Bags under the eyes. Causes of pathology. How to remove bags under the eyes at home? Peeling of the skin around the eyes. The best cure for bags under the eyes is to use raw potatoes

The contingent of those wishing to remove bags under the eyes at home can be very diverse.

These are not only girls, but also men who take care of themselves or they need to look presentable at work, interviews, etc.

There can be many reasons for the appearance of dark bags under the eyes: from simple lack of sleep to serious illnesses

Reasons for the appearance

Usually swelling under the eyes is formed for the following reasons:

  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages
  • Smoking
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidney
  • Hormonal disorders in the body
  • Salty and spicy consumption in large quantities
  • Drinking water before bed
  • Infection
  • Age
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep
  • Psychological condition
  • Allergy

Also, bags under the eyes are formed after tears or after cosmetic procedures (sometimes this is the norm, and the swelling then disappears).


To prevent bags under the eyes from appearing, you can use the following methods:

  • Fill the room with fresh air before going to bed (ventilation improves metabolism).
  • Take a walk before bed and exercise throughout the day.
  • Go to bed around 23:00.
  • Do not drink a lot of water (especially tea), alcohol before bedtime.
  • Choose a suitable pillow (it should be low and flat).
  • Eat right. Bags under the eyes also appear due to a lack of vitamins B, magnesium, zinc, selenium. Eat a balanced diet, remove excess spicy and salty from the diet.
  • choose a good one night cream, not strongly moisturizing, so that water does not linger in the skin. Remove excess product with a tissue.
  • Visit a doctor, he will select products that suit your skin type and do not cause allergies.

How to remove bags under the eyes. The best way

This method will help to remove existing bags under the eyes or will be a good prevention so that they do not form:

  • wash your face cold water(or immerse your face in water for half a minute);

  • Make 2-3 slices of fresh potatoes or cucumbers, put them in the freezer for 3-5 minutes, and then put them on your eyelids. The procedure time is 10 minutes.

There is another method: grate the vegetables, place them in gauze and apply to the eyes.

Massage the area around the eyes (follow circular motions, tap, grab the skin).

Instead of grated vegetables, you can use potatoes boiled "in uniform". Potatoes must be peeled, cut in half and applied halves to the eyelids.

Special exercises

Perform these exercises constantly, and swelling under the eyes will not appear or will be, but not so big:

  • Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide. Do this 10 times.
  • Stretch straight, look with your eyes (without turning your head) left-up-right-down. Do this several times, then repeat the exercise counterclockwise.
  • Blink often, often, then close your eyes, not much - relax your muscles so that wrinkles are smoothed out on your face. After 10 seconds, open your eyes, do this 2-4 times.

  • Do not close your eyes tightly for 10 seconds, open wide and look up for 10 seconds without moving your head. Then look at some point in the distance. Do this several times.

Advice! Warming up for the eyes is very simple, it can be done at home, while it helps to strengthen the muscles of the eyes and improve lymph flow. But, of course, you need to exercise constantly.

Folk recipes

The advantage of recipes is that they can be made at home. The effect is visible almost immediately, so these methods can be used when you need to remove painful manifestations in 10-15 minutes, for example, in the morning.

Plant compresses restore water balance, which reduces the size of edema and acts as a preventive measure against bags under the eyes.

  • Recipe 1. Infusion of birch leaves on water without gas. It is necessary to pour about 10 leaves of 200 ml of water and put it overnight. In the morning, cool the infusion and make compresses.
  • Recipe 2. Mask of parsley root and leaves. The plant must be infused in water or kefir, and then applied to the eyes for about 10 minutes.

  • Recipe 3. Sage leaf compress. Take 0.5 teaspoon of the plant and pour 100 ml of boiling water over it. Wait a quarter of an hour and strain. Divide the resulting liquid into two parts: cool one and heat the other. Take tampons, moisten them in cold and hot infusions, and alternately apply to the eyelids.

You can do this compress in the evening, and apply cream after the procedure. In addition to the plants described, mint, string, linden, rosemary, arnica are suitable.

strawberry compress. This berry, due to the substances contained in it, tones the skin and helps fight bags under the eyes. To make a compress, cool several strawberries, cut them into thick slices, and place them on your eyelids for 5-10 minutes.

Infusion of birch buds. This is also a wonderful tool: you need to pour 8 buds with 200 ml of non-carbonated mineral water and leave to cool overnight. In the morning, this will be an excellent compress for the eyelids, which will give the eyes freshness.

Honey masks. Honey is a well-known folk healer. It is also useful in the fight against edema. You can simply apply it in an even layer on the eyelids and problem areas for 10 minutes, and then remove the residue with a napkin. The procedure can be performed before going to bed, as the product tones the skin.

Advice! You need to use high-quality honey, and it should not be too liquid.

Pharmacy bodyagi mask. This is a well-known remedy for bruises and bags under the eyes, it tones and reduces swelling. You can buy a plant in a pharmacy, a mask is prepared according to the recipe indicated on the package.

Bodyaga is also an antiseptic, so it can be used to fight infections, or for cuts or damage to the skin, including near the eyes.

Parsley against swelling under the eyes. This method allows you to remove severe swelling: Take a bunch of plants and mash it into a pulp (you can use a blender). Apply the product on the eyelids and keep for 30 minutes.

Healing properties of tea

  • Recipe 1. Brew tea bags, cool them for 5-10 minutes. Apply to eyelids for 10 minutes.
  • Recipe 2. Place a cotton swab in the tea leaves or take a tea bag, wring it out and place it on the swelling site for 10-15 minutes.

Ice for swelling

Ice helps to eliminate not only bags under the eyes, but also dark circles and swelling. Eyes after massage become more fresh.

This is one of the best remedies for bags under the eyes, because even other folk remedies usually need to be cooled before use. Take a piece of ice and move it over the place of swelling, without stopping in one place. At first, the skin may be cold, but then it "gets used" and you can apply ice for a few seconds.

Advice! You can also use not frozen water, but frozen decoctions of herbs of chamomile, sage, etc.

Spoon massage

For the procedure, it is necessary to use not simple spoons, but silver ones. Cool them and apply to problem areas. First, just touch the eyelids, then press a little and make a few circular movements. When cooling the spoons, they need to be cooled again, for this a container with cold water (possibly with ice) is suitable.

Massage does not harm the skin, it can be done several times a day. True, the spoons should not be too cold, and the procedure must be performed carefully.

Essential and vegetable oils

It is too excellent tool to fight annoying bags under the eyes. Good ethereal funds- ginger oil, coffee, hazelnut; vegetable - grape, almond. You can apply the oils in turn, for example, apply almond oil one day, and grape oil the next day.

Oils help tone the skin, they moisturize the eyelids, and effectively remove blue circles under the eyes.

Healing gels and ointments

To remove bags under the eyes at home, you can use various medical products, they are sold in large assortment in pharmacies. One common option is patches to combat bags and dark circles.

How do skincare products work?

Cosmetics against bags under the eyes has the following effects on the body:

  • Enhances the outflow of excess fluid from the eyelid area;
  • Nourishes, strengthens and moisturizes the skin, which protects against the appearance of bags;
  • It nourishes the body with active compounds (collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastin, caffeine), which are necessary for the health of the skin around the eyes.

How to use cosmetics:

  • For permanent use, a cream for the areas around the eyes is suitable, it nourishes and moisturizes thin skin;

  • Cosmetics are recommended to be alternated and combined with folk recipes for bags under the eyes. Eye masks can also be purchased from pharmacies or made at home.

Advice! For greater effect when using creams and ointments, it is recommended to massage the eyelids (apply the cream with massaging movements and then tap).

Salon procedures

It is almost impossible to remove puffiness around the eyes immediately and completely (unless it is slight swelling after sleep or other minor manifestations).

Of course you can use modern methods cosmetology:

  • Mesotherapy - the introduction of special components under the skin of the eyelid
  • Lymphatic drainage - activation of the process of natural outflow of excess fluid
  • Electrical stimulation - for the treatment of edema, low-frequency currents are applied to problem areas
  • Laser - performs skin resurfacing

Before using cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to consult with a specialist, and preferably not in the salon where you will be treated. It is also advisable to contact your doctor.

But in most cases, such funds are not required, and to eliminate bags, you only need to complete a course of folk procedures that can be done at home.

If folk recipes do not help, there may be some kind of disease, for example, a malfunction thyroid gland. Therefore, with persistent and poorly eliminated swelling under the eyes, it is recommended to consult a specialist. There are also painting, fat and hernial bags, which also cannot be removed with folk remedies.


It is possible to remove bags under the eyes at home. If these are large swellings, then it will not work to remove them immediately, you can only mask them with cosmetics. Small swelling can be eliminated quickly using folk remedies.

Most often, edema appears constantly (due to lack of sleep, illness, etc.), therefore, in order to eliminate them completely, it is necessary to diagnose the cause. They are quite obvious (for example, the use of excess salty and spicy) and not too obvious (allergies).

In any case, with constant edema, you need to organize your diet and lifestyle, because folk recipes, no matter how effective they are, remove only the manifestation, but rarely the cause.

Bags under the eyes are complex problem, which can spoil the mood every day. She not only does not add to the attractiveness of the feminine or male image, but it can also signal malfunctions internal organs. Before you wonder how to remove bags under the eyes, you should deal with physiological reasons defect.

There are several prerequisites for the appearance of puffiness of the eyelids and the formation of bags (hernia) under the eyes. The most harmless of them are overwork, lack of sleep, prolonged tension and fatigue of the eye muscles. But the cause may be more complex processes associated with the functioning of the endocrine, urinary systems, with toxic lesions and the genetic characteristics of a person.

Age changes

Subcutaneous tissue in the area lower eyelids practically devoid of collagen fibers responsible for the elasticity of the skin. The skin under the eyes is constantly in motion when blinking and squinting, which creates the prerequisites for its stretching. As a result, cavities without subcutaneous fatty tissue appear under the eyes, where interstitial and tissue fluid easily accumulates.

With age (most often after 50 years), the processes are aggravated and puffiness under the eyes becomes more pronounced.


Any injury, even the most insignificant, causes inflammation in the tissues. The liquid part of the blood in the form of plasma enters the intercellular space, causing an edematous focus.

With minor eye injuries, swelling persists for two to three weeks. And with deep damage with a violation of the outflow of lymph, it can take several months to remove the puffiness.

Allergic factor

Individual sensitivity of the body to foreign particles leads to allergic reactions. Puffiness of the eyelids causes the allergen to enter the mucous membrane of the eye. The body begins to react violently to the antigen - aseptic inflammation and edema develop in the subcutaneous region near the eye sockets.

The most common toxins that cause bags under the eyes and puffiness are:

  • alcohol;
  • nicotine;
  • cheap low-quality cosmetics.

Cosmetics should always be washed off before going to bed and not applied with a plentiful layer that impedes air exchange in the epidermis.

kidney disease

The kidneys in the human body are responsible for the normalization of the water-salt balance and the excretion of waste products. Incorrect work of these paired organs leads to the accumulation of fluid in the vessels and the release of the liquid part of the blood into the intercellular space. First of all, areas with extensive connective tissue - eyelids, lips and cheekbones - suffer.

Renal edema is characterized by significant severity in the morning and decline by the end of the day.

Pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi can affect the membranes and structures of the eye - the cornea, conjunctiva, lacrimal apparatus. provoke pathological process may be trauma to the eye, reduced immunity, or direct contact with a patient with an eye infection. The result is the same inflammatory process with the formation of a zone of swelling.

Since the lower and upper eyelids have an increased tendency to accumulate interstitial fluid, this can lead to complete closure of the palpebral fissure. The process continues until it is possible to eliminate the pathogen and relieve inflammation.

The so-called barley, an infectious lesion of the ciliary follicles, also leads to swelling of the eyelids.

Hormonal cause

These processes are directly related to menstrual cycle, insufficiency of thyroid hormones and menopause.

hereditary feature

Some women and men have genetic predisposition to bags under the eyes. This is due to the excess fat content in the subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the appearance of a similar cosmetic defect.

The hereditary feature does not pose a threat to health, but in order to finally make sure that the swelling is not pathological, it is better to undergo an examination.

Diagnosis of edema of the eyelids

The presence of persistent swelling of the eyelids is a good reason to see a doctor. To begin with, you should visit a narrow-profile specialist - an ophthalmologist. He will conduct a visual examination of the organs of vision, determine the area of ​​localization of the edema, the degree of severity, the unilateral or bilateral nature of the lesion.

Swollen eyelid without pain syndrome will indicate the allergic nature of the inflammation. In this case, it may be necessary to conduct allergy tests to identify the irritant.

Soreness when touched, hyperemia of the skin, local or general fever are signs of infection.

Traumatic damage to the organs of vision is a serious danger. Any traumatic brain injury requires a serious approach, examination by a traumatologist, neuropathologist or neurosurgeon for a deeper diagnosis.

The causes of toxic damage to the eyelids can be identified during the history (questioning of the patient). When the poisoning factor is identified, it will be necessary to prevent its entry into the body.

If a superficial examination of the patient does not allow a correct diagnosis, a systematic diagnostic approach is used. The patient will have to undergo clinical and biochemical analyzes blood, urinalysis, undergo hormonal examinations, and with severe kidney failure an ultrasound may be needed.

Puffiness treatment

Therapeutic measures will depend on the etiology (cause) of edema. Only the impact on the root cause of the pathology will allow high efficiency get rid of the defect.

  1. How to remove age bags under the eyes, a cosmetologist or ophthalmologist will tell you. For this purpose, drugs are used that increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin, fortified products and hyaluronic acid. Radical method getting rid of age-related edema is cosmetic surgery.
  2. Treatment of traumatic edema is carried out with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics and painkillers. A good effect is given by heparin-based ointments, compresses using a solution of magnesium sulfate.
  3. With allergies, it is necessary first of all to identify the irritating factor and eliminate its contact with the body. To reduce the symptoms of allergic manifestations, antihistamines and corticosteroids are used. Severe allergic edema of the eyelids may indicate a developing anaphylactic shock with a high risk of death.
  4. In case of toxic damage, the flow of the toxic substance into the blood should be stopped - get rid of bad habits, refuse inappropriate cosmetics. In severe cases, detoxification of the body is carried out - intravenous infusion of medicinal solutions, gastric lavage.

For treatment, hormonal, antibacterial, antiviral agents in the form of injections or eye drops, depending on the pathogenesis of the disease.

Folk recipes for quick disposal of bags

To remove bags under the eyes, it is not at all necessary to resort to pharmacological agents or expensive cosmetic procedures. To begin with, you can try proven folk recipes, the use of which in some cases is justified.


With the help of ice cubes, you can simultaneously massage the skin around the eyes and have a tonic effect on small vessels. Under the influence low temperatures the vessels narrow, there is an outflow of blood and fluid from the hernias, the elasticity of the skin and the density of the epidermis increase, and the metabolic processes in tissues.

Cubes should be prepared in advance from distilled or mineral water, herbal decoctions and infusions.


Regular tea will help to cope with bags under the eyes. It effectively eliminates puffiness, relieves inflammation, normalizes blood circulation and stimulates the production of collagen in the skin. A few teaspoons of green or black tea are brewed with a glass of boiling water. When the drink is infused, cotton pads are moistened in it and applied to the eyes for 10-20 minutes. Well helps and gruel from tea leaves in the form of masks and compresses.

Black tea can stain the skin, so long-term use of products based on it is not recommended.

Spoon massage

Ideally massage is done silver spoons, but you can use regular ones. Cutlery must be chilled, you can dip them in ice water to achieve best effect. Need to move from inner corners eyes to the temples, and then to the ears, stopping there for 5-6 seconds.

One course requires three repetitions of actions. This method of massaging will tone the skin and vascular network, reduce bags and smooth fine wrinkles.

How to remove bags under the eyes with folk remedies? The natural potential of essential oils will have a beneficial effect.

They can be added to an eye cream suitable for the type of skin, used as a component in natural homemade masks, compresses, lotions, used in combination with ice cubes.

The most effective in the fight against puffiness are the essential oils of parsley, dill, rose, fennel and juniper.


The advantage of homemade masks is their natural origin. And for cooking, you can use the most affordable and healthy products for skin health:

  • pumpkin pulp and liquid honey;
  • sauerkraut, raw grated potatoes and cosmetic clay;
  • fat sour cream and chopped fresh parsley;
  • oatmeal and milk;
  • egg white, melted honey and wheat flour;
  • parsley root and strong tea;
  • lemon balm and wheat bread;
  • crushed buckwheat and water.

Masks are aged on the skin for about 15-20 minutes in courses, 2-3 times a week, provided that the components are well tolerated.

Salon procedures and operations

Modern developments in the field of cosmetology allow you to quickly and effectively remove infraorbital hernias, improve skin condition and get rid of wrinkles.

  1. Lymphatic drainage - stimulation of the outflow of lymph from the vessels of the eyes, which leads to a decrease in swelling and an improvement in the condition of the epidermis. The procedure is combined with the application of nourishing and rejuvenating creams and masks. To achieve a noticeable effect, one session of lymphatic drainage will not be enough. The beautician will have to visit at least 6 times.
  2. Electrical stimulation - exposure to the skin with low-frequency currents, which tones small muscles, tones and eliminates accumulations of fluid.
  3. Mesotherapy is the introduction of a complex of substances under the skin that accelerate skin regeneration, eliminate puffiness and increase the elasticity of the dermis.
  4. Darsonvalization - stimulation of the skin with alternating current in order to improve the outflow of lymph and venous blood.

If it is not possible to remove bags under the eyes without surgery, the patient may be offered blepharoplasty. During the operation, the sagging tissue along with the subcutaneous tissue is removed, and the incision is sutured with special threads that do not leave marks after healing.

Less traumatic laser and endoscopic blepharoplasty - these techniques do not involve incisions, are well tolerated by patients and rarely cause complications.

To keep the skin young for as long as possible, and appearance did not spoil the dark circles under the eyes and swelling, it is enough to follow a few important rules.

  1. Eat rationally, limit the use of salty, smoked, spicy foods that retain water in the body.
  2. Enrich the diet with vitamin B5 - eat more milk, eggs, green vegetables, hazelnuts and buckwheat.
  3. Refuse cheap low-quality cosmetics, a dense layer of foundation and powder in the area around the eyes.
  4. Do not abuse moisturizing face creams - moisture is intensively absorbed into the skin, creating unnecessary "depot" of liquid.
  5. With a tendency to swelling around the eyes, it is recommended to sleep on a high pillow or special rollers.
  6. Conduct visual gymnastics in between work at the computer, avoid overstraining the muscles of the eyeball.


Anyone who is interested in how to remove bags under the eyes can be advised to lead, observe a sleep and rest regimen, and give up bad habits. You can get rid of the problem if you carefully monitor your health and follow medical recommendations.

Puffiness of the eyelids, most people associate with fatigue, malaise, bad habits and long sitting in front of the TV screen. Not always the reason for the unpleasant aesthetic effect lies in the wrong lifestyle. It happens that a symptom hides a serious illness, so it is important to pay attention to health, and if necessary, go through medical examination. In the event that no pathologies have been identified, you can deal with this manifestation at home or contact a professional.

What are bags under the eyes

The protective function of the eyeball is performed by a layer of fatty tissue, which is held inside the eye socket by the skin of the eyelids. Previously, it was believed that bags under the eyes can occur in people due to stretching of the connective membrane: the eyelid, losing elasticity, becomes unable to hold adipose tissue inside. As a result, swelling is formed.

Recently, scientists have found that bags appear due to the growth of fatty tissue. Increasing in size, it is no longer able to fit in the eye socket and bulges outward, while stretching the skin. After waking up, the swelling becomes larger due to the accumulation of fluid. After a person begins to physically move, the flow of lymph and blood circulation are activated. As a result, swelling subsides quickly. If the edema has another reason for the appearance, then they are kept constantly. This problem is typical for both women and men.


Congenital edema is difficult to remove. It will take long-term treatment in the fight against this disease. Puffiness around the eyelids may be due to malnutrition: Eating too much salty food delays the elimination of fluid from the body. As a result, swelling is formed. Dark circles can be for one of the reasons:

  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • copious fluid intake before bedtime;
  • lack of sleep;
  • tears;
  • prolonged watching TV or sitting at the computer;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • trauma, injury, mechanical damage;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • kidney problems;
  • malfunction of the digestive tract;
  • thyroid disease;
  • inflammation maxillary sinuses;
  • disturbances in the activity of the cardiovascular system;
  • an allergic reaction, for example, due to an insect bite;
  • advanced age.

Remedies for bags under the eyes

If you wake up every morning with dark circles and puffy eyelids, it's worth getting a medical checkup. Perhaps the symptoms hide a malfunction in the body. If no disease has been diagnosed, it is important to analyze your lifestyle: remove bad habits, get rid of insomnia, balance nutrition, walk more in the fresh air or choose the right one. cosmetic product.

Folk recipes

With traumatic edema, herbal lotions are effective, which have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This category includes linden, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, oregano, aloe vera. The decoction should be room temperature: hot and cold compresses can quickly exacerbate the inflammatory process. In other cases, you can use folk remedies:

  1. Cucumber contains enzymes that help reduce puffiness. To do this, the vegetable must be cut into thin slices or grated, and then cooled in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then apply for a while to the problem area. A pleasant bonus from the procedure is skin rejuvenation and removal oily sheen.
  2. Raw potatoes act instantly. To get rid of swelling, you need to take one tuber, rinse well, cut into slices and put on your eyelids. After 15 minutes, there will be no trace of edema.
  3. A black tea compress will restore freshness in 5 minutes. Soak a cotton pad in the tea leaves or take a wet tea bag and place it on your face.
  4. The aloe vera plant is useful for problematic skin as it contains vitamin E and antioxidants. You can remove the bags in a day, you just need to wipe the skin around the eyes during the day. Additionally, this procedure will improve microcirculation and quickly rid the skin of excess fluid.
  5. A teaspoon of salt diluted in 1 cup of hot water will quickly restore the skin. To do this, moisten cotton pads and place them on the eyelid. hold up complete drying.
  6. Sage lotions are also effective in the fight against morning swelling, in addition, they have a beneficial effect on eyelashes.
  7. Boiled pieces of pumpkin, applied for 15 minutes, will relieve the problem.
  8. Ice is great for removing puffiness on the face. To do this, you need to take ice cubes and, without stopping, move them over the place of edema. At first it will be uncomfortable, cold, and when the skin "gets used" - apply ice for a few seconds. For best results, freeze plain water, and decoctions of herbs, such as chamomile, parsley or sage.

Cosmetical tools

To prevent bags under the eyes, it is important to regularly care for the skin. There are a variety of drugs on the market aimed at combating wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. For daily use an eye cream is suitable, the obligatory ingredient of which should be hyaluronic acid. It is good if the composition will include elastin and collagen. This complex moisturizes, nourishes thin skin, gives elasticity, smoothness, fights age-related changes. It is important to alternate creams with folk recipes and do not forget about massage.

The following cosmetics can remove morning defects:

  • Neolid does not have age restrictions: suitable for both girls and women aged. The drug is completely absorbed and acts instantly. With mild symptoms, the complex is used 2 times a day, in a neglected state - 5 times. Full course application - 1 month.
  • Cream "Blueberries and plantain" (Green Mama) consists of plant extracts. The airy consistency helps to cope with dark circles. Lifting cream is applied with a light layer of patting movements in the morning and evening.
  • Cooling roller Ultra Lift Pro-Xylane from Garnier is well absorbed, instantly removes swelling and wrinkles. Suitable for daily use.
  • Multi Correction Anti-Age (Roc) cream is recommended for older people. Easily removes wrinkles, puffiness and age-related changes, the main thing is not to forget to use it 2 times a day.


How to get rid of bags under the eyes at home pharmaceutical products. The action of medications is aimed at enhancing the outflow of excess fluid, nourishing, strengthening the skin, saturating the body with active compounds (elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid). Single use will provide quick result for several hours, and regular use for for a long time. The choice of treatment depends on the cause of the swelling. Edema may be allergic or inflammatory in nature.

Medical preparations:

  • Anti-dark circle patches LUSERO or Extraplast Beauty. The composition includes extracts of aloe vera, green tea, ginseng, red algae. The components instantly penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, moisturize, saturate with vitamins. The patch is glued to the dry skin of the eyelids so that there are no wrinkles. Withstand 20 minutes, remove and apply the cream. Patches can be used no more than 2 times a week: the skin is stretched, resulting in wrinkles.
  • Troxevasin is produced in a tube of 40 g. The ointment is prescribed for varicose veins veins, but she copes well with swelling on the face.
  • Dioptigel makes the skin smooth, improves the tone and elasticity of the epidermis. It acts quickly, and with constant use - strengthens the skin of the eyelids. Produced in a tube of 10 ml.
  • Zyrtec is an antihistamine drug that is used in case of an allergic form of edema. The release form of drops is a bottle of 10 ml. Dosage - according to the instructions.
  • Suprastin is an antiallergic agent. Release form - tablets and solution for intravenous administration.
  • Blefarogel eliminates itching, redness, swelling. Recommended for preventive purposes. Release form - a bottle of 15 ml.
  • Curiosin-gel containing hyaluronic acid gives elasticity to the epithelial and connective tissue. instant action from the application will not, but with a systematic approach, it will be possible to forget about edema. The remedy for bags under the eyes is released in a 10 ml dropper bottle.
  • RevitaLift Filler (L`Oreal) removes puffiness of the eyelids half an hour after application. The serum comes in a 16 ml bottle. Recommended for women over 40.
  • Forse Vitale De-puffing Eye is suitable for allergy sufferers. Acts instantly. The release form of the gel-cream is a 15 ml jar.
  • Veroshpiron is a diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body. The drug can be bought in the form of tablets (25 mg) and capsules (50 mg, 100 mg).
  • Age Defyning (Olay) is used at bedtime for prevention. The result is possible only with constant use. The gel is produced in a jar of 15 ml.

Treatments for bags under the eyes

It is difficult to completely remove the puffiness of the eyelids (if this is not mild form manifestations, such as lack of sleep). If the problem is related to a malfunction of the cardiovascular or urinary system, then you should not count on a quick result, but tune in for a long-term relief from the disease. In such a situation, you can slightly reduce swelling under the eyes, and completely remove it - only after complex treatment.


To combat the unpleasant aesthetic effect, you can use the services of a professional who knows how to quickly remove bags under the eyes. Beauty salons abound with modern cosmetic procedures:

  • Mesotherapy is based on the injection of active preparations into the corrective zone, for example, hyaluronic acid. After several sessions, the procedure not only relieves puffy eyes, but also rejuvenates the entire face. It is important to contact a professional when the first signs appear, otherwise it will be difficult to fix the problem.
  • Lymphatic drainage is a massage using special equipment. As a result of the procedure, the movement of lymph and blood is improved, the natural outflow of excess fluid from the body is activated, and metabolic processes are improved. To obtain the expected effect, a course of 10-15 sessions is required.
  • Electrical stimulation is based on the effect of electrical impulses on problem areas. The course consists of 11-15 sessions with a frequency of 2-4 times a week.
  • Dermatonia - vacuum massage, the essence of which is to provide different pressure on the surface of the skin. This method allows you to draw tissue cells that lie deep under the skin. The procedure lasts about an hour. For getting desired result it is necessary to take a course of 10 sessions 2 times a week.

Massage and gymnastics at home

A well-chosen set of exercises will refresh the skin, restore elasticity and firmness. The procedure will require special cream for eyelids. You can buy it or make your own with 25g unsalted butter, 1 teaspoon ground walnut and a few drops lemon juice. The components must be thoroughly mixed. Keep the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Massage from bags under the eyes includes the following steps:

  1. Apply eye cream.
  2. pads ring fingers make light circular movements from the inner corner of the eye to the outer.
  3. Repeat 4-6 times.
  4. Perform a light tapping of the upper and lower eyelids.

The result largely depends on the frequency of execution, the main thing is not to forget to do it. Massage treatments can complement well special exercises. The benefits of this kind of gymnastics are in restoring tone to the circular muscles of the eye, increasing lymphatic drainage, getting rid of accumulated fluid in the eyelid area, and improving visual acuity. For a simple workout you need:

  • ventilate the room Fresh air improves metabolism);
  • walk before bed
  • exercise or do other physical activity;
  • go to bed no later than 23.00 hours;
  • do not drink liquid at night;
  • eat a balanced diet: consume vitamin B, zinc, magnesium, selenium;
  • limit salty and spicy foods;
  • choose correct position for sleeping (not face in the pillow);
  • choose a quality night cream.


Sagging swollen skin on the face can greatly upset any woman. However, for those who know how to get rid of bags under the eyes, this nuisance cannot be a reason for a spoiled mood.


Before you start solving a problem, you should analyze factors, causing puffiness of the face and, if possible, eliminate them or at least minimize their impact.

The causes of bags under the eyes (edema) can be the result of serious diseases, such as: problems of the cardiovascular system, allergies, improper functioning of the kidneys, and so on. In this case, face swelling should be dealt with together with a doctor taking prescribed medications and following other doctor's recommendations.

But if the bags under the eyes are reflected in the mirror in the morning, and you are absolutely sure that you are completely healthy, then most likely you yourself are to blame for this trouble. Swelling may occur when:

  • chronic lack of sleep, stress and depression;
  • excessively drunk alcohol the day before;
  • addiction to nicotine;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • malnutrition and excess weight.

Sometimes, to get rid of bags under the eyes, it is enough just to eliminate the cause of their appearance.

But if, nevertheless, puffiness continues to haunt you, or you need to get rid of it urgently, then you should begin to resolve the issue with the help of cosmetic procedures.

Salon procedures

If you contact the experts in beauty salon, you will be offered one of the following procedures.

This is a facial massage procedure performed by a specialist, in which the pulsating and stroking movements of the massage therapist's fingers activate special points lymphatic systems. Depending on the condition of the skin, lymphatic drainage massage can be superficial, deep or projection. The procedure allows you to achieve a significant visible effect. However, before you decide on it, you should know that it has contraindications.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

This is a hardware procedure, which is analogous to manual lymphatic drainage massage. Refers to gentle methods of eliminating edema and solving other skin problems.

The process of exposure to an infrared laser involves the use of special ointment. Otherwise, it is very similar to microcurrent lymphatic drainage. Its disadvantage is that it is extremely undesirable to combine it with a visit to the solarium.

Peeling of the skin around the eyes

A special peeling around the eyes cleanses the skin, while opening the pores, removing excess fluid and activating metabolic processes in the skin.

Here are just none of the most modern and expensive procedures will not replace daily home care behind the skin. And to maintain good skin condition, you still have to regularly use creams, make masks, and so on.

home methods

How to get rid of bags under the eyes, women knew long before the advent of modern cosmetic procedures.

At home, you can treat puffiness with masks, compresses or lotions from simple natural ingredients, most of which you can easily find in a pharmacy or simply at home in a kitchen cabinet.

Herbs. Compresses and lotions from a decoction of herbs quickly relieve puffiness and remove dark circles under the eyes. It is not difficult to prepare a decoction for a compress: pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, let it brew. Apply warm herbal decoction compresses. To prepare a decoction, you can use: linden blossom, rosemary, chamomile, eyebright, string or mint leaves.

Tea. Mix tea leaves (preferably green) in equal volumes with chamomile. Pour boiling water, let it brew. Make warm compresses from the resulting mixture.

birch leaves. Soak a few fresh birch leaves overnight mineral water. In the morning, this infusion will help you significantly reduce swelling under the eyes. Soak cotton pads in liquid and apply for a while on the skin under the eyes.

Honey. mask from egg white with the addition of a spoon of honey and a spoon wheat flour significantly improve the condition of the skin around the eyes and relieve swelling.

Sour cream with parsley. Mix a teaspoon of parsley with two tablespoons of fresh parsley. Use the resulting composition as a mask.

Cucumber. Well helps from bags under the eyes of an ordinary fresh cucumber. Just rub it on a grater and put the gruel on your eyes.

Ice. When washing your face in the morning, briefly apply ice to the skin area under the eyes.

Pumpkin. Pieces of boiled pumpkin, applied to the eyes for 15 minutes, also improve the condition of the skin around the eyes.

medical methods

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to remove swelling under the eyes either with the help of salon procedures, or, even more so, with home methods. The reason in most of these cases is banal - age-related changes. Therefore, women after 40 years of age sometimes have to deal with the problem of bags under the eyes to plastic surgeon. The doctor may prescribe special injections or facelift surgery to solve this problem.

Another, not so radical medical method is the use of ointments.

For example, to get rid of edema, you can use the Troxevasin gel or ointment. That's just, having decided on such a method of treatment, it is important not to forget that the ointment is a medicine, not a cosmetic product. And its use requires a mandatory consultation with a doctor.

You can get acquainted with five more methods of getting rid of bags under the eyes at home in the video.

An excellent female assistant is a mask for bags under the eyes, which helps to look good and maintain skin health. You can prepare it yourself, taking into account the characteristics of your skin type. With age, cellular metabolism slows down, fluid accumulates in the tissues, resulting in puffiness around the eyes. Cosmetologists recommend using effective homemade masks that help restore skin cells.

Before embarking on the elimination of black circles under the eyes, it is necessary to find out the causes of their appearance. Often in this way the body gives signals about the presence inflammatory processes or malfunction of any organs. Puffiness around the eyes occurs:

  • in the presence of diseases of internal organs;
  • due to lack of sleep;
  • due to stress;
  • due to age-related changes;
  • when using incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • eating a large number salty and fatty foods and products;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol);
  • violation of the water balance in the body.

It is imperative to know what prerequisite caused the appearance dark circles If only external symptoms are eliminated, the problem will not disappear, but will reappear after a while. If there are no serious deviations, and the circles appeared due to fatigue, then you need to have several effective recipes eye masks to always look well-groomed and cheerful.

Eye mask recipes

Cosmetologists say that after 25 years, age-related changes in the skin begin, which lead to aging and wilting, so you need to make face masks at home. They will help maintain the elasticity of the epidermis, slow down the withering process and get rid of dark circles.

To eliminate problems with the skin around the eyes, experts advise using the following recipes:

Mask for bags under the eyes

For its preparation you will need:

1 tbsp cottage cheese or sour cream; 1 tbsp chopped parsley leaves; 1 tbsp potato starch; 1-2 drops of essential oil (it is better to use mint).

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Remove residue with a tissue and wash warm water. Cooked gruel perfectly relieves swelling and refreshes, improving the appearance of the face.

Mask for dark circles under the eyes

Ingredients needed:

1 tbsp banana pulp; 1 tbsp potato starch; 1 tbsp potato juice.

It is necessary to mix everything until a liquid slurry is obtained, then apply to the skin around the eyes and leave for half an hour. The advantage of the tool is that it can be applied to the entire face. After the time has passed, you just need to wash off the residue with water at room temperature.
Due to the fact that the mask is soft and contains nutritional components, it eliminates not only dark spots around the eyes, but also deeply nourishes the epidermis. Good for sensitive and dry skin types.

Wrinkle mask

prepared on the basis of:

1 tbsp honey; 1 egg white; 1 tsp wheat flour.

Honey needs to be warmed up a little so that it becomes liquid, beat the protein with a mixer until foam forms. Combine components and mix thoroughly. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream. If it's too runny, you can add flour. The cream should be applied to the skin around the eyes only. Leave on for 10-15 minutes, rinse well with water without using soap. It is recommended to additionally use nutritious cream applying it after the procedure.

Effective are masks for bags under the eyes using raw fruits and vegetables.

They can not only be added additional component but also applied separately. A good remedy is mashed potatoes, squeezed juice or just cut slices. It is enough to apply a compress to problem areas for 10-20 minutes, and the result will be noticeable. The secret lies in the acid found in the foods. It has a positive effect on skin and helps to get rid of puffiness.

To relieve swelling of the face

A good option is herbal infusions and compresses. Black tea helps. It is enough to brew it, insist and cool. It is best to use the infusion while it is warm, soaking a cotton swab in it and rubbing the dark spots around the eyelids. Such a tonic against edema can be used daily, there will be no harm from it.

Herbal infusions are an alternative. Well suited: mint, rosemary, chamomile, calendula, linden and string. 1 tbsp dried herbs need to pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew. Use when the liquid has cooled to room temperature. Such a mask for swelling under the eyes is used in the form of lotions and compresses, since the infusion is liquid, and it cannot be applied differently. Toning with herbs restores a healthy complexion and prevents the appearance of acne.

Cosmetologists offer to pay Special attention on ice, claiming that this is the first assistant in getting rid of bags under the eyes at home. Should be brewed herbal infusion, cool it and freeze it in a mold. This is an express remedy for black circles under the eyes. After washing your face in the morning, it is enough to wipe your face with ice cubes. Such a decongestant procedure will not take much time and will quickly bring the skin in order.

In order for the mask from bags under the eyes to help, it is important to choose ingredients that will match the type of skin. If doing it yourself does not work out, then you can seek help from a beautician, he will advise several recipes that will ideally match the dermis.

Features of using home masks

Any face mask for swelling requires proper application, so it is important to know all aspects of its use. It is recommended to do the following:

  • apply the product only on previously cleansed skin;
  • check mixtures for allergies;
  • apply with light movements;
  • use only freshly prepared mixtures;
  • rinse with warm clean water;
  • periodically change the composition so as not to be addictive.

The main rule is to strictly adhere to the exposure time of the mask, you should not keep it longer than the recommended time, as this can lead to backfire. Masks for edema are aimed at restoring the skin, and prolonged exposure to them can lead to the opposite result, so you need to use home remedies carefully.

By making face masks at home, you can see that they have a lot of advantages. The main one is usefulness, because a home-made remedy consists only of natural products, does not contain chemistry, which is so much in store cosmetics. In addition, the cost of such an eye mask is minimal, because everything necessary components can always be found in the kitchen.