
  2. Gel peeling "Pleyana" It is considered a gentle drug due to the low content of glycolic acid. stimulates the production of collagen and gives a good lifting effect.
  3. Neopeel Glycolic Series with a high acid content is intended for professional use only. Self-guided procedures are not allowed.
  4. Peeling cream Glico-A from the French company IRIS can be used at home. cleanses and tightens pores, normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and allows you to fight the signs of aging on the face.


  • Cream Glycolic Acids birch sap is a delicate remedy for the care of problem areas of the body. In addition to the rejuvenating effect, this cosmetic product moisturizes and fortifies the skin.

Price: 900 rubles.

  • Source Naturals is a mixture of plant extracts and nutrients. The cream is intended for daily use in the evening.
  • A rejuvenating anti-aging cream collistars pronounced tightening effect. suitable for middle-aged women and intended for daily use.
  • Cream Reviva Labs easily penetrates the skin, limits the appearance of wrinkles and gives the face a healthy complexion.
  • Face cream A'PIEU Glycolic Acid Cream has no restrictions on skin type. It can be applied both in the morning and in the evening.
  • Avne Cleanance K Cream-Gel cleanses pores, removes dead cells, mattifies the face and moisturizes the dermis.
  • Cream for stretch marks Guam for the body and chest with glycolic acid is suitable for body care in the postpartum period. The composition includes oils and scrub particles.

Emulsions and lotions

Lotions and emulsions with fruit acids are universal cosmetic products. They can be used regardless of the time of year and age.

  • Academy Exfoliating Emulsion cleanses pores and smoothes fine wrinkles. Apply in the evening after removing make-up.

Price: about 4500 rubles.

  • Clinique Mild Clarifying Lotion removes old cells, moisturizes and has a soothing effect on sensitive skin.

Peeling at home

Glycolic peeling at home is available to everyone. The process consists of several successive steps that must be strictly observed:

  • cleansing;
  • application;
  • neutralization;
  • completion of the procedure;
  • soothing care.

Before peeling yourself, you should consult a cosmetologist and if he does not find contraindications, you can proceed to the procedure. Before the procedure, you need to clean your face with lotion. This removes dirt and dead particles. If the dermis is very rough, then two weeks before the procedure, the face should be treated with a cream containing fruit acids.

When performing the procedure, you must follow a certain sequence. The forehead is treated first, then the nose and cheeks, and lastly the chin. The first application should not exceed 2-3 minutes. Neutralization consists in treating the face with a special composition that has an alkaline reaction. After neutralization, you can wash your face with a decoction of chamomile or calendula. Within 2-3 days, you can not use decorative cosmetics, and softening and moisturizing creams should be applied to problem areas. Find out what gas-liquid peeling is.

The cost of glycol peeling in the salon

The procedure carried out in the salon includes superficial, median and deep peeling. Depending on this, as well as on the level of service, the cost of one procedure can vary from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. Meso-peeling involves a deep effect on the dermis, while the active substances are injected by injection to a depth of 1-2 mm. One procedure will cost the client in the amount of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.



  1. Chemical is a gentle technique and can be performed at home.
  2. Glycolic acid is a highly effective skin care agent and promotes its rejuvenation.
  3. Acid is a mild chemical, but there are still contraindications. During pregnancy and lactation, before use, you should consult a specialist.
  4. When performing the procedure with glycolic acid at home, you need to follow a certain sequence. The forehead is treated first, then the nose and cheeks, and lastly the chin.